Пример #1
        private double[,] MockImageEffect(HeightMap h)
            var result = h.Clone();

            h.ForEach((r, c) => { result[r, c] = 1 - result[r, c]; });
Пример #2
        private double[,] MockImageEffect(HeightMap h, double intensity)
            var result = h.Clone();

            h.ForEach((r, c) => { result[r, c] = result[r, c] * intensity; });
        private double[,] MockImageEffect(HeightMap h, double brightness)
            var result = h.Clone();

            h.ForEach((r, c) => { result[r, c] = result[r, c] + brightness; });
Пример #4
        private static HeightMap MockBlendMode(HeightMap a, HeightMap b)
            var result = a.Clone();

            result.ForEach((r, c) => {
                result[r, c] += b.IsInRange(r, c) ? b[r, c] : 0;
Пример #5
        private double[,] MockImageEffect(HeightMap h, double gamma)
            var result = h.Clone();

            double gammaCorrection = 1 / gamma;

            h.ForEach((r, c) => { result[r, c] = Math.Pow(result[r, c], gammaCorrection); });
Пример #6
        private HeightMap MockImageEffect(HeightMap h)
            var result = h.Clone();

            h.ForEach((r, c) => {
                result[r, c] += 0.1d;

Пример #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Change the brightness of the given heightmap
        /// </summary>
        public HeightMap Calculate(HeightMap heightMap)
            var result = heightMap.Clone();

            result.ForEach((r, c) => {
                result[r, c] = result[r, c] + Brightness;

Пример #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Change the intensity of the given heightmap
        /// </summary>
        public HeightMap Calculate(HeightMap heightMap)
            var result = heightMap.Clone();

            result.ForEach((r, c) => {
                result[r, c] = result[r, c] * Intensity;

Пример #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Perform the blending.
        /// </summary>
        public HeightMap Blend(HeightMap left, HeightMap right)
            var result = left.Clone();

            result.ForEach((r, c) => {
                result[r, c] *= right.IsInRange(r, c) ? right[r, c] : 0d;

Пример #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Invert given heightmap
        /// </summary>
        public HeightMap Calculate(HeightMap heightMap)
            var inverted = heightMap.Clone();

            inverted.ForEach((r, c) =>
                inverted[r, c] = 1 - inverted[r, c];

Пример #11
        private double[,] MockImageEffect(HeightMap h, double brightness)
            const double High = 259d;
            const double Low  = 255d;

            double F = (High * (brightness + Low)) / (Low * (High - brightness));

            var result = h.Clone();

            h.ForEach((r, c) => { result[r, c] = F * (result[r, c] - 0.5d) + 0.5d; });
Пример #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Perform the blending.
        /// </summary>
        public HeightMap Blend(HeightMap left, HeightMap right)
            var result = left.Clone();

            result.ForEach((r, c) => {
                var a        = result[r, c];
                var b        = right.IsInRange(r, c) ? right[r, c] : 1d;
                result[r, c] = Math.Min(a, b);

Пример #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Change the contrast of the given heightmap
        /// </summary>
        public HeightMap Calculate(HeightMap heightMap)
            var result = heightMap.Clone();

            double F = (High * (Contrast + Low)) / (Low * (High - Contrast));

            result.ForEach((r, c) => {
                result[r, c] = F * (result[r, c] - 0.5d) + 0.5d;

Пример #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Change the gamma of the given heightmap
        /// </summary>
        public HeightMap Calculate(HeightMap heightMap)
            var result = heightMap.Clone();

            double gammaCorrection = 1 / Gamma;

            result.ForEach((r, c) => {
                result[r, c] = Math.Pow(result[r, c], gammaCorrection);

Пример #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Perform the blending.
        /// </summary>
        public HeightMap Blend(HeightMap left, HeightMap right)
            var result = left.Clone();

            result.ForEach((r, c) => {
                var a        = result[r, c];
                var b        = right.IsInRange(r, c) ? right[r, c] : 0d;
                var ab       = a - b;
                var ba       = b - a;
                result[r, c] = ba > 0 ? ba : ab;

Пример #16
        public void Clone_ChangingClonePropertiesDoesNotChangeParent()
            // Arrange
            var source = new double[, ] {
                { 1d, 2d }, { 3d, 4d }
            var map   = new HeightMap(source);
            var clone = map.Clone();

            // Act
            clone.SetValue(1, 1, 99d);

            // Assert
            Assert.NotEqual(map.Data[1, 1], clone.Data[1, 1]);
            Assert.Equal(99d, clone.Data[1, 1]);
Пример #17
        public void Clone_ReturnsHeightMapWithExactlySameProperties()
            // Arrange
            var source = new double[, ] {
                { 1d, 2d }, { 3d, 4d }
            var expected = new HeightMap(source);

            // Act
            var actual = expected.Clone();

            // Assert
            Assert.Equal(expected.Height, actual.Height);
            Assert.Equal(expected.Width, actual.Width);
            Assert.Equal(expected.MinHeight, actual.MinHeight);
            Assert.Equal(expected.MaxHeight, actual.MaxHeight);
            Assert.Equal(expected.Data, actual.Data);
Пример #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Perform the blending.
        /// </summary>
        public HeightMap Blend(HeightMap left, HeightMap right)
            var result = left.Clone();

            result.ForEach((r, c) => {
                var a = result[r, c];
                var b = right.IsInRange(r, c) ? right[r, c] : 0d;

                if (a < 0.5)
                    result[r, c] = 2 * a * b;
                    result[r, c] = 1 - (2 * (1 - a) * (1 - b));

Пример #19
    public static HeightMap Erode(HeightMap map, int erosions,
                                  float inertia      = 0.3f, float gravity          = -9.81f,
                                  float minSlope     = 0.01f, float capacity        = 8,
                                  float maxSteps     = 500, float evaporation       = 0.02f,
                                  float erosion      = 0.7f, float deposition       = 0.2f,
                                  int radius         = 2, float minSedimentCapacity = 0.01f,
                                  float smoothFactor = 2)
        HeightMap simulator = map.Clone();
        HeightMap changes   = new HeightMap(map.size);

        for (int d = 0; d < erosions; d++)
            Vector2 pos      = new Vector2(Random.Range(0, map.size), Random.Range(0, map.size));
            Vector2 dir      = grad(map, pos.x, pos.y);
            float   vel      = 1;
            float   water    = 1;
            float   sediment = 0;

            for (int s = 0; s < maxSteps; s++)
                int   x = Mathf.FloorToInt(pos.x);
                int   y = Mathf.FloorToInt(pos.y);
                float u = pos.x % 1.0f;
                float v = pos.y % 1.0f;

                float   currHeight = fracHeight(simulator, pos.x, pos.y);
                Vector2 gradient   = grad(simulator, pos.x, pos.y);

                dir = new Vector2(dir.x * inertia - gradient.x * (1 - inertia), dir.y * inertia - gradient.y * (1 - inertia));

                if (dir.x == 0 && dir.y == 0)
                    dir = new Vector2(Random.Range(0, 1), Random.Range(0, 1));


                Vector2 newPos = pos + dir;

                //Debug.Log("currently at " + pos.x + ", " + pos.y + ", height " + currHeight);
                //Debug.Log("Direction is " + dir.x + ", " + dir.y);
                //Debug.Log("new pos is " + newPos.x + ", " + newPos.y);

                if (simulator.OutOfBounds(Mathf.FloorToInt(newPos.x), Mathf.FloorToInt(newPos.y)) || simulator.OutOfBounds(Mathf.CeilToInt(newPos.x), Mathf.CeilToInt(newPos.y)))

                float diff = fracHeight(simulator, newPos.x, newPos.y) - fracHeight(simulator, pos.x, pos.y);

                float sedimentCapacity = Mathf.Max(-diff * vel * water * capacity, minSedimentCapacity);

                //Debug.Log("Diff " + diff + ", capacity " + sedimentCapacity);

                if (diff > 0 || sediment > sedimentCapacity)
                    float amount = diff > 0 ? Mathf.Min(sediment, diff) : (sediment - sedimentCapacity) * deposition;

                    //Debug.Log("amount " + amount);
                    //Debug.Log("diff " + diff + ", sediment " + sediment + ", capacity " + sedimentCapacity);

                    changes[x, y]   += amount * (1 - u) * (1 - v);
                    simulator[x, y] += amount * (1 - u) * (1 - v);
                    // simulator.Set(x, y, simulator.Get(x, y) + amount * (1-u) * (1-v));
                    // changes.Set(x, y, changes.Get(x, y) + amount * (1-u) * (1-v));

                    if (x + 1 < map.size)
                        changes[x + 1, y]   += amount * u * (1 - v);
                        simulator[x + 1, y] += amount * u * (1 - v);
                        //simulator.Set(x+1, y, simulator.Get(x+1, y) + amount * u * (1-v));
                        // changes.Set(x+1, y, changes.Get(x+1, y) + amount * u * (1-v));
                    if (y + 1 < map.size)
                        changes[x, y + 1]   += amount * (1 - u) * v;
                        simulator[x, y + 1] += amount * (1 - u) * v;
                        // changes.Set(x, y+1, changes.Get(x, y+1) + amount * (1-u) * v);
                        // simulator.Set(x, y+1, simulator.Get(x, y+1) + amount * (1-u) * v);

                        if (x + 1 < map.size)
                            changes[x + 1, y + 1]   += amount * u * v;
                            simulator[x + 1, y + 1] += amount * u * v;
                            // changes.Set(x+1, y+1, changes.Get(x+1, y+1) + amount * u * v);
                            // simulator.Set(x+1, y+1, simulator.Get(x+1, y+1) + amount * u * v);

                    sediment -= amount;
                    float amount = Mathf.Min((sedimentCapacity - sediment) * erosion, -diff);

                    changes[x, y]   -= amount * (1 - u) * (1 - v);
                    simulator[x, y] -= amount * (1 - u) * (1 - v);
                    // simulator.Set(x, y, simulator.Get(x, y) - amount * (1-u) * (1-v));
                    // changes.Set(x, y, changes.Get(x, y) - amount * (1-u) * (1-v));

                    if (x + 1 < map.size)
                        changes[x + 1, y]   -= amount * u * (1 - v);
                        simulator[x + 1, y] -= amount * u * (1 - v);
                        // simulator.Set(x+1, y, simulator.Get(x+1, y) - amount * u * (1-v));
                        // changes.Set(x+1, y, changes.Get(x+1, y) - amount * u * (1-v));
                    if (y + 1 < map.size)
                        changes[x, y + 1] -= amount * (1 - u) * v;
                        // changes.Set(x, y+1, changes.Get(x, y+1) - amount * (1-u) * v);
                        simulator[x, y + 1] -= amount * (1 - u) * v;
                        //simulator.Set(x, y+1, simulator.Get(x, y+1) - amount * (1-u) * v);

                        if (x + 1 < map.size)
                            changes[x + 1, y + 1] -= amount * u * v;
                            //changes.Set(x+1, y+1, changes.Get(x+1, y+1) - amount * u * v);
                            simulator[x + 1, y + 1] -= amount * u * v;
                            //simulator.Set(x+1, y+1, simulator.Get(x+1, y+1) - amount * u * v);

                    sediment += amount;

                vel = Mathf.Sqrt(Mathf.Max(Mathf.Pow(vel, 2) + diff * gravity, 0));

                if (vel == 0)

                water *= (1 - evaporation);
                pos    = newPos;

        for (int y = 0; y < map.size; y++)
            for (int x = 0; x < map.size; x++)
                changes[x, y] /= smoothFactor;
                //Debug.Log(changes.Get(x, y));

        HeightMap eroded = map + changes;
