public static void DeleteDatabaseData() { using (var db = new EfContext()) { db.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("EXEC sp_MSforeachtable @command1 = \"ALTER TABLE ? NOCHECK CONSTRAINT all\""); db.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("EXEC sp_MSForEachTable @command1 = \" DELETE FROM ?\" "); db.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("EXEC sp_MSForEachTable @command1 = \" ALTER TABLE ? WITH CHECK CHECK CONSTRAINT all\" "); } }
public static void DeleteDatabaseDataGenereateSampleData() { using (var db = new EfContext()) { var a = new data.EF.Initializers.SampleData(db); db.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("EXEC sp_MSforeachtable @command1 = \"ALTER TABLE ? NOCHECK CONSTRAINT all\""); db.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("EXEC sp_MSForEachTable @command1 = \" DELETE FROM ?\" "); db.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("EXEC sp_MSForEachTable @command1 = \" ALTER TABLE ? WITH CHECK CHECK CONSTRAINT all\" "); //db.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("EXEC sp_MSForEachTable @command1 = \" IF OBJECTPROPERTY(object_id(''?''), ''TableHasIdentity'') = 1 DBCC CHECKIDENT (''?'', RESEED, 0)\" "); a.Generate(); } }
private static void Main(string[] args) { using (var db = new EfContext()) { var roleBus = new RoleBus(db); var meetingBus = new MeetingBus(db); var userBus = new UserBus(db); //var permissions = new List<Permissions> //{ // Permissions.CreateMeeting, // Permissions.UploadDocument //}; //roleBus.Create(new Role //{ // Name = "Admin", // Description = "Admin", // IsActivated = true, // PermissionList = permissions //}); //userBus.Create(new User //{ // FullName = "Phạm Quang", // Account = "quangp", // Password = "******", // RoleId = 2 //}); var meeting = new Meeting { Name = "Quang", Message = "Quang", StartDate = DateTime.Now, EndDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1), UserCreatedId = 3, }; //meetingBus.Create(meeting); //var u = userBus.Get(3); var m = meetingBus.Get(3); meetingBus.AddUsers(3, new List<int> { 3 }); } Console.ReadKey(); }
public PosProduct(User us, Product prod) { InitializeComponent(); context = new EfContext(); root = us; product = prod; this.Title = "Магазин - Користувач: " + root.UserName; if (root.Access != 1) { util.IsEnabled = false; } dateP.SelectedDate = product.Date; nameP.Text = product.ProductName; inPriceP.Text = product.PriceIn.ToString(); countProdP.Text = product.Count.ToString(); unitProdP.Text = product.Unit; markP.Text = ((product.PriceOut - product.PriceIn) / product.PriceIn * 100).ToString(); outPriceP.Text = product.PriceOut.ToString(); summaPriceP.Text = product.Summa.ToString(); categProdP.Text = product.Categoryes.CategoryName; postProdP.Text = prod.Suppliers.Name; }
public override void Load() { var smaContext = new EfContext(new SMAContext()); var sannetContext = new EfContext(new SANNETContext()); Bind <IEfRepository <Company> >().ToMethod(_ => new EfRepository <Company>(smaContext)); Bind <IEfRepository <Quote> >().ToMethod(_ => new EfRepository <Quote>(smaContext)); Bind <IEfRepository <Prediction> >().ToMethod(_ => new EfRepository <Prediction>(sannetContext)); Bind <IEfRepository <NetworkConfiguration> >().ToMethod(_ => new EfRepository <NetworkConfiguration>(sannetContext)); Bind <IDatasetRepository>().ToMethod(_ => new DatasetRepository(sannetContext)); Bind <ICompanyService <Company> >().ToConstructor(_ => new CompanyService <Company>(Kernel.Get <IEfRepository <Company> >())).InThreadScope(); Bind <IQuoteService <Quote> >().ToConstructor(_ => new QuoteService <Quote>(Kernel.Get <IEfRepository <Quote> >())).InThreadScope(); Bind <IDatasetService>().ToConstructor(_ => new DatasetService(Kernel.Get <IDatasetRepository>())).InThreadScope(); Bind <INetworkConfigurationService <NetworkConfiguration> >().ToConstructor(_ => new NetworkConfigurationService <NetworkConfiguration>(Kernel.Get <IEfRepository <NetworkConfiguration> >())).InThreadScope(); Bind <IPredictionService <Prediction> >().ToConstructor(_ => new PredictionService <Prediction, Quote, Company, NetworkConfiguration>(Kernel.Get <IEfRepository <Prediction> >(), Kernel.Get <IQuoteService <Quote> >(), Kernel.Get <ICompanyService <Company> >(), Kernel.Get <IDatasetService>(), Kernel.Get <INetworkConfigurationService <NetworkConfiguration> >())).InThreadScope(); Bind <ILog>().ToMethod(_ => LogManager.GetLogger(System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType)); }
public EfServiceTests() { _configurationManager = new DataBaseConfigurationManager(); _context = new EfContext(_configurationManager.ConnectionString); _venueRepository = new EfRepository <Venue>(_context); _layoutRepository = new EfRepository <Layout>(_context); _areaRepository = new EfRepository <Area>(_context); _seatRepository = new EfRepository <Seat>(_context); _eventRepository = new EfRepository <Event>(_context); _eventAreaRepository = new EfRepository <EventArea>(_context); _eventSeatRepository = new EfRepository <EventSeat>(_context); _seatService = new Service <Seat, SeatDto>(_seatRepository); _areaService = new Service <Area, AreaDto>(_areaRepository); _layoutService = new Service <Layout, LayoutDto>(_layoutRepository); _venueService = new Service <Venue, VenueDto>(_venueRepository); _eventService = new Service <Event, EventDto>(_eventRepository); _eventAreaService = new Service <EventArea, EventAreaDto>(_eventAreaRepository); _eventSeatService = new Service <EventSeat, EventSeatDto>(_eventSeatRepository); }
public void Can_delete_Kunde_does_delete_Tickets() { var tick1 = new Ticket(); var tick2 = new Ticket(); var tick3 = new Ticket(); var kunde = new Kunde(); kunde.Tickets.Add(tick1); kunde.Tickets.Add(tick2); kunde.Tickets.Add(tick3); //ticket mit Kunde speichern using (var con = new EfContext()) { con.Kunden.Add(kunde); con.SaveChanges(); } //delete Kunde using (var con = new EfContext()) { var loaded = con.Kunden.Find(kunde.Id); loaded.Tickets.Count.Should().Be(3); //verify tickets added con.Kunden.Remove(loaded); con.SaveChanges(); } //test using (var con = new EfContext()) { var loadedKunde = con.Kunden.Find(kunde.Id); loadedKunde.Should().BeNull(); con.Tickets.Find(tick1.Id).Should().BeNull(); con.Tickets.Find(tick2.Id).Should().BeNull(); con.Tickets.Find(tick3.Id).Should().BeNull(); } }
public void EfContext_Artikel_AutoFix() { var fix = new Fixture(); fix.Behaviors.Add(new OmitOnRecursionBehavior()); var art = fix.Build <Artikel>().Create(); using (var con = new EfContext()) { con.Artikel.Add(art); con.SaveChanges(); } using (var con = new EfContext()) { var loaded = con.Artikel.Find(art.Id); loaded.Should().NotBeNull(); loaded.Should().BeEquivalentTo(art, x => x.IgnoringCyclicReferences()); } }
public void EfContext_delete_WorkItem_should_not_delete_Process() { var p = new Process(); var w1 = new WorkItem() { Time = DateTime.Now }; var w2 = new WorkItem() { Time = DateTime.Now }; p.WorkItems.Add(w1); p.WorkItems.Add(w2); using (var con = new EfContext()) { con.Processes.Add(p); con.SaveChanges(); } using (var con = new EfContext()) { var loaded = con.WorkItems.Find(w2.Id); loaded.Should().NotBeNull("INSERT cascade"); con.WorkItems.Remove(loaded); con.SaveChanges(); } using (var con = new EfContext()) { var loadedWi = con.WorkItems.Find(w2.Id); loadedWi.Should().BeNull(); var loadedP = con.Processes.Find(p.Id); loadedP.Should().NotBeNull("No DELETE cascade"); } }
public virtual List <Dollarmodel> FetchActiveJob() { string er = "Name=" + "Atlasdev"; EfContext context = new EfContext(er); var sql = @" SELECT Session, Jobname, Status, Frequency, Avgduration, Description, RunningOn FROM DollarActiveJob "; sql = string.Format(sql); var data = context.Database.SqlQuery <Dollarmodel>(sql).ToList();; return(data); }
public ActionResult Get(int id) { Role retval = null; using (var db = new EfContext()) { if (id == 99) { if (db.Addresses.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Number.Equals(11)) == null) { Address ad = new Address { Number = 11, City = db.Cities.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ID == 1) }; db.Addresses.Add(ad); db.SaveChanges(); Shop s1 = new Shop { Name = "shop1", }; db.Shops.Add(s1); Shop s2 = new Shop { Name = "shop2", }; db.Shops.Add(s2); db.SaveChanges(); } } retval = db.Roles.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ID == id); } return(Json(retval, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); }
public WindowProg(User us) { InitializeComponent(); context = new EfContext(); root = us; this.Title = "Магазин - Користувач: " + root.UserName + " (Для довідки натисніть F1)"; dateStart = DateTime.Parse("01/01/2019"); dateStop = DateTime.Parse(dateFirst.DisplayDate.ToString()); dgProduct.ItemsSource = context.Products.ToList(); dgCategory.ItemsSource = context.Categoryes.ToList(); dgSupplier.ItemsSource = context.Suppliers.ToList(); dgSaleProduct.ItemsSource = context.SaleProducts.ToList(); dgUtilProduct.ItemsSource = context.UtilProducts.ToList(); if (root.Access != 1) { addProduct.IsEnabled = false; } if (context.Categoryes.Count() > 0) { categoryCount.Content = "Категорії товарів: " + context.Categoryes.Count(); } if (context.Suppliers.Count() > 0) { supplierCount.Content = "Постачальники: " + context.Suppliers.Count(); } if (context.Products.Count() > 0) { summ.Content = context.Products.Count() + " одиниць товару на загальну суму: " + context.Products.Sum(x => x.Summa) + "грн."; } if (context.UtilProducts.Count() > 0) { util.Content = "На суму: " + context.UtilProducts.Sum(x => x.Summa) + "грн."; } if (context.SaleProducts.Count() > 0) { sale.Content = "На суму: " + context.SaleProducts.Sum(x => x.Summa) + "грн."; } }
public static List <string> FromWarmToCold(string location) { using (var context = new EfContext()) { List <string> avgTemperatures = new List <string>(); //väljer ut de poster beroende av vilken sträng input vi får (inne eller ute) //Sen grupperar vi det på datum-fältet. var resultSet = context.WeatherDataInfo .Where(x => x.Location == location) .GroupBy(x => x.DateAndTime.Date) .Select(x => new { DateAndTime = x.Key, AvgTemp = x.Average(x => x.Temp) }) //Hämtar ut medeltemp för de grupperande datumen. .OrderByDescending(x => x.AvgTemp); var topResult = resultSet .Take(10); var bottomResult = resultSet .OrderBy(x => x.AvgTemp) .Take(10) .OrderByDescending(x => x.AvgTemp); InsideorOutSide(location); avgTemperatures.Add("Tio dagarna med högst temp"); avgTemperatures.Add("**************************"); foreach (var result in topResult) { avgTemperatures.Add($"{result.DateAndTime:yyyy-MM-dd} \t {Math.Round(result.AvgTemp, 1)} °C");//skriver in värdena till strängar i listan. } avgTemperatures.Add("\n"); avgTemperatures.Add("Tio dagarna med lägst temp"); avgTemperatures.Add("**************************"); foreach (var result in bottomResult) { avgTemperatures.Add($"{result.DateAndTime:yyyy-MM-dd} \t {Math.Round(result.AvgTemp, 1)} °C"); } return(avgTemperatures); } }
public void Can_CR_Produkt_AutoFix() { var fix = new Fixture(); fix.Behaviors.Add(new OmitOnRecursionBehavior()); var prod = fix.Build <Produkt>().Without(x => x.Created).Without(x => x.Modified).Create(); //Create using (var con = new EfContext(testConString)) { con.Produkte.Add(prod); con.SaveChanges(); } //Read using (var con = new EfContext(testConString)) { var loaded = con.Produkte.Find(prod.Id); loaded.Should().BeEquivalentTo(prod, o => { o.Using <DateTime>(ctx => ctx.Subject.Should().BeCloseTo(ctx.Expectation)).WhenTypeIs <DateTime>(); o.IgnoringCyclicReferences(); return(o); }); ////UPDATE //var updated = fix.Build<Produkt>().Without(x => x.Created).Without(x => x.Modified).Create(); //updated.Id = loaded.Id; //con.Entry(loaded).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Detached; //con.Produkte.Attach(updated); ////con.Entry(updated).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified; //con.SaveChanges(); } }
public static List <string> HumidMethod(string location) { using (var context = new EfContext()) { List <string> avgHumidity = new List <string>(); var resultSet = context.WeatherDataInfo .Where(x => x.Location == location) .GroupBy(x => x.DateAndTime.Date) .Select(x => new { DateAndTime = x.Key, AVGHumid = x.Average(x => x.Humidity) }); var topResult = resultSet .OrderByDescending(x => x.AVGHumid) .Take(15); var bottomResult = resultSet .OrderBy(x => x.AVGHumid) //För att få de nedersta raderna. .Take(15) .OrderByDescending(x => x.AVGHumid); //För att få de nedersta raderna i fallande ordning. InsideorOutSide(location); avgHumidity.Add("Tio dagarna med högst fuktighet"); avgHumidity.Add("*******************************"); foreach (var result in topResult) { avgHumidity.Add($"{result.DateAndTime:yyyy-MM-dd} \t {Math.Round(result.AVGHumid, 1)} %"); } avgHumidity.Add("\n"); avgHumidity.Add("Tio dagarna med lägst fuktighet"); avgHumidity.Add("*******************************"); foreach (var result in bottomResult) { avgHumidity.Add($"{result.DateAndTime:yyyy-MM-dd} \t {Math.Round(result.AVGHumid, 1)} %"); } return(avgHumidity); } }
public ActionResult AddProductToSlider(int thisprodid = 0, string name = "", string description = "", string image = "", string prodid = "") { using (EfContext ctx = new EfContext()) { int prodId = 0; Int32.TryParse(prodid, out prodId); var product = ctx.TopProducts.FirstOrDefault(q => q.Id == prodId); product.Name = name; product.Description = description; if (image != "") { var delpath = System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory; if (System.IO.File.Exists(delpath + "\\Image\\" + product.Image)) { System.IO.File.Delete(delpath + "\\Image\\" + product.Image); } string base64 = image; byte[] bytes = Convert.FromBase64String(base64.Split(',')[1]); Bitmap bmp; using (var ms = new MemoryStream(bytes)) { bmp = new Bitmap(ms); } string path = Server.MapPath("/Image/"); //540*690 Bitmap imageBig = Utils.CreateImage(bmp, 1920, 1080); string NameImg = Guid.NewGuid() + ".png"; string filePath = path + NameImg; imageBig.Save(filePath, ImageFormat.Jpeg); product.Image = NameImg; } product.ProductId = thisprodid; ctx.SaveChanges(); return(Content("")); } }
private static void SetupFetchMultipleChain(List <Test> tests) { const string TestName = "Fetch Multiple Chained Collections"; // add dashing tests.Add( new Test( Providers.Dashing, TestName, i => { using (var dashingSession = dashingConfig.BeginSession()) { return(dashingSession.Query <Blog>().FetchMany(b => b.Posts).ThenFetch(p => p.Tags).SingleOrDefault(b => b.BlogId == i / 5)); } })); // add dashing without transaction tests.Add( new Test( Providers.Dashing, TestName, i => { using (var dashingSession = dashingConfig.BeginTransactionLessSession()) { return(dashingSession.Query <Blog>().FetchMany(b => b.Posts).ThenFetch(p => p.Tags).SingleOrDefault(b => b.BlogId == i / 5)); } }, "without Transaction")); // add EF tests.Add( new Test( Providers.EntityFramework, TestName, i => { using (var EfDb = new EfContext()) { return(EfDb.Blogs.Include(b => b.Posts.Select(p => p.Tags)).SingleOrDefault(b => b.BlogId == i / 5)); } })); }
public static void ReadCSVFile(string filePath) { //Samlar alla rader i filen till en sträng-array. string[] resultSet = File.ReadAllLines(filePath); using (var context = new EfContext()) { //loopar alla poster i tabellen, tolkar datatyperna och sätter värdet på alla fällt för alla poster. foreach (var data in resultSet) { WeatherData wdInfo = new WeatherData(); string[] wdString = data.Split(","); wdInfo.DateAndTime = DateTime.Parse(wdString[0]); wdInfo.Location = wdString[1]; wdInfo.Temp = decimal.Parse(wdString[2], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); wdInfo.Humidity = int.Parse(wdString[3], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); //lägg till posterna till tabelln i databasen. context.Add(wdInfo); } //sparar ändringar i databasen. context.SaveChanges(); } }
public void EfContext_can_add_Patient() { var p = new Patient() { Name = $"Fred_{Guid.NewGuid()}", GebDatum = DateTime.Now.AddYears(-50), Geschlecht = Geschlecht.Männlich, Adresse = "Steinstr. 12" }; using (var con = new EfContext()) { con.Patienten.Add(p); con.SaveChanges(); } using (var con = new EfContext()) { var loaded = con.Patienten.Find(p.Id); Assert.IsNotNull(loaded); Assert.AreEqual(p.Name, loaded.Name); } }
private static void MergeTemperatureControlledZone(ZoneSaverInput input, EfContext c, Domain.Zone zone) { if (input.TemperatureSensorId.HasValue) { zone.TemperatureControlledZone = zone.TemperatureControlledZone ?? new Domain.TemperatureControlledZone { LowSetPoint = 4.0f, HighSetPoint = 20.0f, Hysteresis = 0.5f, ScheduleDefaultSetPoint = 4.0f }; zone.TemperatureControlledZone.TemperatureSensor = c.TemperatureSensors.Find(input.TemperatureSensorId.Value); zone.TemperatureControlledZone.TemperatureSensorId = zone.TemperatureControlledZone.TemperatureSensor.TemperatureSensorId; } else if (zone.TemperatureControlledZone != null) { c.Remove(zone.TemperatureControlledZone); zone.TemperatureControlledZoneId = null; zone.TemperatureControlledZone = null; } }
public ActionResult Index(Admin admin) { SHA1 sha1 = new SHA1CryptoServiceProvider(); string password = admin.AdminPassword; string result = Convert.ToBase64String(sha1.ComputeHash(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(password))); admin.AdminPassword = result; EfContext context = new EfContext(); var adminUserInfo = context.Admins.FirstOrDefault(x => x.AdminUserName == admin.AdminUserName && x.AdminPassword == result); if (adminUserInfo != null) { FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(adminUserInfo.AdminUserName, false); Session["AdminUserName"] = adminUserInfo.AdminUserName; return(RedirectToAction("Index", "AdminCategory")); } ViewBag.ErrorMessage = "Kullanıcı Adı veya Şifreniz Yanlış!"; return(View()); }
public void EfContext_can_add_Patient_AutoFixture_FluentAssertions() { var fix = new Fixture(); fix.Behaviors.Add(new OmitOnRecursionBehavior()); var p = fix.Create <Patient>(); using (var con = new EfContext()) { con.Patienten.Add(p); con.SaveChanges(); } using (var con = new EfContext()) { var loaded = con.Patienten.Find(p.Id); loaded.Should().NotBeNull(); //Assert.IsNotNull(loaded); loaded.Name.Should().Be(p.Name); // Assert.AreEqual(p.Name, loaded.Name); loaded.Should().BeEquivalentTo(p, x => x.IgnoringCyclicReferences()); } }
private static List <string> MetrologicalSeasonFall() { List <string> dates = new List <string>(); using (var context = new EfContext()) { var q1 = context.WeatherDataInfo .Where(x => x.Location == "Ute" && x.DateAndTime > DateTime.Parse("2016-08-01")) .GroupBy(x => x.DateAndTime.Date) .Select(x => new { day = x.Key, tempAVG = x.Average(x => x.Temp) }); var q2 = q1 .OrderBy(x =>; int turnCounter = 0; foreach (var wd in q2) { if (wd.tempAVG < 10) { turnCounter++; //Console.WriteLine( + " " + wd.tempAVG); dates.Add($"{} | {Math.Round(wd.tempAVG, 1)}"); if (turnCounter == 5) { return(dates); } } else { dates.Clear(); turnCounter = 0; //The count starts over. } } return(dates); } }
private static bool MetrologicalSeasonWinter() { using (var context = new EfContext()) { var q1 = context.WeatherDataInfo .Where(x => x.Location == "Ute" && x.DateAndTime > DateTime.Parse("2016-08-01")) .GroupBy(x => x.DateAndTime.Date) .Select(x => new { day = x.Key, TempAvg = x.Average(x => x.Temp) }); int turnCounter = 0; foreach (var wd in q1) { if (wd.TempAvg <= 0) { turnCounter++; //lika med 5 så returnerar vi true och skriver ut en sträng med aktuellt datum. if (turnCounter == 5) { Console.WriteLine( + " " + wd.TempAvg); return(true); } } else { //Räkningen startar om. turnCounter = 0; } } //går vi ur loopen och turnCounter inte gått upp till 5 fanns det inga datum som uppfyllde vilkåren. //returneras false hittades inget datum. if (turnCounter == 0) { Console.WriteLine("Inget datum hittades"); } return(false); } }
private static DateTime MetrologicalSeasonWinter() { using (var context = new EfContext()) { var q1 = context.WeatherDataInfo .Where(x => x.Location == "Ute" && x.DateAndTime > DateTime.Parse("2016-08-01")) .GroupBy(x => x.DateAndTime.Date) .Select(x => new { day = x.Key, tempAVG = x.Average(x => x.Temp) }); var q2 = q1 .OrderBy(x =>; int turnCounter = 0; foreach (var wd in q2) { if (wd.tempAVG <= 0) { turnCounter++; if (turnCounter == 5) { Console.WriteLine( + " " + wd.tempAVG); return(; } } else { turnCounter = 0; //The count starts over. } } return(DateTime.Parse("2099-12-12")); //Data for winter season not found. } }
public ContentResult GetSelected(string idgroup = "") { int idGroup = 0; Int32.TryParse(idgroup, out idGroup); using (EfContext ctx = new EfContext()) { // var a = ctx.GlobalGroups.Select(k=>k.Groups.FirstOrDefault(j=>j.Name==group)).Select(dd=>dd.Id); //var groupid = ctx.GlobalGroups.Where(g => g.Id == idGlobalGroup).Select(p => p.Groups.FirstOrDefault(j => j.Name == group).Id).ToList().FirstOrDefault(); MapSelectData msd = new MapSelectData(); msd.Brends = ctx.Products.Where(j => j.Group.Id == idGroup && j.InStock == true).Where(d => (d.Brend.Name != "" ? true : false)).Select(p => p.Brend.Name).Distinct().ToList(); msd.Countryes = ctx.Products.Where(j => j.Group.Id == idGroup && j.InStock == true).Where(d => (d.Country.Name != "" ? true : false)).Select(p => p.Country.Name).Distinct().ToList(); msd.Fillers = ctx.Products.Where(j => j.Group.Id == idGroup && j.InStock == true).Where(d => (d.Filler.Name != "" ? true : false)).Select(p => p.Filler.Name).Distinct().ToList(); msd.Materials = ctx.Products.Where(j => j.Group.Id == idGroup && j.InStock == true).Where(d => (d.Material.Name != "" ? true : false)).Select(p => p.Material.Name).Distinct().ToList(); msd.TypeClothes = ctx.Products.Where(j => j.Group.Id == idGroup && j.InStock == true).Where(d => (d.TypeCloth.Name != "" ? true : false)).Select(p => p.TypeCloth.Name).Distinct().ToList(); msd.Specials = ctx.Products.Where(j => j.Group.Id == idGroup && j.InStock == true).Where(d => (d.Special.Name != "" ? true : false)).Select(p => p.Special.Name).Distinct().ToList(); string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(msd); return(Content(json, "application/json")); } }
public ActionResult GetBasketProduct(string[] id) { id = id[0].Split(','); int temp = 0; Mapper mapper = new Mapper(); List <MapProduct> mapProduct = new List <MapProduct>(); if (id.Length >= 1) { using (EfContext ctx = new EfContext()) { foreach (var value in id) { Int32.TryParse(value, out temp); var product = ctx.Products.FirstOrDefault(q => q.Id == temp); mapProduct.Add(mapper.MappingProduct(product)); } } } string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(mapProduct); return(Content(json, "application/json")); }
public void can_create_read_testdata_with_autofixture() { var fix = new Fixture(); //fix.Customize<Stock>(x => x.Without(y => y.Id)); //fix.Customize<Storage>(x => x.Without(y => y.Id)); //fix.Customize<Bulk>(x => x.Without(y => y.Id)); //fix.Customize<Section>(x => x.Without(y => y.Id)); fix.Behaviors.Add(new OmitOnRecursionBehavior()); var stock = fix.Build <Stock>().Create <Stock>(); using (var con = new EfContext()) { con.Stocks.Add(stock); con.SaveChanges(); } using (var con = new EfContext()) { var loaded = con.Stocks.Find(stock.Id); loaded.Should().BeEquivalentTo(stock, x => x.IgnoringCyclicReferences()); } //Stock loadedOhneLL; //using (var con = new EfContext()) //{ // loadedOhneLL = con.Stocks.Include(x => x.Sections) // .Include(x => x.Sections.Select(y => y.Storages)) // .FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == stock.Id); //} //loadedOhneLL.Should().BeEquivalentTo(stock, x => x.IgnoringCyclicReferences()); }
static void Main(string[] args) { var efContext = new EfContext(); var productsRepository = new ProductsRepository(efContext); productsRepository.InitializeMockData(); var mediator = new Mediator(productsRepository); var actionsRegistry = new ActionsRegistry(mediator); while (true) { Console.Write("\nCommand: "); var command = Console.ReadLine(); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(command)) { WriteError("Please choose command, query or pass 'exit' to leave an application."); continue; } if (command.ToLower() == "exit") { break; } try { actionsRegistry.Run(command); WriteSuccess(); } catch (Exception e) { WriteError(e.Message); } } }
public void EfContext_can_add_Episode() { var ep = new Episode() { Season = 7, Title = $"Testfolge_{Guid.NewGuid()}", Length = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(111) }; using (var con = new EfContext()) { con.Episodes.Add(ep); int result = con.SaveChanges(); Assert.AreEqual(1, result); } using (var con = new EfContext()) { var loaded = con.Episodes.Find(ep.Id); Assert.AreEqual(ep.Title, loaded.Title); } }
public AddProduct(User us) { InitializeComponent(); context = new EfContext(); root = us; this.Title = "Магазин(Новий товар) - Користувач: " + root.UserName; if (context.Categoryes.Count() != 0) { categProd.ItemsSource = context.Categoryes.Select(x => x.CategoryName).ToList(); } else { categProd.ItemsSource = ""; } if (context.Suppliers.Count() != 0) { postProd.ItemsSource = context.Suppliers.Select(x => x.Name).ToList(); } else { postProd.ItemsSource = ""; } nameProd.Focus(); }
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IHostingEnvironment env, EfContext efContext) { if (env.IsDevelopment()) { app.UseDeveloperExceptionPage(); app.UseWebpackDevMiddleware(new WebpackDevMiddlewareOptions { HotModuleReplacement = true }); } app.UseStaticFiles(); app.UseMvc(routes => { routes.MapRoute( name: "default", template: "{controller=Home}/{action=Index}/{id?}"); }); app.UseStatusCodePagesWithRedirects("/error"); AddTestData(efContext); }
public virtual List <AtlaserrorModel> FetchErrorList(string server) { string er = "Name=" + server; EfContext context = new EfContext(er); var sql = @" SELECT UniqueIDError, Description , CAST(SysBeginDateTime AS varchar(max)) as SysBeginDateTime, MachineName , AppName , TransactionID , BucketID FROM tblError e WITH(NOLOCK) WHERE SysBeginDateTime >(SELECT CAST(GETDATE() as DATE)) ORDER BY e.SysBeginDateTime DESC "; sql = string.Format(sql); var data = context.Database.SqlQuery <AtlaserrorModel>(sql).ToList();; return(data); }
public UnitOfWork() { _context = IoC.Resolve<EfContext>(); }
public static void Init() { using (var db = new EfContext()) { if (db.Accounts.Any()) return; var account = new Account { Name = "My Test Account", Paid = true, PaidUtc = new DateTime(2016, 1, 1), }; db.Accounts.Add(account); var user = new User { Name = "Joe User", Account = account, Active = true, }; db.Users.Add(user); var account2 = new Account { Name = "Another Test Account", Paid = false, }; db.Accounts.Add(account2); var user2 = new User { Name = "Late Paying User", Account = account2 }; db.Users.Add(user2); db.MutateMes.Add(new MutateMe()); var human = new Human { Id = 1, Name = "Han Solo", Height = 5.6430448 }; db.Heros.Add(human); var stormtrooper = new Stormtrooper { Id = 2, Name = "FN-2187", Height = 4.9, Specialization = "Imperial Snowtrooper" }; db.Heros.Add(stormtrooper); var droid = new Droid { Id = 3, Name = "R2-D2", PrimaryFunction = "Astromech" }; db.Heros.Add(droid); var vehicle = new Vehicle { Id = 1, Name = "Millennium falcon", Human = human }; db.Vehicles.Add(vehicle); var vehicle2 = new Vehicle { Id = 2, Name = "Speeder bike", Human = stormtrooper }; db.Vehicles.Add(vehicle2); db.SaveChanges(); } }
//static readonly ILog Log = LogManager.GetLogger<SampleData>(); public SampleData(EfContext context) { Context = context; SecurityProvider.EnsureInitialized(true); }
public EfContext Get() { return dataContext ?? (dataContext = new EfContext()); }