Пример #1
        internal void assemblePage(int nCell, byte[] apCell, int[] aSize)
            Debug.Assert(this.NOverflows == 0);
            Debug.Assert(nCell >= 0 && nCell <= (int)Btree.MX_CELL(this.Shared) && (int)Btree.MX_CELL(this.Shared) <= 10921);
            // Check that the page has just been zeroed by zeroPage()
            Debug.Assert(this.Cells == 0);
            var data    = this.Data;                   // Pointer to data for pPage
            int hdr     = this.HeaderOffset;           // Offset of header on pPage
            var nUsable = (int)this.Shared.UsableSize; // Usable size of page

            Debug.Assert(ConvertEx.Get2nz(data, hdr + 5) == nUsable);
            var pCellptr = this.CellOffset + nCell * 2; // Address of next cell pointer
            var cellbody = nUsable;                     // Address of next cell body

            for (var i = nCell - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                var sz = (ushort)aSize[i];
                pCellptr -= 2;
                cellbody -= sz;
                ConvertEx.Put2(data, pCellptr, cellbody);
                Buffer.BlockCopy(apCell, 0, data, cellbody, sz);
            ConvertEx.Put2(data, hdr + 3, nCell);
            ConvertEx.Put2(data, hdr + 5, cellbody);
            this.FreeBytes -= (ushort)(nCell * 2 + nUsable - cellbody);
            this.Cells      = (ushort)nCell;
Пример #2
        internal RC allocateSpace(int nByte, ref int pIdx)
            var hdr  = this.HeaderOffset;
            var data = this.Data;

            Debug.Assert(this.Shared != null);
            Debug.Assert(nByte >= 0);  // Minimum cell size is 4
            Debug.Assert(this.FreeBytes >= nByte);
            Debug.Assert(this.NOverflows == 0);
            var usableSize = this.Shared.UsableSize; // Usable size of the page

            Debug.Assert(nByte < usableSize - 8);
            var nFrag = data[hdr + 7]; // Number of fragmented bytes on pPage

            Debug.Assert(this.CellOffset == hdr + 12 - 4 * this.Leaf);
            var gap = this.CellOffset + 2 * this.Cells; // First byte of gap between cell pointers and cell content
            var top = ConvertEx.Get2nz(data, hdr + 5);  // First byte of cell content area

            if (gap > top)
            if (nFrag >= 60)
                // Always defragment highly fragmented pages
                var rc = defragmentPage();
                if (rc != RC.OK)
                top = ConvertEx.Get2nz(data, hdr + 5);
            else if (gap + 2 <= top)
                // Search the freelist looking for a free slot big enough to satisfy the request. The allocation is made from the first free slot in
                // the list that is large enough to accomadate it.
                int pc;
                for (var addr = hdr + 1; (pc = ConvertEx.Get2(data, addr)) > 0; addr = pc)
                    if (pc > usableSize - 4 || pc < addr + 4)
                    var size = ConvertEx.Get2(data, pc + 2); // Size of free slot
                    if (size >= nByte)
                        var x = size - nByte;
                        if (x < 4)
                            // Remove the slot from the free-list. Update the number of fragmented bytes within the page.
                            data[addr + 0] = data[pc + 0];
                            data[addr + 1] = data[pc + 1];
                            data[hdr + 7]  = (byte)(nFrag + x);
                        else if (size + pc > usableSize)
                            // The slot remains on the free-list. Reduce its size to account for the portion used by the new allocation.
                            ConvertEx.Put2(data, pc + 2, x);
                        pIdx = pc + x;
            // Check to make sure there is enough space in the gap to satisfy the allocation.  If not, defragment.
            if (gap + 2 + nByte > top)
                var rc = defragmentPage();
                if (rc != RC.OK)
                top = ConvertEx.Get2nz(data, hdr + 5);
                Debug.Assert(gap + nByte <= top);
            // Allocate memory from the gap in between the cell pointer array and the cell content area.  The btreeInitPage() call has already
            // validated the freelist.  Given that the freelist is valid, there is no way that the allocation can extend off the end of the page.
            // The Debug.Assert() below verifies the previous sentence.
            top -= nByte;
            ConvertEx.Put2(data, hdr + 5, top);
            Debug.Assert(top + nByte <= (int)this.Shared.UsableSize);
            pIdx = top;
Пример #3
        internal RC btreeInitPage()
            Debug.Assert(this.Shared != null);
            Debug.Assert(this.ID == Pager.GetPageID(this.DbPage));
            Debug.Assert(this == Pager.sqlite3PagerGetExtra <MemPage>(this.DbPage));
            Debug.Assert(this.Data == Pager.sqlite3PagerGetData(this.DbPage));
            if (!this.HasInit)
                var pBt  = this.Shared;       // The main btree structure
                var hdr  = this.HeaderOffset; // Offset to beginning of page header
                var data = this.Data;
                if (decodeFlags(data[hdr]) != 0)
                Debug.Assert(pBt.PageSize >= 512 && pBt.PageSize <= 65536);
                this.MaskPage   = (ushort)(pBt.PageSize - 1);
                this.NOverflows = 0;
                var    usableSize = (int)pBt.UsableSize;   // Amount of usable space on each page
                ushort cellOffset;                         // Offset from start of page to first cell pointer
                this.CellOffset = (cellOffset = (ushort)(hdr + 12 - 4 * this.Leaf));
                var top = ConvertEx.Get2nz(data, hdr + 5); // First byte of the cell content area
                this.Cells = (ushort)(ConvertEx.Get2(data, hdr + 3));
                if (this.Cells > Btree.MX_CELL(pBt))
                    // To many cells for a single page.  The page must be corrupt
                // A malformed database page might cause us to read past the end of page when parsing a cell.
                // The following block of code checks early to see if a cell extends past the end of a page boundary and causes SQLITE_CORRUPT to be
                // returned if it does.
                var iCellFirst = cellOffset + 2 * this.Cells; // First allowable cell or freeblock offset
                var iCellLast  = usableSize - 4;              // Last possible cell or freeblock offset
                if (pPage.leaf == 0)
                for (var i = 0; i < pPage.nCell; i++)
                    pc = (ushort)ConvertEx.get2byte(data, cellOffset + i * 2);
                    if (pc < iCellFirst || pc > iCellLast)
                    var sz = cellSizePtr(pPage, data, pc);
                    if (pc + sz > usableSize)
                if (pPage.leaf == 0)
                // Compute the total free space on the page
                var pc    = (ushort)ConvertEx.Get2(data, hdr + 1); // Address of a freeblock within pPage.aData[]
                var nFree = (ushort)(data[hdr + 7] + top);         // Number of unused bytes on the page
                while (pc > 0)
                    if (pc < iCellFirst || pc > iCellLast)
                        // Start of free block is off the page
                    var next = (ushort)ConvertEx.Get2(data, pc);
                    var size = (ushort)ConvertEx.Get2(data, pc + 2);
                    if ((next > 0 && next <= pc + size + 3) || pc + size > usableSize)
                        // Free blocks must be in ascending order. And the last byte of the free-block must lie on the database page.
                    nFree = (ushort)(nFree + size);
                    pc    = next;
                // At this point, nFree contains the sum of the offset to the start of the cell-content area plus the number of free bytes within
                // the cell-content area. If this is greater than the usable-size of the page, then the page must be corrupted. This check also
                // serves to verify that the offset to the start of the cell-content area, according to the page header, lies within the page.
                if (nFree > usableSize)
                this.FreeBytes = (ushort)(nFree - iCellFirst);
                this.HasInit   = true;