public static void SaveReg(HardwareRegisterSet registers, string pOutFolder, CortexCore core) { registers.UserFriendlyName = "ARM Cortex " + (core.ToString().Replace("Plus", "+")); string outputFile = $@"{pOutFolder}\core_{core}.xml"; Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.GetDirectoryName(outputFile)); XmlTools.SaveObject(registers, outputFile); }
static public void SaveReg(HardwareRegisterSet registers, string pOutFolder, CortexCore core) { registers.UserFriendlyName = "ARM Cortex " + (core.ToString().Replace("Plus", "+")); string outputFile = $@"{pOutFolder}\core_{core}.xml"; Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.GetDirectoryName(outputFile)); XmlTools.SaveObject(registers, outputFile); }
public ParsedMCU(XmlElement n, string familyDir, DeviceMemoryDatabase db, string[] cores, int coreIndex) { Name = n.GetAttribute("Name"); RefName = n.GetAttribute("RefName"); RPN = n.GetAttribute("RPN"); const string prefix = "Arm Cortex-"; if (!cores[coreIndex].StartsWith(prefix, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { throw new Exception("Unknown core: " + cores[coreIndex]); } string shortCore = cores[coreIndex].Substring(prefix.Length); Core = ParseCore(shortCore); if (cores.Length > 1) { CoreSuffix = shortCore.Replace('+', 'p'); if (coreIndex > 0) { //Secondary core uses a special name. Name += "_" + CoreSuffix; RPN += "_" + CoreSuffix; } } else { CoreSuffix = null; } Memories = db.LookupMemories(RPN, RefName, CoreSuffix, out LinkerScripts, out Define, out string fpu); FPU = ParseFPU(fpu); if (cores.Length > 1 && coreIndex > 0 && Core == CortexCore.M4) { FPU = FPUType.SP; } //RAMs = mcuDef.SelectNodes("mcu:Ram", nsmgr2).OfType<XmlElement>().Select(n2 => int.Parse(n2.InnerText)).ToArray(); RAMs = n.SelectNodes("Ram").OfType <XmlElement>().Select(n2 => int.Parse(n2.InnerText)).ToArray(); if (RAMs.Length < 1) { throw new Exception("No RAMs defined for " + Name); } var flash = n.SelectNodes("Flash").OfType <XmlElement>().Select(n2 => int.Parse(n2.InnerText)).ToArray(); if (flash.Length != 1) { throw new Exception("Multiple or missing FLASH definitions of " + Name); } FLASH = flash[0]; }
private void Window_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { PreviewService.previewSetup(); CortexCore.DecoderSetup(); if (ConnectionService.ConnectCamera()) { PreviewService.startPreview(previewFPS.HIGH); } }
public NordicMCUBuilder(string name, int flashKB, int ramKB, CortexCore core, bool fpu, string defaultSoftdevice, string defaultBoard) { Name = name; FlashSize = flashKB * 1024; RAMSize = ramKB * 1024; Core = core; FPU = fpu ? FPUType.SP : FPUType.None; DefaultSoftdevice = defaultSoftdevice; StartupFile = "$$SYS:BSP_ROOT$$/nRF5x/modules/nrfx/mdk/gcc_startup_nrf$$com.sysprogs.bspoptions.nrf5x.mcu.basename$$.S"; }
public ParsedMCU(XmlElement n, string familyDir, DeviceMemoryDatabase db) { Name = n.GetAttribute("Name"); RefName = n.GetAttribute("RefName"); RPN = n.GetAttribute("RPN"); //var mcuDef = LoadMCUDefinition(familyDir, Name); //var nsmgr2 = new XmlNamespaceManager(mcuDef.OwnerDocument.NameTable); //nsmgr2.AddNamespace("mcu", ""); var core = n.SelectSingleNode("Core").InnerText; switch (core) { case "ARM Cortex-M0": Core = CortexCore.M0; break; case "ARM Cortex-M0+": Core = CortexCore.M0Plus; break; case "ARM Cortex-M3": Core = CortexCore.M3; break; case "ARM Cortex-M4": Core = CortexCore.M4; break; case "ARM Cortex-M7": Core = CortexCore.M7; break; default: throw new Exception("Don't know how to map core: " + core); } Memories = db.LookupMemories(RPN, RefName); //RAMs = mcuDef.SelectNodes("mcu:Ram", nsmgr2).OfType<XmlElement>().Select(n2 => int.Parse(n2.InnerText)).ToArray(); RAMs = n.SelectNodes("Ram").OfType <XmlElement>().Select(n2 => int.Parse(n2.InnerText)).ToArray(); if (RAMs.Length < 1) { throw new Exception("No RAMs defined for " + Name); } var flash = n.SelectNodes("Flash").OfType <XmlElement>().Select(n2 => int.Parse(n2.InnerText)).ToArray(); if (flash.Length != 1) { throw new Exception("Multiple or missing FLASH definitions of " + Name); } FLASH = flash[0]; }
private void Btn_scanOnce_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { PreviewService.stopPreview(); CortexCore.Decode_async(PreviewService.imgOriginal.ToBitmap()); //PreviewService.imgOriginal.Draw(CortexCore.BondRec, new Bgr(0, 0, 255), 3); //if (mMessageBox.Show("" + CortexCore.ResultString) == mDialogResult.yes) //{ // PreviewService.startPreview(previewFPS.HIGH); // CortexCore.mCortexDecoder.ResetResult(); //} }
public static void AddCoreSpecificFlags(CoreSpecificFlags flagsToDefine, MCUFamily family, string core) { CortexCore translatedCore = core switch { "cm0plus" => CortexCore.M0Plus, "cm0" => CortexCore.M0, "cm3" => CortexCore.M3, "cm33" => CortexCore.M33_FPU, "cm33_nodsp" => CortexCore.M33, "cm4" => CortexCore.M4, "cm7" => CortexCore.M7, _ => CortexCore.Invalid }; AddCoreSpecificFlags(flagsToDefine, family, translatedCore); } }
static public void SaveReg(HardwareRegisterSet registers, string pOutFolder, CortexCore core, bool extendNVICRegisters) { if (extendNVICRegisters) { var lst = registers.Registers.ToList(); Regex rgName = new Regex("NVIC_(.*)3"); for (int i = 0; i < lst.Count; i++) { var m = rgName.Match(lst[i].Name); if (m.Success) { if (lst[i - 1].Name != lst[i].Name.Replace("3", "2")) { continue; } if (lst[i + 1].Name == lst[i].Name.Replace("3", "4")) { continue; } else { var originalReg = lst[i]; ulong address = TryParseMaybeHex(originalReg.Address).Value; ulong increment = TryParseMaybeHex(lst[i].Address).Value - TryParseMaybeHex(lst[i - 1].Address).Value; for (int j = 4; j < 8; j++) { var reg = XmlTools.LoadObjectFromString <HardwareRegister>(XmlTools.SaveObjectToString(originalReg)); reg.Name = $"NVIC_{m.Groups[1].Value}{j}"; address += increment; reg.Address = $"0x{address:x8}"; lst.Insert(++i, reg); } } } } registers.Registers = lst.ToArray(); } registers.UserFriendlyName = "ARM Cortex " + (core.ToString().Replace("Plus", "+")); string outputFile = $@"{pOutFolder}\core_{core}.xml"; Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.GetDirectoryName(outputFile)); XmlTools.SaveObject(registers, outputFile); }
private static void previewRoutine_doWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) { IsCapturing = true; previewFPS FPS = (previewFPS)e.Argument; while (!previewRoutine.CancellationPending) { if (ConnectionService.mCamera == null) { previewRoutine.CancelAsync(); return; } imgOriginal = ConnectionService.Capture(); if (MainWindow.main.DecodeSwitch) { CortexCore.Decode(imgOriginal.ToBitmap()); } previewRoutine.ReportProgress(0); Thread.Sleep(1000 / (int)FPS); } }
internal static void AddCoreSpecificFlags(bool defineConfigurationVariables, MCUFamily family, CortexCore core) { string coreName = null; switch (core) { case CortexCore.M0: family.CompilationFlags.COMMONFLAGS = "-mcpu=cortex-m0 -mthumb"; family.CompilationFlags.PreprocessorMacros = new string[] { "ARM_MATH_CM0" }; coreName = "M0"; break; case CortexCore.M0Plus: family.CompilationFlags.COMMONFLAGS = "-mcpu=cortex-m0plus -mthumb"; family.CompilationFlags.PreprocessorMacros = new string[] { "ARM_MATH_CM0PLUS" }; coreName = "M0"; break; case CortexCore.M3: family.CompilationFlags.COMMONFLAGS = "-mcpu=cortex-m3 -mthumb"; family.CompilationFlags.PreprocessorMacros = new string[] { "ARM_MATH_CM3" }; coreName = "M3"; break; case CortexCore.M4: family.CompilationFlags.COMMONFLAGS = "-mcpu=cortex-m4 -mthumb"; family.CompilationFlags.PreprocessorMacros = new string[] { "ARM_MATH_CM4" }; family.CompilationFlags.ASFLAGS = "-mfpu=fpv4-sp-d16"; coreName = "M4"; break; case CortexCore.M7: family.CompilationFlags.COMMONFLAGS = "-mcpu=cortex-m7 -mthumb"; family.CompilationFlags.PreprocessorMacros = new string[] { "ARM_MATH_CM7" }; coreName = "M7"; break; default: throw new Exception("Unsupported core type"); } if (defineConfigurationVariables) { if (core == CortexCore.M0) { family.AdditionalSystemVars = new SysVarEntry[] { new SysVarEntry { Key = PrimaryMemoryOptionName, Value = "flash" } } } ; else { family.ConfigurableProperties = new PropertyList { PropertyGroups = new List <PropertyGroup> { new PropertyGroup { Properties = new List <PropertyEntry> { new PropertyEntry.Enumerated { Name = "Execute from", UniqueID = PrimaryMemoryOptionName, SuggestionList = new PropertyEntry.Enumerated.Suggestion[] { new PropertyEntry.Enumerated.Suggestion { InternalValue = "flash", UserFriendlyName = "FLASH" }, new PropertyEntry.Enumerated.Suggestion { InternalValue = "sram", UserFriendlyName = "SRAM" }, } } } } } }; if (core == CortexCore.M4 || core == CortexCore.M7) { family.ConfigurableProperties.PropertyGroups[0].Properties.Add( new PropertyEntry.Enumerated { Name = "Floating point support", UniqueID = "com.sysprogs.bspoptions.arm.floatmode", SuggestionList = new PropertyEntry.Enumerated.Suggestion[] { new PropertyEntry.Enumerated.Suggestion { InternalValue = "-mfloat-abi=soft", UserFriendlyName = "Software" }, new PropertyEntry.Enumerated.Suggestion { InternalValue = "-mfloat-abi=hard", UserFriendlyName = "Hardware" }, new PropertyEntry.Enumerated.Suggestion { InternalValue = "", UserFriendlyName = "Unspecified" }, } }); family.CompilationFlags.COMMONFLAGS += " $$com.sysprogs.bspoptions.arm.floatmode$$"; } } if (coreName != null) { family.AdditionalSystemVars = LoadedBSP.Combine(family.AdditionalSystemVars, new SysVarEntry[] { new SysVarEntry { Key = "com.sysprogs.bspoptions.arm.core", Value = coreName } }); } } }
internal static void AddCoreSpecificFlags(bool defineConfigurationVariables, MCUFamily family, CortexCore core) { string coreName = null; switch (core) { case CortexCore.M0: family.CompilationFlags.COMMONFLAGS = "-mcpu=cortex-m0 -mthumb"; family.CompilationFlags.PreprocessorMacros = new string[] { "ARM_MATH_CM0" }; coreName = "M0"; break; case CortexCore.M0Plus: family.CompilationFlags.COMMONFLAGS = "-mcpu=cortex-m0plus -mthumb"; family.CompilationFlags.PreprocessorMacros = new string[] { "ARM_MATH_CM0PLUS" }; coreName = "M0"; break; case CortexCore.M3: family.CompilationFlags.COMMONFLAGS = "-mcpu=cortex-m3 -mthumb"; family.CompilationFlags.PreprocessorMacros = new string[] { "ARM_MATH_CM3" }; coreName = "M3"; break; case CortexCore.M4: family.CompilationFlags.COMMONFLAGS = "-mcpu=cortex-m4 -mthumb"; family.CompilationFlags.PreprocessorMacros = new string[] { "ARM_MATH_CM4" }; family.CompilationFlags.ASFLAGS = "-mfpu=fpv4-sp-d16"; coreName = "M4"; break; case CortexCore.M7: family.CompilationFlags.COMMONFLAGS = "-mcpu=cortex-m7 -mthumb"; family.CompilationFlags.PreprocessorMacros = new string[] { "ARM_MATH_CM7" }; coreName = "M7"; break; default: throw new Exception("Unsupported core type"); } if (defineConfigurationVariables) { if (core != CortexCore.M0) { family.ConfigurableProperties = new PropertyList { PropertyGroups = new List<PropertyGroup> { new PropertyGroup { Properties = new List<PropertyEntry> { } } } }; if (core == CortexCore.M4 || core == CortexCore.M7) { family.ConfigurableProperties.PropertyGroups[0].Properties.Add( new PropertyEntry.Enumerated { Name = "Floating point support", UniqueID = "com.sysprogs.bspoptions.arm.floatmode", SuggestionList = new PropertyEntry.Enumerated.Suggestion[] { new PropertyEntry.Enumerated.Suggestion{InternalValue = "-mfloat-abi=soft", UserFriendlyName = "Software"}, new PropertyEntry.Enumerated.Suggestion{InternalValue = "-mfloat-abi=hard", UserFriendlyName = "Hardware"}, new PropertyEntry.Enumerated.Suggestion{InternalValue = "", UserFriendlyName = "Unspecified"}, } }); family.CompilationFlags.COMMONFLAGS += " $$com.sysprogs.bspoptions.arm.floatmode$$"; } } if (coreName != null) family.AdditionalSystemVars = LoadedBSP.Combine(family.AdditionalSystemVars, new SysVarEntry[] { new SysVarEntry { Key = "com.sysprogs.bspoptions.arm.core", Value = coreName } }); } }
internal static void AddCoreSpecificFlags(CoreSpecificFlags flagsToDefine, MCUFamily family, CortexCore core) { //WARNING: If the proper string coreName = null, freertosPort = null; switch (core) { case CortexCore.M0: family.CompilationFlags.COMMONFLAGS = "-mcpu=cortex-m0 -mthumb"; family.CompilationFlags.PreprocessorMacros = new string[] { "ARM_MATH_CM0" }; freertosPort = "ARM_CM0"; coreName = "M0"; break; case CortexCore.M0Plus: family.CompilationFlags.COMMONFLAGS = "-mcpu=cortex-m0plus -mthumb"; family.CompilationFlags.PreprocessorMacros = new string[] { "ARM_MATH_CM0PLUS" }; freertosPort = "ARM_CM0"; coreName = "M0"; break; case CortexCore.M3: family.CompilationFlags.COMMONFLAGS = "-mcpu=cortex-m3 -mthumb"; family.CompilationFlags.PreprocessorMacros = new string[] { "ARM_MATH_CM3" }; coreName = "M3"; freertosPort = "ARM_CM3"; break; case CortexCore.M33: family.CompilationFlags.COMMONFLAGS = "-mcpu=cortex-m33 -mthumb"; family.CompilationFlags.PreprocessorMacros = new string[] { "ARM_MATH_CM33" }; coreName = "M33"; freertosPort = "ARM_CM33_NTZ/non_secure"; break; case CortexCore.M33_FPU: family.CompilationFlags.COMMONFLAGS = "-mcpu=cortex-m33 -mthumb -mfpu=fpv5-sp-d16"; family.CompilationFlags.PreprocessorMacros = new string[] { "ARM_MATH_CM33" }; coreName = "M33"; freertosPort = "ARM_CM33_NTZ/non_secure"; break; case CortexCore.M4: family.CompilationFlags.COMMONFLAGS = "-mcpu=cortex-m4 -mthumb -mfpu=fpv4-sp-d16"; family.CompilationFlags.PreprocessorMacros = new string[] { "ARM_MATH_CM4" }; freertosPort = "ARM_CM4F"; coreName = "M4"; break; case CortexCore.M4_NOFPU: family.CompilationFlags.COMMONFLAGS = "-mcpu=cortex-m4 -mthumb"; family.CompilationFlags.PreprocessorMacros = new string[] { "ARM_MATH_CM4" }; coreName = "M4"; freertosPort = "ARM_CM3"; break; case CortexCore.M7: family.CompilationFlags.COMMONFLAGS = "-mcpu=cortex-m7 -mthumb -mfpu=fpv4-sp-d16"; family.CompilationFlags.PreprocessorMacros = new string[] { "ARM_MATH_CM7" }; coreName = "M7"; freertosPort = "ARM_CM7/r0p1"; break; case CortexCore.R5F: family.CompilationFlags.COMMONFLAGS = "-mcpu=cortex-r5 -mfpu=vfpv3-d16 -mthumb"; family.CompilationFlags.PreprocessorMacros = new string[] { "ARM_MATH_CR5" }; break; default: return; } if ((flagsToDefine & CoreSpecificFlags.FPU) == CoreSpecificFlags.FPU) { if (core == CortexCore.M4 || core == CortexCore.M7 || core == CortexCore.R5F || core == CortexCore.M33_FPU) { AddFPModeProperty(flagsToDefine, family); } } List <SysVarEntry> vars = new List <SysVarEntry>(); if (coreName != null) { vars.Add(new SysVarEntry { Key = "com.sysprogs.bspoptions.arm.core", Value = coreName }); } if (freertosPort != null) { vars.Add(new SysVarEntry { Key = "com.sysprogs.freertos.default_port", Value = freertosPort }); } if (vars.Count > 0) { family.AdditionalSystemVars = LoadedBSP.Combine(family.AdditionalSystemVars, vars.ToArray()); } }
public static HardwareRegisterSet[] GeneratePeripheralRegisterDefinitionsFromHeaderFile(string peripheralHeaderFile, CortexCore core, ParseReportWriter reportWriter) { using (var handle = reportWriter.BeginParsingFile(peripheralHeaderFile)) { var parser = new HeaderFileParser(peripheralHeaderFile, handle); var parsedFile = parser.ParseHeaderFile(); if (core == CortexCore.M4 && parsedFile.PreprocessorMacros.TryGetValue("HSEM_COMMON", out var hsem)) { /* * This is the only relevant use of #ifdef in the STM32 headers: * #if defined(CORE_CM4) #define HSEM_COMMON ((HSEM_Common_TypeDef *) (HSEM_BASE + 0x110UL)) #else #define HSEM_COMMON ((HSEM_Common_TypeDef *) (HSEM_BASE + 0x100UL)) #endif * * Currently, instead of fully parsing it, we just patch it manually for the M4 core. */ for (int i = 0; i < hsem.Value.Length; i++) { if (hsem.Value[i].Value == "0x100UL") { hsem.Value[i].Value = "0x110UL"; } } } var peripherals = LocateStructsReferencedInBaseExpressions(parsedFile); var subregisterParser = new PeripheralSubregisterParser(handle); subregisterParser.AttachSubregisterDefinitions(parsedFile, peripherals); List <HardwareRegisterSet> sets = new List <HardwareRegisterSet>(); string coreFile = $@"../../../CoreReg/OutCorexx/core_{core}.xml"; if (core != CortexCore.Invalid) { if (!File.Exists(coreFile)) { throw new Exception("Unknown ARM core: " + core); } sets.Add(XmlTools.LoadObject <HardwareRegisterSet>(coreFile)); } foreach (var peripheral in peripherals) { sets.Add(new HardwareRegisterSet { Registers = peripheral.Registers.Select(r => r.ToHardwareRegister(peripheral)).ToArray(), UserFriendlyName = peripheral.Name, ExpressionPrefix = peripheral.Name + "->", }); } return(sets.ToArray()); } }