private void SwitchEditMode() { switch (_mode_edit) { case EditMode.Select: SelectEdit(); break; case EditMode.Paint: PaintEdit(); break; case EditMode.Procedural: if (_debug_start_modifiers) { int i = 0; foreach (Modifier m in _map_gen.m_ModifiersList) { if (m != null && !m.Pass) { Vector3 posTrans = _grid.GetPositionCell(m.StartIndex); DebugCellAtPosition(posTrans, DebugsColor.start_modifier, 1.1f); posTrans.y += _grid.SizeCell; Handles.Label(posTrans, "Start modifier " + i); } i++; } } break; } }
/// <summary> /// Gizmo for debuging a cell. /// </summary> /// <param name="index">The index of the cell.</param> /// <param name="grid">The grid it belongs</param> /// <param name="color">Color of the gizmo.</param> /// <param name="offsetSize"> The scale amount add to the grid size cell.</param> public static void DebugCell(Vector3Int index, Grid3D grid, Color color, float offsetSize = 0.01f) { if (grid == null) { return; } Gizmos.color = color; TypeGrid3D typegrid = grid.GetTypeGrid(); switch (typegrid) { case TypeGrid3D.Cube: { Gizmos.DrawWireCube(grid.GetPositionCell(index), * (grid.SizeCell + offsetSize)); } break; case TypeGrid3D.Hexagonal: { Gizmos.DrawMesh(ProceduralMesh.GetHexagonMesh(), grid.GetPositionCell(index), Quaternion.identity, * (grid.SizeCell + offsetSize)); } break; default: throw new ArgumentException("No type implemented " + typegrid.ToString() + " inherit Grid3D"); } }
private void Start() { _rb = GetComponent <Rigidbody>(); Vector3 dest = _grid.GetPositionCell(_index_grid); _rb.MovePosition(dest); _is_moving = false; }
private void FireOnAxis(Vector3Int index, Vector3Int axis) { for (int i = 1; i <= radius; i++) { Vector3Int newIndex = index + axis * i; Cell cell = grid.TryGetCellByIndex(ref newIndex); Vector3 position = grid.GetPositionCell(newIndex); position.y -= grid.SizeCell / 2; if (cell != null) { if (cell.TryGetComponent(out Destroyable destroyable) && destroyable.Hit()) { Destroy(cell.gameObject); Instantiate(explosionPrefab, position, Quaternion.identity); Instantiate(firePrefab, position, Quaternion.identity); } return; } Instantiate(firePrefab, position, Quaternion.identity); } }