Пример #1
        public void CreateBox(DbElement owner, IfcObjectGeometryData primitive)
            DbElement dbElement = owner.Create(0, (DbElementType)DbElementTypeInstance.BOX);

                AABB     aabb   = new AABB(primitive.StartPointTS, primitive.EndPointTS);
                Point    point  = new Point(aabb.GetCenterPoint().X, aabb.GetCenterPoint().Y, aabb.GetCenterPoint().Z);
                Position pos    = Position.Create(point.X, point.Y, point.Z);
                Vector   xdirTs = primitive.XDirTS;
                Vector ydirTs = primitive.YDirTS;
                Orientation orientation = Tools.CreateOrientation(xdirTs, ydirTs);
                Tools.CreatePosOri(dbElement, pos, orientation);
                double num1 = Math.Round(primitive.XDimension, 0);
                Tools.SetAttribute(dbElement, (DbAttribute)DbAttributeInstance.XLEN, num1);
                double num2 = Math.Round(primitive.YDimension, 0);
                Tools.SetAttribute(dbElement, (DbAttribute)DbAttributeInstance.YLEN, num2);
                double num3 = Math.Round(Distance.PointToPoint(primitive.StartPointTS, primitive.EndPointTS), 0);
                Tools.SetAttribute(dbElement, (DbAttribute)DbAttributeInstance.ZLEN, num3);
Пример #2
        public void CreateCylinder(DbElement owner, IfcObjectGeometryData primitive)
            DbElement element = owner.Create(0, (DbElementType)DbElementTypeInstance.CYLINDER);

                Position    position1        = Tools.GetPosition("POS WRT WORLD", ((object)owner.GetActualType()).Equals((object)DbElementTypeInstance.TMPLATE) ? owner.get_Owner() : owner);
                Orientation orientation1     = Tools.GetOrientation("ORI WRT WORLD", ((object)owner.GetActualType()).Equals((object)DbElementTypeInstance.TMPLATE) ? owner.get_Owner() : owner);
                Direction   direction1       = orientation1.XDir();
                Direction   direction2       = orientation1.YDir();
                Matrix      coordinateSystem = MatrixFactory.ToCoordinateSystem(new CoordinateSystem(new Point(position1.get_X(), position1.get_Y(), position1.get_Z()), new Vector(direction1.get_East(), direction1.get_North(), direction1.get_Up()), new Vector(direction2.get_East(), direction2.get_North(), direction2.get_Up())));
                double      num1             = Math.Max(primitive.XDimension, primitive.YDimension);
                Tools.SetAttribute(element, (DbAttribute)DbAttributeInstance.DIAM, num1);
                Point startPointTs = primitive.StartPointTS;
                Point endPointTs   = primitive.EndPointTS;
                new Vector(endPointTs - startPointTs).Normalize();
                AABB        aabb         = new AABB(startPointTs, endPointTs);
                Point       p            = new Point(aabb.GetCenterPoint().X, aabb.GetCenterPoint().Y, aabb.GetCenterPoint().Z);
                Point       point1       = coordinateSystem.Transform(startPointTs);
                Point       point2       = coordinateSystem.Transform(endPointTs);
                Point       point3       = coordinateSystem.Transform(p);
                Orientation orientation2 = Orientation.Create("Z  IS " + ((object)Direction.Create(Position.Create(point1.X, point1.Y, point1.Z), Position.Create(point2.X, point2.Y, point2.Z))).ToString());
                Position    position2    = Position.Create(
                    .X, point3.Y, point3.Z);
                Tools.SetAttribute(element, (DbAttribute)DbAttributeInstance.POS, position2);
                Tools.SetAttribute(element, (DbAttribute)DbAttributeInstance.ORI, orientation2);
                double num2 = Math.Round(Distance.PointToPoint(primitive.StartPointTS, primitive.EndPointTS), 0);
                Tools.SetAttribute(element, (DbAttribute)DbAttributeInstance.HEIG, num2);
Пример #3
        public Buildable Convert(DbElement element)
            Size      size      = new Size();
            Position  position  = new Position();
            Direction direction = new Direction();

            size.Height   = element.GetDouble(DbAttributeInstance.HEIG);
            size.Diameter = element.GetDouble(DbAttributeInstance.DIAM);

            var q = new DbQualifier();

            q.wrtQualifier = element.OwnerInHierarchyOfType(DbElementTypeInstance.EQUIPMENT);
            var pos = element.GetPosition(DbAttributeInstance.PPOS, q);

            position.X = pos.X;
            position.Y = pos.Y;
            position.Z = pos.Z;

            var d = element.GetDirection(DbAttributeInstance.PDIR, q);

            direction.X = d.ToString();
            direction.Y = d.ToString();
            direction.Z = d.ToString();

            return(new Buildable(DbElementTypeInstance.SCYLINDER, element, size, position, direction, element.ElementType));
Пример #4
        public static AxisDir Eval(DbElement modelEle, string exper)
            exper = exper.Trim().ToUpper();
            if (exper.IndexOfAny(flags) >= 0)
                return(new AxisDir(Position.Create(), ParseExperDir(exper, modelEle)));
            else if (exper.Contains('P'))
                bool isNeg = false;
                if (exper[0] == '-')
                    isNeg = true;
                    exper = exper.Substring(1).Trim();

                exper = exper.Substring(exper[1] == 'P' ? 2 : 1);

                int     num = int.Parse(exper);
                AxisDir ad  = null;
                ad = MakeDirection(num, isNeg, modelEle);
                if (ad == null || (ad.Dir.East + ad.Dir.North + ad.Dir.Up) < 0.000001)
                    ad = null;
                return(new AxisDir(Position.Create(), Direction.Create(exper)));
Пример #5
        public SpcoRepresentation(DbElement scom, DbElement equipment, Text text)
            Scom       = scom;
            _equipment = equipment;

            Sdte             = text.Sdte;
            MatxtTextElement = text.MatxtElement(equipment);
            Stype            = text.Stype(equipment);
            FirstSeleTans    = text.TypeTans(equipment);

            DBElementCollection ptcas = new DBElementCollection(Scom.Owner, new TypeFilter(DbElementTypeInstance.PTCAR));

            foreach (DbElement ptca in ptcas)
                if (ptca.GetAsString(DbAttributeInstance.NUMB) == "1")
                    var t = ptca.GetAsString(DbAttributeInstance.PBOR);
                    t      = t.Replace("(", string.Empty);
                    t      = t.Replace("'", string.Empty);
                    t      = t.Replace(")", string.Empty);
                    PBore1 = double.Parse(t);
                else if (ptca.GetAsString(DbAttributeInstance.NUMB) == "2")
                    var t = ptca.GetAsString(DbAttributeInstance.PBOR);
                    t      = t.Replace("(", string.Empty);
                    t      = t.Replace("'", string.Empty);
                    t      = t.Replace(")", string.Empty);
                    PBore2 = double.Parse(t);
Пример #6
        public TempDb()
            Logger.WriteLine("Getting configuration details");
            var settings = (TempDbSettingsSection)ConfigurationManager.GetSection("TempDbSettings");

            Logger.WriteLine(" - Getting source settings");
            DbElement sourceSettings = settings.SourceDb;

            Logger.WriteLine(" - Getting target settings");
            _targetSettings = settings.TargetDb;

            Logger.WriteLine("Creating source connection");
            var sourceConnection = new ServerConnection(sourceSettings.ServerInstance, sourceSettings.UserName,

            Logger.WriteLine(" - {0}", sourceConnection.SqlConnectionObject.ConnectionString);

            Logger.WriteLine("Creating source server");
            _sourceServer   = new Server(sourceConnection);
            _sourceDatabase = _sourceServer.Databases[sourceSettings.DatabaseName];

            Logger.WriteLine("Creating target connection");
            var targetConnection = new ServerConnection(_targetSettings.ServerInstance, _targetSettings.UserName,

            Logger.WriteLine(" - {0}", targetConnection.SqlConnectionObject.ConnectionString);

            Logger.WriteLine("Creating target server");
            _targetServer   = new Server(targetConnection);
            _targetDatabase = new Database(_targetServer, _targetSettings.DatabaseName);

            Tables = new List <string>();
Пример #7
        public static void Run()
            // Set up a navigator which looks at sites/pipes/Nozzles/Tee only
            TypeFilter filt = new TypeFilter();

            CompoundFilter filt2 = new CompoundFilter();

            ElementTreeNavigator navi = new ElementTreeNavigator(DbElement.GetElement("/*"), filt2);

            // Test FirstMember
            DbElement site = navi.FirstMemberInScan(Example.Instance.mWorld);
            DbElement nozz = navi.FirstMemberInScan(Example.Instance.mZone);

            nozz = navi.FirstMemberInScan(Example.Instance.mEqui);
            DbElement ele = navi.FirstMemberInScan(nozz);

            // Next
            DbElement zone = site.FirstMember();
            DbElement next = navi.NextInScan(zone);

            // parent
            DbElement parent = navi.Parent(Example.Instance.mEqui);

            parent = navi.Parent(nozz);
            parent = navi.Parent(parent);

            //All Members
            DbElement[] tees = navi.MembersInScan(Example.Instance.mPipe);
Пример #8
        public static DbElement GetWritable(DbElement equi)
            var cataName = equi.Owner.Owner.Name() + "-CATA";

            DbElement cata = MDB.CurrentMDB.FindElement(DbType.Catalog, cataName);
            Db        db   = default(Db);

            if (!cata.IsValid)
                Db[] dbs = MDB.CurrentMDB.GetDBArray();
                //find cata dbs with dbwrite eq true

                db = dbs.FirstOrDefault(d => d.Type == DbType.Catalog && !d.IsReadOnly);

                Console.WriteLine($"can write to:{ db.Number} - { db.IsReadOnly}- { db.Type}");
                cata = db.World.Create(1, DbElementTypeInstance.CATALOGUE);
                cata.SetAttribute(DbAttributeInstance.NAME, cataName);
                db = cata.Db;

Пример #9
        public static void Run()
            //add database changes event handler
            DatabaseService.Changes += new DbChangesEventHandler(DatabaseService_Changes);

            // Element Creation, Deletion, Re-order, Include, Copy
            DbElement nozz1 = Example.Instance.mEqui.CreateFirst(DbElementTypeInstance.NOZZLE);


            DbElement nozz2 = Example.Instance.mEqui.CreateLast(DbElementTypeInstance.NOZZLE);


            nozz1.Copy(Example.Instance.mNozz1);                    // Copy element
            nozz1.SetAttribute(DbAttributeInstance.DESC, "nozzle"); // Change only one part
            Pdms.Utilities.CommandLine.Command.Update();            // Make sure these changes are ignored
            nozz1.Copy(Example.Instance.mNozz1);                    // Re-Copy element - should indicate only the description part has changed


Пример #10
        private DbElement SDTE(DbElement cate, string detailText, string skey, DbElement equipment)
            var       equiDesc = equipment.GetAsString(DbAttributeInstance.DESC);
            DbElement sdte     = DbElement.GetElement();

            if (equiDesc == "unset")
                sdte = cate.Members().FirstOrDefault(m => m.ElementType == DbElementTypeInstance.SDTEXT);
                if (sdte == null || sdte.IsValid == false)
                    sdte = cate.CreateLast(DbElementTypeInstance.SDTEXT);
                var sdteName = equipment.Name() + ".SDTE";
                sdte = cate.Members().FirstOrDefault(m => m.ElementType == DbElementTypeInstance.SDTEXT && m.Name() == sdteName);
                if (sdte == null || sdte.IsValid == false)
                    sdte = cate.CreateLast(DbElementTypeInstance.SDTEXT);
                    try {
                        sdte.SetAttribute(DbAttributeInstance.NAME, sdteName);
                        Console.WriteLine("name error for sdte");
                    } catch (Exception e) {
            detailText = detailText.Replace("@SIZE", "' + STRING (PARA[1] ) + '");
            detailText = detailText.Replace("@DESC", equiDesc);
            PMLCommander.RunPMLCommand(sdte, "SKEY", $"'{skey}'", out var error);
            PMLCommander.RunPMLCommandInParentheses(sdte, "RTEXT", $"'{detailText}'", out error);
            Sdte = sdte;
Пример #11
        public Buildable Convert(DbElement element)
            Size      size      = new Size();
            Position  position  = new Position();
            Direction direction = new Direction();

            size.XLength = element.GetDouble(DbAttributeInstance.XLEN);
            size.YLength = element.GetDouble(DbAttributeInstance.YLEN);
            size.ZLength = element.GetDouble(DbAttributeInstance.ZLEN);

            var q = new DbQualifier();

            q.wrtQualifier = element.OwnerInHierarchyOfType(DbElementTypeInstance.EQUIPMENT);

            var pos = element.GetPosition(DbAttributeInstance.PPOS, q);

            position.X = pos.X;
            position.Y = pos.Y;
            position.Z = pos.Z;

            var orientation = element.GetOrientation(DbAttributeInstance.ORI, q);

            direction.X = orientation.XDir().ToString();
            direction.Y = orientation.YDir().ToString();
            direction.Z = orientation.ZDir().ToString();

            return(new Buildable(DbElementTypeInstance.LPYRAMID, element, size, position, direction, element.ElementType));
Пример #12
        private static AxisDir MakeDirection(int num, bool isNeg, DbElement modelEle)
            DbElement cate = modelEle.GetElement(DbAttributeInstance.SPRE).GetElement(DbAttributeInstance.CATR);
            DbElement ptre = cate.GetElement(DbAttributeInstance.PTRE);
            DbElement pt   = ptre.FirstMember();

            while (pt != null && pt.IsValid)
                if (num != pt.GetInteger(DbAttributeInstance.NUMB))
                    pt = pt.Next();

                DbElementType type = pt.GetElementType();
                if (type == DbElementTypeInstance.PTAXIS)
                    return(MakeAxialDirection(num, isNeg, pt, modelEle));
                else if (type == DbElementTypeInstance.PTCAR)
                    return(MakeCartesianDirection(num, isNeg, pt, modelEle));
                else if (type == DbElementTypeInstance.PTMIX)
                    return(MakeMixedDirection(num, isNeg, pt, modelEle));
                else if (type == DbElementTypeInstance.PTPOS)
                    return(MakePositionTypeDirection(num, isNeg, pt, modelEle));
                pt = pt.Next();
Пример #13
        public void ExportPipingItem(DbElement cur, ref List <IIfcProduct> elements)
            new PipingItem(cur, string.Empty, this._mapping).ExportComponents(ref elements);
            string asString = cur.GetAsString((DbAttribute)DbAttributeInstance.NAME);

            HierarchyItem.Log.Info((object)("PIPE Exported: " + asString));
Пример #14
        public static string Purpose(this DbElement element)
            var value = string.Empty;

            element.GetValidAsString(DbAttributeInstance.PURP, ref value);
Пример #15
        private List <DbElement> CollectStructuralItems()
            List <DbElement> dbElementList = new List <DbElement>();
            DbElement        element       = CurrentElement.get_Element();

            DbElementType[] dbElementTypeArray = new DbElementType[7]
            DBElementCollection elementCollection = new DBElementCollection(element);

            elementCollection.set_Filter((BaseFilter) new TypeFilter(dbElementTypeArray));
            DBElementEnumerator enumerator = (DBElementEnumerator)elementCollection.GetEnumerator();

            while (enumerator.MoveNext())
		private static AxisDir MakeDirection(int num, bool isNeg, DbElement modelEle)
			DbElement cate = modelEle.GetElement(DbAttributeInstance.SPRE).GetElement(DbAttributeInstance.CATR);
			DbElement ptre = cate.GetElement(DbAttributeInstance.PTRE);
			DbElement pt = ptre.FirstMember();
			while (pt != null && pt.IsValid)
				if (num != pt.GetInteger(DbAttributeInstance.NUMB))
					pt = pt.Next();

				DbElementType type = pt.GetElementType();
				if (type == DbElementTypeInstance.PTAXIS)
					return MakeAxialDirection(num, isNeg, pt, modelEle);
				else if (type == DbElementTypeInstance.PTCAR)
					return MakeCartesianDirection(num, isNeg, pt, modelEle);
				else if (type == DbElementTypeInstance.PTMIX)
					return MakeMixedDirection(num, isNeg, pt, modelEle);
				else if (type == DbElementTypeInstance.PTPOS)
					return MakePositionTypeDirection(num, isNeg, pt, modelEle);
				pt = pt.Next();
			return null;
Пример #17
        private void ComBox_ATTA_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            TxtPipe.Text = "";
            ComboBox  comb      = sender as ComboBox;
            NameRef   nr        = (NameRef)comb.SelectedItem;
            DbElement dbElement = DbElement.GetElement(nr.Ref);
            DbElement Pipe      = dbElement.Owner.Owner;
            DrawList  dl        = DrawListManager.Instance.CurrentDrawList;

            TxtPipe.Text = Pipe.ToString();
            DbElement hanger = dbElement.GetElement(DbAttributeInstance.CREF);

            // DbElement Support = hanger.Owner.GetElement(DbAttributeInstance.STLR);
            foreach (DbElement h in hanger.Members())
                ListBox_Element.Items.Add(new NameRef(h.ToString(), h.RefNo()));
            //foreach (DbElement s in Support.Owner.Members())
            //    ListBox_Element.Items.Add(new NameRef(s.ToString(), s.RefNo()));
            ListBox_Element.DisplayMember = "Name";
		public static AxisDir Eval(DbElement modelEle, string exper)
			exper = exper.Trim().ToUpper();
			if (exper.IndexOfAny(flags) >= 0)
				return new AxisDir(Position.Create(), ParseExperDir(exper, modelEle));
			else if (exper.Contains('P'))
				bool isNeg = false;
				if (exper[0] == '-')
					isNeg = true;
					exper = exper.Substring(1).Trim();

				exper = exper.Substring(exper[1] == 'P' ? 2 : 1);

				int num = int.Parse(exper);
				AxisDir ad = null;
				ad = MakeDirection(num, isNeg, modelEle);
				if (ad == null || (ad.Dir.East + ad.Dir.North + ad.Dir.Up) < 0.000001)
					ad = null;
				return ad;
				return new AxisDir(Position.Create(), Direction.Create(exper));
Пример #19
        public static void Run()
            //Add delegates
            DbPostElementChange.AddPostCreateElement(DbElementTypeInstance.PIPE, new DbPostElementChange.PostCreateDelegate(PostCreateSubscriber));
            DbPostElementChange.AddPreDeleteElement(DbElementTypeInstance.PIPE, new DbPostElementChange.PreDeleteDelegate(PreDeleteSubscriber));
            DbPostElementChange.AddPostMoveElement(DbElementTypeInstance.PIPE, new DbPostElementChange.PostMoveDelegate(PostMoveSubscriber));
            DbPostElementChange.AddPostAttributeChange(DbAttributeInstance.AREA, new DbPostElementChange.PostAttributeChangeDelegate(PostSetAttSubscriber));
            DbPostElementChange.AddPostAttributeChange(DbAttributeInstance.NAME, new DbPostElementChange.PostAttributeChangeDelegate(PostSetAttSubscriber));
            DbPostElementChange.AddPostRefAttributeChange(DbAttributeInstance.CREF, new DbPostElementChange.PostRefAttributeChangeDelegate(PostSetRefAttSubscriber));

            //Post create
            DbElement newele = Example.Instance.mZone.Create(1, DbElementTypeInstance.PIPE);

            //Pre Delete

            //Post move

            //Post set attribute
            int area = Example.Instance.mEqui.GetInteger(DbAttributeInstance.AREA) + 1;

            Example.Instance.mEqui.SetAttribute(DbAttributeInstance.AREA, area);

            //Post set ref attribute
            Example.Instance.mNozz1.SetAttribute(DbAttributeInstance.CREF, Example.Instance.mBran);
Пример #20
        public Buildable Convert(DbElement element)
            Size      size      = new Size();
            Position  position  = new Position();
            Direction direction = new Direction();

            size.TopDiameter = element.GetDouble(DbAttributeInstance.DTOP);
            size.BotDiameter = element.GetDouble(DbAttributeInstance.DBOT);
            size.Height      = element.GetDouble(DbAttributeInstance.HEIG);

            var q = new DbQualifier();

            q.wrtQualifier = element.OwnerInHierarchyOfType(DbElementTypeInstance.EQUIPMENT);
            var pos = element.GetPosition(DbAttributeInstance.PPOS, q);

            position.X = pos.X;
            position.Y = pos.Y;
            position.Z = pos.Z;

            var orientation = element.GetOrientation(DbAttributeInstance.ORI, q);

            direction.X = orientation.XDir().ToString();
            direction.Y = orientation.YDir().ToString();
            direction.Z = orientation.ZDir().ToString();

            return(new Buildable(DbElementTypeInstance.LSNOUT, element, size, position, direction, element.ElementType));
Пример #21
        public Dictionary <IFCObjectsReader.Data.IfcObject, DbElement> GetConnectedIfcList(
            DbElement root,
            out List <string> duplicates)
            duplicates             = new List <string>();
            this._connectedIfcList = new Dictionary <IFCObjectsReader.Data.IfcObject, DbElement>();
            TypeFilter typeFilter = new TypeFilter(new DbElementType[3]

            foreach (IFCObjectsReader.Data.IfcObject key in this._mapping.IfcObjectslist)
                DbElement        dbElement = (DbElement)null;
                AndFilter        filter    = new AndFilter((BaseFilter)typeFilter, (BaseFilter) new TeklaIfcGuidFilter(key.SourceGuid));
                List <DbElement> elements  = this.GetElements(root, filter);
                int count = elements.Count;
                if (!count.Equals(0))
                    count = elements.Count;
                    if (count.Equals(1))
                        dbElement = elements[0];
                        duplicates.Add("Duplicates found: " + elements[0].GetAsString((DbAttribute)DbAttributeInstance.REF));
                this._connectedIfcList.Add(key, dbElement);
Пример #22
 public Buildable ElementToBuildable(DbElement element)
     if (_converters.ContainsKey(element.ElementType))
Пример #23
        public DbElement MatxtElement(DbElement equipment)
            var possbileMatxts = new DBElementCollection(equipment.Owner,
                                                         new AndFilter(new TypeFilter(DbElementTypeInstance.TEXT),
                                                                       new AttributeStringFilter(DbAttributeInstance.PURP, FilterOperator.Equals, "MTXT")));

Пример #24
        private void ListBox_Element_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ListBox   lb        = sender as ListBox;
            NameRef   nr        = (NameRef)lb.SelectedItem;
            DbElement dbElement = DbElement.GetElement(nr.Ref);

            CurrentElement.Element = dbElement;
Пример #25
        public void Create()
            //Delete Example Site if it already exists
            DbElement site = DbElement.GetElement("/ExampleSite");
            if (site.IsValid)

            //Get world element
            mWorld = DbElement.GetElement("/*");

            mSite = mWorld.Create(0, DbElementTypeInstance.SITE);
            mSite.SetAttribute(DbAttributeInstance.NAME, "/ExampleSite");

            mZone = mSite.Create(0, DbElementTypeInstance.ZONE);
            mZone.SetAttribute(DbAttributeInstance.NAME, "/ExampleZone");

            mEqui = mZone.Create(0, DbElementTypeInstance.EQUIPMENT);
            mEqui.SetAttribute(DbAttributeInstance.NAME, "/ExampleEqui");

            mCyli = mEqui.Create(0, DbElementTypeInstance.CYLINDER);
            mCyli.SetAttribute(DbAttributeInstance.NAME, "/ExampleCyli");

            mBox = mEqui.Create(0, DbElementTypeInstance.BOX);
            mBox.SetAttribute(DbAttributeInstance.NAME, "/ExampleBox");

            mNozz1 = mEqui.Create(0, DbElementTypeInstance.NOZZLE);
            mNozz1.SetAttribute(DbAttributeInstance.NAME, "/ExampleNozz1");

            mNozz2 = mEqui.Create(0, DbElementTypeInstance.NOZZLE);
            mNozz2.SetAttribute(DbAttributeInstance.NAME, "/ExampleNozz2");

            mPipe = mZone.Create(0, DbElementTypeInstance.PIPE);
            mPipe.SetAttribute(DbAttributeInstance.NAME, "/ExamplePipe");

            mBran = mPipe.Create(0, DbElementTypeInstance.BRANCH);
            mBran.SetAttribute(DbAttributeInstance.NAME, "/ExampleBran");

            mGask = mBran.Create(0, DbElementTypeInstance.GASKET);
            mGask.SetAttribute(DbAttributeInstance.NAME, "/ExampleGask");

            mElbo = mBran.Create(0, DbElementTypeInstance.ELBOW);
            mElbo.SetAttribute(DbAttributeInstance.NAME, "/ExampleElbow");

            mTee = mBran.Create(0, DbElementTypeInstance.TEE);
            mTee.SetAttribute(DbAttributeInstance.NAME, "/ExampleTee");
 // Double delegate for UDA
 private static double VolumeCalculation(DbElement ele, DbAttribute att, DbQualifier qualifier)
     // Uda calculates the volume by multiplying the lengths along each side
     double x = ele.GetDouble(ATT.XLEN);
     double y = ele.GetDouble(ATT.YLEN);
     double z = ele.GetDouble(ATT.ZLEN);
     // Result of UDA must be returned
     return (x * y * z);
Пример #27
 public Buildable(DbElementType buildAs, DbElement element, Size size, Position position, Direction direction, List <Position> vertices)
     BuildAs   = buildAs;
     _element  = element;
     Size      = size;
     Position  = position;
     Direction = direction;
     Verticies = vertices;
Пример #28
 public Buildable(DbElementType buildAs, DbElement element, Size size, Position position, Direction direction, DbElementType sourceType)
     BuildAs    = buildAs;
     _element   = element;
     Size       = size;
     Position   = position;
     Direction  = direction;
     SourceType = sourceType;
Пример #29
 public Buildable(DbElementType buildAs, DbElement element, Size size, Position position, Direction direction, ConvertToBuildable.NozzleConfig nozzleConfig)
     _element     = element;
     Size         = size;
     Position     = position;
     Direction    = direction;
     NozzleConfig = nozzleConfig;
     BuildAs      = buildAs;
		private static AxisDir MakeAxialDirection(int num, bool isNeg, DbElement pnt, DbElement modelEle)
			Direction dir = ParseExperDir(pnt.GetAsString(DbAttributeInstance.PAXI), modelEle);
			double offset = EvalDouble(pnt.GetAsString(DbAttributeInstance.PDIS), modelEle);
			Position pos = Position.Create();
			pos.MoveBy(dir, offset);
			if (isNeg)
				dir = dir.Opposite();
			return new AxisDir(pos, dir);
Пример #31
		private int GetColor(DbElement ele, int parentColor)
			DbElementType eleType = ele.GetElementType();
			if (eleType == DbElementTypeInstance.BRANCH)
				return System.Drawing.Color.Gold.ToArgb();
			else if (eleType == DbElementTypeInstance.EQUIPMENT)
				return System.Drawing.Color.Tan.ToArgb();
				return parentColor;
Пример #32
        public static bool MemberWithAttributeValue(this DbElement element, DbAttribute attribute, string value)
            DbElement y = element.Members().SingleOrDefault(x => x.GetAsString(attribute) == value);

            if (y != null && y.IsValid)
Пример #33
        public IEnumerable <DbElement> GetEquipmentsInZone(DbElement zone)
            TypeFilter          equipment = new TypeFilter(DbElementTypeInstance.EQUIPMENT);
            DBElementCollection elements  = new DBElementCollection(zone, equipment);

            foreach (DbElement element in elements)
                yield return(element);
        // Double delegate for UDA
        static private double VolumeCalculation(DbElement ele, DbAttribute att, DbQualifier qualifier)
            // Uda calculates the volume by multiplying the lengths along each side
            double x = ele.GetDouble(ATT.XLEN);
            double y = ele.GetDouble(ATT.YLEN);
            double z = ele.GetDouble(ATT.ZLEN);

            // Result of UDA must be returned
            return(x * y * z);
Пример #35
 public Buildable(DbElementType buildAs, DbElement element, Size size, Position position, Direction direction, Position p2, Direction d2)
     BuildAs    = buildAs;
     _element   = element;
     Size       = size;
     Position   = position;
     Direction  = direction;
     Position2  = p2;
     Direction2 = d2;
Пример #36
        private bool IsSupportedDesignGeometryEle(DbElement ele)
            DbElementType type = ele.GetElementType();

            return(type == DbElementTypeInstance.CYLINDER ||
                   type == DbElementTypeInstance.BOX ||
                   type == DbElementTypeInstance.DISH ||
                   type == DbElementTypeInstance.CONE ||
                   type == DbElementTypeInstance.PYRAMID
Пример #37
		private int GetColor(DbElement ele)
			List<DbElement> eleArr = new List<DbElement>();
			while (IsReadableEle(ele = ele.Owner));

			int color = System.Drawing.Color.White.ToArgb();
			for (int i = eleArr.Count-1; i >= 0; --i)
				color = GetColor(eleArr[i], color);
			return color;
Пример #38
		private void ExportSite(DbElement siteEle, int color)
			int curCol = GetColor(siteEle, color);
			D3Transform transform = GetTransform(siteEle);
			DbElement ele = siteEle.FirstMember();
			while (ele != null && ele.IsValid)
				if (IsReadableEle(ele) && ele.GetElementType() == DbElementTypeInstance.ZONE)
					ExportZone(ele, transform, curCol);
				ele = ele.Next();
Пример #39
		private void ExportWorld(DbElement worldEle)
			int color = GetColor(worldEle, System.Drawing.Color.White.ToArgb());
			DbElement ele = worldEle.FirstMember();
			while (ele != null && ele.IsValid)
				if (IsReadableEle(ele) && ele.GetElementType() == DbElementTypeInstance.SITE)
					ExportSite(ele, color);
				ele = ele.Next();
Пример #40
		private void ExportPipe(DbElement pipeEle, D3Transform transform, int color)
			int curCol = GetColor(pipeEle, color);
			DbElement ele = pipeEle.FirstMember();
			while (ele != null && ele.IsValid)
				if (IsReadableEle(ele) && ele.GetElementType() == DbElementTypeInstance.BRANCH)
					ExportBranch(ele, transform, curCol);
				ele = ele.Next();
Пример #41
		private void ExportZone(DbElement zoneEle, D3Transform transform, int color)
			int curCol = GetColor(zoneEle, color);
			D3Transform currentTransform = transform.Multiply(GetTransform(zoneEle));
			DbElement ele = zoneEle.FirstMember();
			while (ele != null && ele.IsValid)
				if (IsReadableEle(ele))
					if (ele.GetElementType() == DbElementTypeInstance.PIPE)
						ExportPipe(ele, currentTransform, curCol);
					else if (ele.GetElementType() == DbElementTypeInstance.EQUIPMENT)
						ExportEquip(ele, currentTransform, curCol);
				ele = ele.Next();
Пример #42
 private static void PostSetRefAttSubscriber(DbElement ele, DbAttribute att, DbElement oldref)
Пример #43
		private Experssion GetExper(DbElement gEle, DbAttribute attr)
			Dictionary<string, Experssion> map = null;
			if (!experMap.TryGetValue(attr, out map))
				map = new Dictionary<string, Experssion>();
				experMap.Add(attr, map);

			Experssion exper = null;
			if (!map.TryGetValue(gEle.GetAsString(DbAttributeInstance.NAME), out exper))
				exper = new Experssion(gEle.GetAsString(attr));
				map.Add(gEle.GetAsString(DbAttributeInstance.NAME), exper);

			return exper;
Пример #44
		private void Export(DbElement ele)
			if (ele.GetElementType() == DbElementTypeInstance.WORLD)
			else if (ele.GetElementType() == DbElementTypeInstance.SITE)
				ExportSite(ele, GetColor(ele.Owner));
			else if (ele.GetElementType() == DbElementTypeInstance.ZONE)
				D3Transform transform = GetTransform(ele.Owner);
				ExportZone(ele, transform, GetColor(ele.Owner));
			else if (ele.GetElementType() == DbElementTypeInstance.PIPE)
				DbElement zoneEle = ele.Owner;
				DbElement siteEle = zoneEle.Owner;
				D3Transform transform = GetTransform(siteEle).Multiply(GetTransform(zoneEle));
				ExportPipe(ele, transform, GetColor(ele.Owner));
			else if (ele.GetElementType() == DbElementTypeInstance.EQUIPMENT)
				DbElement zoneEle = ele.Owner;
				DbElement siteEle = zoneEle.Owner;
				D3Transform transform = GetTransform(siteEle).Multiply(GetTransform(zoneEle));
				ExportEquip(ele, transform, GetColor(ele.Owner));
			else if (ele.GetElementType() == DbElementTypeInstance.BRANCH)
				DbElement pipeEle = ele.Owner;
				DbElement zoneEle = pipeEle.Owner;
				DbElement siteEle = zoneEle.Owner;
				D3Transform transform = GetTransform(siteEle).Multiply(GetTransform(zoneEle));
				ExportBranch(ele, transform, GetColor(ele.Owner));
		private static double EvalDouble(string strExper, DbElement modelEle)
			Experssion exper = new Experssion(strExper);
			return exper.Eval(modelEle);
Пример #46
 private static void PostCreateSubscriber(DbElement ele)
Пример #47
		private void ExportEquip(DbElement equipEle, D3Transform transform, int parentColor)
			int color = GetColor(equipEle, parentColor);
			D3Transform currTrans = transform.Multiply(GetTransform(equipEle));
			DbElement ele = equipEle.FirstMember();
			while (ele != null && ele.IsValid)
				if (IsReadableEle(ele))
					if (!IsVisible(ele))
						ele = ele.Next();

					DbElementType eleType = ele.GetElementType();
					if (eleType == DbElementTypeInstance.NOZZLE)
						ExportPipeItem(ele, currTrans, parentColor);
					else if (eleType == DbElementTypeInstance.TMPLATE)
						DbElement[] lcnfArray = null;
						if (ele.IsAttributeValid(DbAttributeInstance.LCNFA))
							lcnfArray = ele.GetElementArray(DbAttributeInstance.LCNFA);

						if (lcnfArray == null || lcnfArray.Length <= 0)
							DbElement tmplEle = ele.FirstMember();
							while (tmplEle != null && tmplEle.IsValid)
								if (IsReadableEle(tmplEle) && IsVisible(tmplEle))
									ExportDesignGeomotry(tmplEle, currTrans, color);
								tmplEle = tmplEle.Next();
							foreach (DbElement lcnfEle in lcnfArray)
								if (IsReadableEle(lcnfEle) && IsVisible(lcnfEle))
									ExportDesignGeomotry(lcnfEle, currTrans, color);
					else if (eleType == DbElementTypeInstance.SUBEQUIPMENT)
						ExportEquip(ele, currTrans, color);
						ExportDesignGeomotry(ele, currTrans, color);
				ele = ele.Next();
Пример #48
		private void ExportPipeItem(DbElement ele, D3Transform transform, int color)
			if (ele.GetElementType() == DbElementTypeInstance.TUBING)
				ExportTube(ele, transform, color);

			DbElement specEle = null;
			if ((specEle = ele.GetElement(DbAttributeInstance.SPRE)) == null
				|| !IsReadableEle(specEle)
				|| ele.GetElementType() == DbElementTypeInstance.ATTACHMENT
				return; ;

			DbElement cateEle = null;
			if ((cateEle = specEle.GetElement(DbAttributeInstance.CATR)) == null || !IsReadableEle(cateEle))

			DbElement gmEle = null;
			if ((gmEle = cateEle.GetElement(DbAttributeInstance.GMRE)) == null || !IsReadableEle(gmEle))

			D3Transform eleTrans = transform.Multiply(GetTransform(ele));

			DbElement gEle = gmEle.FirstMember();
			while (gEle != null && gEle.IsValid)
				if (IsReadableEle(gEle) && gEle.GetBool(DbAttributeInstance.TUFL))
					if (!IsVisible(gEle))
						gEle = gEle.Next();

						if (gEle.GetElementType() == DbElementTypeInstance.SCYLINDER)
							string expr = gEle.GetAsString(DbAttributeInstance.PAXI);
							AxisDir paxi = EvalDirection.Eval(ele, expr);
							double phei = GetExper(gEle, DbAttributeInstance.PHEI).Eval(ele);
							double pdia = GetExper(gEle, DbAttributeInstance.PDIA).Eval(ele);
							double pdis = GetExper(gEle, DbAttributeInstance.PDIS).Eval(ele);
							D3Vector dir = eleTrans.Multiply(GeometryUtility.ToD3VectorRef(paxi.Dir));
							D3Point pos = eleTrans.Multiply(GeometryUtility.ToD3Point(paxi.Pos));
							Cylinder cyl = new Cylinder();
							cyl.Org = new Point(pos)
								.MoveBy(dir, pdis);
							cyl.Height = new Point(dir).Mul(phei);
							cyl.Radius = pdia / 2.0;
							cyl.Color = color;
						else if (gEle.GetElementType() == DbElementTypeInstance.LCYLINDER)
							string expr = gEle.GetAsString(DbAttributeInstance.PAXI);
							AxisDir paxi = EvalDirection.Eval(ele, expr);
							double pdia = GetExper(gEle, DbAttributeInstance.PDIA).Eval(ele);
							double pbdi = GetExper(gEle, DbAttributeInstance.PBDI).Eval(ele);
							double ptdi = GetExper(gEle, DbAttributeInstance.PTDI).Eval(ele);
							D3Vector dir = eleTrans.Multiply(GeometryUtility.ToD3VectorRef(paxi.Dir));
							D3Point pos = eleTrans.Multiply(GeometryUtility.ToD3Point(paxi.Pos));
							Cylinder cyl = new Cylinder();
							cyl.Org = new Point(pos)
								.MoveBy(dir, pbdi);
							cyl.Height = new Point(dir).Mul(ptdi - pbdi);
							cyl.Radius = pdia / 2.0;
							cyl.Color = color;
						else if (gEle.GetElementType() == DbElementTypeInstance.SBOX)
							double pxlen = GetExper(gEle, DbAttributeInstance.PXLE).Eval(ele);
							double pylen = GetExper(gEle, DbAttributeInstance.PYLE).Eval(ele);
							double pzlen = GetExper(gEle, DbAttributeInstance.PZLE).Eval(ele);
							double px = GetExper(gEle, DbAttributeInstance.PX).Eval(ele);
							double py = GetExper(gEle, DbAttributeInstance.PY).Eval(ele);
							double pz = GetExper(gEle, DbAttributeInstance.PZ).Eval(ele);
							Point xlen = new Point(eleTrans.Multiply(D3Vector.D3EAST));
							Point ylen = new Point(eleTrans.Multiply(D3Vector.D3NORTH));
							Point zlen = new Point(eleTrans.Multiply(D3Vector.D3UP));
							Point pos = new Point(eleTrans.Multiply(GeometryUtility.Org));
							pos.MoveBy(xlen, px - pxlen / 2.0).MoveBy(ylen, py - pylen / 2.0).MoveBy(zlen, pz - pzlen / 2.0);
							Box box = new Box();
							box.Org = pos;
							box.XLen = xlen;
							box.YLen = ylen;
							box.ZLen = zlen;
							box.Color = color;
						else if (gEle.GetElementType() == DbElementTypeInstance.SCTORUS)
							string expr = gEle.GetAsString(DbAttributeInstance.PAAX);
							AxisDir paax = EvalDirection.Eval(ele, expr);
							expr = gEle.GetAsString(DbAttributeInstance.PBAX);
							AxisDir pbax = EvalDirection.Eval(ele, expr);
							double pdia = GetExper(gEle, DbAttributeInstance.PDIA).Eval(ele);
							CircularTorus ct = new CircularTorus();
							Direction normal = null;
							if (!paax.Dir.IsParallel(pbax.Dir))
								normal = paax.Dir.Orthogonal(pbax.Dir);
								normal = paax.Dir.Orthogonal(Direction.Create(paax.Pos, pbax.Pos));
							ct.Normal = new Point(eleTrans.Multiply(GeometryUtility.ToD3VectorRef(normal)));
							ct.StartPnt = new Point(eleTrans.Multiply(GeometryUtility.ToD3Point(pbax.Pos)));
							ct.StartRadius = ct.EndRadius = pdia / 2.0;
							double mRadius = 0.0;
							if (!paax.Dir.IsParallel(pbax.Dir))
								double ang = paax.Dir.Angle(pbax.Dir) * Math.PI / 180.0;
								ct.Angle = Math.PI - ang;
								ang /= 2.0;
								double len = paax.Pos.Distance(pbax.Pos) / 2;
								mRadius = len / Math.Sin(ang) * Math.Tan(ang);
								ct.Angle = Math.PI;
								mRadius = paax.Pos.Distance(pbax.Pos) / 2.0;
							D3Vector radiusDir = eleTrans.Multiply(GeometryUtility.ToD3VectorRef(pbax.Dir.Orthogonal(normal)));
							ct.Center = new Point(ct.StartPnt).MoveBy(radiusDir, mRadius);
							ct.Color = color;
						else if (gEle.GetElementType() == DbElementTypeInstance.SRTORUS)
							string expr = gEle.GetAsString(DbAttributeInstance.PAAX);
							AxisDir paax = EvalDirection.Eval(ele, expr);
							expr = gEle.GetAsString(DbAttributeInstance.PBAX);
							AxisDir pbax = EvalDirection.Eval(ele, expr);
							double pdia = GetExper(gEle, DbAttributeInstance.PDIA).Eval(ele);
							double phei = GetExper(gEle, DbAttributeInstance.PHEI).Eval(ele);
							RectangularTorus rt = new RectangularTorus();
							Direction normal = null;
							if (!paax.Dir.IsParallel(pbax.Dir))
								normal = paax.Dir.Orthogonal(pbax.Dir);
								normal = paax.Dir.Orthogonal(Direction.Create(paax.Pos, pbax.Pos));
							rt.Normal = new Point(eleTrans.Multiply(GeometryUtility.ToD3VectorRef(normal)));
							rt.StartPnt = new Point(eleTrans.Multiply(GeometryUtility.ToD3Point(pbax.Pos)));
							rt.StartWidth = rt.EndWidth = pdia;
							rt.StartHeight = rt.EndHeight = phei;
							double mRadius = 0.0;
							if (!paax.Dir.IsParallel(pbax.Dir))
								double ang = paax.Dir.Angle(pbax.Dir) * Math.PI / 180.0;
								rt.Angle = Math.PI - ang;
								ang /= 2.0;
								double len = paax.Pos.Distance(pbax.Pos) / 2;
								mRadius = len / Math.Sin(ang) * Math.Tan(ang);
								rt.Angle = Math.PI;
								mRadius = paax.Pos.Distance(pbax.Pos) / 2.0;
							D3Vector radiusDir = eleTrans.Multiply(GeometryUtility.ToD3VectorRef(pbax.Dir.Orthogonal(normal)));
							rt.Center = new Point(rt.StartPnt).MoveBy(radiusDir, mRadius);
							rt.Color = color;
						else if (gEle.GetElementType() == DbElementTypeInstance.LSNOUT)
							string expr = gEle.GetAsString(DbAttributeInstance.PAAX);
							AxisDir paax = EvalDirection.Eval(ele, expr);
							expr = gEle.GetAsString(DbAttributeInstance.PBAX);
							AxisDir pbax = EvalDirection.Eval(ele, expr);
							double ptdi = GetExper(gEle, DbAttributeInstance.PTDI).Eval(ele);
							double pbdi = GetExper(gEle, DbAttributeInstance.PBDI).Eval(ele);
							double ptdm = GetExper(gEle, DbAttributeInstance.PTDM).Eval(ele);
							double pbdm = GetExper(gEle, DbAttributeInstance.PBDM).Eval(ele);
							double poff = GetExper(gEle, DbAttributeInstance.POFF).Eval(ele);

							D3Vector tdir = eleTrans.Multiply(GeometryUtility.ToD3VectorRef(paax.Dir));
							D3Point pos = eleTrans.Multiply(GeometryUtility.ToD3Point(paax.Pos));
							D3Vector bdir = eleTrans.Multiply(GeometryUtility.ToD3VectorRef(pbax.Dir));
							if (pbdm < 1.0e-5 || ptdm < 1.0e-5)
								Cone cone = new Cone();
								cone.Radius = pbdm > ptdm ? pbdm / 2.0 : ptdm / 2.0;
								cone.Org = new Point(pos).MoveBy(tdir, pbdi);
								cone.Offset = new Point(bdir).Mul(poff);
								cone.Height = new Point(tdir).Mul(ptdi - pbdi);
								cone.Color = color;
								Snout snout = new Snout();
								snout.BottomRadius = pbdm / 2.0;
								snout.TopRadius = ptdm / 2.0;
								snout.Org = new Point(pos).MoveBy(tdir, pbdi);
								snout.Offset = new Point(bdir).Mul(poff);
								snout.Height = new Point(tdir).Mul(ptdi - pbdi);
								snout.Color = color;
						else if (gEle.GetElementType() == DbElementTypeInstance.SDSH)
							string expr = gEle.GetAsString(DbAttributeInstance.PAXI);
							AxisDir paxi = EvalDirection.Eval(ele, expr);
							double phei = GetExper(gEle, DbAttributeInstance.PHEI).Eval(ele);
							double pdia = GetExper(gEle, DbAttributeInstance.PDIA).Eval(ele);
							double pdis = GetExper(gEle, DbAttributeInstance.PDIS).Eval(ele);
							double prad = GetExper(gEle, DbAttributeInstance.PRAD).Eval(ele);
							D3Vector dir = eleTrans.Multiply(GeometryUtility.ToD3VectorRef(paxi.Dir));
							if (prad > 0.0)
								Ellipsoid ellipsoid = new Ellipsoid();
								ellipsoid.Center = new Point(eleTrans.Multiply(GeometryUtility.ToD3Point(paxi.Pos)))
									.MoveBy(dir, pdis);
								ellipsoid.ALen = new Point(dir).Mul(phei);
								ellipsoid.BRadius = pdia / 2.0;
								ellipsoid.Color = color;
								Sphere sphere = new Sphere();
								sphere.Center = new Point(eleTrans.Multiply(GeometryUtility.ToD3Point(paxi.Pos)))
									.MoveBy(dir, pdis);
								double bottomRadius = pdia / 2.0;
								sphere.Radius = (bottomRadius * bottomRadius + phei * phei) / 2.0 / phei;
								sphere.BottomNormal = new Point(-dir);
								double angle = Math.PI / 2.0 - Math.Asin(2.0 * bottomRadius * phei / (bottomRadius * bottomRadius + phei * phei));
								if (bottomRadius >= phei)
									sphere.Angle = Math.PI - angle * 2.0;
									sphere.Angle = Math.PI + angle * 2.0;
								sphere.Color = color;
						else if (gEle.GetElementType() == DbElementTypeInstance.LPYRAMID)
							string exper = gEle.GetAsString(DbAttributeInstance.PAAX);
							AxisDir paax = EvalDirection.Eval(ele, exper);
							exper = gEle.GetAsString(DbAttributeInstance.PBAX);
							AxisDir pbax = EvalDirection.Eval(ele, exper);
							exper = gEle.GetAsString(DbAttributeInstance.PCAX);
							AxisDir pcax = EvalDirection.Eval(ele, exper);
							double pbtp = GetExper(gEle, DbAttributeInstance.PBTP).Eval(ele);
							double pctp = GetExper(gEle, DbAttributeInstance.PCTP).Eval(ele);
							double pbbt = GetExper(gEle, DbAttributeInstance.PBBT).Eval(ele);
							double pcbt = GetExper(gEle, DbAttributeInstance.PCBT).Eval(ele);
							double pbof = GetExper(gEle, DbAttributeInstance.PBOF).Eval(ele);
							double pcof = GetExper(gEle, DbAttributeInstance.PCOF).Eval(ele);
							double ptdi = GetExper(gEle, DbAttributeInstance.PTDI).Eval(ele);
							double pbdi = GetExper(gEle, DbAttributeInstance.PBDI).Eval(ele);
							D3Vector zDir = eleTrans.Multiply(GeometryUtility.ToD3VectorRef(paax.Dir));
							D3Vector xDir = eleTrans.Multiply(GeometryUtility.ToD3VectorRef(pbax.Dir));
							D3Vector yDir = eleTrans.Multiply(GeometryUtility.ToD3VectorRef(pcax.Dir));
							D3Point org = eleTrans.Multiply(GeometryUtility.ToD3Point(paax.Pos));
							org.MoveBy(zDir * pbdi);
							double height = ptdi - pbdi;
							Pyramid pyramid = new Pyramid();
							pyramid.Org = new Point(org);
							pyramid.Height = new Point(zDir).Mul(height);
							pyramid.XAxis = new Point(xDir);
							pyramid.BottomXLen = pbbt;
							pyramid.BottomYLen = pcbt;
							pyramid.TopXLen = pbtp;
							pyramid.TopYLen = pctp;
							pyramid.Offset = new Point(xDir * pbof + yDir * pcof);
							pyramid.Color = color;
					catch (System.NullReferenceException )
					catch (System.Exception)
						System.Console.WriteLine("Ele = " + ele.GetAsString(DbAttributeInstance.NAME));
						System.Console.WriteLine("GEle = " + gEle.GetAsString(DbAttributeInstance.NAME));
				gEle = gEle.Next();
Пример #49
		private bool IsVisible(DbElement ele)
			if (ele.IsAttributeValid(DbAttributeInstance.LEVE))
				int[] level = ele.GetIntegerArray(DbAttributeInstance.LEVE);
				if (level.Length >= 2 && level[1] < 6)
					return false;
			return true;
Пример #50
 private static void PreDeleteSubscriber(DbElement ele)
Пример #51
		private bool IsReadableEle(DbElement ele)
			return ele.IsValid && !ele.IsNull && !ele.IsDeleted;
Пример #52
		private D3Transform GetTransform(DbElement ele)
			return GeometryUtility.ToD3Transform(ele.GetOrientation(DbAttributeInstance.ORI), ele.GetPosition(DbAttributeInstance.POS));
		private static AxisDir MakeMixedDirection(int num, bool isNeg, DbElement pnt, DbElement modelEle)
			Direction dir = ParseExperDir(pnt.GetAsString(DbAttributeInstance.PAXI), modelEle);
			double x = EvalDouble(pnt.GetAsString(DbAttributeInstance.PX), modelEle);
			double y = EvalDouble(pnt.GetAsString(DbAttributeInstance.PY), modelEle);
			double z = EvalDouble(pnt.GetAsString(DbAttributeInstance.PZ), modelEle);
			if (isNeg)
				dir = dir.Opposite();
			return new AxisDir(Position.Create(x, y, z), dir);
Пример #54
		private void ExportTube(DbElement tubeEle, D3Transform transform, int color)
			double ltLength = tubeEle.GetDouble(DbAttributeInstance.ITLE);
			if (ltLength <= 0.001)

			double lbore = tubeEle.GetDoubleArray(DbAttributeInstance.PARA)[1];
			D3Vector dir = null;

			DbElement prevEle = tubeEle.Previous;
			if (prevEle == null || !prevEle.IsValid)
				DbElement branchEle = tubeEle.Owner;
				dir = transform.Multiply(GeometryUtility.ToD3VectorRef(branchEle.GetDirection(DbAttributeInstance.HDIR)));
				int leave = prevEle.GetInteger(DbAttributeInstance.LEAV);
				AxisDir ptax = EvalDirection.Eval(prevEle, "P" + leave);
				if (ptax == null)

				D3Transform eleTrans = transform.Multiply(GetTransform(prevEle));
				dir = eleTrans.Multiply(GeometryUtility.ToD3VectorRef(ptax.Dir));

			D3Point pos = transform.Multiply(GeometryUtility.ToD3Point(tubeEle.GetPosition(DbAttributeInstance.ITPS)));
			pos.MoveBy(dir * (-ltLength / 2));

			Cylinder cyl = new Cylinder();
			cyl.Org = new Point(pos);
			cyl.Height = new Point(dir).Mul(ltLength);
			cyl.Radius = lbore / 2.0;
			cyl.Color = color;
		private static Direction ParseExperDir(string exper, DbElement modelEle)
			if (exper.IndexOfAny(flags) < 0 && exper.Contains("P"))
				AxisDir dir = Eval(modelEle, exper);
				return dir.Dir;

			StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
			int preIdx = 0, nextIdx;
			while ((nextIdx = exper.IndexOfAny(flags, preIdx)) >= 0)
				string item = exper.Substring(preIdx, nextIdx - preIdx).Trim();
				if (item.Length > 0)
					if (item[item.Length-1] == '-')
						item = item.Substring(0, item.Length-1).Trim();
						if (item.Length > 0)
							sb.Append(EvalDouble(item, modelEle).ToString());
						sb.Append(EvalDouble(item, modelEle).ToString());
				preIdx = nextIdx + 1;

			if (sb.Length <= 0)
			return Direction.Create(sb.ToString());
Пример #56
 private static void PostMoveSubscriber(DbElement ele, DbElement oldOwner, int oldpos)
		private static AxisDir MakePositionTypeDirection(int num, bool isNeg, DbElement pnt, DbElement modelEle)
			Direction dir = ParseExperDir(pnt.GetAsString(DbAttributeInstance.PTCD), modelEle);
			AxisDir pos = Eval(modelEle, pnt.GetAsString(DbAttributeInstance.PTCPOS));
			if (isNeg)
				dir = dir.Opposite();
			return new AxisDir(pos.Pos, dir);
Пример #58
		private void ExportBranch(DbElement branchEle, D3Transform transform, int color)
			int curCol = GetColor(branchEle, color);
			DbElement ele = branchEle.FirstMember();
			while (ele != null && ele.IsValid)
				if (IsReadableEle(ele))
					ExportPipeItem(ele, transform, curCol);
				ele = ele.Next();
Пример #59
		private bool IsSupportedDesignGeometryEle(DbElement ele)
			DbElementType type = ele.GetElementType();
			return type == DbElementTypeInstance.CYLINDER
				|| type == DbElementTypeInstance.BOX
				|| type == DbElementTypeInstance.DISH
				|| type == DbElementTypeInstance.CONE
				|| type == DbElementTypeInstance.PYRAMID
Пример #60
		private void ExportDesignGeomotry(DbElement ele, D3Transform currTrans, int color)
			if (ele.GetElementType() == DbElementTypeInstance.CYLINDER)
				D3Transform eleTrans = currTrans.Multiply(GetTransform(ele));
				Cylinder cyl = new Cylinder();
				cyl.Height = new Point(eleTrans.Multiply(D3Vector.D3UP))
				cyl.Org = new Point(eleTrans.Multiply(GeometryUtility.Org)).MoveBy(cyl.Height, -0.5);
				cyl.Radius = ele.GetDouble(DbAttributeInstance.DIAM) / 2.0;
				cyl.Color = color;
			else if (ele.GetElementType() == DbElementTypeInstance.BOX)
				D3Transform eleTrans = currTrans.Multiply(GetTransform(ele));
				double xlen = ele.GetDouble(DbAttributeInstance.XLEN);
				double ylen = ele.GetDouble(DbAttributeInstance.YLEN);
				double zlen = ele.GetDouble(DbAttributeInstance.ZLEN);

				Box box = new Box();
				box.XLen = new Point(eleTrans.Multiply(D3Vector.D3EAST)).Mul(xlen);
				box.YLen = new Point(eleTrans.Multiply(D3Vector.D3NORTH)).Mul(ylen);
				box.ZLen = new Point(eleTrans.Multiply(D3Vector.D3UP)).Mul(zlen);
				box.Org = new Point(eleTrans.Multiply(GeometryUtility.Org))
					.MoveBy(box.XLen, -0.5).MoveBy(box.YLen, -0.5).MoveBy(box.ZLen, -0.5);
				box.Color = color;
			else if (ele.GetElementType() == DbElementTypeInstance.DISH)
				D3Transform eleTrans = currTrans.Multiply(GetTransform(ele));

				D3Vector normal = eleTrans.Multiply(D3Vector.D3UP);
				double h = ele.GetDouble(DbAttributeInstance.HEIG);
				double bottomRadius = ele.GetDouble(DbAttributeInstance.DIAM) / 2.0;
				if (ele.GetDouble(DbAttributeInstance.RADI) > 0.0)
					Ellipsoid ellipsoid = new Ellipsoid();
					ellipsoid.Center = new Point(eleTrans.Multiply(GeometryUtility.Org));
					ellipsoid.ALen = new Point(normal).Mul(ele.GetDouble(DbAttributeInstance.HEIG));
					ellipsoid.BRadius = bottomRadius;
					ellipsoid.Color = color;
					Sphere sphere = new Sphere();
					sphere.Center = new Point(eleTrans.Multiply(GeometryUtility.Org));
					sphere.BottomNormal = new Point(-normal);
					sphere.Radius = (bottomRadius * bottomRadius + h * h) / 2.0 / h;
					sphere.Angle = Math.PI / 2.0 - Math.Asin(2.0 * bottomRadius * h / (bottomRadius * bottomRadius + h * h));
					if (bottomRadius >= h)
						sphere.Angle = Math.PI - sphere.Angle * 2.0;
						sphere.Angle = Math.PI + sphere.Angle * 2.0;
					sphere.Color = color;
			else if (ele.GetElementType() == DbElementTypeInstance.CONE)
				D3Transform eleTrans = currTrans.Multiply(GetTransform(ele));
				D3Point pos = eleTrans.Multiply(GeometryUtility.Org);
				D3Vector dir = eleTrans.Multiply(D3Vector.D3UP);
				double height = ele.GetDouble(DbAttributeInstance.HEIG);

				double topRadius = ele.GetDouble(DbAttributeInstance.DTOP) / 2.0;
				double bottomRadius = ele.GetDouble(DbAttributeInstance.DBOT) / 2.0;
				if (topRadius < 1.0e-5 || bottomRadius < 1.0e-5)
					Cone cone = new Cone();
					cone.Org = new Point(pos).MoveBy(dir, -height / 2.0);
					cone.Height = new Point(dir)
					cone.Offset = new Point();
					cone.Radius = topRadius > bottomRadius ? topRadius : bottomRadius;
					cone.Color = color;
					Snout snout = new Snout();
					snout.Org = new Point(pos).MoveBy(dir, -height / 2.0);
					snout.Height = new Point(dir)
					snout.Offset = new Point();
					snout.TopRadius = topRadius;
					snout.BottomRadius = bottomRadius;
					snout.Color = color;
			else if (ele.GetElementType() == DbElementTypeInstance.PYRAMID)
				D3Transform eleTrans = currTrans.Multiply(GetTransform(ele));
				D3Point pos = eleTrans.Multiply(GeometryUtility.Org);
				D3Vector zDir = eleTrans.Multiply(D3Vector.D3UP);
				D3Vector xDir = eleTrans.Multiply(D3Vector.D3EAST);
				D3Vector yDir = eleTrans.Multiply(D3Vector.D3NORTH);
				double height = ele.GetDouble(DbAttributeInstance.HEIG);
				double xBottom = ele.GetDouble(DbAttributeInstance.XBOT);
				double yBottom = ele.GetDouble(DbAttributeInstance.YBOT);
				double xTop = ele.GetDouble(DbAttributeInstance.XTOP);
				double yTop = ele.GetDouble(DbAttributeInstance.YTOP);
				double xOffset = ele.GetDouble(DbAttributeInstance.XOFF);
				double yOffset = ele.GetDouble(DbAttributeInstance.YOFF);

				Pyramid pyramid = new Pyramid();
				pyramid.Org = new Point(pos).MoveBy(zDir, -height / 2.0);
				pyramid.Height = new Point(zDir).Mul(height);
				pyramid.XAxis = new Point(xDir);
				pyramid.Offset = new Point().MoveBy(xDir, xOffset).MoveBy(yDir, yOffset);
				pyramid.BottomXLen = xBottom;
				pyramid.BottomYLen = yBottom;
				pyramid.TopXLen = xTop;
				pyramid.TopYLen = yTop;
				pyramid.Color = color;