Пример #1
        // _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ //

        // Render just gets the graphicsdevice and the spritebatch
        // so we can render the entities that are drawn in RenderEntities
        // method.
        public void Render(GameDependencies gm)
            graphics = gm.GraphicsDeviceManager.GraphicsDevice;
            SpriteBatch spriteBatch = gm.SpriteBatch;

            CameraViewComponent cameraEntities = ComponentManager.GetEntitiesWithComponent(typeof(CameraViewComponent)).First().Value as CameraViewComponent;

            graphics.Clear(Color.Black); // Maybe done outside

            Rectangle cameraView = cameraEntities.View;

            //    Matrix.CreateScale(new Vector3(camera.Scale, camera.Scale, camera.Scale));
            // Using a matrix makes it easier for us to move the camera
            // independently of all the sprites, which means that we easily can
            // rotate, scale, etc. without much effort. plus its recommended.
            // What we do when are multiplying matrices is that we combine them
            // so the result will be a matrix that does the combination of it's
            // products. Now when we use this transform in the begindraw, it will
            // affect all the stuff that is drawn after it.
            // We create a translation matrix so we are able to move our points easily
            // from one place to another.
            // X,Y and Z, ofcourse Z will be 0.
            // We won't be having any rotation.
            // Our zoom effect will be doing its jobb here,
            // as this matrix will easily help us achieve it.
            Matrix transform = Matrix.Identity *
                               Matrix.CreateTranslation(new Vector3(-cameraView.X, -cameraView.Y, 0)) *
                               Matrix.CreateRotationZ(0) *

            spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.FrontToBack, null, null, null, null, null, transform);
        // This draw method is used to start the system process.
        // it uses DrawTitleSafe to draw the components.
        public void Draw(GameDependencies gameDependencies)
            this._gameDependencies = gameDependencies;

            // _gameDependencies.SpriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.FrontToBack);
            // _gameDependencies.SpriteBatch.End();
        // This method is used to initialize the penumbra instance, and add
        // all the entities that have an associated instance of light component.
        public PenumbraComponent Initialize(GameDependencies gameDependencies)
            var penumbra = new PenumbraComponent(gameDependencies.Game)
                // Ambient color will determine how dark everything else
                // except for the light will be.
                AmbientColor = new Color(new Vector3(0.5f)) // should be an entity?
            var lights = ComponentManager.Instance.GetEntitiesWithComponent(typeof(LightComponent));

            foreach (var instance in lights)
                var lightComponent = instance.Value as LightComponent;

        // This draw method call will render the video playing to the screen.
        public void Draw(GameDependencies gameDependencies)
            Texture2D videoTexture = null;

            var viewport = gameDependencies.GraphicsDeviceManager.GraphicsDevice.Viewport;

            if (!IsStopped())
                videoTexture = _videoPlayer.GetTexture();

            if (videoTexture != null)
                gameDependencies.SpriteBatch.Draw(videoTexture, new Rectangle(0, 0, (int)viewport.X, (int)viewport.Y),
 protected virtual void Awake()
     audioManager = GameDependencies.Get <AudioManager>();
Пример #6
 protected override void Awake()
     audioManager = GameDependencies.Get <AudioManager>();