Пример #1
        private void PrintEAStats()
            uint gensSinceLastLog = _ea.CurrentGeneration - _lastLog;

            if (gensSinceLastLog < 1)
                gensSinceLastLog = 1;

            _lastLog = _ea.CurrentGeneration;

            long spent            = _timer.ElapsedMilliseconds - _lastLogTime;
            long timePerGen       = spent / gensSinceLastLog;
            long gensRemaining    = _maxGenerations - _ea.CurrentGeneration;
            long timeRemainingEst = gensRemaining * timePerGen;

            _lastLogTime = _timer.ElapsedMilliseconds;

            string log = $"Generation: {_ea.CurrentGeneration}/{_maxGenerations}, " +
                         $"Time/gen: {timePerGen} ms, Est. time remaining: {Utilities.TimeToString(timeRemainingEst)} " +
                         $"Fitness - Max: {_ea.Statistics._maxFitness:F4} Mean: {_ea.Statistics._meanFitness:F4}, " +
                         $"Complexity - Max: {_ea.Statistics._maxComplexity:F0} Mean: {_ea.Statistics._meanComplexity:F2} " +
                         $"Champ: {_ea.CurrentChampGenome.Complexity:F0} Strategy: {_ea.ComplexityRegulationMode}, " +
                         $"Specie size - Max: {_ea.Statistics._maxSpecieSize:D} Min: {_ea.Statistics._minSpecieSize:D}, " +
                         $"Generations since last improvement: {_ea.CurrentGeneration - _lastMaxFitnessImprovementGen}";

            //TODO FIXME We had problems with the logger, it hangs at some point probably a buffer issue on the windows cmd???
            //We had to disable the console appender on log4net and just log to the file, so there is now a console writeline instead

            // Console.WriteLine(log);
Пример #2
        private EvaluationInfo[] TestGenome(NeatGenome genome, int iterations, int runs, bool createRecordings, bool generalize)
            if (runs <= 0)
                return(new EvaluationInfo[0]);

            if (_ea != null && _ea.RunState == RunState.Running)

            // Create the genome decoder
            IGenomeDecoder <NeatGenome, IBlackBox> decoder = CreateGenomeDecoder();

            // Decode the genome (genotype => phenotype)
            IBlackBox phenome = decoder.Decode(genome);

            //TODO FIXME We had problems with the logger, it hangs at some point probably a buffer issue on the windows cmd???
            //We had to disable the console appender on log4net and just log to the file, so there is now a console writeline instead
            Debug.On = true;
            _logger.Info($"Testing phenome {(generalize ? "generalization " : "")}(ID: {genome.Id})...");
            Console.WriteLine($"Testing phenome (ID: {genome.Id})...");

            EvaluationInfo[] fitness = new EvaluationInfo[runs];


            // run evaluations
            double minFitness = double.MaxValue;
            double maxFitness = double.MinValue;

            for (int i = 0; i < runs; i++)
                if (generalize)
                    fitness[i]          = _evaluator.TestPhenomeGeneralization(phenome, iterations);
                    fitness[i].GenomeId = genome.Id;
                    fitness[i] = _evaluator.TestPhenome(phenome, iterations);

                if (fitness[i].ObjectiveFitnessMean < minFitness)
                    minFitness = fitness[i].ObjectiveFitnessMean;

                if (fitness[i].ObjectiveFitnessMean > maxFitness)
                    maxFitness = fitness[i].ObjectiveFitnessMean;

                if (createRecordings)
                    if (Recorder != null)
                        string recordingFile = generalize
                            ? $"{RecordingGeneralizationFile($"{genome.Id}_{i}")}"
                            : $"{RecordingFile($"{genome.Id}_{i}")}";

                        string tapeFile = generalize
                            ? $"{TapeGeneralizationFile($"{genome.Id}_{i}")}"
                            : $"{TapeFile($"{genome.Id}_{i}")}";

                        using (Bitmap bmp = Recorder.LifetimeToBitmap())
                            bmp.Save(recordingFile, ImageFormat.Png);

                        if (Recorder.FinalTuringTape != null)
                            using (Bitmap bmp = Recorder.TapeToBitmap())
                                bmp.Save(tapeFile, ImageFormat.Png);
                        _logger.Warn("Recorder was null");

                    _logger.Info($"Run {i}: Achieved fitness: {fitness[i].ObjectiveFitnessMean:F4}");
                    Console.WriteLine($"Run {i}: Achieved fitness: {fitness[i].ObjectiveFitnessMean:F4}");

            // evaluate runs
            if (runs > 1)
                double[] fit = new double[runs];
                for (int i = 0; i < runs; i++)
                    fit[i] = fitness[i].ObjectiveFitnessMean;

                double mean = Utilities.Mean(fit);
                double sd   = Utilities.StandartDeviation(fit);
                //TODO FIXME We had problems with the logger, it hangs at some point probably a buffer issue on the windows cmd???
                //We had to disable the console appender on log4net and just log to the file, so there is now a console writeline instead
                _logger.Info($"Done. Average fitness: {mean:F4}, min fitness: {minFitness:F4}, max fitness: {maxFitness:F4}, sd: {sd:F4}");
                Console.WriteLine($"Done. Average fitness: {mean:F4}, min fitness: {minFitness:F4}, max fitness: {maxFitness:F4}, sd: {sd:F4}");
