//读取职业技能被单击 private void button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { uint i = 0x4300, 技能地址; string 技能名称 = ""; int 技能等级; string 总技能 = ""; ListView_Skill.Items.Clear(); while (i <= 0x5000) { 技能地址 = (uint)ReadWriteCtr.ReadMemInt(全局变量.进程ID, (uint)ReadWriteCtr.ReadMemInt(全局变量.进程ID, 基址.人物基址) + i); 技能等级 = EncDec.Decrypt(全局变量.进程ID, 技能地址 + 基址.技能等级偏移, 基址.解密基址); if (技能等级 >= 0 && 技能等级 < 100) { 技能名称 = TransCtr.UnicodeToAnsi(ReadWriteCtr.ReadMemByteArray(全局变量.进程ID, (uint)ReadWriteCtr.ReadMemInt(全局变量.进程ID, 技能地址 + 基址.技能名称偏移), 50)); if (技能名称.Length > 1 && 技能名称.IndexOf("?") == -1 && 技能名称.IndexOf("不使用") == -1 && 总技能.IndexOf(技能名称) == -1 && 技能等级 > 0) { this.ListView_Skill.Update(); ListViewItem lvi = this.ListView_Skill.Items.Add(Convert.ToString(i)); lvi.SubItems.Add(技能名称); lvi.SubItems.Add(Convert.ToString(技能等级)); this.ListView_Skill.EndUpdate(); 总技能 += 技能名称; } } i += 4; } }
private void 修改属性() { //声明变量 int index = -1, index2, t_level, i = 0; uint t_add, t_pet, t_skilladd = 0; //ListView_SkillProperties_Edit中有项目才进行修改 if (this.ListView_SkillProperties_Edit.Items.Count > 0) { //循环项目数次 for (i = 0; i < this.ListView_SkillProperties_Edit.Items.Count; i++) { index = -1; index2 = 0; index2 = this.ListView_SkillProperties_Edit.Items[i].SubItems[0].Text.IndexOf("+", index + 1); //公式第一个+号位置 t_pet = Convert.ToUInt32(this.ListView_SkillProperties_Edit.Items[i].SubItems[0].Text.Substring(index + 1, index2 - index - 1)); //技能偏移 t_skilladd = (uint)ReadWriteCtr.ReadMemInt(全局变量.进程ID, (uint)ReadWriteCtr.ReadMemInt(全局变量.进程ID, 基址.人物基址) + t_pet); //技能地址 t_level = EncDec.Decrypt(全局变量.进程ID, (uint)t_skilladd + 基址.技能等级偏移, 基址.解密基址); //技能等级 Thread.Sleep(30); //延迟30毫秒 t_add = (uint)ReadWriteCtr.ReadMemCode(全局变量.进程ID, Convert.ToString(基址.人物基址) + "+" + this.ListView_SkillProperties_Edit.Items[i].SubItems[0].Text); //加密 EncDec.Encryption(全局变量.进程ID, (uint)(t_add + 8 * (t_level - 1)), TransCtr.IntToFloat(this.ListView_SkillProperties_Edit.Items[i].SubItems[1].Text), 基址.解密基址); Thread.Sleep(30); //延迟30毫秒进入下一循环 } } else { MessageBox.Show("List中没有数据", "错误", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); } }
public override void OnActionExecuting(HttpActionContext actionContext) { HttpContext context = HttpContext.Current; var authorizationAttributes = actionContext.ActionDescriptor.GetCustomAttributes <AllowAnonymousAttribute>(); if (authorizationAttributes.Count() > 0) { base.OnActionExecuting(actionContext); return; } try { var strAuthorization = actionContext.Request.Headers.GetValues("Authorization").FirstOrDefault(); var strJsonSecurityToken = EncDec.Decrypt(strAuthorization.Substring(7)); PayloadDto oPayloadDto = null; oPayloadDto = new JavaScriptSerializer().Deserialize <PayloadDto>(strJsonSecurityToken); DateTime dteExpireDate = new DateTime(oPayloadDto.expireDate); if (dteExpireDate <= DateTime.Now) { throw new Exception(); } Setting.payloadDto = oPayloadDto; } catch (Exception ex) { actionContext.Response = new System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage(System.Net.HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized); } }
public string DecodeString(MemoryStream Lock, string Data) { Lock.Position = 0; var key = DecodeLock(Lock); return(EncDec.Decrypt(Data, key)); }
public ActionResult EmailSystem(EmailSystem model) { if (!IsLogged()) { return(BackToLogin()); } //duong dan file encryption key FunctionXML function = new FunctionXML(Functions.MapPath("~/Xml/Config/encryptionkey.config")); //lay key da ma hoa string strKeyEncrypt = EncDec.Decrypt(function.ReadXMLGetKeyEncrypt()); XDocument doc = new XDocument( new XDeclaration("1.0", "utf-8", "true"), new XProcessingInstruction("test", "value"), new XComment(String.Format("Ngày {0} author: {1}", DateTime.Now, Session["userid"])), new XElement("email", new XElement("smtp_host", model.host), new XElement("smtp_port", model.port), new XElement("smtp_user", AES.EncryptText(model.user, strKeyEncrypt)), new XElement("smtp_pass", AES.EncryptText(model.pass, strKeyEncrypt)), new XElement("displayName", model.displayName), new XElement("enableSSL", model.enableSSL)) ); doc.Save(Functions.MapPath("~/Xml/Config/email.xml")); return(View()); }
public ActionResult EmailSystem() { if (!IsLogged()) { return(BackToLogin()); } //duong dan file encryption key FunctionXML function = new FunctionXML(Functions.MapPath("~/Xml/Config/encryptionkey.config")); //lay key da ma hoa string strKeyEncrypt = EncDec.Decrypt(function.ReadXMLGetKeyEncrypt()); EmailSystem model = new Models.EmailSystem(); #region doc thong tin chung (chuc vu, nguoi ky, ) XElement doc = XElement.Load(Functions.MapPath("~/Xml/Config/email.xml")); var list = doc.Elements(); model.host = list.ElementAt(0).Value; model.port = list.ElementAt(1).Value; model.user = AES.DecryptText(list.ElementAt(2).Value, strKeyEncrypt); model.pass = AES.DecryptText(list.ElementAt(3).Value, strKeyEncrypt); model.displayName = list.ElementAt(4).Value; if (list.ElementAt(5).Value == "1") { model.enableSSL = true; } else { model.enableSSL = false; } #endregion return(View(model)); }
protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { clsUserLoginManage objUserLogin = new clsUserLoginManage(); dtoUser objUser = new dtoUser(); string UserName = EncDec.Encrypt(txtuserid.Text, DbConnect.AdminKey); string Password = EncDec.Encrypt(txtpassword.Text, DbConnect.AdminKey); DataTable dt = objUserLogin.GetLogin(UserName, Password); if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { objUser.AUTO_ID = dt.Rows[0]["AUTO_ID"].ToString(); objUser.USER_ID = EncDec.Decrypt(dt.Rows[0]["USER_ID"].ToString(), DbConnect.AdminKey); objUser.USER_TYPE = Convert.ToInt32(dt.Rows[0]["USER_TYPE"].ToString()); Session["AdminUser"] = objUser; if (Session["AdminUser"] != null) { Response.Redirect("Home.aspx"); } } else { Session["AdminUser"] = null; } } catch (Exception ex) { Page.RegisterStartupScript("aa", "<script>alert('" + ex.Message + "');</script>"); } }
public static void 技能无CD() { uint i = 0x4300, 技能地址; string 技能名称 = ""; int 技能等级; string 总技能 = ""; while (i <= 0x5000) { 技能地址 = (uint)ReadWriteCtr.ReadMemInt(全局变量.进程ID, (uint)ReadWriteCtr.ReadMemInt(全局变量.进程ID, 基址.人物基址) + i); 技能等级 = EncDec.Decrypt(全局变量.进程ID, 技能地址 + 基址.技能等级偏移, 基址.解密基址); if (技能等级 >= 0 && 技能等级 < 100) { 技能名称 = TransCtr.UnicodeToAnsi(ReadWriteCtr.ReadMemByteArray(全局变量.进程ID, (uint)ReadWriteCtr.ReadMemInt(全局变量.进程ID, 技能地址 + 基址.技能名称偏移), 50)); if (技能名称.Length > 1 && 技能名称.IndexOf("?") == -1 && 技能名称.IndexOf("不使用") == -1 && 总技能.IndexOf(技能名称) == -1 && 技能等级 > 0) { EncDec.超级加密((int)(ReadWriteCtr.ReadMemInt(全局变量.进程ID, (uint)技能地址 + 基址.技能冷却1偏移) + 8 * (uint)(技能等级 - 1)), 1000); EncDec.超级加密((int)(ReadWriteCtr.ReadMemInt(全局变量.进程ID, (uint)技能地址 + 基址.技能冷却2偏移) + 8 * (uint)(技能等级 - 1)), 1000); EncDec.超级加密((int)(ReadWriteCtr.ReadMemInt(全局变量.进程ID, (uint)技能地址 + 基址.技能冷却3偏移) + 8 * (uint)(技能等级 - 1)), 1000); EncDec.超级加密((int)(ReadWriteCtr.ReadMemInt(全局变量.进程ID, (uint)技能地址 + 基址.技能冷却4偏移) + 8 * (uint)(技能等级 - 1)), 1000); EncDec.超级加密((int)(ReadWriteCtr.ReadMemInt(全局变量.进程ID, (uint)技能地址 + 基址.技能冷却5偏移) + 8 * (uint)(技能等级 - 1)), 1000); } } i += 4; } }
/// <summary> /// Imports the content of a connections file and adds them to the current collection /// </summary> public void Import(ImportExportData data) { try { string content = null; if (data.Encrypt) { content = EncDec.Decrypt(data.FileName, true); } else { content = File.ReadAllText(data.FileName); } SqlConnectionInfosCollection imported = SqlConnectionInfosCollection.Deserialize(content, false); if (imported.Count > 0) { foreach (SqlConnectionInfo item in imported) { SqlConnections.Add(item); } } IsChanged = true; } catch (Exception ex) { EventLogger.SendMsg(ex); throw; } }
public static string decode_passwd(string user, string encoded) { if (!encoded.StartsWith("{enc}")) { return(encoded); } string str = encoded.Substring(5, 8); return(EncDec.Decrypt(encoded.Substring(13), str + UserDb.dbkey)); }
string DecryptWithStack(List <BaseLock> Stack, string Value) { var result = Value; for (int i = Stack.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var s = Stack[i]; result = EncDec.Decrypt(result, s.GetKey()); } return(result); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string key = "K7MCfw+AFMN1HEKmhATQzK2HT5eiFymimN9eu+Yb95s="; string strMessage = Request["responseParameter"]; EncDec aesEncrypt = new EncDec(); responseparams1 = EncDec.Decrypt(key, strMessage); Response.Write(responseparams1); }
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { qApi.fieldExistenceIndicatorTransaction.FirstOrDefault(k => k.Key == "ReferenceID").Value = txtReferenceNUmber.Text; qApi.fieldExistenceIndicatorTransaction.FirstOrDefault(k => k.Key == "merchantOrderNumber").Value = txtOrderNUmber.Text; qApi.fieldExistenceIndicatorTransaction.FirstOrDefault(k => k.Key == "transactionType").Value = txtTransactionType.Text; string encryptedMsg = qApi.GetOrderStatus(new EncDec().Encrypt(qApi.merchantKey, qApi.Calculate())); string decryptedMsg = EncDec.Decrypt(qApi.merchantKey, encryptedMsg); txtResult.Text = decryptedMsg; Calculate(decryptedMsg); }
/// <summary> /// Loads the encrypted data. /// </summary> /// <param name="encryptedData">The encrypted data.</param> public void LoadEncryptedData(string encryptedData) { string jsonData = EncDec.Decrypt(encryptedData); SqlConnections = null; SqlConnections = SqlConnectionInfosCollection.Deserialize(jsonData, false); if (this.SqlConnections == null) { this.SqlConnections = new SqlConnectionInfosCollection(); } this.IsInEditMode = false; this.IsChanged = false; }
public ActionResult Invoice(string id) { ConsignmentService objService = new ConsignmentService(); ConsignmentModel objModel = new ConsignmentModel(); EncDec objEnDec = new EncDec(); int cid = Convert.ToInt32(objEnDec.Decrypt(id)); objModel = objService.getGRbyID(cid); //List<ChallanModel> lstChallan = new List<ChallanModel>(); //lstChallan = objService.getChallanTran(id); //objModel.ListChallan = new List<ChallanModel>(); //objModel.ListChallan.AddRange(lstChallan); return(View(objModel)); }
public ActionResult PrintChallan(string id) { ChallanService objService = new ChallanService(); ChallanModel objModel = new ChallanModel(); List <ChallanModel> lstChallan = new List <ChallanModel>(); EncDec objEnDec = new EncDec(); string cid = objEnDec.Decrypt(id); objModel = objService.GetById(Convert.ToInt32(cid)); lstChallan = objService.getChallanTran(Convert.ToInt32(cid)); objModel.ListChallanTran = new List <ChallanModel>(); objModel.ListChallanTran.AddRange(lstChallan); return(View(objModel)); }
public static string ReadValue(string cookieName, string propertyName, bool decrypt) { if (CookieUtil.CookieExists(cookieName)) { JObject _cookie; if (decrypt) { string val = EncDec.Decrypt(CookieUtil.ReadCookie(cookieName), DefaultPassword); _cookie = JObject.Parse(val); JToken tok = _cookie[propertyName]; return((tok == null) || (tok.Type == JTokenType.Null) || (tok.Type == JTokenType.Undefined) || (tok.Type == JTokenType.None) ? null : _cookie[propertyName].ToString().Trim('"')); } return(ReadValue(cookieName, propertyName)); } return(null); }
/// <summary> Common constructor logic </summary> private Client() { this.id = Guid.NewGuid(); tcpReadState.Initialize(); udpReadState.Initialize(); tcpOutgoing = new ConcurrentQueue <string>(); udpOutgoing = new ConcurrentQueue <string>(); { // Temp encryption EncDec encryptor = new EncDec(); Crypt e = (b) => encryptor.Encrypt(b); Crypt d = (b) => encryptor.Decrypt(b); SetEncDec(e, d); //enc = e; //dec = d; } }
/// <summary> /// Loads the encrypted file into the collection. /// </summary> /// <param name="fileName">Name of the file.</param> /// <exception cref="NoConnectionDataFileException"></exception> private void LoadEncrypted(string fileName) { if (!fileName.XDwIsNullOrTrimEmpty()) { string jSonData = EncDec.Decrypt(fileName, true); this.SqlConnections = null; this.SqlConnections = SqlConnectionInfosCollection.Deserialize(jSonData, false); if (this.SqlConnections == null) { this.SqlConnections = new SqlConnectionInfosCollection(); } this.IsInEditMode = false; this.IsChanged = false; } else { throw new NoConnectionDataFileException(SqlConnectionInfoModelRx.excSCIMNoFileToLoad); } }
private static void Main(string[] args) { EncDec.Encrypt("Build_Test.exe", "Build_Test.exe.dec", "test"); EncDec.Decrypt("Build_Test.exe.dec", "Build_Test.dec.exe", "test"); Console.Read(); Environment.Exit(-1); string original = System.Text.Encoding.Unicode.GetString(File.ReadAllBytes("Build_Test.exe")); // Create a new instance of the Aes // class. This generates a new key and initialization // vector (IV). using (Aes myAes = Aes.Create()) { // Encrypt the string to an array of bytes. byte[] encrypted = Aes_Example.AesExample.EncryptStringToBytes_Aes(original, myAes.Key, myAes.IV); // Decrypt the bytes to a string. string roundtrip = Aes_Example.AesExample.DecryptStringFromBytes_Aes(encrypted, myAes.Key, myAes.IV); File.WriteAllBytes("Build_Test.exe.dec", encrypted); var dec = File.ReadAllBytes("Build_Test.exe.dec"); string final = Aes_Example.AesExample.DecryptStringFromBytes_Aes(dec, myAes.Key, myAes.IV); File.WriteAllBytes("Build_Test.dec.exe", Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(original)); //Display the original data and the decrypted data. Console.WriteLine("Original: {0}\n\n", original); Console.WriteLine("Round Trip: {0}", final); } // //Aes_Example.AesExample.start(); Console.Read(); }
private string EncryptData(string connectionString) { try { //duong dan file encryption key FunctionXML function = new FunctionXML(Functions.MapPath("~/Xml/Config/encryptionkey.config")); //lay key da ma hoa string strKeyEncrypt = EncDec.Decrypt(function.ReadXMLGetKeyEncrypt()); //lay gia tri trong cau connection string string[] strSplit = connectionString.Split(';'); //string strServer = AES.DecryptText(strSplit[0].Replace("server=", ""), strKeyEncrypt); //string strDatabaseName = AES.DecryptText(strSplit[1].Replace("database=", ""), strKeyEncrypt); //string strUserName = AES.DecryptText(strSplit[2].Replace("user id=", ""), strKeyEncrypt); //string strPassword = AES.DecryptText(strSplit[3].Replace("password="******""), strKeyEncrypt); string strServer = strSplit[0].Replace("server=", ""); string strDatabaseName = strSplit[1].Replace("database=", ""); string strUserName = strSplit[2].Replace("userid=", ""); string strPassword = strSplit[3].Replace("password="******""); string aaaa = string.Format("{0};{1};{2};{3}", strServer, strDatabaseName, strUserName, strPassword, strSplit[2].Split('=')[1]); //Data Source=RI-TONGHOP-01\SQLEXPRESS;Initial Catalog=RICONS;Integrated Security=True return(string.Format("{0};{1};{2};{3}", strServer, strDatabaseName, strUserName, strPassword, strSplit[2].Split('=')[1])); //return string.Format("server={0};database={1};user id={2};password={3};Port={4};", strServer, strDatabaseName, strUserName, strPassword, strSplit[4].Split('=')[1]); } catch (Exception ex) { logger.Error(ex); } return(string.Empty); }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Initialize(); bmp = (BitMapModel)Session["bmpObj"]; string key = bmp.merchantKey; string strMessage = Request["responseParameter"]; string path = Server.MapPath("~/log/responseLog.txt"); using (System.IO.StreamWriter writer = new System.IO.StreamWriter(path, true)) { writer.WriteLine(strMessage); writer.Close(); } responseparams1 = EncDec.Decrypt(key, strMessage.Substring(strMessage.IndexOf("||", 0) + 2)); Table table = new Table(); dataWithoutMerchantID = responseparams1; blockExistanceField = dataWithoutMerchantID.Substring(0, dataWithoutMerchantID.IndexOf("||", 0)); dataWithoutBlockExistenceField = dataWithoutMerchantID.Substring(dataWithoutMerchantID.IndexOf("||", 0) + 2); splittedDataBlock = dataWithoutBlockExistenceField.Split(new[] { "||" }, StringSplitOptions.None); char[] charArr = blockExistanceField.ToCharArray(); for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < charArr.Length; i++) { switch (i) { case 0: { if (charArr[i] == '1') { DecodeFields(splittedDataBlock[j], paymentKeys); j++; } else { continue; } } break; case 1: { if (charArr[i] == '1') { DecodeFields(splittedDataBlock[j], cardKeys); j++; } else { continue; } } break; case 2: { if (charArr[i] == '1') { DecodeFields(splittedDataBlock[j], statusKeys); j++; } else { continue; } } break; case 3: { if (charArr[i] == '1') { DecodeFields(splittedDataBlock[j], merchantKeys); j++; } else { continue; } } break; case 4: { if (charArr[i] == '1') { DecodeFields(splittedDataBlock[j], fraudKeys); j++; } else { continue; } } break; case 5: { if (charArr[i] == '1') { DecodeFields(splittedDataBlock[j], dccKeys); j++; } else { continue; } } break; case 6: { if (charArr[i] == '1') { DecodeFields(splittedDataBlock[j], tokenKeys); j++; } else { continue; } } break; } } }
public LogIn(string globalAdresar, bool loadingStart) { _globalAdresar = globalAdresar; InitializeComponent(); if (File.Exists(_globalAdresar + @"AniSubLogIn.jpg")) { BackgroundImage = Image.FromFile(_globalAdresar + @"AniSubLogIn.jpg"); } LogIn_Language.SelectedIndex = 0; LogIn_LB03.BackColor = Color.Black; LogIn_LB03.BackColor = Color.Transparent; LogIn_LB03.Update(); Sql(); var adresar = new DirectoryInfo(_globalAdresar + @"Accounts"); DialogResult = DialogResult.Cancel; foreach (var adresarSub in adresar.GetDirectories()) { if (adresarSub.Name.Substring(0, 1) != "!") { LogIn_Accounts.Items.Add(adresarSub.Name); if (File.Exists(_globalAdresar + @"AniSub-Account.hash") && loadingStart) { if ( File.Exists(_globalAdresar + @"Accounts\" + adresarSub.Name + @"\" + adresarSub.Name + ".dat.enc")) { EncDec.Decrypt( _globalAdresar + @"Accounts\" + adresarSub.Name + @"\" + adresarSub.Name + ".dat.enc", _globalAdresar + @"Accounts\" + adresarSub.Name + @"\" + adresarSub.Name + ".dat", "4651511fac9cbbc80c8417779620b893"); } SettingsData = Settings.Settings_Load(_globalAdresar + @"Accounts\" + adresarSub.Name + @"\" + adresarSub.Name + ".dat"); if (SettingsData != null) { if (SettingsData.LoadAutomaticaly) { var bytePass = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(SettingsData.Pass); var byteLogin = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(SettingsData.Name); var md5 = MD5.Create(); var sha1 = SHA1.Create(); var hashPass = Convert.ToBase64String(md5.ComputeHash(bytePass)); var hashLogin = Convert.ToBase64String(md5.ComputeHash(byteLogin)); var byteLp = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(hashLogin + hashPass); var HashPass = Convert.ToBase64String(sha1.ComputeHash(byteLp)); var cti = new StreamReader(_globalAdresar + @"AniSub-Account.hash"); var hashStream = cti.ReadLine().Replace("\r", "").Replace("\n", ""); cti.Close(); if (hashStream == HashPass) { DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; Close(); break; } SettingsData = null; } else { SettingsData = null; } } } } } if (LogIn_Accounts.Items.Count > 0) { LogIn_Accounts.SelectedIndex = 0; } }
//Přihlásit private void LogIn_LogIn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (File.Exists(_globalAdresar + @"Accounts\" + LogIn_User.Text + @"\" + LogIn_User.Text + ".dat.enc")) { EncDec.Decrypt(_globalAdresar + @"Accounts\" + LogIn_User.Text + @"\" + LogIn_User.Text + ".dat.enc", _globalAdresar + @"Accounts\" + LogIn_User.Text + @"\" + LogIn_User.Text + ".dat", "4651511fac9cbbc80c8417779620b893"); } SettingsData = Settings.Settings_Load(_globalAdresar + @"Accounts\" + LogIn_User.Text + @"\" + LogIn_User.Text + ".dat"); if (SettingsData == null) { SettingsData = new SettingsData(); SettingsData.Pass = LogIn_Password.Text; SettingsData.Name = LogIn_User.Text; var ml = new object[6]; ml[0] = ""; ml[1] = ""; ml[2] = ""; ml[3] = ""; ml[4] = 0; ml[5] = false; SettingsData.MyList.Add(ml); } if (SettingsData.Pass == LogIn_Password.Text) { if (LogIn_CH01.Checked) { SettingsData.LoadAutomaticaly = true; SettingsData.Language = LogIn_Language.SelectedIndex; Settings.Settings_Save( _globalAdresar + @"Accounts\" + SettingsData.Name + @"\" + SettingsData.Name + ".dat", SettingsData); var zapis = new StreamWriter(_globalAdresar + @"AniSub-Account.hash", false); var bytePass = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(SettingsData.Pass); var byteLogin = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(SettingsData.Name); var md5 = MD5.Create(); var sha1 = SHA1.Create(); var hashPass = Convert.ToBase64String(md5.ComputeHash(bytePass)); var hashLogin = Convert.ToBase64String(md5.ComputeHash(byteLogin)); var byteLp = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(hashLogin + hashPass); var HashPass = Convert.ToBase64String(sha1.ComputeHash(byteLp)); zapis.Write(HashPass); zapis.Close(); zapis.Dispose(); } else { SettingsData.LoadAutomaticaly = false; SettingsData.Language = LogIn_Language.SelectedIndex; Settings.Settings_Save( _globalAdresar + @"Accounts\" + SettingsData.Name + @"\" + SettingsData.Name + ".dat", SettingsData); if (File.Exists(_globalAdresar + @"AniSub-Account.hash")) { File.Delete(_globalAdresar + @"AniSub-Account.hash"); } } DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; Close(); } else { DialogResult = DialogResult.Retry; SettingsData = null; MessageBox.Show(Language.MessageBox_LogInI, Language.MessageBox_LogIn); } }
public Client(TcpClient tcpClient, Server server = null) { if (server == null) { server = Server.NullInstance; } this.server = server; this.id = Guid.NewGuid(); this.tcp = tcpClient; tcpReadState.Initialize(); udpReadState.Initialize(); var remoteEndPoint = tcpClient.Client.RemoteEndPoint; var localEndpoint = tcpClient.Client.LocalEndPoint; Log.Info($"\\eClient \\y {identity}\\e connected from \\y {localEndpoint} -> {remoteEndPoint}"); if (remoteEndPoint is IPEndPoint && localEndpoint is IPEndPoint) { IPEndPoint remoteIpep = remoteEndPoint as IPEndPoint; IPEndPoint localIpep = localEndpoint as IPEndPoint; remoteIP = remoteIpep.Address.ToString(); remotePort = remoteIpep.Port; localIP = localIpep.Address.ToString(); localPort = localIpep.Port; int localUdpPort = localPort + 1; int remoteUdpPort = remotePort + 1; localUdpHost = new IPEndPoint(remoteIpep.Address, localUdpPort); remoteUdpHost = new IPEndPoint(remoteIpep.Address, remoteUdpPort); try { udp = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Dgram, ProtocolType.Udp); // Note: May need this if there are disconnections due to ICMP errors. // const int SIO_UDP_CONNRESET = -1744830452; // udp.IOControl((IOControlCode)SIO_UDP_CONNRESET, new byte[] { 0, 0, 0, 0 }, null); if (isMaster) { udp.Bind(localUdpHost); } Log.Info($"{identity} UDP Connected to {localUdpHost} ==> {remoteUdpHost}"); } catch (Exception e) { Log.Warning($"{identity} Failed to bind UDP. Disabling UDP.", e); udp = null; } } else { remoteIP = "????"; remotePort = -1; localIP = "????"; localPort = -1; Log.Info($"{identity} UDP Unconnected."); } tcpStream.ReadTimeout = DEFAULT_READWRITE_TIMEOUT; tcpStream.WriteTimeout = DEFAULT_READWRITE_TIMEOUT; tcpOutgoing = new ConcurrentQueue <string>(); udpOutgoing = new ConcurrentQueue <string>(); { // Temp encryption EncDec encryptor = new EncDec(); Crypt e = (b) => encryptor.Encrypt(b); Crypt d = (b) => encryptor.Decrypt(b); SetEncDec(e, d); //enc = e; //dec = d; } }
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { int i = drpDwnReversalType.SelectedIndex; switch (i) { case 0: break; case 1: { string strMessage = txtReferenceNumber.Text; // + "|"; EncDec aesEncrypt = new EncDec(); strMessage = aesEncrypt.Encrypt(txtKey.Text, strMessage); string result = EncDec.Decrypt(txtKey.Text, clientObj.InvokeVoidWS(txtMerchantID.Text, strMessage)); txtResult.Text = result; Decode(result, voidKeys); break; } case 2: { string strMessage = txtReferenceNumber.Text; // + "|"; EncDec aesEncrypt = new EncDec(); strMessage = aesEncrypt.Encrypt(txtKey.Text, strMessage); string decry = clientObj.InvokeFullAuthReversalWS(txtMerchantID.Text, strMessage); string result = EncDec.Decrypt(txtKey.Text, decry); txtResult.Text = result; Decode(result, fullAuthKeys); break; } case 3: { string strMessage = txtReferenceNumber.Text; // + "|"+ txtAmount.Text + "|"; EncDec aesEncrypt = new EncDec(); strMessage = aesEncrypt.Encrypt(txtKey.Text, strMessage); string result = EncDec.Decrypt(txtKey.Text, clientObj.InvokeCaptureWS(txtMerchantID.Text, strMessage)); txtResult.Text = result; Decode(result, captureKeys); break; } case 4: { amountRow.Visible = true; string strMessage = txtReferenceNumber.Text; // + "|"; EncDec aesEncrypt = new EncDec(); strMessage = aesEncrypt.Encrypt(txtKey.Text, strMessage); string amount = aesEncrypt.Encrypt(txtKey.Text, txtAmount.Text); string result = EncDec.Decrypt(txtKey.Text, clientObj.InvokePartialCaptureWS(txtMerchantID.Text, strMessage, amount)); txtResult.Text = result; Decode(result, partialCaptureKeys); break; } case 5: { amountRow.Visible = true; string strMessage = txtReferenceNumber.Text; // + "|"; EncDec aesEncrypt = new EncDec(); strMessage = aesEncrypt.Encrypt(txtKey.Text, strMessage); string amount = aesEncrypt.Encrypt(txtKey.Text, txtAmount.Text); string result = EncDec.Decrypt(txtKey.Text, clientObj.InvokeReversalWS(txtMerchantID.Text, strMessage, amount)); txtResult.Text = result; Decode(result, reversalKeys); break; } } }
//listview_skill事件被双击 private void ListView_Skill_MouseDoubleClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) { int 技能地址1, 技能等级, 技能CD, 技能数据; uint i1, i2, i3, i4, i5, 技能地址2; string 总技能公式 = "", 技能数据2 = ""; //int 技能等级代码; 全局变量.技能名 = this.ListView_Skill.SelectedItems[0].SubItems[1].Text; 技能地址1 = ReadWriteCtr.ReadMemInt(全局变量.进程ID, (uint)ReadWriteCtr.ReadMemInt(全局变量.进程ID, 基址.人物基址) + Convert.ToUInt32(this.ListView_Skill.SelectedItems[0].Text)); 技能等级 = EncDec.Decrypt(全局变量.进程ID, (uint)技能地址1 + 基址.技能等级偏移, 基址.解密基址); this.ListView_SkillProperties.Items.Clear(); //清空ListView_SkillProperties内容 技能CD = EncDec.Decrypt(全局变量.进程ID, (uint)ReadWriteCtr.ReadMemInt(全局变量.进程ID, (uint)技能地址1 + 基址.技能冷却1偏移) + 8 * (uint)(技能等级 - 1), 基址.解密基址) / 1000; label1.Text = "当前技能cd为:" + 技能CD + "秒"; //第一层遍历 i1 = 0; while (i1 < 13) { 技能地址2 = (uint)Math.Abs(ReadWriteCtr.ReadMemInt(全局变量.进程ID, (uint)(ReadWriteCtr.ReadMemInt(全局变量.进程ID, (uint)(ReadWriteCtr.ReadMemInt(全局变量.进程ID, (uint)技能地址1 + 基址.超级技能偏移)) + i1)) + 20)); if (总技能公式.IndexOf(Convert.ToString(技能地址2)) == -1 && 技能地址2 > 1000000000) { 技能数据 = EncDec.Decrypt(全局变量.进程ID, (uint)(技能地址2 + 8 * (技能等级 - 1)), 基址.解密基址); if (技能数据 > 1) { 技能数据2 = TransCtr.FloatToInt(技能数据); this.ListView_SkillProperties.Update(); ListViewItem lvi = this.ListView_SkillProperties.Items.Add(技能数据2); //liseview添加项 lvi.SubItems.Add(this.ListView_Skill.SelectedItems[0].SubItems[0].Text + "+" + Convert.ToString(基址.超级技能偏移) + "+" + Convert.ToString(i1) + "+20"); //添加次级项 lvi.SubItems.Add(Convert.ToString(技能地址2)); this.ListView_SkillProperties.EndUpdate(); 总技能公式 = 总技能公式 + " " + Convert.ToString(技能地址2); } } i1 += 4; } //第二层遍历 i1 = 0; while (i1 < 13) { i2 = 0; while (i2 < 13) { 技能地址2 = (uint)Math.Abs(ReadWriteCtr.ReadMemInt(全局变量.进程ID, (uint)(ReadWriteCtr.ReadMemInt(全局变量.进程ID, (uint)(ReadWriteCtr.ReadMemInt(全局变量.进程ID, (uint)(ReadWriteCtr.ReadMemInt(全局变量.进程ID, (uint)技能地址1 + 基址.超级技能偏移)) + i1)) + i2)) + 20)); if (总技能公式.IndexOf(Convert.ToString(技能地址2)) == -1 && 技能地址2 > 10000000) { 技能数据 = EncDec.Decrypt(全局变量.进程ID, (uint)(技能地址2 + 8 * (技能等级 - 1)), 基址.解密基址); if (技能数据 > 1) { 技能数据2 = TransCtr.FloatToInt(技能数据); this.ListView_SkillProperties.Update(); ListViewItem lvi = this.ListView_SkillProperties.Items.Add(技能数据2); //liseview添加项 lvi.SubItems.Add(this.ListView_Skill.SelectedItems[0].SubItems[0].Text + "+" + Convert.ToString(基址.超级技能偏移) + "+" + Convert.ToString(i1) + "+" + Convert.ToString(i2) + "+20"); //添加次级项 lvi.SubItems.Add(Convert.ToString(技能地址2)); this.ListView_SkillProperties.EndUpdate(); 总技能公式 = 总技能公式 + " " + Convert.ToString(技能地址2); } } i2 += 4; } i1 += 4; } //第三层遍历 i1 = 0; while (i1 < 13) { i2 = 0; while (i2 < 13) { i3 = 0; while (i3 < 13) { 技能地址2 = (uint)Math.Abs(ReadWriteCtr.ReadMemInt(全局变量.进程ID, (uint)(ReadWriteCtr.ReadMemInt(全局变量.进程ID, (uint)(ReadWriteCtr.ReadMemInt(全局变量.进程ID, (uint)(ReadWriteCtr.ReadMemInt(全局变量.进程ID, (uint)(ReadWriteCtr.ReadMemInt(全局变量.进程ID, (uint)技能地址1 + 基址.超级技能偏移)) + i1)) + i2)) + i3)) + 20)); if (总技能公式.IndexOf(Convert.ToString(技能地址2)) == -1 && 技能地址2 > 10000000) { 技能数据 = EncDec.Decrypt(全局变量.进程ID, (uint)(技能地址2 + 8 * (技能等级 - 1)), 基址.解密基址); if (技能数据 > 1) { 技能数据2 = TransCtr.FloatToInt(技能数据); this.ListView_SkillProperties.Update(); ListViewItem lvi = this.ListView_SkillProperties.Items.Add(技能数据2); //liseview添加项 lvi.SubItems.Add(this.ListView_Skill.SelectedItems[0].SubItems[0].Text + "+" + Convert.ToString(基址.超级技能偏移) + "+" + Convert.ToString(i1) + "+" + Convert.ToString(i2) + "+" + Convert.ToString(i3) + "+20"); //添加次级项 lvi.SubItems.Add(Convert.ToString(技能地址2)); this.ListView_SkillProperties.EndUpdate(); 总技能公式 = 总技能公式 + " " + Convert.ToString(技能地址2); } } i3 += 4; } i2 += 4; } i1 += 4; } //第四层遍历 i1 = 0; while (i1 < 13) { i2 = 0; while (i2 < 13) { i3 = 0; while (i3 < 13) { i4 = 0; while (i4 < 13) { 技能地址2 = (uint)Math.Abs(ReadWriteCtr.ReadMemInt(全局变量.进程ID, (uint)(ReadWriteCtr.ReadMemInt(全局变量.进程ID, (uint)(ReadWriteCtr.ReadMemInt(全局变量.进程ID, (uint)(ReadWriteCtr.ReadMemInt(全局变量.进程ID, (uint)(ReadWriteCtr.ReadMemInt(全局变量.进程ID, (uint)(ReadWriteCtr.ReadMemInt(全局变量.进程ID, (uint)技能地址1 + 基址.超级技能偏移)) + i1)) + i2)) + i3)) + i4)) + 20)); if (总技能公式.IndexOf(Convert.ToString(技能地址2)) == -1 && 技能地址2 > 10000000) { 技能数据 = EncDec.Decrypt(全局变量.进程ID, (uint)(技能地址2 + 8 * (技能等级 - 1)), 基址.解密基址); if (技能数据 > 1) { 技能数据2 = TransCtr.FloatToInt(技能数据); this.ListView_SkillProperties.Update(); ListViewItem lvi = this.ListView_SkillProperties.Items.Add(技能数据2); //liseview添加项 lvi.SubItems.Add(this.ListView_Skill.SelectedItems[0].SubItems[0].Text + "+" + Convert.ToString(基址.超级技能偏移) + "+" + Convert.ToString(i1) + "+" + Convert.ToString(i2) + "+" + Convert.ToString(i3) + "+" + Convert.ToString(i4) + "+20"); //添加次级项 lvi.SubItems.Add(Convert.ToString(技能地址2)); this.ListView_SkillProperties.EndUpdate(); 总技能公式 = 总技能公式 + " " + Convert.ToString(技能地址2); } } i4 += 4; } i3 += 4; } i2 += 4; } i1 += 4; } //第五层遍历 i1 = 0; while (i1 < 13) { i2 = 0; while (i2 < 13) { i3 = 0; while (i3 < 13) { i4 = 0; while (i4 < 13) { i5 = 0; while (i5 < 13) { 技能地址2 = (uint)Math.Abs(ReadWriteCtr.ReadMemInt(全局变量.进程ID, (uint)(ReadWriteCtr.ReadMemInt(全局变量.进程ID, (uint)(ReadWriteCtr.ReadMemInt(全局变量.进程ID, (uint)(ReadWriteCtr.ReadMemInt(全局变量.进程ID, (uint)(ReadWriteCtr.ReadMemInt(全局变量.进程ID, (uint)(ReadWriteCtr.ReadMemInt(全局变量.进程ID, (uint)(ReadWriteCtr.ReadMemInt(全局变量.进程ID, (uint)技能地址1 + 基址.超级技能偏移)) + i1)) + i2)) + i3)) + i4)) + i5)) + 20)); if (总技能公式.IndexOf(Convert.ToString(技能地址2)) == -1 && 技能地址2 > 10000000) { 技能数据 = EncDec.Decrypt(全局变量.进程ID, (uint)(技能地址2 + 8 * (技能等级 - 1)), 基址.解密基址); if (技能数据 > 1) { 技能数据2 = TransCtr.FloatToInt(技能数据); this.ListView_SkillProperties.Update(); ListViewItem lvi = this.ListView_SkillProperties.Items.Add(技能数据2); //liseview添加项 lvi.SubItems.Add(this.ListView_Skill.SelectedItems[0].SubItems[0].Text + "+" + Convert.ToString(基址.超级技能偏移) + "+" + Convert.ToString(i1) + "+" + Convert.ToString(i2) + "+" + Convert.ToString(i3) + "+" + Convert.ToString(i4) + "+" + Convert.ToString(i5) + "+20"); //添加次级项 lvi.SubItems.Add(Convert.ToString(技能地址2)); this.ListView_SkillProperties.EndUpdate(); 总技能公式 = 总技能公式 + " " + Convert.ToString(技能地址2); } } i5 += 4; } i4 += 4; } i3 += 4; } i2 += 4; } i1 += 4; } }
public static void __Decrypt() { EncDec.Decrypt(file, Path.GetDirectoryName(file) + "\\" + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file), passwd); Ende(); }
public string decipherDataS(string login, string password, string dataToDecipher) { string key = computeAESSkey(login, password); EncDec aes = new EncDec(); string deciphered = aes.Decrypt(dataToDecipher, key); return deciphered; }
public static void DoDecrypt(string FileNames, string _entropy) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_entropy)) { _entropy = EntropyGenerator.GetIPForMachine(); } /*if (_entropy != null) * { * _entropy = _entropy + "test this app for exam app"; * } * else * _entropy = EntropyGenerator.GetIPForMachine() + "test this app for exam app"; * * entropy = UnicodeEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(_entropy.ToCharArray(), 0, 16); * IV = UnicodeEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(Reverse(_entropy).ToCharArray(), 0, 16); */ decryptedData = null; // Open the file. if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(FileNames)) { FileName = Application.StartupPath + @"\Data.txt"; } else { FileName = FileNames; } //if (FileName.EndsWith(".xml")) //{ // EncDec.Decrypt(FileName, Application.StartupPath + @"\dataToDecrypt.xml", _entropy); // decryptedData = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(Application.StartupPath + @"\dataToDecrypt.xml"); //} //else //{ if (File.Exists(Application.StartupPath + @"\dataToDecrypt.txt")) { System.IO.File.Delete(Application.StartupPath + @"\dataToDecrypt.txt"); } try { EncDec.Decrypt(FileName, Application.StartupPath + @"\dataToDecrypt.txt", _entropy); decryptedData = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(Application.StartupPath + @"\dataToDecrypt.txt"); System.IO.File.Delete(Application.StartupPath + @"\dataToDecrypt.txt"); } catch (Exception ex) { LogEntry.WriteLog(ex, "Thread Exception"); } //} /* * fStream = new FileStream("Data.dat", FileMode.Open); * } * * * * * * Aes aesAlg = Aes.Create(); * * aesAlg.Key = entropy; * aesAlg.IV = IV; * // aesAlg.Padding = PaddingMode.None; * // Create a decrytor to perform the stream transform. * ICryptoTransform encryptor = aesAlg.CreateDecryptor(entropy, IV); * CryptoStream crStream = new CryptoStream(fStream, * encryptor, CryptoStreamMode.Read); * * StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(crStream); * * decryptedData = reader.ReadToEnd(); * * reader.Close(); * fStream.Close(); * * * /*CODE * int bytesWritten = Convert.ToInt32(f.Length); * * byte[] inBuffer = new byte[bytesWritten]; * * * // Read the encrypted data from a stream. * if (fStream.CanRead) * { * fStream.Read(inBuffer, 0, bytesWritten); * } * * /* byte[] buffer = new byte[bytesWritten]; * using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream()) * { * int read; * while ((read = fStream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) > 0) * { * ms.Write(buffer, 0, read); * } * * * * // Decrypt the bytes to a string. * string roundtrip = DecryptStringFromBytes_Aes(inBuffer, * entropy, IV); */ //} /*if (_entropy != null) * entropy = UnicodeEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(_entropy); * DoDecrypt();*/ }