GameObject convert_to_gameobject(string base64) { byte[] compression = System.Convert.FromBase64String(base64); MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(compression); MemoryStream other_stream = new MemoryStream(4096); // ughhhh using (DeflateStream inflater = new DeflateStream(stream, CompressionMode.Decompress)) { inflater.CopyTo(other_stream); } byte[] object_info = other_stream.ToArray(); // Magic voodoo IReader reader = new FastReader(object_info); Tag tag = TagManager.Create(reader.ReadKleiString()); // Blood sacrifice -SB KSerialization.Manager.Clear(); KSerialization.Manager.DeserializeDirectory(reader); Transform transform = this.transform; // Even more magic voodoo // The first argument gets us a blank prefab for an object defined // in the base64 string, put there by the sender // Arugments 2-4 get the position, rotation, and localScale of the // current 'this' kmonobehavior // Lastly is the Reader which is above // And finally, because its a SaveLoadRoot, that just loaded an // object, we need to get that object return(SaveLoadRoot.Load(SaveLoader.Instance.saveManager.GetPrefab(tag), transform.GetPosition(), transform.rotation, transform.localScale, reader).gameObject); }
private void OnDeserialized() { if (serializationBuffer != null) { FastReader fastReader = new FastReader(serializationBuffer); int num = fastReader.ReadInt32(); for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { string text = fastReader.ReadKleiString(); int num2 = fastReader.ReadInt32(); int position = fastReader.Position; Type type = Type.GetType(text); if (type == null) { DebugUtil.LogWarningArgs("Type no longer exists: " + text); fastReader.SkipBytes(num2); } else { ItemType val = (typeof(ItemType) == type) ? default(ItemType) : ((ItemType)Activator.CreateInstance(type)); Deserializer.DeserializeTypeless(val, fastReader); if (fastReader.Position != position + num2) { DebugUtil.LogWarningArgs("Expected to be at offset", position + num2, "but was only at offset", fastReader.Position, ". Skipping to catch up."); fastReader.SkipBytes(position + num2 - fastReader.Position); } items.Add(val); } } } }
private static void ParseHashTable(FastReader reader) { int num = reader.ReadInt32(); for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { int hash = reader.ReadInt32(); string text = reader.ReadKleiString(); HashCache.Get().Add(hash, text); } }
public static void ParseAnimData(KBatchGroupData data, HashedString fileNameHash, FastReader reader, KAnimFileData animFile) { CheckHeader("ANIM", reader); uint num = reader.ReadUInt32(); Assert(num == 5, "Invalid anim.bytes version"); reader.ReadInt32(); reader.ReadInt32(); int num2 = reader.ReadInt32(); animFile.maxVisSymbolFrames = 0; animFile.animCount = 0; animFile.frameCount = 0; animFile.elementCount = 0; animFile.firstAnimIndex = data.anims.Count; animFile.animBatchTag = data.groupID; data.animIndex.Add(fileNameHash, data.anims.Count); animFile.firstElementIndex = data.frameElements.Count; for (int i = 0; i < num2; i++) { KAnim.Anim anim = new KAnim.Anim(animFile, data.anims.Count); = reader.ReadKleiString(); string text = + "." +; = text; HashCache.Get().Add(; HashCache.Get().Add(text); anim.hash =; anim.rootSymbol.HashValue = reader.ReadInt32(); anim.frameRate = reader.ReadSingle(); anim.firstFrameIdx = data.animFrames.Count; anim.numFrames = reader.ReadInt32(); anim.totalTime = (float)anim.numFrames / anim.frameRate; anim.scaledBoundingRadius = 0f; for (int j = 0; j < anim.numFrames; j++) { KAnim.Anim.Frame item = default(KAnim.Anim.Frame); float num3 = reader.ReadSingle(); float num4 = reader.ReadSingle(); float num5 = reader.ReadSingle(); float num6 = reader.ReadSingle(); item.bbox = new AABB3(new Vector3(num3 - num5 * 0.5f, 0f - (num4 + num6 * 0.5f), 0f) * 0.005f, new Vector3(num3 + num5 * 0.5f, 0f - (num4 - num6 * 0.5f), 0f) * 0.005f); float num7 = Math.Max(Math.Abs(item.bbox.max.x), Math.Abs(item.bbox.min.x)); float num8 = Math.Max(Math.Abs(item.bbox.max.y), Math.Abs(item.bbox.min.y)); float num9 = Math.Max(num7, num8); anim.unScaledSize.x = Math.Max(anim.unScaledSize.x, num7 / 0.005f); anim.unScaledSize.y = Math.Max(anim.unScaledSize.y, num8 / 0.005f); anim.scaledBoundingRadius = Math.Max(anim.scaledBoundingRadius, Mathf.Sqrt(num9 * num9 + num9 * num9)); item.idx = data.animFrames.Count; item.firstElementIdx = data.frameElements.Count; item.numElements = reader.ReadInt32(); int num10 = 0; for (int k = 0; k < item.numElements; k++) { KAnim.Anim.FrameElement item2 = default(KAnim.Anim.FrameElement); item2.fileHash = fileNameHash; item2.symbol = new KAnimHashedString(reader.ReadInt32()); item2.frame = reader.ReadInt32(); item2.folder = new KAnimHashedString(reader.ReadInt32()); item2.flags = reader.ReadInt32(); float a = reader.ReadSingle(); float b = reader.ReadSingle(); float g = reader.ReadSingle(); float r = reader.ReadSingle(); item2.multColour = new Color(r, g, b, a); float m = reader.ReadSingle(); float m2 = reader.ReadSingle(); float m3 = reader.ReadSingle(); float m4 = reader.ReadSingle(); float m5 = reader.ReadSingle(); float m6 = reader.ReadSingle(); reader.ReadSingle(); item2.transform.m00 = m; item2.transform.m01 = m3; item2.transform.m02 = m5; item2.transform.m10 = m2; item2.transform.m11 = m4; item2.transform.m12 = m6; int symbolIndex = data.GetSymbolIndex(item2.symbol); if (symbolIndex == -1) { num10++; item2.symbol = MISSING_SYMBOL; } else { item2.symbolIdx = symbolIndex; data.frameElements.Add(item2); animFile.elementCount++; } } item.numElements -= num10; data.animFrames.Add(item); animFile.frameCount++; } data.AddAnim(anim); animFile.animCount++; } Debug.Assert(num2 == animFile.animCount); data.animCount[fileNameHash] = animFile.animCount; animFile.maxVisSymbolFrames = Math.Max(animFile.maxVisSymbolFrames, reader.ReadInt32()); data.UpdateMaxVisibleSymbols(animFile.maxVisSymbolFrames); ParseHashTable(reader); }
public static int ParseBuildData(KBatchGroupData data, KAnimHashedString fileNameHash, FastReader reader, List <Texture2D> textures) { CheckHeader("BILD", reader); int num = reader.ReadInt32(); if (num != 10 && num != 9) { Debug.LogError(fileNameHash + " has invalid build.bytes version [" + num + "]"); return(-1); } KAnimGroupFile.Group group = KAnimGroupFile.GetGroup(data.groupID); if (group == null) { Debug.LogErrorFormat("[{1}] Failed to get group [{0}]", data.groupID, fileNameHash.DebuggerDisplay); } KAnim.Build build = null; int num2 = reader.ReadInt32(); int num3 = reader.ReadInt32(); build = data.AddNewBuildFile(fileNameHash); build.textureCount = textures.Count; if (textures.Count > 0) { data.AddTextures(textures); } build.symbols = new KAnim.Build.Symbol[num2]; build.frames = new KAnim.Build.SymbolFrame[num3]; = reader.ReadKleiString(); build.batchTag = ((!group.swapTarget.IsValid) ? data.groupID :; build.fileHash = fileNameHash; int num4 = 0; for (int i = 0; i < build.symbols.Length; i++) { KAnimHashedString hash = new KAnimHashedString(reader.ReadInt32()); KAnim.Build.Symbol symbol = new KAnim.Build.Symbol(); = build; symbol.hash = hash; if (num > 9) { symbol.path = new KAnimHashedString(reader.ReadInt32()); } symbol.colourChannel = new KAnimHashedString(reader.ReadInt32()); symbol.flags = reader.ReadInt32(); symbol.firstFrameIdx = data.symbolFrameInstances.Count; symbol.numFrames = reader.ReadInt32(); symbol.symbolIndexInSourceBuild = i; int num5 = 0; for (int j = 0; j < symbol.numFrames; j++) { KAnim.Build.SymbolFrame symbolFrame = new KAnim.Build.SymbolFrame(); KAnim.Build.SymbolFrameInstance item = default(KAnim.Build.SymbolFrameInstance); item.symbolFrame = symbolFrame; symbolFrame.fileNameHash = fileNameHash; symbolFrame.sourceFrameNum = reader.ReadInt32(); symbolFrame.duration = reader.ReadInt32(); item.buildImageIdx = data.textureStartIndex[fileNameHash] + reader.ReadInt32(); if (item.buildImageIdx >= textures.Count + data.textureStartIndex[fileNameHash]) { Debug.LogErrorFormat("{0} Symbol: [{1}] tex count: [{2}] buildImageIdx: [{3}] group total [{4}]", fileNameHash.ToString(), symbol.hash, textures.Count, item.buildImageIdx, data.textureStartIndex[fileNameHash]); } item.symbolIdx = data.GetSymbolCount(); num5 = Math.Max(symbolFrame.sourceFrameNum + symbolFrame.duration, num5); float num6 = reader.ReadSingle(); float num7 = reader.ReadSingle(); float num8 = reader.ReadSingle(); float num9 = reader.ReadSingle(); symbolFrame.bboxMin = new Vector2(num6 - num8 * 0.5f, num7 - num9 * 0.5f); symbolFrame.bboxMax = new Vector2(num6 + num8 * 0.5f, num7 + num9 * 0.5f); float x = reader.ReadSingle(); float num10 = reader.ReadSingle(); float x2 = reader.ReadSingle(); float num11 = reader.ReadSingle(); symbolFrame.uvMin = new Vector2(x, 1f - num10); symbolFrame.uvMax = new Vector2(x2, 1f - num11); build.frames[num4] = symbolFrame; data.symbolFrameInstances.Add(item); num4++; } symbol.numLookupFrames = num5; data.AddBuildSymbol(symbol); build.symbols[i] = symbol; } ParseHashTable(reader); return(build.index); }