private List <MetricDataPoint> GAReports(ExternalApiAuth externalApiAuth, AuthorizationCodeWebApp.AuthResult authResult, IEnumerable <MetricDataPoint> metricDataPoints)
            var resultantDataPoints = new List <MetricDataPoint>();

            if (metricDataPoints != null)
                // Initiate GA Reporting Service
                var service = new AnalyticsReportingService(new BaseClientService.Initializer
                    HttpClientInitializer = authResult.Credential,
                    ApplicationName       = "Supdate"

                // Get a list of each date we need data for
                var dataPoints    = metricDataPoints as IList <MetricDataPoint> ?? metricDataPoints.ToList();
                var dateList      = dataPoints.Select(d => d.Date).Distinct();
                var reportMetrics = GAReportMetrics();

                foreach (var date in dateList)
                    // Get a report request
                    var reportsRequest = PrepareGAReportRequest(date, reportMetrics, externalApiAuth.ConfigData);

                    // Execute the request
                    var reportResponse = service.Reports.BatchGet(reportsRequest).Execute();

                    // Extract the resultant report data
                    resultantDataPoints.AddRange(ParseResults(date, reportResponse.Reports[0], dataPoints));

            // Return the results of all report requests
        public async Task <MetricDataImport> GetData(int companyId, ExternalApiAuth externalApiAuth, AuthorizationCodeWebApp.AuthResult authResult, IEnumerable <MetricDataPoint> metricDataPoints)
            var metricDataImport = new MetricDataImport {
                success = true

            if (externalApiAuth == null)
                // user is not connected to this API

            if (authResult.Credential == null)
                // should be connected, but Google says we're not
                metricDataImport.errors.Add(new JsonError {
                    ErrorMessage = "Google Analytics authorization revoked - unable to get data"


            metricDataImport.results = GAReports(externalApiAuth, authResult, metricDataPoints);

Пример #3
        public async Task <ActionResult> Connect(Guid uniqueId, int externalApiId)
            var externalApi     = ExternalApi.ChartMogul.GetById(externalApiId);
            var externalApiAuth = new ExternalApiAuth {
                ExternalApiId = externalApiId

            // Replace with requested object
            if (uniqueId != Guid.Empty)
                externalApiAuth = _externalApiAuthManager.GetExternalApiAuth(CompanyId, uniqueId);

            switch (externalApi.ApiAuthorizationType)
            case ExternalApiAuthorizationType.OAuth20:
                // Hard coded to Google for now
                var company = _companyManager.Get(CompanyId);
                Session["CompanyGuid"] = company.UniqueId.ToString();
                var authResult = await _googleAuthorizer.Authorize(company.UniqueId, externalApiAuth, Url.Action("SetGoogleAnalyticsSiteId"), CancellationToken.None);

                if (authResult.Credential == null)
                    return(View("_startOAuth", new OAuthStartAuthorisation {
                        ExternalApi = externalApi, StartUrl = authResult.RedirectUri

                    var accountSummaries = await _googleAuthorizer.GetAccountSummaries(authResult);

                    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(externalApiAuth.ConfigData))
                        // Default to first profile
                        externalApiAuth.ConfigData = accountSummaries.items[0].webProperties[0].profiles[0].id;
                    return(View("_manageOAuth", new GoogleOAuthConfigView {
                        ExternalApi = externalApi, ExternalApiAuth = externalApiAuth, Accounts = accountSummaries
                    return(Content("We couldn't retrieve your Google Analytics site list.\nTry refreshing the page and re-connecting to Google Analytics"));

                return(View("_connect", externalApiAuth));
Пример #4
        public ActionResult Credentials(ExternalApiAuth externalApiAuth, Guid uniqueId = default(Guid))
            var x = ExternalApi.ChartMogul;

            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                externalApiAuth.CompanyId = CompanyId;
                this.SetNotificationMessage(NotificationType.Success, "Configuration successfully saved.");
                return(Json(new { success = true }));
            return(Json(new { success = false }));
Пример #5
        private static ExternalApiAuth StoreValue(string key, string value, ExternalApiAuth externalApiAuth)
            var useKeyField = key.StartsWith("oauth_");

            if (useKeyField)
                externalApiAuth.Key = value;
                externalApiAuth.Token = value;
        public HttpClient GetHttpClient(ExternalApi externalApi, ExternalApiAuth externalApiAuth)
            var client = new HttpClient
                BaseAddress = new Uri(externalApi.BaseUrl)
            var byteArray = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(string.Format("{0}:{1}", externalApiAuth.Token, externalApiAuth.Key));

            client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Basic", Convert.ToBase64String(byteArray));
            client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));

        public async Task <bool> TestCredentials(string token, string key, int externalApiId)
            var externalApiAuth = new ExternalApiAuth {
                Token = token, Key = key
            var client = GetHttpClient(_externalApi, externalApiAuth);

            HttpResponseMessage response = await client.GetAsync(_externalApi.TestUrl);

            if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)

Пример #8
        public Task StoreAsync <T>(string key, T value)
            var companyGuid = ExtractCompanyGuid(key);
            var serialized  = NewtonsoftJsonSerializer.Instance.Serialize(value);

            var typeParameterType = typeof(T);

            Debug.WriteLine("Key is:" + key);
            Debug.WriteLine("T is:" + typeParameterType.FullName);
            Debug.WriteLine("value is:" + value);

            // Check the serialized data can be converted back,
            // if not then it wasn't a valid value and shouldn't be saved
                var check = NewtonsoftJsonSerializer.Instance.Deserialize <T>(serialized);
            catch (Exception ex)

            var externalApiAuth = _externalApiAuthManager.GetByCompanyGuid(companyGuid, ExternalApi.GoogleAnalytics.Id);

            if (externalApiAuth == null)
                // New User we insert it into the database
                externalApiAuth = new ExternalApiAuth {
                    ExternalApiId = ExternalApi.GoogleAnalytics.Id
                externalApiAuth = StoreValue(key, serialized, externalApiAuth);
                _externalApiAuthManager.SaveWithCompanyGuid(companyGuid, externalApiAuth);
                // Existing User We update it
                externalApiAuth = StoreValue(key, serialized, externalApiAuth);

Пример #9
        public async Task <AuthorizationCodeWebApp.AuthResult> Authorize(Guid companyGuid, ExternalApiAuth externalApiAuth, string state, CancellationToken token)
            var appFlowMetaData = GetAppFlowMetaData(companyGuid);

            var callbackUrl = string.Format("{0}{1}", ConfigUtil.BaseAppUrl, appFlowMetaData.AuthCallback.Substring(1));
            var result      = await new AuthorizationCodeWebApp(appFlowMetaData.Flow, callbackUrl, state).AuthorizeAsync(companyGuid.ToString(), token);

            // Check if token has expired
            if (result.Credential != null)
                if (result.Credential.Token.IsExpired(SystemClock.Default))
                    // token has expired we should refresh it
                    var refresh = result.Credential.RefreshTokenAsync(CancellationToken.None).Result;

Пример #10
        public async Task <MetricDataImport> GetData(int companyId, ExternalApiAuth externalApiAuth, IEnumerable <MetricDataPoint> metricDataPoints)
            var metricDataImport = new MetricDataImport {
                success = true

            if (externalApiAuth == null)
                // user is not connected to this API

            var resultantDataPoints = new List <MetricDataPoint>();
            var dataPoints          = metricDataPoints as IList <MetricDataPoint> ?? metricDataPoints.ToList();
            var dateList            = dataPoints.Select(d => d.Date).Distinct();

                // Loop for each distinct date provided in the MetricDataPoints
                foreach (var date in dateList)
                    // We want data for the last day of the month specified
                    var dataDate = date.AddMonths(1).AddDays(-1);

                    // Unless that puts us in the future, in which case get today's data
                    if (dataDate > DateTime.Today)
                        dataDate = DateTime.Today;

                    var metricsChartMogul = dataPoints.Where(m => m.DataSourceId.HasValue && m.DataSourceId > 0 && m.DataSourceId < 9);
                    if (metricsChartMogul.Any())
                        // Setup objects for API call
                        var client = GetHttpClient(_externalApi, externalApiAuth);

                        // Call API to get all ChartMogul numbers. They can't take a range of a single day so we need to ask for two even though we only need one : /
                        var response = await client.GetAsync(string.Format(_dataUrl, dataDate.AddDays(-1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), dataDate.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")));

                        if (response.IsSuccessStatusCode)
                            // Process resultant JSON
                            string json = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

                            ChartMogulResponse results = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ChartMogulResponse>(json);
                            resultantDataPoints.AddRange(ParseResults(results, dataDate, date, dataPoints));
                            var errMsg = string.Format("{0}: {1}", _externalApi.Name, response.StatusCode);

                            // Don't add the same error multiple times
                            if (!metricDataImport.errors.Any(e => e.ErrorMessage == errMsg))
                                var err = new JsonError {
                                    ErrorMessage = errMsg
            catch (Exception e)
                metricDataImport.errors.Add(new JsonError {
                    ErrorMessage = string.Format("{0}: {1}", _externalApi.Name, e.Message)

            metricDataImport.results = resultantDataPoints;

Пример #11
 public Task <MetricDataImport> GetData(int companyId, ExternalApiAuth externalApiAuth, AuthorizationCodeWebApp.AuthResult authResult, IEnumerable <MetricDataPoint> metricDataPoints)
     throw new BusinessException("Not Implemented");
 public async Task <MetricDataImport> GetData(int companyId, ExternalApiAuth externalApiAuth, IEnumerable <MetricDataPoint> metricDataPoints)
     throw new BusinessException("Not Implemented");