private void radioButtonNo_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { DisableTextfield(); txtContactDetail.Text = ""; txtThirdPartyName.Text = ""; txthirdPartyEstimatValOfLoss.Text = ""; txtThirdPartyDamageVal.Text = ""; objClaimModel.ThirdPartyInvolvement = false; ClaimerrorPro.Clear(); }
private void Search_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Search.Text == "Search") { Search.Text = "Processing.."; } if (txtSearchVrnPolicy.Text != "") { bindClaimDetail(txtSearchVrnPolicy.Text); Search.Text = "Search"; } else { //MessageBox.Show("Please Enter VRN/POLICY No."); Search.Text = "Search"; ClaimerrorPro.SetError(txtSearchVrnPolicy, "Please Enter VRN/POLICY No."); txtSearchVrnPolicy.Focus(); return; } }
private void btnNext_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (txtPolicyNo.Text != "") { objClaimModel.PolicyNumber = txtPolicyNo.Text; objClaimModel.CoverStartDate = txtStartDate.Text; objClaimModel.CoverEndDate = txtEndDate.Text; objClaimModel.VRNNumber = txtVRNNo.Text; objClaimModel.CustomerName = txtCustomerName.Text; pnlClaimNotification.Visible = false; pnlClamantDetail.Visible = true; if (objClaimModel.ThirdPartyInvolvement == true) { EndableTextField(); } if (objClaimModel.ThirdPartyInvolvement == false || objClaimModel.ThirdPartyInvolvement == null) { DisableTextfield(); } } else { //MessageBox.Show("Please Enter the Vrn/Policy No In Search Textbox "); ClaimerrorPro.SetError(txtSearchVrnPolicy, "Please Enter the Vrn/Policy No In Search Textbox "); txtSearchVrnPolicy.Focus(); return; } //DisableTextfield(); //pnlClaimNotification.Visible = false; //pnlClamantDetail.Visible = false; //PnlMsg.Visible = true; //datePickDateOfLoss.CustomFormat = " "; }
public void bindClaimDetail(string SearchText) { //var LocalApiURL = "http://localhost:6220/api/Claimant/"; //var client = new RestClient(LocalApiURL + "ClaimDetail?SearchText=" + SearchText); var client = new RestClient(ApiURL + "ClaimDetail?SearchText=" + SearchText); var request = new RestRequest(Method.GET); request.AddHeader("password", Pwd); request.AddHeader("username", username); request.AddParameter("application/json", "{\n\t\"Name\":\"ghj\"\n}", ParameterType.RequestBody); IRestResponse response = client.Execute(request); var result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ClaimRegisterModel>(response.Content); if (result != null) { if (result.PolicyNumber != null) { EnableClaimPanel(); txtPolicyNo.Text = result.PolicyNumber; txtVRNNo.Text = result.VRNNumber; txtCustomerName.Text = result.CustomerName; objClaimModel.UserId = result.UserId; if (result.CoverStartDate != null) { txtStartDate.Text = Convert.ToString(result.CoverStartDate); } else { txtStartDate.Text = Convert.ToString(DateTime.Now); } if (result.CoverEndDate != null) { //txtEndDate.Text = Convert.ToString(Convert.ToDateTime(result.CoverEndDate).ToShortDateString()); txtEndDate.Text = Convert.ToString(result.CoverEndDate); } else { txtEndDate.Text = Convert.ToString(DateTime.Now); } } else { //MessageBox.Show("VRN/Policy No doesn't Exist.Please Try Again"); ClaimerrorPro.SetError(txtSearchVrnPolicy, "VRN/Policy No doesn't Exist.Please Try Again"); txtSearchVrnPolicy.Focus(); EmptyAlltext(); DisableClaimPanel(); return; } } else { //MessageBox.Show("VRN/Policy No doesn't Exist.Please Try Again"); ClaimerrorPro.SetError(txtSearchVrnPolicy, "VRN/Policy No doesn't Exist.Please Try Again"); txtSearchVrnPolicy.Focus(); DisableTextfield(); return; } //cmbCoverType.AutoCompleteMode = AutoCompleteMode.SuggestAppend; }
private void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { var Dateloss = datePickDateOfLoss.Text; var format = "MM/dd/yyyy"; //var format = "dd/MM/yyyy"; var GetStartDate = DateTime.ParseExact(txtStartDate.Text, format, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); var GetEndDate = DateTime.ParseExact(txtEndDate.Text, format, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); DateTime startdate = GetStartDate; DateTime enddate = GetEndDate; // DateTime startdate = Convert.ToDateTime(txtStartDate.Text); // DateTime enddate = Convert.ToDateTime(txtEndDate.Text); if (startdate != null && enddate != null) { if (txtClaimantName.Text == "") { // MessageBox.Show("Claimant name is required field"); ClaimerrorPro.SetError(txtClaimantName, "Claimant name is required field."); txtClaimantName.Focus(); return; } else { objClaimModel.ClaimantName = txtClaimantName.Text; } if (Dateloss != " ") { if (Convert.ToDateTime(Dateloss) >= startdate) { if (enddate >= Convert.ToDateTime(Dateloss)) { //MessageBox.Show("Claim Is Approved"); } else { //MessageBox.Show("Your date of loss doesn't exist in policy start/end date."); ClaimerrorPro.SetError(datePickDateOfLoss, "Your date of loss doesn't exist in policy start/end date."); datePickDateOfLoss.Focus(); return; } } else { //MessageBox.Show("Your date of loss doesn't exist in policy start/end date."); ClaimerrorPro.SetError(datePickDateOfLoss, "Your date of loss doesn't exist in policy start/end date."); datePickDateOfLoss.Focus(); return; } if (txtPlaceOfLoss.Text == "") { //MessageBox.Show("Place of loss is required field"); ClaimerrorPro.SetError(txtPlaceOfLoss, "Place of loss is required field."); txtPlaceOfLoss.Focus(); return; } else { objClaimModel.PlaceOfLoss = txtPlaceOfLoss.Text; } if (txtEstimatValofLoss.Text == "") { // MessageBox.Show("Estimated val of loss is required field"); ClaimerrorPro.SetError(txtEstimatValofLoss, "Estimated val of loss is required field."); txtEstimatValofLoss.Focus(); return; } else { objClaimModel.EstimatedValueOfLoss = Convert.ToDecimal(txtEstimatValofLoss.Text); } if (txtDescriptionofloss.Text == "") { //MessageBox.Show("Description of loss is required field"); ClaimerrorPro.SetError(txtDescriptionofloss, "Description of loss is required field."); txtDescriptionofloss.Focus(); return; } else { objClaimModel.DescriptionOfLoss = txtDescriptionofloss.Text; } objClaimModel.DateOfLoss = Convert.ToDateTime(datePickDateOfLoss.Text); if (radioButtonYes.Checked == true || radioButtonNo.Checked == true) { if (radioButtonYes.Checked) { objClaimModel.ThirdPartyInvolvement = true; if (txtContactDetail.Text == "") { //MessageBox.Show("Contact detail is required field"); ClaimerrorPro.SetError(txtContactDetail, "Contact detail is required field."); txtContactDetail.Focus(); return; } else { objClaimModel.ThirdPartyContactDetails = txtContactDetail.Text; } if (txtThirdPartyName.Text == "") { //MessageBox.Show("Third party name is required field"); ClaimerrorPro.SetError(txtThirdPartyName, "Third party name is required field."); txtThirdPartyName.Focus(); return; } else { objClaimModel.ThirdPartyName = txtThirdPartyName.Text; } if (txthirdPartyEstimatValOfLoss.Text == "") { //MessageBox.Show("Third party estimated val of loss is required field"); ClaimerrorPro.SetError(txthirdPartyEstimatValOfLoss, "Third party estimated val of loss is required field."); txthirdPartyEstimatValOfLoss.Focus(); return; } else { objClaimModel.ThirdPartyEstimatedValueOfLoss = Convert.ToDecimal(txthirdPartyEstimatValOfLoss.Text); } if (txtThirdPartyDamageVal.Text == "") { //MessageBox.Show("Third party damage value is required field"); ClaimerrorPro.SetError(txtThirdPartyDamageVal, "Third party damage value is required field."); txtThirdPartyDamageVal.Focus(); return; } else { objClaimModel.ThirdPartyDamageValue = Convert.ToDecimal(txtThirdPartyDamageVal.Text); } objClaimModel.ThirdPartyMakeId = Convert.ToString(comboMake.SelectedValue); objClaimModel.ThirdPartyModelId = Convert.ToString(comboModel.SelectedValue); } else { objClaimModel.ThirdPartyInvolvement = false; } } else { //MessageBox.Show("Please Enter the required fields."); ClaimerrorPro.SetError(radioButtonNo, "Please select the third party involvement."); radioButtonNo.Focus(); return; } SaveClaimantDetail(objClaimModel); } else { if (radioButtonNo.Checked) { objClaimModel.ThirdPartyMakeId = ""; objClaimModel.ThirdPartyModelId = ""; } //MessageBox.Show("Please select date of loss"); ClaimerrorPro.SetError(datePickDateOfLoss, "Please select date of loss."); datePickDateOfLoss.Focus(); return; } //} } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Please try again"); return; } }
private void datePickDateOfLoss_ValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { datePickDateOfLoss.CustomFormat = "MM/dd/yyyy"; ClaimerrorPro.Clear(); }
private void txtClaimantName_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { ClaimerrorPro.Clear(); }
private void textBox2_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { ClaimerrorPro.Clear(); }
private void txtPlaceOfLoss_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { ClaimerrorPro.Clear(); }
private void radioButtonYes_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { EndableTextField(); objClaimModel.ThirdPartyInvolvement = true; ClaimerrorPro.Clear(); }
private void txtEstimatValofLoss_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { ClaimerrorPro.Clear(); }
private void txtContactDetail_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { ClaimerrorPro.Clear(); }
private void txtThirdPartyDamageVal_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { ClaimerrorPro.Clear(); }
private void txtSearchVrnPolicy_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { objClaimModel = new ClaimRegisterModel(); ClaimerrorPro.Clear(); }