Пример #1
    public static bool isHitFromAbove(float sourceMaxY, ChipmunkBody target, ChipmunkArbiter arbiter)
        /// The collision normal is the direction of the surfaces where the two objects collided.
        /// Keep in mind that the normal points out of the first object and into the second.
        /// If you switch the order of your collision types in the method name, it will flip the normal around.

        // came from above?
        if (target.velocity.normalized.y < -COS_45)
            // check collision points to be all above collider's height
            for (int i = 0, c = arbiter.contactCount; i < c; ++i)
                if (sourceMaxY > (arbiter.GetPoint(i).y - arbiter.GetDepth(i)))
Пример #2
    public static bool beginCollisionWithScenery(ChipmunkArbiter arbiter)
        ChipmunkShape shape1, shape2;

        // The order of the arguments matches the order in the function name.
        arbiter.GetShapes(out shape1, out shape2);

        Player player = shape1.GetComponent <Player>();

        /*if (player.isDying())
         *      return false; // stop collision with scenery since this frame*/

        player.exitedFromScenery = false;

        // avoid ground penetration (Y axis)
        // NOTE: to solve this Chipmunk has the property collisionBias and/or minPenetrationForPenalty
        Vector2 thePos = player.body.position;
        float   depth  = arbiter.GetDepth(0);

        thePos.y            -= depth;
        player.body.position = thePos;

        // if isn't a grounded surface then stop velocity and avoid getting inside the object
        if (GameObjectTools.isWallHit(arbiter))
            // get sign direction to know what offset apply to body
            player.signCollision = -Mathf.Sign(player.transform.position.x - shape2.transform.position.x);
            // set moving velocity close to 0 so player can't move against the wall but can change direction of movement
            player.walkVelocity = 0.001f;
            // move back to the contact point and a little more
            thePos               = player.body.position;
            thePos.x            += player.signCollision * (depth - 0.01f);
            player.body.position = thePos;

        // Returning false from a begin callback means to ignore the collision response for these two colliding shapes
        // until they separate. Also for current frame. Ignore() does the same but next frame.