private void OnNewEntityRequest(Cv_Event eventData) { Cv_Debug.Assert(IsProxy, "Should only enter RequestNewEntityCallback when game logic is a proxy."); if (!IsProxy) { return; } Cv_Event_RequestNewEntity data = (Cv_Event_RequestNewEntity)eventData; var bundle = data.EntityResourceBundle; if (data.EntityResource != null) { CreateEntity(data.EntityResource, data.EntityName, bundle, data.Visible, data.Parent, null, data.InitialTransform, data.SceneID, data.ServerEntityID); } else { CreateEmptyEntity(data.EntityName, bundle, data.Visible, data.Parent, null, data.InitialTransform, data.SceneID, data.ServerEntityID); } }
internal Cv_Entity InstantiateNewEntity(bool isSceneRoot, string entityTypeResource, string name, string resourceBundle, bool visible, Cv_EntityID parentID, XmlElement overrides, Cv_Transform?transform, Cv_SceneID sceneID, Cv_EntityID serverEntityID) { if (!CanCreateEntity(name, serverEntityID)) { return(null); } var scene = sceneID == Cv_SceneID.INVALID_SCENE ? m_SceneManager.MainScene : sceneID; var sceneName = m_SceneManager.GetSceneName(scene); Cv_Debug.Assert(sceneName != null, "Trying to add an entity to an invalid scene [" + scene + ", " + name + "]"); var path = "/" + name; if (isSceneRoot) //Scene roots are named after the scene id { path = "/" + sceneName; name = sceneName; } if (parentID == Cv_EntityID.INVALID_ENTITY) { if (!isSceneRoot) { var sceneRoot = m_SceneManager.GetSceneRoot(scene); path = sceneRoot.EntityPath + path; Cv_Debug.Assert(sceneRoot != null, "Trying to add an entity to an invalid scene [" + scene + ", " + name + "]"); parentID = sceneRoot.ID; } } else { var parent = GetEntity(parentID); if (parent == null) { Cv_Debug.Warning("Attempting to add an entity to a parent that doesn't exist."); return(null); } if (parent.SceneID != scene && !isSceneRoot) { scene = parent.SceneID; sceneName = parent.SceneName; Cv_Debug.Warning("Attempting to add an entity of a scene to a parent that is not of the same scene [" + scene + ", " + name + "]. Adding to parent scene instead."); } path = parent.EntityPath + path; } Cv_Debug.Assert(!EntitiesByPath.ContainsKey(path), "All entities with the same parent must have a unique ID. Trying to add repeated entity [" + scene + ", " + name + "]"); Cv_Entity entity = null; if (entityTypeResource != null) { entity = m_EntityFactory.CreateEntity(entityTypeResource, parentID, serverEntityID, resourceBundle, scene, sceneName); } else { entity = m_EntityFactory.CreateEmptyEntity(parentID, serverEntityID, resourceBundle, scene, sceneName); } if (entity != null) { entity.EntityName = name; entity.EntityPath = path; entity.Visible = visible; entity.SceneRoot = isSceneRoot; m_EntitiesToAdd.Enqueue(entity); lock (Entities) { Entities.Add(entity.ID, entity); EntitiesByPath.Add(entity.EntityPath, entity); } if (overrides != null) { m_EntityFactory.ModifyEntity(entity, overrides.SelectNodes("./*[not(self::Entity|self::Scene)]")); } var tranformComponent = entity.GetComponent <Cv_TransformComponent>(); if (tranformComponent != null && transform != null) { tranformComponent.Transform = transform.Value; } LastEntityID = entity.ID; entity.PostInitialize(); if (!IsProxy && State == Cv_GameState.Running) { var requestNewEntityEvent = new Cv_Event_RequestNewEntity(null, scene, sceneName, entity.EntityName, resourceBundle, visible, parentID, transform, entity.ID); Cv_EventManager.Instance.TriggerEvent(requestNewEntityEvent); } var newEntityEvent = new Cv_Event_NewEntity(entity.ID, this); Cv_EventManager.Instance.TriggerEvent(newEntityEvent); return(entity); } Cv_Debug.Error("Could not create entity with resource [" + resourceBundle + "]."); return(null); }