internal virtual KeyValuePairs[] ToKeyValuePairsArray() { KeyValuePairs[] array = new KeyValuePairs[_count]; int index = 0; bucket[] lbuckets = _buckets; for (int i = lbuckets.Length; --i >= 0;) { object?keyv = lbuckets[i].key; if ((keyv != null) && (keyv != _buckets)) { array[index++] = new KeyValuePairs(keyv, lbuckets[i].val); } } return(array); }
public string this[string settingId, bool fromKeyValuePair] { get { if (KeyValuePairs.ContainsKey(settingId)) { return(KeyValuePairs[settingId]); } return(String.Empty); } set { if (this[settingId, fromKeyValuePair] != value) { SetKeyValuePairs(settingId, value); } } }
public bool Remove(string key) { if (json.Type == JTokenType.Null) { return(false); } var jsonObject = (JObject)json; bool removed = jsonObject.Remove(key); if (!removed) { return(false); } KeyValuePairs.Remove(key); return(true); }
//// Test test //public void SortGenes(int satelliteId) //{ // Chromosome[satelliteId] = Chromosome[satelliteId].OrderBy(o => o.Turn).ToList(); //} #region Filter_CollectionsList public List <int> getBestIncompleteCollections(bool nearlyFilled) { if (nearlyFilled) { return(KeyValuePairs.Where(x => x.Value.Worth >= AverageCollectionWorth && (double)x.Value.L / 2 < x.Value.Photographs.Count() && x.Value.L > x.Value.Photographs.Count()) .OrderByDescending(x => x.Value.Worth) .ToDictionary(z => z.Key, y => y.Value).Keys.ToList()); } else { return(KeyValuePairs.Where(x => x.Value.Worth >= AverageCollectionWorth && (double)x.Value.L / 2 > x.Value.Photographs.Count() && x.Value.L > x.Value.Photographs.Count()) .OrderByDescending(x => x.Value.Worth) .ToDictionary(z => z.Key, y => y.Value).Keys.ToList()); } }
public static bool GetEmbeddedGameInfo(out string o_gameTitle, out string o_gameVersion, out string o_gameURL, out string o_username, out string o_password) { try { var assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); var stream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("EmbeddedGame." + Program.Platform + ".txt"); if (stream == null) { stream = assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("EmbeddedGame.txt"); } if (stream != null) { var kvp = new KeyValuePairs(); kvp.Load(stream); if (kvp.ContainsKey("game")) { o_gameTitle = kvp.GetString("game"); o_gameVersion = kvp.GetString("version"); o_gameURL = kvp.GetString("url"); o_username = kvp.GetString("username"); o_password = kvp.GetString("password"); return(true); } } o_gameTitle = default(string); o_gameVersion = default(string); o_gameURL = default(string); o_username = default(string); o_password = default(string); return(false); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Log("Caught Exception: {0}", e.ToString()); o_gameTitle = default(string); o_gameVersion = default(string); o_gameURL = default(string); o_username = default(string); o_password = default(string); return(false); } }
public static TileBehaviour CreateFromName(string name, Tile tile, KeyValuePairs kvp) { if (s_tileBehaviours.ContainsKey(name)) { try { var type = s_tileBehaviours[name]; var constructor = type.GetConstructor(new Type[] { typeof(Tile), typeof(KeyValuePairs) }); return((TileBehaviour)constructor.Invoke(new object[] { tile, kvp })); } catch (TargetInvocationException e) { throw e.InnerException; } } else { App.Log("Error: Unrecognised tile behaviour " + name); return(new TileBehaviour(tile, kvp)); } }
public ButtonTileBehaviour(Tile tile, KeyValuePairs kvp) : base(tile, kvp) { m_poweredModelPath = kvp.GetString("powered_model", tile.ModelPath); m_altPoweredModelPath = kvp.GetString("alt_powered_model", m_poweredModelPath); m_soundPath = kvp.GetString("sound", null); bool connected = kvp.GetBool("connected", false); m_connectivity = new bool[6]; m_connectivity[0] = kvp.GetBool("connected_front", connected); m_connectivity[1] = kvp.GetBool("connected_right", connected); m_connectivity[2] = kvp.GetBool("connected_back", connected); m_connectivity[3] = kvp.GetBool("connected_left", connected); m_connectivity[4] = kvp.GetBool("connected_top", connected); m_connectivity[5] = kvp.GetBool("connected_bottom", connected); m_type = kvp.GetEnum("type", ButtonType.Momentary); m_inverted = kvp.GetBool("inverted", false); m_colour = kvp.GetString("colour"); }
public void Save(TextWriter writer) { var kvp = new KeyValuePairs(); kvp.SetColour("background_colour", BackgroundColour); kvp.Set("background_image", BackgroundImage); kvp.SetColour("ambient_colour", AmbientColour); kvp.SetColour("light_colour", LightColour); kvp.SetVector("light_direction", LightDirection); kvp.SetColour("light2_colour", Light2Colour); kvp.SetVector("light2_direction", Light2Direction); kvp.Set("model", ModelPath); kvp.Set("foreground_model", ModelPath); kvp.Set("animation", AnimPath); kvp.Set("render_pass", RenderPass); kvp.Set("foreground_render_pass", ForegroundRenderPass); kvp.Set("cast_shaows", CastShadows); kvp.Save(writer); }
public static int Update(this SqlConnection connection, string table, KeyValuePairs kvs, MySearchUtil util = null, SqlTransaction trans = null) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(table)) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(table), "数据表不能为空"); } if (kvs == null || kvs.Any(kv => kv.Key == "Id")) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(kvs), "要更新的列不能为空,并且不能包含Id列"); } util = util ?? new MySearchUtil(); var cols = string.Join(",", kvs.Where(kv => kv.Key != "Id").Select(kv => $"{kv.Key}=@{kv.Key}")); var where = util.GetWhere(); var param = util.GetParam(); var sql = $"UPDATE {table} SET {cols} WHERE {where}"; return(connection.Execute(sql, param, trans)); }
public void Config2Json() { List <KeyValueNode> nodeList = new List <KeyValueNode> (); foreach (var pairs in _settingDic) { KeyValueNode node = new KeyValueNode(); node.Key = pairs.Key; node.Value = pairs.Value; nodeList.Add(node); } KeyValuePairs _pairs = new KeyValuePairs(); _pairs.ConfigInfoList = nodeList; string jsonStr = JsonUtility.ToJson(_pairs); SaveConfig(jsonStr); Debug.Log("Setting Changed"); AssetDatabase.Refresh(); }
/// <summary> /// 更新指定表的指定字段 /// </summary> /// <param name="connection"></param> /// <param name="table"></param> /// <param name="kvs"></param> /// <param name="id"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static int Update(this SqlConnection connection, string table, KeyValuePairs kvs, int id) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(table)) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(table), "数据表不能为空"); } if (kvs == null || kvs.Any(kv => kv.Key == "Id")) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(kvs), "要更新的列不能为空,且不能包含Id字段"); } var columns = new List <string>(); var param = new DynamicParameters(); param.Add("Id", id); foreach (var kv in kvs.Where(kv => kv.Key != "Id")) { columns.Add($"{kv.Key}=@{kv.Key}"); param.Add(kv.Key, kv.Value); } var sql = $"UPDATE [{table}] SET {string.Join(",", columns)} WHERE Id=@Id"; return(connection.Execute(sql, param)); }
/// <summary> /// 更新同比环比数据 /// </summary> /// <param name="id"></param> /// <returns></returns> public Result UpdateLastData(int id) { var entity = Load(id); if (entity == null) { return(ResultUtil.AuthFail("请求的数据不存在")); } int lastMonthYear = entity.Year; int lastMonthMonth = entity.Month; int lastYearYear = entity.Year - 1; int lastYearMonth = entity.Month; if (lastMonthMonth == 1) { lastMonthMonth = 12; lastMonthYear = lastMonthYear - 1; } else { lastMonthMonth = lastMonthMonth - 1; } KeyValuePairs kvs = new KeyValuePairs(); kvs.Add(@"UPDATE Base_MonthReport SET LastMonthXY=(SELECT XY FROM Base_MonthReport WHERE SalerId=@SalerId AND Year=@Year AND Month=@Month) WHERE Id=@Id", new { Id = id, Year = lastMonthYear, Month = lastMonthMonth, SalerId = entity.SalerId }); kvs.Add(@"UPDATE Base_MonthReport SET LastYearXY=(SELECT XY FROM Base_MonthReport WHERE SalerId=@SalerId AND Year=@Year AND Month=@Month) WHERE Id=@Id", new { Id = id, Year = lastYearYear, Month = lastYearMonth, SalerId = entity.SalerId }); var result = db.ExecuteTran(kvs); return(result ? ResultUtil.Success() : ResultUtil.Fail()); }
/// <summary> /// 执行一组带参数的sql语句 /// </summary> /// <param name="sqls"></param> /// <returns></returns> public bool ExecuteTran(KeyValuePairs sqls) { using (var conn = GetConnection()) { conn.Open(); using (var tran = conn.BeginTransaction()) { try { foreach (var s in sqls) { conn.Execute(s.Key, s.Value, tran); } tran.Commit(); return(true); } catch { tran.Rollback(); return(false); } } } }
private void Load(IFileStore store) { var kvp = new KeyValuePairs(); using (var reader = store.OpenTextFile(m_path)) { kvp.Load(reader); } if (kvp.Count == 0) { LegacyLoad(store); } else { // Read in the title and levels m_title = kvp.GetString("title", "Untitled Campaign"); m_levels.AddRange(kvp.GetStringArray("levels", new string[0])); m_checkpoints.AddRange(kvp.GetIntegerArray("checkpoints", new int[0])); m_id = kvp.GetInteger("id", MathUtils.SimpleStableHash(m_path)); m_initialLevelsUnlocked = kvp.GetInteger("initial_levels_unlocked", 1); m_hidden = kvp.GetBool("hidden", false); } }
public static int Update <T>(this SqlConnection connection, KeyValuePairs kvs, MySearchUtil util, SqlTransaction trans = null) { var table = MyContainer.Get(typeof(T)).Table; return(connection.Update(table, kvs, util, trans)); }
public static string GetUpdateColumns(KeyValuePairs kvs) { return(string.Join(",", kvs.Where(kv => kv.Key != "Id").Select(kv => $"{kv.Key}=@{kv.Key}"))); }
/// <summary> /// 是否包含主键 /// </summary> /// <param name="key"></param> /// <returns></returns> public bool ContainsKey(Key key) { return(KeyValuePairs.ContainsKey(key)); }
/// <summary> /// 清空 /// </summary> public void Clear() { KeyValuePairs.Clear(); ValueKeyPairs.Clear(); }
protected override bool OnDeserializeUnrecognizedAttribute(string name, string value) { KeyValuePairs.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>(name, value)); return(true); }
public AttributesInfoDTO(KeyValuePairs pair) { Key = pair.Key; Value = pair.Value; }
//ICipherisePayload public bool PayloadResponseFromApp(KeyValuePairs kvpGet) { //Payload retrieved from the Cipherise App. //Verify the data in kvpGet. return(true); }
public ConveyorTileBehaviour(Tile tile, KeyValuePairs kvp) : base(tile, kvp) { PoweredMode = kvp.GetEnum("powered_mode", ConveyorMode.Stopped); UnpoweredMode = kvp.GetEnum("unpowered_mode", ConveyorMode.Forwards); Animation = kvp.GetString("animation", null); }
public Task<KeyValuePairs> GetInstitutions() { var func = new Func<KeyValuePairs>(() => { var request = new RestRequest("institutions", Method.GET); var response = Client.Execute(request); if (response.StatusCode != HttpStatusCode.OK) { throw new Exception(response.StatusDescription); } JsonObject[] institutions = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<JsonObject[]>(response.Content); var kvp = new KeyValuePairs(); foreach (JsonObject institution in institutions) { kvp.Add(institution["type"].ToString(), institution["name"].ToString()); } return kvp; }); return Task.Factory.StartNew(func); }
public bool OpenConnection(string connectionString) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(connectionString)) { Logger.Log(this, "Unable to connect to the SQL database: No connection specified.", LogLevel.Error); return(false); } internalState = ConnectionState.Connecting; connection = PostgreSQLTools.CreateDataConnection(connectionString); internalState = ConnectionState.Open; connection.OnClosing += (sender, args) => internalState = ConnectionState.Closed; connection.OnClosed += (sender, args) => internalState = ConnectionState.Closed; metadata = connection.GetTable <Metadata>(); try { var version = from entry in metadata where entry.Key == "version" select entry.Value; var count = version.Count(); if (count != 1) { Logger.Log(this, "Zero or multiple 'version' entries found in the Metadata table. The database connection will be dropped.", LogLevel.Error); HandleConnectionFailure(); return(false); } if (version.First() != Bot.DatabaseVersion) { Logger.Log(this, $"Bot and database version do not match (bot is at {Bot.DatabaseVersion}, database is at {version.First()}). The database will now be upgraded.", LogLevel.Info); if (!UpgradeDatabase(version.First())) { Logger.Log(this, "Upgrade failed. The database connection will be dropped.", LogLevel.Warning); HandleConnectionFailure(); return(false); } } } catch (NpgsqlException e) { if (e.Message.ToLower().Contains("metadata") && e.Message.ToLower().Contains("does not exist")) { Logger.Log(this, "Metadata table not found. A new tableset will be created.", LogLevel.Warning); try { DropTables(); CreateTables(); } catch (NpgsqlException f) { Logger.Log(this, $"Unable to create a new tableset: An exception occurred({f.GetType()}: {f.Message}). The database connection will be dropped.", LogLevel.Error); HandleConnectionFailure(); return(false); } AddMetadata(); Logger.Log(this, "Writing metadata...", LogLevel.Info); } else { Logger.Log(this, $"Unable to retrieve the database version: An exception occurred ({e.GetType()}: {e.Message}). The database connection will be dropped.", LogLevel.Error); HandleConnectionFailure(); return(false); } } //UserCredentials = connection.GetTable<UserCredential>(); Quotes = connection.GetTable <Quote>(); UserStatistics = connection.GetTable <UserStatistic>(); Emoticons = connection.GetTable <UsedEmoticon>(); KeyValuePairs = connection.GetTable <KeyValuePair>(); LinkedUrls = connection.GetTable <LinkedUrl>(); Users = connection.GetTable <User>(); Words = connection.GetTable <UsedWord>(); ChatLog = connection.GetTable <ChatLog>(); MiscData = connection.GetTable <MiscData>(); try { // These methods are actually not pure, because they'll throw an exception // if their backing database tables are not found. It's a bit of a hack, // but this is the easiest way to check whether those tables exist. // ReSharper disable ReturnValueOfPureMethodIsNotUsed //UserCredentials.FirstOrDefault(); Quotes.FirstOrDefault(); UserStatistics.FirstOrDefault(); Emoticons.FirstOrDefault(); KeyValuePairs.FirstOrDefault(); LinkedUrls.FirstOrDefault(); Users.FirstOrDefault(); Words.FirstOrDefault(); ChatLog.FirstOrDefault(); MiscData.FirstOrDefault(); // ReSharper restore ReturnValueOfPureMethodIsNotUsed } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Log(this, $"Database integrity check failed ({e.GetType().Name}: {e.Message})", LogLevel.Error); HandleConnectionFailure(); return(false); } return(true); }
public ExtensionTileBehaviour(Tile tile, KeyValuePairs kvp) : base(tile, kvp) { }
// Copies the values in this Hashtable to an KeyValuePairs array. // KeyValuePairs is different from Dictionary Entry in that it has special // debugger attributes on its fields. internal virtual KeyValuePairs[] ToKeyValuePairsArray() { KeyValuePairs[] array = new KeyValuePairs[count]; int index = 0; bucket[][] lbuckets = buckets; for (int i = lbuckets.Length; --i >= 0; ) { for (int j = buckets[i].Length; --j >= 0; ) { Object keyv = lbuckets[i][j].key; if ((keyv != null) && (keyv != buckets)) { array[index++] = new KeyValuePairs(keyv, lbuckets[i][j].val); } } } return array; }
public TelepadTileBehaviour(Tile tile, KeyValuePairs kvp) : base(tile, kvp) { Colour = kvp.GetString("colour", "green"); Animation = kvp.GetString("animation", null); PFX = kvp.GetString("pfx", null); }
public static int Update <T>(this SqlConnection connection, int[] ids, KeyValuePairs kvs, SqlTransaction tran = null) where T : BaseEntity { var table = MyContainer.Get(typeof(T)).Table; return(connection.Update(table, kvs, ids)); }
//ICipherisePayload public void PayloadToSend(ref KeyValuePairs kvpSet, ref string[] astrGetKeys) { //Payload to send to the Cipherise App. }
public AnimSet(string path, IFileStore store) { m_path = path; m_kvp = new KeyValuePairs(); Load(store); }
public override void VisitKeyValue(object key, object value, int depth) { base.VisitKeyValue(key, value, depth); KeyValuePairs.Add(String.Format("{0} = {1}", Values[Values.Count - 2], Values[Values.Count - 1])); }
public void SetServerData(KeyValuePairs data) { serverData = SetData(serverData, data); }