Пример #1

        static void Main(string[] args)
            List <Log> logs = new List <Log>();

            string inifile = "NovLog.ini";

            if (!File.Exists(inifile))
                Console.Error.WriteLine("Ini-file {0} not found!", inifile);

            // Read ini-file
            FileIniDataParser parser  = new FileIniDataParser();
            IniData           iniData = parser.ReadFile(inifile);

            logDir = iniData["NovLog"]["log-folder"];

            // Iterate over messages
            foreach (SectionData section in iniData.Sections)
                if (section.SectionName == "NovLog")

                Log l = new Log();
                l.name = section.SectionName.ToUpper();

                if (String.Equals(iniData[section.SectionName]["trigger"], "ontime", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                    l.request = String.Format("log {0} ontime {1}", l.name, iniData[section.SectionName]["interval"]);
                    l.request = String.Format("log {0} {1}", l.name, iniData[section.SectionName]["trigger"]);


            debug = bool.Parse(iniData["NovLog"]["debug"]);
            bool autol5 = bool.Parse(iniData["NovLog"]["auto-L5"]);

            // Open serialport
            SerialPort gps = new SerialPort(iniData["NovLog"]["com-port"]);


            string junk;

            if (String.Equals(iniData["NovLog"]["discard-on-start"], "true", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                junk = gps.ReadExisting();

            // Request logs
            gps.Write("unlogall THISPORT_ALL\r\n");
            logs.ForEach(l => gps.Write(l.request + "\r\n"));

            // Test L5
            int[] BlockIIF   = new int[] { 1, 3, 6, 8, 9, 10, 24, 25, 26, 27, 30, 32 };
            int[] L5channels = new int[6];
            int   L5interval = 0;
            int   L5obsCnt   = 0;

            RangeParser rp = new RangeParser();

            rp.ParseL5 = autol5;

            while (true)
                string line = gps.ReadLine().Trim();

                // Check CRC, skip junk
                if (!RangeParser.CRCok(line))

                string[] words = line.Split(',');

                // Find Log-object. If not found, skip line
                Log log = logs.Find(s => s.name.Equals(words[0].TrimStart('#')));
                if (log == null)

                DateTime epoch = FromGpsWeek(int.Parse(words[5]), double.Parse(words[6]));
                if (log.logFileDate != epoch.Date)
                    OpenLogfile(log, epoch);


                // Process RANGEA special - assign the strongest Block IIR SNR sats to the L5 channels
                if (autol5 && line.StartsWith("#RANGEA"))
                    Epoch e = rp.Parse(line);
                    L5obsCnt += e.Count(s => s.L5 != null);

                    if (--L5interval < 1)
                        L5interval = 30;

                    if (debug)
                        Console.WriteLine("{0} Evaluating L5 channels,  {1} observations since last", DateTime.Now, L5obsCnt);

                    L5obsCnt = 0;

                    // Check to see that the sats we've assigned to the L5 channels are still being tracked
                    for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                        if (L5channels[i] == 0)

                        if (e.Find(s => s.PRN == L5channels[i]) == null)
                            if (debug)
                                Console.WriteLine("Not tracking PRN {0} on channel {1}", L5channels[i], i + 14);
                            L5channels[i] = 0;
                    // Find BlockIIF satellites not already being tracked, that has L1 observations
                    List <Sat> candidates = e.Where(s =>
                                                    BlockIIF.Contains(s.PRN) &&
                                                    !L5channels.Contains(s.PRN) &&
                                                    s.L1 != null &&
                                                    s.System == 'G'
                                                    ).ToList <Sat>();

                    // Sort candidate satellites by SNR on L1
                    Sat[] c  = candidates.OrderBy(s => s.L1.snr).ToArray <Sat>();
                    int   ix = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                        if (L5channels[i] == 0)
                            if (ix > c.Length - 1)

                            L5channels[i] = c[ix++].PRN;

                            if (debug)
                                Console.WriteLine("Assigning PRN {0} to channel {1}", L5channels[i], i + 14);

                            gps.Write(String.Format("assign {0} {1}\r\n", i + 14, L5channels[i]));