protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { clsUserLoginManage objUserLogin = new clsUserLoginManage(); dtoUser objUser = new dtoUser(); string UserName = EncDec.Encrypt(txtuserid.Text, DbConnect.AdminKey); string Password = EncDec.Encrypt(txtpassword.Text, DbConnect.AdminKey); DataTable dt = objUserLogin.GetLogin(UserName, Password); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { objUser.AUTO_ID = dt.Rows[0]["AUTO_ID"].ToString(); objUser.USER_ID = EncDec.Decrypt(dt.Rows[0]["USER_ID"].ToString(), DbConnect.AdminKey); objUser.USER_TYPE = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["USER_TYPE"].ToString()); Session["AdminUser"] = objUser; if (Session["AdminUser"] != null) { Response.Redirect("Home.aspx"); } } else { Session["AdminUser"] = null; } } catch (Exception ex) { Page.RegisterStartupScript("aa", "<script>alert('" + ex.Message + "');</script>"); } }
public string EncodeString(MemoryStream Lock, string Data) { Lock.Position = 0; var key = DecodeLock(Lock); return(EncDec.Encrypt(Data, key)); }
protected void btnSignIn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string strUsername = txtUsername.Text.Trim(); string strPassword = txtPassword.Text; strPassword = EncDec.Encrypt(strPassword); dbVASEntities OdbVAS = new dbVASEntities(); var lUserLogin = OdbVAS.tbl_User.Where(l => l.Username == strUsername && l.Password == strPassword && l.IsActive == true).Select(l => new { l.FName, l.LName, l.Username, l.IsDataAdmin, l.IsItemAdmin, l.IsMale, l.Mobile, l.UserPhoto, l.IsReal }).FirstOrDefault(); if (lUserLogin == null) { Bootstrap_Callout.Display = true; Bootstrap_Callout.ShowWarning = true; Bootstrap_Callout.Message = "نام کاربری یا گذرواژه نامعتبر است"; } else { Service.Security.stcUserInfo sobjUserInfo; sobjUserInfo.FName = lUserLogin.FName; sobjUserInfo.LName = lUserLogin.LName; sobjUserInfo.Username = lUserLogin.Username; sobjUserInfo.UserPhoto = lUserLogin.UserPhoto; sobjUserInfo.Mobile = lUserLogin.Mobile; sobjUserInfo.IsItemAdmin = lUserLogin.IsItemAdmin; sobjUserInfo.IsDataAdmin = lUserLogin.IsDataAdmin; sobjUserInfo.IsMale = lUserLogin.IsMale; sobjUserInfo.IsReal = lUserLogin.IsReal; Session["stcUserInfo"] = sobjUserInfo; FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie("VAS_Username", false); Response.Redirect("~/Application/WebForm1.aspx"); } }
public static string encode_passwd(string user, string passwd) { byte[] numArray = new byte[4]; new Random().NextBytes(numArray); string hex = clib.byte_to_hex(numArray, 4); return("{enc}" + hex + EncDec.Encrypt(passwd, hex + UserDb.dbkey)); }
private void fbLogin(HttpContext context) { string token = context.Request.Params["token"]; Facebook.FacebookClient client = new Facebook.FacebookClient(token); //client.Post() client.UseFacebookBeta = client.IsSecureConnection = true; Facebook.JsonObject o = (Facebook.JsonObject)client.Get("/me"); var db = new PetaPoco.Database(Common.HairStyleConnectionString, "System.Data.SqlClient"); using (var scope = db.GetTransaction()) { try { string first_name = (string)o["first_name"]; string name = (string)o["name"]; decimal id = Convert.ToDecimal(o["id"]); POCOS.Facebook fb = new POCOS.Facebook(); = name; fb.first_name = first_name; fb.gender = (string)o["gender"]; = id; fb.last_name = (string)o["last_name"]; = (string)o["link"]; fb.locale = (string)o["locale"]; fb.timezone = Convert.ToDouble(o["timezone"]); string updatedtime = (string)o["updated_time"]; DateTime dt; if (DateTime.TryParse(updatedtime, out dt)) { fb.updated_time = dt; } if (db.Exists <POCOS.Facebook>(id)) { db.Update(fb); } else { db.Insert(fb); } POCOS.AppUser au = POCOS.AppUser.FirstOrDefault("Select top 1 * from AppUsers where facebookid=@0", id); if (au == null) { au = new POCOS.AppUser(); au.FirstName = first_name; au.facebookid = id; db.Insert(au); } scope.Complete(); CookieUtil.WriteCookie(Common.AuthCookie, EncDec.Encrypt(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { ID = au.ID }), Common.DefaultPassword), false); CookieUtil.WriteCookie(Common.InfoCookie, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { email = au.Email, name = au.Name, avatar = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(au.Avatar) ? null : Common.UploadedImageRelPath + au.Avatar }), false); } finally { scope.Dispose(); } } }
string EncryptWithStack(List <BaseLock> Stack, string Value) { var result = Value; foreach (var s in Stack) { result = EncDec.Encrypt(result, s.GetKey()); } return(result); }
private void Login(HttpContext context) { string user = context.Request.Params["user"]; string pass = context.Request.Params["pass"]; Nails.edmx.User obj = this.GetNailsProdContext.User.FirstOrDefault(o => o.Name == user && o.Password == pass); if (obj != null) { CookieUtil.WriteCookie(Common.AuthCookie, EncDec.Encrypt(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { obj.ID }), Common.DefaultPassword), false); CookieUtil.WriteCookie(Common.InfoCookie, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { obj.Name }), false); context.Response.Write("success"); } }
private void Invite(HttpContext context) { string invite = context.Request.QueryString["s"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(invite)) { PindexProd.dbml.AppUsers au = GetPindexProdContext2.AppUsers.FirstOrDefault(o1 => o1.Invite == invite); if (au != null) { CookieUtil.WriteCookie(Common.AuthCookie, EncDec.Encrypt(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { ID = au.ID }), Common.DefaultPassword), false); CookieUtil.WriteCookie(Common.InfoCookie, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { email = au.Email, name = au.Name, avatar = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(au.Avatar) ? null : Common.UploadedImageRelPath + au.Avatar }), false); context.Response.Redirect("~/home#settings", false); } } }
/// <summary> Common constructor logic </summary> private Client() { = Guid.NewGuid(); tcpReadState.Initialize(); udpReadState.Initialize(); tcpOutgoing = new ConcurrentQueue <string>(); udpOutgoing = new ConcurrentQueue <string>(); { // Temp encryption EncDec encryptor = new EncDec(); Crypt e = (b) => encryptor.Encrypt(b); Crypt d = (b) => encryptor.Decrypt(b); SetEncDec(e, d); //enc = e; //dec = d; } }
private void SaveProfile(HttpContext context) { Nails.edmx.AppUsers u = this.GetNailsProdContext.AppUsers.First(o => o.ID == Common.UserID); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(u.Password)) { context.Response.WriteError("Password not updated"); } else { string email = context.Request.Params["email"]; string first_name = context.Request.Params["first_name"]; string about = context.Request.Params["about"]; string location = context.Request.Params["location"]; string fn = context.Request.Params["fn"]; string website = context.Request.Params["website"]; string name = context.Request.Params["name"]; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fn)) { Uri uri = new Uri(fn); string filename = uri.Segments.Last(); string fp = Path.Combine(Common.Temp, Common.UserID.ToString(), filename); string uploadedpath = Common.UploadedImagePath; FileInfo fInfo = new FileInfo(fp); string nfn = fInfo.Name; if (fInfo.DirectoryName != uploadedpath) { string dest = Path.Combine(uploadedpath, nfn); fInfo.MoveTo(dest); } u.Avatar = nfn; } u.Location = location; u.Email = email; u.FirstName = first_name; u.Website = website; u.Location = location; u.About = about; u.Name = name; GetNailsProdContext.SaveChanges(); CookieUtil.WriteCookie(Common.AuthCookie, EncDec.Encrypt(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { ID = u.ID }), Common.DefaultPassword), false); CookieUtil.WriteCookie(Common.InfoCookie, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { email = u.Email, name = u.Name, avatar = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(u.Avatar) ? null : Common.UploadedImageRelPath + u.Avatar }), false); } }
/// <summary> /// Exports the content of the collection in a file selected by the user /// </summary> public void Export(ImportExportData data) { try { if (!data.Encrypt) { this.SqlConnections.Serialize(data.FileName); } else { EncDec.Encrypt(this.mSqlConnections.Serialize(), data.FileName); } } catch (Exception ex) { EventLogger.SendMsg(ex); throw; } }
protected void GenerateString() { strMessage = bmp.Calculate(); key = txtKey.Text; merchantID = txtMerchantID.Text; EncDec aesEncrypt = new EncDec(); requestparams1 = aesEncrypt.Encrypt(key, strMessage); requestparams.Value = merchantID + "||NI||" + requestparams1; txtVerify.Text = strMessage; string path = Server.MapPath("~/log/Log.txt"); using (System.IO.StreamWriter writer = new System.IO.StreamWriter(path, true)) { writer.WriteLine(strMessage); writer.WriteLine("After encryption ..."); writer.WriteLine(requestparams.Value); writer.Close(); } }
public async Task <HttpResponseMessage> ChangePassword(UserChangePassDto userChangePassDto) { //var oResultDto = new ResultDto(); var intUserID = Setting.payloadDto.userId; var strPassword = EncDec.Encrypt(userChangePassDto.currentPassword); var strNewPassword = EncDec.Encrypt(userChangePassDto.newPassword); bool blnChangedPassword = await _AccountingService.checkAndUpdateUserPassword(intUserID, strPassword, strNewPassword); if (blnChangedPassword) { return(new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.OK)); } //oResultDto.resultCode = "200"; else { return(new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.NotModified)); } //oResultDto.resultCode = "404"; }
protected void btnLogin_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { using (var db = new bigshopeEntities()) { var query = db.loginCustomer(tbUser.Text, EncDec.Encrypt(tbPassword.Text)).ToList(); if (query.Count > 0) { Session["customer_id"] = query[0].customer_id; Session["email"] = query[0].customer_email; Session.Timeout = 720; Response.Redirect("profile.aspx"); } else { lblLoginStatus.Text = "Invalid username or password"; } } }
private static void Main(string[] args) { EncDec.Encrypt("Build_Test.exe", "Build_Test.exe.dec", "test"); EncDec.Decrypt("Build_Test.exe.dec", "Build_Test.dec.exe", "test"); Console.Read(); Environment.Exit(-1); string original = System.Text.Encoding.Unicode.GetString(File.ReadAllBytes("Build_Test.exe")); // Create a new instance of the Aes // class. This generates a new key and initialization // vector (IV). using (Aes myAes = Aes.Create()) { // Encrypt the string to an array of bytes. byte[] encrypted = Aes_Example.AesExample.EncryptStringToBytes_Aes(original, myAes.Key, myAes.IV); // Decrypt the bytes to a string. string roundtrip = Aes_Example.AesExample.DecryptStringFromBytes_Aes(encrypted, myAes.Key, myAes.IV); File.WriteAllBytes("Build_Test.exe.dec", encrypted); var dec = File.ReadAllBytes("Build_Test.exe.dec"); string final = Aes_Example.AesExample.DecryptStringFromBytes_Aes(dec, myAes.Key, myAes.IV); File.WriteAllBytes("Build_Test.dec.exe", Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(original)); //Display the original data and the decrypted data. Console.WriteLine("Original: {0}\n\n", original); Console.WriteLine("Round Trip: {0}", final); } // //Aes_Example.AesExample.start(); Console.Read(); }
private void AppLogin(HttpContext context) { string user = context.Request.Params["user"]; string pass = context.Request.Params["pass"]; string match = Common.GetHash(pass); var obj = (from o in GetHairStyleContext2.AppUsers where (o.Email == user || o.Name == user) && o.Password == match select new { o.Email, o.Name, o.Avatar, o.ID }).SingleOrDefault(); if (obj == null) { context.Response.Write("Invalid Email Address and/or Password"); } else { CookieUtil.WriteCookie(Common.AuthCookie, EncDec.Encrypt(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { ID = obj.ID }), Common.DefaultPassword), false); CookieUtil.WriteCookie(Common.InfoCookie, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { email = obj.Email, name = obj.Name, avatar = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(obj.Avatar) ? null : Common.UploadedImageRelPath + obj.Avatar }), false); GetHairStyleContext3.UpdatePoints(obj.ID, Common.SessionID).Execute(); JObject jobj = JObject.Parse(context.Server.UrlDecode(CookieUtil.ReadCookie(Common.sessioncookie))); int? points = (from o in GetHairStyleContext4.AppUsers where o.ID == obj.ID select o.Points).First(); var ids = (from o in GetHairStyleContext4.Reviews where o.ID == obj.ID select o.BIMID); jobj["pts"] = JObject.FromObject(new { ids, total = points }); CookieUtil.WriteCookie(Common.sessioncookie, jobj.ToString(), false); } }
public async Task <JasonWebTokenDto> Login(UserLoginDto userLoginDto) { string strPassword = EncDec.Encrypt(userLoginDto.password); string strUsername = userLoginDto.username; var oUserDto = await _AccountingService.getAndCheckLoginUser(strUsername, strPassword); if (oUserDto == null) { return(null); } // oResult.resultCode = "404"; // oResult.userInfo = null; // oResult.menutitlesDto = null; // oResult.resultCode = "200"; // oResult.userInfo = oUserDto; // Session["UserInfo"] = oUserDto; var oPayloadDto = new PayloadDto() { expireDate = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(Setting.JWT_TIMEOUT_MINUTE).Ticks, companyId = oUserDto.companyId, isDataAdmin = oUserDto.isDataAdmin, isItemAdmin = oUserDto.isItemAdmin, userId =, }; var strJsonSecurityToken = new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(oPayloadDto); var strEncryptedJson = EncDec.Encrypt(strJsonSecurityToken); return(new JasonWebTokenDto() { JWT = strEncryptedJson, }); //var oMenutitlesDto = _AccountingService.getMenutitles(, oUserDto.isItemAdmin); // Session["Menutitles"] = oMenutitlesDto; // oResult.resultCode = "200"; }
private void AppLogin(HttpContext context) { string user = context.Request.Params["user"]; string pass = context.Request.Params["pass"]; string match = Common.GetHash(pass); SubSonic.POCOS.AppUser obj = SubSonic.POCOS.AppUser.SingleOrDefault(o => o.Email == user); if (obj == null) { context.Response.WriteError("無效的電子郵件地址和/或密碼"); } else { CookieUtil.WriteCookie(Common.AuthCookie, EncDec.Encrypt(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { ID = obj.ID }), Common.DefaultPassword), false); CookieUtil.WriteCookie(Common.InfoCookie, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new { email = obj.Email, name = obj.Name, avatar = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(obj.Avatar) ? null : Common.UploadedImageRelPath + obj.Avatar }), false); } }
public static void _Encrypt() { var temp_file = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file) + ".dec.temp"; EncDec.Encrypt(file, temp_file, passwd); plaintext = fullsize("User:"******" MachineName:" + Environment.MachineName) + fullsize(Path.GetExtension(file)); encryptedstring = Encryption.EncryptString(plaintext, passwd); var new_Path = Path.GetDirectoryName(file) + "\\" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file) + ".dec"; File.Create(new_Path).Close(); var temp = StringExtensions.SplitInParts(encryptedstring, name.Length); string finalstring = ""; foreach (var item in temp) { finalstring += item + "\n"; } //Console.WriteLine(name + "\n" + finalstring + name); if (finalstring.Length > 128) { Console.WriteLine("expectete error!"); } var byte1 = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(name + finalstring); var byte2 = File.ReadAllBytes(temp_file); var byte3 = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(name); byte[] bytes = new byte[byte1.Length + byte2.Length + byte3.Length]; int t = 0; for (int i = t; i < byte1.Length; i++) { bytes[i] = byte1[i - t]; } t += byte1.Length; for (int i = t; i < byte2.Length + t; i++) { bytes[i] = byte2[i - t]; } t += byte2.Length; for (int i = t; i < byte3.Length + t; i++) { bytes[i] = byte3[i - t]; } t += byte3.Length; //not hapend if (t != bytes.Length) { Console.WriteLine("fatal error: {0},{1}", t, bytes.Length); } File.WriteAllBytes(new_Path, bytes); Console.WriteLine("Written all to: " + new_Path); Ende(); }
public static void __Encrypt() { EncDec.Encrypt(file, file + ".dec", passwd); Ende(); }
public static string GetFolderProfileUser() { string strPath = ""; try { strPath = HttpContext.Current.Request.PhysicalApplicationPath + string.Format(ResourcePathUrl.Folder_Temp_User, EncDec.Encrypt(HttpContext.Current.Session["loginid"].ToString()), HttpContext.Current.Session["userid"].ToString(), HttpContext.Current.Session.SessionID); _logger.Info(strPath); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.Error(ex); } return(strPath); }
/// <summary> /// Returns an encrypted string containing the data of this control. /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public string GetEncryptedData() { string jSonData = this.SqlConnections.Serialize(); return(EncDec.Encrypt(jSonData)); }
/// <summary> /// Saves the data encrypting them in the specified file. /// </summary> /// <param name="fileName">Name of the file.</param> /// <exception cref="NoConnectionDataFileException"></exception> private void SaveEncrypted(string fileName) { string jSonData = this.SqlConnections.Serialize(); EncDec.Encrypt(jSonData, fileName); }
public static string CreateFolderTempControllerProfile(string controllerName) { string strPath = ""; try { string strProfileUser = string.Format(ResourcePathUrl.Folder_Temp_User, EncDec.Encrypt(HttpContext.Current.Session["loginid"].ToString()), HttpContext.Current.Session["userid"].ToString(), HttpContext.Current.Session.SessionID); strPath = Functions.MapPath(string.Format("/{0}Controllers/{1}/", strProfileUser, controllerName)); if (!Directory.Exists(strPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(strPath); } _logger.Info(strPath); } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.Error(ex); } return(strPath); }
protected void btnCheckOut_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var gateway = new StripeGateway("sk_test_Biqolmcf9wmzviLy2J0xHfjg"); var cardToken = gateway.Post(new CreateStripeToken { Card = new StripeCard { Name = tbFName.Text + tbLName.Text, Number = tbCardNo.Text, Cvc = tbCVC.Text, ExpMonth = Convert.ToInt32(tbMonth.Text), ExpYear = Convert.ToInt32(tbYear.Text), AddressLine1 = tbAddress.Text, AddressLine2 = tbAddress.Text, AddressZip = tbCity.Text, AddressState = tbState.Text, AddressCountry = "Pakistan", }, }); var customer = gateway.Post(new CreateStripeCustomerWithToken { Card = cardToken.Id, Description = "Purchasing Purpose", Email = tbEmail.Text, }); var temp = customer.Id; var charge = gateway.Post(new ChargeStripeCustomer { Amount = 100 * 10, Customer = customer.Id, Currency = "usd", Description = "Test Charge Customer", }); using (var db = new bigshopeEntities()) { tblCustomer cus = new tblCustomer(); cus.customer_name = tbFName.Text; cus.customer_surname = tbLName.Text; cus.customer_email = tbEmail.Text; cus.customer_phone = tbPhone.Text; cus.customer_address = tbAddress.Text; cus.customer_city = tbCity.Text; cus.customer_address = tbAddress.Text; cus.customer_city = tbCity.Text; cus.customer_state = tbState.Text; cus.customer_zip = Convert.ToInt32(tbPost.Text); cus.customer_password = EncDec.Encrypt(tbPass.Text); //cus.customer_stripe_id = "sk_test_Biqolmcf9wmzviLy2J0xHfjg"; cus.customer_stripe_id = temp; db.tblCustomers.Add(cus); db.SaveChanges(); // Order Insertion tblOrder order = new tblOrder(); order.order_prod_id = 1; order.order_total_amount = Request.Cookies["grandTotal"].Value.ToString(); order.order_time = DateTime.Now; db.tblOrders.Add(order); db.SaveChanges(); //sendMail(); Response.Redirect("thanks_for_shopping.aspx"); } }
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int i = drpDwnReversalType.SelectedIndex; switch (i) { case 0: break; case 1: { string strMessage = txtReferenceNumber.Text; // + "|"; EncDec aesEncrypt = new EncDec(); strMessage = aesEncrypt.Encrypt(txtKey.Text, strMessage); string result = EncDec.Decrypt(txtKey.Text, clientObj.InvokeVoidWS(txtMerchantID.Text, strMessage)); txtResult.Text = result; Decode(result, voidKeys); break; } case 2: { string strMessage = txtReferenceNumber.Text; // + "|"; EncDec aesEncrypt = new EncDec(); strMessage = aesEncrypt.Encrypt(txtKey.Text, strMessage); string decry = clientObj.InvokeFullAuthReversalWS(txtMerchantID.Text, strMessage); string result = EncDec.Decrypt(txtKey.Text, decry); txtResult.Text = result; Decode(result, fullAuthKeys); break; } case 3: { string strMessage = txtReferenceNumber.Text; // + "|"+ txtAmount.Text + "|"; EncDec aesEncrypt = new EncDec(); strMessage = aesEncrypt.Encrypt(txtKey.Text, strMessage); string result = EncDec.Decrypt(txtKey.Text, clientObj.InvokeCaptureWS(txtMerchantID.Text, strMessage)); txtResult.Text = result; Decode(result, captureKeys); break; } case 4: { amountRow.Visible = true; string strMessage = txtReferenceNumber.Text; // + "|"; EncDec aesEncrypt = new EncDec(); strMessage = aesEncrypt.Encrypt(txtKey.Text, strMessage); string amount = aesEncrypt.Encrypt(txtKey.Text, txtAmount.Text); string result = EncDec.Decrypt(txtKey.Text, clientObj.InvokePartialCaptureWS(txtMerchantID.Text, strMessage, amount)); txtResult.Text = result; Decode(result, partialCaptureKeys); break; } case 5: { amountRow.Visible = true; string strMessage = txtReferenceNumber.Text; // + "|"; EncDec aesEncrypt = new EncDec(); strMessage = aesEncrypt.Encrypt(txtKey.Text, strMessage); string amount = aesEncrypt.Encrypt(txtKey.Text, txtAmount.Text); string result = EncDec.Decrypt(txtKey.Text, clientObj.InvokeReversalWS(txtMerchantID.Text, strMessage, amount)); txtResult.Text = result; Decode(result, reversalKeys); break; } } }
protected void Session_End(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (Functions.CheckSession(Session["loginid"], "string")) { LoginServices service = new LoginServices(); service.LogoutHistory(Session["loginid"].ToString(), Session["sessionid"].ToString()); //set thuoc tinh de xoa thu muc trong sessiong end PropertyInfo p = typeof(System.Web.HttpRuntime).GetProperty("FileChangesMonitor", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static); object o = p.GetValue(null, null); FieldInfo f = o.GetType().GetField("_dirMonSubdirs", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.IgnoreCase); object monitor = f.GetValue(o); MethodInfo m = monitor.GetType().GetMethod("StopMonitoring", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic); m.Invoke(monitor, new object[] { }); //delete folder DirectoryInfo dirRemove = new DirectoryInfo(string.Format("{0}/Profiles/{1}/Temps/{2}_{3}", Application["dirCache"], EncDec.Encrypt(Session["loginid"].ToString()), Session["userid"].ToString(), Session.SessionID)); if (dirRemove.Exists) { dirRemove.Delete(true); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Log4Net logger = new Log4Net("Global"); logger.Error(ex); } }
protected void btnEncrypt_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Harcoded merchant key //string key = "QN3PFOQ+PKSU8pWThKXq9t4mLxcCCwyvi7+cvj/h4H0="; string key = "K7MCfw+AFMN1HEKmhATQzK2HT5eiFymimN9eu+Yb95s="; string strMessage = txtOrdNo.Text; strMessage += txtMerchantOrderNumber.Text + "|" + txtCurrency.Text + "|" + txtAmount.Text + "|" + txtSuccessURL.Text + "|" + txtFailureURL.Text + "|" + txtTransactionType.Text + "|" + txtTransactionMode.Text + "|" + txtPayModeType.Text + "|" + txtCreditCardNumber.Text + "|" + txtCVV.Text + "|" + txtExpiryMonth.Text + "|" + txtExpiryYear.Text + "|" + txtCardType.Text + "|" + txtBillToFirstName.Text + "|" + txtBillToLastName.Text + "|" + txtBillToStreet1.Text + "|" + txtBillToStreet2.Text + "|" + txtBillToCity.Text + "|" + txtBillToState.Text + "|" + txtBillToPostalCode.Text + "|" + txtBillToCountry.Text + "|" + txtBillToEmail.Text + "|" + txtBillToPhoneNumber1.Text + "|" + txtBillToPhoneNumber2.Text + "|" + txtBillToPhoneNumber3.Text + "|" + txtBillToMobileNumber.Text + "|" + txtGatewayID.Text + "|" + txtCustomerID.Text + "|" + txtShipToFirstName.Text + "|" + txtShipToLastName.Text + "|" + txtShipToStreet1.Text + "|" + txtShipToStreet2.Text + "|" + txtShipToCity.Text + "|" + txtShipToState.Text + "|" + txtShipToPostalCode.Text + "|" + txtShipToCountry.Text + "|" + txtShipToPhoneNumber1.Text + "|" + txtShipToPhoneNumber2.Text + "|" + txtShipToPhoneNumber3.Text + "|" + txtShipToMobileNumber.Text + "|" + txtTransactionSource.Text + "|" + txtProductInfo.Text + "|" + txtIsUserLoggedIn.Text + "|" + txtItemTotal.Text + "|" + txtItemCategory.Text + "|" + txtIgnoreValidationResult.Text + "|" + txtudf1.Text + "|" + txtudf2.Text + "|" + txtudf3.Text + "|" + txtudf4.Text + "|" + txtudf5.Text + "|"; EncDec aesEncrypt = new EncDec(); requestparams1 = aesEncrypt.Encrypt(key, strMessage); /***Merchant ID is concatenated with encrypted requestparameter****/ requestparams.Value = "201703301000001|" + requestparams1; txtVerify.Text = requestparams1; //TextBox5.Text = requestparams.Value; }
public Client(TcpClient tcpClient, Server server = null) { if (server == null) { server = Server.NullInstance; } this.server = server; = Guid.NewGuid(); this.tcp = tcpClient; tcpReadState.Initialize(); udpReadState.Initialize(); var remoteEndPoint = tcpClient.Client.RemoteEndPoint; var localEndpoint = tcpClient.Client.LocalEndPoint; Log.Info($"\\eClient \\y {identity}\\e connected from \\y {localEndpoint} -> {remoteEndPoint}"); if (remoteEndPoint is IPEndPoint && localEndpoint is IPEndPoint) { IPEndPoint remoteIpep = remoteEndPoint as IPEndPoint; IPEndPoint localIpep = localEndpoint as IPEndPoint; remoteIP = remoteIpep.Address.ToString(); remotePort = remoteIpep.Port; localIP = localIpep.Address.ToString(); localPort = localIpep.Port; int localUdpPort = localPort + 1; int remoteUdpPort = remotePort + 1; localUdpHost = new IPEndPoint(remoteIpep.Address, localUdpPort); remoteUdpHost = new IPEndPoint(remoteIpep.Address, remoteUdpPort); try { udp = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Dgram, ProtocolType.Udp); // Note: May need this if there are disconnections due to ICMP errors. // const int SIO_UDP_CONNRESET = -1744830452; // udp.IOControl((IOControlCode)SIO_UDP_CONNRESET, new byte[] { 0, 0, 0, 0 }, null); if (isMaster) { udp.Bind(localUdpHost); } Log.Info($"{identity} UDP Connected to {localUdpHost} ==> {remoteUdpHost}"); } catch (Exception e) { Log.Warning($"{identity} Failed to bind UDP. Disabling UDP.", e); udp = null; } } else { remoteIP = "????"; remotePort = -1; localIP = "????"; localPort = -1; Log.Info($"{identity} UDP Unconnected."); } tcpStream.ReadTimeout = DEFAULT_READWRITE_TIMEOUT; tcpStream.WriteTimeout = DEFAULT_READWRITE_TIMEOUT; tcpOutgoing = new ConcurrentQueue <string>(); udpOutgoing = new ConcurrentQueue <string>(); { // Temp encryption EncDec encryptor = new EncDec(); Crypt e = (b) => encryptor.Encrypt(b); Crypt d = (b) => encryptor.Decrypt(b); SetEncDec(e, d); //enc = e; //dec = d; } }
public string cipherDataS(string login, string password, string dataToCipher) { string key = computeAESSkey(login, password); EncDec aes = new EncDec(); string ciphered = aes.Encrypt(dataToCipher, key); return ciphered; }
public static string DoEncrypt(string dataToEncrypt, string FileNames, string _entropy) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_entropy)) { _entropy = EntropyGenerator.GetIPForMachine(); } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(FileNames)) { FileName = Application.StartupPath + @"\Data.txt"; } else { FileName = FileNames; } //Write to file if (File.Exists(Application.StartupPath + @"\dataToEncrypt.txt")) { System.IO.File.Delete(Application.StartupPath + @"\dataToEncrypt.txt"); } System.IO.File.WriteAllText(Application.StartupPath + @"\dataToEncrypt.txt", dataToEncrypt); EncDec.Encrypt(Application.StartupPath + @"\dataToEncrypt.txt", FileName, _entropy); System.IO.File.Delete(Application.StartupPath + @"\dataToEncrypt.txt"); //EncDec.Decrypt(@"C:\Users\224702\Desktop\Sample1.txt", @"C:\Users\224702\Desktop\Sample2.txt", @""); /* * entropy = UnicodeEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(_entropy.ToCharArray(), 0, 16); * IV = UnicodeEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(Reverse(_entropy).ToCharArray(), 0, 16); * * // Create a new instance of the Aes * // class. This generates a new key and initialization * // vector (IV). * encryptedData = dataToEncrypt; * FileName = FileNames; * * FileStream stream = new FileStream(FileName, * FileMode.OpenOrCreate,FileAccess.Write); * * Aes cryptic = Aes.Create(); * //cryptic.Padding = PaddingMode.None; * cryptic.Key = entropy; * cryptic.IV = IV; * * // Create a decrytor to perform the stream transform. * ICryptoTransform decryptor = cryptic.CreateEncryptor(entropy, IV); * * CryptoStream crStream = new CryptoStream(stream, * decryptor, CryptoStreamMode.Write); * * * byte[] data = ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(dataToEncrypt); * * crStream.Write(data,0,data.Length); * * crStream.Close(); * stream.Close(); * * * // Encrypt the string to an array of bytes. * // byte[] encrypted = EncryptStringToBytes_Aes(dataToEncrypt, * //entropy,IV); * * // string roundtrip = DecryptStringFromBytes_Aes(encrypted, * //entropy, IV); * * * * * * * * * * //if(_entropy != null) * // entropy = UnicodeEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(_entropy); * //DoEncrypt();*/ return(FileName); }