public void BuildList() { PcisdataGridViewExs.Rows.Clear(); if (this.home != null) { string result = XenAPI.Host.call_plugin(home.Connection.Session, home.opaque_ref, "", "list", null); UsbDeviceInfoConfig.PVUsbListResult pvusbresult = null; try { pvusbresult = (UsbDeviceInfoConfig.PVUsbListResult)HalsignUtil.JsonToObject(result, typeof(UsbDeviceInfoConfig.PVUsbListResult)); } catch { return; } for (int i = 0; i < pvusbresult.returnvalue.Count; i++) { PcisdataGridViewExs.Rows.Add(); PcisdataGridViewExs.Rows[i].Tag = pvusbresult.returnvalue[i].id; PcisdataGridViewExs.Rows[i].Cells[0].Value = string.Concat("Bus ", pvusbresult.returnvalue[i].busid); PcisdataGridViewExs.Rows[i].Cells[0].Tag = pvusbresult.returnvalue[i].pciid; PcisdataGridViewExs.Rows[i].Cells[1].Value = pvusbresult.returnvalue[i].shortname + " (" + pvusbresult.returnvalue[i].longname + " )"; if (pvusbresult.returnvalue[i].vm != null) { string vmuuid = pvusbresult.returnvalue[i].vm; VM bindvm = home.Connection.Cache.VMs.First(vm => vm.uuid == vmuuid); PcisdataGridViewExs.Rows[i].Cells[2].Value = bindvm.name_label; PcisdataGridViewExs.Rows[i].Cells[2].Tag = pvusbresult.returnvalue[i].vm; PcisdataGridViewExs.Rows[i].Cells[3].Value = "pvusb"; PcisdataGridViewExs.Rows[i].Cells[3].ReadOnly = true; ((DataGridViewButtonCellEx)(PcisdataGridViewExs.Rows[i].Cells[4])).Bind = false; ((DataGridViewButtonCellEx)(PcisdataGridViewExs.Rows[i].Cells[4])).Enabled = true; } else { VM findvm = home.Connection.Cache.VMs.FirstOrDefault(vm => vm.uuid != null && vm.is_a_real_vm && HalsignHelpers.IsVMShow(vm) && vm.other_config.ContainsKey("pci") && vm.other_config["pci"].Contains(string.Concat("0000:", pvusbresult.returnvalue[i].pciid)) && vm.Home().Equals(home)); if (findvm == null) { PcisdataGridViewExs.Rows[i].Cells[3].Value = "pvusb"; ((DataGridViewButtonCellEx)(PcisdataGridViewExs.Rows[i].Cells[4])).Bind = true; ((DataGridViewButtonCellEx)(PcisdataGridViewExs.Rows[i].Cells[4])).Enabled = true; } else { PcisdataGridViewExs.Rows[i].Cells[2].Value = findvm.name_label; PcisdataGridViewExs.Rows[i].Cells[2].Tag = findvm.uuid; PcisdataGridViewExs.Rows[i].Cells[3].Value = "vt-d"; PcisdataGridViewExs.Rows[i].Cells[3].ReadOnly = true; ((DataGridViewButtonCellEx)(PcisdataGridViewExs.Rows[i].Cells[4])).Bind = false; ((DataGridViewButtonCellEx)(PcisdataGridViewExs.Rows[i].Cells[4])).Enabled = true; } } } } }
private bool RetrieveConfiguration(VM selectedVM) { bool result = false; if (selectedVM.Connection != null) { if (selectedVM.other_config.ContainsKey("halsign_br_enabled")) { if (selectedVM.other_config["halsign_br_enabled"].Equals("True")) { result = true; } else { result = false; this.noSetVM = selectedVM; } } else { Pool pool = HalsignHelpers.GetPoolOfOne(selectedVM.Connection); if (pool != null && pool.other_config.ContainsKey("halsign_br_enabled") && pool.other_config["halsign_br_enabled"].Equals("True")) { result = true; } else { this.noSetVM = selectedVM; } } } return(result); }
public override void PageLoaded(PageLoadedDirection direction) { base.PageLoaded(direction); if (direction == PageLoadedDirection.Forward) { //HelpersGUI.FocusFirstControl(base.Controls); Host _host = null; if (this._xenModelObject is VM) { _host = HalsignHelpers.VMHome(this._xenModelObject as VM); } else if (this._xenModelObject is Host) { _host = this._xenModelObject as Host; } if (_host != null) { this.ServerTimeLabel.Text = Host.get_servertime(this._xenModelObject.Connection.Session, _host.opaque_ref).ToLocalTime().ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss", DateTimeFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); } else { this.ServerTimeLabel.Text = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss", DateTimeFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); } } }
void worker_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) { lock (lockobj) { dtTable.Rows.Clear(); if (this.home != null) { string result = XenAPI.Host.call_plugin(home.Connection.Session, home.opaque_ref, "", "list", null); var ret = (UsbDeviceInfoConfig.PVUsbListResult)HalsignUtil.JsonToObject(result, typeof(UsbDeviceInfoConfig.PVUsbListResult)); foreach (UsbDeviceInfoConfig.USBInfo usbinfo in ret.returnvalue) { DataRow row = dtTable.NewRow(); row["id"] =; row["pciid"] = usbinfo.pciid; row["bus"] = string.Concat("Bus ", usbinfo.busid); row["devices"] = usbinfo.shortname + " (" + usbinfo.longname + " )"; if (usbinfo.vm != null) { XenRef <VM> vmRef = VM.get_by_uuid(home.Connection.Session, usbinfo.vm); VM bindvm = VM.get_record(home.Connection.Session, vmRef); row["vm_name"] = bindvm.name_label; row["vm_uuid"] = usbinfo.vm; row["usbmode"] = "pvusb"; row["bind"] = false; row["enabled"] = true; } else { VM findvm = home.Connection.Cache.VMs.FirstOrDefault(vm => vm.uuid != null && vm.is_a_real_vm && HalsignHelpers.IsVMShow(vm) && vm.other_config.ContainsKey("pci") && vm.other_config["pci"].Contains(string.Concat("0000:", usbinfo.pciid)) && vm.Home().Equals(home)); if (findvm == null) { row["usbmode"] = "pvusb"; row["bind"] = true; row["enabled"] = true; } else { row["vm_name"] = findvm.name_label; row["vm_uuid"] = findvm.uuid; row["usbmode"] = "vt-d"; row["bind"] = false; row["enabled"] = true; } } dtTable.Rows.Add(row); } } } }
private void RefreshTreeViewCore() { int index = 0; List <IXenConnection> xenConnectionsCopy = ConnectionsManager.XenConnectionsCopy; xenConnectionsCopy.Sort(); foreach (IXenConnection connection in xenConnectionsCopy) { VM[] vMs = connection.Cache.VMs.Where(vm => vm.uuid != null).ToArray(); Array.Sort <VM>(vMs); XenAPI.SR[] sRs = connection.Cache.SRs; Array.Sort <XenAPI.SR>(sRs); Pool pool = HalsignHelpers.GetPool(connection); if (pool != null) { bool flag2; TreeNode parent = this.AddNode(this.BackupTreeView.Nodes[0], index, HalsignHelpers.GetName(pool), Images.GetIconFor(pool), false, pool, out flag2); index++; Host[] hosts = connection.Cache.Hosts; Array.Sort <Host>(hosts); int num2 = 0; foreach (Host obj3 in hosts) { this.AddHostAndChildren(parent, num2, connection, vMs, sRs, obj3, false, true); num2++; } this.AddVMsToTree(parent, ref num2, connection, vMs, null, true); this.PurgeFromHere(parent, num2); if (flag2) { parent.Expand(); } continue; } Pool poolOfOne = HalsignHelpers.GetPoolOfOne(connection); Host theHost = (poolOfOne == null) ? null : poolOfOne.Connection.Resolve <Host>(poolOfOne.master); if (theHost == null) { this.AddDisconnectedNode(this.BackupTreeView.Nodes[0], index, connection); } else { this.AddHostAndChildren(this.BackupTreeView.Nodes[0], index, connection, vMs, sRs, theHost, true, false); } index++; } this.PurgeFromHere(this.BackupTreeView.Nodes[0], index); if (this.BackupTreeView.Nodes[0].Nodes.Count <= 0) { this.BackupTreeView.Enabled = false; } else { this.BackupTreeView.Nodes[0].Expand(); } }
private void AddVMsToTree(TreeNode parent, ref int index, IXenConnection connection, VM[] vms, Host TheHost, bool IsPool) { foreach (VM vm in vms) { bool is_snapshot = (!vm.is_a_template && HalsignHelpers.IsVMShow(vm) && !(vm.snapshots != null && vm.snapshots.Count > 0) && vm.allowed_operations.Count > 0); if (switchSnapshot) { is_snapshot = (!vm.is_a_template && HalsignHelpers.IsVMShow(vm) && !(vm.snapshots != null && vm.snapshots.Count > 0) && vm.allowed_operations.Count > 0); } else { is_snapshot = (!vm.is_a_template && HalsignHelpers.IsVMShow(vm) && vm.allowed_operations.Count > 0); } if (is_snapshot) { if ((HalsignHelpers.VMHome(vm) == TheHost) || !IsPool) { if (!vm.name_label.StartsWith("__gui__")) { if (switchSnapshot) { bool hasParent = false; foreach (VBD vbd in vm.Connection.ResolveAll <VBD>(vm.VBDs)) { if (HalsignHelpers.IsCDROM(vbd)) { continue; } VDI vdi = vm.Connection.Resolve <VDI>(vbd.VDI); if (vdi != null) //&& vdi.Server.Show) { if (vdi.sm_config.ContainsKey("vhd-parent") && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(vdi.sm_config["vhd-parent"])) { hasParent = true; break; } } } if (hasParent) { continue; } } this.AddVMNode(parent, index, vm); index++; //vmList.Add(vm.uuid, vm); } } } } }
private void BuildVMList(Host home) { VM[] vms = home.Connection.Cache.VMs.Where <VM>(vm => vm.uuid != null && vm.is_a_real_vm && HalsignHelpers.IsVMShow(vm) && (this.mode == "pvusb" ? (home.Connection.Resolve(vm.resident_on) == home) : (vm.Home() == home)) && vm.Home() == home).ToArray(); this.VMsComboBox.DataSource = vms; this.VMsComboBox.DisplayMember = "name_label"; this.VMsComboBox.ValueMember = "uuid"; }
private void InitStorageGridList() { VM _xenVM = null; Host _xenHost = null; if (this._xenModelObject is VM) { _xenVM = this._xenModelObject as VM; _xenHost = HalsignHelpers.VMHome(_xenVM); } else { _xenHost = _xenModelObject as Host; } this.DataGridView_DefaultStorage.Rows.Clear(); PBD[] objArray = _xenHost.Connection.ResolveAll <PBD>(_xenHost.PBDs).ToArray(); List <string> list = new List <string>(); int i = 0; foreach (PBD pbd in objArray) { SR sr = pbd.Connection.Resolve <SR>(pbd.SR); if ((sr != null) && !sr.IsToolsSR) { int index = list.BinarySearch(sr.opaque_ref); if (index < 0) { index = ~index; list.Insert(index, sr.opaque_ref); if (sr.GetSRType(false) == SR.SRTypes.lvm || sr.GetSRType(false) == SR.SRTypes.ext || sr.GetSRType(false) == SR.SRTypes.lvmoiscsi || sr.GetSRType(false) == SR.SRTypes.lvmohba || sr.GetSRType(false) == SR.SRTypes.lvmobond || sr.GetSRType(false) == SR.SRTypes.nfs || sr.GetSRType(false) == SR.SRTypes.lvmomirror) { String[] rowTemp = { _xenHost.name_label, _xenHost.address, sr.name_label, Util.DiskSizeString(sr.FreeSpace) }; this.DataGridView_DefaultStorage.Rows.Add(rowTemp); this.DataGridView_DefaultStorage.Rows[i].Tag = sr.uuid; this.DataGridView_DefaultStorage.Rows[i].Cells[3].Tag = sr.FreeSpace; i++; } } } } }
private bool ShowNetwork(XenAPI.Network network) { if (network.IsGuestInstallerNetwork) { return(false); } if (network.IsInUseBondSlave) { return(false); } if ((this.selected_host != null) && !HalsignHelpers.hostCanSeeNetwork(selected_host, network)) { return(false); } if ((this.selected_host == null) && !HalsignHelpers.allHostsCanSeeNetwork(network)) { return(false); } return(true); }
public void UpdateServerTime(IXenObject XenModelObject) { Host _host = null; if (XenModelObject is VM) { _host = HalsignHelpers.VMHome(XenModelObject as VM); } else if (XenModelObject is Host) { _host = XenModelObject as Host; } if (_host != null) { this.Label_Server_ScheduleTime.Text = Host.get_servertime(XenModelObject.Connection.Session, _host.opaque_ref).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss", DateTimeFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); } else { this.Label_Server_ScheduleTime.Text = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss", DateTimeFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); } }
public void ReplicationEditWizard() { VM vm = this._xenModelObject as VM; this.repChoseVmPage.VmCheckedList.Add(vm); BackupRestoreConfig.BrSchedule schedule = (BackupRestoreConfig.BrSchedule)HalsignUtil.JsonToObject(vm.other_config["halsign_rep_rules"], typeof(BackupRestoreConfig.BrSchedule)); jobs = (BackupRestoreConfig.Job)HalsignUtil.JsonToObject(vm.other_config["halsign_br_job_r"], typeof(BackupRestoreConfig.Job)); base.RemovePage(this.repChoseVmPage); base.RemovePage(this.repJobSettingPage); base.RemovePage(this.synchronizationPage); base.RemovePage(this.vmSettingsPage); base.RemovePage(this.completePage); this.repJobSettingPage.JobNameText = schedule.jobName; string tmpvdistr = ""; if (schedule.details.EndsWith("halsign_vdi_all")) { foreach (VBD vbd in vm.Connection.ResolveAll <VBD>(vm.VBDs)) { if (HalsignHelpers.IsCDROM(vbd)) { continue; } if (vbd.type.Equals(XenAPI.vbd_type.Disk)) { tmpvdistr += vm.Connection.Resolve <VDI>(vbd.VDI).uuid + "@";; } } tmpvdistr = tmpvdistr.Substring(0, tmpvdistr.Length - 1); this.repChoseVmPage.vdi_expand_list.Add(vm.uuid, tmpvdistr); } else { this.repChoseVmPage.vdi_expand_list.Add(vm.uuid, schedule.details); } this.schedulePage.EditReplicationInitButton(schedule); this.repJobSettingPage.EditReplicationInitJobSet(schedule); scheduleDetails = schedule.details.Replace("|halsign_vdi_all", ""); }
public BackupWizard(IXenObject XenObject) { this._xenModelObject = XenObject; InitializeComponent(); base.Text = string.Format(Messages.BACKUP_VM_TITLE, HalsignHelpers.GetName(this._xenModelObject.Connection)); this.xenChoseVmBackupPage = new BackupChoseVmPage(XenObject); this.scheduleBackupPage = new BackupSchedulePage(); this.summaryBackupPage = new BackupSummaryPage(); this.optionsBackupPage = new BackupOptionsPage(); this.completeBackupPage = new BackupCompletePage(); this.page_RbacWarning = new RBACWarningPage(); #region RBAC Warning Page Checks if (this._xenModelObject.Connection.Session.IsLocalSuperuser || Helpers.GetMaster(this._xenModelObject.Connection).external_auth_type == Auth.AUTH_TYPE_NONE) { //page_RbacWarning.DisableStep = true; } else { // Check to see if they can even create a VM RBACWarningPage.WizardPermissionCheck createCheck = new RBACWarningPage.WizardPermissionCheck(Messages.RBAC_WARNING_VM_WIZARD_BACKUP); foreach (RbacMethod method in StaticRBACDependencies) { createCheck.AddApiCheck(method); } createCheck.Blocking = true; page_RbacWarning.AddPermissionChecks(this._xenModelObject.Connection, createCheck); AddPage(page_RbacWarning, 0); } #endregion base.AddPage(this.xenChoseVmBackupPage); base.AddPage(this.scheduleBackupPage); base.AddPage(this.optionsBackupPage); base.AddPage(this.summaryBackupPage); base.AddPage(this.completeBackupPage); }
public void BackupEditWizard() { VM vm = this._xenModelObject as VM; this.vmCheckedList.Add(vm); BackupRestoreConfig.BrSchedule schedule = (BackupRestoreConfig.BrSchedule)HalsignUtil.JsonToObject(vm.other_config["halsign_br_rules"], typeof(BackupRestoreConfig.BrSchedule)); BackupRestoreConfig.Job job = (BackupRestoreConfig.Job)HalsignUtil.JsonToObject(vm.other_config["halsign_br_job_s"], typeof(BackupRestoreConfig.Job)); base.RemovePage(this.xenChoseVmBackupPage); base.RemovePage(this.optionsBackupPage); base.RemovePage(this.summaryBackupPage); base.RemovePage(this.completeBackupPage); this.optionsBackupPage._JobNameTextBox = schedule.jobName; string tmpvdistr = ""; if (schedule.details.Equals("halsign_vdi_all")) { foreach (VBD vbd in vm.Connection.ResolveAll <VBD>(vm.VBDs)) { if (HalsignHelpers.IsCDROM(vbd)) { continue; } if (vbd.type.Equals(XenAPI.vbd_type.Disk)) { tmpvdistr += vm.Connection.Resolve <VDI>(vbd.VDI).uuid + "@";; } } tmpvdistr = tmpvdistr.Substring(0, tmpvdistr.Length - 1); this.vdi_dictionary.Add(vm.uuid, tmpvdistr); } else { this.vdi_dictionary.Add(vm.uuid, schedule.details); } this.scheduleBackupPage.EditBackupInitButton(schedule); }
private bool ShowNetwork(XenAPI.Network network) { if (network.IsGuestInstallerNetwork) { return(false); } if (network.IsInUseBondSlave) { return(false); } Host temp_host = null; if (this._xenModelObject is VM) { VM _xenVM = this._xenModelObject as VM; temp_host = HalsignHelpers.VMHome(_xenVM); } else if (this._xenModelObject is Host) { temp_host = _xenModelObject as Host; } else { temp_host = Helpers.GetMaster(this._xenModelObject.Connection); } if ((temp_host != null) && !HalsignHelpers.hostCanSeeNetwork(temp_host, network)) { return(false); } if ((temp_host == null) && !HalsignHelpers.allHostsCanSeeNetwork(network)) { return(false); } return(true); }
private void generateStatusBox() { XenAPI.SR sr = this.xenModelObject as XenAPI.SR; if (sr != null) { bool flag = (sr.IsBroken() || !sr.MultipathAOK); bool isDetached = sr.IsDetached; List <ToolStripMenuItem> contextMenuItems = new List <ToolStripMenuItem>(); ToolStripMenuItem item = new ToolStripMenuItem(Messages.GENERAL_SR_CONTEXT_REPAIR) { Image = Resources._000_StorageBroken_h32bit_16 }; item.Click += delegate { Program.MainWindow.ShowPerConnectionWizard(this.xenModelObject.Connection, new RepairSRDialog(sr)); }; contextMenuItems.Add(item); if (flag && !isDetached) { GeneralDataList.Add(new GeneralDataStructure(FriendlyName("SR.state"), sr.StatusString, Status, contextMenuItems)); } else { GeneralDataList.Add(new GeneralDataStructure(FriendlyName("SR.state"), sr.StatusString, Status)); } foreach (Host host in this.xenModelObject.Connection.Cache.Hosts) { PBD pbd = null; foreach (PBD pbd2 in this.xenModelObject.Connection.ResolveAll <PBD>(host.PBDs)) { if (!(pbd2.SR.opaque_ref != this.xenModelObject.opaque_ref)) { pbd = pbd2; break; } } if (pbd == null) { if (sr.shared) { if (!isDetached) { GeneralDataList.Add(new GeneralDataStructure(" " + HalsignHelpers.TrimStringIfRequired(Helpers.GetName(host), 30), Messages.REPAIR_SR_DIALOG_CONNECTION_MISSING, Status, Color.Red, contextMenuItems)); } else { GeneralDataList.Add(new GeneralDataStructure(" " + HalsignHelpers.TrimStringIfRequired(Helpers.GetName(host), 30), Messages.REPAIR_SR_DIALOG_CONNECTION_MISSING, Status, Color.Red)); } } } else { pbd.PropertyChanged -= new PropertyChangedEventHandler(this.PropertyChanged); pbd.PropertyChanged += new PropertyChangedEventHandler(this.PropertyChanged); if (!pbd.currently_attached) { if (!isDetached) { GeneralDataList.Add(new GeneralDataStructure(HalsignHelpers.TrimStringIfRequired(Helpers.GetName(host), 30), pbd.StatusString, Status, Color.Red, contextMenuItems)); } else { GeneralDataList.Add(new GeneralDataStructure(HalsignHelpers.TrimStringIfRequired(Helpers.GetName(host), 30), pbd.StatusString, Status, Color.Red)); } } else { GeneralDataList.Add(new GeneralDataStructure(HalsignHelpers.TrimStringIfRequired(Helpers.GetName(host), 30), pbd.StatusString, Status)); } } if (sr.GetSRType(true) == SR.SRTypes.lvmobond) { if (pbd != null) { String status; if (pbd.other_config.ContainsKey("LUN1-status")) { if (pbd.other_config.TryGetValue("LUN1-status", out status)) { GeneralDataList.Add(new GeneralDataStructure(FriendlyName("LUN1"), status, Status)); } } if (pbd.other_config.ContainsKey("LUN2-status")) { if (pbd.other_config.TryGetValue("LUN2-status", out status)) { GeneralDataList.Add(new GeneralDataStructure(FriendlyName("LUN2"), status, Status)); } } } } if (sr.GetSRType(true) == SR.SRTypes.lvmomirror && !sr.other_config.ContainsKey("_type")) { if (pbd != null) { String status; if (pbd.other_config.ContainsKey("LUN1-status")) { if (pbd.other_config.TryGetValue("LUN1-status", out status)) { GeneralDataList.Add(new GeneralDataStructure(FriendlyName("LUN1"), status, Status)); } } if (pbd.other_config.ContainsKey("LUN2-status")) { if (pbd.other_config.TryGetValue("LUN2-status", out status)) { GeneralDataList.Add(new GeneralDataStructure(FriendlyName("LUN2"), status, Status)); } } } } if (sr.GetSRType(true) == SR.SRTypes.lvmomirror && sr.other_config.ContainsKey("_type")) { if (pbd != null) { String status; if (pbd.device_config.ContainsKey("SCSIid1")) { if (pbd.device_config.TryGetValue("SCSIid1", out status)) { GeneralDataList.Add(new GeneralDataStructure(FriendlyName("LUN1"), status, Status)); } } if (pbd.device_config.ContainsKey("SCSIid2")) { if (pbd.device_config.TryGetValue("SCSIid2", out status)) { GeneralDataList.Add(new GeneralDataStructure(FriendlyName("LUN2"), status, Status)); } } } } }//foreach /** * if (sr.GetSRType(true) == SR.SRTypes.lvmobond) * { * if (sr.sm_config.ContainsKey("state")) * { * GeneralDataList.Add(new GeneralDataStructure(FriendlyName("RAID.state"), sr.sm_config["state"], Status)); * } * if (sr.sm_config.ContainsKey("LUN0-status")) * { * * if (sr.sm_config["LUN0-status"].Contains("removed")) * { * List<ToolStripMenuItem> ctxMenuItems = new List<ToolStripMenuItem>(); * ToolStripMenuItem itm = MainWindow.NewToolStripMenuItem("Add", Resources._000_StorageBroken_h32bit_16, delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) * { * List<FibreChannelDevice> devices; * var success = LVMoBond.FiberChannelScan(this, sr.Connection, out devices); * Program.MainWindow.ShowPerConnectionWizard(this.xenModelObject.Connection, new AddLUNDialog(sr, devices)); * }); * * ctxMenuItems.Add(itm); * GeneralDataList.Add(new GeneralDataStructure(FriendlyName("LUN1"), sr.sm_config["LUN0-status"], Status, Color.Red, ctxMenuItems)); * } * else * { * String iscsiid = sr.sm_config["LUN0-scsiid"]; * String mpath_enable = sr.sm_config["multipathable"]; * String boundsr_dev = sr.sm_config["md_device"]; * Dictionary<String, String> args = new Dictionary<string, string>(); * args.Add("scsiid", iscsiid); * args.Add("mpath_enable", mpath_enable); * args.Add("boundsr_dev", boundsr_dev); * List<ToolStripMenuItem> ctxMenuItems = new List<ToolStripMenuItem>(); * ToolStripMenuItem itm = MainWindow.NewToolStripMenuItem("remove", Resources._000_StorageBroken_h32bit_16, delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) * { * try * { * AsyncAction Action = new SrRemoveLUNAction(sr.Connection, sr, args, false); * Action.RunAsync(); * } * catch (Exception ex) * { * } * }); * ctxMenuItems.Add(itm); * GeneralDataList.Add(new GeneralDataStructure(FriendlyName("LUN1"), sr.sm_config["LUN0-status"], Status, ctxMenuItems)); * } * } * if (sr.sm_config.ContainsKey("LUN1-status")) * { * if (sr.sm_config["LUN1-status"].Contains("removed")) * { * List<ToolStripMenuItem> ctxMenuItems = new List<ToolStripMenuItem>(); * ToolStripMenuItem itm = MainWindow.NewToolStripMenuItem("Add", Resources._000_StorageBroken_h32bit_16, delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) * { * List<FibreChannelDevice> devices; * var success = LVMoBond.FiberChannelScan(this, sr.Connection, out devices); * Program.MainWindow.ShowPerConnectionWizard(this.xenModelObject.Connection, new AddLUNDialog(sr, devices)); * }); * * ctxMenuItems.Add(itm); * GeneralDataList.Add(new GeneralDataStructure(FriendlyName("LUN2"), sr.sm_config["LUN1-status"], Status, Color.Red, ctxMenuItems)); * } * else * { * String iscsiid = sr.sm_config["LUN1-scsiid"]; * String mpath_enable = sr.sm_config["multipathable"]; * String boundsr_dev = sr.sm_config["md_device"]; * Dictionary<String, String> args = new Dictionary<string, string>(); * args.Add("scsiid", iscsiid); * args.Add("mpath_enable", mpath_enable); * args.Add("boundsr_dev", boundsr_dev); * List<ToolStripMenuItem> ctxMenuItems = new List<ToolStripMenuItem>(); * ToolStripMenuItem itm = MainWindow.NewToolStripMenuItem("remove", Resources._000_StorageBroken_h32bit_16, delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) * { * try * { * AsyncAction Action = new SrRemoveLUNAction(sr.Connection, sr, args, false); * Action.RunAsync(); * * } * catch(Exception ex) * { * } * }); * ctxMenuItems.Add(itm); * GeneralDataList.Add(new GeneralDataStructure(FriendlyName("LUN2"), sr.sm_config["LUN1-status"], Status, ctxMenuItems)); * } * } * }**/ } }
protected override void FinishWizard() { List <Dictionary <string, string> > listParam = new List <Dictionary <string, string> >(); List <Dictionary <string, List <string> > > listParamTemp = new List <Dictionary <string, List <string> > >(); BackupRestoreConfig.BrSchedule schedule = new BackupRestoreConfig.BrSchedule(); BackupRestoreConfig.Job job = new BackupRestoreConfig.Job(); string str_rules = ""; String str_job = ""; string str_command = ""; schedule.jobName = this.repJobSettingPage.JobNameText; job.job_name = this.repJobSettingPage.JobNameText; if (this.schedulePage.NowChecked) { str_command = "f"; schedule.scheduleType = 0; job.schedule_type = 0; schedule.scheduleDate = ""; } if (this.schedulePage.OnceChecked) { str_command = "y"; schedule.scheduleType = 1; job.schedule_type = 1; schedule.scheduleDate = this.schedulePage.StartDateText; schedule.scheduleTime = this.schedulePage.StartTimeText; } if (this.schedulePage.DailyChecked) { str_command = "a"; schedule.scheduleType = 2; job.schedule_type = 2; schedule.scheduleDate = this.schedulePage.StartDateText; schedule.scheduleTime = this.schedulePage.StartTimeText; schedule.recur = this.schedulePage.RecurText; } if (this.schedulePage.CircleChecked) { str_command = "u"; schedule.scheduleType = 4; job.schedule_type = 4; schedule.scheduleDate = this.schedulePage.StartDateText; schedule.scheduleTime = this.schedulePage.StartTimeText; schedule.recur = this.schedulePage.RecurText; } if (this.schedulePage.WeeklyChecked) { str_command = "z"; schedule.scheduleType = 3; job.schedule_type = 3; schedule.scheduleDate = this.schedulePage.StartDateText; schedule.scheduleTime = this.schedulePage.StartTimeText; schedule.recur = this.schedulePage.RecurText; List <int> listDays = new List <int>(); if (this.schedulePage.MondayChecked) { listDays.Add(1); } if (this.schedulePage.TuesdayChecked) { listDays.Add(2); } if (this.schedulePage.WednesdayChecked) { listDays.Add(3); } if (this.schedulePage.ThursdayChecked) { listDays.Add(4); } if (this.schedulePage.FridayChecked) { listDays.Add(5); } if (this.schedulePage.SaturdayChecked) { listDays.Add(6); } if (this.schedulePage.SundayChecked) { listDays.Add(0); } schedule.weeklyDays = listDays; } if (scheduleDetails != null && !scheduleDetails.Equals("")) { schedule.details = scheduleDetails; } else { schedule.details = this.repJobSettingPage.Choice_sr_ip + "|" + this.repJobSettingPage.DestUsernameText + "|" + this.repJobSettingPage.DestPasswordText + "|" + this.repJobSettingPage.VMNameText + "|" + this.repJobSettingPage.Choice_sr_uuid + "|0|" + this.repJobSettingPage.MacText + "|" + this.repJobSettingPage.NetworkValue + "|" + Helpers.GetMaster(this.repJobSettingPage.Selected_xenConnection).address + "|" + this.repJobSettingPage.Selected_xenConnection.Username + "|" + this.repJobSettingPage.Selected_xenConnection.Password + "|" + this.repJobSettingPage.Selected_host.uuid; } str_rules = HalsignUtil.ToJson(schedule); str_rules = str_rules.Replace("\\/", "/"); = ""; job.key = "halsign_br_job_r"; job.request = str_command + this.repJobSettingPage.JobNameText.TrimEnd().TrimStart() + "|"; TimeSpan ts = DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)); ts = new DateTime(this.schedulePage.StartDateValue.Year, this.schedulePage.StartDateValue.Month, this.schedulePage.StartDateValue.Day, this.schedulePage.StartTimeValue.Hour, this.schedulePage.StartTimeValue.Minute, this.schedulePage.StartTimeValue.Second).Subtract(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0).ToLocalTime()); if (jobs != null) { jobs.request = str_command + jobs.request.Substring(1, jobs.request.Length - 1); jobs.schedule_type = job.schedule_type; str_job = HalsignUtil.ToJson(jobs); } else { job.start_time = ""; job.progress = -1; job.total_storage = -1; job.modify_time = ""; = -1; job.retry = -1; job.speed = -1; job.status = 0; job.current_full_count = 0; job.expect_full_count = 0;//this.scheduleBackupPage.IsFullBackup ? 0 : (this.scheduleBackupPage._expectFullCheckBox ? this.scheduleBackupPage._expectFullCountTextBox : 0); str_job = HalsignUtil.ToJson(job); } //string a = this.repJobSettingPage.Selected_xenConnection.Hostname; Dictionary <string, string> _dconf = new Dictionary <string, string>(); _dconf.Add("command", str_command); _dconf.Add("is_now", this.schedulePage.NowChecked.ToString()); _dconf.Add("replication_rules", str_rules); _dconf.Add("replication_job", str_job); if (jobs != null) { _dconf.Add("replication_editjob", "true"); } else { _dconf.Add("replication_editjob", "false"); } foreach (VM item in this.repChoseVmPage.VmCheckedList) { Dictionary <string, string> _dconf_param = new Dictionary <string, string>(); Dictionary <string, List <string> > _dconf_param_temp = new Dictionary <string, List <string> >(); string host_ip = " "; if (!HalsignHelpers.VMHome(item).address.Equals(this.repJobSettingPage.Choice_sr_ip)) { host_ip = this.repJobSettingPage.Choice_sr_ip; } List <string> syncCheckedList = new List <string>(); foreach (Dictionary <string, string> dRepChecked in this.synchronizationPage.RepCheckedList) { if (dRepChecked.ContainsKey(item.uuid)) { string request_expend = ""; if (this.repChoseVmPage.vdi_expand_list.ContainsKey(item.uuid)) { int vdiNo = 0; foreach (VBD vbd in item.Connection.ResolveAll <VBD>(item.VBDs)) { if (HalsignHelpers.IsCDROM(vbd)) { continue; } if (vbd.type.Equals(XenAPI.vbd_type.Disk)) { vdiNo++; } } if (vdiNo == this.repChoseVmPage.vdi_expand_list[item.uuid].Split('@').Length) { request_expend = "|" + "halsign_vdi_all"; } else { request_expend = "|" + this.repChoseVmPage.vdi_expand_list[item.uuid]; } } if ("new".Equals(dRepChecked[item.uuid])) { syncCheckedList.Add(this.repJobSettingPage.JobNameText + "|" + item.uuid + "|" + host_ip + "|" + this.repJobSettingPage.DestUsernameText + "|" + this.repJobSettingPage.DestPasswordText + "|" + this.repJobSettingPage.VMNameText + "|" + this.repJobSettingPage.Choice_sr_uuid + "|0|" + this.repJobSettingPage.MacText + "|" + this.repJobSettingPage.NetworkValue + "|" + Helpers.GetMaster(this.repJobSettingPage.Selected_xenConnection).address + "|" + this.repJobSettingPage.Selected_xenConnection.Username + "|" + this.repJobSettingPage.Selected_xenConnection.Password + "|" + this.repJobSettingPage.Selected_host.uuid + request_expend); } else { syncCheckedList.Add(this.repJobSettingPage.JobNameText + "|" + item.uuid + "|" + host_ip + "|" + this.repJobSettingPage.DestUsernameText + "|" + this.repJobSettingPage.DestPasswordText + "|" + dRepChecked[item.uuid] + "|" + Helpers.GetMaster(this.repJobSettingPage.Selected_xenConnection).address + "|" + this.repJobSettingPage.Selected_xenConnection.Username + "|" + this.repJobSettingPage.Selected_xenConnection.Password + request_expend); } } } _dconf_param_temp.Add(item.uuid, syncCheckedList); listParamTemp.Add(_dconf_param_temp); } BackupAction action = new BackupAction(Messages.COPY_VM, BackupRestoreConfig.BackupActionKind.Replication, this._xenModelObject, this.repChoseVmPage.VmCheckedList, _dconf, listParamTemp, this.repChoseVmPage.vdi_expand_list); if (action != null) { ProgressBarStyle progressBarStyle = ProgressBarStyle.Marquee; ActionProgressDialog dialog = new ActionProgressDialog(action, progressBarStyle); dialog.ShowCancel = false; dialog.ShowDialog(this); if (!action.Succeeded || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(action.Result)) { base.FinishCanceled(); //Program.MainWindow.BringToFront(); //e.PageIndex = e.PageIndex - 1; } else { base.FinishWizard(); } if (!(this._xenModelObject is Host)) { // todo Program.MainWindow.SwitchToTab(MainWindow.Tab.BR); if (this._xenModelObject is VM) { VM vm = this._xenModelObject as VM; vm.NotifyPropertyChanged("other_config"); } } } }
private void AddDisconnectedNode(TreeNode parent, int index, IXenConnection connection) { bool flag; this.AddNode(parent, index, HalsignHelpers.GetName(connection), Images.GetIconFor(connection), true, connection, out flag); }
private void AddVMNode(TreeNode parent, int index, VM vm) { bool flag; string os_name = vm.GetOSName().ToLowerInvariant(); Icons _icons; if (os_name.Contains("windows")) { _icons = Icons.Windows; } else if (os_name.Contains("debian")) { _icons = Icons.Debian; } else if (os_name.Contains("red")) { _icons = Icons.RHEL; } else if (os_name.Contains("cent")) { _icons = Icons.CentOS; } else if (os_name.Contains("oracle")) { _icons = Icons.Oracle; } else if (os_name.Contains("suse")) { _icons = Icons.SUSE; } else if (os_name.Contains("ubuntu")) { _icons = Icons.XenCenter; } else { _icons = Icons.XenCenter; } TreeNode node = this.AddNode(parent, index, vm.name_label, _icons, false, vm, out flag); int num = 0; foreach (VBD vbd in vm.Connection.ResolveAll <VBD>(vm.VBDs)) { if (HalsignHelpers.IsCDROM(vbd)) { continue; } if (vbd.type.Equals(XenAPI.vbd_type.Disk)) { VDI vdi = vm.Connection.Resolve <VDI>(vbd.VDI); //Add by dalei.shou on 2013/10/28, ignore the removable physical storage shown SR sr = vm.Connection.Resolve <SR>(vdi.SR); if (sr.IsRemovableStorage()) { continue; } bool expend; TreeNode n = this.AddNode(node, num, vdi.name_label, Images.GetIconFor(vdi), false, vdi, out expend); if (node.Checked == true) { n.Checked = true; } num++; } } if (node.Checked == true) { node.Expand(); } }
/// <summary> /// 1. Check that how many VDIs were checked for replication /// 2. Check whether the vms on destination host have the same amount of vdis on destination host /// 3. Check whether the vdis have key "src_vdi_uuid" /// </summary> /// <param name="parent"></param> /// <param name="index"></param> /// <param name="vms"></param> private void AddVmsToTree(TreeNode parent, ref int index, List <VM> vms) { VM[] vMs = this.selected_xenConnection.Cache.VMs.Where( vm => (vm.uuid != null && vm.is_a_real_vm && HalsignHelpers.VMHome(vm) != null && HalsignHelpers.VMHome(vm) == this.selected_host)).ToArray(); foreach (VM vm in vms) { TreeNode nodeSelectedVM = this.AddVMNodes(parent, index, vm); TreeNode newNode = new TreeNode(Messages.NEW_REPLICATION); newNode.ImageIndex = 999; newNode.SelectedImageIndex = 999; newNode.Tag = "new"; newNode.Checked = true; nodeSelectedVM.Nodes.Add(newNode); List <string> sourceVdiList = this.vdiCheckedDic[vm.uuid].Split(new string[] { "@" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries).ToList <string>(); foreach (VM tempVm in vMs) { bool isOperationAllowed = (!tempVm.is_a_template && HalsignHelpers.IsVMShow(tempVm) && tempVm.allowed_operations.Count > 0); if (isOperationAllowed) { List <VDI> destVdiList = new List <VDI>(); foreach (VBD vbd in tempVm.Connection.ResolveAll <VBD>(tempVm.VBDs).ToArray()) { if (HalsignHelpers.IsCDROM(vbd)) { continue; } VDI vdi = tempVm.Connection.Resolve(vbd.VDI); SR sr = tempVm.Connection.Resolve(vdi.SR); if (vdi != null && vdi.Show(true) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(vdi.uuid) && (sr != null && sr.uuid == this.selected_sr_uuid)) { if (null != vdi.uuid && !vdi.uuid.Equals("")) { destVdiList.Add(vdi); } } } if (sourceVdiList.Count == destVdiList.Count) { int vdiiNo = 0; foreach (VDI vdii in destVdiList) { if (vdii.other_config.ContainsKey("src_vdi_uuid")) { foreach (string uuid in sourceVdiList) { if (vdii.other_config["src_vdi_uuid"].Equals(uuid)) { vdiiNo++; } } } } if (vdiiNo == destVdiList.Count) { TreeNode nodeTemp = new TreeNode(tempVm.name_label); nodeTemp.ImageIndex = 999; nodeTemp.SelectedImageIndex = 999; nodeTemp.Tag = new ReplicatedVmState(tempVm.uuid, tempVm.power_state == vm_power_state.Running); nodeSelectedVM.Nodes.Add(nodeTemp); } } } } index++; } }
protected override void UpdateWizardContent(XenTabPage senderPage) { System.Type type = senderPage.GetType(); if (type == typeof(BackupChoseVmPage)) { Host _host = null; if (this._xenModelObject is VM) { _host = HalsignHelpers.VMHome(this._xenModelObject as VM); } else if (this._xenModelObject is Host) { _host = this._xenModelObject as Host; } if (_host != null) { this.scheduleBackupPage.ServerDateText = Host.get_servertime(this._xenModelObject.Connection.Session, _host.opaque_ref).ToLocalTime().ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss", DateTimeFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); } else { this.scheduleBackupPage.ServerDateText = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss", DateTimeFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); } } else if (type == typeof(BackupOptionsPage)) { this.summaryBackupPage._JobNameLable(this.optionsBackupPage._JobNameTextBox); if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.scheduleBackupPage._StrScheduleType)) { if (this.scheduleBackupPage.IsFullBackup) { this.summaryBackupPage._ScheduleTypeLabel(Messages.FULL_BACKUP_NOW); } else { this.summaryBackupPage._ScheduleTypeLabel(Messages.BACKUP_IMMEDIATELY); } } else { if (this.scheduleBackupPage.IsFullBackup) { this.summaryBackupPage._ScheduleTypeLabel(Messages.FULL_BACKUP_ONCE); } else if (this.scheduleBackupPage._StrScheduleType.Equals("Once")) { this.summaryBackupPage._ScheduleTypeLabel(Messages.BACKUP_ONCE); } else { if (this.scheduleBackupPage._StrScheduleType.Equals("Daily")) { this.summaryBackupPage._ScheduleTypeLabel(Messages.BACKUP_DAILY); } else if (this.scheduleBackupPage._StrScheduleType.Equals("Weekly")) { this.summaryBackupPage._ScheduleTypeLabel(Messages.BACKUP_WEEKLY); } else { this.summaryBackupPage._ScheduleTypeLabel(Messages.BACKUP_CIRCLE); } if (this.scheduleBackupPage._expectFullCheckBox) { this.summaryBackupPage.Options = string.Format(Messages.FULL_BACKUP_RECURS_EVERY, this.scheduleBackupPage._expectFullCountTextBox); } } //this.summaryBackupPage._ScheduleTypeLabel(this.scheduleBackupPage._StrScheduleType); } } }
/// <summary> /// Update by Dalei.Shou on 2013/8/16, remove the last "|0" parameter /// </summary> private void ScheduleRestoreJob() { int rowCount = this.page_VMSettings.DataGridViewRestoreInfo.RowCount; for (int i = 0; i < this.page_VMSettings.DataGridViewRestoreInfo.RowCount; i++) { if (this.page_VMSettings.DataGridViewRestoreInfo.Rows[i].Cells[0].Value.ToString().ToLowerInvariant() == "true") { string[] uuidTag = this.page_VMSettings.DataGridViewRestoreInfo.Rows[i].Tag.ToString().Split(new string[] { "|" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (!restore_vdi_list.ContainsKey(uuidTag[0])) { restore_vdi_list.Add(uuidTag[0], uuidTag[1]); } else { string temp = string.Concat(restore_vdi_list[uuidTag[0]], "@", uuidTag[1]); restore_vdi_list[uuidTag[0]] = temp; } } } List <string> list = new List <string>(); List <Dictionary <string, string> > listSchedule = new List <Dictionary <string, string> >(); string schedule = ""; int milliseconds = 0; foreach (AgentParamDataModel item in this.vmCheckedList) { string uuid_spend = "|"; if (restore_vdi_list.ContainsKey(item.VMRestoreInfo.Substring(37, 36))) { int l = restore_vdi_list[item.VMRestoreInfo.Substring(37, 36)].Split('@').Length; if (l == 1) { uuid_spend += "halsign_vdi_all"; } else { if (l - 1 == restore_vdi_info_list[item.VMRestoreInfo].Count) { uuid_spend += "halsign_vdi_all"; } else if (l - 1 < restore_vdi_info_list[item.VMRestoreInfo].Count) { for (int y = 1; y < l; y++) { if (y == 1) { uuid_spend = uuid_spend + restore_vdi_list[item.VMRestoreInfo.Substring(37, 36)].Split('@')[y]; } else { uuid_spend = uuid_spend + "@" + restore_vdi_list[item.VMRestoreInfo.Substring(37, 36)].Split('@')[y]; } } } } } list.Add(this.restore_job_name.TrimEnd().TrimStart() + "|" + this.set_storage_ip.Trim() + "|" + this.set_storage_username + "|" + this.set_storage_password + "|" + item.RootPath + "|" + item.VMRestoreInfo + "|" + this.restore_vm_name + "|" + this.restoreDataModel.choice_sr_uuid + "|" + (this._isBackupNetworkSettingChecked ? "1" : "0") + "|" + (this._isNewMacAddressChecked ? "1" : "0") + "|" + this.restore_network_uuid + uuid_spend); if (this._isOnceScheduleChecked) { Dictionary <string, string> dconfTemp = new Dictionary <string, string>(); BackupRestoreConfig.Job job = new BackupRestoreConfig.Job(); job.job_name = this.restore_job_name.TrimEnd().TrimStart(); if (this._xenModelObject is VM) { VM _xenVM = this._xenModelObject as VM; = HalsignHelpers.VMHome(_xenVM).uuid; } else if (this._xenModelObject is Host) { Host _xenHost = _xenModelObject as Host; = _xenHost.uuid; } else { = Helpers.GetMaster(this._xenModelObject.Connection).uuid; } TimeSpan ts = DateTime.UtcNow.Subtract(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)); job.key = "halsign_br_job_s_" + (Math.Floor(ts.TotalMilliseconds) + milliseconds++); job.request = "o" + this.restore_job_name.TrimEnd().TrimStart() + "|" + this.set_storage_ip.Trim() + "|" + this.set_storage_username + "|" + this.set_storage_password + "|" + item.RootPath + "|" + item.VMRestoreInfo + "|" + restore_vm_name + "|" + this.restoreDataModel.choice_sr_uuid + "|" + (this._isBackupNetworkSettingChecked ? "1" : "0") + "|" + (this._isNewMacAddressChecked ? "1" : "0") + "|" + this.restore_network_uuid + uuid_spend; ts = new DateTime(this.scheduleDate.Year, this.scheduleDate.Month, this.scheduleDate.Day, this.scheduleTime.Hour, this.scheduleTime.Minute, this.scheduleTime.Second).Subtract(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0).ToLocalTime()); job.start_time = Math.Floor(ts.TotalSeconds).ToString(); job.progress = -1; job.total_storage = -1; job.modify_time = ""; = -1; job.retry = -1; job.speed = -1; job.status = 0; schedule = HalsignUtil.ToJson(job); schedule = schedule.Replace("\\/", "/"); dconfTemp.Add("schedule", schedule); dconfTemp.Add("config_name", job.key); listSchedule.Add(dconfTemp); } } BackupAction action = new BackupAction(_Message, BackupRestoreConfig.BackupActionKind.Restore, this._xenModelObject, list, listSchedule); if (action != null) { ProgressBarStyle progressBarStyle = ProgressBarStyle.Marquee; ActionProgressDialog dialog = new ActionProgressDialog(action, progressBarStyle); dialog.ShowCancel = false; dialog.ShowDialog(this); try { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(action.Result)) { Program.MainWindow.BringToFront(); } } catch { Program.MainWindow.BringToFront(); } } }