Пример #1
        private static Regex CreateRegex(IFormattingInfo info)
            StringBuilder pattern = new StringBuilder();

            bool first = true;

            foreach (CodeElement p in info.Patterns)
                if (first)
                    first = false;


            RegexOptions options = RegexOptions.Multiline;

            if (!info.CaseSensitive)
                options |= RegexOptions.IgnoreCase;
            return(new Regex(pattern.ToString(), options));
Пример #2
        public bool TryEvaluateFormat(IFormattingInfo formattingInfo)
            var expression = formattingInfo.FormatterOptions ?? string.Empty;
            var formats    = formattingInfo.Format?.Split('|');

            if (formats is null)

            if (formats.Count == 0)

            if (formats.Count != 2)
                throw new FormatException("Exactly 2 format options are required.");

            var regEx = new Regex(expression, RegexOptions);

            if (formattingInfo.CurrentValue != null && regEx.IsMatch(formattingInfo.CurrentValue.ToString() !))
                formattingInfo.Write(formats[0], formattingInfo.CurrentValue);
Пример #3
		private static Format DetermineChosenFormat(IFormattingInfo formattingInfo, IList<Format> choiceFormats, string[] chooseOptions)
			var currentValue = formattingInfo.CurrentValue;
			var currentValueString = (currentValue == null) ? "null" : currentValue.ToString();

			var chosenIndex = Array.IndexOf(chooseOptions, currentValueString);
			// Validate the number of formats:
			if (choiceFormats.Count < chooseOptions.Length)
				throw formattingInfo.FormattingException("You must specify at least " + chooseOptions.Length + " choices");
			else if (choiceFormats.Count > chooseOptions.Length + 1)
				throw formattingInfo.FormattingException("You cannot specify more than " + (chooseOptions.Length + 1) + " choices");
			else if (chosenIndex == -1 && choiceFormats.Count == chooseOptions.Length)
				throw formattingInfo.FormattingException("\"" + currentValueString + "\" is not a valid choice, and a \"default\" choice was not supplied");

			if (chosenIndex == -1) {
				chosenIndex = choiceFormats.Count - 1;

			var chosenFormat = choiceFormats[chosenIndex];
			return chosenFormat;
Пример #4
        ///<inheritdoc />
        public bool TryEvaluateFormat(IFormattingInfo formattingInfo)
            var format  = formattingInfo.Format;
            var current = formattingInfo.CurrentValue;

            // Check whether arguments can be handled by this formatter
            if (format is { HasNested : true })
Пример #5
        private static bool FormatCodeMultilanguage(IFormattingInfo info, string code, StringBuilder result, int start, int length, IMultilanguageFormattingInfo multilanguageInfo)
            bool   usedFallbackFormatting = false;
            string fullContextCode        = null;

            LanguageRegion[] regions = multilanguageInfo.SplitRegions(code, start, length).ToArray();
            foreach (LanguageRegion region in regions)
                if (region.CssClass != null)
                    result.Append("<span class=\"");
                IFormattingInfo regionInfo = region.FormattingInfo ?? info;

                string regionCode = code;
                if (region.NeedsFullContext)
                    if (fullContextCode == null)
                        fullContextCode = StripAndAdjustRegionsForContext(code, regions, start, length);
                    regionCode = fullContextCode;
                usedFallbackFormatting |= FormatCodeCore(regionInfo, regionCode, result, region.FormattingInfo != null, region.Start, region.Length, region.NeedsFullContext);

                if (region.CssClass != null)

Пример #6
        private PluralRules.PluralRuleDelegate?GetPluralRule(IFormattingInfo formattingInfo)
            // See if the language was explicitly passed:
            var pluralOptions = formattingInfo.FormatterOptions;

            if (pluralOptions?.Length != 0)

            // See if a CustomPluralRuleProvider is available from the FormatProvider:
            var provider           = formattingInfo.FormatDetails.Provider;
            var pluralRuleProvider =

            if (pluralRuleProvider != null)

            // Use the CultureInfo, if provided:
            if (provider is CultureInfo cultureInfo)
                var culturePluralRule = PluralRules.GetPluralRule(cultureInfo.TwoLetterISOLanguageName);

            // Use the default, if provided:
Пример #7
		public bool TryEvaluateFormat(IFormattingInfo formattingInfo)
			if (formattingInfo.FormatterOptions == "") return false;
			var chooseOptions = formattingInfo.FormatterOptions.Split(splitChar);
			var formats = formattingInfo.Format.Split(splitChar);
			if (formats.Count < 2) return false;
			var chosenFormat = DetermineChosenFormat(formattingInfo, formats, chooseOptions);
			formattingInfo.Write(chosenFormat, formattingInfo.CurrentValue);
			return true;
        public bool TryEvaluateFormat(IFormattingInfo formattingInfo)
            var obj = formattingInfo.CurrentValue;

            var type            = obj.GetType();
            var foreignKey      = (IForeignKey)type.GetProperty("ForeignKeyObject").GetValue(obj, null);
            var namespaceString = (string)type.GetProperty("Namespace").GetValue(obj, null);

            var nakedEntityName = EntityListFormatter.GetNakedNameOfIEntityType(foreignKey.DeclaringEntityType);

            formattingInfo.Write(string.Format("using {0}.{1}Classes", namespaceString, nakedEntityName));

		public bool TryEvaluateFormat(IFormattingInfo formattingInfo)
			var format = formattingInfo.Format;
			var current = formattingInfo.CurrentValue;

			// Ignore formats that start with "?" (this can be used to bypass this extension)
			if (format == null || format.baseString[format.startIndex] == ':')
				return false;

			// Extract the plural words from the format string:
			var pluralWords = format.Split('|');
			// This extension requires at least two plural words:
			if (pluralWords.Count == 1) return false;

			// See if the value is a number:
			var currentIsNumber =
				current is byte || current is short || current is int || current is long
				|| current is float || current is double || current is decimal;
			// This extension only formats numbers:
			if (!currentIsNumber) return false;

			// Normalize the number to decimal:
			var value = Convert.ToDecimal(current);

			// Get the plural rule:
			var pluralRule = GetPluralRule(formattingInfo);

			if (pluralRule == null)
				// Not a supported language.
				return false;

			var pluralCount = pluralWords.Count;
			var pluralIndex = pluralRule(value, pluralCount);

			if (pluralIndex < 0 || pluralWords.Count <= pluralIndex)
				// The plural rule should always return a value in-range!
				throw new FormattingException(format, "Invalid number of plural parameters", pluralWords.Last().endIndex);

			// Output the selected word (allowing for nested formats):
			var pluralForm = pluralWords[pluralIndex];
			formattingInfo.Write(pluralForm, current);
			return true;
Пример #10
        public bool TryEvaluateFormat(IFormattingInfo formattingInfo)
            var iCanHandleThisInput = formattingInfo.CurrentValue is IEnumerable <IAnnotation>;

            if (!iCanHandleThisInput)

            var appending   = formattingInfo.Format.GetLiteralText();
            var annotations = (IEnumerable <IAnnotation>)formattingInfo.CurrentValue;

            formattingInfo.Write(GetAnnotationString(annotations, appending));

Пример #11
		public void Write(string text, int startIndex, int length, IFormattingInfo formattingInfo)
			// Depending on the nested level, we will color this item differently:
			if (formattingInfo.FormatDetails.FormattingException != null)
				output.BackColor(errorColor).Append(text, startIndex, length);
			else if (formattingInfo.Placeholder == null)
				// There is no "nesting" so just output plain text:
				output.Append(text, startIndex, length);
				var nestedDepth = formattingInfo.Placeholder.NestedDepth;
				var backcolor = this.nestedColors[nestedDepth % nestedColors.Length];
				output.BackColor(backcolor).Append(text, startIndex, length);
Пример #12
		public bool TryEvaluateFormat(IFormattingInfo formattingInfo)
			var format = formattingInfo.Format;
			var current = formattingInfo.CurrentValue;

			if (format != null && format.HasNested) return false;
			string options;
			if (formattingInfo.FormatterOptions != "") 
				options = formattingInfo.FormatterOptions;
			else if (format != null) 
				options = format.GetLiteralText();
				options = "";
			TimeSpan fromTime;
			if (current is TimeSpan)
				fromTime = (TimeSpan)current;
			else if (current is DateTime && formattingInfo.FormatterOptions != "")
				fromTime = DateTime.Now.Subtract((DateTime)current);
			else if (current is DateTime && options.StartsWith("timestring"))
				options = options.Substring(10);
				fromTime = DateTime.Now.Subtract((DateTime)current);
				return false;
			var timeTextInfo = GetTimeTextInfo(formattingInfo.FormatDetails.Provider);
			if (timeTextInfo == null)
				return false;
			var formattingOptions = TimeSpanFormatOptionsConverter.Parse(options);
			var timeString = TimeSpanUtility.ToTimeString(fromTime, formattingOptions, timeTextInfo);
			return true;
		public bool TryEvaluateFormat(IFormattingInfo formattingInfo)
			var templateName = formattingInfo.FormatterOptions;
			if (templateName == "")
				if (formattingInfo.Format.HasNested)
					return false;
				templateName = formattingInfo.Format.RawText;
			Format template;
			if (!_templates.TryGetValue(templateName, out template))
				return false;

			formattingInfo.Write(template, formattingInfo.CurrentValue);
			return true;
Пример #14
		public bool TryEvaluateFormat(IFormattingInfo formattingInfo)
			var format = formattingInfo.Format;
			var current = formattingInfo.CurrentValue;

			XElement currentXElement = null;
			if (format != null && format.HasNested) return false;
			// if we need to format list of XElements then we just take and format first
			var xElmentsAsList = current as IList<XElement>;
			if (xElmentsAsList != null && xElmentsAsList.Count > 0)
				currentXElement = xElmentsAsList[0];

			var currentAsXElement = (currentXElement) ?? current as XElement;
			if (currentAsXElement != null)
				return true;

			return false;
		private PluralRules.PluralRuleDelegate GetPluralRule(IFormattingInfo formattingInfo)
			// See if the language was explicitly passed:
			var pluralOptions = formattingInfo.FormatterOptions;
			if (pluralOptions.Length != 0)
				return PluralRules.GetPluralRule(pluralOptions);

			// See if a CustomPluralRuleProvider is available from the FormatProvider:
			var provider = formattingInfo.FormatDetails.Provider;
			if (provider != null)
				var pluralRuleProvider = (CustomPluralRuleProvider) provider.GetFormat(typeof (CustomPluralRuleProvider));
				if (pluralRuleProvider != null)
					return pluralRuleProvider.GetPluralRule();

			// Use the CultureInfo, if provided:
			var cultureInfo = provider as CultureInfo;
			if (cultureInfo != null)
				var culturePluralRule = PluralRules.GetPluralRule(cultureInfo.TwoLetterISOLanguageName);
				return culturePluralRule;

			// Use the default, if provided:
			if (this.defaultPluralRule != null)
				return this.defaultPluralRule;

			return null;
		public bool TryEvaluateFormat(IFormattingInfo formattingInfo)
			var format = formattingInfo.Format;
			var current = formattingInfo.CurrentValue;
			if (format == null) return false;
			// Ignore a leading ":", which is used to bypass the PluralLocalizationExtension
			if (format.baseString[format.startIndex] == ':')
				format = format.Substring(1);

			// See if the format string contains un-nested "|":
			var parameters = format.Split('|');
			if (parameters.Count == 1) return false; // There are no parameters found.

			// See if the value is a number:
			var currentIsNumber =
				current is byte || current is short || current is int || current is long
				|| current is float || current is double || current is decimal;
			// An Enum is a number too:
			if (currentIsNumber == false && current != null && current.GetType().IsEnum)
				currentIsNumber = true;
			var currentNumber = currentIsNumber ? Convert.ToDecimal(current) : 0;

			int paramIndex; // Determines which parameter to use for output

			// First, we'll see if we are using "complex conditions":
			if (currentIsNumber) {
				paramIndex = -1;
				while (true)
					if (paramIndex == parameters.Count)
						// We reached the end of our parameters,
						// so we output nothing
						return true;
					bool conditionWasTrue;
					Format outputItem;
					if (!TryEvaluateCondition(parameters[paramIndex], currentNumber, out conditionWasTrue, out outputItem))
						// This parameter doesn't have a
						// complex condition (making it a "else" condition)

						// Only do "complex conditions" if the first item IS a "complex condition".
						if (paramIndex == 0)
						// Otherwise, output the "else" section:
						conditionWasTrue = true;

					// If the conditional statement was true, then we can break.
					if (conditionWasTrue)
						formattingInfo.Write(outputItem, current);
						return true;
				// We don't have any "complex conditions",
				// so let's do the normal conditional formatting:

			var paramCount = parameters.Count;

			// Determine the Current item's Type:
			if (currentIsNumber) {
				if (currentNumber < 0)
					paramIndex = paramCount - 1;
					paramIndex = Math.Min((int)Math.Floor(currentNumber), paramCount - 1);
			else if (current is bool) {
				// Bool: True|False
				bool arg = (bool)current;
				if (arg)
					paramIndex = 0;
					paramIndex = 1;
			else if (current is DateTime) {
				// Date: Past|Present|Future   or   Past/Present|Future
				DateTime arg = (DateTime)current;
				if (paramCount == 3 && arg.Date == DateTime.Today)
					paramIndex = 1;
				else if (arg <= DateTime.Now)
					paramIndex = 0;
					paramIndex = paramCount - 1;
			else if (current is TimeSpan) {
				// TimeSpan: Negative|Zero|Positive  or  Negative/Zero|Positive
				TimeSpan arg = (TimeSpan)current;
				if (paramCount == 3 && arg == TimeSpan.Zero)
					paramIndex = 1;
				else if (arg.CompareTo(TimeSpan.Zero) <= 0)
					paramIndex = 0;
					paramIndex = paramCount - 1;
			else if (current is string) {
				// String: Value|NullOrEmpty
				var arg = (string)current;
				if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(arg))
					paramIndex = 0;
					paramIndex = 1;
			} else {
				// Object: Something|Nothing
				object arg = current;
				if (arg != null)
					paramIndex = 0;
					paramIndex = 1;

			// Now, output the selected parameter:
			var selectedParameter = parameters[paramIndex];

			// Output the selectedParameter:
			formattingInfo.Write(selectedParameter, current);
			return true;
Пример #17
		public void Write(string text, IFormattingInfo formattingInfo)
Пример #18
		public void Write(string text, int startIndex, int length, IFormattingInfo formattingInfo)
			Output.Write(text.Substring(startIndex, length));
Пример #19
		public void Write(string text, int startIndex, int length, IFormattingInfo formattingInfo)
			output.Append(text, startIndex, length);
Пример #20
		public void Write(string text, IFormattingInfo formattingInfo)
		public bool TryEvaluateFormat(IFormattingInfo formattingInfo)
			var format = formattingInfo.Format;
			var current = formattingInfo.CurrentValue;

			// If the format has nested placeholders, we process those first
			// instead of formatting the item:
			if (format != null && format.HasNested)
				formattingInfo.Write(format, current);
				return true;

			// If the object is null, we shouldn't write anything
			if (current == null)
				current = "";

			//  (The following code was adapted from the built-in String.Format code)

			//  We will try using IFormatProvider, IFormattable, and if all else fails, ToString.
			string result = null;
			ICustomFormatter cFormatter;
			IFormattable formattable;
			// Use the provider to see if a CustomFormatter is available:
			var provider = formattingInfo.FormatDetails.Provider;
			if (provider != null && (cFormatter = provider.GetFormat(typeof(ICustomFormatter)) as ICustomFormatter) != null)
				var formatText = format == null ? null : format.GetLiteralText();
				result = cFormatter.Format(formatText, current, provider);
			// IFormattable:
			else if ((formattable = current as IFormattable) != null)
				var formatText = format == null ? null : format.ToString();
				result = formattable.ToString(formatText, provider);
			// ToString:
				result = current.ToString();

			// Now that we have the result, let's output it (and consider alignment):

			// See if there's a pre-alignment to consider:
			if (formattingInfo.Alignment > 0)
				var spaces = formattingInfo.Alignment - result.Length;
				if (spaces > 0)
					formattingInfo.Write(new String(' ', spaces));

			// Output the result:

			// See if there's a post-alignment to consider:
			if (formattingInfo.Alignment < 0)
				var spaces = -formattingInfo.Alignment - result.Length;
				if (spaces > 0)
					formattingInfo.Write(new String(' ', spaces));

			return true;
		public bool TryEvaluateFormat(IFormattingInfo formattingInfo)
			var format = formattingInfo.Format;
			var current = formattingInfo.CurrentValue;

			// Ignore formats that start with "?" (this can be used to bypass this extension)
			if (format == null || format.baseString[format.startIndex] == ':')
				return false;

			// Extract the plural words from the format string:
			var pluralWords = format.Split('|');
			// This extension requires at least two plural words:
			if (pluralWords.Count == 1) return false;

			decimal value;

			// We can format numbers, and IEnumerables. For IEnumerables we look at the number of items
			// in the collection: this means the user can e.g. use the same parameter for both plural and list, for example
			// 'Smart.Format("The following {0:plural:person is|people are} impressed: {0:list:{}|, |, and}", new[] { "bob", "alice" });'
			if (current is byte || current is short || current is int || current is long
				|| current is float || current is double || current is decimal)
				// Normalize the number to decimal:
				value = Convert.ToDecimal(current);
			else if (current is IEnumerable<object>)
				// Relay on IEnumerable covariance, but don't care about non-generic IEnumerable
				value = ((IEnumerable<object>)current).Count();
				// This extension only permits numbers and IEnumerables
				return false;

			// Get the plural rule:
			var pluralRule = GetPluralRule(formattingInfo);

			if (pluralRule == null)
				// Not a supported language.
				return false;

			var pluralCount = pluralWords.Count;
			var pluralIndex = pluralRule(value, pluralCount);

			if (pluralIndex < 0 || pluralWords.Count <= pluralIndex)
				// The plural rule should always return a value in-range!
				throw new FormattingException(format, "Invalid number of plural parameters", pluralWords.Last().endIndex);

			// Output the selected word (allowing for nested formats):
			var pluralForm = pluralWords[pluralIndex];
			formattingInfo.Write(pluralForm, current);
			return true;
			public bool TryEvaluateFormat(IFormattingInfo formattingInfo)
				var options = formattingInfo.FormatterOptions;
				var format = formattingInfo.Format;
				var formatString = format != null ? format.ToString() : "";
				formattingInfo.Write("TestExtension2 Options: " + options + ", Format: " + formatString);
				return true;
Пример #24
		public bool TryEvaluateFormat(IFormattingInfo formattingInfo)
			var format = formattingInfo.Format;
			var current = formattingInfo.CurrentValue;
			// This method needs the Highest priority so that it comes before the PluralLocalizationExtension and ConditionalExtension

			// This extension requires at least IEnumerable
			var enumerable = current as IEnumerable;
			if (enumerable == null) return false;
			// Ignore Strings, because they're IEnumerable.
			// This issue might actually need a solution
			// for other objects that are IEnumerable.
			if (current is string) return false;
			// If the object is IFormattable, ignore it
			if (current is IFormattable) return false;

			// This extension requires a | to specify the spacer:
			if (format == null) return false;
			var parameters = format.Split('|', 4);
			if (parameters.Count < 2) return false;

			// Grab all formatting options:
			// They must be in one of these formats:
			// itemFormat|spacer
			// itemFormat|spacer|lastSpacer
			// itemFormat|spacer|lastSpacer|twoSpacer
			var itemFormat = parameters[0];
			var spacer = (parameters.Count >= 2) ? parameters[1].GetLiteralText() : "";
			var lastSpacer = (parameters.Count >= 3) ? parameters[2].GetLiteralText() : spacer;
			var twoSpacer = (parameters.Count >= 4) ? parameters[3].GetLiteralText() : lastSpacer;

			// TODO: [Obsolete] Not necessary, should remove:
			if (!itemFormat.HasNested)
				// The format is not nested,
				// so we will treat it as an itemFormat:
				var newItemFormat = new Format(itemFormat.baseString);
				newItemFormat.startIndex = itemFormat.startIndex;
				newItemFormat.endIndex = itemFormat.endIndex;
				newItemFormat.HasNested = true;
				var newPlaceholder = new Placeholder(newItemFormat, itemFormat.startIndex, 0);
				newPlaceholder.Format = itemFormat;
				newPlaceholder.endIndex = itemFormat.endIndex;
				itemFormat = newItemFormat;

			// Let's buffer all items from the enumerable (to ensure the Count without double-enumeration):
			ICollection items = current as ICollection;
			if (items == null)
				var allItems = new List<object>();
				foreach (var item in enumerable)
				items = allItems;

			int oldCollectionIndex = CollectionIndex; // In case we have nested arrays, we might need to restore the CollectionIndex
			CollectionIndex = -1;
			foreach (object item in items) {
				CollectionIndex += 1; // Keep track of the index

				// Determine which spacer to write:
				if (spacer == null || CollectionIndex == 0)
					// Don't write the spacer.
				else if (CollectionIndex < items.Count - 1) {
				else if (CollectionIndex == 1)

				// Output the nested format for this item:
				formattingInfo.Write(itemFormat, item);

			CollectionIndex = oldCollectionIndex; // Restore the CollectionIndex

			return true;
Пример #25
		public void Write(string text, IFormattingInfo formattingInfo)
			Write(text, 0, text.Length, formattingInfo);