public void CreateReceiverCreatesDefaultWhenNoOptionsArePassed()
            var clientOptions = new EventHubClientOptions
                Retry          = new ExponentialRetry(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(3), 5),
                DefaultTimeout = TimeSpan.FromHours(24)

            var expectedOptions = new EventReceiverOptions
                Retry = clientOptions.Retry,
                DefaultMaximumReceiveWaitTime = clientOptions.DefaultTimeout

            var expectedPartition = "56767";
            var connectionString  = ";SharedAccessKeyName=[value];SharedAccessKey=[value];EntityPath=[value]";
            var mockClient        = new ReadableOptionsMock(connectionString, clientOptions);

            var actualOptions = mockClient.ReceiverOptions;

            Assert.That(actualOptions, Is.Not.Null, "The receiver options should have been set.");
            Assert.That(actualOptions.BeginReceivingAt.Offset, Is.EqualTo(expectedOptions.BeginReceivingAt.Offset), "The beginning position to receive should match.");
            Assert.That(actualOptions.ConsumerGroup, Is.EqualTo(expectedOptions.ConsumerGroup), "The consumer groups should match.");
            Assert.That(actualOptions.ExclusiveReceiverPriority, Is.EqualTo(expectedOptions.ExclusiveReceiverPriority), "The exclusive priorities should match.");
            Assert.That(actualOptions.Identifier, Is.EqualTo(expectedOptions.Identifier), "The identifiers should match.");
            Assert.That(actualOptions.PrefetchCount, Is.EqualTo(expectedOptions.PrefetchCount), "The prefetch counts should match.");
            Assert.That(ExponentialRetry.HaveSameConfiguration((ExponentialRetry)actualOptions.Retry, (ExponentialRetry)expectedOptions.Retry), "The retries should match.");
            Assert.That(actualOptions.MaximumReceiveWaitTimeOrDefault, Is.EqualTo(expectedOptions.MaximumReceiveWaitTimeOrDefault), "The wait times should match.");
        public void CloneProducesACopy()
            var options = new EventReceiverOptions
                ConsumerGroup             = "custom$consumer",
                BeginReceivingAt          = EventPosition.FromOffset(65),
                ExclusiveReceiverPriority = 99,
                Retry = new ExponentialRetry(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(4), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5), 6),
                DefaultMaximumReceiveWaitTime = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(65),
                Identifier = "an_event_receiver"

            var clone = options.Clone();

            Assert.That(clone, Is.Not.Null, "The clone should not be null.");

            Assert.That(clone.ConsumerGroup, Is.EqualTo(options.ConsumerGroup), "The consumer group of the clone should match.");
            Assert.That(clone.BeginReceivingAt, Is.EqualTo(options.BeginReceivingAt), "The position to begin reading events of the clone should match.");
            Assert.That(clone.ExclusiveReceiverPriority, Is.EqualTo(options.ExclusiveReceiverPriority), "The exclusive priority of the clone should match.");
            Assert.That(clone.DefaultMaximumReceiveWaitTime, Is.EqualTo(options.DefaultMaximumReceiveWaitTime), "The default maximum wait time of the clone should match.");
            Assert.That(clone.Identifier, Is.EqualTo(options.Identifier), "The identifier of the clone should match.");

            Assert.That(ExponentialRetry.HaveSameConfiguration((ExponentialRetry)clone.Retry, (ExponentialRetry)options.Retry), "The retry of the clone should be considered equal.");
            Assert.That(clone.Retry, Is.Not.SameAs(options.Retry), "The retry of the clone should be a copy, not the same instance.");
        public void DefaultMaximumReceiveWaitTimeUsesNormalizesValueINotSpecified(int?noTimeoutValue)
            var options      = new EventReceiverOptions();
            var timeoutValue = (noTimeoutValue.HasValue) ? TimeSpan.Zero : (TimeSpan?)null;

            options.DefaultMaximumReceiveWaitTime = timeoutValue;
            Assert.That(options.DefaultMaximumReceiveWaitTime, Is.EqualTo(timeoutValue), "The value supplied by the caller should be preserved.");
            Assert.That(options.MaximumReceiveWaitTimeOrDefault, Is.Null, "The maximum wait value should be normalized to null internally.");
Пример #4
        public void ConstructorSetsThePriority(long?priority)
            var options = new EventReceiverOptions
                ExclusiveReceiverPriority = priority

            var transportReceiver = new ObservableTransportReceiverMock();
            var receiver          = new EventReceiver(transportReceiver, "dummy", "0", options);

            Assert.That(receiver.ExclusiveReceiverPriority, Is.EqualTo(priority));
Пример #5
        public void ConstructorSetsTheConsumerGroup()
            var options = new EventReceiverOptions
                ConsumerGroup = "SomeGroup"

            var transportReceiver = new ObservableTransportReceiverMock();
            var receiver          = new EventReceiver(transportReceiver, "dummy", "0", options);

            Assert.That(receiver.ConsumerGroup, Is.EqualTo(options.ConsumerGroup));
Пример #6
        public void ConstructorSetsTheStartingPosition()
            var options = new EventReceiverOptions
                BeginReceivingAt = EventPosition.FromSequenceNumber(12345, true)

            var transportReceiver = new ObservableTransportReceiverMock();
            var receiver          = new EventReceiver(transportReceiver, "dummy", "0", options);

            Assert.That(receiver.StartingPosition, Is.EqualTo(options.BeginReceivingAt));
        private static async Task CreateSenderAndReceiver()
            Console.Write("Creating the Sender and Receivers... ");
            var partition     = (await client.GetPartitionIdsAsync()).First();
            var senderOptions = new EventSenderOptions
                PartitionId = partition
            var receiverOptions = new EventReceiverOptions
                BeginReceivingAt = EventPosition.NewEventsOnly

            sender   = client.CreateSender(senderOptions);
            receiver = client.CreateReceiver(partition, receiverOptions);
Пример #8
        public async Task ReceiveAsyncInvokesTheTransportReceiver()
            var options = new EventReceiverOptions {
                DefaultMaximumReceiveWaitTime = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(8)
            var transportReceiver    = new ObservableTransportReceiverMock();
            var receiver             = new EventReceiver(transportReceiver, "dummy", "0", options);
            var cancellation         = new CancellationTokenSource();
            var expectedMessageCount = 45;

            await receiver.ReceiveAsync(expectedMessageCount, null, cancellation.Token);

            (var actualMessageCount, var actualWaitTime) = transportReceiver.ReceiveCalledWithParameters;

            Assert.That(actualMessageCount, Is.EqualTo(expectedMessageCount), "The message counts should match.");
            Assert.That(actualWaitTime, Is.EqualTo(options.DefaultMaximumReceiveWaitTime), "The wait time should match.");
        /// <summary>
        ///   Creates an event receiver responsible for reading <see cref="EventData" /> from a specific Event Hub partition,
        ///   and as a member of a specific consumer group.
        ///   A receiver may be exclusive, which asserts ownership over the partition for the consumer
        ///   group to ensure that only one receiver from that group is reading the from the partition.
        ///   These exclusive receivers are sometimes referred to as "Epoch Receivers."
        ///   A receiver may also be non-exclusive, allowing multiple receivers from the same consumer
        ///   group to be actively reading events from the partition.  These non-exclusive receivers are
        ///   sometimes referred to as "Non-epoch Receivers."
        ///   Designating a receiver as exclusive may be specified in the <paramref name="receiverOptions" />.
        ///   By default, receivers are created as non-exclusive.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="partitionId">The identifier of the Event Hub partition from which events will be received.</param>
        /// <param name="receiverOptions">The set of options to apply when creating the receiver.</param>
        /// <returns>An event receiver configured in the requested manner.</returns>
        public override EventReceiver CreateReceiver(string partitionId,
                                                     EventReceiverOptions receiverOptions)
            TrackOne.PartitionReceiver CreateReceiverFactory()
                var position = new TrackOne.EventPosition
                    IsInclusive     = receiverOptions.BeginReceivingAt.IsInclusive,
                    Offset          = receiverOptions.BeginReceivingAt.Offset,
                    SequenceNumber  = receiverOptions.BeginReceivingAt.SequenceNumber,
                    EnqueuedTimeUtc = receiverOptions.BeginReceivingAt.EnqueuedTimeUtc

                var trackOneOptions = new TrackOne.ReceiverOptions {
                    Identifier = receiverOptions.Identifier

                PartitionReceiver receiver;

                if (receiverOptions.ExclusiveReceiverPriority.HasValue)
                    receiver = TrackOneClient.CreateEpochReceiver(receiverOptions.ConsumerGroup, partitionId, position, receiverOptions.ExclusiveReceiverPriority.Value, trackOneOptions);
                    receiver = TrackOneClient.CreateReceiver(receiverOptions.ConsumerGroup, partitionId, position, trackOneOptions);

                (TimeSpan minBackoff, TimeSpan maxBackoff, int maxRetries) = ((ExponentialRetry)receiverOptions.Retry).GetProperties();
                receiver.RetryPolicy = new RetryExponential(minBackoff, maxBackoff, maxRetries);


            return(new EventReceiver
                       new TrackOneEventReceiver(CreateReceiverFactory),
        public void CreateReceiverInvokesTheTransportClient()
            var transportClient = new ObservableTransportClientMock();
            var client          = new InjectableTransportClientMock(transportClient, "Endpoint=sb://;SharedAccessKeyName=DummyKey;SharedAccessKey=[not_real];EntityPath=fake");
            var expectedOptions = new EventReceiverOptions {
                Retry = Retry.Default
            var expectedPartition = "2123";

            client.CreateReceiver(expectedPartition, expectedOptions);
            (var actualPartition, var actualOptions) = transportClient.CreateReceiverCalledWith;

            Assert.That(actualPartition, Is.EqualTo(expectedPartition), "The partition should have been passed.");
            Assert.That(actualOptions, Is.Not.Null, "The receiver options should have been set.");
            Assert.That(actualOptions.BeginReceivingAt.Offset, Is.EqualTo(expectedOptions.BeginReceivingAt.Offset), "The beginning position to receive should match.");
            Assert.That(actualOptions.ConsumerGroup, Is.EqualTo(expectedOptions.ConsumerGroup), "The consumer groups should match.");
            Assert.That(actualOptions.ExclusiveReceiverPriority, Is.EqualTo(expectedOptions.ExclusiveReceiverPriority), "The exclusive priorities should match.");
            Assert.That(actualOptions.Identifier, Is.EqualTo(expectedOptions.Identifier), "The identifiers should match.");
            Assert.That(actualOptions.PrefetchCount, Is.EqualTo(expectedOptions.PrefetchCount), "The prefetch counts should match.");
            Assert.That(ExponentialRetry.HaveSameConfiguration((ExponentialRetry)actualOptions.Retry, (ExponentialRetry)expectedOptions.Retry), "The retries should match.");
            Assert.That(actualOptions.MaximumReceiveWaitTimeOrDefault, Is.EqualTo(expectedOptions.MaximumReceiveWaitTimeOrDefault), "The wait times should match.");
        public async Task ReceiverWithOptionsCanReceive()
            await using (var scope = await EventHubScope.CreateAsync(4))
                var connectionString = TestEnvironment.BuildConnectionStringForEventHub(scope.EventHubName);

                var options = new EventReceiverOptions
                    ConsumerGroup    = "$Default",
                    BeginReceivingAt = EventPosition.NewEventsOnly

                await using (var client = new EventHubClient(connectionString))
                    var partition = (await client.GetPartitionIdsAsync()).First();

                    await using (var receiver = client.CreateReceiver(partition, options))
                        Assert.That(async() => await receiver.ReceiveAsync(1, TimeSpan.Zero), Throws.Nothing);
Пример #12
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates an event receiver, ready to receive broadcasts from the key
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="key">The event key to listen from</param>
 /// <param name="options">Option flags</param>
 public EventReceiver(EventKey <T> key, EventReceiverOptions options = EventReceiverOptions.None) : base(key, options)
Пример #13
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates an event receiver, ready to receive broadcasts from the key
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="key">The event key to listen from</param>
 /// <param name="attachedScript">The script from where this receiver is created, useful if we have the ClearEveryFrame option set</param>
 /// <param name="options">Option flags</param>
 public EventReceiver(EventKey key, ScriptComponent attachedScript, EventReceiverOptions options = EventReceiverOptions.None) : base(key, attachedScript, options)
 public override EventReceiver CreateReceiver(string partitionId, EventReceiverOptions receiverOptions)
     CreateReceiverCalledWith = (partitionId, receiverOptions);
 /// <summary>
 ///   Creates an event receiver responsible for reading <see cref="EventData" /> from a specific Event Hub partition,
 ///   and as a member of a specific consumer group.
 ///   A receiver may be exclusive, which asserts ownership over the partition for the consumer
 ///   group to ensure that only one receiver from that group is reading the from the partition.
 ///   These exclusive receivers are sometimes referred to as "Epoch Receivers."
 ///   A receiver may also be non-exclusive, allowing multiple receivers from the same consumer
 ///   group to be actively reading events from the partition.  These non-exclusive receivers are
 ///   sometimes referred to as "Non-epoch Receivers."
 ///   Designating a receiver as exclusive may be specified in the <paramref name="receiverOptions" />.
 ///   By default, receivers are created as non-exclusive.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="partitionId">The identifier of the Event Hub partition from which events will be received.</param>
 /// <param name="receiverOptions">The set of options to apply when creating the receiver.</param>
 /// <returns>An event receiver configured in the requested manner.</returns>
 public abstract EventReceiver CreateReceiver(string partitionId,
                                              EventReceiverOptions receiverOptions);
        public async Task ReceiveCanReadOneEventBatch()
            await using (var scope = await EventHubScope.CreateAsync(4))
                var connectionString = TestEnvironment.BuildConnectionStringForEventHub(scope.EventHubName);

                var eventBatch = new[]
                    new EventData(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("One")),
                    new EventData(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Two")),
                    new EventData(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes("Three"))

                var receiverOptions = new EventReceiverOptions
                    BeginReceivingAt = EventPosition.NewEventsOnly

                await using (var client = new EventHubClient(connectionString))
                    var partition = (await client.GetPartitionIdsAsync()).First();

                    await using (var sender = client.CreateSender(new EventSenderOptions {
                        PartitionId = partition
                        await using (var receiver = client.CreateReceiver(partition, receiverOptions))
                            // Initiate an operation to force the receiver to connect and set its position at the
                            // end of the event stream.

                            Assert.That(async() => await receiver.ReceiveAsync(1, TimeSpan.Zero), Throws.Nothing);

                            // Send the batch of events.

                            await sender.SendAsync(eventBatch);

                            // Recieve and validate the events; because there is some non-determinism in the messaging flow, the
                            // sent events may not be immediately available.  Allow for a small number of attempts to receive, in order
                            // to account for availability delays.

                            var receivedEvents = new List <EventData>();
                            var index          = 0;

                            while ((receivedEvents.Count < eventBatch.Length) && (++index < 3))
                                receivedEvents.AddRange(await receiver.ReceiveAsync(eventBatch.Length + 10, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(25)));

                            index = 0;

                            Assert.That(receivedEvents, Is.Not.Empty, "There should have been a set of events received.");

                            foreach (var receivedEvent in receivedEvents)
                                Assert.That(receivedEvent.IsEquivalentTo(eventBatch[index]), Is.True, $"The received event at index: { index } did not match the sent batch.");

                            Assert.That(index, Is.EqualTo(eventBatch.Length), "The number of received events did not match the batch size.");