//void OnSceneGUI()
    //    Event e = Event.current;
    //    if (e != null)
    //    {
    //        Debug.Log(e.commandName);
    //        if (e.commandName == "Duplicate")
    //        {
    //            Debug.Log("<ksdjfyksndf");
    //        }
    //    }

    public void OnEnable()
        LLC          = target as LazyLayoutController;
        mainGameView = GetMainGameView();

        int layoutCount = LLC.savedLazyLayouts.Count;

        if (layoutCount > 0)
            for (int i = 0; i < layoutCount; i++)
                if (i <= LLC.savedLazyLayouts.Count - 1)
                    if (i == LLC.index_CurrentlySelectedLayout - 1)
                        choosed_16_9_Landscape = LLC.savedLazyLayouts[i].capableOf_16_9_Landscape;
                        choosed_16_9_Portrait  = LLC.savedLazyLayouts[i].capableOf_16_9_Portrait;
                        choosed_4_3_Landscape  = LLC.savedLazyLayouts[i].capableOf_4_3_Landscape;
                        choosed_4_3_Portrait   = LLC.savedLazyLayouts[i].capableOf_4_3_Portrait;
                        choosed_3_2_Landscape  = LLC.savedLazyLayouts[i].capableOf_3_2_Landscape;
                        choosed_3_2_Portrait   = LLC.savedLazyLayouts[i].capableOf_3_2_Portrait;
                        choosed_Other          = LLC.savedLazyLayouts[i].capableOf_Other;
                        choosed_Custom         = LLC.savedLazyLayouts[i].capableOf_Custom;

                        customAR_Length = LLC.savedLazyLayouts[i].customAR_Length;
                        customAR_Heigth = LLC.savedLazyLayouts[i].customAR_Height;

                        LLC.layoutName          = LLC.savedLazyLayouts[i].layoutName;
                        currentMinSizeForLayout = LLC.savedLazyLayouts[i].minDeviceSizeForLayout;
    public void DeleteGO()
        delCounter = 0;
        LazyLayoutController LLC = GameObject.FindObjectOfType <LazyLayoutController>();

        //Check every saved layout for ll_GUID of the object that has to be delted
        for (int i = 0; i < LLC.savedLazyLayouts.Count; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < LLC.savedLazyLayouts[i].savedRectTransformsInScene.Count; j++)
                if (LLC.savedLazyLayouts[i].savedRectTransformsInScene[j].ll_GUID == LLH.ll_GUID)

        Debug.LogWarning("--LazyLayout-- Removed " + delCounter + " entries in all saved layouts");

        //finally destroy the GO