private static void Harass() { if (HarassOption.HasEnouguMana()) { var target = HarassOption.GetTarget(R.Range); if (target.IsValidTarget(R.Range)) { if (HarassOption.UseR && R.Ready && R.GetBasicSpell().Ammo >= HarassOption.GetSlider("HarassRLimit").Value&& target.IsValidTarget(R.Range)) { var rPred = R.GetPrediction(target); if (rPred.HitChance >= HitChance.High) { R.Cast(rPred.UnitPosition); } } if (HarassOption.UseQ && Q.Ready && target.IsValidTarget(Q.Range)) { var qPred = Q.GetPrediction(target); if (qPred.HitChance >= HitChance.High) { Q.Cast(qPred.CastPosition); } } if (HarassOption.UseE && E.Ready && target.IsValidAutoRange()) { E.Cast(); } } } }
private static void Harass() { if (HarassOption.HasEnouguMana()) { var target = HarassOption.GetTarget(R.Range); if (target.IsValidTarget(R.Range)) { if (HarassOption.UseR && R.IsReady() && R.Ammo >= HarassOption.GetSlider("HarassRLimit").Value&& target.IsValidTarget(R.Range)) { var rPred = R.GetPrediction(target); if (rPred.Hitchance >= HitChance.High) { R.Cast(rPred.UnitPosition); } } if (HarassOption.UseQ && Q.IsReady() && target.IsValidTarget(Q.Range)) { var qPred = Q.GetPrediction(target); if (qPred.Hitchance >= HitChance.High) { Q.Cast(qPred.CastPosition); } } if (HarassOption.UseE && E.IsReady() && target.InAutoAttackRange()) { E.Cast(Me.PreviousPosition); } } } }
private static void Harass() { if (HarassOption.HasEnouguMana) { if (HarassOption.UseW && W.IsReady()) { var wTarget = TargetSelector.GetTarget(W.Range, TargetSelector.DamageType.Physical, true, ObjectManager.Heroes.Enemies.Where(x => !HarassOption.GetHarassTarget(x.ChampionName))); if (wTarget.IsValidTarget(W.Range)) { SpellManager.PredCast(W, wTarget, true); } } if (HarassOption.UseE && E.IsReady()) { var eTarget = TargetSelector.GetTarget(E.Range, TargetSelector.DamageType.Physical, true, ObjectManager.Heroes.Enemies.Where(x => !HarassOption.GetHarassTarget(x.ChampionName))); if (eTarget.IsValidTarget(E.Range)) { if (HarassOption.GetBool("HarassEStack")) { if (eTarget.DistanceToPlayer() > E.Range * 0.8 && eTarget.IsValidTarget(E.Range) && GetEStackCount(eTarget) >= HarassOption.GetSlider("HarassEStackCount")) { E.Cast(); } } if (HarassOption.GetBool("HarassEFull") && GetEStackCount(eTarget) >= 6) { E.Cast(); } } } } }
private static void OnAction(object sender, OrbwalkerActionArgs Args) { if (Args.Type == OrbwalkerType.BeforeAttack) { if (Orbwalker.ActiveMode == OrbwalkerMode.Combo || Orbwalker.ActiveMode == OrbwalkerMode.Harass) { var ForcusTarget = GameObjects.EnemyHeroes.FirstOrDefault( x => x.IsValidTarget(Me.AttackRange + Me.BoundingRadius + x.BoundingRadius + 50) && Has2WStacks(x)); if (MiscOption.GetBool("Forcus", "ForcusAttack").Enabled&& ForcusTarget != null && ForcusTarget.IsValidTarget(Me.AttackRange + Me.BoundingRadius - ForcusTarget.BoundingRadius + 15)) { Orbwalker.ForceTarget = ForcusTarget; LastForcusTime = Variables.GameTimeTickCount; } else { Orbwalker.ForceTarget = null; } } } if (Args.Type == OrbwalkerType.AfterAttack) { Orbwalker.ForceTarget = null; if (Args.Target == null || Args.Target.IsDead || !Args.Target.IsValidTarget() || Args.Target.Health <= 0 || Orbwalker.ActiveMode == OrbwalkerMode.None) { return; } switch (Args.Target.Type) { case GameObjectType.AIHeroClient: { if (Orbwalker.ActiveMode == OrbwalkerMode.Combo) { if (ComboOption.GetBool("ComboAQA").Enabled) { var target = (AIHeroClient)Args.Target; if (target != null && !target.IsDead && Q.IsReady()) { AfterQLogic(target); } } } else if (Orbwalker.ActiveMode == OrbwalkerMode.Harass || Orbwalker.ActiveMode == OrbwalkerMode.LaneClear && MyManaManager.SpellHarass) { if (HarassOption.HasEnouguMana() && HarassOption.UseQ) { var target = (AIHeroClient)Args.Target; if (target != null && !target.IsDead && Q.IsReady() && HarassOption.GetHarassTargetEnabled(target.CharacterName)) { if (HarassOption.GetBool("HarassQ2Passive").Enabled&& !Has2WStacks(target)) { return; } AfterQLogic(target); } } } } break; case GameObjectType.AIMinionClient: { if (Orbwalker.ActiveMode == OrbwalkerMode.LaneClear) { var m = (AIMinionClient)Args.Target; if (m != null && m.IsValidTarget()) { if (m.IsMinion()) { if (LaneClearOption.HasEnouguMana() && LaneClearOption.UseQ) { var minions = GameObjects.EnemyMinions.Where(x => x.IsValidTarget(Me.AttackRange + Me.BoundingRadius) && x.IsMinion()) .Where(x => x.Health <= Me.GetAutoAttackDamage(x) + Me.GetSpellDamage(x, SpellSlot.Q)) .ToList(); if (minions.Any() && minions.Count >= 1) { var minion = minions.OrderBy(x => x.Health).FirstOrDefault(); var afterQPosition = Me.PreviousPosition.Extend(Game.CursorPosRaw, Q.Range); if (minion != null && afterQPosition.Distance(minion.PreviousPosition) <= Me.AttackRange + Me.BoundingRadius) { Q.Cast(Game.CursorPosRaw); } } } } else if (m.GetJungleType() != JungleType.Unknown) { if (JungleClearOption.HasEnouguMana() && JungleClearOption.UseQ) { Q.Cast(Game.CursorPosRaw); } } } } } break; case GameObjectType.AITurretClient: case GameObjectType.HQClient: case GameObjectType.Barracks: case GameObjectType.BarracksDampenerClient: case GameObjectType.BuildingClient: { if (Orbwalker.ActiveMode == OrbwalkerMode.LaneClear) { if (LaneClearOption.HasEnouguMana(true) && LaneClearOption.UseQ) { if (Me.CountEnemyHeroesInRange(850) == 0) { if (Me.CanMoveMent()) { Q.Cast(Game.CursorPosRaw); } } } } } break; } } }
private static void Initializer() { Q = new Spell(SpellSlot.Q, 300f); W = new Spell(SpellSlot.W); E = new Spell(SpellSlot.E, 650f) { Delay = 0.25f }; R = new Spell(SpellSlot.R); ComboOption.AddMenu(); ComboOption.AddQ(); ComboOption.AddBool("ComboAQA", "Use Q| After Attack"); ComboOption.AddE(); ComboOption.AddR(); ComboOption.AddSlider("ComboRCount", "Use R| Enemies Count >= x", 2, 1, 5); ComboOption.AddSlider("ComboRHp", "Use R| And Player HealthPercent <= x%", 40, 0, 100); HarassOption.AddMenu(); HarassOption.AddQ(); HarassOption.AddBool("HarassQ2Passive", "Use Q| Only target have 2 Stack"); HarassOption.AddE(); HarassOption.AddBool("HarassE2Passive", "Use E| Only target have 2 Stack"); HarassOption.AddMana(); HarassOption.AddTargetList(); LaneClearOption.AddMenu(); LaneClearOption.AddQ(); LaneClearOption.AddMana(); JungleClearOption.AddMenu(); JungleClearOption.AddQ(); JungleClearOption.AddE(); JungleClearOption.AddMana(); KillStealOption.AddMenu(); KillStealOption.AddE(); //GapcloserOption.AddMenu(); MiscOption.AddMenu(); MiscOption.AddSubMenu("Stealth", "Stealth Settings"); MiscOption.AddList("Stealth", "HideSelect", "Enabled Mode: ", new[] { "Always Max Stealth Time", "Config", "Off" }, 1); MiscOption.AddBool("Stealth", "Hideinsolo", "Enabled Solo Stealth Config"); MiscOption.AddSlider("Stealth", "Hideinsolomyhp", "When Player HealthPercent <= x%", 30); MiscOption.AddSlider("Stealth", "Hideinsolotargethp", "And Enemy HealthPercent => x%", 60); MiscOption.AddBool("Stealth", "Hideinmulti", "Enabled Team Fight Stealth Config"); MiscOption.AddSlider("Stealth", "Hideinmultimyhp", "When Player HealthPercent <= x%", 70); MiscOption.AddSlider("Stealth", "HideinmultiallyCount", "And Allies Count <= x", 2, 0, 4); MiscOption.AddSlider("Stealth", "HideinmultienemyCount", "And Enemies Count >= x", 3, 2, 5); MiscOption.AddBasic(); MiscOption.AddQ(); MiscOption.AddBool("Q", "QCheck", "Auto Q| Safe Check"); MiscOption.AddList("Q", "QTurret", "Auto Q| Disable Dash to Enemy Turret", new[] { "Only Dash Q", "Only After Attack Q", "Both", "Off" }); MiscOption.AddBool("Q", "QMelee", "Auto Q| Anti Melee"); MiscOption.AddE(); MiscOption.AddBool("E", "AntiGapcloserE", "Auto E| Anti Gapcloser"); MiscOption.AddR(); MiscOption.AddBool("R", "AutoR", "Auto R"); MiscOption.AddSlider("R", "AutoRCount", "Auto R| Enemies Count >= x", 3, 1, 5); MiscOption.AddSlider("R", "AutoRRange", "Auto R| Search Enemies Range", 600, 500, 1200); MiscOption.AddSetting("Forcus"); MiscOption.AddBool("Forcus", "ForcusAttack", "Forcus Attack 2 Passive Target"); DrawOption.AddMenu(); DrawOption.AddE(E); DrawOption.AddDamageIndicatorToHero(false, true, true, false, true); Game.OnUpdate += OnUpdate; Orbwalker.OnAction += OnAction; //Gapcloser.OnGapcloser += OnGapcloser; }
private static void Initializer() { Q = new Spell(SpellSlot.Q, 600f); W = new Spell(SpellSlot.W, 2500f); W.SetSkillshot(0.75f, 40f, 5000f, false, false, SkillshotType.Line); E = new Spell(SpellSlot.E, 750f); E.SetSkillshot(0.50f, 120f, 1600f, false, true, SkillshotType.Circle); R = new Spell(SpellSlot.R, 3500f); R.SetSkillshot(0.21f, 80f, 5000f, true, false, SkillshotType.Line); ComboOption.AddMenu(); ComboOption.AddQ(); ComboOption.AddBool("ComboQMinion", "Use Q| On Minion", false); ComboOption.AddW(); ComboOption.AddBool("ComboWAA", "Use W| After Attack"); ComboOption.AddBool("ComboWOnly", "Use W| Only Use to MarkTarget"); ComboOption.AddE(); ComboOption.AddR(); HarassOption.AddMenu(); HarassOption.AddQ(); HarassOption.AddBool("HarassQMinion", "Use Q| On Minion"); HarassOption.AddW(); HarassOption.AddBool("HarassWOnly", "Use W| Only Use to MarkTarget"); HarassOption.AddE(); HarassOption.AddMana(); HarassOption.AddTargetList(); LaneClearOption.AddMenu(); LaneClearOption.AddQ(); LaneClearOption.AddW(); LaneClearOption.AddMana(); LaneClearOption.AddBool("LaneClearReload", "Use Spell Clear| Only Jhin Reloading"); JungleClearOption.AddMenu(); JungleClearOption.AddQ(); JungleClearOption.AddW(); JungleClearOption.AddE(); JungleClearOption.AddMana(); LastHitOption.AddMenu(); LastHitOption.AddQ(); LastHitOption.AddMana(); KillStealOption.AddMenu(); KillStealOption.AddQ(); KillStealOption.AddW(); KillStealOption.AddBool("KillStealWInAttackRange", "Use W| Target In Attack Range"); //GapcloserOption.AddMenu(); MiscOption.AddMenu(); MiscOption.AddBasic(); MiscOption.AddW(); MiscOption.AddBool("W", "AutoW", "Auto W| CC"); MiscOption.AddE(); MiscOption.AddBool("E", "AutoE", "Auto E| CC"); MiscOption.AddR(); MiscOption.AddBool("R", "rMenuAuto", "Auto R"); MiscOption.AddKey("R", "rMenuSemi", "Semi-manual R Key", Keys.T, KeyBindType.Press); MiscOption.AddBool("R", "rMenuCheck", "Use R| Check is Safe?"); MiscOption.AddSlider("R", "rMenuMin", "Use R| Min Range >= x", 1000, 500, 2500); MiscOption.AddSlider("R", "rMenuMax", "Use R| Max Range <= x", 3000, 1500, 3500); MiscOption.AddSlider("R", "rMenuKill", "Use R| Min Shot Can Kill >= x (0 = off)", 3, 0, 4); DrawOption.AddMenu(); DrawOption.AddQ(Q); DrawOption.AddW(W); DrawOption.AddE(E); DrawOption.AddR(R); DrawOption.AddDamageIndicatorToHero(true, true, false, true, true); Tick.OnTick += OnUpdate; Orbwalker.OnAction += OnAction; AIBaseClient.OnProcessSpellCast += OnProcessSpellCast; //Gapcloser.OnGapcloser += OnGapcloser; }
private static void Initializer() { Q = new Aimtec.SDK.Spell(SpellSlot.Q, 1050f); Q.SetSkillshot(0.25f, 79f, 1200f, true, SkillshotType.Line); Q2 = new Aimtec.SDK.Spell(SpellSlot.Q, 600f) { Speed = float.MaxValue, Delay = 0.25f }; QE = new Aimtec.SDK.Spell(SpellSlot.Q, 1650f); QE.SetSkillshot(0.35f, 98f, 1900f, true, SkillshotType.Line); W = new Aimtec.SDK.Spell(SpellSlot.W); W2 = new Aimtec.SDK.Spell(SpellSlot.W, 350f); E = new Aimtec.SDK.Spell(SpellSlot.E, 650f); E.SetSkillshot(0.1f, 120f, float.MaxValue, false, SkillshotType.Circle); E2 = new Aimtec.SDK.Spell(SpellSlot.E, 240f) { Speed = float.MaxValue, Delay = 0.25f }; R = new Aimtec.SDK.Spell(SpellSlot.R); ComboOption.AddMenu(); ComboOption.AddBool("UsQECombo", "Use Cannon Q"); ComboOption.AddBool("UseWCombo", "Use Cannon W"); ComboOption.AddBool("UseECombo", "Use Cannon E"); ComboOption.AddBool("UsQEComboHam", "Use Hammer Q"); ComboOption.AddBool("UseWComboHam", "Use Hammer W"); ComboOption.AddBool("UseEComboHam", "Use Hammer E"); ComboOption.AddBool("UseRCombo", "Use R Switch"); HarassOption.AddMenu(); HarassOption.AddBool("UsQEHarass", "Use Cannon Q"); HarassOption.AddBool("UseWHarass", "Use Cannon W"); HarassOption.AddBool("UseEHarass", "Use Cannon E"); HarassOption.AddBool("UsQEHarassHam", "Use Hammer Q", false); HarassOption.AddBool("UseWHarassHam", "Use Hammer W", false); HarassOption.AddBool("UseEHarassHam", "Use Hammer E", false); HarassOption.AddBool("UseRHarass", "Use R Switch"); HarassOption.AddMana(60); HarassOption.AddTargetList(); LaneClearOption.AddMenu(); LaneClearOption.AddBool("UsQEFarm", "Use Cannon Q"); LaneClearOption.AddBool("UseRFarm", "Use R Switch"); LaneClearOption.AddMana(); JungleClearOption.AddMenu(); JungleClearOption.AddBool("UsQEJungle", "Use Cannon Q"); JungleClearOption.AddBool("UseWJungle", "Use Cannon W"); JungleClearOption.AddBool("UseEJungle", "Use Cannon E"); JungleClearOption.AddBool("UsQEJungleHam", "Use Hammer Q"); JungleClearOption.AddBool("UseWJungleHam", "Use Hammer W"); JungleClearOption.AddBool("UseEJungleHam", "Use Hammer E"); JungleClearOption.AddBool("UseRJungle", "Use R Switch"); JungleClearOption.AddMana(); FleeOption.AddMenu(); FleeOption.AddQ(); FleeOption.AddE(); FleeOption.AddR(); KillStealOption.AddMenu(); KillStealOption.AddQ(); KillStealOption.AddE(); KillStealOption.AddBool("UsQEEKS", "Use QE"); KillStealOption.AddR(); GapcloserOption.AddMenu(); MiscOption.AddMenu(); MiscOption.AddE(); MiscOption.AddBool("E", "forceGate", "Auto E| After Q", false); MiscOption.AddSlider("E", "gatePlace", "Gate Place Distance", 50, 50, 110); MiscOption.AddSlider("E", "autoE", "Auto E Save|When Player HealthPercent < x%", 20, 0, 101); MiscOption.AddSetting("QE"); MiscOption.AddKey("QE", "SemiQE", "Semi-manual QE Key", KeyCode.T, KeybindType.Press); MiscOption.AddList("QE", "SemiQEMode", "Semi-manual QE Mode", new[] { "To Target", "To Mouse" }); DrawOption.AddMenu(); DrawOption.AddRange(Q, "Cannon Q"); DrawOption.AddRange(QE, "Cannon Q Extend"); DrawOption.AddRange(W, "Cannon W"); DrawOption.AddRange(E, "Cannon E"); DrawOption.AddRange(Q, "Hammer Q"); DrawOption.AddRange(W, "Hammer W"); DrawOption.AddRange(E, "Hammer E"); DrawOption.AddFarm(); DrawOption.AddDamageIndicatorToHero(true, true, true, false, false); DrawOption.AddBool("DrawCoolDown", "Draw Spell CoolDown"); Game.OnUpdate += OnUpdate; Orbwalker.PostAttack += PostAttack; GameObject.OnCreate += OnCreate; Gapcloser.OnGapcloser += OnGapcloser; Render.OnRender += OnRender; }
private static void OnAction(object sender, OrbwalkerActionArgs Args) { if (Args.Type != OrbwalkerType.BeforeAttack) { return; } if (Args.Target == null || Args.Target.IsDead || !Args.Target.IsValidTarget() || Args.Target.Health <= 0) { return; } switch (Args.Target.Type) { case GameObjectType.AIHeroClient: { var target = (AIHeroClient)Args.Target; if (target != null && target.IsValidTarget()) { if (Orbwalker.ActiveMode == OrbwalkerMode.Combo) { if (ComboOption.UseQ && Q.IsReady()) { if (Me.HasBuff("JinxQ")) { if (target.Health < Me.GetAutoAttackDamage(target) * 3 && target.DistanceToPlayer() <= Q.Range + 60) { Q.Cast(); } else if (Me.Mana < (rCoolDown == -1 ? 100 : (rCoolDown > 10 ? 130 : 150))) { Q.Cast(); } else if (target.IsValidTarget(Q.Range)) { Q.Cast(); } } else { if (target.CountEnemyHeroesInRange(150) >= 2 && Me.Mana > R.Mana + Q.Mana * 2 + W.Mana && target.DistanceToPlayer() > Q.Range) { Q.Cast(); } } } } else if (Orbwalker.ActiveMode == OrbwalkerMode.Harass || Orbwalker.ActiveMode == OrbwalkerMode.LaneClear && MyManaManager.SpellHarass) { if (HarassOption.HasEnouguMana()) { if (HarassOption.UseQ && Q.IsReady()) { if (Me.HasBuff("JinxQ")) { if (target.DistanceToPlayer() >= bigGunRange) { Q.Cast(); } } else { if (target.CountEnemyHeroesInRange(150) >= 2 && Me.Mana > R.Mana + Q.Mana * 2 + W.Mana && target.DistanceToPlayer() > Q.Range) { Q.Cast(); } } } } else { if (Me.HasBuff("JinxQ") && Q.IsReady()) { Q.Cast(); } } } } } break; case GameObjectType.AIMinionClient: { var minion = (AIMinionClient)Args.Target; if (minion != null && minion.IsMinion()) { if (LaneClearOption.HasEnouguMana() && Q.IsReady() && LaneClearOption.UseQ) { var min = (AIBaseClient)Args.Target; var minions = GameObjects.EnemyMinions.Where(x => x.IsValidTarget(bigGunRange) && x.IsMinion()) .ToList(); if (minions.Any() && min != null) { foreach (var m in minions.Where(x => x.NetworkId != min.NetworkId)) { var count = ObjectManager.Get <AIMinionClient>().Count(x => x.Distance(m) <= 150); if (m.DistanceToPlayer() <= bigGunRange) { if (Me.HasBuff("JinxQ")) { if (LaneClearOption.GetSlider("LaneClearQCount").Value > count) { Q.Cast(); } else if (min.Health > Me.GetAutoAttackDamage(min) * 1.1f) { Q.Cast(); } } else if (!Me.HasBuff("JinxQ")) { if (LaneClearOption.GetSlider("LaneClearQCount").Value <= count) { Q.Cast(); } else if (min.Health < Me.GetAutoAttackDamage(min) * 1.1f && min.DistanceToPlayer() > Q.Range) { Q.Cast(); } } } } if (minions.Count <= 2 && Me.HasBuff("JinxQ")) { Q.Cast(); } } } else { if (Me.HasBuff("JinxQ") && Q.IsReady()) { Q.Cast(); } } } } break; } }
private static void Initializer() { Q = new Spell(SpellSlot.Q, 650f) { Delay = 0.35f }; Q2 = new Spell(SpellSlot.Q, 900f); Q2.SetSkillshot(0.35f, 25f, int.MaxValue, false, true, SkillshotType.Line); W = new Spell(SpellSlot.W, 1000f); W.SetSkillshot(0.30f, 80f, 1600f, true, true, SkillshotType.Line); W2 = new Spell(SpellSlot.W, 1000f); W2.SetSkillshot(0.30f, 80f, 1600f, false, true, SkillshotType.Line); E = new Spell(SpellSlot.E, 425f); R = new Spell(SpellSlot.R, 1200f); R.SetSkillshot(0.10f, 110f, 2500f, true, true, SkillshotType.Line); R2 = new Spell(SpellSlot.R, 1200f); R2.SetSkillshot(0.10f, 110f, 2500f, false, true, SkillshotType.Line); ComboOption.AddMenu(); ComboOption.AddQ(); ComboOption.AddBool("ComboQExtend", "Use Q Extend", false); ComboOption.AddW(); ComboOption.AddBool("ComboWLogic", "Use W |Logic Cast"); ComboOption.AddBool("ComboEDash", "Use E Dash to target"); ComboOption.AddBool("ComboEReset", "Use E Reset Auto Attack"); ComboOption.AddBool("ComboESafe", "Use E| Safe Check"); ComboOption.AddBool("ComboEWall", "Use E| Dont Dash to Wall"); ComboOption.AddBool("ComboEShort", "Use E| Enabled the Short E Logic"); ComboOption.AddR(); HarassOption.AddMenu(); HarassOption.AddQ(); HarassOption.AddBool("HarassQExtend", "Use Q Extend"); HarassOption.AddW(false); HarassOption.AddMana(); HarassOption.AddTargetList(); LaneClearOption.AddMenu(); LaneClearOption.AddQ(); LaneClearOption.AddW(); LaneClearOption.AddE(); LaneClearOption.AddMana(); JungleClearOption.AddMenu(); JungleClearOption.AddQ(); JungleClearOption.AddW(); JungleClearOption.AddE(); JungleClearOption.AddMana(); KillStealOption.AddMenu(); KillStealOption.AddQ(); KillStealOption.AddW(); //GapcloserOption.AddMenu(); MiscOption.AddMenu(); MiscOption.AddBasic(); MiscOption.AddR(); MiscOption.AddKey("R", "SemiRKey", "Semi-manual R Key", Keys.T, KeyBindType.Press); DrawOption.AddMenu(); DrawOption.AddQ(Q); DrawOption.AddQExtend(Q2); DrawOption.AddW(W); DrawOption.AddR(R); DrawOption.AddDamageIndicatorToHero(true, true, false, true, true); Tick.OnTick += OnUpdate; AIBaseClient.OnPlayAnimation += OnPlayAnimation; Spellbook.OnCastSpell += OnCastSpell; AIBaseClient.OnProcessSpellCast += OnProcessSpellCast; Orbwalker.OnAction += OnAction; //Gapcloser.OnGapcloser += OnGapcloser; }
private static void Initializer() { Q = new Spell(SpellSlot.Q, 1150f); Q.SetSkillshot(0.35f, 40f, 2400f, true, false, SkillshotType.Line); W = new Spell(SpellSlot.W, 5000f); E = new Spell(SpellSlot.E, 950f); R = new Spell(SpellSlot.R, 1500f); ComboOption.AddMenu(); ComboOption.AddQ(); ComboOption.AddE(); ComboOption.AddBool("ComboESlow", "Use E| When Enemy Have Buff and Minion Can KillAble"); ComboOption.AddBool("ComboGapcloser", "Auto Attack Minion To Gapcloser Target"); HarassOption.AddMenu(); HarassOption.AddQ(); HarassOption.AddE(); HarassOption.AddBool("HarassESlow", "Use E| When Enemy Have Buff and Minion Can KillAble"); HarassOption.AddSliderBool("HarassELeave", "Use E| When Enemy Will Leave E Range And Buff Count >= x", 3, 1, 10); HarassOption.AddMana(); HarassOption.AddTargetList(); LaneClearOption.AddMenu(); LaneClearOption.AddSliderBool("LaneClearE", "Use E| Min KillAble Count >= x", 3, 1, 5, true); LaneClearOption.AddMana(); JungleClearOption.AddMenu(); JungleClearOption.AddQ(); JungleClearOption.AddE(); JungleClearOption.AddMana(); LastHitOption.AddMenu(); LastHitOption.AddE(); LastHitOption.AddMana(); KillStealOption.AddMenu(); KillStealOption.AddQ(); KillStealOption.AddE(); MiscOption.AddMenu(); MiscOption.AddBasic(); MiscOption.AddE(); MiscOption.AddBool("E", "AutoESteal", "Auto E Steal Mob (Only Buff&Dragon&Baron)"); MiscOption.AddSliderBool("E", "EToler", "Enabled E Toler DMG", 0, -100, 110, true); MiscOption.AddR(); MiscOption.AddSliderBool("R", "AutoRAlly", "Auto R| My Allies HealthPercent <= x%", 30, 1, 99, true); MiscOption.AddBool("R", "Balista", "Auto Balista"); MiscOption.AddSetting("Forcus"); MiscOption.AddBool("Forcus", "ForcusAttack", "Forcus Attack Passive Target"); DrawOption.AddMenu(); DrawOption.AddQ(Q); DrawOption.AddW(W); DrawOption.AddE(E); DrawOption.AddR(R); DrawOption.AddDamageIndicatorToHero(false, false, true, false, false); Tick.OnTick += OnUpdate; AIBaseClient.OnProcessSpellCast += OnProcessSpellCast; Orbwalker.OnAction += OnAction; }
private static void OnAction(object sender, OrbwalkerActionArgs Args) { if (Args.Type == OrbwalkerType.NonKillableMinion) { if (Me.IsDead || Me.IsRecalling() || !Me.CanMoveMent()) { return; } if (Orbwalker.ActiveMode == OrbwalkerMode.Combo) { return; } if (LastHitOption.HasEnouguMana && LastHitOption.UseE && E.IsReady()) { var minion = Args.Target as AIMinionClient; if (minion != null && minion.IsValidTarget(E.Range) && Me.CountEnemyHeroesInRange(600) == 0 && minion.Health < E.GetKalistaRealDamage(minion)) { E.Cast(); } } } if (Args.Type == OrbwalkerType.BeforeAttack) { if (MiscOption.GetBool("Forcus", "ForcusAttack").Enabled&& Me.CanMoveMent() && Args.Target != null && !Args.Target.IsDead && Args.Target.Health > 0) { if (Orbwalker.ActiveMode == OrbwalkerMode.Combo || Orbwalker.ActiveMode == OrbwalkerMode.Harass) { foreach (var target in GameObjects.EnemyHeroes.Where(x => !x.IsDead && x.InAutoAttackRange() && x.Buffs.Any( a => a.Name.ToLower() .Contains( "kalistacoopstrikemarkally")))) { if (!target.IsDead && target.IsValidTarget(Me.GetRealAutoAttackRange(target))) { Orbwalker.ForceTarget = target; LastForcusTime = Variables.GameTimeTickCount; } } } else if (Orbwalker.ActiveMode == OrbwalkerMode.LaneClear) { foreach (var target in GameObjects.Minions.Where(x => !x.IsDead && x.IsEnemy && x.InAutoAttackRange() && x.Buffs.Any( a => a.Name.ToLower() .Contains( "kalistacoopstrikemarkally")))) { if (!target.IsDead && target.IsValidTarget(Me.GetRealAutoAttackRange(target))) { Orbwalker.ForceTarget = target; LastForcusTime = Variables.GameTimeTickCount; } } } } } if (Args.Type == OrbwalkerType.AfterAttack) { Orbwalker.ForceTarget = null; if (Args.Target == null || Args.Target.IsDead || Args.Target.Health <= 0 || Me.IsDead || !Q.IsReady()) { return; } switch (Args.Target.Type) { case GameObjectType.AIHeroClient: { var target = (AIHeroClient)Args.Target; if (target != null && !target.IsDead && target.IsValidTarget(Q.Range)) { if (Orbwalker.ActiveMode == OrbwalkerMode.Combo) { if (ComboOption.UseQ) { var qPred = Q.GetPrediction(target); if (qPred.Hitchance >= HitChance.High) { Q.Cast(qPred.CastPosition); } } } else if (HarassOption.HasEnouguMana() && (Orbwalker.ActiveMode == OrbwalkerMode.Harass || Orbwalker.ActiveMode == OrbwalkerMode.LaneClear && MyManaManager.SpellHarass)) { if (HarassOption.UseQ) { var qPred = Q.GetPrediction(target); if (qPred.Hitchance >= HitChance.High) { Q.Cast(qPred.CastPosition); } } } } } break; case GameObjectType.AIMinionClient: { if (MyManaManager.SpellFarm && Orbwalker.ActiveMode == OrbwalkerMode.LaneClear && JungleClearOption.HasEnouguMana()) { var mob = (AIMinionClient)Args.Target; if (mob != null && mob.IsValidTarget(Q.Range) && mob.GetJungleType() != JungleType.Unknown) { if (JungleClearOption.UseQ) { Q.Cast(mob); } } } } break; } } }
//private static void OnGapcloser(AIHeroClient target, GapcloserArgs Args) //{ // if (E.IsReady() && target != null && target.IsValidTarget(E.Range)) // { // switch (Args.Type) // { // case SpellType.Melee: // { // if (target.IsValidTarget(target.AttackRange + target.BoundingRadius + 100)) // { // E.Cast(Me.PreviousPosition.Extend(target.PreviousPosition, -E.Range)); // } // } // break; // case SpellType.Dash: // { // if (Args.EndPosition.DistanceToPlayer() <= 250 || // target.PreviousPosition.DistanceToPlayer() <= 300) // { // E.Cast(Me.PreviousPosition.Extend(target.PreviousPosition, -E.Range)); // } // } // break; // case SpellType.SkillShot: // case SpellType.Targeted: // { // if (target.PreviousPosition.DistanceToPlayer() <= 300) // { // E.Cast(Me.PreviousPosition.Extend(target.PreviousPosition, -E.Range)); // } // } // break; // } // } //} private static void OnAction(object sender, OrbwalkerActionArgs Args) { if (Args.Type == OrbwalkerType.BeforeAttack) { if (Args.Target == null || Args.Target.IsDead || !Args.Target.IsValidTarget() || Args.Target.Health <= 0) { return; } switch (Args.Target.Type) { case GameObjectType.AIHeroClient: { if (Orbwalker.ActiveMode == OrbwalkerMode.Combo) { var target = (AIHeroClient)Args.Target; if (target != null && target.IsValidTarget(W.Range)) { if (ComboOption.UseW && W.IsReady()) { var pred = W.GetPrediction(target); if (pred.Hitchance >= HitChance.High) { W.Cast(pred.CastPosition); } } } } } break; case GameObjectType.AITurretClient: case GameObjectType.HQClient: case GameObjectType.Barracks: case GameObjectType.BarracksDampenerClient: case GameObjectType.BuildingClient: { if (Orbwalker.ActiveMode == OrbwalkerMode.LaneClear && MyManaManager.SpellFarm && LaneClearOption.HasEnouguMana(true)) { if (LaneClearOption.UseW && W.IsReady()) { W.Cast(Args.Target.Position); } } } break; } } if (Args.Type == OrbwalkerType.AfterAttack) { if (Args.Target == null || Args.Target.IsDead || !Args.Target.IsValidTarget() || Args.Target.Health <= 0) { return; } switch (Args.Target.Type) { case GameObjectType.AIHeroClient: { var target = (AIHeroClient)Args.Target; if (target != null && target.IsValidTarget()) { if (Orbwalker.ActiveMode == OrbwalkerMode.Combo) { if (ComboOption.UseQ && Q.IsReady() && target.IsValidTarget(Q.Range)) { var qPred = Q.GetPrediction(target); if (qPred.Hitchance >= HitChance.High) { Q.Cast(qPred.CastPosition); } } } else if (Orbwalker.ActiveMode == OrbwalkerMode.Harass || Orbwalker.ActiveMode == OrbwalkerMode.LaneClear && MyManaManager.SpellHarass) { if (!HarassOption.HasEnouguMana() || !HarassOption.GetHarassTargetEnabled(target.CharacterName)) { return; } if (HarassOption.UseQ && Q.IsReady() && target.IsValidTarget(Q.Range)) { var qPred = Q.GetPrediction(target); if (qPred.Hitchance >= HitChance.High) { Q.Cast(qPred.CastPosition); } } } } } break; } } }
private static void OnAction(object sender, OrbwalkerActionArgs Args) { if (Args.Type == OrbwalkerType.BeforeAttack) { if (Args.Target == null || Args.Target.IsDead || !Args.Target.IsValidTarget() || Args.Target.Health <= 0) { return; } switch (Args.Target.Type) { case GameObjectType.AIHeroClient: { var target = (AIHeroClient)Args.Target; if (target != null && target.IsValidTarget()) { if (Orbwalker.ActiveMode == OrbwalkerMode.Combo) { if (ComboOption.UseW && W.IsReady()) { W.Cast(); } } } } break; case GameObjectType.AIMinionClient: { if (Orbwalker.ActiveMode == OrbwalkerMode.LaneClear) { var mob = (AIMinionClient)Args.Target; if (mob != null && mob.IsValidTarget() && mob.GetJungleType() != JungleType.Unknown && mob.GetJungleType() != JungleType.Small) { if (JungleClearOption.HasEnouguMana() && GetPassiveCount < 3) { if (JungleClearOption.UseW && W.IsReady()) { W.Cast(); } } } } } break; case GameObjectType.AITurretClient: case GameObjectType.HQClient: case GameObjectType.Barracks: case GameObjectType.BarracksDampenerClient: case GameObjectType.BuildingClient: { if (Orbwalker.ActiveMode == OrbwalkerMode.LaneClear && MyManaManager.SpellFarm && LaneClearOption.HasEnouguMana(true)) { if (Me.CountEnemyHeroesInRange(800) == 0) { if (LaneClearOption.UseW && W.IsReady()) { W.Cast(); } } } } break; } } if (Args.Type == OrbwalkerType.AfterAttack) { if (Args.Target == null || Args.Target.IsDead || !Args.Target.IsValidTarget() || Args.Target.Health <= 0) { return; } switch (Args.Target.Type) { case GameObjectType.AIHeroClient: { var target = (AIHeroClient)Args.Target; if (target != null && target.IsValidTarget()) { if (Orbwalker.ActiveMode == OrbwalkerMode.Combo) { if (ComboOption.UseQ && Q.IsReady()) { if (!isWActive) { var qPred = Q.GetPrediction(target); if (qPred.Hitchance >= HitChance.High) { Q.Cast(qPred.CastPosition); } } } if (ComboOption.UseW && W.IsReady()) { W.Cast(); } } else if (Orbwalker.ActiveMode == OrbwalkerMode.Harass || Orbwalker.ActiveMode == OrbwalkerMode.LaneClear && MyManaManager.SpellHarass) { if (HarassOption.HasEnouguMana() && HarassOption.GetHarassTargetEnabled(target.CharacterName)) { if (HarassOption.UseQ && Q.IsReady()) { var qPred = Q.GetPrediction(target); if (qPred.Hitchance >= HitChance.High) { Q.Cast(qPred.CastPosition); } } } } } } break; } } }
private static void Initializer() { Q = new Spell(SpellSlot.Q, 1150f); Q.SetSkillshot(0.25f, 60f, 2000f, true, false, SkillshotType.Line); W = new Spell(SpellSlot.W, 950f); W.SetSkillshot(0.25f, 60f, 1200f, false, false, SkillshotType.Line); E = new Spell(SpellSlot.E, 475f) { Delay = 0.65f }; R = new Spell(SpellSlot.R, 5000f); R.SetSkillshot(1.05f, 160f, 2200f, false, false, SkillshotType.Line); EQ = new Spell(SpellSlot.Q, 1625f); EQ.SetSkillshot(0.90f, 60f, 1350f, true, false, SkillshotType.Line); ComboOption.AddMenu(); ComboOption.AddQ(); ComboOption.AddW(); ComboOption.AddE(); ComboOption.AddBool("ComboECheck", "Use E |Safe Check"); ComboOption.AddBool("ComboEWall", "Use E |Wall Check"); ComboOption.AddR(); HarassOption.AddMenu(); HarassOption.AddQ(); HarassOption.AddW(); HarassOption.AddMana(); HarassOption.AddTargetList(); LaneClearOption.AddMenu(); LaneClearOption.AddQ(); LaneClearOption.AddBool("LaneClearQLH", "Use Q| Only LastHit", false); LaneClearOption.AddW(); LaneClearOption.AddMana(); JungleClearOption.AddMenu(); JungleClearOption.AddQ(); JungleClearOption.AddW(); JungleClearOption.AddMana(); LastHitOption.AddMenu(); LastHitOption.AddQ(); LastHitOption.AddMana(); KillStealOption.AddMenu(); KillStealOption.AddQ(); //GapcloserOption.AddMenu(); MiscOption.AddMenu(); MiscOption.AddBasic(); MiscOption.AddR(); MiscOption.AddBool("R", "AutoR", "Auto R"); MiscOption.AddSlider("R", "RRange", "Auto R |Min Cast Range >= x", 800, 0, 1500); MiscOption.AddSlider("R", "RMaxRange", "Auto R |Max Cast Range >= x", 3000, 1500, 5000); MiscOption.AddKey("R", "SemiR", "Semi-manual R Key", Keys.T, KeyBindType.Press); DrawOption.AddMenu(); DrawOption.AddQ(Q); DrawOption.AddW(W); DrawOption.AddE(E); DrawOption.AddDamageIndicatorToHero(true, true, true, true, true); Game.OnUpdate += OnUpdate; //Gapcloser.OnGapcloser += OnGapcloser; Orbwalker.OnAction += OnAction; }
private static void OnAction(object sender, OrbwalkerActionArgs Args) { if (Args.Type != OrbwalkerType.AfterAttack) { return; } if (Args.Target == null || Args.Target.IsDead || !Args.Target.IsValidTarget() || Args.Target.Health <= 0) { return; } switch (Args.Target.Type) { case GameObjectType.AIHeroClient: { var target = (AIHeroClient)Args.Target; if (target != null && target.IsValidTarget()) { if (Orbwalker.ActiveMode == OrbwalkerMode.Combo) { if (ComboOption.UseQ && Q.IsReady() && target.IsValidTarget(Q.Range)) { Q.CastOnUnit(target); } else if (ComboOption.UseW && ComboOption.GetBool("ComboWAA").Enabled&& W.IsReady() && target.IsValidTarget(W.Range) && HasPassive(target)) { var wPred = W.GetPrediction(target); if (wPred.Hitchance >= HitChance.High) { W.Cast(wPred.UnitPosition); } } } else if (Orbwalker.ActiveMode == OrbwalkerMode.Harass || Orbwalker.ActiveMode == OrbwalkerMode.LaneClear && MyManaManager.SpellHarass) { if (HarassOption.HasEnouguMana()) { if (HarassOption.UseQ && Q.IsReady() && target.IsValidTarget(Q.Range)) { Q.CastOnUnit(target); } else if (HarassOption.UseW && W.IsReady() && target.IsValidTarget(W.Range) && HasPassive(target)) { var wPred = W.GetPrediction(target); if (wPred.Hitchance >= HitChance.High) { W.Cast(wPred.UnitPosition); } } } } } } break; } }
private static void Harass() { if (HarassOption.HasEnouguMana()) { if (HarassOption.UseQ && Q.IsReady()) { var target = HarassOption.GetTarget(Q.Range + 300); if (target.IsValidTarget(Q.Range)) { Q.Cast(target); } else if (target.IsValidTarget(Q.Range + 300) && HarassOption.GetBool("HarassQMinion").Enabled) { if (Me.HasBuff("JhinPassiveReload") || !Me.HasBuff("JhinPassiveReload") && Me.CountEnemyHeroesInRange(Me.AttackRange + Me.BoundingRadius) == 0) { var qPred = SpellPrediction.GetPrediction(new SpellPrediction.PredictionInput { Unit = target, Delay = 0.25f }); var bestQMinion = GameObjects.EnemyMinions.Where(x => x.IsValidTarget(300, true, qPred.CastPosition) && x.MaxHealth > 5) .Where(x => x.IsValidTarget(Q.Range)) .OrderBy(x => x.Distance(target)) .ThenBy(x => x.Health) .FirstOrDefault(); if (bestQMinion != null && bestQMinion.IsValidTarget(Q.Range)) { Q.CastOnUnit(bestQMinion); } } } } if (HarassOption.UseE && E.IsReady() && Variables.GameTimeTickCount - lastETime > 2500 && !isAttacking) { var target = HarassOption.GetTarget(E.Range); if (target.IsValidTarget(E.Range)) { var ePred = E.GetPrediction(target); if (ePred.Hitchance >= HitChance.High) { E.Cast(ePred.CastPosition); } } } if (HarassOption.UseW && W.IsReady()) { var target = HarassOption.GetTarget(1500); if (target.IsValidTarget(W.Range)) { if (HarassOption.GetBool("HarassWOnly").Enabled&& !HasPassive(target)) { return; } var wPred = W.GetPrediction(target); if (wPred.Hitchance >= HitChance.High) { W.Cast(wPred.UnitPosition); } } } } }
internal static void Init() { Q = new Spell(SpellSlot.Q, 1150f) { MinHitChance = HitChance.VeryHigh }; W = new Spell(SpellSlot.W, 950f); E = new Spell(SpellSlot.E, 475f); R = new Spell(SpellSlot.R, 10000f); EQ = new Spell(SpellSlot.Q, 1150f + 475f); EQ.SetSkillshot(0.25f + 0.65f, 60f, 2000f, true, SkillshotType.SkillshotLine); Q.SetSkillshot(0.25f, 60f, 2000f, true, SkillshotType.SkillshotLine); W.SetSkillshot(0.25f, 80f, 1600f, false, SkillshotType.SkillshotLine); R.SetSkillshot(1.1f, 160f, 2000f, false, SkillshotType.SkillshotLine); ComboOption.AddQ(); ComboOption.AddW(); ComboOption.AddE(); ComboOption.AddBool("ComboECheck", "Use E | Safe Check"); ComboOption.AddBool("ComboEWall", "Use E | Wall Check"); ComboOption.AddR(); HarassOption.AddQ(); HarassOption.AddW(); HarassOption.AddMana(); HarassOption.AddTargetList(); LaneClearOption.AddQ(); LaneClearOption.AddBool("LaneClearQLH", "Use Q| Only LastHit", false); LaneClearOption.AddW(); LaneClearOption.AddMana(); JungleClearOption.AddQ(); JungleClearOption.AddMana(); LastHitOption.AddQ(); LastHitOption.AddMana(); FleeOption.AddMove(); KillStealOption.AddQ(); KillStealOption.AddW(); MiscOption.AddE(); MiscOption.AddBool("Gapcloser", "Anti GapCloser"); MiscOption.AddBool("AntiMelee", "Anti Melee"); MiscOption.AddSlider("AntiMeleeHp", "Anti Melee|When Player HealthPercent <= x%", 50); MiscOption.AddR(); MiscOption.AddBool("AutoR", "Auto R?"); MiscOption.AddSlider("RRange", "Use R |Min Cast Range >= x", 800, 0, 1500); MiscOption.AddSlider("RMaxRange", "Use R |Max Cast Range >= x", 3000, 1500, 5000); MiscOption.AddSlider("RMinCast", "Use R| Min Hit Enemies >= x (6 = off)", 2, 1, 6); MiscOption.AddKey("SemiR", "Semi-manual R Key", SharpDX.DirectInput.Key.T); MiscOption.AddSetting("Mode"); MiscOption.AddList("PlayMode", "Play Mode: ", new[] { "AD", "AP" }); DrawOption.AddQ(); DrawOption.AddW(); DrawOption.AddE(); DrawOption.AddFarm(); DrawOption.AddEvent(); Game.OnUpdate += OnUpdate; Orbwalker.BeforeAttack += BeforeAttack; Orbwalker.AfterAttack += AfterAttack; AntiGapcloser.OnEnemyGapcloser += OnEnemyGapcloser; Obj_AI_Base.OnProcessSpellCast += OnProcessSpellCast; }
private static void Initializer() { Q = new Spell(SpellSlot.Q, 1250f); Q.SetSkillshot(0.70f, 50f, 2000f, false, false, SkillshotType.Line); W = new Spell(SpellSlot.W, 800f); W.SetSkillshot(0.80f, 80f, 2000f, false, false, SkillshotType.Circle); E = new Spell(SpellSlot.E, 750f); E.SetSkillshot(0.25f, 60f, 1600f, true, false, SkillshotType.Line); R = new Spell(SpellSlot.R, rRange) { Delay = 1.5f }; ComboOption.AddMenu(); ComboOption.AddQ(); ComboOption.AddSlider("ComboQCount", "Use Q |Min Hit Count >= x(0 = Off)", 3, 0, 5); ComboOption.AddSlider("ComboQRange", "UseQ |Min Cast Range >= x", 800, 500, 1100); ComboOption.AddW(); ComboOption.AddSlider("ComboWCount", "Use W|Min Stack >= x", 1, 1, 3); ComboOption.AddE(); ComboOption.AddR(); ComboOption.AddBool("ComboRSafe", "Use R|Safe Check"); ComboOption.AddSlider("ComboRRange", "Use R|Min Cast Range >= x", 900, 500, 1500); HarassOption.AddMenu(); HarassOption.AddQ(); HarassOption.AddMana(); HarassOption.AddTargetList(); LaneClearOption.AddMenu(); LaneClearOption.AddQ(); LaneClearOption.AddSlider("LaneClearQCount", "Use Q|Min Hit Count >= x", 3, 1, 5); LaneClearOption.AddMana(); JungleClearOption.AddMenu(); JungleClearOption.AddQ(); JungleClearOption.AddMana(); KillStealOption.AddMenu(); KillStealOption.AddQ(); //GapcloserOption.AddMenu(); MiscOption.AddMenu(); MiscOption.AddBasic(); MiscOption.AddQ(); MiscOption.AddBool("Q", "AutoQ", "Use Q| CC"); MiscOption.AddW(); MiscOption.AddBool("W", "AutoWCC", "Use W| CC"); MiscOption.AddBool("W", "AutoWTP", "Use W| TP"); MiscOption.AddE(); MiscOption.AddBool("E", "AutoE", "Use E| Anti Gapcloser"); MiscOption.AddR(); MiscOption.AddKey("R", "SemiR", "Semi-manual R Key", Keys.T, KeyBindType.Press); //MiscOption.AddSetting("EQ"); //MiscOption.AddKey("EQKey", "Semi-manual EQ Key", KeyCode.G, KeyBindType.Press); DrawOption.AddMenu(); DrawOption.AddQ(Q); DrawOption.AddW(W); DrawOption.AddE(E); DrawOption.AddR(R); DrawOption.AddDamageIndicatorToHero(true, false, true, true, true); Game.OnTick += OnUpdate; //Gapcloser.OnGapcloser += OnGapcloser; AIBaseClient.OnProcessSpellCast += OnProcessSpellCast; }
private static void Initializer() { Q = new Spell(SpellSlot.Q, 525f); W = new Spell(SpellSlot.W, 1500f); W.SetSkillshot(0.60f, 60f, 3300f, true, false, SkillshotType.Line); E = new Spell(SpellSlot.E, 900f); E.SetSkillshot(1.20f, 100f, 1750f, false, false, SkillshotType.Circle); R = new Spell(SpellSlot.R, 3000f); R.SetSkillshot(0.70f, 140f, 1500f, true, false, SkillshotType.Line); ComboOption.AddMenu(); ComboOption.AddQ(); ComboOption.AddW(); ComboOption.AddE(); ComboOption.AddR(); ComboOption.AddBool("ComboRSolo", "Use R| Solo Mode"); ComboOption.AddBool("ComboRTeam", "Use R| Team Fight"); HarassOption.AddMenu(); HarassOption.AddQ(); HarassOption.AddW(); HarassOption.AddMana(); HarassOption.AddTargetList(); LaneClearOption.AddMenu(); LaneClearOption.AddQ(); LaneClearOption.AddSlider("LaneClearQCount", "Use Q| Min Hit Count >= x", 3, 1, 5); LaneClearOption.AddMana(); JungleClearOption.AddMenu(); JungleClearOption.AddQ(); JungleClearOption.AddW(); JungleClearOption.AddMana(); KillStealOption.AddMenu(); KillStealOption.AddW(); KillStealOption.AddR(); KillStealOption.AddTargetList(); //GapcloserOption.AddMenu(); MiscOption.AddMenu(); MiscOption.AddBasic(); MiscOption.AddW(); MiscOption.AddBool("W", "AutoW", "Auto W| CC"); MiscOption.AddE(); MiscOption.AddBool("E", "AutoE", "Auto E| CC"); MiscOption.AddBool("E", "AutoETP", "Auto E| Teleport"); MiscOption.AddR(); MiscOption.AddKey("R", "rMenuSemi", "Semi-manual R Key", Keys.T, KeyBindType.Press); MiscOption.AddSlider("R", "rMenuMin", "Use R| Min Range >= x", 1000, 500, 2500); MiscOption.AddSlider("R", "rMenuMax", "Use R| Max Range <= x", 3000, 1500, 3500); DrawOption.AddMenu(); DrawOption.AddW(W); DrawOption.AddE(E); DrawOption.AddDamageIndicatorToHero(false, true, false, true, true); Game.OnUpdate += OnUpdate; Orbwalker.OnAction += OnAction; //Gapcloser.OnGapcloser += OnGapcloser; }
private static void Harass() { if (HarassOption.HasEnouguMana()) { var target = HarassOption.GetTarget(1600f); if (target.IsValidTarget(1600f)) { if (HarassOption.UseQ && Q.IsReady() && target.IsValidTarget(1600)) { if (Q.IsCharging) { if (target != null && target.IsValidTarget(Q.ChargedMaxRange)) { if (target.IsValidTarget(800)) { Q.ShootChargedSpell(target.Position); } else { var qPred = Q.GetPrediction(target); if (qPred.Hitchance >= HitChance.High) { Q.ShootChargedSpell(qPred.CastPosition); } } } else { foreach ( var t in GameObjects.EnemyHeroes.Where( x => !x.IsDead && x.IsValidTarget(Q.ChargedMaxRange)) .OrderBy(x => x.Health)) { if (t.IsValidTarget(800)) { Q.ShootChargedSpell(t.Position); } else if (t.IsValidTarget(Q.ChargedMinRange)) { var qPred = Q.GetPrediction(t); if (qPred.Hitchance >= HitChance.High) { Q.ShootChargedSpell(qPred.CastPosition); } } } } } else { Q.StartCharging(); } } if (Q.IsCharging) { return; } if (HarassOption.UseE && E.IsReady() && target.IsValidTarget(E.Range)) { var ePred = E.GetPrediction(target); if (ePred.Hitchance >= HitChance.High) { E.Cast(ePred.UnitPosition); } } } } }
private static void Initializer() { Q = new Spell(SpellSlot.Q); W = new Spell(SpellSlot.W); E = new Spell(SpellSlot.E, 950f); E.SetSkillshot(0.25f, 100f, 1400f, false, false, SkillshotType.Line); R = new Spell(SpellSlot.R, 3000f); R.SetSkillshot(0.4f, 160f, 2000f, false, false, SkillshotType.Line); ComboOption.AddMenu(); ComboOption.AddQ(); ComboOption.AddW(); ComboOption.AddE(); ComboOption.AddR(); ComboOption.AddBool("RSolo", "Use R | Solo Ks Mode"); ComboOption.AddBool("RTeam", "Use R| Team Fight"); HarassOption.AddMenu(); HarassOption.AddQ(); HarassOption.AddE(); HarassOption.AddMana(); HarassOption.AddTargetList(); LaneClearOption.AddMenu(); LaneClearOption.AddQ(); LaneClearOption.AddSliderBool("LaneClearECount", "Use E| Min Hit Count >= x", 4, 1, 7, true); LaneClearOption.AddMana(); JungleClearOption.AddMenu(); JungleClearOption.AddQ(); JungleClearOption.AddW(); JungleClearOption.AddE(); JungleClearOption.AddMana(); KillStealOption.AddMenu(); KillStealOption.AddE(); KillStealOption.AddR(); KillStealOption.AddTargetList(); AxeOption.AddMenu(); AxeOption.AddList("CatchMode", "Catch Axe Mode: ", new[] { "All", "Only Combo", "Off" }); AxeOption.AddSlider("CatchRange", "Catch Axe Range(Cursor center)", 2000, 180, 3000); AxeOption.AddSlider("CatchCount", "Max Axe Count <= x", 2, 1, 3); AxeOption.AddBool("CatchWSpeed", "Use W| When Axe Too Far"); AxeOption.AddBool("NotCatchKS", "Dont Catch| If Target Can KillAble(1-3 AA)"); AxeOption.AddBool("NotCatchTurret", "Dont Catch| If Axe Under Enemy Turret"); AxeOption.AddSliderBool("NotCatchMoreEnemy", "Dont Catch| If Enemy Count >= x", 3, 1, 5, true); AxeOption.AddBool("CancelCatch", "Enabled Cancel Catch Axe Key"); AxeOption.AddKey("CancelKey1", "Cancel Catch Key 1", Keys.G, KeyBindType.Press); AxeOption.AddBool("CancelKey2", "Cancel Catch Key 2(is right click)"); AxeOption.AddBool("CancelKey3", "Cancel Catch Key 3(is mouse scroll)", false); AxeOption.AddSeperator("Set Orbwalker->Misc->Hold Radius to 0 (will better)"); //GapcloserOption.AddMenu(); MiscOption.AddMenu(); MiscOption.AddBasic(); MiscOption.AddW(); MiscOption.AddBool("W", "WSlow", "Auto W| When Player Have Debuff(Slow)"); MiscOption.AddR(); MiscOption.AddSlider("R", "GlobalRMin", "Global -> Cast R Min Range", 1000, 500, 2500); MiscOption.AddSlider("R", "GlobalRMax", "Global -> Cast R Max Range", 3000, 1500, 3500); MiscOption.AddKey("R", "SemiRKey", "Semi-manual R Key", Keys.T, KeyBindType.Press); DrawOption.AddMenu(); DrawOption.AddE(E); DrawOption.AddR(R); DrawOption.AddBool("AxeRange", "Draw Catch Axe Range"); DrawOption.AddBool("AxePosition", "Draw Axe Position"); DrawOption.AddDamageIndicatorToHero(true, false, true, true, true); AxeOption.GetKey("CancelKey1").ValueChanged += OnCancelValueChange; Tick.OnTick += OnUpdate; Game.OnWndProc += OnWndProc; GameObject.OnCreate += (sender, args) => OnCreate(sender); GameObject.OnDelete += (sender, args) => OnDestroy(sender); //Gapcloser.OnGapcloser += OnGapcloser; Orbwalker.OnAction += OnAction; Drawing.OnDraw += OnRender; }
internal static void Init() { Q = new Spell(SpellSlot.Q, 980f); W = new Spell(SpellSlot.W, Me.AttackRange); E = new Spell(SpellSlot.E, 1200f); R = new Spell(SpellSlot.R, 1800f); Q.SetSkillshot(0.25f, 50f, 2000f, true, SkillshotType.SkillshotLine); E.SetSkillshot(0.25f, 120f, 1400f, false, SkillshotType.SkillshotLine); R.SetSkillshot(1.2f, 120f, float.MaxValue, false, SkillshotType.SkillshotCircle); ComboOption.AddQ(); ComboOption.AddW(); ComboOption.AddE(); ComboOption.AddR(); ComboOption.AddSlider("ComboRLimit", "Use R| Limit Stack >= x", 3, 0, 10); HarassOption.AddQ(); HarassOption.AddE(); HarassOption.AddR(); HarassOption.AddSlider("HarassRLimit", "Use R| Limit Stack >= x", 5, 0, 10); HarassOption.AddMana(); HarassOption.AddTargetList(); LaneClearOption.AddQ(); LaneClearOption.AddE(); LaneClearOption.AddSlider("LaneClearECount", "Use E| Min Hit Counts >= x", 3, 1, 5); LaneClearOption.AddR(); LaneClearOption.AddSlider("LaneClearRLimit", "Use R| Limit Stack >= x", 4, 0, 10); LaneClearOption.AddMana(); JungleClearOption.AddQ(); JungleClearOption.AddW(); JungleClearOption.AddE(); JungleClearOption.AddR(); JungleClearOption.AddSlider("JungleClearRLimit", "Use R| Limit Stack >= x", 5, 0, 10); JungleClearOption.AddMana(); LastHitOption.AddNothing(); FleeOption.AddMove(false); KillStealOption.AddQ(); KillStealOption.AddE(); KillStealOption.AddR(); MiscOption.AddE(); MiscOption.AddBool("GapE", "Use E| Anti GapCloser"); MiscOption.AddR(); MiscOption.AddKey("SemiR", "Semi-manual R Key", SharpDX.DirectInput.Key.T); DrawOption.AddQ(); DrawOption.AddW(); DrawOption.AddE(); DrawOption.AddR(); DrawOption.AddFarm(); DrawOption.AddEvent(); Game.OnUpdate += OnUpdate; Orbwalker.AfterAttack += AfterAttack; AntiGapcloser.OnEnemyGapcloser += OnEnemyGapcloser; }
private static void Initializer() { Q = new Spell(SpellSlot.Q, 925f); Q.SetSkillshot(0.25f, 70f, 1650f, false, false, SkillshotType.Line); Q.SetCharged("VarusQ", "VarusQ", 925, 1600, 1.5f); W = new Spell(SpellSlot.W, 0f); E = new Spell(SpellSlot.E, 975f); E.SetSkillshot(0.35f, 120f, 1500f, false, true, SkillshotType.Circle); R = new Spell(SpellSlot.R, 1050f); R.SetSkillshot(0.25f, 120f, 1950f, false, false, SkillshotType.Line); ComboOption.AddMenu(); ComboOption.AddQ(); ComboOption.AddSlider("ComboQPassive", "Use Q |Target Stack Count >= x", 3, 0, 3); ComboOption.AddBool("ComboQFast", "Use Q |Fast Cast"); ComboOption.AddW(); ComboOption.AddE(); ComboOption.AddSlider("ComboEPassive", "Use E |Target Stack Count >= x", 3, 0, 3); ComboOption.AddR(); ComboOption.AddBool("ComboRSolo", "Use R |Solo Mode"); ComboOption.AddSlider("ComboRCount", "Use R |Min Hit Count >= x", 3, 1, 5); HarassOption.AddMenu(); HarassOption.AddQ(); HarassOption.AddE(false); HarassOption.AddMana(); HarassOption.AddTargetList(); LaneClearOption.AddMenu(); LaneClearOption.AddQ(); LaneClearOption.AddSlider("LaneClearQCount", "Use Q |Min Hit Count >= x", 3, 1, 5); LaneClearOption.AddE(); LaneClearOption.AddSlider("LaneClearECount", "Use E |Min Hit Count >= x", 3, 1, 5); LaneClearOption.AddMana(); JungleClearOption.AddMenu(); JungleClearOption.AddQ(); JungleClearOption.AddE(); JungleClearOption.AddMana(); KillStealOption.AddMenu(); KillStealOption.AddQ(); KillStealOption.AddE(); //GapcloserOption.AddMenu(); MiscOption.AddMenu(); MiscOption.AddBasic(); MiscOption.AddR(); MiscOption.AddKey("R", "SemiR", "Semi-manual R Key", Keys.T, KeyBindType.Press); MiscOption.AddBool("R", "AutoR", "Auto R |Anti Gapcloser"); DrawOption.AddMenu(); DrawOption.AddQ(Q); DrawOption.AddE(E); DrawOption.AddR(R); DrawOption.AddDamageIndicatorToHero(true, true, true, true, true); Game.OnTick += OnUpdate; //Gapcloser.OnGapcloser += OnGapcloser; AIBaseClient.OnProcessSpellCast += OnProcessSpellCast; Spellbook.OnCastSpell += OnCastSpell; }
private static void OnAction(object sender, OrbwalkerActionArgs Args) { if (Args.Type != OrbwalkerType.AfterAttack) { return; } if (Args.Target == null || Args.Target.IsDead || Args.Target.Health <= 0 || Me.IsDead || !Q.IsReady()) { return; } switch (Args.Target.Type) { case GameObjectType.AIHeroClient: { var target = (AIHeroClient)Args.Target; if (target != null && target.IsValidTarget()) { if (Orbwalker.ActiveMode == OrbwalkerMode.Combo) { if (ComboOption.UseW && W.IsReady() && !isWActive) { if (GameObjects.EnemyHeroes.Any(x => x.IsValidTarget(W.Range))) { if (target.IsValidTarget(E.Range) && HaveEBuff(target)) { W.Cast(); } else if (!E.IsReady() && target.IsValidTarget(350) && Variables.GameTimeTickCount - lastETime < 1500 + Game.Ping) { W.Cast(); } } } else if (ComboOption.UseQ && Q.IsReady()) { var qPred = Q.GetPrediction(target); if (qPred.Hitchance >= HitChance.High) { Q.Cast(qPred.UnitPosition); } } } else if (Orbwalker.ActiveMode == OrbwalkerMode.Harass || Orbwalker.ActiveMode == OrbwalkerMode.LaneClear && MyManaManager.SpellHarass) { if (HarassOption.HasEnouguMana() && HarassOption.GetHarassTargetEnabled(target.CharacterName)) { if (HarassOption.UseQ && Q.IsReady()) { var qPred = Q.GetPrediction(target); if (qPred.Hitchance >= HitChance.High) { Q.Cast(qPred.UnitPosition); } } } } } } break; case GameObjectType.AIMinionClient: { var mob = (AIMinionClient)Args.Target; if (mob != null && mob.IsValidTarget() && mob.GetJungleType() != JungleType.Unknown && mob.GetJungleType() != JungleType.Small) { if (Orbwalker.ActiveMode == OrbwalkerMode.LaneClear && MyManaManager.SpellFarm && JungleClearOption.HasEnouguMana()) { if (JungleClearOption.UseQ && Q.IsReady() && mob.IsValidTarget(Q.Range)) { Q.Cast(mob.PreviousPosition); } } } } break; } }
private static void Initializer() { Q = new Spell(SpellSlot.Q, 825f); Q.SetSkillshot(0.30f, 200f, 1000f, false, false, SkillshotType.Circle); W = new Spell(SpellSlot.W, 800f); E = new Spell(SpellSlot.E, 600f); R = new Spell(SpellSlot.R, rRange); R.SetSkillshot(0.20f, 50f, 2000f, true, false, SkillshotType.Line); ComboOption.AddMenu(); ComboOption.AddQ(); ComboOption.AddE(); ComboOption.AddR(); ComboOption.AddSlider("ComboRLimit", "Use R|Limit Stack >= x", 0, 0, 7); ComboOption.AddSlider("ComboRHP", "Use R|Target HealthPercent <= x%", 100, 1, 101); HarassOption.AddMenu(); HarassOption.AddQ(); HarassOption.AddE(); HarassOption.AddR(); HarassOption.AddSlider("HarassRLimit", "Use R|Limit Stack >= x", 4, 0, 7); HarassOption.AddMana(); HarassOption.AddTargetList(); LaneClearOption.AddMenu(); LaneClearOption.AddQ(); LaneClearOption.AddSlider("LaneClearQCount", "Use Q|Min Hit Count >= x", 3, 1, 5); LaneClearOption.AddE(); LaneClearOption.AddSlider("LaneClearECount", "Use E|Min Hit Count >= x", 3, 1, 5); LaneClearOption.AddR(); LaneClearOption.AddSlider("LaneClearRCount", "Use R|Min Hit Count >= x", 3, 1, 5); LaneClearOption.AddSlider("LaneClearRLimit", "Use R|Limit Stack >= x", 4, 0, 7); LaneClearOption.AddMana(); JungleClearOption.AddMenu(); JungleClearOption.AddQ(); JungleClearOption.AddE(); JungleClearOption.AddR(); JungleClearOption.AddSlider("JungleClearRLimit", "Use R|Limit Stack >= x", 0, 0, 7); JungleClearOption.AddMana(); KillStealOption.AddMenu(); KillStealOption.AddQ(); KillStealOption.AddR(); MiscOption.AddMenu(); MiscOption.AddBasic(); MiscOption.AddR(); MiscOption.AddKey("R", "SemiR", "Semi-manual R Key", Keys.T, KeyBindType.Press); DrawOption.AddMenu(); DrawOption.AddQ(Q); DrawOption.AddW(W); DrawOption.AddE(E); DrawOption.AddR(R); DrawOption.AddDamageIndicatorToHero(true, false, true, true, true); Game.OnUpdate += OnUpdate; Orbwalker.OnAction += OnAction; }
private static void Initializer() { Q = new Aimtec.SDK.Spell(SpellSlot.Q, 825f); Q.SetSkillshot(0.30f, 200f, 1000f, false, SkillshotType.Circle); W = new Aimtec.SDK.Spell(SpellSlot.W, 800f); E = new Aimtec.SDK.Spell(SpellSlot.E, 600f); R = new Aimtec.SDK.Spell(SpellSlot.R, 1300f); R.SetSkillshot(0.20f, 50f, 2000f, true, SkillshotType.Line); ComboOption.AddMenu(); ComboOption.AddQ(); ComboOption.AddE(); ComboOption.AddR(); ComboOption.AddSlider("ComboRLimit", "Use R|Limit Stack >= x", 0, 0, 7); ComboOption.AddSlider("ComboRHP", "Use R|Target HealthPercent <= x%", 100, 1, 101); HarassOption.AddMenu(); HarassOption.AddQ(); HarassOption.AddE(); HarassOption.AddR(); HarassOption.AddSlider("HarassRLimit", "Use R|Limit Stack >= x", 4, 0, 7); HarassOption.AddMana(); HarassOption.AddTargetList(); LaneClearOption.AddMenu(); LaneClearOption.AddQ(); LaneClearOption.AddSlider("LaneClearQCount", "Use Q|Min Hit Count >= x", 3, 1, 5); LaneClearOption.AddE(); LaneClearOption.AddSlider("LaneClearECount", "Use E|Min Hit Count >= x", 3, 1, 5); LaneClearOption.AddR(); LaneClearOption.AddSlider("LaneClearRCount", "Use R|Min Hit Count >= x", 3, 1, 5); LaneClearOption.AddSlider("LaneClearRLimit", "Use R|Limit Stack >= x", 4, 0, 7); LaneClearOption.AddMana(); JungleClearOption.AddMenu(); JungleClearOption.AddQ(); JungleClearOption.AddE(); JungleClearOption.AddR(); JungleClearOption.AddSlider("JungleClearRLimit", "Use R|Limit Stack >= x", 0, 0, 7); JungleClearOption.AddMana(); KillStealOption.AddMenu(); KillStealOption.AddQ(); KillStealOption.AddR(); MiscOption.AddMenu(); MiscOption.AddBasic(); MiscOption.AddR(); MiscOption.AddKey("SemiR", "Semi R Key", KeyCode.T, KeybindType.Press); DrawOption.AddMenu(); DrawOption.AddQ(Q.Range); DrawOption.AddW(W.Range); DrawOption.AddE(E.Range); DrawOption.AddR(R.Range); DrawOption.AddFarm(); DrawOption.AddEvent(); Game.OnUpdate += OnUpdate; Orbwalker.PostAttack += PostAttack; }
private static void Harass() { if (HarassOption.HasEnouguMana) { var target = TargetSelector.GetTarget(R.Range, TargetSelector.DamageType.Magical, true, ObjectManager.Heroes.Enemies.Where(x => !HarassOption.GetHarassTarget(x.ChampionName))); if (target.IsValidTarget(R.Range)) { if (HarassOption.UseR && R.IsReady() && HarassOption.GetSlider("HarassRLimit") >= GetRCount && target.IsValidTarget(R.Range)) { SpellManager.PredCast(R, target, true); } if (HarassOption.UseQ && Q.IsReady() && target.IsValidTarget(Q.Range)) { SpellManager.PredCast(Q, target); } if (HarassOption.UseE && E.IsReady() && target.IsValidTarget(E.Range)) { SpellManager.PredCast(E, target, true); } } } }
private static void Initializer() { Q = new Spell(SpellSlot.Q, 1450f); Q.SetSkillshot(0.25f, 40f, 1000f, false, false, SkillshotType.Line); W = new Spell(SpellSlot.W, 850f); E = new Spell(SpellSlot.E); R = new Spell(SpellSlot.R, 5500f); ComboOption.AddMenu(); ComboOption.AddQ(); ComboOption.AddBool("ComboSaveMana", "Use Q| Save Mana To Cast W"); ComboOption.AddW(); ComboOption.AddList("ComboWSmartKS", "Use W| Smart Card KillAble", new[] { "First Card", "Blue Card", "Off" }); ComboOption.AddBool("ComboDisableAA", "Auto Disable Attack| When Selecting"); HarassOption.AddMenu(); HarassOption.AddQ(); HarassOption.AddMana(); HarassOption.AddTargetList(); LaneClearOption.AddMenu(); LaneClearOption.AddQ(); LaneClearOption.AddSlider("LaneClearQCount", "Use Q|Min Hit Count >= x", 4, 1, 10); LaneClearOption.AddW(); LaneClearOption.AddBool("LaneClearWBlue", "Use W| Blue Card"); LaneClearOption.AddBool("LaneClearWRed", "Use W| Red Card"); LaneClearOption.AddMana(); JungleClearOption.AddMenu(); JungleClearOption.AddQ(); JungleClearOption.AddW(); JungleClearOption.AddMana(); KillStealOption.AddMenu(); KillStealOption.AddQ(); //GapcloserOption.AddMenu(); MiscOption.AddMenu(); MiscOption.AddBasic(); MiscOption.AddSubMenu("CardSelect", "Card Select Settings"); MiscOption.AddKey("CardSelect", "CardSelectYellow", "Gold Card", Keys.W, KeyBindType.Press); MiscOption.AddKey("CardSelect", "CardSelectBlue", "Blue Card", Keys.E, KeyBindType.Press); MiscOption.AddKey("CardSelect", "CardSelectRed", "Red Card", Keys.T, KeyBindType.Press); MiscOption.AddBool("CardSelect", "HumanizerSelect", "Humanizer Select Card", false); MiscOption.AddSlider("CardSelect", "HumanizerSelectMin", "Humanizer Select Card Min Delay", 0, 0, 2000); MiscOption.AddSlider("CardSelect", "HumanizerSelectMax", "Humanizer Select Card Max Delay", 2000, 0, 3500); MiscOption.AddQ(); MiscOption.AddBool("Q", "AutoQImmobile", "Auto Q|Enemy Cant Movement"); MiscOption.AddKey("Q", "SemiQ", "Semi-manual Q Key", Keys.Q, KeyBindType.Press); MiscOption.AddR(); MiscOption.AddBool("R", "UltYellow", "Auto Gold Card| In Ult"); DrawOption.AddMenu(); DrawOption.AddQ(Q); DrawOption.AddR(R); DrawOption.AddDamageIndicatorToHero(true, true, true, false, true); Game.OnTick += OnUpdate; //Gapcloser.OnGapcloser += OnGapcloser; AIBaseClient.OnProcessSpellCast += OnProcessSpellCast; Orbwalker.OnAction += OnAction; }
private static void Harass() { if (HarassOption.HasEnouguMana) { if (E.IsReady()) { if (HarassOption.UseE) { var target = TargetSelector.GetTarget(E.Range, TargetSelector.DamageType.Physical, true, ObjectManager.Heroes.Enemies.Where(x => !HarassOption.GetHarassTarget(x.ChampionName))); if (target.IsValidTarget(E.Range)) { E.CastOnUnit(target, true); } } if (HarassOption.GetBool("HarassEToMinion")) { foreach (var minion in MinionManager.GetMinions(E.Range).Where(m => m.Health < Me.GetAutoAttackDamage(m) && m.CountEnemiesInRange(m.BoundingRadius + 150) >= 1)) { var etarget = E.GetTarget(); if (etarget != null) { return; } E.CastOnUnit(minion, true); myOrbwalker.ForceTarget(minion); } } } } }
private static void Initializer() { Q = new Spell(SpellSlot.Q, 700f) { Delay = 0.25f, Speed = 1400f }; Q2 = new Spell(SpellSlot.Q, 1300f); Q2.SetSkillshot(0.25f, 70f, 1500f, true, false, SkillshotType.Line); W = new Spell(SpellSlot.W); E = new Spell(SpellSlot.E, 1000f); E.SetSkillshot(0.5f, 200f, float.MaxValue, false, false, SkillshotType.Circle); R = new Spell(SpellSlot.R, 1350f); R.SetSkillshot(0.25f, 50f, 3000f, false, false, SkillshotType.Cone); ComboOption.AddMenu(); ComboOption.AddQ(); ComboOption.AddBool("ComboQ1", "Use Q Extend"); ComboOption.AddW(); ComboOption.AddE(); HarassOption.AddMenu(); HarassOption.AddQ(); HarassOption.AddBool("HarassQ1", "Use Q Extend"); HarassOption.AddE(); HarassOption.AddMana(); HarassOption.AddTargetList(); LaneClearOption.AddMenu(); LaneClearOption.AddE(); LaneClearOption.AddSlider("LaneClearECount", "Use E| Min Hit Counts >= x", 3, 1, 5); LaneClearOption.AddMana(); JungleClearOption.AddMenu(); JungleClearOption.AddQ(); JungleClearOption.AddW(); JungleClearOption.AddE(); JungleClearOption.AddMana(); KillStealOption.AddMenu(); KillStealOption.AddQ(); KillStealOption.AddE(); //GapcloserOption.AddMenu(); MiscOption.AddMenu(); MiscOption.AddBasic(); MiscOption.AddR(); MiscOption.AddKey("R", "SemiR", "Semi-manual R Key", Keys.T, KeyBindType.Press); DrawOption.AddMenu(); DrawOption.AddQ(Q); DrawOption.AddE(E); DrawOption.AddR(R); DrawOption.AddDamageIndicatorToHero(true, false, true, true, true); Game.OnUpdate += OnUpdate; Orbwalker.OnAction += OnAction; AIBaseClient.OnProcessSpellCast += OnProcessSpellCast; //Gapcloser.OnGapcloser += OnGapcloser; }