private void btnAccept_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { WeightRecord rec = new WeightRecord(); // OK to update profile? bool isOkToUpdate = true; // Validate weigh-in date. if (DataValidation.IsValidWeighInDate(dpDate)) { = (DateTime)dpDate.Value; txtDateMsg.Text = ""; } else { isOkToUpdate = false; txtDateMsg.Text = "Invalid date."; } // Validate start weight. if (DataValidation.IsValidWeight(tbWeight)) { rec.weight = Convert.ToDouble(tbWeight.Text); txtWeightMsg.Text = ""; } else { isOkToUpdate = false; txtWeightMsg.Text = "Weight must be greater than 0."; } if (isOkToUpdate) { // Data has been validated, store in db. WeightDB db = new WeightDB(); rec.daysOut = Convert.ToInt32(( - startDate).TotalDays); db.weightrecords.InsertOnSubmit(rec); db.SubmitChanges(); somaAdViewer.StopAds(); NavigationService.Navigate(new Uri("/MainPage.xaml", UriKind.Relative)); } }
public static void UpdateWeightDB(RemoteProfileRecordV2 pr) { // Load the weight db. WeightDB wdb = new WeightDB(); WeightRecord wr = null; try { // Retrieve the initial weigh-in (isStartWeight is true) and update. wr = (from rec in wdb.weightrecords where (rec.isStartWeight) select rec).First(); wr.weight = pr.startweight; } catch { // No existing WeightDB. Insert a new record. wr = new WeightRecord(); = DailyCalories.GetToday(); wr.weight = pr.startweight; wr.isStartWeight = true; wdb.weightrecords.InsertOnSubmit(wr); } // Submit changes to WeightDB. wdb.SubmitChanges(); }