private void btnOk_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { string tungay = dtpTuNgay.SelectedDate.Value.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"); string denngay = dtpDenNgay.SelectedDate.Value.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"); ClsOracle clsora = new ClsOracle(); DataTable dt = new DataTable(); clsora.ClsConnect(); string tk = str.Left(cboTk.SelectedValue.ToString().Trim(), 10); //MessageBox.Show(tk); string sql = "select to_char(a.ngaygd,'dd/MM/yyyy') as NGGD,c.AC_DESC as TENTK,a.*,b.* from hsbt a, DMPOS b,DMTKGL c where a.ngaybc >= " + "to_date(" + "'" + tungay + "'" + "," + "'dd/mm/yyyy" + "')" + " and a.ngaybc <= " + "to_date(" + "'" + denngay + "'" + "," + "'dd/mm/yyyy" + "') and a.MAPGD= " + "'" + str.Left(cboPos.SelectedValue.ToString().Trim(), 6) + "'" + " and a.TK= " + "'" + tk + "'" + " and a.MAPGD=b.PO_MA and a.TK=c.BANK_AC order by a.NGAYGD "; //MessageBox.Show(sql); dt = clsora.LoadDataText(sql); //dataGrid1.ItemsSource = dt.DefaultView; if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { rpt_Pstk rpt = new rpt_Pstk(); RPUtility.ShowRp(rpt, dt, this, srv.DbSourceSerVer(), srv.DbNameSerVer(), srv.DbUserSerVer(), srv.DbPassSerVer()); } else { MessageBox.Show("Không có bản ghi nào ", "Thông báo"); } }
private DataTable GetDataFromOracle(string TYPE, string HOSO_NAME, string MAPOS, string TEN_MAPOS, string TEN_NGAYBC, DateTime TuNgay, DateTime DenNgay) { cls.ClsConnect(); string sql_kt = ""; switch (TYPE) { case "01": //Đây là những hồ sơ hệ thống DMHUYEN, DMXA... sql_kt = "SELECT * FROM " + HOSO_NAME; break; case "02": //02, 03, 04 giống nhau. Là những hồ sơ dữ liệu lớn: HSKU, CASA, HSKH, HSTO, ... sql_kt = "SELECT * FROM " + HOSO_NAME + " WHERE " + TEN_MAPOS + "=" + MAPOS; break; case "03": //02, 03, 04 giống nhau. Là những hồ sơ dữ liệu lớn: HSKU, CASA, HSKH, HSTO, ... sql_kt = "SELECT * FROM " + HOSO_NAME + " WHERE " + TEN_MAPOS + "=" + MAPOS + " AND " + TEN_NGAYBC + " = '" + DenNgay.ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy") + "'"; break; case "04": //02, 03, 04 giống nhau. Là những hồ sơ dữ liệu lớn: HSKU, CASA, HSKH, HSTO, ... sql_kt = "SELECT * FROM " + HOSO_NAME + " WHERE " + TEN_MAPOS + "=" + MAPOS + " AND " + TEN_NGAYBC + " = '" + DenNgay.ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy") + "'"; break; case "05": //05 là hồ sơ dữ liệu nhỏ: SBV_VBSP, GL_VBSP, HSBT... sql_kt = "SELECT * FROM " + HOSO_NAME + " WHERE " + TEN_MAPOS + "=" + MAPOS + " AND " + TEN_NGAYBC + " >= '" + TuNgay.ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy") + "'" + " AND " + TEN_NGAYBC + " <= '" + DenNgay.ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy") + "'"; break; } DataTable dt = cls.LoadDataText(sql_kt); cls.DongKetNoi(); return(dt); }
private void btnLoaPos_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { cls.ClsConnect(); //string sql = "select PO_MA,PO_TEN from DMPOS where PO_MA=" + "'" + BienBll.NdMadv.Trim() + "'"; var sql = "select * from dmpos"; var dtpos = cls.LoadDataText(sql); CboPos.ItemsSource = dtpos.DefaultView; CboPos.DisplayMemberPath = "PO_TEN";// trung voi ben TOAD nhe CboPos.SelectedValuePath = "PO_MA"; //for (int i = 0; i < dtpos.Rows.Count; i++) //{ // CboPos.Items.Add(dtpos.Rows[i][0] + " | " + dtpos.Rows[i][1]); //} CboPos.SelectedIndex = 4; cls.DongKetNoi(); dtpNgay.SelectedDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1); }
private void BtnOKOra_OnClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { ClsOracle cls = new ClsOracle(); cls.ClsConnect(); int thamso = 2; string[] bien = new string[thamso]; object[] giatri = new object[thamso]; bien[0] = "P_MAPGD"; giatri[0] = CboPos.SelectedValue; bien[1] = "P_NGAYBC"; //if (dtpNgay.SelectedDate != null) giatri[1] = dtpNgay.SelectedDate.Value.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"); giatri[1] = dtpNgay.SelectedDate.Value; MessageBox.Show("POS : " + giatri[0] + " , Ngay : " + giatri[1]); var dt = cls.LoadDataProcPara("uspQB_SaoKe", bien, giatri, thamso); dgvData.ItemsSource = dt.DefaultView; cls.DongKetNoi(); }
private void btnOk_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { str.TaoThuMuc(Thumuc); try { int thamso = 2; string[] bien = new string[thamso]; object[] giatri = new object[thamso]; bien[0] = "@MaPos"; giatri[0] = str.Left(CboPos.SelectedValue.ToString().Trim(), 6); bien[1] = "@Ngay"; giatri[1] = dtpNgay.SelectedDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); if (dtpNgay.SelectedDate != null) { string nam = dtpNgay.SelectedDate.Value.ToString("yyyy"); string thang = dtpNgay.SelectedDate.Value.ToString("MM"); string pos = str.Left(CboPos.SelectedValue.ToString().Trim(), 6); DateTime lastMonth = new DateTime(dtpNgay.SelectedDate.Value.Year, dtpNgay.SelectedDate.Value.Month, DateTime.DaysInMonth(dtpNgay.SelectedDate.Value.Year, dtpNgay.SelectedDate.Value.Month)); var lastDayOfTheYear = new DateTime(dtpNgay.SelectedDate.Value.Year, 12, 31); string Enddayofyear = lastDayOfTheYear.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); string EnddayofyearPre = lastDayOfTheYear.AddYears(-1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); string LastMonthPre = dtpNgay.SelectedDate.Value.AddMonths(-1).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); // DateTime LastWeek = dtpNgay.SelectedDate.Value.AddDays(-(int)dtpNgay.SelectedDate.Value.DayOfWeek-2); if (dtpNgay.SelectedDate != null) { cls.ClsConnect(); ora.ClsConnect(); string mau = str.Left(CboMau.SelectedValue.ToString(), 3); string ng = dtpNgay.SelectedDate.Value.ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy"); string ngsql = dtpNgay.SelectedDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"); string strsql = ""; switch (mau) { case "M01": if (dtpNgay.SelectedDate.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") == lastMonth.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd")) { strsql = "select b.cs_mapgd,(select po_ten from dmpos where po_ma=b.cs_mapgd) TENPOS " + " ,substr(b.cs_madp, 1, 6) maxa,(select ten from dmxa where ma = substr(b.cs_madp, 1, 6)) tenxa " + " ,b.cs_mato,(select to_tentt from hsto where to_mato = b.cs_mato) tentt,b.cs_makh,kh_tenkh,b.cs_tentk " + " ,concat(chr(39),b.cs_so_tk2) TK, b.cs_sodu_tk,b.cs_ttso_tk,b.cs_sp_tk from " + " ( select cs_makh, count(cs_makh)dem from casa where cs_ngaybc ='" + ng + "' and cs_sp_tk = '105' and cs_ttso_tk = 'A' group by cs_makh having count(cs_makh) > 1) a, " + " (select * from casa where cs_ngaybc ='" + ng + "' and cs_sp_tk = '105' and cs_ttso_tk = 'A') b left join hskh on kh_makh = b.cs_makh " + " where a.cs_makh = b.cs_makh order by substr(b.cs_madp, 1, 6),b.cs_mato, b.cs_makh"; } else { strsql = "select b.cs_mapgd,(select po_ten from dmpos where po_ma=b.cs_mapgd) TENPOS " + " ,substr(b.cs_madp, 1, 6) maxa,(select ten from dmxa where ma = substr(b.cs_madp, 1, 6)) tenxa " + " ,b.cs_mato,(select to_tentt from hsto where to_mato = b.cs_mato) tentt,b.cs_makh,kh_tenkh,b.cs_tentk " + " ,concat(chr(39),b.cs_so_tk2) TK, b.cs_sodu_tk,b.cs_ttso_tk,b.cs_sp_tk from " + " ( select cs_makh, count(cs_makh)dem from casa_daily where cs_ngaybc ='" + dtpNgay.SelectedDate.Value.ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy") + "' and cs_sp_tk = '105' and cs_ttso_tk = 'A' group by cs_makh having count(cs_makh) > 1) a, " + " (select * from casa_daily where cs_ngaybc ='" + dtpNgay.SelectedDate.Value.ToString("dd/MMM/yyyy") + "' and cs_sp_tk = '105' and cs_ttso_tk = 'A') b left join hskh on kh_makh = b.cs_makh " + " where a.cs_makh = b.cs_makh order by substr(b.cs_madp, 1, 6),b.cs_mato, b.cs_makh"; } break; case "M02": strsql = "with lst1 as (" + " select kh_cmt, count(kh_cmt) dem from hskh where kh_ttrang <> 'C' and substr(kh_madp, 1, 4) = substr(kh_mapgd, 3, 4) group by kh_cmt having count(kh_cmt) > 1" + " ) select a.kh_mapgd,substr(a.kh_madp, 1, 6) MAXA,C.TEN TENXA , a.kh_makh,a.kh_tenkh,a.kh_cmt,a.kh_ttrang from hskh a, lst1 b,dmxa c where a.kh_cmt = b.kh_cmt and substr(a.kh_madp, 1, 6)= " + " order by a.kh_cmt"; break; case "M03": strsql = "select a.ku_mapgd,substr(a.ku_madp,1,6) maxa,a.ku_makh,a.ku_mato,b.cs_mato from " + " (select * from hscv_daily where ku_ngaybc ='" + ng + "' and ku_ttmonvay <> 'CLOSE' and ku_dnothan + ku_dnoqhan + ku_dnokhoanh > 0 and ku_mato is not null) a, " + " (select * from casa_daily where cs_ngaybc ='" + ng + "' and cs_ttso_tk <> 'C' and cs_sp_tk = '105' and cs_mato is not null) b " + " where a.ku_makh = b.cs_makh and a.ku_mato<> b.cs_mato"; break; case "M04": strsql = "select a.ku_mapgd,substr(a.ku_madp,1,6) maxa,a.ku_makh,a.ku_mato mato1,b.ku_mato mato2 from" + "(select * from hscv_daily where ku_ngaybc ='" + ng + "' and ku_ttmonvay <> 'CLOSE' and ku_dnothan + ku_dnoqhan + ku_dnokhoanh > 0) a," + " (select ku_makh, ku_mato from hscv_daily where ku_ngaybc='" + ng + "' and ku_ttmonvay <> 'CLOSE' and ku_dnothan+ku_dnoqhan + ku_dnokhoanh > 0 ) b" + " where a.ku_makh = b.ku_makh and a.ku_mato<> b.ku_mato"; break; case "M06": if (pos == "003000") { strsql = "with lst1 as ( select a.ku_mapgd, substr(a.ku_madp, 1, 6) maxa, a.ku_mato, count(a.ku_makh) dem from hscv_daily a where a.ku_ngaybc = '" + ng + "' and a.ku_ttmonvay <> 'CLOSE' and a.ku_dnothan + a.ku_dnoqhan + a.ku_dnokhoanh > 0 and a.ku_mato is not null and a.ku_hthucvay = '3' group by a.ku_mapgd, a.ku_madp, a.ku_mato having count(a.ku_makh) <= 5 or count(a.ku_makh) > 60 ) select a.ku_mapgd,b.po_ten,a.maxa,c.ten tenxa, a.ku_mato,d.to_tentt,a.dem sotv from lst1 a left join dmpos b on a.ku_mapgd = b.po_ma left join dmxa c on a.maxa = left join hsto d on a.ku_mato = d.to_mato order by a.maxa,a.ku_mato"; } else { strsql = "with lst1 as ( select a.ku_mapgd, substr(a.ku_madp, 1, 6) maxa, a.ku_mato, count(a.ku_makh) dem from hscv_daily a where a.ku_ngaybc = '" + ng + "' and a.ku_mapgd='" + pos + "' and a.ku_ttmonvay <> 'CLOSE' and a.ku_dnothan + a.ku_dnoqhan + a.ku_dnokhoanh > 0 and a.ku_mato is not null and a.ku_hthucvay = '3' group by a.ku_mapgd, a.ku_madp, a.ku_mato having count(a.ku_makh) <= 5 or count(a.ku_makh) > 60 ) select a.ku_mapgd,b.po_ten,a.maxa,c.ten tenxa, a.ku_mato,d.to_tentt,a.dem sotv from lst1 a left join dmpos b on a.ku_mapgd = b.po_ma left join dmxa c on a.maxa = left join hsto d on a.ku_mato = d.to_mato order by a.maxa,a.ku_mato"; } break; case "M07": if (pos == "003000") { strsql = "select c.ku_mapgd,substr(c.ku_madp,1,6) maxa,f.ten tenxa,c.ku_mato,g.to_tentt,e.kh_makh,e.kh_tenkh,c.ku_chtrinh,c.ku_maqd, d.ku_chtrinh chtr,d.ku_maqd MAQD from (select a.* from hscv_daily a where a.KU_NGAYBC = '" + ng + "' and a.KU_TTMONVAY <> 'CLOSE' and a.KU_DNOTHAN + a.KU_DNOQHAN + a.KU_DNOKHOANH > 0) c left join hskh e on c.ku_makh = e.kh_makh left join dmxa f on substr(c.ku_madp, 1, 6)= left join hsto g on substr(c.ku_mato, 1, 6)= g.to_mato ,(select b.* from hscv_daily b where b.KU_NGAYBC = '" + ng + "' and b.KU_TTMONVAY <> 'CLOSE' and b.KU_DNOTHAN + b.KU_DNOQHAN + b.KU_DNOKHOANH > 0) d where c.KU_MAKH = d.KU_MAKH and((c.KU_CHTRINH = '01' and d.KU_CHTRINH in ('09', '10', '15', '19')) or(c.KU_CHTRINH = '09' and d.KU_CHTRINH in ('10', '15', '19')) or(c.KU_CHTRINH = '19' and d.KU_CHTRINH in ('10', '15'))) order by c.ku_madp,c.ku_mato"; } else { strsql = "select c.ku_mapgd,substr(c.ku_madp,1,6) maxa,f.ten tenxa,c.ku_mato,g.to_tentt,e.kh_makh,e.kh_tenkh,c.ku_chtrinh,c.ku_maqd, d.ku_chtrinh chtr,d.ku_maqd MAQD from (select a.* from hscv_daily a where a.ku_mapgd='" + pos + "' and a.KU_NGAYBC = '" + ng + "' and a.KU_TTMONVAY <> 'CLOSE' and a.KU_DNOTHAN + a.KU_DNOQHAN + a.KU_DNOKHOANH > 0) c left join hskh e on c.ku_makh = e.kh_makh left join dmxa f on substr(c.ku_madp, 1, 6)= left join hsto g on substr(c.ku_mato, 1, 6)= g.to_mato ,(select b.* from hscv_daily b where b.ku_mapgd='" + pos + "' and b.KU_NGAYBC = '" + ng + "' and b.KU_TTMONVAY <> 'CLOSE' and b.KU_DNOTHAN + b.KU_DNOQHAN + b.KU_DNOKHOANH > 0) d where c.KU_MAKH = d.KU_MAKH and((c.KU_CHTRINH = '01' and d.KU_CHTRINH in ('09', '10', '15', '19')) or(c.KU_CHTRINH = '09' and d.KU_CHTRINH in ('10', '15', '19')) or(c.KU_CHTRINH = '19' and d.KU_CHTRINH in ('10', '15'))) order by c.ku_madp,c.ku_mato"; } break; case "M08": if (pos == "003000") { strsql = "select c.KH_MAPGD POS,substr(c.KH_MADP,1,6) MAXA,(select TEN from DMXA where MA=substr(c.KH_MADP,1,6)) TENXA ,b.CS_MATO,(select TO_TENTT from HSTO where TO_MATO = b.CS_MATO)TENTT, c.KH_MAKH,c.KH_TENKH,a.DUNO,b.CS_MAKH,b.CS_SODU_TK from ( select a.KU_MAKH, sum(a.KU_DNOTHAN + a.KU_DNOQHAN + a.KU_DNOKHOANH) DUNO from HSCV_DAILY a where a.KU_NGAYBC = '" + ng + "' group by a.KU_MAKH having sum(a.KU_DNOTHAN + a.KU_DNOQHAN + a.KU_DNOKHOANH) = 0 ) a , ( select a.CS_MATO,a.CS_MAKH,a.CS_SODU_TK from CASA_DAILY a where a.CS_NGAYBC = '" + ng + "' and a.CS_SP_TK = '105' and a.CS_TTSO_TK <> 'C' and a.CS_MATO is not null ) b,HSKH c where a.KU_MAKH = b.CS_MAKH and a.KU_MAKH = c.KH_MAKH order by c.KH_MADP,b.CS_MATO"; } else { strsql = "select c.KH_MAPGD POS,substr(c.KH_MADP,1,6) MAXA,(select TEN from DMXA where MA=substr(c.KH_MADP,1,6)) TENXA ,b.CS_MATO,(select TO_TENTT from HSTO where TO_MATO = b.CS_MATO)TENTT, c.KH_MAKH,c.KH_TENKH,a.DUNO,b.CS_MAKH,b.CS_SODU_TK from ( select a.KU_MAKH, sum(a.KU_DNOTHAN + a.KU_DNOQHAN + a.KU_DNOKHOANH) DUNO from HSCV_DAILY a where a.KU_NGAYBC = '" + ng + "' and a.KU_MAPGD = '" + pos + "' group by a.KU_MAKH having sum(a.KU_DNOTHAN + a.KU_DNOQHAN + a.KU_DNOKHOANH) = 0 ) a , ( select a.CS_MATO,a.CS_MAKH,a.CS_SODU_TK from CASA_DAILY a where a.CS_NGAYBC = '" + ng + "' and a.CS_MAPGD = '" + pos + "' and a.CS_SP_TK = '105' and a.CS_TTSO_TK <> 'C' and a.CS_MATO is not null ) b,HSKH c where a.KU_MAKH = b.CS_MAKH and a.KU_MAKH = c.KH_MAKH order by c.KH_MADP,b.CS_MATO"; } break; case "M09": if (pos == "003000") { strsql = "select a.ku_mapgd,c.po_ten,a.MAXA,d.ten tenxa,a.KU_MATO,e.to_tentt,b.KH_MAKH,b.KH_TENKH,concat(chr(39),a.KU_SOKU) SOKU,a.DUNO,a.KU_CAPQLV from ( select substr(a.KU_MADP, 1, 6) MAXA, a.ku_mapgd, a.ku_makh, a.KU_MATO, a.ku_soku, a.KU_CAPQLV, a.KU_DNOTHAN + a.KU_DNOQHAN + a.KU_DNOKHOANH DUNO from HSCV_DAILY a where a.KU_NGAYBC = '" + ng + "' and a.KU_TTMONVAY <> 'CLOSE' and a.KU_DNOTHAN + a.KU_DNOQHAN + a.KU_DNOKHOANH > 0 and a.KU_CHTRINH = '03' and a.KU_CAPQLV is null ) a left join dmpos c on a.ku_mapgd = c.po_ma left join dmxa d on a.maxa = left join hsto e on a.ku_mato = e.to_mato ,HSKH b where a.KU_MAKH = b.KH_MAKH order by a.KU_MAPGD,a.MAXA,a.KU_MATO"; } else { strsql = "select a.ku_mapgd,c.po_ten,a.MAXA,d.ten tenxa,a.KU_MATO,e.to_tentt,b.KH_MAKH,b.KH_TENKH,concat(chr(39),a.KU_SOKU) SOKU,a.DUNO,a.KU_CAPQLV from ( select substr(a.KU_MADP, 1, 6) MAXA, a.ku_mapgd, a.ku_makh, a.KU_MATO, a.ku_soku, a.KU_CAPQLV, a.KU_DNOTHAN + a.KU_DNOQHAN + a.KU_DNOKHOANH DUNO from HSCV_DAILY a where a.ku_mapgd='" + pos + "' and a.KU_NGAYBC = '" + ng + "' and a.KU_TTMONVAY <> 'CLOSE' and a.KU_DNOTHAN + a.KU_DNOQHAN + a.KU_DNOKHOANH > 0 and a.KU_CHTRINH = '03' and a.KU_CAPQLV is null ) a left join dmpos c on a.ku_mapgd = c.po_ma left join dmxa d on a.maxa = left join hsto e on a.ku_mato = e.to_mato ,HSKH b where a.KU_MAKH = b.KH_MAKH order by a.KU_MAPGD,a.MAXA,a.KU_MATO"; } break; case "M10": dt = cls.LoadDataProcPara("usp_KT74010", bien, giatri, thamso); proc = "1"; break; case "M11": dt = cls.LoadDataProcPara("usp_KT74023", bien, giatri, thamso); proc = "1"; break; case "M12": strsql = "select cs_mapgd,substr(cs_madp,1,6) maxa,ten TENXA,cs_makh,kh_tenkh,cs_mato,concat(chr(39),cs_so_tk2) sotk," + " cs_sodu_tk ,cs_ttso_tk ,to_date(cs_ngayroito, 'DD-MM-YYYY') NG_ROITO," + " N'KH đã rời tổ quá 90 ngày,đề nghị rà soát theo VB3497/NHCS-TDNN' GhiChu" + " from casa_daily, dmxa, hskh where cs_ngaybc = '" + ng + "' and to_date('" + ng + "') - cs_ngayroito > 90" + " and cs_sodu_tk >= 0 and cs_sodu_tk<= 100000 and NVL(cs_ttso_tk, 'A') <> 'C' and cs_mato is null" + " and substr(cs_madp,1, 6)= ma and cs_makh = kh_makh order by substr(cs_madp, 1, 6),cs_makh"; break; case "M13": strsql = "with lst1 as ( select ku_makh, ku_mato, sum(NVL(ku_dnothan, 0) + NVL(ku_dnoqhan, 0) + NVL(ku_dnokhoanh, 0)) duno " + " from hscv_daily where ku_ngaybc ='" + ng + "' and ku_ttmonvay <> 'CLOSE' and NVL(ku_dnothan, 0) + NVL(ku_dnoqhan, 0) + NVL(ku_dnokhoanh, 0) > 0 " + " group by ku_makh, ku_mato ) select ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY a.kh_mapgd ORDER BY a.kh_mapgd) STT, a.kh_mapgd, a.kh_madp, b.ku_mato, c.to_tentt, a.kh_makh, a.kh_tenkh, a.kh_diachi, b.duno, a.kh_ngaycap " + " , round((TO_DATE('" + ng + "') -TO_DATE(a.kh_ngaycap))/ 365,0) sonam " + " from hskh a, lst1 b left join hsto c on b.ku_mato = c.to_mato " + " where a.kh_makh = b.ku_makh and TO_DATE ('" + ng + "') -TO_DATE(a.kh_ngaycap) > 15 * 365 " + " order by a.kh_mapgd,a.kh_madp,b.ku_mato,a.kh_makh"; break; case "M14": strsql = "select ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY a.ku_mapgd ORDER BY a.ku_mapgd) STT,a.ku_mapgd,a.ku_madp,C.TEN TENXA" + " ,a.ku_mato,d.to_tentt ,a.ku_makh,b.kh_tenkh,concat(chr(39), a.ku_soku) SOKU,a.ku_ngayvay,a.ku_dnothan,a.ku_dnoqhan,a.ku_dnokhoanh " + " ,round((TO_DATE('" + ng + "') - TO_DATE(a.ku_ngayvay)) / 30, 0) sothang,a.ku_ttmonvay,a.ku_maqd,e.giatri from hscv_daily a" + " left join hskh b on a.ku_makh = b.kh_makh left join dmxa c on substr(a.ku_madp, 1, 6)= " + " left join hsto d on a.ku_mato = d.to_mato left join (select * from dmkhac where khoa_1='07') e on A.KU_MAQD=e.khoa_2" + " where a.ku_ngaybc ='" + ng + "' and a.ku_ttmonvay <> 'CLOSE' and a.ku_gngan = 0" + " and TO_DATE ('" + ng + "') -TO_DATE(a.ku_ngayvay) > 90 order by a.ku_mapgd,a.ku_madp,a.ku_mato,a.ku_makh"; break; case "M15": strsql = "with lst1 as (" + " select a.KU_MAPGD, KU_MADP, d.TEN TENXA, KU_MATO, c.TO_TENTT, b.KH_MAKH, b.KH_TENKH, concat(chr(39), a.KU_SOKU) SOKU, a.KU_NGAYVAY, a.KU_DNOTHAN, a.KU_DNOQHAN, a.KU_DNOKHOANH, a.KU_MANDT, a.KU_CAPQLV, a.KU_NGUONVON, a.KU_HTHUCVAY, a.PL_NGUONVON_BS " + ", (case when a.KU_NGUONVON = '1' and a.PL_NGUONVON_BS = '01' and a.KU_MANDT <> 'INV0107190050391' then 'F'" + " when a.KU_NGUONVON = '1' and a.PL_NGUONVON_BS = '02' and (a.KU_MANDT is not null or a.KU_MANDT<>'') then 'F'" + " when a.KU_NGUONVON = '1' and a.PL_NGUONVON_BS = '01' and (a.KU_MANDT is null or a.KU_MANDT='') then 'F'" + " when a.KU_NGUONVON = '2' and (a.KU_MANDT = 'INV0107190050391' or a.KU_MANDT is null) then 'F'" + " else 'T'end) TT from HSCV_DAILY a left join hskh b on a.KU_MAKH = b.KH_MAKH" + " left join hsto c on a.KU_MATO = c.TO_MATO left join DMXA d on substr(a.KU_MADP, 1, 6)= d.MA" + " where a.KU_NGAYBC = '" + ng + "' and a.KU_CHTRINH = '03' and a.KU_DNOTHAN + a.KU_DNOQHAN + a.KU_DNOKHOANH > 0 and a.KU_TTMONVAY <> 'CLOSE'" + " ) select* from lst1 where tt = 'F' order by KU_MADP,KU_MATO"; break; case "M16": strsql = "with lst1 as (" + " select ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY a.KU_MAKH ORDER BY a.KU_MADP, a.ku_makh) STT, a.ku_mapgd, substr(a.ku_madp, 1, 6) MAXA, concat(chr(39), " + " a.ku_soku) soku , a.ku_mato, a.ku_makh, a.ku_dnothan, a.ku_dnoqhan, a.ku_dnokhoanh, a.ku_laitonthan + a.ku_laitonqhan LAITON " + " from hscs_daily a where a.ku_ngaybc = '" + ng + "' and ku_ttmonvay <> 'CLOSE' and a.ku_laitonthan + a.ku_laitonqhan > 100000 " + " ),lst2 as ( select a.*,c.du from lst1 a" + " left join (select b.cs_makh, sum(b.cs_sodu_tk) du from casa_daily b where b.cs_ngaybc = '" + ng + "' and cs_sp_tk = '105' group by b.cs_makh " + " having sum(b.cs_sodu_tk) >= 100000) c on a.ku_makh = c.cs_makh and a.stt = 1 ), lst3 as " + " ( select a.* from lst2 a where a.du > 0 )" + " select a.stt,a.ku_mapgd,d.po_ten,a.maxa,e.ten tenxa, a.ku_mato,f.to_tentt,a.ku_makh,g.kh_tenkh,a.soku," + " a.ku_dnothan,a.ku_dnoqhan,a.ku_dnokhoanh,a.LAITON,a.du DUTK105 from lst2 a left " + " join dmpos d on a.ku_mapgd = d.po_ma " + " left join dmxa e on a.maxa = " + " left join hsto f on a.ku_mato = f.to_mato " + " left join hskh g on a.ku_makh = g.kh_makh " + " where a.ku_makh in (select b.ku_makh from lst3 b where a.ku_makh = b.ku_makh) order by a.maxa,a.ku_mato,a.ku_makh,a.stt"; break; case "M17": strsql = "with lst1 as ( select a.KU_MAPGD, substr(a.KU_MADP, 1, 6) MAXA, a.KU_MADP, a.KU_MATO, a.KU_MAKH, a.KU_SOKU, a.KU_DNOTHAN + a.KU_DNOQHAN + a.KU_DNOKHOANH DUNO from HSCV_DAILY a where a.ku_ngaybc = '" + ng + "' and a.KU_MATO is not null ), lst2 as ( select a.CS_MAPGD,substr(a.CS_MADP, 1, 6) MAXA,a.CS_MADP,a.CS_MATO,a.cs_MAKH,a.CS_SO_TK,a.CS_SODU_TK DUTK from CASA_DAILY a where a.cs_ngaybc = '" + ng + "' and a.CS_SP_TK = '105' and a.CS_MATO is not null ), lst3 as ( select a.KU_MAPGD,a.MAXA,a.KU_MATO,sum(a.DUNO) DUNO from lst1 a group by a.KU_MAPGD,a.MAXA,a.KU_MATO having sum(a.DUNO) = 0 ), lst4 as ( select a.CS_MAPGD,a.MAXA,a.CS_MATO,sum(a.DUTK) DUTK from lst2 a group by a.CS_MAPGD,a.MAXA,a.CS_MATO having sum(a.DUTK) = 0 ) select a.*,b.CS_MATO,b.DUTK from lst3 a, lst4 b where a.KU_MATO = b.CS_MATO"; break; case "M18": strsql = "with lst1 as ( select a.KU_MAPGD, substr(a.KU_MADP, 1, 6) MAXA, a.KU_MADP, a.KU_MATO, a.KU_MAKH, a.KU_SOKU, a.KU_DNOTHAN + a.KU_DNOQHAN + a.KU_DNOKHOANH DUNO from HSCV_DAILY a where a.ku_ngaybc = '" + ng + "' and a.KU_MATO is not null ), lst2 as ( select a.CS_MAPGD,substr(a.CS_MADP, 1, 6) MAXA,a.CS_MADP,a.CS_MATO,a.cs_MAKH,a.CS_SO_TK,a.CS_SODU_TK DUTK from CASA_DAILY a where a.cs_ngaybc = '" + ng + "' and a.CS_SP_TK = '105' and a.CS_MATO is not null ), lst3 as ( select a.KU_MAPGD,a.MAXA,a.KU_MATO,sum(a.DUNO) DUNO from lst1 a group by a.KU_MAPGD,a.MAXA,a.KU_MATO having sum(a.DUNO) = 0 ), lst4 as ( select a.CS_MAPGD,a.MAXA,a.CS_MATO,sum(a.DUTK) DUTK from lst2 a group by a.CS_MAPGD,a.MAXA,a.CS_MATO having sum(a.DUTK) > 0 ) select a.*,b.CS_MATO,b.DUTK from lst3 a, lst4 b where a.KU_MATO = b.CS_MATO"; break; case "M19": strsql = "with lst1 as ( select a.KU_MAPGD, substr(a.KU_MADP, 1, 6) MAXA, a.KU_MADP, a.KU_MATO, a.KU_MAKH, a.KU_SOKU, a.KU_DNOTHAN + a.KU_DNOQHAN + a.KU_DNOKHOANH DUNO from HSCV_DAILY a where a.ku_ngaybc = '" + ng + "' and a.KU_MATO is not null ), lst2 as ( select a.CS_MAPGD,substr(a.CS_MADP, 1, 6) MAXA,a.CS_MADP,a.CS_MATO,a.cs_MAKH,a.CS_SO_TK,a.CS_SODU_TK DUTK from CASA_DAILY a where a.cs_ngaybc = '" + ng + "' and a.CS_SP_TK = '105' and a.CS_MATO is not null ), lst3 as ( select a.KU_MAPGD,a.MAXA,a.KU_MATO,sum(a.DUNO) DUNO from lst1 a group by a.KU_MAPGD,a.MAXA,a.KU_MATO having sum(a.DUNO) > 0 ), lst4 as ( select a.CS_MAPGD,a.MAXA,a.CS_MATO,sum(a.DUTK) DUTK from lst2 a group by a.CS_MAPGD,a.MAXA,a.CS_MATO having sum(a.DUTK) = 0 ) select a.*,b.CS_MATO,b.DUTK from lst3 a, lst4 b where a.KU_MATO = b.CS_MATO"; break; case "M20": strsql = "with lst1 as ( select a.KU_MAPGD, substr(a.KU_MADP, 1, 6) MAXA, a.KU_MADP, a.KU_MATO, a.KU_MAKH, a.KU_SOKU, a.KU_DNOTHAN + a.KU_DNOQHAN + a.KU_DNOKHOANH DUNO from HSCV_DAILY a where a.ku_ngaybc = '" + ng + "' and a.KU_MATO is not null and a.ku_maqd <> '26' ), lst2 as ( select a.CS_MAPGD,substr(a.CS_MADP, 1, 6) MAXA,a.CS_MADP,a.CS_MATO,a.cs_MAKH,a.CS_SO_TK,a.CS_SODU_TK DUTK from CASA_DAILY a where a.cs_ngaybc = '" + ng + "' and a.CS_SP_TK = '105' and a.CS_MATO is not null), lst3 as ( select a.KU_MAPGD,a.MAXA,a.KU_MATO,a.KU_MAKH,sum(a.DUNO) DUNO from lst1 a group by a.KU_MAPGD,a.MAXA,a.KU_MATO,a.ku_makh ), lst4 as ( select a.CS_MAPGD,a.MAXA,a.CS_MATO,a.CS_MAKH,sum(a.DUTK) DUTK from lst2 a group by a.CS_MAPGD,a.MAXA,a.CS_MATO,a.cs_makh ) select a.ku_mapgd,c.po_ten,a.maxa,d.ten tenxa, a.ku_mato,e.to_tentt,a.ku_makh,f.KH_TENKH,a.duno,a.duno / 10 DU_PT,b.DUTK from lst3 a left join dmpos c on a.ku_mapgd = c.po_ma left join dmxa d on a.maxa = left join hsto e on a.ku_mato = e.to_mato left join hskh f on a.ku_makh = f.kh_makh , lst4 b where a.KU_MATO = b.CS_MATO and a.ku_makh = b.cs_makh and b.dutk > a.duno / 10 order by a.maxa,a.ku_mato,a.ku_makh"; break; case "M21": strsql = "with lst1 as ( select a.KU_MAPGD, substr(a.KU_MADP, 1, 6) MAXA, a.KU_MADP, a.KU_MATO, a.KU_MAKH, a.KU_SOKU, a.KU_DNOTHAN + a.KU_DNOQHAN + a.KU_DNOKHOANH DUNO from HSCV_DAILY a where a.ku_ngaybc = '" + ng + "' and a.KU_MATO is not null and a.ku_maqd <> '26' ), lst2 as ( select a.CS_MAPGD,substr(a.CS_MADP, 1, 6) MAXA,a.CS_MADP,a.CS_MATO,a.cs_MAKH,a.CS_SO_TK,a.CS_SODU_TK DUTK from CASA_DAILY a where a.cs_ngaybc = '" + ng + "' and a.CS_SP_TK = '105' and a.CS_MATO is not null ), lst3 as ( select a.KU_MAPGD,a.MAXA,a.KU_MATO,a.KU_MAKH,sum(a.DUNO) DUNO from lst1 a group by a.KU_MAPGD,a.MAXA,a.KU_MATO,a.ku_makh having sum(a.DUNO) > 0 ), lst4 as ( select a.CS_MAPGD,a.MAXA,a.CS_MATO,a.CS_MAKH,sum(a.DUTK) DUTK from lst2 a group by a.CS_MAPGD,a.MAXA,a.CS_MATO,a.cs_makh having sum(a.DUTK) = 0 ) select a.ku_mapgd,c.po_ten,a.maxa,d.ten tenxa, a.ku_mato,e.to_tentt,a.ku_makh,f.KH_TENKH,a.duno,b.DUTK from lst3 a left join dmpos c on a.ku_mapgd = c.po_ma left join dmxa d on a.maxa = left join hsto e on a.ku_mato = e.to_mato left join hskh f on a.ku_makh = f.kh_makh , lst4 b where a.KU_MATO = b.CS_MATO and a.ku_makh = b.cs_makh order by a.maxa,a.ku_mato,a.ku_makh"; break; case "M22": dt = cls.LoadDataProcPara("usp_KT74004", bien, giatri, thamso); proc = "1"; break; case "M23": dt = cls.LoadDataProcPara("usp_KT74005", bien, giatri, thamso); proc = "1"; break; case "M24": dt = cls.LoadDataProcPara("usp_KT74025", bien, giatri, thamso); proc = "1"; break; case "M25": dt = cls.LoadDataProcPara("usp_KT74018", bien, giatri, thamso); proc = "1"; break; case "M26": dt = cls.LoadDataProcPara("usp_KT74019", bien, giatri, thamso); proc = "1"; break; case "M27": dt = cls.LoadDataProcPara("usp_KT74023", bien, giatri, thamso); proc = "1"; break; case "M28": dt = cls.LoadDataProcPara("usp_KT74024", bien, giatri, thamso); proc = "1"; break; case "M29": dt = cls.LoadDataProcPara("usp_TangPhien", bien, giatri, thamso); proc = "1"; break; case "M30": dt = cls.LoadDataProcPara("usp_kt74027", bien, giatri, thamso); proc = "1"; break; case "M31": dt = cls.LoadDataProcPara("usp_kt74028", bien, giatri, thamso); proc = "1"; break; case "M32": strsql = "select a.*, b.tong_duno, dnth, dnqh, dnkh from (SELECT substr(cs_madp, 1, 6) maxa, ten tenxa,cs_mato mato,to_tentt tentt,cs_makh makh,cs_tentk tenkh,sum(CS_SODU_TK) du_tk,cs_ngaybc ngaybc FROM casa_daily, hsto, dmxa WHERE cs_mapgd = '" + pos + "' AND CS_SP_TK = '105' AND cs_ngaybc = '" + ng + "' and cs_mato = to_mato and to_loaito = '01' and CS_TTSO_TK = 'A' and substr(cs_madp, 1, 6) = ma group by substr(cs_madp, 1, 6), ten, cs_mato, to_tentt, cs_makh, cs_tentk, cs_ngaybc having sum(CS_SODU_TK) >= 5000000) a left join (select SUBSTR(KU_MADP, 1, 6) MAXA, KU_MATO mato, to_tentt tentt, ku_makh makh, SUM(KU_DNOTHAN) + SUM(KU_DNOQHAN) + SUM(KU_DNOKHOANH) TONG_DUNO, SUM(KU_DNOTHAN) DNTH, SUM(KU_DNOQHAN) DNQH,SUM(KU_DNOKHOANH) DNKH FROM HSCV_DAILY, hsto WHERE KU_NGAYBC = '" + ng + "' AND KU_MApgd = '" + pos + "' and ku_mato = to_mato AND KU_TTMONVAY <> 'CLOSE' and trangthai = 'A' GROUP BY SUBSTR(KU_MADP, 1, 6), KU_MATO, to_tentt, ku_makh) B on a.makh = b.makh order by a.maxa, a.mato, a.makh"; break; case "M33": strsql = "select a.KU_MAPGD,LEFT(a.KU_MADP,6) MAXA,b.TEN TENXA,a.KU_MATO,c.TO_TENTT,a.KU_MAKH,d.KH_TENKH,char(39)+a.KU_SOKU SOKU,a.KU_NGAYGNDT NG_VAY,a.KU_DNOTHAN,a.KU_DNOQHAN,a.KU_DNOKHOANH,a.KU_MAQD,e.GIATRI CHTRINH from HSCV_DAILY a left join DMXA b on b.MA = LEFT(a.KU_MADP, 6) and b.TRANGTHAI = 'A' left join HSTO c on c.TO_MATO = a.KU_MATO and c.TRANGTHAI = 'A' left join hskh d on d.KH_MAKH = a.KU_MAKH left join (select * from DMKHAC where KHOA_1 = '07') e on a.KU_MAQD = e.KHOA_2 where a.KU_NGAYBC = '" + ngsql + "' and a.KU_MAPGD = '" + pos + "' and a.KU_TTMONVAY <> 'CLOSE' and a.KU_DNOTHAN + a.KU_DNOQHAN + a.KU_DNOKHOANH > 0 and a.KU_SOKU in (select SOKU from MAU06 where SOKU = A.KU_SOKU and MAPOS = '" + pos + "' and MAPOS = a.KU_MAPGD and TRANGTHAI1 = 1 and NGAY_VAY >= '2018-12-31') order by a.KU_MADP,a.KU_MATO,a.KU_MAKH"; sql = "1"; break; } //MessageBox.Show(mau); if (proc == "0") { if (sql == "1") { dt = cls.LoadDataText(strsql); } else { dt = ora.LoadDataText(strsql); } } if (dt.Rows.Count > 0) { FileName = Thumuc + "\\" + pos + "_" + CboMau.SelectedValue.ToString().Substring(5, CboMau.SelectedValue.ToString().Length - 5) + "_" + dtpNgay.SelectedDate.Value.ToString("ddMMyyyy") + ".csv"; if (mau == "M12" || mau == "M20" || mau == "M21") { FileStream fs = new FileStream(FileName, FileMode.Create); StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(fs, Encoding.Unicode); str.ToCSV(dt, sw, true); } else { str.ExportToExcel(dt, FileName); } MessageBox.Show("Copy Excel to : " + FileName, "Thông báo", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information); str.OpenExcel(FileName); } else { MessageBox.Show("Không có số liệu", "Thông báo", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Warning); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); } cls.DongKetNoi(); }