public LocationProvider() { CurLocInfo = new DynProp <LocInfo> (new LocInfo { Loc = new GeoLoc() }); _locMgr = new CLLocationManager(); }
void OnCurLocChanged (object sender, DynProp<LocInfo>.EvtArgs e) { if (_first) FetchMatchingBooking (); // TODO: Maintain drivers state. If he/she has kept app open without picking up booking // and is driving around, we should update the matched bookings beyond certain distance threshold }
private AppCommon(string googleApiKeyNative, string googleApiKeyWeb, ILocationProvider locationProvider) { Inst = this; IsLoggedIn = false; GoogleApiKeyNative = googleApiKeyNative; GoogleApiKeyWeb = googleApiKeyWeb; Log = new Logger (); IsPassenger = new DynProp<bool> (true); LoadAppData (); PlacesProvider = new PlacesProvider (); DirectionsProvider = new DirectionsProvider (); LocationProvider = locationProvider; NearestPointProvider = new NearestPointProvider (); IsPassenger.Value = AppData.IsLastUserPassenger; }
public LocationProvider() { CurLocInfo = new DynProp <LocInfo> (new LocInfo { Loc = new GeoLoc() }); }
public LocationProvider() { CurLocInfo = new DynProp<LocInfo> (new LocInfo {Loc = new GeoLoc()}); }