public void kissTheSun() { //If the player taps the screen they will win the game if (!playerHasWon && movie.currentFrameNumber >= 70) { PlayKissSound(); movie.gotoAndPlay(153); WinGame(); playerHasWon = true; } }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { //Set that the player has not won and start animation at the start playerHasWon = false; audioPlayer = GetComponent <AudioSource>(); movie = GetComponent <GAFMovieClip>(); movie.gotoAndPlay(1); }
//Down release void Stand() { if (isSitting) { animator.SetBool("isSitting", false); isSitting = false; upClip.gotoAndPlay(0); } }
//Down hold void Sit() { if (!isSitting) { AudioController.Play("pug_hard_breath"); isMoving = false; EndLeft(); EndRight(); MotionTracker.instance.TrackMotion(this, Motion.Sit); animator.SetBool("isSitting", true); isSitting = true; downClip.gotoAndPlay(0); } }
void SayNo() { if (!isSayingNo) { if (Time.timeSinceLevelLoad > NoLastTime) { AudioController.Play("boy_no"); isMoving = false; isSayingNo = true; NoLastTime = NoLastTime + NoClip.duration(); animator.SetTrigger("No"); NoClip.gotoAndPlay(0); MotionTracker.instance.TrackMotion(this, Motion.SayNo); } } }
void Pick() { if (!isPicking) { if (Time.timeSinceLevelLoad > pickLastTime) { AudioController.Play("boy_take"); isMoving = false; isPicking = true; MotionTracker.instance.TrackMotion(this, Motion.Stick); pickLastTime = pickLastTime + pickClip.duration(); animator.SetTrigger("Pickup"); pickClip.gotoAndPlay(0); } } }
void Throw() { if (!isThrowing) { if (Time.timeSinceLevelLoad > throwLastTime) { // AudioController.Play("throw"); isThrowing = true; isMoving = false; MotionTracker.instance.TrackMotion(this, Motion.DropStick); throwLastTime = throwLastTime + dropClip.duration(); animator.SetTrigger("Drop"); dropClip.gotoAndPlay(0); } } }
void SayYes() { if (!isSayingYes) { if (Time.timeSinceLevelLoad > YesLastTime) { AudioController.Play("boy_yes"); isMoving = false; isSayingYes = true; YesLastTime = YesLastTime + YesClip.duration(); animator.SetTrigger("Yes"); YesClip.gotoAndPlay(0); MotionTracker.instance.TrackMotion(this, Motion.SayYes); } } }
void Pee() { if (!isPeeing) { if (Time.timeSinceLevelLoad > peeT) { AudioController.Play("pug_piss"); isPeeing = true; isMoving = false; EndLeft(); EndRight(); MotionTracker.instance.TrackMotion(this, Motion.Pee); peeT += peeClip.duration(); animator.SetTrigger("Pee"); peeClip.gotoAndPlay(0); } } }
void Pick() { if (!isPicking) { if (Time.timeSinceLevelLoad > pickT) { AudioController.Play("pug_bite"); isMoving = false; isPicking = true; EndLeft(); EndRight(); MotionTracker.instance.TrackMotion(this, Motion.Stick); pickT += pickClip.duration(); animator.SetTrigger("PickUp"); pickClip.gotoAndPlay(0); } } }
void Jump() { if (!isJumping) { if (Time.timeSinceLevelLoad > jumpT) { AudioController.Play("pug_jump2"); isMoving = false; isJumping = true; EndLeft(); EndRight(); jumpClip.stop(); MotionTracker.instance.TrackMotion(this, Motion.Jump); jumpT += jumpClip.duration(); animator.SetTrigger("Jump"); jumpClip.gotoAndPlay(0); } } }
void Bite() { if (!isBiting) { if (Time.timeSinceLevelLoad > biteT) { AudioController.Play("pug_bite"); isMoving = false; isBiting = true; EndLeft(); EndRight(); MotionTracker.instance.TrackMotion(this, Motion.Bite); biteT += biteClip.duration(); animator.SetTrigger("Bite"); biteClip.gotoAndPlay(0); if (Mathf.Abs(boy.transform.position.x - transform.position.x) < 20f) { Debug.Log("get Pain"); boy.GetPain(); } } } }