Пример #1
        public static IDL GetDL()
            string dlPackageName = "DLXML";
            string dlNameSpace   = "DL";
            string dlClass       = "DLXML";


            Type type;

            type = Type.GetType($"{dlNameSpace}.{dlClass}, {dlPackageName}", true);

            IDL dal = type.GetProperty("Instance", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static).GetValue(null) as IDL;

        public Configuration()
            IDL dlObject = DL.Factory.GetDL("lists");
            Dictionary <string, object> config = dlObject.getConfig();

            MinimumTesterAge                = (int)config["MinimumTesterAge"];
            MinimumTraineeAge               = (int)config["MinimumTraineeAge"];
            MaximumTestersAge               = (int)config["MaximumTestersAge"];
            DaysIntervalBetweenTests        = (int)config["DaysIntervalBetweenTests"];
            MinimumNumberOfLessons          = (int)config["MinimumNumberOfLessons"];
            BeginningSerialTestNumber       = (int)config["BeginningSerialTestNumber"];
            MinimumPercentsOfPositiveGrades = (int)config["MinimumPercentsOfPositiveGrades"];
            TimeTestersBeginToWork          = (int)config["TimeTestersBeginToWork"];
            DaysBeforeTestATestCanBeDeleted = (int)config["DaysBeforeTestATestCanBeDeleted"];

            UpdateTime  = DateTime.Now;
            Initialized = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// The function creates Dal tier implementation object according to Dal type
        /// as appears in "dal" element in the configuration file config.xml.<br/>
        /// The configuration file also includes element "dal-packages" with list
        /// of available packages (.dll files) per Dal type.<br/>
        /// Each Dal package must use "Dal" namespace and it must include internal access
        /// singleton class with the same name as package's name.<br/>
        /// The singleton class must include public static property called "Instance"
        /// which must contain the single instance of the class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Dal tier implementation object</returns>
        public static IDL GetDL()
            // get dal implementation name from config.xml according to <data> element
            string dlType = DLConfig.DLName;

            // bring package name (dll file name) for the dal name (above) from the list of packages in config.xml
            DLConfig.DLPackage dlPackage;
            try // get dal package info according to <dal> element value in config file
                dlPackage = DLConfig.DLPackages[dlType];
            catch (KeyNotFoundException ex)
                // if package name is not found in the list - there is a problem in config.xml
                throw new DLConfigException($"Wrong DL type: {dlType}", ex);
            string dlPackageName = dlPackage.PkgName;
            string dlNameSpace   = dlPackage.NameSpace;
            string dlClass       = dlPackage.ClassName;

            try // Load into CLR the dal implementation assembly according to dll file name (taken above)//
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw new DLConfigException($"Failed loading {dlPackageName}.dll", ex);

            // Get concrete Dal implementation's class metadata object
            // 1st element in the list inside the string is full class name:
            //    namespace = "Dal" or as specified in the "namespace" attribute in the config file,
            //    class name = package name or as specified in the "class" attribute in the config file
            //    the last requirement (class name = package name) is not mandatory in general - but this is the way it
            //    is configured per the implementation here, otherwise we'd need to add class name in addition to package
            //    name in the config.xml file - which is clearly a good option.
            //    NB: the class may not be public - it will still be found... Our approach that the implemntation class
            //        should hold "internal" access permission (which is actually the default access permission)
            // 2nd element is the package name = assembly name (as above)
            Type type;

                type = Type.GetType($"{dlNameSpace}.{dlClass}, {dlPackageName}", true);
            catch (Exception ex)
            { // If the type is not found - the implementation is not correct - it looks like the class name is wrong...
                throw new DLConfigException($"Class not found due to a wrong namespace or/and class name: {dlPackageName}:{dlNameSpace}.{dlClass}", ex);
            // *** Get concrete Dal implementation's Instance
            // Get property info for public static property named "Instance" (in the dal implementation class- taken above)
            // If the property is not found or it's not public or not static then it is not properly implemented
            // as a Singleton...
            // Get the value of the property Instance (get function is automatically called by the system)
            // Since the property is static - the object parameter is irrelevant for the GetValue() function and we can use null
                IDL dal = type.GetProperty("Instance", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static).GetValue(null) as IDL;
                // If the instance property is not initialized (i.e. it does not hold a real instance reference)...
                if (dal == null)
                    throw new DLConfigException($"Class {dlNameSpace}.{dlClass} instance is not initialized");
                // now it looks like we have appropriate dal implementation instance :-)
            catch (NullReferenceException ex)
                throw new DLConfigException($"Class {dlNameSpace}.{dlClass} is not a singleton", ex);
Пример #4
 /// <summary>
 /// 处理简单的删除聚合根的操作。
 /// </summary>
 /// <typeparam name="TAggregateRoot">需要删除的聚合根的类型。</typeparam>
 /// <param name="ids">需要删除的聚合根的ID值列表。</param>
 /// <param name="repository">应用于指定聚合根类型的仓储实例。</param>
 /// <param name="preDelete">在指定聚合根被删除前,对所需删除的聚合根的ID值进行处理的回调函数。</param>
 /// <param name="postDelete">在指定聚合根被删除后,对所需删除的聚合根的ID值进行处理的回调函数。</param>
 protected void PerformDeleteObjects <TAggregateRoot>(IDL ist ids, IRepository <TAggregateRoot> repository, Action <Guid> preDelete = null, Action <Guid> postDelete = null)
 /// <summary>
 /// Static constructor
 /// </summary>
 static Config()
     dl     = DLFactory.GetDL();
     lineId = dl.GetAllLines().Count();