public ActionResult CreateUser(UserRegModel userReg) { try { var user = db.FP_WMS_UserInfo.SingleOrDefault(t => t.username == userReg.username); if (user != null) { return(Json(new { Status = 0, Content = "用户已存在" })); } FP_WMS_UserInfo new_user = new FP_WMS_UserInfo(); new_user.roleid = 3; new_user.roles = ""; new_user.departid = 0; new_user.departname = ""; new_user.departlist = ""; new_user.departs = ""; new_user.display = 0; new_user.gradeid = 0; new_user.types = ""; new_user.username = userReg.username; new_user.password = FPUtils.MD5(userReg.password); new_user.password2 = ""; = ""; new_user.isemail = 0; = userReg.phonenumber; new_user.ismobile = 0; new_user.realname = userReg.truename; new_user.cardtype = ""; new_user.idcard = ""; new_user.isreal = 0; new_user.usercode = ""; new_user.nickname = ""; new_user.avatar = ""; = ""; new_user.exp = 0; new_user.credits = 0; new_user.regip = CreateExamHelp.GetLocalIP(); new_user.joindatetime = DateTime.Now; new_user.sumlogin = 0; new_user.lastip = ""; new_user.lastvisit = new_user.joindatetime; new_user.secques = ""; new_user.authstr = ""; new_user.authtime = new_user.joindatetime; new_user.authflag = 1; new_user.vipdate = ""; new_user.state = 1; new_user.issso = 0; new_user.extend = "{}"; db.FP_WMS_UserInfo.Add(new_user); db.SaveChanges(); return(Json(new { Status = 1, Content = "注册成功,请等待管理员审核" })); } catch (Exception e) { return(Json(new { Status = 0, Content = "注册失败出现异常" })); } }
// Token: 0x060002F2 RID: 754 RVA: 0x0000B890 File Offset: 0x00009A90 public static int UpdatePassword2(int id, string password) { SqlParam[] sqlparams = new SqlParam[] { DbHelper.MakeSet("password2", FPUtils.MD5(password)), DbHelper.MakeAndWhere("id", id) }; return(DbHelper.ExecuteUpdate <UserInfo>(sqlparams)); }
// Token: 0x060002EA RID: 746 RVA: 0x0000B5A0 File Offset: 0x000097A0 public static UserInfo CheckPassword2(int id, string password, bool originalpassword) { SqlParam[] sqlparams = new SqlParam[] { DbHelper.MakeAndWhere("id", id), DbHelper.MakeAndWhere("password2", originalpassword ? FPUtils.MD5(password) : password) }; return(DbHelper.ExecuteModel <UserInfo>(sqlparams)); }
// Token: 0x060002E6 RID: 742 RVA: 0x0000B4BC File Offset: 0x000096BC public static UserInfo CheckLogin(string username, string password) { string commandText = string.Format("SELECT * FROM [{0}WMS_UserInfo] WHERE ([username]=@account OR ([isemail]=1 AND [email]=@account) OR ([ismobile]=1 AND [mobile]=@account)) AND [password]=@password", DbConfigs.Prefix); DbParameter[] dbparams = new DbParameter[] { DbHelper.MakeInParam("@account", username), DbHelper.MakeInParam("@password", FPUtils.MD5(password)) }; return(DbHelper.ExecuteModel <UserInfo>(commandText, dbparams)); }
// Token: 0x060002F6 RID: 758 RVA: 0x0000B9FC File Offset: 0x00009BFC public static string GetUserSecques(int questionid, string answer) { string result; if (questionid > 0) { result = FPUtils.MD5(answer + FPUtils.MD5(questionid.ToString())).Substring(15, 8); } else { result = ""; } return(result); }
// Token: 0x0600030F RID: 783 RVA: 0x0000CBF0 File Offset: 0x0000ADF0 protected override void View() { if (this.authstr != "") { List <SqlParam> list = new List <SqlParam>(); list.Add(DbHelper.MakeAndWhere("authstr", this.authstr)); list.Add(DbHelper.MakeAndWhere("authflag", 2)); if (DbConfigs.DbType == DbType.Access) { list.Add(DbHelper.MakeAndWhere("DATEDIFF(\"m\",[authtime],NOW())<=30", WhereType.Custom, "")); } else { list.Add(DbHelper.MakeAndWhere("DateDiff(m,[authtime],getdate())<=30", WhereType.Custom, "")); } UserInfo userInfo = DbHelper.ExecuteModel <UserInfo>(list.ToArray()); if ( == 0) { this.ShowErr("用户验证码过期或不存在。"); } else if (this.ispost) { string @string = FPRequest.GetString("password"); string string2 = FPRequest.GetString("repeat"); if (@string != string2) { this.ShowErr("两次输入密码不一致。"); } else { DbHelper.ExecuteUpdate <UserInfo>(new List <SqlParam> { DbHelper.MakeSet("password", FPUtils.MD5(@string)), DbHelper.MakeSet("authflag", 0), DbHelper.MakeSet("authstr", ""), DbHelper.MakeAndWhere("id", }.ToArray()); base.AddMsg("密码更改成功"); } } } else { this.ShowErr("您当前的修改密码链接已无效。"); } }
public ActionResult CheckLogin(UserLoginModel userinfomodel) { var password = FPUtils.MD5(userinfomodel.password); var userInfo = db.FP_WMS_UserInfo.SingleOrDefault(t => t.username == userinfomodel.username & t.password == password); if (userInfo == null) { return(Json(new { Status = 0, Content = "用户名或者密码错误" })); } else { if ( > 0) { if (userInfo.roleid == 4) { return(Json(new { Status = 0, Content = "对不起,该帐户已被禁止登录" })); } if (userInfo.roleid == 3) { return(Json(new { Status = 0, Content = "对不起,您的账号尚未被激活或者尚未被审核" })); } if (userInfo.state == 0) { return(Json(new { Status = 0, Content = "抱歉, 您的帐号已被禁止使用。" })); } Session.Add("FP_WAPLOGIN", userInfo); //SysBll.InsertLog(, "用户登录", "登录成功,登录名:" + userInfo.username, true); if (userinfomodel.callbackurl == "" || userinfomodel.callbackurl == null) { userinfomodel.callbackurl = HomeUrl; } return(Json(new { Status = 1, Content = "登录成功", backurl = userinfomodel.callbackurl })); } else { //SysBll.InsertLog(, "用户登录", "登录失败,登录名:" + userinfomodel.username + ",密码:" + password, false); return(Json(new { Status = 0, Content = "用户id异常" })); } } }
// Token: 0x06000084 RID: 132 RVA: 0x0000D2E8 File Offset: 0x0000B4E8 protected override void View() { if (this.ispost) { if (!this.isfile) { this.ShowErr("请选择要导入的本地Excel表文件"); } else { string mapPath = FPUtils.GetMapPath(this.webpath + "cache"); string fileName = Path.GetFileName(FPRequest.Files["uploadfile"].FileName); string a = Path.GetExtension(fileName).ToLower(); if (a != ".xls") { this.ShowErr("该文件不是Excel表文件类型"); } else { if (!Directory.Exists(mapPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(mapPath); } if (File.Exists(mapPath + "\\" + fileName)) { File.Delete(mapPath + "\\" + fileName); } FPRequest.Files["uploadfile"].SaveAs(mapPath + "\\" + fileName); DataTable excelTable = FPExcel.GetExcelTable(mapPath + "\\" + fileName); string text = ""; string text2 = ""; string text3 = ""; if (excelTable.Rows.Count > 0) { int num = excelTable.Rows.Count - 1; for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { DataRow dataRow = excelTable.Rows[num - i]; string text4 = dataRow.ItemArray[0].ToString().Trim(); if (!(text4 == "")) { SqlParam sqlParam = DbHelper.MakeAndWhere("username", text4); UserInfo userInfo = DbHelper.ExecuteModel <UserInfo>(new SqlParam[] { sqlParam }); if ( == 0) { userInfo.username = text4; userInfo.realname = dataRow.ItemArray[1].ToString().Trim(); userInfo.password = FPUtils.MD5(dataRow.ItemArray[2].ToString().Trim()); userInfo.roleid = this.GetRoleId(dataRow.ItemArray[3].ToString().Trim()); userInfo.departid = this.GetDepartId(dataRow.ItemArray[4].ToString().Trim()); userInfo.nickname = dataRow.ItemArray[5].ToString().Trim(); = DbHelper.ExecuteInsert <UserInfo>(userInfo); } else { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dataRow.ItemArray[1].ToString().Trim())) { userInfo.realname = dataRow.ItemArray[1].ToString().Trim(); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dataRow.ItemArray[2].ToString().Trim())) { userInfo.password = FPUtils.MD5(dataRow.ItemArray[2].ToString().Trim()); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dataRow.ItemArray[3].ToString().Trim())) { userInfo.roleid = this.GetRoleId(dataRow.ItemArray[3].ToString().Trim()); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dataRow.ItemArray[4].ToString().Trim())) { userInfo.departid = this.GetDepartId(dataRow.ItemArray[4].ToString().Trim()); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dataRow.ItemArray[5].ToString().Trim())) { userInfo.nickname = dataRow.ItemArray[5].ToString().Trim(); } DbHelper.ExecuteUpdate <UserInfo>(userInfo); } if (text != "") { text += ","; } text +=; } } if (File.Exists(mapPath + "\\" + fileName)) { File.Delete(mapPath + "\\" + fileName); } if (text != "") { if (this.examuser != "") { this.examuser += ","; } this.examuser += text; } SqlParam sqlParam2 = DbHelper.MakeAndWhere("id", WhereType.In, this.examuser); List <UserInfo> list = DbHelper.ExecuteList <UserInfo>(new SqlParam[] { sqlParam2 }); foreach (int num2 in FPUtils.SplitInt(this.examuser)) { foreach (UserInfo userInfo2 in list) { if (num2 == && !FPUtils.InArray(num2, text3)) { if (text2 != "") { text2 += ","; } if (userInfo2.realname != "") { text2 += userInfo2.realname; } else { text2 += userInfo2.username; } if (text3 != "") { text3 += ","; } text3 += num2; } } } } Hashtable hashtable = new Hashtable(); hashtable["uname"] = text2; hashtable["examuser"] = text3; base.Response.AddHeader("Content-Type", "text/html; charset=UTF-8"); base.Response.Write(JsonMapper.ToJson(hashtable)); base.Response.End(); } } } }
// Token: 0x060000B5 RID: 181 RVA: 0x0000DF80 File Offset: 0x0000C180 protected override void View() { if ( > 0) { this.fulluserinfo = DbHelper.ExecuteModel <FullUserInfo>(; } this.bday = FPUtils.SplitString(this.fulluserinfo.bday, ",", 3); if (this.ispost) { this.fulluserinfo.isreal = 0; this.fulluserinfo.isemail = 0; this.fulluserinfo.ismobile = 0; string username = this.fulluserinfo.username; this.fulluserinfo = FPRequest.GetModel <FullUserInfo>(this.fulluserinfo); if (this.fulluserinfo.roleid == 0) { this.ShowErr("请选择用户角色。"); return; } if (this.fulluserinfo.username == "") { this.ShowErr("请输入用户名。"); return; } string @string = FPRequest.GetString("password1"); if (this.fulluserinfo.isidcard != 0) { this.fulluserinfo.isidcard = ((this.fulluserinfo.isreal == 1) ? 1 : -1); } if (FPRequest.GetInt("isgrade") == 1) { UserGrade userGradeByExpHigher = UserBll.GetUserGradeByExpHigher(this.fulluserinfo.exp); this.fulluserinfo.gradeid =; } if ( > 0) { if (this.fulluserinfo.username != username) { if (UserBll.CheckUserName(this.fulluserinfo.username)) { this.ShowErr("该用户名已经存在,请使用别的用户名。"); return; } } if (@string.Trim() != "") { this.fulluserinfo.password = FPUtils.MD5(@string); } DbHelper.ExecuteUpdate <FullUserInfo>(this.fulluserinfo); } else { if (@string.Trim() == "") { this.ShowErr("登录密码不能为空!"); return; } if (UserBll.CheckUserName(this.fulluserinfo.username)) { this.ShowErr("该用户名已经存在,请使用别的用户名。"); return; } this.fulluserinfo.password = FPUtils.MD5(@string); this.fulluserinfo.regip = FPRequest.GetIP(); this.fulluserinfo.lastip = FPRequest.GetIP(); = DbHelper.ExecuteInsert <FullUserInfo>(this.fulluserinfo); } base.Response.Redirect("usermanage.aspx"); } SqlParam sqlParam = DbHelper.MakeAndWhere("parentid", 0); this.deparlist = DbHelper.ExecuteList <Department>(OrderBy.ASC, new SqlParam[] { sqlParam }); sqlParam = DbHelper.MakeAndWhere("id", WhereType.NotEqual, 2); this.rolelist = DbHelper.ExecuteList <RoleInfo>(OrderBy.ASC, new SqlParam[] { sqlParam }); this.usergradelist = DbHelper.ExecuteList <UserGrade>(OrderBy.ASC); this.typelist = TypeBll.GetTypeListByMarkup("usertype"); base.SaveRightURL(); }
// Token: 0x0600031F RID: 799 RVA: 0x0000D54C File Offset: 0x0000B74C protected override void View() { if (this.reurl == "") { this.reurl = "login.aspx"; } this.regconfig = RegConfigs.GetRegConfig(); if (this.ispost) { if (this.userid > 0) { this.ShowErr("对不起,系统不允许重复注册用户。"); } else if (this.regconfig.regstatus != 1) { this.ShowErr("对不起,系统目前暂不允许新用户注册。"); } else { if (this.regconfig.regctrl > 0) { SqlParam sqlParam = DbHelper.MakeAndWhere("regip", FPRequest.GetIP()); UserInfo userInfo = DbHelper.ExecuteModel <UserInfo>(new SqlParam[] { sqlParam }); if ( > 0) { int num = this.StrDateDiffHours(userInfo.joindatetime, this.regconfig.regctrl); if (num < 0) { this.ShowErr("抱歉,系统设置了IP注册间隔限制,您必须在 " + (num * -1).ToString() + " 小时后才可以重新注册"); return; } } } if (this.regconfig.ipregctrl.Trim() != "") { string[] iparray = FPUtils.SplitString(this.regconfig.ipregctrl, "|"); if (FPUtils.InIPArray(FPRequest.GetIP(), iparray)) { this.ShowErr("抱歉,系统设置了IP注册限制,您所在的IP段不允许注册。"); return; } } string @string = FPRequest.GetString("username"); string string2 = FPRequest.GetString("password"); string text = FPRequest.GetString("email").Trim().ToLower(); string string3 = FPRequest.GetString("realname"); string string4 = FPRequest.GetString("idcard"); string text2 = FPRequest.GetString("mobile").Trim(); if (@string.Equals("")) { this.ShowErr("用户名不能为空。"); } else if (@string.Length < 3) { this.ShowErr("对不起,用户名不能小于3个字符"); } else if (@string.Length > 20) { this.ShowErr("对不起,用户名不能大于20个字符"); } else if (!FPUtils.IsSafeSqlString(@string)) { this.ShowErr("对不起,您使用的用户名有敏感字符"); } else if (this.InRestrictArray(@string, this.regconfig.restrict)) { this.ShowErr("对不起,该用户名:" + @string + " 不允许使用"); } else if (UserBll.CheckUserName(@string)) { this.ShowErr("该用户名已经存在,请使用别的用户名。"); } else if (string2.Equals("")) { this.ShowErr("密码不能为空"); } else if (string2 != FPRequest.GetString("repeat")) { this.ShowErr("对不起,两次输入密码不相同"); } else if ( == 1 && text == "") { this.ShowErr("Email不能为空"); } else if (text.Trim() != "" && !FPUtils.IsEmail(text)) { this.ShowErr("Email格式不正确"); } else { if (text.Trim() != "") { if (DbHelper.ExecuteCount <UserInfo>("[email]='" + text + "'") > 0) { this.ShowErr("邮箱: \"" + text + "\" 已经被其他用户使用"); return; } } string emailHostName = this.GetEmailHostName(text); if (text.Trim() != "" && this.regconfig.accessemail.Trim() != "") { if (!FPUtils.InArray(emailHostName, this.regconfig.accessemail, "|")) { this.ShowErr("本站点只允许使用以下域名的Email地址注册:" + this.regconfig.accessemail); return; } } else if (text.Trim() != "" && this.regconfig.censoremail.Trim() != "") { if (FPUtils.InArray(text, this.regconfig.censoremail, "|")) { this.ShowErr("本站点不允许使用以下域名的Email地址注册: " + this.regconfig.censoremail); return; } } if (this.regconfig.realname == 1) { if (string3.Equals("")) { this.ShowErr("真实姓名不能为空"); return; } } if (this.InRestrictArray(string3, this.regconfig.restrict)) { this.ShowErr("对不起,该姓名:[" + string3 + "]不允许使用"); } else { if ( == 1) { if (text2.Equals("")) { this.ShowErr("手机号码不能为空"); return; } } if (text2.Trim().Length > 20) { this.ShowErr("手机号码不能大于20个字符"); } else if (text2.Trim() != "" && !Regex.IsMatch(text2.Trim(), "^[\\d|-]+$")) { this.ShowErr("手机号码中含有非法字符"); } else { if (this.regconfig.rules == 1) { if (FPRequest.GetInt("rules", 0) != 1) { this.ShowErr("对不起,您没有选择同意网站许可协议"); return; } } if (this.isseccode) { if (FPRequest.GetString("verify").Equals("")) { this.ShowErr("验证码不能为空"); return; } if (!this.isvalid) { this.ShowErr("验证码错误"); return; } } this.iuser = FPRequest.GetModel <UserInfo>(); this.iuser.password = FPUtils.MD5(this.iuser.password); this.iuser.credits =; this.iuser.regip = FPRequest.GetIP(); this.iuser.joindatetime = DbUtils.GetDateTime(); if (this.regconfig.regverify == 1) { this.iuser.authstr = ""; this.iuser.authflag = 1; this.iuser.roleid = 3; } else if (this.regconfig.regverify == 2) { this.iuser.authstr = WMSUtils.CreateAuthStr(20); this.iuser.authflag = 1; this.iuser.roleid = 3; string newValue = string.Concat(new string[] { "<pre style=\"width:100%;word-wrap:break-word\"><a href=\"http://", this.domain, this.rawpath, "activationuser.aspx?authstr=", this.iuser.authstr, "\" target=\"_blank\">http://", this.domain, this.rawpath, "activationuser.aspx?authstr=", this.iuser.authstr, "</a></pre>" }); MsgTempInfo msgTemplate = MsgTempBll.GetMsgTemplate("email_register"); msgTemplate.content = msgTemplate.content.Replace("【用户名】", this.iuser.username).Replace("【邮箱帐号】","【激活链接】", newValue); Email.Send(text,, msgTemplate.content); } else { this.iuser.authstr = ""; this.iuser.authflag = 0; this.iuser.roleid = 5; } = DbHelper.ExecuteInsert <UserInfo>(this.iuser); if ( > 0) { if ( > 0 && this.iuser.credits > 0) { UserBll.Credit_AddLog(, "用户注册", 0, this.iuser.credits); } if (this.regconfig.regverify == 1) { base.AddMsg("注册成功, 但需要等待管理员审核后您的帐户才能生效。"); } else if (this.regconfig.regverify == 2) { base.AddMsg("您的注册邮箱[" + + "]将收到一封认证邮件,请登录您的邮箱查收,并点击邮件中的链接完成激活。激活成功后,可以使用站内所有功能,再次感谢您的加入。"); } else { base.AddMsg("注册成功, 请点击下面链接返回登录。"); } } else { this.ShowErr("注册失败,请检查输入是否正确。"); } } } } } } }
// Token: 0x060000BE RID: 190 RVA: 0x0000E7B0 File Offset: 0x0000C9B0 protected override void View() { this.regconfig = RegConfigs.GetRegConfig(); if (this.ispost) { if (!this.isfile) { this.ShowErr("请选择要导入的本地Excel表文件"); } else { string mapPath = FPUtils.GetMapPath(this.webpath + "cache"); string fileName = Path.GetFileName(FPRequest.Files["uploadfile"].FileName); string a = Path.GetExtension(fileName).ToLower(); if (a != ".xls") { this.ShowErr("该文件不是Excel表文件类型"); } else { if (!Directory.Exists(mapPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(mapPath); } if (File.Exists(mapPath + "\\" + fileName)) { File.Delete(mapPath + "\\" + fileName); } FPRequest.Files["uploadfile"].SaveAs(mapPath + "\\" + fileName); DataTable excelTable = FPExcel.GetExcelTable(mapPath + "\\" + fileName); if (excelTable.Rows.Count > 0) { int num = excelTable.Rows.Count - 1; for (int i = 0; i < excelTable.Rows.Count; i++) { DataRow dataRow = excelTable.Rows[num - i]; string text = dataRow.ItemArray[0].ToString().Trim(); if (!(text == "")) { if (!this.InRestrictArray(text, this.regconfig.restrict)) { if (!UserBll.CheckUserName(text)) { DbHelper.ExecuteInsert <UserInfo>(new UserInfo { username = text, password = FPUtils.MD5(dataRow.ItemArray[1].ToString().Trim()), realname = dataRow.ItemArray[2].ToString().Trim(), mobile = dataRow.ItemArray[3].ToString().Trim(), email = dataRow.ItemArray[4].ToString().Trim(), roleid = this.GetRoleId(dataRow.ItemArray[5].ToString().Trim()), departid = this.GetDepartId(dataRow.ItemArray[6].ToString().Trim()) }); } } } } } if (File.Exists(mapPath + "\\" + fileName)) { File.Delete(mapPath + "\\" + fileName); } base.Response.Redirect("usermanage.aspx"); } } } }