/// <summary> /// Checks a reply for error. If reply has error relevant exception is thrown /// </summary> /// <param name='reply'> /// The reply to check /// </param> /// <param name='expectedLength'> /// Expected reply length /// </param> /// <param name='cleanUp'> /// Clean up method called before the exception is thrown /// </param> public static void CheckForError(Reply reply, byte expectedLength, CleanUpMethod cleanUp) { if (reply.HasError) { if (cleanUp != null) { cleanUp(); } ThrowException(reply); } if (reply.Length != expectedLength) { if (cleanUp != null) { cleanUp(); } throw new BrickException(BrickError.WrongNumberOfBytes); } }
private static void CheckForError(Reply reply, int expectedLength, UInt16 expectedSequenceNumber, CleanUpMethod cleanUp, bool ignoreLength) { if (reply.HasError) { if (cleanUp != null) { cleanUp(); } ThrowException(reply); } if (!ignoreLength) { if (reply.Length != expectedLength) { if (cleanUp != null) { cleanUp(); } throw new BrickException(BrickError.WrongNumberOfBytes); } } if (reply.SequenceNumber != expectedSequenceNumber) { if (cleanUp != null) { cleanUp(); } throw new BrickException(BrickError.WrongSequenceNumber); } }
/// <summary> /// Checks a reply for error. If reply has error relevant exception is thrown /// </summary> /// <param name='reply'> /// The reply to check /// </param> /// <param name='expectedLength'> /// Expected reply length /// </param> /// <param name='expectedSequenceNumber'> /// Expected sequence number /// </param> /// <param name='cleanUp'> /// Clean up method called before the exception is thrown /// </param> public static void CheckForError(Reply reply, int expectedLength, UInt16 expectedSequenceNumber, CleanUpMethod cleanUp) { CheckForError(reply, expectedLength, expectedSequenceNumber, cleanUp, false); }
private static void CheckForError(Reply reply, int expectedLength, UInt16 expectedSequenceNumber, CleanUpMethod cleanUp, bool ignoreLength){ if(reply.HasError){ if(cleanUp!= null){ cleanUp(); } ThrowException(reply); } if (!ignoreLength) { if (reply.Length != expectedLength) { if (cleanUp != null) { cleanUp (); } throw new BrickException (BrickError.WrongNumberOfBytes); } } if(reply.SequenceNumber != expectedSequenceNumber){ if(cleanUp!= null){ cleanUp(); } throw new BrickException(BrickError.WrongSequenceNumber); } }
/// <summary> /// Checks a reply for error. If reply has error relevant exception is thrown /// </summary> /// <param name='reply'> /// The reply to check /// </param> /// <param name='expectedLength'> /// Expected reply length /// </param> /// <param name='expectedSequenceNumber'> /// Expected sequence number /// </param> /// <param name='cleanUp'> /// Clean up method called before the exception is thrown /// </param> public static void CheckForError(Reply reply, int expectedLength, UInt16 expectedSequenceNumber, CleanUpMethod cleanUp){ CheckForError (reply, expectedLength, expectedSequenceNumber, cleanUp, false); }
/// <summary> /// Checks a reply for error. If reply has error relevant exception is thrown /// </summary> /// <param name='reply'> /// The reply to check /// </param> /// <param name='expectedLength'> /// Expected reply length /// </param> /// <param name='cleanUp'> /// Clean up method called before the exception is thrown /// </param> public static void CheckForError(Reply reply, byte expectedLength, CleanUpMethod cleanUp){ if(reply.HasError){ if(cleanUp!= null){ cleanUp(); } ThrowException(reply); } if(reply.Length != expectedLength){ if(cleanUp!= null){ cleanUp(); } throw new BrickException(BrickError.WrongNumberOfBytes); } }
public static void Add(CleanUpMethod method) { methods.Add(method); }