Пример #1
 private void btnOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (listView1.SelectedItems.Count > 0)
         _currentTemplate = listView1.SelectedItems[0].Tag as IEditTemplate;
Пример #2
            static private bool AnalyzeItem2(string searchTerm, IEditTemplate template, ref int inName, ref int inTags, ref int inLayerName, ref int inDesc, ref int inPartial)
                inName = inTags = inLayerName = inDesc = inPartial = 0;

                Match match = MatchSearchTerm(template.Name, searchTerm);

                if (match == Match.eFull)
                    inName += 1;
                else if (match == Match.ePartial)
                    inPartial += 1;

                match = MatchSearchTerm(template.Tags, searchTerm);
                if (match == Match.eFull)
                    inTags += 1;
                else if (match == Match.ePartial)
                    inPartial += 1;

                ILayer layer = template.Layer;

                if (layer != null)
                    match = MatchSearchTerm(layer.Name, searchTerm);
                    if (match == Match.eFull)
                        inLayerName += 1;
                    else if (match == Match.ePartial)
                        inPartial += 1;

                match = MatchSearchTerm(template.Description, searchTerm);
                if (match == Match.eFull)
                    inDesc += 1;
                else if (match == Match.ePartial)
                    inPartial += 1;

                return(inName + inDesc + inTags + inLayerName + inPartial > 0);
Пример #3
        internal TemplateForm(IEditTemplate edit)

            m_Edit = edit;
            if (m_Edit == null)
                IEnvironmentFactory f = EnvironmentContainer.Factory;
                m_Edit = f.CreateTemplate();

            m_TableFactory = new TableFactory();
            m_Table = null;
Пример #4
        internal TemplateForm(IEditTemplate edit)

            m_Edit = edit;
            if (m_Edit == null)
                IEnvironmentFactory f = EnvironmentContainer.Factory;
                m_Edit = f.CreateTemplate();

            m_TableFactory = new TableFactory();
            m_Table        = null;
        public PointsAlongLineForm(IEditor3 editor)

            m_editor   = editor;
            m_edSketch = m_editor as IEditSketch3;

            m_polyline        = m_edSketch.Geometry as IPolyline;
            tbLineLength.Text = (m_polyline.Length.ToString("F"));

            //get the template
            m_editTemplate = m_editor.CurrentTemplate;
            m_featureLayer = m_editTemplate.Layer as IFeatureLayer;
            m_featureClass = m_featureLayer.FeatureClass;
        public PointsAlongLineForm(IEditor3 editor)

              m_editor = editor;
              m_edSketch = m_editor as IEditSketch3;

              m_polyline = m_edSketch.Geometry as IPolyline;
              tbLineLength.Text = (m_polyline.Length.ToString("F"));

              //get the template
              m_editTemplate = m_editor.CurrentTemplate;
              m_featureLayer = m_editTemplate.Layer as IFeatureLayer;
              m_featureClass = m_featureLayer.FeatureClass;
Пример #7
            private SortByRank(ListView list, string filterTypeStr)
                m_list = list;

                if (!list.IsHandleCreated)

                List <int> removeIndex = new List <int>();

                // Replace item data with pointer with new RankTemplate struct.
                for (int i = 0; i < m_list.Items.Count; i++)
                    IEditTemplate template = m_list.Items[i].Tag as IEditTemplate;
                    int           nName, nTags, nLayerName, nDesc, nPartial;
                    if (!AnalyzeItem(filterTypeStr, template, out nName, out nTags, out nLayerName, out nDesc, out nPartial))
                        removeIndex.Insert(0, i);

                    m_list.Items[i].Tag = new RankTemplate(FindRank(nName, nTags, nLayerName, nDesc, nPartial), template);

                for (int i = 0; i < removeIndex.Count(); i++)

                IComparer oldComparer = m_list.ListViewItemSorter;

                m_list.ListViewItemSorter = this as IComparer; //assigning performs the sort
                m_list.ListViewItemSorter = null;

                // Restore item data from RankTemplate struct.
                for (int i = 0; i < m_list.Items.Count; i++)
                    RankTemplate rankTemplate = m_list.Items[i].Tag as RankTemplate;
                    if (rankTemplate != null)
                        m_list.Items[i].Tag = rankTemplate.Template;
Пример #8
 static private bool AnalyzeItem(string filterTypeStr, IEditTemplate template, out int nName, out int nTags, out int nLayerName, out int nDesc, out int nPartial)
     nName = nTags = nLayerName = nDesc = nPartial = 0;
     foreach (string word in filterTypeStr.ToUpperInvariant().Split(' '))
         int inName = 0, inTags = 0, inLayerName = 0, inDesc = 0, inPartial = 0;
         if (AnalyzeItem2(word, template, ref inName, ref inTags, ref inLayerName, ref inDesc, ref inPartial))
             nName      += inName;
             nTags      += inTags;
             nLayerName += inLayerName;
             nDesc      += inDesc;
             nPartial   += inPartial;
     return(nName + nTags + nLayerName + nDesc + nPartial > 0);
            private static bool AnalyzeItem2(string searchTerm, IEditTemplate template, ref int inName, ref int inTags, ref int inLayerName, ref int inDesc, ref int inPartial)
                inName = inTags = inLayerName = inDesc = inPartial = 0;

                Match match = MatchSearchTerm(template.Name, searchTerm);
                if (match == Match.eFull)
                    inName += 1;
                else if (match == Match.ePartial)
                    inPartial += 1;

                match = MatchSearchTerm(template.Tags, searchTerm);
                if (match == Match.eFull)
                    inTags += 1;
                else if (match == Match.ePartial)
                    inPartial += 1;

                ILayer layer = template.Layer;
                if (layer != null)
                    match = MatchSearchTerm(layer.Name, searchTerm);
                    if (match == Match.eFull)
                        inLayerName += 1;
                    else if (match == Match.ePartial)
                        inPartial += 1;

                match = MatchSearchTerm(template.Description, searchTerm);
                if (match == Match.eFull)
                    inDesc += 1;
                else if (match == Match.ePartial)
                    inPartial += 1;

                return inName + inDesc + inTags + inLayerName + inPartial > 0;
 private static bool AnalyzeItem(string filterTypeStr, IEditTemplate template, out int nName, out int nTags, out int nLayerName, out int nDesc, out int nPartial)
     nName = nTags = nLayerName = nDesc = nPartial = 0;
     foreach (string word in filterTypeStr.ToUpperInvariant().Split(' '))
         int inName = 0, inTags = 0, inLayerName = 0, inDesc = 0, inPartial = 0;
         if (AnalyzeItem2(word, template, ref inName, ref inTags, ref inLayerName, ref inDesc, ref inPartial))
             nName += inName;
             nTags += inTags;
             nLayerName += inLayerName;
             nDesc += inDesc;
             nPartial += inPartial;
             return false;
     return nName + nTags + nLayerName + nDesc + nPartial > 0;
        private static bool CreateLateralFromMainPoint(ref IApplication app, ref  IEditor editor, IFeature pointFeature,
                                                     IFeatureLayer mainLineFLayer, IFeatureLayer targetLineFLayer, IEditTemplate targetLineEditTemplate,
                                                     List<pointAlongSettings> pointAlongLayers, bool startAtMain, FromToField[] fromToPairs, LateralLine_AngleDetails latDet, bool SearchOnLayer, bool CheckSelection)
            List<IFeature> pointsAlong = new List<IFeature>();

            //IGeometry pGeometry;
            IPolyline polyline;

            //IPoint pToPoint;
            //IPoint pFromPoint;
            //IConstructPoint pConstructPoint;

            UID pId = new UID();

            IFeature pFeat;
            // double pi;
            double dblDegrees;
            double dblAngleRad;
            double dblLateralLength;

            //Find LineAngle field in the layer
            //iLayerLineAngleFieldPos = pFC.FindField(c_sLineAngleFieldName)
            //If iLayerLineAngleFieldPos < 0 Then
            //  MsgBox c_sLineAngleFieldName & " was not found in the highlighted layer.", vbCritical, c_sTitle
            //  Exit Sub
            //End If

            if (targetLineFLayer.FeatureClass.ShapeType != esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolyline)
            { //MsgBox "Edit target must be a polyline layer (i.e. laterals).", vbCritical, c_sTitle
                return false;

            dblDegrees = 90;
            if (!Globals.IsNumeric(latDet.AngleField))
                int fldIdx = Globals.GetFieldIndex(pointFeature.Class.Fields, latDet.AngleField);

                if (fldIdx > -1)

                    string temp = pointFeature.get_Value(fldIdx).ToString();
                    if (Globals.IsNumeric(temp))
                        Double.TryParse(temp, out dblDegrees);

                Double.TryParse(latDet.AngleField, out dblDegrees);

            dblLateralLength = 10;
            if (!Globals.IsNumeric(latDet.LengthField))
                int fldIdx = Globals.GetFieldIndex(pointFeature.Class.Fields, latDet.LengthField);

                if (fldIdx > -1)

                    string temp = pointFeature.get_Value(fldIdx).ToString();
                    if (Globals.IsNumeric(temp))
                        Double.TryParse(temp, out dblLateralLength);

                Double.TryParse(latDet.LengthField, out dblLateralLength);

            if (latDet.AngleType.ToUpper() == "CLOCK")
                dblAngleRad = Globals.ConvertDegToRads(Globals.ConvertClockPositionToDegrees(dblDegrees));
            else if (latDet.AngleType.ToUpper() == "RADIANS")
                dblAngleRad = Globals.ConvertDegToRads(dblDegrees);
                dblAngleRad = dblDegrees;

            string dirVal = latDet.DirectionField;
            if (dirVal != "")
                int fldIdx = Globals.GetFieldIndex(pointFeature.Class.Fields, dirVal);

                if (fldIdx > -1)

                    dirVal = pointFeature.get_Value(fldIdx).ToString();


                dirVal = "";

            if (dirVal.ToUpper() == latDet.LookingUpstreamValue.ToUpper())
                dblAngleRad = Globals.ConvertDegToRads(Globals.ConvertRadsToDegrees(dblAngleRad) + 180);
            else if (dirVal == latDet.LookingDownstreamValue)



            if (latDet.OnlyPerp.ToUpper() == "TRUE")
                double val = Globals.ConvertRadsToDegrees(dblAngleRad);
                if (val >= 0.0 && val <= 180.0)
                    dblAngleRad = Globals.ConvertDegToRads(90);
                    dblAngleRad = Globals.ConvertDegToRads(270);

            polyline = Globals.CreateAngledLineFromLocationOnLine((IPoint)pointFeature.Shape, mainLineFLayer, SearchOnLayer, dblAngleRad, dblLateralLength, latDet.AddAngleToLineAngle, startAtMain, CheckSelection);
            //Add that line to Laterals lateral
            if (targetLineEditTemplate != null)
                pFeat = Globals.CreateFeature(polyline as IGeometry, targetLineEditTemplate, editor, app, false, false, true);
                pFeat = Globals.CreateFeature(polyline as IGeometry, targetLineFLayer, editor, app, false, false, true);
            if (pointAlongLayers != null)
                foreach (pointAlongSettings pPointAlongLayer in pointAlongLayers)
                    if (pPointAlongLayer.PolygonIntersectLayer != null)
                        pointsAlong.Add(Globals.AddPointAlongLineWithIntersect(ref app, ref editor, polyline as ICurve, pPointAlongLayer.PointAlongLayer, pPointAlongLayer.PointAlongDistance, pPointAlongLayer.DistanceIsPercent, pPointAlongLayer.PointAlongEditTemplate, pPointAlongLayer.PolygonIntersectLayer, pPointAlongLayer.PolygonIntersectSide));

                        pointsAlong.Add(Globals.AddPointAlongLine(ref app, ref editor, polyline as ICurve, pPointAlongLayer.PointAlongLayer, pPointAlongLayer.PointAlongDistance, pPointAlongLayer.DistanceIsPercent, pPointAlongLayer.PointAlongEditTemplate));

                    //   idx++;

            if (pFeat is INetworkFeature)
                INetworkFeature pNF = (INetworkFeature)pFeat;


            return true;
        private static bool CreateSingle(ref IApplication app, ref  IEditor editor, IFeature pointFeature, IFeatureLayer matchLineFLayer,
                                                  IFeatureLayer targetLineFLayer, IEditTemplate targetLineEditTemplate,
                                                  List<pointAlongSettings> pointAlongLayers,
                                                  bool startAtMain, bool deleteExistingLines, FromToField[] fromToPairs, double doglegDistance,
                                                  bool DistAsPercent, double tolerenceForDelete, bool store, bool SearchOnLayer, int searchDistance, double angle, bool checkSelection)
            IFeature lineFeature = null;
            IPoint thisPoint = null;
            IPoint turnPoint = null;
            IPoint toPoint = null;
            ICurve mainCurve = null;
            IPolyline polyline = null;
            IFeature pFeat = null;
                // Get closest main to point1

                thisPoint = (IPoint)pointFeature.ShapeCopy;

                lineFeature = Globals.GetClosestFeature(thisPoint, matchLineFLayer, Convert.ToDouble(searchDistance), SearchOnLayer, checkSelection);
                //    (_app.Document as IMxDocument).FocusMap.ClearSelection();

                if (lineFeature != null)
                    //Delete any existing lateral lines at this location
                    if (deleteExistingLines)
                        DeleteExistingFeatures(pointFeature, targetLineFLayer, pointAlongLayers, tolerenceForDelete);

                    //Determine To and Turn Points
                    mainCurve = lineFeature.ShapeCopy as ICurve;
                    CreateToAndTurnPoints(mainCurve, thisPoint, out toPoint, out turnPoint, doglegDistance, DistAsPercent);

                    //Create the new line
                    polyline = Globals.CreatePolylineFromPointsNewTurn(thisPoint, turnPoint, toPoint, ref matchLineFLayer, ref lineFeature, SearchOnLayer, angle, editor.Map.SpatialReference);
                    //If requested, store pipe id in the point
                    StorePipeInfoPointFeature(lineFeature, pointFeature, fromToPairs, store);

                    if (polyline.Length > 0)
                        if (startAtMain)

                        if (targetLineEditTemplate != null)
                            pFeat = Globals.CreateFeature(polyline as IGeometry, targetLineEditTemplate, editor, app, false, false, true);
                            pFeat = Globals.CreateFeature(polyline as IGeometry, targetLineFLayer, editor, app, false, false, true);
                        if (pFeat == null)
                            return false;

                        //Globals.SetFlowDirection(pFeat, targetLineFLayer);
                            if (pFeat != null)
                            //if (pFeat is INetworkFeature)
                            //    INetworkFeature pNF = (INetworkFeature)pFeat;

                            //    pNF.Connect();
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            // MessageBox.Show("The Feature could not be stored, this is typically because the layer has Z and the geometric network was not created to honors, you need to drop the network and recreate it with Z's enabled\n" + ex.Message);

                        //Old Way
                        //IFeature pFeat = CreateLineFeature(targetLineFLayer, newPolyLine, targetLineValue, targetLineFieldName, targetLineSubtype);

                        //Optionally, create new point along line
                        // int idx = 0;
                        if (pointAlongLayers != null)
                            foreach (pointAlongSettings pPointAlongLayer in pointAlongLayers)
                                if (pPointAlongLayer.PolygonIntersectLayer != null)
                                    Globals.AddPointAlongLineWithIntersect(ref app, ref editor, polyline as ICurve, pPointAlongLayer.PointAlongLayer, pPointAlongLayer.PointAlongDistance, pPointAlongLayer.DistanceIsPercent, pPointAlongLayer.PointAlongEditTemplate, pPointAlongLayer.PolygonIntersectLayer, pPointAlongLayer.PolygonIntersectSide);

                                    Globals.AddPointAlongLine(ref app, ref editor, polyline as ICurve, pPointAlongLayer.PointAlongLayer, pPointAlongLayer.PointAlongDistance, pPointAlongLayer.DistanceIsPercent, pPointAlongLayer.PointAlongEditTemplate);
                                //   idx++;

                        //Globals.SetFlowDirection(pFeat, targetLineFLayer,((IMxDocument)app.Document).FocusMap);
                        //    if (pFeat != null)
                        //    {
                        //      //  Globals.ValidateFeature(pFeat);
                        //        pFeat.Store();
                        //    }
                        //    //if (pFeat is INetworkFeature)
                        //    //{
                        //    //    INetworkFeature pNF = (INetworkFeature)pFeat;

                        //    //    pNF.Connect();
                        //    //}
                        //catch (Exception ex)
                        //    // MessageBox.Show("The Feature could not be stored, this is typically because the layer has Z and the geometric network was not created to honors, you need to drop the network and recreate it with Z's enabled\n" + ex.Message);
                        return true;
                        //AddPointAlongLine(newPolyLine as ICurve, targetPointFLayer, targetPointDistance, targetPointDistanceIsPercent, targetPointSubtype, targetPointValue, targetPointFieldName);
                        return false;

                    MessageBox.Show(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("ConstructionToolsError_5a") + matchLineFLayer.Name + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("ConstructionToolsError_5b") + searchDistance + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("ConstructionToolsError_5c"));

                    return false;


            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("ErrorInThe") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("ConstructionToolsLbl_3") + "\n" + ex.Message, ex.Source);
                return false;

                lineFeature = null;
                thisPoint = null;
                turnPoint = null;
                toPoint = null;
                mainCurve = null;
                polyline = null;
                pFeat = null;
        private static bool CreateDual(ref IApplication app, ref  IEditor editor, IFeature pointFeature, IFeature pointFeature2, ILine distanceLine,
                                                          IFeatureLayer matchLineFLayer,
                                                          IFeatureLayer targetLineFLayer, IEditTemplate targetLineEditTemplate,
                                                          List<pointAlongSettings> pointAlongLayers,
                                                          bool deleteExistingLines, bool startAtMain, bool squareDualLines,
                                                         FromToField[] fromToPairs, double doglegDistance, bool DistAsPercent, double tolerenceForDelete, bool store, bool SearchOnLayer, int searchDistance, double angle, bool checkSelection)
            IPoint point = null;
            IPoint point2 = null;
            IPoint turnPoint = null;
            IPoint toPoint = null;
            IPoint joinPoint = null;
            IPoint sqPoint1 = null;
            IPoint sqPoint2 = null;
            IPoint midPoint = null;
            IFeature lineFeature = null;
            IPolyline polyline = null;
            IFeature pLineFeat = null;
            ICurve mainCurve = null;
                point = (IPoint)pointFeature.Shape;
                point2 = (IPoint)pointFeature2.Shape;

                //Determine mid point
                midPoint = new PointClass();
                distanceLine.QueryPoint(esriSegmentExtension.esriNoExtension, 0.5, true, midPoint);

                // Get closest main to midpoint (if a single main was not selected)

                lineFeature = Globals.GetClosestFeature(midPoint, matchLineFLayer, Convert.ToDouble(searchDistance), SearchOnLayer, checkSelection);

                if (lineFeature != null)
                    //Delete any existing lateral lines at these locations
                    if (deleteExistingLines)
                        DeleteExistingFeatures(pointFeature, targetLineFLayer, pointAlongLayers, tolerenceForDelete);
                        DeleteExistingFeatures(pointFeature2, targetLineFLayer, pointAlongLayers, tolerenceForDelete);

                    //Determine To and Turn Points (and possible square points)
                    mainCurve = lineFeature.ShapeCopy as ICurve;
                    CreateToAndTurnPointsDual(mainCurve, midPoint, distanceLine, out toPoint, out turnPoint,
                                                            out joinPoint, out  sqPoint1, out  sqPoint2, doglegDistance, DistAsPercent,
                                                            squareDualLines, tolerenceForDelete);

                    //Create the new base line (possibly hooked)

                    polyline = Globals.CreatePolylineFromPointsNewTurn(joinPoint, turnPoint, toPoint, ref matchLineFLayer, ref lineFeature, SearchOnLayer, angle,editor.Map.SpatialReference);

                    //If requested, store pipe id in the point
                    StorePipeInfoPointFeature(lineFeature, pointFeature, fromToPairs, store);
                    StorePipeInfoPointFeature(lineFeature, pointFeature2, fromToPairs, store);

                    if (polyline.Length != 0.0)
                        if (startAtMain)

                        if (targetLineEditTemplate != null)
                            pLineFeat = Globals.CreateFeature(polyline as IGeometry, targetLineEditTemplate, editor, app, false, false, true);
                            pLineFeat = Globals.CreateFeature(polyline as IGeometry, targetLineFLayer, editor, app, false, false, true);


                        // Globals.SetFlowDirection(pLineFeat, targetLineFLayer, ((IMxDocument)app.Document).FocusMap);
                        if (pointAlongLayers != null)
                            foreach (pointAlongSettings pPointAlongLayer in pointAlongLayers)
                                if (pPointAlongLayer.PolygonIntersectLayer != null)
                                    Globals.AddPointAlongLineWithIntersect(ref app, ref editor, polyline as ICurve, pPointAlongLayer.PointAlongLayer, pPointAlongLayer.PointAlongDistance, pPointAlongLayer.DistanceIsPercent, pPointAlongLayer.PointAlongEditTemplate, pPointAlongLayer.PolygonIntersectLayer, pPointAlongLayer.PolygonIntersectSide);

                                    Globals.AddPointAlongLine(ref app, ref editor, polyline as ICurve, pPointAlongLayer.PointAlongLayer, pPointAlongLayer.PointAlongDistance, pPointAlongLayer.DistanceIsPercent, pPointAlongLayer.PointAlongEditTemplate);


                        if (squareDualLines)
                            //Create Arm 1
                            polyline = Globals.CreatePolylineFromPoints(point, sqPoint1, joinPoint);
                            if (startAtMain)

                            if (targetLineEditTemplate != null)
                                pLineFeat = Globals.CreateFeature(polyline as IGeometry, targetLineEditTemplate, editor, app, false, false, true);
                                pLineFeat = Globals.CreateFeature(polyline as IGeometry, targetLineFLayer, editor, app, false, false, true);
                            // Globals.SetFlowDirection(pLineFeat, targetLineFLayer,((IMxDocument)app.Document).FocusMap);
                            //Create Arm 2
                            polyline = Globals.CreatePolylineFromPoints(point2, sqPoint2, joinPoint);
                            if (startAtMain)

                            if (targetLineEditTemplate != null)
                                pLineFeat = Globals.CreateFeature(polyline as IGeometry, targetLineEditTemplate, editor, app, false, false, true);
                                pLineFeat = Globals.CreateFeature(polyline as IGeometry, targetLineFLayer, editor, app, false, false, true);

                            // Globals.SetFlowDirection(pLineFeat, targetLineFLayer,((IMxDocument)app.Document).FocusMap);

                            return true;

                            //Create Arm 1
                            polyline = Globals.CreatePolylineFromPoints(point, joinPoint);
                            if (startAtMain)

                            if (targetLineEditTemplate != null)
                                pLineFeat = Globals.CreateFeature(polyline as IGeometry, targetLineEditTemplate, editor, app, false, false, true);
                                pLineFeat = Globals.CreateFeature(polyline as IGeometry, targetLineFLayer, editor, app, false, false, true);
                            // Globals.SetFlowDirection(pLineFeat, targetLineFLayer,((IMxDocument)app.Document).FocusMap);
                            //Create Arm 2
                            polyline = Globals.CreatePolylineFromPoints(point2, joinPoint);
                            if (startAtMain)

                            if (targetLineEditTemplate != null)
                                pLineFeat = Globals.CreateFeature(polyline as IGeometry, targetLineEditTemplate, editor, app, false, false, true);
                                pLineFeat = Globals.CreateFeature(polyline as IGeometry, targetLineFLayer, editor, app, false, false, true);
                            //idx = 0;
                            //  Globals.SetFlowDirection(pLineFeat, targetLineFLayer,((IMxDocument)app.Document).FocusMap);

                            return true;

                        //Create branch 1
                        polyline = Globals.CreatePolylineFromPoints(point, joinPoint);
                        if (polyline.Length != 0.0)
                            if (startAtMain)

                            if (targetLineEditTemplate != null)
                                pLineFeat = Globals.CreateFeature(polyline as IGeometry, targetLineEditTemplate, editor, app, false, false, true);
                                pLineFeat = Globals.CreateFeature(polyline as IGeometry, targetLineFLayer, editor, app, false, false, true);

                            //  Globals.SetFlowDirection(pLineFeat, targetLineFLayer,((IMxDocument)app.Document).FocusMap);

                            if (pointAlongLayers != null)
                                foreach (pointAlongSettings pPointAlongLayer in pointAlongLayers)
                                    Globals.AddPointAlongLine(ref app, ref editor, polyline as ICurve, pPointAlongLayer.PointAlongLayer, pPointAlongLayer.PointAlongDistance, pPointAlongLayer.DistanceIsPercent, pPointAlongLayer.PointAlongEditTemplate);
                                    //   idx++;

                            //Create branch 2
                            polyline = Globals.CreatePolylineFromPoints(point2, joinPoint);
                            if (startAtMain)

                            if (targetLineEditTemplate != null)
                                pLineFeat = Globals.CreateFeature(polyline as IGeometry, targetLineEditTemplate, editor, app, false, false, true);
                                pLineFeat = Globals.CreateFeature(polyline as IGeometry, targetLineFLayer, editor, app, false, false, true);

                            //  Globals.SetFlowDirection(pLineFeat, targetLineFLayer,((IMxDocument)app.Document).FocusMap);

                            if (pointAlongLayers != null)
                                foreach (pointAlongSettings pPointAlongLayer in pointAlongLayers)
                                    Globals.AddPointAlongLine(ref app, ref editor, polyline as ICurve, pPointAlongLayer.PointAlongLayer, pPointAlongLayer.PointAlongDistance, pPointAlongLayer.DistanceIsPercent, pPointAlongLayer.PointAlongEditTemplate);
                                    //   idx++;

                            return true;
                            return false;

                    return false;


            catch (Exception ex)
                MessageBox.Show(A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("ErrorInThe") + A4LGSharedFunctions.Localizer.GetString("ConstructionToolsLbl_4") + "\n" + ex.Message, ex.Source);
                return false;

                point = null;
                point2 = null;
                turnPoint = null;
                toPoint = null;
                joinPoint = null;
                sqPoint1 = null;
                sqPoint2 = null;
                midPoint = null;
                lineFeature = null;
                polyline = null;
                pLineFeat = null;
                mainCurve = null;
Пример #14
        void Events5_OnCurrentTemplateChanged(IEditTemplate editTemplate)
                _logHelper.addLogEntry(DateTime.Now.ToString(), "INFO", "Edit template changed.");

                if (editTemplate == null || editTemplate.Layer == null)
                if (editTemplate.Layer as IFeatureLayer == null)

                IFeatureLayer fLayer = editTemplate.Layer as IFeatureLayer;
                IFeatureClass fc;
                if ((fc = fLayer.FeatureClass) != null)
                    ESRI.ArcGIS.Geodatabase.IDataset dataset = (ESRI.ArcGIS.Geodatabase.IDataset)fc;
                    string tableName = GdbUtils.ParseTableName(dataset);

                    // -------------------------------------------------
                    // Checks for different feature types of interest.
                    // Show the appropriate dialogs for any that need it
                    // -------------------------------------------------

                    // -----------------------------
                    // Fiber
                    // -----------------------------
                    if (0 == string.Compare(ConfigUtil.FiberCableFtClassName, tableName, true))
                        // Is the current template chosen properly configured with default values...
                        // Needs number of buffer tubes and no of strands of fiber
                        if (editTemplate.get_DefaultValue(ConfigUtil.NumberOfBuffersFieldName) == null ||
                            editTemplate.get_DefaultValue(ConfigUtil.NumberOfFibersFieldName) == null)
                            IEditor3 editor = ArcMap.Editor as IEditor3;
                            editor.CurrentTemplate = null;
                            MessageBox.Show("Template item has not been configured with # Buffer Tubes or # Strands per Tube. \n\nRight click this item and change these values in the properties.\n\nCreate new template items in the 'Organize Templates' window at the top of this area.");
                            int buffers = (int)editTemplate.get_DefaultValue(ConfigUtil.NumberOfBuffersFieldName);
                            int fibers  = (int)editTemplate.get_DefaultValue(ConfigUtil.NumberOfFibersFieldName);

                            FiberCableConfiguration cf = new FiberCableConfiguration(

                            _fiberCableHelper.FiberCableConfig = cf;

                        // Enable the configuration helper

                    // -----------------------------
                    // Fiber Devices
                    // -----------------------------
                    if (ConfigUtil.IsDeviceClassName(tableName))
                        // Is the current template chosen properly configured with default values...
                        // Needs number of buffer tubes and no of strands of fiber
                        if (editTemplate.get_DefaultValue(ConfigUtil.InputPortsFieldName) == null ||
                            editTemplate.get_DefaultValue(ConfigUtil.OutputPortsFieldName) == null)
                            IEditor3 editor = ArcMap.Editor as IEditor3;
                            editor.CurrentTemplate = null;
                            MessageBox.Show("Template item has not been configured with # Input Ports or # Output Ports. \n\nRight click this item and change these values in the properties.\n\nCreate new template items in the 'Organize Templates' window at the top of this area.");
                            int inputPorts  = (int)editTemplate.get_DefaultValue(ConfigUtil.InputPortsFieldName);
                            int outputPorts = (int)editTemplate.get_DefaultValue(ConfigUtil.OutputPortsFieldName);

                            _fiberDeviceHelper.InputPorts  = inputPorts;
                            _fiberDeviceHelper.OutputPorts = outputPorts;

            catch (Exception ex)
                _logHelper.addLogEntry(DateTime.Now.ToString(), "ERROR", "Error changing edit template.", ex.ToString());
Пример #15
        private void LoadListView()
            IEditTemplateManager editTemplateMgr = null;
            //IFeatureLayer2 fl2 = null;
            ListViewGroup lvg = null;

                if (_featLayer == null)
                listView1.SmallImageList = new ImageList();

                //fl2 = featLayer as IFeatureLayer2;

                //get templates for the layer

                editTemplateMgr = Globals.GetEditTemplateManager(_featLayer);
                if (editTemplateMgr == null)

                //create listviewgroup for the layer
                lvg = new ListViewGroup(_featLayer.Name);

                //loop through each template for the layer and assign to listviewgroup
                for (int i = 0; i < editTemplateMgr.Count; i++)
                    IEditTemplate editTemplate = editTemplateMgr.get_EditTemplate(i);

                    //Create listviewitem for the template and populate
                    ListViewItem lvi = new ListViewItem(lvg);
                    lvi.Text = editTemplate.Name;
                    lvi.Tag  = editTemplate;
                    //if (_currentTemplate == null)
                    //    _currentTemplate = editTemplate;

                    //get the templates symbol as a bitmap
                    Bitmap bitmap = Globals.BitmapFromTemplate(editTemplate, this.listView1);

                    //add template bitmap to the listview's image list

                    int index = listView1.SmallImageList.Images.Add(bitmap, Color.Transparent);
                    lvi.ImageIndex = index;

                //sort listviewgroup by layer name
                ListViewGroup[] groupsArray = new ListViewGroup[listView1.Groups.Count];
                listView1.Groups.CopyTo(groupsArray, 0);
                System.Array.Sort(groupsArray, new ListViewGroupSorter(SortOrder.Ascending));
            catch { }
            finally { }
Пример #16
        void Events5_OnTemplateModified(IEditTemplate editTemplate)
            IEditor3 editor = ArcMap.Editor as IEditor3;

            editor.CurrentTemplate = editTemplate;
Пример #17
 public RankTemplate(double rank, IEditTemplate template)
     _rank     = rank;
     _template = template;
 public RankTemplate(double rank, IEditTemplate template)
     _rank = rank;
     _template = template;
        public static void UpdateMapUnitPolysFeatureTemplates(IWorkspace theWorkspace)
            // Get the MapUnitPolys Layer from the ToC
            IFeatureLayer theLayer = commonFunctions.FindFeatureLayer(theWorkspace, "MapUnitPolys");

            // If the layer was not found, don't try and update the templates!
            if (theLayer == null)

            // Get a reference to the template editor, remove current templates
            IEditor3 templateEditor = (IEditor3)ArcMap.Editor;


            // Get the DMU entries
            var sortedDmu = GetDmuSortedByHierarchy(theWorkspace);

            // Loop through the DMU, add templates to an array
            IArray templateArray = new ArrayClass();

            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, DescriptionOfMapUnitsAccess.DescriptionOfMapUnit> anEntry in sortedDmu)
                // Get this DMU entry
                DescriptionOfMapUnitsAccess.DescriptionOfMapUnit dmuEntry = anEntry.Value;

                // Build the template if this is not a heading
                if (dmuEntry.ParagraphStyle.Contains("Heading") == true)
                IEditTemplateFactory templateFactory = new EditTemplateFactoryClass();
                IEditTemplate        newTemplate     = templateFactory.Create(dmuEntry.MapUnit + " - " + dmuEntry.Name, (ILayer)theLayer);

                // Set the Template's default values
                newTemplate.SetDefaultValue("MapUnit", dmuEntry.MapUnit, false);
                newTemplate.SetDefaultValue("Label", dmuEntry.Label, false);
                newTemplate.SetDefaultValue("IdentityConfidence", "certain", false);

                // Set defaults for landslide types
                switch (anEntry.Value.Name)
                case "Rock Fall":
                    newTemplate.SetDefaultValue("MoveType", "Fall", false);
                    newTemplate.SetDefaultValue("MoveClass", "Rock Fall", false);
                    newTemplate.SetDefaultValue("MoveCode", "RF", false);

                case "Earth Fall":
                    newTemplate.SetDefaultValue("MoveType", "Fall", false);
                    newTemplate.SetDefaultValue("MoveClass", "Earth Fall", false);
                    newTemplate.SetDefaultValue("MoveCode", "EF", false);

                case "Debris Fall":
                    newTemplate.SetDefaultValue("MoveType", "Fall", false);
                    newTemplate.SetDefaultValue("MoveClass", "Debris Fall", false);
                    newTemplate.SetDefaultValue("MoveCode", "DF", false);

                case "Rock Flow":
                    newTemplate.SetDefaultValue("MoveType", "Flow", false);
                    newTemplate.SetDefaultValue("MoveClass", "Rock Flow", false);
                    newTemplate.SetDefaultValue("MoveCode", "RFL", false);

                case "Earth Flow":
                    newTemplate.SetDefaultValue("MoveType", "Flow", false);
                    newTemplate.SetDefaultValue("MoveClass", "Earth Flow", false);
                    newTemplate.SetDefaultValue("MoveCode", "EFL", false);

                case "Debris Flow":
                    newTemplate.SetDefaultValue("MoveType", "Flow", false);
                    newTemplate.SetDefaultValue("MoveClass", "Debris Flow", false);
                    newTemplate.SetDefaultValue("MoveCode", "DFL", false);

                case "Rock Topple":
                    newTemplate.SetDefaultValue("MoveType", "Topple", false);
                    newTemplate.SetDefaultValue("MoveClass", "Rock Topple", false);
                    newTemplate.SetDefaultValue("MoveCode", "RT", false);

                case "Debris Topple":
                    newTemplate.SetDefaultValue("MoveType", "Topple", false);
                    newTemplate.SetDefaultValue("MoveClass", "Debris Topple", false);
                    newTemplate.SetDefaultValue("MoveCode", "ET", false);

                case "Earth Topple":
                    newTemplate.SetDefaultValue("MoveType", "Topple", false);
                    newTemplate.SetDefaultValue("MoveClass", "Earth Topple", false);
                    newTemplate.SetDefaultValue("MoveCode", "ET", false);

                case "Rock Slide-rotational":
                    newTemplate.SetDefaultValue("MoveType", "Slide-rotational", false);
                    newTemplate.SetDefaultValue("MoveClass", "Rock Slide-rotational", false);
                    newTemplate.SetDefaultValue("MoveCode", "RS-R", false);

                case "Debris Slide-rotational":
                    newTemplate.SetDefaultValue("MoveType", "Slide-rotational", false);
                    newTemplate.SetDefaultValue("MoveClass", "Debris Slide-rotational", false);
                    newTemplate.SetDefaultValue("MoveCode", "DS-R", false);

                case "Earth Slide-rotational":
                    newTemplate.SetDefaultValue("MoveType", "Slide-rotational", false);
                    newTemplate.SetDefaultValue("MoveClass", "Earth Slide-rotational", false);
                    newTemplate.SetDefaultValue("MoveCode", "ES-R", false);

                case "Rock Slide-translational":
                    newTemplate.SetDefaultValue("MoveType", "Slide-translational", false);
                    newTemplate.SetDefaultValue("MoveClass", "Rock Slide-translational", false);
                    newTemplate.SetDefaultValue("MoveCode", "RS-T", false);

                case "Debris Slide-translational":
                    newTemplate.SetDefaultValue("MoveType", "Slide-translational", false);
                    newTemplate.SetDefaultValue("MoveClass", "Debris Slide-translational", false);
                    newTemplate.SetDefaultValue("MoveCode", "DS-T", false);

                case "Earth Slide-translational":
                    newTemplate.SetDefaultValue("MoveType", "Slide-translational", false);
                    newTemplate.SetDefaultValue("MoveClass", "Earth Slide-translational", false);
                    newTemplate.SetDefaultValue("MoveCode", "ES-T", false);

                case "Complex":
                    newTemplate.SetDefaultValue("MoveType", "Complex", false);
                    newTemplate.SetDefaultValue("MoveClass", "Complex, see notes", false);
                    newTemplate.SetDefaultValue("MoveCode", "Complex", false);

                case "Earth Slide-general":
                    newTemplate.SetDefaultValue("MoveType", "Slide-general", false);
                    newTemplate.SetDefaultValue("MoveClass", "Earth Slide-general", false);
                    newTemplate.SetDefaultValue("MoveCode", "ES-G", false);

                // Add the template to the array

            // Add one "UNLABELED" template
            IEditTemplateFactory unlabeledTemplateFactory = new EditTemplateFactoryClass();
            IEditTemplate        unlabeledTemplate        = unlabeledTemplateFactory.Create("UNLABELED", (ILayer)theLayer);

            unlabeledTemplate.SetDefaultValue("MapUnit", "UNLABELED", false);
            unlabeledTemplate.SetDefaultValue("Label", "UNLABELED", false);

            // Add the templates to the editor

            // Update the doc?
 private void btnOK_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
     if (listView1.SelectedItems.Count > 0)
         _currentTemplate = listView1.SelectedItems[0].Tag as IEditTemplate;
 void Events5_OnTemplateModified(IEditTemplate editTemplate)
     IEditor3 editor = ArcMap.Editor as IEditor3;
     editor.CurrentTemplate = editTemplate;
        void Events5_OnCurrentTemplateChanged(IEditTemplate editTemplate)
                _logHelper.addLogEntry(DateTime.Now.ToString(), "INFO", "Edit template changed.");

                if (editTemplate == null || editTemplate.Layer == null) return;
                if (editTemplate.Layer as IFeatureLayer == null) return;

                IFeatureLayer fLayer = editTemplate.Layer as IFeatureLayer;
                IFeatureClass fc;
                if ((fc = fLayer.FeatureClass) != null)
                    ESRI.ArcGIS.Geodatabase.IDataset dataset = (ESRI.ArcGIS.Geodatabase.IDataset)fc;
                    string tableName = GdbUtils.ParseTableName(dataset);

                    // -------------------------------------------------
                    // Checks for different feature types of interest.
                    // Show the appropriate dialogs for any that need it
                    // -------------------------------------------------

                    // -----------------------------
                    // Fiber
                    // -----------------------------
                    if (0 == string.Compare(ConfigUtil.FiberCableFtClassName, tableName, true))
                        // Is the current template chosen properly configured with default values...
                        // Needs number of buffer tubes and no of strands of fiber
                        if (editTemplate.get_DefaultValue(ConfigUtil.NumberOfBuffersFieldName) == null ||
                            editTemplate.get_DefaultValue(ConfigUtil.NumberOfFibersFieldName) == null)
                            IEditor3 editor = ArcMap.Editor as IEditor3;
                            editor.CurrentTemplate = null;
                            MessageBox.Show("Template item has not been configured with # Buffer Tubes or # Strands per Tube. \n\nRight click this item and change these values in the properties.\n\nCreate new template items in the 'Organize Templates' window at the top of this area.");
                            int buffers = (int)editTemplate.get_DefaultValue(ConfigUtil.NumberOfBuffersFieldName);
                            int fibers = (int)editTemplate.get_DefaultValue(ConfigUtil.NumberOfFibersFieldName);

                            FiberCableConfiguration cf = new FiberCableConfiguration(

                            _fiberCableHelper.FiberCableConfig = cf;

                        // Enable the configuration helper

                    // -----------------------------
                    // Fiber Devices
                    // -----------------------------
                    if (ConfigUtil.IsDeviceClassName(tableName))
                        // Is the current template chosen properly configured with default values...
                        // Needs number of buffer tubes and no of strands of fiber
                        if (editTemplate.get_DefaultValue(ConfigUtil.InputPortsFieldName) == null ||
                            editTemplate.get_DefaultValue(ConfigUtil.OutputPortsFieldName) == null)
                            IEditor3 editor = ArcMap.Editor as IEditor3;
                            editor.CurrentTemplate = null;
                            MessageBox.Show("Template item has not been configured with # Input Ports or # Output Ports. \n\nRight click this item and change these values in the properties.\n\nCreate new template items in the 'Organize Templates' window at the top of this area.");
                            int inputPorts = (int)editTemplate.get_DefaultValue(ConfigUtil.InputPortsFieldName);
                            int outputPorts = (int)editTemplate.get_DefaultValue(ConfigUtil.OutputPortsFieldName);

                            _fiberDeviceHelper.InputPorts = inputPorts;
                            _fiberDeviceHelper.OutputPorts = outputPorts;

            catch(Exception ex)
                _logHelper.addLogEntry(DateTime.Now.ToString(), "ERROR", "Error changing edit template.", ex.ToString());
        protected override void OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs arg)
            // Did they click the left mouse button?
            if (arg.Button == System.Windows.Forms.MouseButtons.Left)
                // Get some application environment variables set
                IMxApplication mxApp = (IMxApplication)ArcMap.Application;

                // Get the clicked location in map units
                IPoint clickedPoint = mxApp.Display.DisplayTransformation.ToMapPoint(arg.Location.X, arg.Location.Y);

                // If this is the first click on the map...
                switch (numberOfClicks)
                case 0:
                    // This is the first click, giving the location of the measurement.
                    measurementLocationX = clickedPoint.X;
                    measurementLocationY = clickedPoint.Y;

                    // Increment the click counter
                    numberOfClicks = 1;

                    // Change the cursor
                    System.Windows.Forms.Cursor firstCursor = new System.Windows.Forms.Cursor(GetType(), "Cursors.firstPointCursor.cur");
                    Cursor = firstCursor;


                case 1:
                    // This is the second click, giving the first end of the strike line, according to right-hand rule.
                    firstEndX = clickedPoint.X;
                    firstEndY = clickedPoint.Y;

                    // Increment the click counter
                    numberOfClicks = 2;

                    // Change the cursor
                    System.Windows.Forms.Cursor secondCursor = new System.Windows.Forms.Cursor(GetType(), "Cursors.SecondPointCursor.cur");
                    Cursor = secondCursor;


                case 2:
                    // This is the third click, giving the second end of the strike line, according to right-hand rule.
                    secondEndX = clickedPoint.X;
                    secondEndY = clickedPoint.Y;

                    // Increment the click counter
                    numberOfClicks = 3;

                    // Change the cursor
                    //base.m_cursor = Properties.Resources.GetDipCursor;

                    // Calculate the Strike from the two collected points
                    int theStrike = GetStrike(firstEndX, firstEndY, secondEndX, secondEndY);

                    // Get the dip input
                    int    theDip;
                    string inputValue = "";

                    if (genericForms.InputBox("Digitize Structure Points", "Please enter the dip value", ref inputValue) == DialogResult.OK)
                        // Make sure they entered a valid dip value
                        int  dipValue;
                        bool result = int.TryParse(inputValue, out dipValue);

                        if (result == true)
                            // inputValue is an integer
                            if (dipValue >= -90)
                                if (dipValue <= 90)
                                    // inputValue is in the appropriate range
                                    theDip = int.Parse(inputValue);
                                    goto getDipValue;
                                goto getDipValue;
                            goto getDipValue;
                        // In this case, the action was canceled during the dip input. Reset the counter, cursor, and exit the routine.
                        numberOfClicks = 0;
                        //base.m_cursor = Properties.Resources.firstPointCursor;

                    // Now we need to create the feature. First we'll find the current FeatureTemplate
                    IEditor3      templateEditor     = (IEditor3)ArcMap.Editor;
                    IEditTemplate theCurrentTemplate = templateEditor.CurrentTemplate;

                    // If they didn't select a template, they'll need to
                    if (theCurrentTemplate == null)
                        MessageBox.Show("Please select a feature template for the type of measurement that you're digitizing", "NCGMP Tools");
                        numberOfClicks = 0;
                        System.Windows.Forms.Cursor locCursor = new System.Windows.Forms.Cursor(GetType(), "Cursors.StationLocCursor.cur");
                        Cursor = locCursor;

                    // Make sure that the template puts features into the OrientationPoints FeatureClass
                    IFeatureClass templateFC = ((IFeatureLayer)theCurrentTemplate.Layer).FeatureClass;
                    if (templateFC.Equals(commonFunctions.OpenFeatureClass(ArcMap.Editor.EditWorkspace, "OrientationPoints")))
                            // Create a dummy feature and read in values from the feature template
                            IFeature tempFeature = templateFC.CreateFeature();

                            // Grab values from the dummy feature - the code is actually cleaner than grabbing the values from the FeatureTemplate
                            string StationID = "";
                            string Type      = tempFeature.get_Value(templateFC.FindField("Type")).ToString();
                            string IDConf    = tempFeature.get_Value(templateFC.FindField("IdentityConfidence")).ToString();
                            string Label     = tempFeature.get_Value(templateFC.FindField("Label")).ToString();
                            string Notes     = tempFeature.get_Value(templateFC.FindField("Notes")).ToString();

                            int  Plot;
                            bool result = int.TryParse(tempFeature.get_Value(templateFC.FindField("PlotAtScale")).ToString(), out Plot);

                            double OrientConf;
                            result = double.TryParse(tempFeature.get_Value(templateFC.FindField("OrientationConfidenceDegrees")).ToString(), out OrientConf);

                            int RuleID;
                            result = int.TryParse(tempFeature.get_Value(templateFC.FindField("RuleID")).ToString(), out RuleID);

                            string DataSourceID = commonFunctions.GetCurrentDataSourceID();

                            int SymbolRot = 360 - theStrike;

                            IPoint Shape = new PointClass();
                            Shape.X = measurementLocationX;
                            Shape.Y = measurementLocationY;

                            // Remove the temporary Feature

                            // Create the new feature
                            OrientationPointsAccess OdpAccess = new OrientationPointsAccess(ArcMap.Editor.EditWorkspace);
                            OdpAccess.NewOrientationPoint(StationID, Type, IDConf, Label, Plot, (double)theStrike, (double)theDip, OrientConf, Notes, DataSourceID, SymbolRot, RuleID, Shape);

                            // Refresh the Active View
                            ArcMap.Document.ActiveView.PartialRefresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewGeography, theCurrentTemplate.Layer, null);
                            MessageBox.Show("Create feature didn't work.", "NCGMP Tools");
                            numberOfClicks = 0;
                            System.Windows.Forms.Cursor locCursor = new System.Windows.Forms.Cursor(GetType(), "Cursors.StationLocCursor.cur");
                            Cursor = locCursor;
                        // User needs to select a relevant feature template
                        MessageBox.Show("Please select a valid feature template to digitize structural measurements.", "NCGMP Tools");

                    // Finished successfully, reset the counter and cursor
                    numberOfClicks = 0;
                    System.Windows.Forms.Cursor theLocCursor = new System.Windows.Forms.Cursor(GetType(), "Cursors.StationLocCursor.cur");
                    Cursor = theLocCursor;

                    // Don't do anything here, preventing any more input before the dip is entered and the counter resets