Пример #1
        public void OnActivate(IObjAiBase unit, IBuff buff, ISpell ownerSpell)
            var    champ    = unit as IChampion;
            string dashBase = "Yasuo_Base_E_Dash.troy";
            string dashHit  = "Yasuo_Base_E_dash_hit.troy";

            //Skine göre kostüm
            if (champ.Skin == 2)
                dashBase = "Yasuo_Skin1_E_Dash.troy";
                dashHit  = "Yasuo_Skin1_E_dash_hit.troy";

            CreateTimer(0.03f, () =>
                unit.IsCastingSpell = true;

            CreateTimer(2 * buff.Duration / 3, () =>
                unit.IsCastingSpell = false;

            AddParticleTarget(unit, dashBase, unit);
            AddParticleTarget(unit, dashHit, target);
            var to = Vector2.Normalize(target.GetPosition() - unit.GetPosition());

            ownerSpell.DashToLocation(unit, target.X + to.X * 300f, target.Y + to.Y * 300f, 1100f, false, "SPELL3");
        public void OnActivate(IObjAiBase unit, IBuff buff, ISpell ownerSpell)
            var time   = 0.6f - ownerSpell.Level * 0.1f;
            var damage = 50f + ownerSpell.Level * 20f + unit.Stats.AbilityPower.Total * 0.6f;

            AddParticleTarget(unit, "Yasuo_Base_E_Dash.troy", unit);
            AddParticleTarget(unit, "Yasuo_Base_E_dash_hit.troy", target);
            var to = Vector2.Normalize(target.GetPosition() - unit.GetPosition());

            DashToLocation(unit, target.X + to.X * 175f, target.Y + to.Y * 175f, 750f + unit.Stats.MoveSpeed.Total * 0.6f, false, "SPELL3");
            target.TakeDamage(unit, damage, DamageType.DAMAGE_TYPE_MAGICAL, DamageSource.DAMAGE_SOURCE_SPELL, false);