IEnumerator DogfightCompetitionModeRoutine(float distance) { competitionStarting = true; competitionStatus = "Competition: Pilots are taking off."; Dictionary <BDArmorySetup.BDATeams, List <IBDAIControl> > pilots = new Dictionary <BDArmorySetup.BDATeams, List <IBDAIControl> >(); pilots.Add(BDArmorySetup.BDATeams.A, new List <IBDAIControl>()); pilots.Add(BDArmorySetup.BDATeams.B, new List <IBDAIControl>()); List <Vessel> .Enumerator loadedVessels = BDATargetManager.LoadedVessels.GetEnumerator(); while (loadedVessels.MoveNext()) { if (loadedVessels.Current == null) { continue; } if (!loadedVessels.Current.loaded) { continue; } IBDAIControl pilot = null; IEnumerator <IBDAIControl> ePilots = loadedVessels.Current.FindPartModulesImplementing <IBDAIControl>().AsEnumerable().GetEnumerator(); while (ePilots.MoveNext()) { pilot = ePilots.Current; break; } ePilots.Dispose(); if (pilot == null || !pilot.weaponManager) { continue; } pilots[BDATargetManager.BoolToTeam(].Add(pilot); pilot.CommandTakeOff(); if (pilot.weaponManager.guardMode) { pilot.weaponManager.ToggleGuardMode(); } } loadedVessels.Dispose(); //clear target database so pilots don't attack yet BDATargetManager.ClearDatabase(); if (pilots[BDArmorySetup.BDATeams.A].Count == 0 || pilots[BDArmorySetup.BDATeams.B].Count == 0) { Debug.Log("[BDArmory]: Unable to start competition mode - one or more teams is empty"); competitionStatus = "Competition: Failed! One or more teams is empty."; yield return(new WaitForSeconds(2)); competitionStarting = false; yield break; } IBDAIControl aLeader = pilots[BDArmorySetup.BDATeams.A][0]; IBDAIControl bLeader = pilots[BDArmorySetup.BDATeams.B][0]; aLeader.weaponManager.wingCommander.CommandAllFollow(); bLeader.weaponManager.wingCommander.CommandAllFollow(); //wait till the leaders are ready to engage (airborne for PilotAI) while (aLeader != null && bLeader != null && (!aLeader.CanEngage() || !bLeader.CanEngage())) { yield return(null); } if (aLeader == null || bLeader == null) { StopCompetition(); } competitionStatus = "Competition: Sending pilots to start position."; Vector3 aDirection = Vector3.ProjectOnPlane(aLeader.vessel.CoM - bLeader.vessel.CoM, aLeader.vessel.upAxis).normalized; Vector3 bDirection = Vector3.ProjectOnPlane(bLeader.vessel.CoM - aLeader.vessel.CoM, bLeader.vessel.upAxis).normalized; Vector3 center = (aLeader.vessel.CoM + bLeader.vessel.CoM) / 2f; Vector3 aDestination = center + (aDirection * (distance + 1250f)); Vector3 bDestination = center + (bDirection * (distance + 1250f)); aDestination = VectorUtils.WorldPositionToGeoCoords(aDestination, FlightGlobals.currentMainBody); bDestination = VectorUtils.WorldPositionToGeoCoords(bDestination, FlightGlobals.currentMainBody); aLeader.CommandFlyTo(aDestination); bLeader.CommandFlyTo(bDestination); Vector3 centerGPS = VectorUtils.WorldPositionToGeoCoords(center, FlightGlobals.currentMainBody); //wait till everyone is in position bool waiting = true; while (waiting) { waiting = false; if (aLeader == null || bLeader == null) { StopCompetition(); } if (Vector3.Distance(aLeader.transform.position, bLeader.transform.position) < distance * 1.95f) { waiting = true; } else { Dictionary <BDArmorySetup.BDATeams, List <IBDAIControl> > .KeyCollection.Enumerator keys = pilots.Keys.GetEnumerator(); while (keys.MoveNext()) { List <IBDAIControl> .Enumerator ePilots = pilots[keys.Current].GetEnumerator(); while (ePilots.MoveNext()) { if (ePilots.Current == null) { continue; } if (ePilots.Current.currentCommand != PilotCommands.Follow || !(Vector3.ProjectOnPlane( ePilots.Current.vessel.CoM - ePilots.Current.commandLeader.vessel.CoM, VectorUtils.GetUpDirection(ePilots.Current.commandLeader.vessel.transform.position) ).sqrMagnitude > 1000f * 1000f)) { continue; } competitionStatus = "Competition: Waiting for teams to get in position."; waiting = true; } ePilots.Dispose(); } keys.Dispose(); } yield return(null); } //start the match Dictionary <BDArmorySetup.BDATeams, List <IBDAIControl> > .KeyCollection.Enumerator pKeys = pilots.Keys.GetEnumerator(); while (pKeys.MoveNext()) { List <IBDAIControl> .Enumerator pPilots = pilots[pKeys.Current].GetEnumerator(); while (pPilots.MoveNext()) { if (pPilots.Current == null) { continue; } //enable guard mode if (!pPilots.Current.weaponManager.guardMode) { pPilots.Current.weaponManager.ToggleGuardMode(); } //report all vessels if (BDATargetManager.BoolToTeam( == BDArmorySetup.BDATeams.B) { BDATargetManager.ReportVessel(pPilots.Current.vessel, aLeader.weaponManager); } else { BDATargetManager.ReportVessel(pPilots.Current.vessel, bLeader.weaponManager); } //release command pPilots.Current.ReleaseCommand(); pPilots.Current.CommandAttack(centerGPS); } } pKeys.Dispose(); competitionStatus = "Competition starting! Good luck!"; yield return(new WaitForSeconds(2)); competitionStarting = false; }
IEnumerator CommandPosition(IBDAIControl wingman, PilotCommands command) { if (focusIndexes.Count == 0 && !commandSelf) { yield break; } DisplayScreenMessage(Localizer.Format("#LOC_BDArmory_WingCommander_ScreenMessage"));//"Select target coordinates.\nRight-click to cancel." if (command == PilotCommands.FlyTo) { waitingForFlytoPos = true; } else if (command == PilotCommands.Attack) { waitingForAttackPos = true; } yield return(null); bool waitingForPos = true; drawMouseDiamond = true; while (waitingForPos) { if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(1)) { break; } if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) { Vector3 mousePos = new Vector3(Input.mousePosition.x / Screen.width, Input.mousePosition.y / Screen.height, 0); Plane surfPlane = new Plane(vessel.upAxis, vessel.transform.position - (vessel.altitude * vessel.upAxis)); Ray ray = FlightCamera.fetch.mainCamera.ViewportPointToRay(mousePos); float dist; if (surfPlane.Raycast(ray, out dist)) { Vector3 worldPoint = ray.GetPoint(dist); Vector3d gps = VectorUtils.WorldPositionToGeoCoords(worldPoint, vessel.mainBody); if (command == PilotCommands.FlyTo) { wingman.CommandFlyTo(gps); } else if (command == PilotCommands.Attack) { wingman.CommandAttack(gps); } StartCoroutine(CommandPositionGUIRoutine(wingman, new GPSTargetInfo(gps, command.ToString()))); } break; } yield return(null); } waitingForAttackPos = false; waitingForFlytoPos = false; drawMouseDiamond = false; ScreenMessages.RemoveMessage(screenMessage); }