Пример #1
        public void SetAgentPositions(ComponentDataArray <Position> positions)
            for (int i = 0; i < positions.Length; i++)
                xSorted[i] = new AgentPosition()
                    index    = i,
                    position = positions[i].Value

            xSorted.Sort(new XComparer());
            ySorted.Sort(new YComparer());
            zSorted.Sort(new ZComparer());
            for (var i = 0; i < xSorted.Length; i++)
                xMap.TryAdd(xSorted[i].index, i);
            for (var i = 0; i < ySorted.Length; i++)
                yMap.TryAdd(ySorted[i].index, i);
            for (var i = 0; i < zSorted.Length; i++)
                zMap.TryAdd(zSorted[i].index, i);
        protected override void OnUpdate()
            m_DataGroupIndex = m_mapDataGroup.GetComponentDataArray <MapIndexComponent>();
            m_DataGroupData  = m_mapDataGroup.GetComponentDataArray <MapDataComponent>();

            m_terrainPos   = m_terrainGroup.GetComponentDataArray <Components.Transform.Pos>();
            m_terrainIndex = m_terrainGroup.GetComponentDataArray <MapIndexComponent>();

            int2 index2D = new int2 {
                x = 0, y = 0
            float3 pos3D = new float3 {
                x = 0, y = 0, z = 0

            for (int i = 0; i < m_DataGroupIndex.Length; i++)
                m_terrainIndex[i] = m_DataGroupIndex[i];
                index2D           = m_DataGroupIndex[i].Value;
                pos3D             = new float3 {
                    x = index2D.x, y = m_DataGroupData[i].Value * 10, z = index2D.y

                m_terrainPos[i] = new Components.Transform.Pos
                    Value = pos3D
Пример #3
        protected override void OnUpdate()
            charaMoves   = group.GetComponentDataArray <CharaMove>();
            charaDashs   = group.GetComponentDataArray <CharaDash>();
            charaMotions = group.GetComponentDataArray <CharaMotion>();
            padInputs    = group.GetComponentDataArray <PadInput>();

            for (int i = 0; i < charaMotions.Length; i++)
                switch (charaMotions[i].motionType)
                case EnumMotion.Idle:

                case EnumMotion.Walk:

                case EnumMotion.Dash:

                case EnumMotion.Slip:

                case EnumMotion.Jump:

                case EnumMotion.Fall:

                case EnumMotion.Land:

                case EnumMotion.Damage:

                case EnumMotion.Fly:

                case EnumMotion.Down:

                case EnumMotion.Dead:

                case EnumMotion.Action:

        protected override void OnUpdate()
            m_data = m_mapComponentGroup.GetComponentDataArray <MapDataComponent>();
            m_loc  = m_mapComponentGroup.GetComponentDataArray <MapIndexComponent>();

            for (int w = 0; w < 128; w++)
                for (int h = 0; h < 128; h++)
                    int index = w * 128 + h;

                    texture.SetPixel(m_loc[index].Value.x, m_loc[index].Value.y,
                                     new Color
                        r = m_data[index].Value,
                        g = m_data[index].Value,
                        b = m_data[index].Value,
                        a = 1.0f


            material.mainTexture = texture;
Пример #5
        public static List <T> ComponentDataArrayToList <T>(ComponentDataArray <T> cda) where T : struct, IComponentData
            NativeArray <T> na   = cda.GetChunkArray(0, cda.Length);
            List <T>        list = new List <T>(na.ToArray());

Пример #6
    private void RemovedEntities()
        EntityArray entities = removedSyncEntities.entities;
        ComponentDataArray <NetworkSyncState> networkSyncs = removedSyncEntities.networkSyncStateComponents;

        for (int i = 0; i < entities.Length; i++)
            NetworkSyncState component = new NetworkSyncState()
                actorId   = networkManager.LocalPlayerID,
                networkId = networkManager.GetNetworkId(),
            PostUpdateCommands.RemoveComponent <NetworkSyncState>(entities[i]);
            for (int j = 0; j < RemoveComponentOnDestroyEntityMethods.Count; j++)
                RemoveComponentOnDestroyEntityMethods[j].Invoke(this, entities[i]);

            NetworkSyncEntity networkSyncEntity = new NetworkSyncEntity {
                ActorId   = component.actorId,
                NetworkId = component.networkId,
        protected override JobHandle OnUpdate(JobHandle inputDeps)
            // Debug.LogWarning ( "Col" ) ;
            Bounds checkBounds = new Bounds()
                center = new float3(10, 2, 10),
                size   = new float3(1, 1, 1) * 5  // Total size of boundry

            EntityArray a_entities     = group.GetEntityArray();
            Entity      rootNodeEntity = a_entities [0];

            ComponentDataArray <RootNodeData> a_rootNodeData = group.GetComponentDataArray <RootNodeData> ( );
            RootNodeData rootNodeData = a_rootNodeData [0];

            BufferFromEntity <NodeBufferElement> nodeBufferElement = GetBufferFromEntity <NodeBufferElement> ();
            DynamicBuffer <NodeBufferElement>    a_nodesBuffer     = nodeBufferElement [rootNodeEntity];

            Bounds maxBouds = _GetOctreeMaxBounds(rootNodeData, a_nodesBuffer);

        /// <summary>
        /// Like `EntityArray.ToArray` but for CDA.
        /// </summary>
        public static List <T> CopyToList <T>(this ComponentDataArray <T> cda, IComparer <T> sorting) where T : struct, IComponentData
            var list = CopyToList <T>(cda);

Пример #9
    private void AddedComponents <T>() where T : struct, IComponentData
        ComponentType          componentType = ComponentType.Create <T>();
        ComponentGroup         group         = GetComponentGroup(ComponentType.Create <NetworkSyncState>(), componentType, ComponentType.Subtractive <NetworkComponentState <T> >(), ComponentType.Create <NetworktAuthority>());
        ComponentDataArray <T> components    = group.GetComponentDataArray <T>();
        ComponentDataArray <NetworkSyncState> networkSyncStateComponents = group.GetComponentDataArray <NetworkSyncState>();
        EntityArray entities = group.GetEntityArray();

        NetworkMemberInfo[] networkMemberInfos = reflectionUtility.GetNetworkMemberInfo(componentType);

        for (int i = 0; i < entities.Length; i++)
            NetworkSyncState       networkSyncState = networkSyncStateComponents[i];
            ComponentDataContainer componentData    = new ComponentDataContainer {
                ComponentTypeId = reflectionUtility.GetComponentTypeID(componentType)

            T component = components[i];
            for (int j = 0; j < networkMemberInfos.Length; j++)
                componentData.MemberData.Add(new MemberDataContainer {
                    MemberId = j,
                    Data     = (networkMemberInfos[j] as NetworkMemberInfo <T>).GetValue(component),

            ownNetworkSendMessageUtility.AddComponent(entities[i], networkSyncState.actorId, networkSyncState.networkId, componentData);
            AllNetworkSendMessageUtility.AddComponent(entities[i], networkSyncState.actorId, networkSyncState.networkId, componentData);

            int numberOfMembers = reflectionUtility.GetNumberOfMembers(componentType.GetManagedType());
            networkFactory.CreateNetworkComponentData <T>(entities[i], numberOfMembers);
            PostUpdateCommands.AddComponent(entities[i], new NetworkComponentState <T>());
    private void NetworkManager_OnMasterClientChanged(int oldMasterClientId, int newMasterClientId)
        if (networkManager.LocalPlayerID == oldMasterClientId)
            ComponentGroup group    = GetComponentGroup(ComponentType.Create <NetworkSyncState>(), ComponentType.Create <NetworkSync>(), ComponentType.Create <NetworktAuthority>());
            EntityArray    entities = group.GetEntityArray();
            ComponentDataArray <NetworkSync> networkSync = group.GetComponentDataArray <NetworkSync>();
            for (int i = 0; i < entities.Length; i++)
                if (networkSync[i].authority != Authority.Client)
                    PostUpdateCommands.RemoveComponent <NetworktAuthority>(entities[i]);

        if (networkManager.LocalPlayerID == newMasterClientId)
            ComponentGroup group = GetComponentGroup(ComponentType.Create <NetworkSyncState>(), ComponentType.Create <NetworkSync>(), ComponentType.Subtractive <NetworktAuthority>());
            ComponentDataArray <NetworkSync> networkSync = group.GetComponentDataArray <NetworkSync>();
            EntityArray entities = group.GetEntityArray();
            for (int i = 0; i < entities.Length; i++)
                if (networkSync[i].authority != Authority.Client)
                    PostUpdateCommands.AddComponent(entities[i], new NetworktAuthority());
    private void NetworkManager_OnDisconnect()
        ComponentGroup group = GetComponentGroup(ComponentType.Create <NetworkSyncState>(), ComponentType.Create <NetworkSync>());
        ComponentDataArray <NetworkSyncState> networkSyncStateComponents = group.GetComponentDataArray <NetworkSyncState>();
        ComponentDataArray <NetworkSync>      networkSyncComponents      = group.GetComponentDataArray <NetworkSync>();
        EntityArray entities = group.GetEntityArray();

        for (int i = 0; i < entities.Length; i++)
            Entity entity = entities[i];
            PostUpdateCommands.RemoveComponent <NetworkSyncState>(entity);
            if (networkSyncStateComponents[i].actorId != networkManager.LocalPlayerID && networkSyncComponents[i].authority != Authority.Scene)
                if (EntityManager.HasComponent <Transform>(entity))
                    gameObjectsToDestroy.Add(EntityManager.GetComponentObject <Transform>(entity).gameObject);
            else if (EntityManager.HasComponent <NetworktAuthority>(entity))
                PostUpdateCommands.RemoveComponent <NetworktAuthority>(entity);
            for (int j = 0; j < RemoveComponentOnDestroyEntityMethods.Count; j++)
                RemoveComponentOnDestroyEntityMethods[j].Invoke(this, entity);
Пример #12
    public void CopyResultsTo(ref FixedArrayArray <PolygonId> agentPaths, ref ComponentDataArray <CrowdAgentNavigator> agentNavigators)
        var state = m_State[0];

        for (var i = 0; i < state.resultPathsCount; i++)
            var index           = m_AgentIndices[i];
            var resultPathInfo  = m_ResultRanges[i];
            var resultNodes     = new NativeSlice <PolygonId>(m_ResultNodes, resultPathInfo.begin, resultPathInfo.size);
            var agentPathBuffer = agentPaths[index];

            var pathLength = math.min(resultNodes.Length, agentPathBuffer.Length);
            for (var j = 0; j < pathLength; j++)
                agentPathBuffer[j] = resultNodes[j];

            var navigator = agentNavigators[index];
            navigator.pathStart = resultPathInfo.start;
            navigator.pathEnd   = resultPathInfo.end;
            navigator.pathSize  = pathLength;
            agentNavigators[index] = navigator;
    protected override JobHandle OnUpdate(JobHandle inputDeps)
        if (!initialized)
            initialized = true;

        sphereRequestsGroup = GetComponentGroup(typeof(SphereRequest));
        if (sphereRequestsGroup.CalculateLength() == 0)

        ComponentDataArray <SphereRequest> sphereRequests = sphereRequestsGroup.GetComponentDataArray <SphereRequest>();
        JobHandle sgj = new SphereGenerateSystem.SphereGenerateJob {
            requests      = sphereRequests,
            commandBuffer = generateBarrier.CreateCommandBuffer().ToConcurrent(),
        }.Schedule(sphereRequests.Length, 64, inputDeps);

        EntityArray sphereRequestEntities = sphereRequestsGroup.GetEntityArray();
        JobHandle   srcj = new SphereRequestCleanupJob {
            entities      = sphereRequestEntities,
            commandBuffer = cleanupBarrier.CreateCommandBuffer().ToConcurrent(),
        }.Schedule(sphereRequestEntities.Length, 64, sgj);

Пример #14
    private void Entities()
        EntityArray entities = addedSyncEntities.entities;
        ComponentDataArray <NetworkSync>      networkSyncs      = addedSyncEntities.networkSyncComponents;
        ComponentDataArray <NetworkSyncState> networkSyncStates = addedSyncEntities.networkSyncStateComponents;

        for (int i = 0; i < entities.Length; i++)
            int instanceId = networkSyncs[i].instanceId;

            Entity            entity            = entities[i];
            NetworkEntityData networkEntityData = new NetworkEntityData {
                InstanceId = networkSyncs[i].instanceId,

                NetworkSyncEntity = new NetworkSyncEntity {
                    ActorId   = networkSyncStates[i].actorId,
                    NetworkId = networkSyncStates[i].networkId,

            for (int j = 0; j < GetComponentDataMethods.Count; j++)
                if (GetComponentDataMethods[j].Invoke(this, ref entity, out ComponentDataContainer componentData))

Пример #15
        protected override void OnUpdate()
            m_mapDataEntities = m_mapDataGroup.GetEntityArray();
            m_DataGroupIndex  = m_mapDataGroup.GetComponentDataArray <MapIndexComponent>();
            m_DataGroupData   = m_mapDataGroup.GetComponentDataArray <MapDataComponent>();

            for (int i = 0; i < 128 * 128; i++)
                m_rawFloatData[m_DataGroupIndex[i].Value.x, m_DataGroupIndex[i].Value.y]    = m_DataGroupData[i].Value;
                m_entityIndexData[m_DataGroupIndex[i].Value.x, m_DataGroupIndex[i].Value.y] = i;

            for (int w = 0; w < 128; w++)
                for (int h = 0; h < 128; h++)
                    //------ INNER LOOP ------
                    for (int wx = -1; wx <= 1; wx++)
                        for (int hx = -1; hx <= 1; hx++)
                    //------ INNER LOOP ------


            Unity.Entities.World.Active.GetExistingManager <MetaDataSystem>().Enabled = false;
    protected override JobHandle OnUpdate(JobHandle inputDeps)
        //Arrays de obstaculos activos y de sus posiciones
        obstaculosActivos = m_ObstaculosActivos.GetEntityArray();
        ComponentDataArray <Position> posicionesObstaculos = m_ObstaculosActivos.GetComponentDataArray <Position>();

        //Arrays de premios activos y de sus posiciones
        premiosActivos = m_PremiosActivos.GetEntityArray();
        ComponentDataArray <Position> posicionesPremios = m_PremiosActivos.GetComponentDataArray <Position>();

        var jobObs = new DesactivarObstaculo {
            Commands = _collisionBarrier.CreateCommandBuffer()

        JobHandle jO = jobObs.Schedule(this, inputDeps);

        var jobPrem = new DesactivarPremio {
            Commands = _collisionBarrier.CreateCommandBuffer()

        JobHandle jP = jobPrem.Schedule(this, jO); //"depende" del job anterior (espera a que termine)

        var jobPalillos = new DesactivarPalillos {
            Commands = _collisionBarrier.CreateCommandBuffer()

        JobHandle jPl = jobPalillos.Schedule(this, jP); //"depende" del job anterior (espera a que termine)

Пример #17
 public void Initialize(ComponentGroup group, Vector3[] vertices, Vector3[] normals, NativeCounter.Concurrent counter)
     _thicknesses = group.GetComponentDataArray <Thickness>();
     _lines       = group.GetComponentDataArray <Line>();
     _vertices    = UnsafeUtility.AddressOf(ref vertices[0]);
     _normals     = UnsafeUtility.AddressOf(ref normals[0]);
     _counter     = counter;
 /// <summary>
 /// Like `EntityArray.ToArray` but for CDA.
 /// </summary>
 public static List <T> CopyToList <T>(this ComponentDataArray <T> cda) where T : struct, IComponentData
     using (var na = new NativeArray <T>(cda.Length, Allocator.Temp))
         List <T> list = new List <T>(na);
Пример #19
 public AgentJob(int count)
     timeDelta = Time.deltaTime;
     cluster   = new Cluster(count);
     positions = new ComponentDataArray <Position>();
     rotations = new ComponentDataArray <Rotation>();
     agents    = new ComponentDataArray <AgentData>();
     agentData = default(SharedAgentData);
Пример #20
    protected override void OnUpdate()
        if (flag)

        flag = true;

        ComponentGroup planetGroup = GetComponentGroup(typeof(Planet), typeof(PlanetNoise));
        ComponentGroup dataGroup   = GetComponentGroup(typeof(PlanetSharedData));

        ComponentDataArray <Planet>                 planetArray = planetGroup.GetComponentDataArray <Planet>();
        ComponentDataArray <PlanetNoise>            noiseArray  = planetGroup.GetComponentDataArray <PlanetNoise>();
        SharedComponentDataArray <PlanetSharedData> dataArray   = dataGroup.GetSharedComponentDataArray <PlanetSharedData>();

        GameObject prefab = dataArray[0].nodePrefab;

        for (int i = 0; i < planetArray.Length; ++i)
            Planet        planet = planetArray[i];
            PlanetNoise   noise  = noiseArray[i];
            HyperDistance r      = planet.radius;

            for (int n = 0; n < 20; ++n)
                Entity      nodeEntity = EntityManager.Instantiate(prefab);
                TerrainNode node       = EntityManager.GetComponentData <TerrainNode>(nodeEntity);
                node.level        = 0;
                node.planetData   = planet;
                node.noiseData    = noise;
                node.built        = 0;
                node.divided      = 0;
                node.hyperDistant = 1;

                int idx = n * 3;
                node.corner1 = icoVerts[idx];
                node.corner2 = icoVerts[idx + 1];
                node.corner3 = icoVerts[idx + 2];
                EntityManager.SetComponentData(nodeEntity, node);

                HyperPosition pos = math.normalize(node.corner1 + node.corner2 + node.corner3) * r;

                PrecisePosition prspos = new PrecisePosition {
                    pos = pos.prs
                EntityManager.SetComponentData(nodeEntity, prspos);

                OctantPosition octpos = new OctantPosition {
                    pos = pos.oct
                EntityManager.SetComponentData(nodeEntity, octpos);
Пример #21
 public static void DebugConnection(ComponentDataArray <Position> pos, ComponentDataArray <HitResult> hitresult)
     for (int i = 0; i < pos.Length; i++)
         int frontid = hitresult[i].FrontEntityId;
         if (frontid != 0)
             Debug.DrawLine(pos[i].Value, pos[frontid].Value);
Пример #22
        public static void CopyFrom <T>(this ComputeBuffer dst, ref ComponentDataArray <T> src, int length) where T : struct, IComponentData
            NativeArray <T> chunkArray;

            for (int copiedCount = 0; copiedCount < length; copiedCount += chunkArray.Length)
                // Allocator.InvalidであるからDisposeしてはならぬ。
                chunkArray = src.GetChunkArray(copiedCount, length - copiedCount);
                dst.SetData(chunkArray, 0, copiedCount, chunkArray.Length);
Пример #23
        private AABB GetBoundingBox(ComponentDataArray <AABB> AABB)
            AABB result = AABB[0];

            for (int i = 0; i < _capacity; i++)
                result.Min = math.min(result.Min, AABB[i].Min);
                result.Max = math.max(result.Max, AABB[i].Max);

Пример #24
 public SetTargetJob(float dt, float time, EntityCommandBuffer buffer, NativeQueue <DamageInfo> .Concurrent sendDamage, NativeQueue <PathfindingInfo> .Concurrent needsPathfinding, EntityArray entities, ComponentDataArray <NavAgent> agents, ComponentDataArray <AnimatedState> animations, ComponentDataArray <Position> positions, ComponentDataArray <Unit> units)
     this.dt               = dt;
     this.animations       = animations;
     this.entities         = entities;
     this.agents           = agents;
     this.positions        = positions;
     this.units            = units;
     this.sendDamage       = sendDamage;
     this.needsPathfinding = needsPathfinding;
     this.buffer           = buffer;
     this.time             = time;
Пример #25
    public unsafe static void CopyMatrices(ComponentDataArray <TransformMatrix> transforms, int beginIndex, int length, Matrix4x4[] outMatrices)
        fixed(Matrix4x4 *matricesPtr = outMatrices)
            Assert.AreEqual(sizeof(Matrix4x4), sizeof(TransformMatrix));
            var matricesSlice = NativeSliceUnsafeUtility.ConvertExistingDataToNativeSlice <TransformMatrix>(matricesPtr, sizeof(Matrix4x4), length);

            NativeSliceUnsafeUtility.SetAtomicSafetyHandle(ref matricesSlice, AtomicSafetyHandle.GetTempUnsafePtrSliceHandle());
            transforms.CopyTo(matricesSlice, beginIndex);
Пример #26
        public static unsafe void CopyFromUnsafe <T>(this ComputeBuffer dst, ref ComponentDataArray <T> src, int length) where T : struct, IComponentData
            var             stride = dst.stride;
            var             ptr    = dst.GetNativeBufferPtr();
            NativeArray <T> chunkArray;

            for (int copiedCount = 0, chunkLength = 0; copiedCount < length; copiedCount += chunkLength)
                chunkArray  = src.GetChunkArray(copiedCount, length - copiedCount);
                chunkLength = chunkArray.Length;
                UnsafeUtility.MemCpy(ptr.ToPointer(), NativeArrayUnsafeUtility.GetUnsafeBufferPointerWithoutChecks(chunkArray), chunkLength * stride);
                ptr += chunkLength * stride;
 public JobCalculateMovement(ComponentDataArray <CharacterControllerState> states,
                             ComponentDataArray <StVelocity> velocities,
                             ComponentDataArray <DefStGroundRunSettings> settings,
                             ComponentDataArray <DefStRunInput> inputses,
                             NativeArray <quaternion> rotations,
                             float deltaTime)
     States     = states;
     Velocities = velocities;
     Settings   = settings;
     Inputs     = inputses;
     Rotations  = rotations;
     DeltaTime  = deltaTime;
        public unsafe static void CopyMatrices(ComponentDataArray <EntityInstanceRendererTransform> transforms, int beginIndex, int length, Matrix4x4[] outMatrices)
            // @TODO: This is only unsafe because the Unity DrawInstances API takes a Matrix4x4[] instead of NativeArray.
            ///       And we also want the code to be really fast.
            fixed(Matrix4x4 *matricesPtr = outMatrices)
                UnityEngine.Assertions.Assert.AreEqual(sizeof(Matrix4x4), sizeof(EntityInstanceRendererTransform));
                var matricesSlice = Unity.Collections.LowLevel.Unsafe.NativeSliceUnsafeUtility.ConvertExistingDataToNativeSlice <EntityInstanceRendererTransform>(matricesPtr, sizeof(Matrix4x4), length);

                Unity.Collections.LowLevel.Unsafe.NativeSliceUnsafeUtility.SetAtomicSafetyHandle(ref matricesSlice, AtomicSafetyHandle.GetTempUnsafePtrSliceHandle());
                transforms.CopyTo(matricesSlice, beginIndex);
Пример #29
 public void Initialize(
     ComponentGroup group,
     UnityEngine.Vector3 [] vertices,
     UnityEngine.Vector3 [] normals,
     NativeCounter.Concurrent counter
     Particles = group.GetComponentDataArray <Particle>();
     Positions = group.GetComponentDataArray <Position>();
     Triangles = group.GetComponentDataArray <Triangle>();
     Variants  = group.GetSharedComponentDataArray <SimpleParticle>();
     Vertices  = UnsafeUtility.AddressOf(ref vertices[0]);
     Normals   = UnsafeUtility.AddressOf(ref normals[0]);
     Counter   = counter;
Пример #30
        void Render(int i, ref ComponentDataArray <Position> positionDataArray, ref ComponentDataArray <Heading> headingDataArray)
            var length = positionDataArray.Length;

            if (length == 0)
            var sprite = sharedComponents[i];
            var index  = sharedIndices[i];

            if (!buffers.TryGetValue(index, out var buffer))
                buffers.Add(index, buffer = new ComputeBuffer(length, PositionHeading.Stride));
                sprite.material.SetBuffer(ShaderProperty_PositionBuffer, buffer);
            if (buffer.count < length)
                buffers.Add(index, buffer = new ComputeBuffer(length, PositionHeading.Stride));
                sprite.material.SetBuffer(ShaderProperty_PositionBuffer, buffer);
            args[0] = sprite.mesh.GetIndexCount(0);
            // 何体描画するか
            args[1] = (uint)length;
            argsList[i].SetData(args, 0, 0, 2);
            // 時代はSpan<T>、ただしUnityの場合はNativeSlice<T>
            // Allocator.Persistentにしてクラスフィールドにしたほうがいいのかどうなのかいまいちわからない。
            using (var position = new NativeArray <Position>(length, Allocator.Temp, NativeArrayOptions.UninitializedMemory))
                using (var heading = new NativeArray <Heading>(length, Allocator.Temp, NativeArrayOptions.UninitializedMemory))
                    var positionHeading = new NativeArray <PositionHeading>(length, Allocator.Temp, NativeArrayOptions.UninitializedMemory);
                    for (int j = 0; j < positionHeading.Length; j++)
                        positionHeading[j] = new PositionHeading
                            Position = position[j].Value,
                            HeadingX = heading[j].Value.x
                    buffer.SetData(positionHeading, 0, 0, length);
            // 影を描画しないしさせない鉄の意志。
            Graphics.DrawMeshInstancedIndirect(sprite.mesh, 0, sprite.material, Bounds, argsList[i], 0, null, ShadowCastingMode.Off, false, 0, Camera, LightProbeUsage.Off, null);