public void EpochTest_Equality_SameObject() { Epoch e1 = new Epoch(5, 3); this.EqualsTestHelper(e1, e1); }
public static void Ize(out UInt256 root, Epoch container) { Ize(out root, container.Number); }
public static DateTime?FromUnixTime(string unixTime) { return(long.TryParse(unixTime, out long seconds) ? Epoch.AddSeconds(seconds) : default(DateTime?)); }
public void EpochTest_NullReturnsFalse() { Epoch e1 = new Epoch(5, 3); Assert.IsFalse(e1.Equals(null)); }
private static AttestationData BuildAttestationData(IServiceProvider testServiceProvider, BeaconState state, Slot slot, CommitteeIndex index) { BeaconChainUtility beaconChainUtility = testServiceProvider.GetService <BeaconChainUtility>(); BeaconStateAccessor beaconStateAccessor = testServiceProvider.GetService <BeaconStateAccessor>(); if (state.Slot > slot) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(nameof(slot), slot, $"Slot cannot be greater than state slot {state.Slot}."); } Root blockRoot; if (slot == state.Slot) { BeaconBlock nextBlock = TestBlock.BuildEmptyBlockForNextSlot(testServiceProvider, state, BlsSignature.Zero); blockRoot = nextBlock.ParentRoot; } else { blockRoot = beaconStateAccessor.GetBlockRootAtSlot(state, slot); } Root epochBoundaryRoot; Epoch currentEpoch = beaconStateAccessor.GetCurrentEpoch(state); Slot currentEpochStartSlot = beaconChainUtility.ComputeStartSlotOfEpoch(currentEpoch); if (slot < currentEpochStartSlot) { Epoch previousEpoch = beaconStateAccessor.GetPreviousEpoch(state); epochBoundaryRoot = beaconStateAccessor.GetBlockRoot(state, previousEpoch); } else if (slot == currentEpochStartSlot) { epochBoundaryRoot = blockRoot; } else { epochBoundaryRoot = beaconStateAccessor.GetBlockRoot(state, currentEpoch); } Epoch sourceEpoch; Root sourceRoot; if (slot < currentEpochStartSlot) { sourceEpoch = state.PreviousJustifiedCheckpoint.Epoch; sourceRoot = state.PreviousJustifiedCheckpoint.Root; } else { sourceEpoch = state.CurrentJustifiedCheckpoint.Epoch; sourceRoot = state.CurrentJustifiedCheckpoint.Root; } //Crosslink parentCrosslink; //if (epochOfSlot == currentEpoch) //{ // parentCrosslink = state.CurrentCrosslinks[(int)(ulong)shard]; //} //else //{ // throw new NotImplementedException(); //} Epoch slotEpoch = beaconChainUtility.ComputeEpochAtSlot(slot); AttestationData attestationData = new AttestationData( slot, index, blockRoot, new Checkpoint(sourceEpoch, sourceRoot), new Checkpoint(slotEpoch, epochBoundaryRoot)); return(attestationData); }
protected static DateTimeOffset TruncateSubSeconds(DateTimeOffset dto) { int seconds = dto.ToSecondsSinceEpoch(); return(Epoch.ToDateTimeOffset(seconds, (int)dto.Offset.TotalMinutes)); }
// Run ``process_attester_slashing``, yielding: // - pre-state('pre') // - attester_slashing('attester_slashing') // - post-state('post'). //If ``valid == False``, run expecting ``AssertionError`` private void RunAttesterSlashingProcessing(IServiceProvider testServiceProvider, BeaconState state, AttesterSlashing attesterSlashing, bool expectValid) { var chainConstants = testServiceProvider.GetService <ChainConstants>(); var stateListLengths = testServiceProvider.GetService <IOptions <StateListLengths> >().Value; var rewardsAndPenalties = testServiceProvider.GetService <IOptions <RewardsAndPenalties> >().Value; var beaconStateAccessor = testServiceProvider.GetService <BeaconStateAccessor>(); var beaconStateTransition = testServiceProvider.GetService <BeaconStateTransition>(); if (!expectValid) { Should.Throw <Exception>(() => { beaconStateTransition.ProcessAttesterSlashing(state, attesterSlashing); }); return; } var slashedIndices = attesterSlashing.Attestation1.CustodyBit0Indices .Union(attesterSlashing.Attestation1.CustodyBit1Indices) .ToList(); var proposerIndex = beaconStateAccessor.GetBeaconProposerIndex(state); var preProposerBalance = TestState.GetBalance(state, proposerIndex); var preSlashings = slashedIndices.ToDictionary(x => x, x => TestState.GetBalance(state, x)); var preWithdrawableEpochs = slashedIndices.ToDictionary(x => x, x => state.Validators[(int)(ulong)x].WithdrawableEpoch); var totalProposerRewards = preSlashings.Values.Aggregate(Gwei.Zero, (sum, x) => sum + x / rewardsAndPenalties.WhistleblowerRewardQuotient); // Process slashing beaconStateTransition.ProcessAttesterSlashing(state, attesterSlashing); foreach (var slashedIndex in slashedIndices) { Console.WriteLine($"Checking index {slashedIndex}"); var preWithdrawableEpoch = preWithdrawableEpochs[slashedIndex]; var slashedValidator = state.Validators[(int)(ulong)slashedIndex]; // Check Slashing slashedValidator.IsSlashed.ShouldBeTrue(); slashedValidator.ExitEpoch.ShouldBeLessThan(chainConstants.FarFutureEpoch); if (preWithdrawableEpoch < chainConstants.FarFutureEpoch) { var slashingsEpoch = beaconStateAccessor.GetCurrentEpoch(state) + stateListLengths.EpochsPerSlashingsVector; var expectedWithdrawableEpoch = Epoch.Max(preWithdrawableEpoch, slashingsEpoch); slashedValidator.WithdrawableEpoch.ShouldBe(expectedWithdrawableEpoch); } else { slashedValidator.WithdrawableEpoch.ShouldBeLessThan(chainConstants.FarFutureEpoch); } var preSlashing = preSlashings[slashedIndex]; var slashedBalance = TestState.GetBalance(state, slashedIndex); slashedBalance.ShouldBeLessThan(preSlashing); } if (!slashedIndices.Contains(proposerIndex)) { // gained whistleblower reward var expectedProposerBalance = preProposerBalance + totalProposerRewards; var proposerBalance = TestState.GetBalance(state, proposerIndex); proposerBalance.ShouldBe(expectedProposerBalance); } else { // gained rewards for all slashings, which may include others. And only lost that of themselves. var expectedProposerBalance = preProposerBalance + totalProposerRewards - (preSlashings[proposerIndex] / rewardsAndPenalties.MinimumSlashingPenaltyQuotient); var proposerBalance = TestState.GetBalance(state, proposerIndex); proposerBalance.ShouldBe(expectedProposerBalance); } }
public DateTime ToDateTime() { return(Epoch.AddSeconds(_seconds)); }
/// <summary> /// Run ``on_attestation`` upon receiving a new ``attestation`` from either within a block or directly on the wire. /// An ``attestation`` that is asserted as invalid may be valid at a later time, /// consider scheduling it for later processing in such case. /// </summary> public async Task OnAttestationAsync(IStore store, Attestation attestation) { if (_logger.IsInfo()) { Log.OnAttestation(_logger, attestation, null); } InitialValues initialValues = _initialValueOptions.CurrentValue; TimeParameters timeParameters = _timeParameterOptions.CurrentValue; Checkpoint target = attestation.Data.Target; // Attestations must be from the current or previous epoch Slot currentSlot = GetCurrentSlot(store); Epoch currentEpoch = _beaconChainUtility.ComputeEpochAtSlot(currentSlot); // Use GENESIS_EPOCH for previous when genesis to avoid underflow Epoch previousEpoch = currentEpoch > initialValues.GenesisEpoch ? currentEpoch - new Epoch(1) : initialValues.GenesisEpoch; if (target.Epoch != currentEpoch && target.Epoch != previousEpoch) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("attestation.Target.Epoch", target.Epoch, $"Attestation target epoch must be either the current epoch {currentEpoch} or previous epoch {previousEpoch}."); } // Cannot calculate the current shuffling if have not seen the target BeaconBlock targetBlock = await store.GetBlockAsync(target.Root).ConfigureAwait(false); // Attestations target be for a known block. If target block is unknown, delay consideration until the block is found BeaconState targetStoredState = await store.GetBlockStateAsync(target.Root).ConfigureAwait(false); // Attestations cannot be from future epochs. If they are, delay consideration until the epoch arrives BeaconState baseState = BeaconState.Clone(targetStoredState); Slot targetEpochStartSlot = _beaconChainUtility.ComputeStartSlotOfEpoch(target.Epoch); ulong targetEpochStartSlotTime = baseState.GenesisTime + (ulong)targetEpochStartSlot * timeParameters.SecondsPerSlot; if (store.Time < targetEpochStartSlotTime) { throw new Exception($"Ättestation target state time {targetEpochStartSlotTime} should not be larger than the store time {store.Time})."); } // Attestations must be for a known block. If block is unknown, delay consideration until the block is found BeaconBlock attestationBlock = await store.GetBlockAsync(attestation.Data.BeaconBlockRoot).ConfigureAwait(false); // Attestations must not be for blocks in the future. If not, the attestation should not be considered if (attestationBlock.Slot > attestation.Data.Slot) { throw new Exception($"Attestation data root slot {attestationBlock.Slot} should not be larger than the attestation data slot {attestation.Data.Slot})."); } // Store target checkpoint state if not yet seen BeaconState?targetState = await store.GetCheckpointStateAsync(target, false).ConfigureAwait(false); if (targetState == null) { _beaconStateTransition.ProcessSlots(baseState, targetEpochStartSlot); await store.SetCheckpointStateAsync(target, baseState).ConfigureAwait(false); targetState = baseState; } // Attestations can only affect the fork choice of subsequent slots. // Delay consideration in the fork choice until their slot is in the past. ulong attestationDataSlotTime = targetState !.GenesisTime + ((ulong)attestation.Data.Slot + 1) * timeParameters.SecondsPerSlot; if (store.Time < attestationDataSlotTime) { throw new Exception($"Attestation data time {attestationDataSlotTime} should not be larger than the store time {store.Time})."); } // Get state at the `target` to validate attestation and calculate the committees IndexedAttestation indexedAttestation = _beaconStateAccessor.GetIndexedAttestation(targetState, attestation); Domain domain = _beaconStateAccessor.GetDomain(targetState, _signatureDomainOptions.CurrentValue.BeaconAttester, indexedAttestation.Data.Target.Epoch); bool isValid = _beaconChainUtility.IsValidIndexedAttestation(targetState, indexedAttestation, domain); if (!isValid) { throw new Exception($"Indexed attestation {indexedAttestation} is not valid."); } // Update latest messages IEnumerable <ValidatorIndex> attestingIndices = _beaconStateAccessor.GetAttestingIndices(targetState, attestation.Data, attestation.AggregationBits); foreach (ValidatorIndex index in attestingIndices) { LatestMessage?latestMessage = await store.GetLatestMessageAsync(index, false).ConfigureAwait(false); if (latestMessage == null || target.Epoch > latestMessage !.Epoch) { latestMessage = new LatestMessage(target.Epoch, attestation.Data.BeaconBlockRoot); await store.SetLatestMessageAsync(index, latestMessage).ConfigureAwait(false); } } }
/// <summary> /// Converts <see cref="BroTime"/> to a .NET <see cref="DateTime"/>. /// </summary> /// <returns>This <see cref="BroTime"/> as a .NET <see cref="DateTime"/>.</returns> public DateTime ToDateTime() { return(Epoch.AddSeconds(m_value)); }
public static string ToDisplayString(this Epoch epoch) { return($"{epoch.DataLossNumber}.{epoch.ConfigurationNumber}"); }
// Generation End private void GenerationEnd() { // Update Values UpdateChildrenCount(); UpdateBreedingAmount(); _Generation++; // Order all epochs based on score _Epoch_All = ReorderCurrentEpochsByScore(); // Take Best Epoch if (_Epoch_All[_MaxEpochs - 1].GetScore() > _Best.GetScore()) { _Best.CopyData(_Epoch_All[_MaxEpochs - 1]); _Best.SetScore(_Epoch_All[_MaxEpochs - 1].GetScore()); } // New Children Epoch[] NewChildren = new Epoch[NewChildrenCount]; // Create Children Values for (int i = 0; i < NewChildrenCount; i++) { // Acquire Random Amount of Epochs List <Epoch> Randos = AcquireRandomEpochs(BreedingAmount); // Find best 2 epochs Epoch Best_1 = FindBestEpochByScore(Randos); Epoch Best_2 = FindBestEpochByScore(Randos, Best_1); // Child Value NewChildren[i] = Epoch.CrossOver(Best_1, Best_2); // Debug.Log("Best1 Bias: " + Best_1.GetOutputLayers()[0].GetBias()); // Debug.Log("Best2 Bias: " + Best_2.GetOutputLayers()[0].GetBias()); // Debug.Log("Child Bias: " + NewChildren[i].GetOutputLayers()[0].GetBias()); // Debug.Log("~~~"); // Chance that child mutates if (CalculateMutationChance()) { NewChildren[i].MutateValues(GameplayManager.GetInstance().MutationAmount); } } // Replace weakest ones with children for (int i = 0; i < NewChildrenCount; i++) { _Epoch_All[i].CopyData(NewChildren[i]); } // Add best epoch back in the list _Epoch_All[NewChildrenCount].CopyData(_Best); // Weakest one right after children getss jittered a lot for fun if (GameplayManager.GetInstance().MutateOneWeakestByALot) { _Epoch_All[NewChildrenCount].MutateValues(GameplayManager.GetInstance().MutationAmount * 2.0f); } // Reset all scores ResetScores(); // Start Next Epoch NextEpoch(); // // Find best 2 Epochs // Epoch Winner_1st = FindBestEpochByScore(); // Epoch Winner_2nd = FindBestEpochByScore(Winner_1st); // Epoch Child = Epoch.CrossOver(Winner_1st, Winner_2nd); // // // Error Check // if(Child == null) // { // Debug.LogError("CrossoverChild Error"); // NextEpoch(); // return; // } // // // Set first two epochs as winner and child // _Epoch_All[0] = Winner_1st; // _Epoch_All[1] = Child; // // // Rest of epochs are just clones of child with jitter // for (int i = 2; i < _MaxEpochs; i++) // { // _Epoch_All[i].CopyLayers(Child); // _Epoch_All[i].JitterLayers(GameplayManager.GetInstance().MutationAmount); // } }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <cref name="BackupVersion"/> /// </summary> /// <param name="epoch">The <cref name="Epoch"/> at which the backup was taken.</param> /// <param name="lsn">The last committed logical sequence number included in the backup.</param> public BackupVersion(Epoch epoch, long lsn) { this._epoch = epoch; this._lsn = lsn; }
public async Task UpdateEpochAsync( Epoch epoch, long previousEpochLastSequenceNumber, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { var update = new ProgressIndicator(epoch, previousEpochLastSequenceNumber); this.logger.Log($"UpdateEpochAsync: {update}"); this.progressVector.Update(update); await this.PersistEpochUpdate(update); this.logger.Log($"ProgressVector: {this.progressVector}"); }
private void CharacterLoad_Mail(Player player) { #if _SERVER #if _MYSQL var table = ExecuteReaderMySql("SELECT * FROM mail WHERE messageTo=@character AND deleted=0 AND expires > @expires ORDER BY sent", new MySqlParameter("@character",, new MySqlParameter("@expires", Epoch.Current())); #elif _SQLITE var table = connection.Query <mail>("SELECT * FROM mail WHERE messageTo=? AND deleted=0 AND expires > " + Epoch.Current() + " ORDER BY sent",; #endif foreach (var row in table) { MailMessage message = Mail_BuildMessageFromDBRow(row); player.mailMessages.Add(message); } #endif }
public void SetSlashings(Epoch slashingsIndex, Gwei amount) => _slashings[slashingsIndex] += amount;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- public List <MailMessage> Mail_CheckForNewMessages(long maxID) { List <MailMessage> result = new List <MailMessage>(); #if _SERVER #if _MYSQL var table = ExecuteReaderMySql("SELECT * FROM mail WHERE id > @maxid AND deleted=0 AND expires > @expires ORDER BY sent", new MySqlParameter("@maxid", maxID), new MySqlParameter("@expires", Epoch.Current())); #elif _SQLITE var table = connection.Query <mail>("SELECT * FROM mail WHERE id > " + maxID + " AND deleted=0 AND expires > " + Epoch.Current() + " ORDER BY sent"); #endif foreach (var row in table) { MailMessage message = Mail_BuildMessageFromDBRow(row); result.Add(message); } #endif return(result); }
/// <summary> /// Return the block root at the start of a recent ``epoch``. /// </summary> public Hash32 GetBlockRoot(BeaconState state, Epoch epoch) { Slot startSlot = _beaconChainUtility.ComputeStartSlotOfEpoch(epoch); return(GetBlockRootAtSlot(state, startSlot)); }
public void RenderedStimulus( [Values(10000, 20000, 50000)] double sampleRate, [Values(2)] int nEpochs ) { Logging.ConfigureConsole(); Converters.Clear(); Converters.Register("V", "V", // just an identity conversion for now, to pass Validate() (IMeasurement m) => m); HekaDAQInputStream.RegisterConverters(); HekaDAQOutputStream.RegisterConverters(); Assert.That(HekaDAQController.AvailableControllers().Count(), Is.GreaterThan(0)); foreach (var daq in HekaDAQController.AvailableControllers()) { const double epochDuration = 5; //s daq.InitHardware(); try { daq.SampleRate = new Measurement((decimal)sampleRate, "Hz"); var controller = new Controller { Clock = daq, DAQController = daq }; var dev0 = new UnitConvertingExternalDevice("Device0", "Manufacturer", controller, new Measurement(0, "V")) { MeasurementConversionTarget = "V", Clock = daq }; dev0.BindStream((IDAQOutputStream)daq.GetStreams("ANALOG_OUT.0").First()); dev0.BindStream((IDAQInputStream)daq.GetStreams("ANALOG_IN.0").First()); var dev1 = new UnitConvertingExternalDevice("Device1", "Manufacturer", controller, new Measurement(0, "V")) { MeasurementConversionTarget = "V", Clock = daq }; dev1.BindStream((IDAQOutputStream)daq.GetStreams("ANALOG_OUT.1").First()); dev1.BindStream((IDAQInputStream)daq.GetStreams("ANALOG_IN.1").First()); for (int j = 0; j < nEpochs; j++) { // Setup Epoch var e = new Epoch("HekaIntegration"); var nSamples = (int)TimeSpan.FromSeconds(epochDuration).Samples(daq.SampleRate); IList <IMeasurement> stimData = (IList <IMeasurement>)Enumerable.Range(0, nSamples) .Select(i => new Measurement((decimal)(8 * Math.Sin(((double)i) / (nSamples / 10.0))), "V") as IMeasurement) .ToList(); e.Stimuli[dev0] = new RenderedStimulus((string)"RenderedStimulus", (IDictionary <string, object>) new Dictionary <string, object>(), (IOutputData) new OutputData(stimData, daq.SampleRate)); e.Responses[dev0] = new Response(); e.Background[dev0] = new Epoch.EpochBackground(new Measurement(0, "V"), daq.SampleRate); e.Stimuli[dev1] = new RenderedStimulus((string)"RenderedStimulus", (IDictionary <string, object>) new Dictionary <string, object>(), (IOutputData) new OutputData(Enumerable.Range(0, nSamples) .Select(i => new Measurement((decimal)(8 * Math.Sin(((double)i) / (nSamples / 10.0))), "V")) .ToList(), daq.SampleRate)); e.Responses[dev1] = new Response(); e.Background[dev1] = new Epoch.EpochBackground(new Measurement(0, "V"), daq.SampleRate); //Run single epoch var fakeEpochPersistor = new FakeEpochPersistor(); controller.RunEpoch(e, fakeEpochPersistor); Assert.That((bool)e.StartTime, Is.True); Assert.That((DateTimeOffset)e.StartTime, Is.LessThanOrEqualTo(controller.Clock.Now)); Assert.That(e.Responses[dev0].Duration, Is.EqualTo(((TimeSpan)e.Duration)) .Within(TimeSpanExtensions.FromSamples(1, daq. SampleRate))); Assert.That(e.Responses[dev1].Duration, Is.EqualTo(((TimeSpan)e.Duration)) .Within(TimeSpanExtensions.FromSamples(1, daq. SampleRate))); Assert.That(fakeEpochPersistor.PersistedEpochs, Contains.Item(e)); var failures0 = e.Responses[dev0].Data.Select( (t, i) => new { index = i, diff = t.QuantityInBaseUnit - stimData[i].QuantityInBaseUnit }) .Where(dif => Math.Abs(dif.diff) > (decimal)MAX_VOLTAGE_DIFF); foreach (var failure in failures0.Take(10)) { Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", failure.index, failure.diff); } /* * According to Telly @ Heka, a patch cable may introduce 3-4 offset points */ Assert.That(failures0.Count(), Is.LessThanOrEqualTo(4)); /* * //Since we only have one patch cable on the test rig, * //we're not checking second device response values * * var failures1 = * e.Responses[dev1].Data.Data.Select( * (t, i) => new { index = i, diff = t.QuantityInBaseUnit - stimData[i].QuantityInBaseUnit }) * .Where(dif => Math.Abs(dif.diff) > MAX_VOLTAGE_DIFF); * * foreach (var failure in failures1.Take(10)) * Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", failure.index, failure.diff); * * Assert.That(failures1.Count(), Is.EqualTo(0)); */ } } finally { if (daq.HardwareReady) { daq.CloseHardware(); } } } }
/// <summary> /// Reads the value as a <see cref="DateTime"/> /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public DateTime ReadDateTime() => Epoch.AddSeconds(ReadValue());
public void MaxBandwidth( [Values(20000)] decimal sampleRate, [Values(1)] int nEpochs, [Values(4)] int nOut, [Values(8)] int nIn ) { Logging.ConfigureConsole(); Converters.Clear(); HekaDAQInputStream.RegisterConverters(); HekaDAQOutputStream.RegisterConverters(); Assert.That(HekaDAQController.AvailableControllers().Count(), Is.GreaterThan(0)); foreach (var daq in HekaDAQController.AvailableControllers()) { const double epochDuration = 10; //s daq.InitHardware(); try { daq.SampleRate = new Measurement(sampleRate, "Hz"); var controller = new Controller { Clock = daq, DAQController = daq }; HekaDAQController daq1 = daq; var outDevices = Enumerable.Range(0, nOut) .Select(i => { var dev0 = new UnitConvertingExternalDevice("Device_OUT_" + i, "Manufacturer", controller, new Measurement(0, "V")) { MeasurementConversionTarget = "V", Clock = daq1 }; dev0.BindStream((IDAQOutputStream)daq1.GetStreams("ANALOG_OUT." + i).First()); return(dev0); }) .ToList(); var inDevices = Enumerable.Range(0, nIn) .Select(i => { var dev0 = new UnitConvertingExternalDevice("Device_IN_" + i, "Manufacturer", controller, new Measurement(0, "V")) { MeasurementConversionTarget = "V", Clock = daq1 }; dev0.BindStream((IDAQInputStream)daq1.GetStreams("ANALOG_IN." + i).First()); return(dev0); }) .ToList(); for (int j = 0; j < nEpochs; j++) { // Setup Epoch var e = new Epoch("HekaIntegration"); var nSamples = (int)TimeSpan.FromSeconds(epochDuration).Samples(daq.SampleRate); IList <IMeasurement> stimData = Enumerable.Range(0, nSamples) .Select(i => new Measurement((decimal)(8 * Math.Sin(((double)i) / (nSamples / 10.0))), "V") as IMeasurement) .ToList(); foreach (var outDev in outDevices) { e.Stimuli[outDev] = new RenderedStimulus((string)"RenderedStimulus", (IDictionary <string, object>) new Dictionary <string, object>(), (IOutputData) new OutputData(stimData, daq.SampleRate)); e.Background[outDev] = new Epoch.EpochBackground(new Measurement(0, "V"), daq.SampleRate); } foreach (var inDev in inDevices) { e.Responses[inDev] = new Response(); } //Run single epoch var fakeEpochPersistor = new FakeEpochPersistor(); controller.RunEpoch(e, fakeEpochPersistor); Assert.That((bool)e.StartTime, Is.True); Assert.That((DateTimeOffset)e.StartTime, Is.LessThanOrEqualTo(controller.Clock.Now)); Assert.That(fakeEpochPersistor.PersistedEpochs, Contains.Item(e)); } } finally { if (daq.HardwareReady) { daq.CloseHardware(); } } } }
private void Update() { if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.P) || Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape)) { // Can only unpause if not saving if (SavingThread.GetInstance().checkThreadRunning() == false) { ToggleActive(); } } if (_Active) { // Saving Effect bool CheckSaving = SavingThread.GetInstance().checkThreadRunning(); PauseMenu.GetInstance()._LoadingText.enabled = CheckSaving; if (CheckSaving) { PauseMenu.GetInstance()._LoadingText.text = "Loading... (" + SavingThread.m_Saving_Layer.ToString() + "-" + SavingThread.m_Saving_Perceptron.ToString() + "-" + SavingThread.m_Saving_Weight.ToString() + ")"; } // _Parent.SetActive(true); Vector3 Position = _FancyBar.GetComponent <RectTransform>().position; Position.y = Mathf.Lerp(Position.y, getItem(_MenuIndex)._Text.GetComponent <RectTransform>().position.y, 0.3f); _FancyBar.GetComponent <RectTransform>().position = Position; if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.DownArrow) || Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.S)) { _MenuIndex++; if (_MenuIndex > _Items.Length - 1) { _MenuIndex = 0; } } if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.UpArrow) || Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.W)) { _MenuIndex--; if (_MenuIndex < 0) { _MenuIndex = _Items.Length - 1; } } for (int i = 0; i < _Items.Length; i++) { if (i != _MenuIndex) { _Items[i]._Text.color = Color.Lerp(_Items[i]._Text.color, _UnselectedColor, 0.25f); } } _Items[_MenuIndex]._Text.color = Color.Lerp(_Items[_MenuIndex]._Text.color, _SelectedColor, 0.4f); // API for File Browser // // if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space) || Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.KeypadEnter) || Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Return)) { switch (_Items[_MenuIndex]._type) { case PauseItem.Type.RESUME: { // Can only unpause if not saving if (SavingThread.GetInstance().checkThreadRunning() == false) { ToggleActive(); } } break; case PauseItem.Type.SAVE_EPOCH: { // Get Current Epoch Epoch epoch = TetrisPerceptronManager.GetEpochManager().GetCurrentEpoch(); if (epoch == null) { Debug.LogError("No Current Epoch"); return; } string Directory = SimpleFileDialog.SelectFile(); if (Directory == "") { Debug.LogError("Directory Not Selected"); return; } SavingThread.GetInstance().SaveEpoch(epoch, Directory); } break; case PauseItem.Type.SAVE_BEST_EPOCH: { // Get Best Epoch Epoch epoch = TetrisPerceptronManager.GetEpochManager().GetBestEpochAcrossGeneration(); if (epoch == null) { Debug.LogError("No Current Epoch"); return; } string Directory = SimpleFileDialog.SelectFile(); if (Directory == "") { Debug.LogError("Directory Not Selected"); return; } SavingThread.GetInstance().SaveEpoch(epoch, Directory); } break; case PauseItem.Type.LOAD_EPOCH: { // Read Data File as String string Data = SimpleFileDialog.OpenFile(); if (Data.Length == 0) { return; } // Read File Epoch Result = EpochParser.LoadFile(Data); if (Result == null) { return; } // Set To Current Epoch TetrisPerceptronManager.GetEpochManager().OverrideCurrentEpoch(Result); // Reset Game Tetris.GetInstance().ResetGame(); } break; } } } else { _Parent.SetActive(false); } }
public void ShouldSetStreamBackgroundOnStop( [Values(10000, 20000)] double sampleRate ) { Converters.Clear(); Converters.Register("V", "V", // just an identity conversion for now, to pass Validate() (IMeasurement m) => m); HekaDAQInputStream.RegisterConverters(); HekaDAQOutputStream.RegisterConverters(); Assert.That(HekaDAQController.AvailableControllers().Count(), Is.GreaterThan(0)); foreach (var daq in HekaDAQController.AvailableControllers()) { const double epochDuration = 1; //s //Configure DAQ daq.InitHardware(); try { daq.SampleRate = new Measurement((decimal)sampleRate, "Hz"); var controller = new Controller(); controller.Clock = daq; controller.DAQController = daq; const decimal expectedBackgroundVoltage = -3.2m; var expectedBackground = new Measurement(expectedBackgroundVoltage, "V"); var dev0 = new UnitConvertingExternalDevice("Device0", "Manufacturer", controller, expectedBackground) { MeasurementConversionTarget = "V" }; dev0.BindStream(daq.GetStreams("ANALOG_OUT.0").First() as IDAQOutputStream); dev0.BindStream(daq.GetStreams("ANALOG_IN.0").First() as IDAQInputStream); dev0.Clock = daq; controller.DiscardedEpoch += (c, args) => Console.WriteLine("Discarded epoch: " + args.Epoch); // Setup Epoch var e = new Epoch("HekaIntegration"); var nSamples = (int)TimeSpanExtensions.Samples(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(epochDuration), daq.SampleRate); IList <IMeasurement> stimData = (IList <IMeasurement>)Enumerable.Range(0, nSamples) .Select(i => new Measurement((decimal)(8 * Math.Sin(((double)i) / (nSamples / 10.0))), "V") as IMeasurement) .ToList(); var stim = new RenderedStimulus((string)"RenderedStimulus", (IDictionary <string, object>) new Dictionary <string, object>(), (IOutputData) new OutputData(stimData, daq.SampleRate, false)); e.Stimuli[dev0] = stim; e.Responses[dev0] = new Response(); e.Background[dev0] = new Epoch.EpochBackground(expectedBackground, daq.SampleRate); //Run single epoch var fakeEpochPersistor = new FakeEpochPersistor(); controller.RunEpoch(e, fakeEpochPersistor); Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100)); //allow DAC to settle var actual = ((HekaDAQController)controller.DAQController).ReadStreamAsyncIO( daq.GetStreams("ANALOG_IN.0").First() as IDAQInputStream); //Should be within +/- 0.025 volts Assert.That(actual.Data.First().QuantityInBaseUnit, Is.InRange(expectedBackground.QuantityInBaseUnit - (decimal)0.025, expectedBackground.QuantityInBaseUnit + (decimal)0.025)); } finally { if (daq.HardwareReady) { daq.CloseHardware(); } } } }
private long GetValidLogPosition(long logPosition, Epoch[] epochs, IPEndPoint replicaEndPoint, Guid subscriptionId) { if (epochs.Length == 0) { if (logPosition > 0) { // slave has some data, but doesn't have any epoch // for now we'll just report error and close connection var msg = string.Format("Replica [{0},S:{1},{2}] has positive LogPosition {3} (0x{3:X}), but does not have epochs.", replicaEndPoint, subscriptionId, string.Join(", ", epochs.Select(x => x.AsString())), logPosition); Log.Info(msg); throw new Exception(msg); } return(0); } var masterCheckpoint = _db.Config.WriterCheckpoint.Read(); Epoch afterCommonEpoch = null; Epoch commonEpoch = null; for (int i = 0; i < epochs.Length; ++i) { var epoch = epochs[i]; if (_epochManager.IsCorrectEpochAt(epoch.EpochPosition, epoch.EpochNumber, epoch.EpochId)) { commonEpoch = epoch; afterCommonEpoch = i > 0 ? epochs[i - 1] : null; break; } } if (commonEpoch == null) { Log.Error("No common epoch found for replica [{0},S{1},{2}(0x{2:X}),{3}]. Subscribing at 0. Master LogPosition: {4} (0x{4:X}), known epochs: {5}.", replicaEndPoint, subscriptionId, logPosition, string.Join(", ", epochs.Select(x => x.AsString())), masterCheckpoint, string.Join(", ", _epochManager.GetLastEpochs(int.MaxValue).Select(x => x.AsString()))); return(0); } // if afterCommonEpoch is present, logPosition > afterCommonEpoch.EpochPosition, // so safe position is definitely the start of afterCommonEpoch var replicaPosition = afterCommonEpoch == null ? logPosition : afterCommonEpoch.EpochPosition; if (commonEpoch.EpochNumber == _epochManager.LastEpochNumber) { return(Math.Min(replicaPosition, masterCheckpoint)); } var nextEpoch = _epochManager.GetEpoch(commonEpoch.EpochNumber + 1, throwIfNotFound: false); if (nextEpoch == null) { nextEpoch = _epochManager.GetEpochWithAllEpochs(commonEpoch.EpochNumber + 1, throwIfNotFound: false); } if (nextEpoch == null) { var msg = string.Format("Replica [{0},S:{1},{2}(0x{2:X}),epochs:\n{3}]\n provided epochs which are not in " + "EpochManager (possibly too old, known epochs:\n{4}).\nMaster LogPosition: {5} (0x{5:X}). " + "We do not support this case as of now.\n" + "CommonEpoch: {6}, AfterCommonEpoch: {7}", replicaEndPoint, subscriptionId, logPosition, string.Join("\n", epochs.Select(x => x.AsString())), string.Join("\n", _epochManager.GetLastEpochs(int.MaxValue).Select(x => x.AsString())), masterCheckpoint, commonEpoch.AsString(), afterCommonEpoch == null ? "<none>" : afterCommonEpoch.AsString()); Log.Error(msg); throw new Exception(msg); } return(Math.Min(replicaPosition, nextEpoch.EpochPosition)); }
public void SealLeak( [Values(10000, 20000, 50000)] double sampleRate ) { Converters.Clear(); Converters.Register("V", "V", // just an identity conversion for now, to pass Validate() (IMeasurement m) => m); HekaDAQInputStream.RegisterConverters(); HekaDAQOutputStream.RegisterConverters(); Assert.That(HekaDAQController.AvailableControllers().Count(), Is.GreaterThan(0)); foreach (var daq in HekaDAQController.AvailableControllers()) { const double epochDuration = 10; //s //Configure DAQ daq.InitHardware(); try { daq.SampleRate = new Measurement((decimal)sampleRate, "Hz"); var controller = new Controller(); controller.Clock = daq; controller.DAQController = daq; const decimal expectedBackgroundVoltage = 3.2m; var expectedBackground = new Measurement(expectedBackgroundVoltage, "V"); var dev0 = new UnitConvertingExternalDevice("Device0", "Manufacturer", controller, expectedBackground) { MeasurementConversionTarget = "V", Clock = daq }; dev0.BindStream(daq.GetStreams("ANALOG_OUT.0").First() as IDAQOutputStream); dev0.BindStream(daq.GetStreams("ANALOG_IN.0").First() as IDAQInputStream); controller.DiscardedEpoch += (c, args) => Console.WriteLine("Discarded epoch: " + args.Epoch); // Setup Epoch var e = new Epoch("HekaIntegration"); HekaDAQController cDAQ = daq; var stim = new DelegatedStimulus("TEST_ID", "V", new Dictionary <string, object>(), (parameters, duration) => DataForDuration(duration, cDAQ.SampleRate), parameters => Option <TimeSpan> .None() ); e.Stimuli[dev0] = stim; e.Background[dev0] = new Epoch.EpochBackground(expectedBackground, daq.SampleRate); //Run single epoch var fakeEpochPersistor = new FakeEpochPersistor(); new TaskFactory().StartNew(() => { Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(epochDuration)); controller.CancelEpoch(); }, TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning ); controller.RunEpoch(e, fakeEpochPersistor); } finally { if (daq.HardwareReady) { daq.CloseHardware(); } } } }
public void EpochTest_InvalidTypeReturnsFalse() { Epoch e1 = new Epoch(5, 3); Assert.IsFalse(e1.Equals(new object())); }
public void LongEpochPersistence( [Values(5, 60)] double epochDuration, //seconds [Values(2)] int nEpochs ) { const decimal sampleRate = 10000m; const string h5Path = "..\\..\\..\\LongEpochPersistence.h5"; if (File.Exists(h5Path)) { File.Delete(h5Path); } Logging.ConfigureConsole(); Converters.Clear(); Converters.Register("V", "V", // just an identity conversion for now, to pass Validate() (IMeasurement m) => m); HekaDAQInputStream.RegisterConverters(); HekaDAQOutputStream.RegisterConverters(); Assert.That(HekaDAQController.AvailableControllers().Count(), Is.GreaterThan(0)); foreach (var daq in HekaDAQController.AvailableControllers()) { try { daq.InitHardware(); daq.SampleRate = new Measurement(sampleRate, "Hz"); var controller = new Controller { Clock = daq, DAQController = daq }; var dev0 = new UnitConvertingExternalDevice("Device0", "Manufacturer", controller, new Measurement(0, "V")) { MeasurementConversionTarget = "V", Clock = daq }; dev0.BindStream((IDAQOutputStream)daq.GetStreams("ANALOG_OUT.0").First()); dev0.BindStream((IDAQInputStream)daq.GetStreams("ANALOG_IN.0").First()); for (int j = 0; j < nEpochs; j++) { // Setup Epoch var e = new Epoch("HekaIntegration"); var nSamples = (int)TimeSpan.FromSeconds(epochDuration).Samples(daq.SampleRate); IList <IMeasurement> stimData = (IList <IMeasurement>)Enumerable.Range(0, nSamples) .Select( i => new Measurement( (decimal) (8 * Math.Sin(((double)i) / (nSamples / 10.0))), "V") as IMeasurement) .ToList(); e.Stimuli[dev0] = new RenderedStimulus((string)"RenderedStimulus", (IDictionary <string, object>) new Dictionary <string, object>(), (IOutputData) new OutputData(stimData, daq.SampleRate)); e.Responses[dev0] = new Response(); e.Background[dev0] = new Epoch.EpochBackground(new Measurement(0, "V"), daq.SampleRate); //Run single epoch using (var persistor = new EpochHDF5Persistor(h5Path, null, 9)) { persistor.BeginEpochGroup("label", "source", new string[0], new Dictionary <string, object>(), Guid.NewGuid(), DateTimeOffset.Now); controller.RunEpoch(e, persistor); persistor.EndEpochGroup(); } Assert.That((bool)e.StartTime, Is.True); Assert.That((DateTimeOffset)e.StartTime, Is.LessThanOrEqualTo(controller.Clock.Now)); Assert.That(e.Responses[dev0].Duration, Is.EqualTo(((TimeSpan)e.Duration)) .Within(TimeSpanExtensions.FromSamples(1, daq. SampleRate))); //Assert.That(e.Responses[dev1].Duration, Is.EqualTo(((TimeSpan) e.Duration)) // .Within(TimeSpanExtensions.FromSamples(1, // daq. // SampleRate))); } } finally { if (File.Exists(h5Path)) { File.Delete(h5Path); } if (daq.HardwareReady) { daq.CloseHardware(); } } } }
internal static string ToString(Epoch epoch) { return(string.Format("{0}:{1:x}", epoch.DataLossNumber, epoch.ConfigurationNumber)); }
public async Task <IList <ValidatorDuty> > ValidatorDutiesAsync(IEnumerable <BlsPublicKey> validatorPublicKeys, Epoch epoch) { // TODO: Rather than check one by one (each of which loops through potentially all slots for the epoch), optimise by either checking multiple, or better possibly caching or pre-calculating List <ValidatorDuty> validatorDuties = new List <ValidatorDuty>(); foreach (BlsPublicKey validatorPublicKey in validatorPublicKeys) { ValidatorDuty validatorDuty = await _validatorAssignments.GetValidatorDutyAsync(validatorPublicKey, epoch); validatorDuties.Add(validatorDuty); } return(validatorDuties); }
public static DateTime FromUnixTime(double unixTime) => Epoch.AddSeconds(unixTime);
public Hash32 HashTreeRoot(Epoch epoch) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public SubscribeReplica(long logPosition, byte[] chunkId, Epoch[] lastEpochs, byte[] ip, int port, byte[] masterId, byte[] subscriptionId, bool isPromotable) { LogPosition = logPosition; ChunkId = chunkId; LastEpochs = lastEpochs; Ip = ip; Port = port; MasterId = masterId; SubscriptionId = subscriptionId; IsPromotable = isPromotable; }
public RecordVersion(Epoch epoch, long logSequenceNumber) { this.Epoch = epoch; this.LogSequenceNumber = logSequenceNumber; }