protected override void OnMouseDown(MouseEventArgs e) { base.OnMouseDown(e); switch (e.Button) { case MouseButtons.Left: LevelSettings settings = _editor?.Level?.Settings; if (settings != null && settings.ImportedGeometries.All(geo => geo.LoadException != null)) { ImportedGeometry geoToUpdate = settings.ImportedGeometries.FirstOrDefault(geo => geo.LoadException != null); if (geoToUpdate != null) { EditorActions.UpdateImportedGeometryFilePath(Parent, settings, geoToUpdate, true); } else { EditorActions.AddImportedGeometry(Parent); } } else if (CurrentObject != null) { DoDragDrop(CurrentObject, DragDropEffects.Copy); } break; } }
private void SelectByFrame(IssoPoint2D pt1, bool over) { if (!SelectionStarted) { SelectionStarted = true; SelectionRect.Left = pt1.X; SelectionRect.Top = pt1.Y; SelectionRect.Right = SelectionRect.Left; SelectionRect.Bottom = SelectionRect.Top; } else { SelectionRect.Right = pt1.X; SelectionRect.Bottom = pt1.Y; } if (over) { if (modelVM.SelectElementsByRect(SelectionRect) > 0) { OnComponentSelected?.Invoke(modelVM.FirstSelectedBeam, null); } SelectionStarted = false; EditorAction = EditorActions.None; CancelAction(); Invalidate(); } ; }
private void CreateNewLinear(IssoPoint2D pt1) { // НОВЫЙ ЛИНЕЙНЫЙ КОМПОНЕНТ // Компонент идёт в паре с двумя узлами. // Первый узел - в точке, указанной пользователем (pt1) // Если в этой точке уже есть другой узел, то берём его как начало элемента // Если тут нет узла - создаём его, и берём как стартовый // Если пользователь указал точку, лежащую на линейном компоненте - создаём в этом месте // узел, разделяя компонент на две части, и берём его как стартовый ComponentNode node = modelVM.GetNodeAtPoint(pt1); if (node == null) { IssoPoint2D pt2; ComponentBasic b = modelVM.GetComponent(pt1, out pt2); if (b?.CompType == ComponentTypes.ctLinear) { modelVM.SplitLinearAt((ComponentLinear)b, pt2); node = modelVM.GetNodeAtPoint(pt2); } node = new ComponentNode(pt1); } pt1.X += 0.1f; EditedComp = new ComponentLinear(node, new ComponentNode(pt1), RModel); EditorAction = EditorActions.NewLinearLastPoint; }
private void RefreshRecentProjectsList() { openRecentToolStripMenuItem.DropDownItems.Clear(); if (Properties.Settings.Default.RecentProjects != null && Properties.Settings.Default.RecentProjects.Count > 0) { foreach (var fileName in Properties.Settings.Default.RecentProjects) { if (fileName == _editor.Level.Settings.LevelFilePath) // Skip currently loaded level { continue; } var item = new ToolStripMenuItem() { Name = fileName, Text = fileName }; item.Click += (s, e) => EditorActions.OpenLevel(this, ((ToolStripMenuItem)s).Text); openRecentToolStripMenuItem.DropDownItems.Add(item); } } // Add "Clear recent files" option openRecentToolStripMenuItem.DropDownItems.Add(new ToolStripSeparator()); var item2 = new ToolStripMenuItem() { Name = "clearRecentMenuItem", Text = "Clear recent file list" }; item2.Click += (s, e) => { Properties.Settings.Default.RecentProjects.Clear(); RefreshRecentProjectsList(); Properties.Settings.Default.Save(); }; openRecentToolStripMenuItem.DropDownItems.Add(item2); // Disable menu item, if list is empty openRecentToolStripMenuItem.Enabled = openRecentToolStripMenuItem.DropDownItems.Count > 2; }
private void cbLightQualityChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { int index = cbLightQuality.SelectedIndex; LightQuality newQuality = (LightQuality)index; EditorActions.UpdateLightQuality(newQuality); }
void UpdateActions() { var settings = GetSettings(); if (settings == null) { return; } var control = (HCItemProjectShortcutsForm)CreatedControlInsidePropertyItemControl; foreach (var item in control.contentBrowserAll.GetAllItems()) { var action = item.Tag as EditorAction; if (action != null) { var text = action.Name; var actionItem = settings.GetActionItem(action.Name); if (actionItem != null) { var keysString = EditorActions.ConvertShortcutKeysToString(actionItem.ToArray()); if (keysString != "") { text += " (" + keysString + ")"; } } ((ContentBrowserItem_Virtual)item).SetText(text); } } }
protected override void WndProc(ref Message message) { switch (message.Msg) { case SingleInstanceManagement.WM_COPYDATA: var fileName = SingleInstanceManagement.Catch(ref message); if (fileName != null && Path.GetExtension(fileName) == ".prj2") { SingleInstanceManagement.RestoreWindowState(this); if (_editor.Level.Settings.LevelFilePath != fileName) { // Try to open file only if main window is opened, otherwise try to close everything. for (int i = Application.OpenForms.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (Application.OpenForms[i].Name != Name && !(Application.OpenForms[i] is PopUpInfo)) { Application.OpenForms[i].Close(); } } EditorActions.OpenLevel(this, fileName); } } break; case SingleInstanceManagement.WM_SHOWWINDOW: SingleInstanceManagement.RestoreWindowState(this); break; default: base.WndProc(ref message); break; } }
public AddRemoveGhostBlockUndoInstance(EditorUndoManager parent, GhostBlockInstance obj, bool created) : base(parent, obj.Room) { Created = created; UndoObject = obj; Valid = () => UndoObject != null && ((Created && UndoObject.Room != null) || (!Created && Room.ExistsInLevel)) && !Room.CoordinateInvalid(UndoObject.SectorPosition); UndoAction = () => { if (Created) { EditorActions.DeleteObjectWithoutUpdate(UndoObject); } else { var backupPos = obj.SectorPosition; // Preserve original position and reassign it after placement EditorActions.PlaceGhostBlockWithoutUpdate(Room, obj.SectorPosition, UndoObject); } }; RedoInstance = () => { var result = new AddRemoveGhostBlockUndoInstance(Parent, UndoObject, !Created); result.Room = Room; // Relink parent room return(result); }; }
private bool UpdateRoomPosition(Vector2 newRoomPos, Room roomReference, bool moveRooms) { VectorInt2 newRoomPosInt = VectorInt2.FromRounded(newRoomPos); VectorInt2 roomMovement = newRoomPosInt - roomReference.SectorPos; if (roomMovement != new VectorInt2()) { if (EditorActions.CheckForLockedRooms(this, _roomsToMove)) { _roomMouseClicked = null; } else { var delta = new VectorInt3(roomMovement.X, 0, roomMovement.Y); if (roomMovement.X != 0 || roomMovement.Y != 0) { _overallDelta += delta; if (moveRooms) { EditorActions.MoveRooms(delta, _roomsToMove, true); return(true); } } } } return(false); }
private void butEditTrigger_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (_editor.SelectedRoom == null || !(_editor.SelectedObject is TriggerInstance)) { return; } EditorActions.EditObject(_editor.SelectedObject, this); }
public KeyboardHandler(EditorContext editorContext) { this.actions = editorContext.Actions; this.editorState = editorContext.EditorState; this.xmlRules = editorContext.XmlRules; this.nativePlatform = editorContext.NativePlatform; this.nativePlatform.InputEvents.PreviewKey.Add(this.ControlKeyPreview); }
protected override void GizmoMove(Vector3 newPos) { if (_editor.SelectedObject is PositionBasedObjectInstance) { EditorActions.MoveObject(_editor.SelectedObject as PositionBasedObjectInstance, newPos - _editor.SelectedObject.Room.WorldPos, Control.ModifierKeys); } }
void RenderProjectLoadPanel() { ImGui.BulletText("New projects must be placed in an empty directory."); ImGui.Text("Project Title:"); ImGui.SameLine(); ImGui.InputText("##label", ref projectTitle); if (ImGui.Button("Create New")) { string path = EditorActions.OpenFolderPathDialog(); if (path != null) { if (!ProjectManager.CreateProject(path, projectTitle)) { Console.WriteLine("ProjectManager error: " + ProjectManager.ErrorString); } projectTitle = defaultTitle; } } ImGui.Separator(); if (ImGui.Button("Load Existing")) { string path = EditorActions.OpenFilePathDialog("Perhaps Project Files (*.phproject)|*.phproject"); if (path != null) { if (!ProjectManager.OpenProject(path)) { Console.WriteLine("ProjectManager error: " + ProjectManager.ErrorString); } projectTitle = defaultTitle; } } ImGui.Separator(); ImGui.BulletText("Recent Projects:"); FileObject <PerhapsProject>[] projects = ProjectManager.GetRecentProjects(); ImGui.Separator(); for (int i = 0; i < projects.Length; i++) { FileObject <PerhapsProject> projectFile = projects[i]; PerhapsProject project = projectFile.Object; ImGui.PushItemWidth(-1); if (ImGui.Button($"{project.ProjectTitle}\n{projectFile.FilePath}\nTime Created: {project.timeCreated.ToString()}")) { ProjectManager.OpenProject(projectFile.FilePath); break; } ImGui.PopItemWidth(); ImGui.Separator(); } }
private void butBrowseTexture_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { LevelTexture texture = comboCurrentTexture.SelectedItem as LevelTexture; if (texture != null) { EditorActions.UpdateTextureFilepath(this, texture); } }
void EditLevelToggleGroup() { editingTiles = EditorGUILayout.BeginToggleGroup(new GUIContent("Edit the level", "The Toggle for the basic generation of the grid"), editingTiles); if (editingTiles) { SetColor(EditorActions.Nothing); if (GUILayout.Button("Stop Editing")) { currentAction = EditorActions.Nothing; ghostGridActive = false; } GUILayout.Space(10); SetColor(EditorActions.Add); if (GUILayout.Button("Create new tiles")) { currentAction = EditorActions.Add; ghostGridActive = true; } SetColor(EditorActions.Remove); if (GUILayout.Button("Remove existing tile")) { currentAction = EditorActions.Remove; ghostGridActive = false; } GUILayout.Space(10); SetColor(EditorActions.Change); if (GUILayout.Button("Change tiles")) { currentAction = EditorActions.Change; ghostGridActive = false; } if (currentAction == EditorActions.Change) { ChangeToggleGroup(); } GUILayout.Space(10); SetColor(EditorActions.BlockAdd); if (GUILayout.Button("Add a pushable Block")) { currentAction = EditorActions.BlockAdd; ghostGridActive = false; } SetColor(EditorActions.BlockRemove); if (GUILayout.Button("Remove pushable Block")) { currentAction = EditorActions.BlockRemove; ghostGridActive = false; } GUI.color = Color.white; } EditorGUILayout.EndToggleGroup(); }
private void butEditObject_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { var instance = lstObjects.SelectedItem.Tag as ObjectInstance; if (instance != null) { EditorActions.EditObject(instance, this); } }
private void butDeleteTexture_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { LevelTexture texture = comboCurrentTexture.SelectedItem as LevelTexture; if (texture != null) { EditorActions.RemoveTexture(this, texture); } }
private void CheckVisualStates(EditorActions obj) { switch (obj) { case EditorActions.NewLinearFirstPoint: VisualStateManager.GoToState(ButtonLinear, "Pressed"); break; case EditorActions.NewLinearLastPoint: VisualStateManager.GoToState(ButtonLinear, "Pressed"); break; } }
public static EditorAction.GetStateContext EditorActionGetState(EditorAction.HolderEnum holder, string actionName) { var action = EditorActions.GetByName(actionName); if (action == null) { return(null); } return(EditorActionGetState(holder, action)); }
public static void EditorActionClick(EditorAction.HolderEnum holder, string actionName) { var action = EditorActions.GetByName(actionName); if (action == null) { return; } EditorActionClick(holder, action); }
public static void AddTransformToolToMenu(ICollection <KryptonContextMenuItemBase> items, TransformTool transformTool) //public static void AddTransformToolToMenu( ICollection<KryptonContextMenuItemBase> items, string workareaModeName )// TransformTool transformTool ) { KryptonContextMenuItem item; string text; //Move text = Translate("Move"); item = new KryptonContextMenuItem(text, null, delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { EditorAPI.EditorActionClick(EditorAction.HolderEnum.ContextMenu, "Move"); }); item.Checked = transformTool.Mode == TransformTool.ModeEnum.Position; //item.Checked = workareaModeName == "Transform Move"; item.Image = EditorResourcesCache.Move; item.ShortcutKeyDisplayString = EditorActions.GetFirstShortcutKeyString("Move"); items.Add(item); //Rotate text = Translate("Rotate"); item = new KryptonContextMenuItem(text, null, delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { EditorAPI.EditorActionClick(EditorAction.HolderEnum.ContextMenu, "Rotate"); }); item.Checked = transformTool.Mode == TransformTool.ModeEnum.Rotation; //item.Checked = workareaModeName == "Transform Rotate"; item.Image = EditorResourcesCache.Rotate; item.ShortcutKeyDisplayString = EditorActions.GetFirstShortcutKeyString("Rotate"); items.Add(item); //Scale text = Translate("Scale"); item = new KryptonContextMenuItem(text, null, delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { EditorAPI.EditorActionClick(EditorAction.HolderEnum.ContextMenu, "Scale"); }); item.Checked = transformTool.Mode == TransformTool.ModeEnum.Scale; //item.Checked = workareaModeName == "Transform Scale"; item.Image = EditorResourcesCache.Scale; item.ShortcutKeyDisplayString = EditorActions.GetFirstShortcutKeyString("Scale"); items.Add(item); //Select text = Translate("Select"); item = new KryptonContextMenuItem(text, null, delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { EditorAPI.EditorActionClick(EditorAction.HolderEnum.ContextMenu, "Select"); }); item.Checked = transformTool.Mode == TransformTool.ModeEnum.None; //item.Checked = workareaModeName == "Transform Select"; item.Image = EditorResourcesCache.Select; item.ShortcutKeyDisplayString = EditorActions.GetFirstShortcutKeyString("Select"); items.Add(item); }
void SetColor(EditorActions check) { if (currentAction == check) { GUI.color =; } else { GUI.color = Color.white; } }
private void panel2DMap_DragEnter(object sender, DragEventArgs e) { if (EditorActions.DragDropFileSupported(e, true)) { e.Effect = DragDropEffects.Copy; } else { e.Effect = DragDropEffects.None; } }
private void dataGridView_CellContentClick(object sender, DataGridViewCellEventArgs e) { if (e.RowIndex < 0 || e.RowIndex >= _dataGridViewDataSource.Count) { return; } if (dataGridView.Columns[e.ColumnIndex].Name == searchButtonColumn.Name) { EditorActions.UpdateImportedGeometryFilePath(this, LevelSettings, _dataGridViewDataSource[e.RowIndex].Object); } }
public bool AddAction(string actionName) { var action = EditorActions.GetByName(actionName); if (action == null) { //Log.Fatal( "EditorRibbonDefaultConfiguration: Group: AddAction: No action with name \"{0}\".", actionName ); return(false); } Children.Add(action); return(true); }
protected override void GizmoScaleX(float scale) { if (_editor.SelectedObject is IScaleable) { EditorActions.ScaleObject(_editor.SelectedObject as IScaleable, scale, ScaleQuantization()); } else if (_editor.SelectedObject is ISizeable) { var obj = _editor.SelectedObject as ISizeable; EditorActions.ResizeObject(obj, new Vector3(scale, obj.Size.Y, obj.Size.Z), SizeQuantization()); } }
public MoveRoomsUndoInstance(EditorUndoManager parent, List <Room> rooms, VectorInt3 delta) : base(parent, null) { Delta = -delta; Rooms = rooms; Rooms.ForEach(room => Sizes.Add(room, room.SectorSize)); Valid = () => Rooms != null && Rooms.All(room => room != null && room.ExistsInLevel && !room.Locked) && Rooms.All(room => !Parent.Editor.Level.GetConnectedRooms(room).Except(Rooms).Any()) && Rooms.All(room => Sizes.ContainsKey(room) && room.SectorSize == Sizes[room]); UndoAction = () => EditorActions.MoveRooms(Delta, Rooms, true); RedoInstance = () => new MoveRoomsUndoInstance(Parent, Rooms, Delta); }
public static bool ProcessShortcuts(Keys keyCode) //!!!!из старого, bool processCharactersWithoutModifiers ) { Keys keys = keyCode | Control.ModifierKeys; var shortcuts = new Dictionary <Keys, Component_ProjectSettings.ShortcutSettingsClass.ActionItem>(64); foreach (var a in ProjectSettings.Get.ShortcutSettings.Actions) { if (a.Shortcut1 != Keys.None) { shortcuts[a.Shortcut1] = a; } if (a.Shortcut2 != Keys.None) { shortcuts[a.Shortcut2] = a; } } shortcuts.TryGetValue(keys, out var actionItem); if (actionItem != null) { var action = EditorActions.GetByName(actionItem.Name); if (action != null) { foreach (var shortcut in actionItem.ToArray()) { if (shortcut != Keys.None && shortcut == keys) { var c = EditorActionGetState(EditorAction.HolderEnum.ShortcutKey, action); if (c.Enabled) { EditorActionClick(EditorAction.HolderEnum.ShortcutKey, action.Name); return(true); } } } } } //if( action.ShortcutKeys != null && Array.IndexOf( action.ShortcutKeys, keys ) != -1 ) //{ // var c = EditorActionGetState( EditorAction.HolderEnum.ShortcutKey, action ); // if( c.Enabled ) // { // EditorActionClick( EditorAction.HolderEnum.ShortcutKey, action.Name ); // return true; // } //} //} return(false); }
protected override void OnDragEnter(DragEventArgs e) { base.OnDragEnter(e); if (EditorActions.DragDropFileSupported(e)) { e.Effect = DragDropEffects.Move; } else { e.Effect = DragDropEffects.None; } }
private void comboRoom_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { Room selectedRoom = _editor.Level.Rooms[comboRoom.SelectedIndex]; if (selectedRoom == null) { EditorActions.MakeNewRoom(comboRoom.SelectedIndex); } else { _editor.SelectRoom(selectedRoom); } }