Пример #1
        private static Dictionary <string, ControlStyle> GetControlStyles()
            var baseStyle = new ControlStyle()
                Tiling  = TextureMode.Grid,
                Grid    = new Margin(3),
                Texture = GetTexturePath("button_hot"),
                Default =
                    Texture = GetTexturePath("button_default"),
                Pressed =
                    Texture = GetTexturePath("button_down"),
                Selected =
                    Texture = GetTexturePath("button_down"),
                Focused =
                    Texture = GetTexturePath("button_down"),
                SelectedPressed =
                    Texture = GetTexturePath("button_down"),
                SelectedHot =
                    Texture = GetTexturePath("button_down"),

            return(new Dictionary <string, ControlStyle>()
                { "item", new ControlStyle(baseStyle)
                      TextPadding = new Margin(8, 0, 8, 0),
                      TextAlign = Alignment.MiddleLeft,
                  } },
                { "button", new ControlStyle(baseStyle)
                      TextPadding = new Margin(0),
                      TextAlign = Alignment.MiddleCenter,
                  } },
                { "tooltip", new ControlStyle(baseStyle)
                      TextPadding = new Margin(8),
                      TextAlign = Alignment.TopLeft,
                  } },
                { "textbox", new ControlStyle(baseStyle)
                      Texture = GetTexturePath("input_default"),
                      TextPadding = new Margin(8),
                      Tiling = TextureMode.Grid,
                      Grid = new Margin(3),
                      Hot =
                          Texture = GetTexturePath("input_focused")
                      Focused =
                          Texture = GetTexturePath("input_focused"),
                          Tint    = ColorInt.ARGB(1,1, 0, 0),
                  } },
                { "window", new ControlStyle()
                      Tiling = TextureMode.Grid,
                      Grid = new Margin(9),
                      Texture = GetTexturePath("window"),
                  } },
                { "frame", new ControlStyle()
                      Tiling = TextureMode.Grid,
                      Grid = new Margin(4),
                      Texture = GetTexturePath("frame"),
                      TextPadding = new Margin(8),
                  } },
                { "vscrollTrack", new ControlStyle()
                      Tiling = TextureMode.Grid,
                      Grid = new Margin(3),
                      Texture = GetTexturePath("vscroll_track"),
                  } },
                { "vscrollButton", new ControlStyle()
                      Tiling = TextureMode.Grid,
                      Grid = new Margin(3),
                      Texture = GetTexturePath("vscroll_button"),
                      Hot =
                          Texture = GetTexturePath("vscroll_button_hot"),
                      Pressed =
                          Texture = GetTexturePath("vscroll_button_down"),
                  } },
                { "vscrollUp", new ControlStyle()
                      Default =
                          Texture = GetTexturePath("vscrollUp_default"),
                      Hot =
                          Texture = GetTexturePath("vscrollUp_hot"),
                      Pressed =
                          Texture = GetTexturePath("vscrollUp_down"),
                      Focused =
                          Texture = GetTexturePath("vscrollUp_hot"),
                  } },
                { "hscrollTrack", new ControlStyle()
                      Tiling = TextureMode.Grid,
                      Grid = new Margin(3),
                      Texture = GetTexturePath("hscroll_track"),
                  } },
                { "hscrollButton", new ControlStyle()
                      Tiling = TextureMode.Grid,
                      Grid = new Margin(3),
                      Texture = GetTexturePath("hscroll_button"),
                      Hot =
                          Texture = GetTexturePath("hscroll_button_hot"),
                      Pressed =
                          Texture = GetTexturePath("hscroll_button_down"),
                  } },
                { "hscrollUp", new ControlStyle()
                      Default =
                          Texture = GetTexturePath("hscrollUp_default"),
                      Hot =
                          Texture = GetTexturePath("hscrollUp_hot"),
                      Pressed =
                          Texture = GetTexturePath("hscrollUp_down"),
                      Focused =
                          Texture = GetTexturePath("hscrollUp_hot"),
                  } },
                { "checkBox", new ControlStyle()
                      Default =
                          Texture = GetTexturePath("checkbox_default"),
                      Hot =
                          Texture = GetTexturePath("checkbox_hot"),
                      Pressed =
                          Texture = GetTexturePath("checkbox_down"),
                      Checked =
                          Texture = GetTexturePath("checkbox_checked"),
                      CheckedFocused =
                          Texture = GetTexturePath("checkbox_checked_hot"),
                      CheckedHot =
                          Texture = GetTexturePath("checkbox_checked_hot"),
                      CheckedPressed =
                          Texture = GetTexturePath("checkbox_down"),
                  } },
                { "comboLabel", new ControlStyle()
                      TextPadding = new Margin(10, 0, 0, 0),
                      Tiling = TextureMode.Grid,
                      Grid = new Margin(3, 0, 0, 0),
                      Default =
                          Texture = GetTexturePath("combo_default"),
                      Hot =
                          Texture = GetTexturePath("combo_hot"),
                      Pressed =
                          Texture = GetTexturePath("combo_down"),
                      Focused =
                          Texture = GetTexturePath("combo_hot"),
                  } },
                { "comboButton", new ControlStyle()
                      Default =
                          Texture = GetTexturePath("combo_button_default"),
                      Hot =
                          Texture = GetTexturePath("combo_button_hot"),
                      Pressed =
                          Texture = GetTexturePath("combo_button_down"),
                      Focused =
                          Texture = GetTexturePath("combo_button_hot"),
                  } },
                { "multiline", new ControlStyle()
                      TextPadding = new Margin(8),
                      TextAlign = Alignment.TopLeft,
                  } },
                { "label", new ControlStyle()
                      TextPadding = new Margin(8, 0, 8, 0),
                      TextAlign = Alignment.MiddleLeft,
                      TextColor = ColorInt.ARGB(1, .8f, .8f, .8f),
                      BackColor = 0,
                  } },
Пример #2
    private Frame CreateAnswerFrame(QuestionProgress questionProgress, QuestionAnswer questionAnswer)
        Button showFeedbackButton = new Button();

        showFeedbackButton.Dock         = DockStyle.Fill;
        showFeedbackButton.Style        = "Button - Rounded";
        showFeedbackButton.Text         = "?";
        showFeedbackButton.UseTextColor = true;
        showFeedbackButton.Visible      = false;

        Frame feedbackButtonFrame = new Frame();

        feedbackButtonFrame.AutoSize = Squid.AutoSize.Vertical;
        feedbackButtonFrame.Dock     = DockStyle.Right;
        feedbackButtonFrame.Size     = new Point(42, 31);

        Button chooseAnswerButton = new Button();

        chooseAnswerButton.Dock  = DockStyle.Fill;
        chooseAnswerButton.Style = "Button - Pointed";

        ImageControl answerIndicatorImage = new ImageControl();

        answerIndicatorImage.Dock    = DockStyle.Center;
        answerIndicatorImage.Size    = new Point(22, 22);
        answerIndicatorImage.Texture = "circle_frame";
        answerIndicatorImage.Visible = false;

        Frame answerIndicatorFrame = new Frame();

        answerIndicatorFrame.AutoSize = Squid.AutoSize.Vertical;
        answerIndicatorFrame.Dock     = DockStyle.Left;
        answerIndicatorFrame.Margin   = new Squid.Margin(12, 0, 0, 0);
        answerIndicatorFrame.Size     = new Point(22, 26);


        Label questionTextLabel = new Label();

        questionTextLabel.Style        = "Label - Bold";
        questionTextLabel.AutoSize     = Squid.AutoSize.Vertical;
        questionTextLabel.Dock         = DockStyle.Fill;
        questionTextLabel.UseTextColor = true;
        questionTextLabel.AutoEllipsis = false;
        questionTextLabel.TextWrap     = true;
        questionTextLabel.NoEvents     = true;

        questionTextLabel.Text = questionAnswer.QuestionAnswerText;

        Frame answerFrame = new Frame();

        answerFrame.AutoSize = Squid.AutoSize.Vertical;
        answerFrame.Dock     = DockStyle.Top;
        answerFrame.Margin   = new Squid.Margin(12, 0, 12, 3);


        _questionAnswered +=
            (chosenAnswer) =>
            // When a question is answered, if it's the correct question or this question, then show the feedback button.
            if (chosenAnswer == questionProgress.CorrectAnswer || chosenAnswer == questionAnswer)
                // Show feedback frame because either the correct answer was chosen or this answer was chosen.
                showFeedbackButton.Visible  = true;
                chooseAnswerButton.NoEvents = true;

                // Change color
                if (questionProgress.CorrectAnswer == questionAnswer)
                    questionTextLabel.TextColor  = ColorInt.ARGB(255, 136, 255, 137);
                    answerIndicatorImage.Visible = true;
                    answerIndicatorImage.Color   = ColorInt.ARGB(255, 136, 255, 137);

                    GameContext.Instance.Player.Points += questionProgress.CalculatePoints();
                    questionTextLabel.TextColor = ColorInt.ARGB(255, 255, 86, 86);
                    if (questionProgress.AnswerChosen(questionAnswer))
                        answerIndicatorImage.Visible = true;
                        answerIndicatorImage.Color   = ColorInt.ARGB(255, 255, 86, 86);

        if (questionProgress.AnswerChosen(questionAnswer) || questionProgress.Completed)
            showFeedbackButton.Visible  = true;
            chooseAnswerButton.NoEvents = true;
            if (questionAnswer == questionProgress.CorrectAnswer)
                // answered correctly
                chooseAnswerButton.State     = ControlState.Pressed;
                questionTextLabel.TextColor  = ColorInt.ARGB(255, 136, 255, 137);
                answerIndicatorImage.Visible = true;
                answerIndicatorImage.Color   = ColorInt.ARGB(255, 136, 255, 137);
                // answered incorrectly
                questionTextLabel.TextColor = ColorInt.ARGB(255, 255, 86, 86);
                if (questionProgress.AnswerChosen(questionAnswer))
                    chooseAnswerButton.State     = ControlState.Pressed;
                    answerIndicatorImage.Visible = true;
                    answerIndicatorImage.Color   = ColorInt.ARGB(255, 255, 86, 86);

        showFeedbackButton.MouseClick +=
            (s, a) =>
            _feedbackFrame.Visible      = true;
            _answerFrame.Visible        = false;
            _feedbackLabel.Text         = questionAnswer.QuestionFeedback;
            _feedbackQuestion.Text      = questionAnswer.QuestionAnswerText;
            _feedbackQuestion.TextColor = questionProgress.CorrectAnswer == questionAnswer?ColorInt.ARGB(255, 136, 255, 137) : ColorInt.ARGB(255, 255, 86, 86);

        chooseAnswerButton.MouseClick +=
            (s, a) =>
            if (questionProgress.Completed || questionProgress.AnswerChosen(questionAnswer))


Пример #3
    private Frame Create3DPreviewButton(BiologEntry entry)
        Frame navigatorFrame = new Frame();

        navigatorFrame.Dock     = DockStyle.Left;
        navigatorFrame.Anchor   = AnchorStyles.Bottom | AnchorStyles.Left;
        navigatorFrame.Margin   = new Margin(0, 0, 0, 0);
        navigatorFrame.NoEvents = true;
        navigatorFrame.Size     = new Point(100, 96);

        ImageControl backgroundImage = new ImageControl();

        backgroundImage.Style    = "Image - Gallery Unselected Frame";
        backgroundImage.Tiling   = TextureMode.Stretch;
        backgroundImage.Dock     = DockStyle.Fill;
        backgroundImage.NoEvents = true;

        ImageControl previewImage = new ImageControl();

        previewImage.Tiling = TextureMode.Stretch;
        previewImage.Dock   = DockStyle.Fill;
        previewImage.Margin = new Margin(1, 2, 1, 2);

        if (entry.GalleryItems.Count > 0)
            Texture previewTexture = null;// entry.GalleryItems[0].GalleryPreview;
            if (previewTexture)
                //previewImage.Texture = entry.GalleryItems[0].GalleryPreviewResourcePath;

                float scaleFactor;

                // Just assume we're always previewing the entire texture. Just need to figure out how big it should be:

                if (previewTexture.width > previewTexture.height)
                    scaleFactor = ((float)92) / previewTexture.width;
                    scaleFactor = ((float)92) / previewTexture.height;

                previewImage.Size = new Point((int)(scaleFactor * previewTexture.width), (int)(scaleFactor * previewTexture.height));
        previewImage.NoEvents = true;

        Button previewButton = new Button();

        previewButton.Dock  = DockStyle.Fill;
        previewButton.Style = "Inventory - Grid";
        previewButton.Tint  = ColorInt.ARGB(0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);

        Label label3D = new Label();

        label3D.Dock      = DockStyle.Fill;
        label3D.Text      = "3D";
        label3D.TextAlign = Alignment.MiddleCenter;
        label3D.Style     = "Label - Blurb";
        label3D.NoEvents  = true;

        previewButton.MouseClick +=
            (s, a) =>
            if (_3dPreviewScene)
            //_3dPreviewScene = (GameObject)GameObject.Instantiate(entry.Preview3D);
            (GuiHost.Renderer as UnityRenderer).InsertTexture(_3dPreviewTexture, "_3dPreviewTexture");
            _galleryImage.Texture     = "_3dPreviewTexture";
            _galleryImage.TextureRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, _3dPreviewTexture.width, _3dPreviewTexture.height);


Пример #4
 public void SetText(string text, Color color)
     _text = text;
     _currentBackgroundColor = ColorInt.ARGB(color.a, color.r, color.g, color.b);
Пример #5
    private Frame CreateNavigatorThumbnailButton(BiologEntryGalleryItem galleryItem)
        Frame navigatorFrame = new Frame();

        navigatorFrame.Dock     = DockStyle.Left;
        navigatorFrame.Anchor   = AnchorStyles.Bottom | AnchorStyles.Left;
        navigatorFrame.Margin   = new Margin(0, 0, 0, 0);
        navigatorFrame.NoEvents = true;
        navigatorFrame.Size     = new Point(100, 96);

        ImageControl backgroundImage = new ImageControl();

        //backgroundImage.Style = "Inventory - Grid";// "Image - Gallery Unselected Frame";
        backgroundImage.Tiling   = TextureMode.Stretch;
        backgroundImage.Dock     = DockStyle.Fill;
        backgroundImage.NoEvents = true;

        ImageControl previewImage = new ImageControl();

        previewImage.Tiling = TextureMode.Stretch;
        previewImage.Dock   = DockStyle.Center;
        //previewImage.Margin = new Margin(4, 2, 4, 2);
        //previewImage.Texture = galleryItem.GalleryPreviewResourcePath;
        previewImage.NoEvents = true;

        Texture previewTexture = null;// galleryItem.GalleryPreview;

        if (previewTexture)
            float scaleFactor;

            // Just assume we're always previewing the entire texture. Just need to figure out how big it should be:

            if (previewTexture.width > previewTexture.height)
                scaleFactor = ((float)92) / previewTexture.width;
                scaleFactor = ((float)92) / previewTexture.height;

            previewImage.Size = new Point((int)(scaleFactor * previewTexture.width), (int)(scaleFactor * previewTexture.height));

        Button previewButton = new Button();

        previewButton.Dock  = DockStyle.Fill;
        previewButton.Style = "Inventory - Grid"; //"Image - Gallery Unselected Image";
        previewButton.Tint  = ColorInt.ARGB(0.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);

        previewButton.MouseClick +=
            (s, a) =>
            //Texture texture = galleryItem.GalleryImage;
            //_galleryImage.Texture = galleryItem.GalleryImageResourcePath;
            //_galleryImage.TextureRect = new Rectangle(0, 0, texture.width, texture.height);
