public void User_Can_Not_Update_Collections_With_Duplicate_Names()
            // Spoof an authenticated user by generating a ClaimsPrincipal
            var user = new ClaimsPrincipal(new ClaimsIdentity(new Claim[] {
                new Claim(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier, "FIREBASE_ID_1"),
            }, "TestAuthentication"));

            // Instantiate a real repos
            var collectionRepo = new CollectionRepository(_context);
            var userRepo       = new UserRepository(_context);
            var projColRepo    = new ProjectCollectionRepository(_context);

            // Instantiate a real CollectionController, passing in CollectionRepo
            var controller = new CollectionController(userRepo, collectionRepo, projColRepo);

            controller.ControllerContext             = new ControllerContext(); // Required to create the controller
            controller.ControllerContext.HttpContext = new DefaultHttpContext {
                User = user
            };                                                                                 // Pretend the user is making a request to the controller

            // Create a collection with a duplicate name
            // create a new collectionFormViewModel
            var collectionForm = new CollectionFormViewModel()
                Collection = new Collection()
                    Id               = 2,
                    UserId           = 1,
                    CategorizationId = 1,
                    Name             = "Monsters",
                    Description      = "HA-HA! The titles match >:)",
                    Pinned           = false,
                    CreationDate     = DateTime.Now - TimeSpan.FromDays(15)

                ProjectCollections = new List <ProjectCollection>()
                    new ProjectCollection()
                        ProjectId    = 1,
                        CollectionId = 0 // I won't know this until it's made
                    new ProjectCollection()
                        ProjectId    = 2,
                        CollectionId = 0 // I won't know this until it's made

            // Attempt to Update collection
            var response = controller.Put(collectionForm.Collection.Id, collectionForm);

            // Should return created result
            Assert.IsType <NotFoundResult>(response);
        public void Anonymous_User_Can_Not_Add_Collection()
            // Spoof an authenticated user by generating a ClaimsPrincipal
            var user = new ClaimsPrincipal(new ClaimsIdentity(new Claim[] {
                new Claim(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier, "FIREBASE_USER666"),
            }, "TestAuthentication"));

            // create a new collectionFormViewModel
            var collectionForm = new CollectionFormViewModel()
                Collection = new Collection()
                    UserId           = 1,
                    CategorizationId = 1,
                    Name             = "New stuff",
                    Description      = "New lame description.",
                    Pinned           = false,
                    CreationDate     = DateTime.Now - TimeSpan.FromDays(10)

                ProjectCollections = new List <ProjectCollection>()
                    new ProjectCollection()
                        ProjectId    = 1,
                        CollectionId = 0

            // Spoof UserController
            var controller = new CollectionController(_fakeUserRepo.Object, _fakeCollectionRepo.Object, _fakeProjColRepo.Object);

            controller.ControllerContext             = new ControllerContext(); // Required to create the controller
            controller.ControllerContext.HttpContext = new DefaultHttpContext {
                User = user
            };                                                                                 // Pretend the user is making a request to the controller

            // Attempt to Get this User's collections
            var response = controller.Add(collectionForm);

            // Returns Ok
            Assert.IsType <NotFoundResult>(response);
            // Verify we never called the repo method
            _fakeCollectionRepo.Verify(r => r.Add(It.IsAny <Collection>()), Times.Never());
        public void If_This_Collection_To_Update_Is_Not_Mine_Do_Not_Update()
            // Spoof an authenticated user by generating a ClaimsPrincipal
            var user = new ClaimsPrincipal(new ClaimsIdentity(new Claim[] {
                new Claim(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier, "FIREBASE_USER2"),
            }, "TestAuthentication"));

            // Make a fake collection to update
            Collection collection = new Collection()
                Id               = 1,
                UserId           = 1,
                CategorizationId = 1,
                Name             = "New stuff",
                Description      = "New lame description.",
                Pinned           = false,
                CreationDate     = DateTime.Now - TimeSpan.FromDays(10)

            // Make collectionForm to pass into put
            CollectionFormViewModel collectionForm = new CollectionFormViewModel()
                Collection         = collection,
                ProjectCollections = new List <ProjectCollection>()

            // Use a matching Id
            var collectionParamId = 1;

            // Spoof UserController
            var controller = new CollectionController(_fakeUserRepo.Object, _fakeCollectionRepo.Object, _fakeProjColRepo.Object);

            controller.ControllerContext             = new ControllerContext(); // Required to create the controller
            controller.ControllerContext.HttpContext = new DefaultHttpContext {
                User = user
            };                                                                                 // Pretend the user is making a request to the controller

            // Attempt to Get this User's collections
            var response = controller.Put(collectionParamId, collectionForm);

            // Returns Ok
            Assert.IsType <NotFoundResult>(response);
Пример #4
        public IActionResult Add(CollectionFormViewModel collectionForm)
            // For the Add, do not need to check for if the projectCollections are in the db
            // because this Collection is unique, there can be no duplicates.

            var firebaseUser = _utils.GetCurrentUser(User);

            // Check to ensure an unauthorized user (anonymous account) can not add a collection
            if (firebaseUser == null)

            // Ensure the userId on the incoming collection matches the person making the request
            if (collectionForm.Collection.UserId != firebaseUser.Id)

            // Get all of this user's collections
            var allCollections = _collectionRepo.Get(firebaseUser.Id);

            // see if the name of the incoming collection is in the db
            var collectionWithThatName = allCollections.Find(c => c.Name == collectionForm.Collection.Name);

            // if there is a returned collection, we can't add because name isn't unique for this user
            if (collectionWithThatName != null)

            // Need to add the default requirements for the collection here
            collectionForm.Collection.CategorizationId = 1;
            collectionForm.Collection.CreationDate     = DateTime.Now;


                    // After we add the collection, assign the collection id to each projectCollection
                    foreach (var projectCollection in collectionForm.ProjectCollections)
                        projectCollection.CollectionId = collectionForm.Collection.Id;
                // The user attempted to enter Null for their ProjectCollecitons
                catch (NullReferenceException e)
                    // Make a CollectionDetailsViewModel to pass the created collection into for deletion
                    var collectionDetailsVm = new CollectionDetailsViewModel
                        Collection         = collectionForm.Collection,
                        ProjectCollections = new List <ProjectCollection>(),
                        Words = new List <Word>()
                    // Remove the just entered collection from db

                    // Return a BadRequest

                // Add ProjectCollections

            catch (DbUpdateException e)
Пример #5
        public IActionResult Put(int id, CollectionFormViewModel incomingCollectionForm)
            // Get current user
            var firebaseUser = _utils.GetCurrentUser(User);

            // Ensure an unauthorized user (anonymous account) can not update
            if (firebaseUser == null)

            // Collection Id coming from URL must match the Collection object's Id
            if (id != incomingCollectionForm.Collection.Id)

            // Get Collection by Id to ensure it's in db
            CollectionDetailsViewModel collectionDetailsToUpdate;

                // If a user attempts to get an Id not in the db, causes a NullReferenceException error
                collectionDetailsToUpdate = _collectionRepo.GetByCollectionId(id);
            catch (NullReferenceException e)

            // If it wasn't in the db don't let them update
            if (collectionDetailsToUpdate == null)

            // Get all of this user's collections
            var allCollections = _collectionRepo.Get(firebaseUser.Id);

            // see if the name of the incoming collection is in the db
            var collectionsWithThatName = allCollections.Where(c => c.Name == incomingCollectionForm.Collection.Name).ToList();

            // If the count is greater than 1, so it's in the DB, check to see what the Id is
            if (collectionsWithThatName.Count > 0)
                // If the Ids match, we can update, otherwise, it's already in db and not the current item
                if (collectionsWithThatName[0].Id != incomingCollectionForm.Collection.Id)

            // Get Collection's owner to ensure this is current user's collection
            var collectionOwner = collectionDetailsToUpdate.Collection.UserId;

            // Check if incoming user is the same one requesting deletion
            if (collectionOwner != firebaseUser.Id)

            // ** At this point, we know the person is able to update the collection.

            // By using the collectionDetailsToUpdate we retrieved from the db,
            // we re-assign its values that are editable, based on the incoming collection
            collectionDetailsToUpdate.Collection.Name        = incomingCollectionForm.Collection.Name;
            collectionDetailsToUpdate.Collection.Description = incomingCollectionForm.Collection.Description;

                // When updating a Collection, we DELETE all current ProjCols then ADD all incoming
                // Delete all the ProjectCollections from collectionToUpdate

                // Add all incoming ProjectCollections

            catch (DbUpdateException e)