Пример #1
        public void selEdge(string promt, SelectionFilterEnum filter)
            PartFeature pf = CmdMgr.Pick(filter, promt) as PartFeature;
            HoleFeature hf = pf as HoleFeature;

            if (hf == null)
            //ICollection<Edge> col = null;
            foreach (Face item in hf.SideFaces)
                Edge ed = checkBox1.Checked ? item.Edges[2] : item.Edges[1];
//             System.Collections.IEnumerator en = PartCompDef.Features.GetEnumerator();
//             en.Reset();
//             while(en.Current != null)
//             {
//                en.
//             }
            PartCompDef = hf.Parent as PartComponentDefinition;
//             for (int i = 1; i < PartCompDef.Features.Count; i++)
//          {
//                 MirrorFeature mf = PartCompDef.Features[i] as MirrorFeature;
//                 if (mf == null) continue;
//                 HoleFeature holeF = PartCompDef.Features[i - 1] as HoleFeature;
//                 if (hf == null)
//                     holeF = PartCompDef.Features[i - 2] as HoleFeature;
//                 else
//                     continue;
//                 foreach (PartFeature item in mf.ParentFeatures)
//                 {
//                     if (item is HoleFeature && holeF.Equals(item))
//                     {
//                         if (mf.Faces[1].SurfaceType == SurfaceTypeEnum.kCylinderSurface)
//                             edges.Add(mf.Faces[1].Edges[1]);
//                     }
//                 }
//          }
            foreach (MirrorFeature item in PartCompDef.Features.MirrorFeatures)
                foreach (PartFeature m in item.ParentFeatures)
                    if (m.Equals(hf))
                        if (item.Faces[1].SurfaceType != SurfaceTypeEnum.kCylinderSurface)
                        Edge ed = checkBox1.Checked ? item.Faces[1].Edges[2] : item.Faces[1].Edges[1];
Пример #2
        private void createPart2()
            // create a new part
            PartDocument            oDoc = (PartDocument)mApp.Documents.Add(DocumentTypeEnum.kPartDocumentObject);
            PartComponentDefinition oDef = oDoc.ComponentDefinition;

            TransientGeometry oTG = mApp.TransientGeometry;

            // create sketch elements
            PlanarSketch oSketch = oDef.Sketches.Add(oDef.WorkPlanes[3]);

            oSketch.SketchLines.AddAsTwoPointRectangle(oTG.CreatePoint2d(-5, -5), oTG.CreatePoint2d(5, 5));

            SketchPoint oSketchPt = oSketch.SketchPoints.Add(oTG.CreatePoint2d(0, 0));

            Profile oProfile = oSketch.Profiles.AddForSolid();
            // create a plate with a hole feature
            ExtrudeDefinition oExtrudDef = oDef.Features.ExtrudeFeatures.CreateExtrudeDefinition(oProfile, PartFeatureOperationEnum.kJoinOperation);

            oExtrudDef.SetDistanceExtent(1, PartFeatureExtentDirectionEnum.kPositiveExtentDirection);
            ExtrudeFeature oExtrudeF = oDef.Features.ExtrudeFeatures.Add(oExtrudDef);

            // Create an object collection for the hole center points.
            ObjectCollection oHoleCenters = default(ObjectCollection);

            oHoleCenters = mApp.TransientObjects.CreateObjectCollection();


            // create hole feature
            HolePlacementDefinition oHPdef = (HolePlacementDefinition)oDef.Features.HoleFeatures.CreateSketchPlacementDefinition(oHoleCenters);

            HoleFeature oHoleF = oDef.Features.HoleFeatures.AddDrilledByThroughAllExtent(oHPdef, "2", PartFeatureExtentDirectionEnum.kNegativeExtentDirection);

            Face         oFace   = oHoleF.SideFaces[1];
            AttributeSet oAttSet = default(AttributeSet);

            Inventor.Attribute oAtt = null;
            oAttSet = oFace.AttributeSets.Add("demoAttset");
            oAtt    = oAttSet.Add("demoAtt", ValueTypeEnum.kStringType, "namedEdge");
            if (System.IO.File.Exists("c:\temp\test2.ipt"))

            oDoc.SaveAs("c:\\temp\\test2.ipt", false);
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        ///  creation of hole tables in a drawing.
        /// Select a drawing view that contains holes and run the following sample
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks></remarks>
        public void CreateHoleTables()
            // Set a reference to the drawing document.
            // This assumes a drawing document is active.
            DrawingDocument oDrawDoc = (DrawingDocument)_InvApplication.ActiveDocument;

            // Set a reference to the active sheet.
            Sheet oActiveSheet = oDrawDoc.ActiveSheet;

            // Set a reference to the drawing view.
            // This assumes that a drawing view is selected.
            DrawingView oDrawingView = oDrawDoc.SelectSet[1];

            // Create origin indicator if it has not been already created.
            if (!oDrawingView.HasOriginIndicator)
                // Create point intent to anchor the origin to.
                GeometryIntent oDimIntent   = null;
                Point2d        oPointIntent = null;

                // Get the first curve on the view
                DrawingCurve oCurve = oDrawingView.get_DrawingCurves()[1];

                // Check if it has a strt point
                oPointIntent = oCurve.StartPoint;

                if (oPointIntent == null)
                    // Else use the center point
                    oPointIntent = oCurve.CenterPoint;

                oDimIntent = oActiveSheet.CreateGeometryIntent(oCurve, oPointIntent);


            Point2d oPlacementPoint = null;

            // Set a reference to th sheet's border
            Inventor.Border oBorder = oActiveSheet.Border;

            if ((oBorder != null))
                // A border exists. The placement point
                // is the top-left corner of the border.
                oPlacementPoint = _InvApplication.TransientGeometry.CreatePoint2d(oBorder.RangeBox.MinPoint.X, oBorder.RangeBox.MaxPoint.Y);
                // There is no border. The placement point
                // is the top-left corner of the sheet.
                oPlacementPoint = _InvApplication.TransientGeometry.CreatePoint2d(0, oActiveSheet.Height);

            // Create a 'view' hole table
            // This hole table includes all holes as specified by the active hole table style
            HoleTable oViewHoleTable = default(HoleTable);

            oViewHoleTable = oActiveSheet.HoleTables.Add(oDrawingView, oPlacementPoint);

            oPlacementPoint.X = oActiveSheet.Width / 2;

            // Create a 'feature type' hole table
            // This hole table includes specified hole types only
            HoleTable oFeatureHoleTable = oActiveSheet.HoleTables.AddByFeatureType(oDrawingView, oPlacementPoint, true, true, true, true, false, false, false);

            //add a new row

            // get the model document
            Document oModelDoc = oDrawingView.ReferencedDocumentDescriptor.ReferencedDocument;

            HoleFeature oHoleF = null;

            if (oModelDoc.DocumentType == DocumentTypeEnum.kAssemblyDocumentObject)
                AssemblyDocument            oRefAssDoc = (AssemblyDocument)oModelDoc;
                AssemblyComponentDefinition oAssDef    = oRefAssDoc.ComponentDefinition;

                if (oAssDef.Features.HoleFeatures.Count > 0)
                    //as a demo: get the first hole feature
                    oHoleF = oAssDef.Features.HoleFeatures[1];
            else if (oModelDoc.DocumentType == DocumentTypeEnum.kPartDocumentObject)
                PartDocument            oRefPartDoc = (PartDocument)oModelDoc;
                PartComponentDefinition oPartDef    = oRefPartDoc.ComponentDefinition;

                if (oPartDef.Features.HoleFeatures.Count > 0)
                    //as a demo: get the first hole feature
                    oHoleF = oPartDef.Features.HoleFeatures[1];

            // add a new row to the hole table
            if ((oHoleF != null))
                DrawingCurvesEnumerator oHoleCurves = oDrawingView.get_DrawingCurves(oHoleF);
                if (oHoleCurves.Count > 0)