/// <summary> /// Constructs the sprite drawing area, along with the various /// rules needed. /// </summary> public Viewer() { // Create the drop-down list HBox box = new HBox(); fps = new SpinButton(1, 100, 1); fps.Value = DesiredFps; fps.Changed += OnFpsChanged; showUpdate = new CheckButton(); box.PackStart(new Label("FPS"), false, false, 0); box.PackStart(fps, false, false, 2); box.PackStart(new Label("Show Update"), false, false, 5); box.PackStart(showUpdate, false, false, 2); box.PackStart(new Label(), true, true, 0); PackStart(box, false, false, 2); // Create the drawing area and pack it area = new DrawingArea(); area.Realized += OnRealized; area.ExposeEvent += OnExposed; area.ConfigureEvent += OnConfigure; PackStart(area, true, true, 2); // Create the viewport Sprites = new SpriteList(); viewport = new SpriteViewport(Sprites); // Start up a little animation loop Timeout.Add(1000 / DesiredFps, OnTick); }
public CatalogPropertiesDialog(Catalog catalog) { this.catalog = catalog; this.Title = String.Format (Mono.Posix.Catalog.GetString ("{0} properties"), catalog.Name); this.HasSeparator = false; cancelButton = (Button)this.AddButton (Stock.Cancel, 0); okButton = (Button)this.AddButton (Stock.Ok, 1); cancelButton.Clicked += OnCancelButtonClicked; okButton.Clicked += OnOkButtonClicked; VBox vBox = this.VBox; HBox titleBox = new HBox (); Gtk.Frame frame = new Frame ("<b>"+Mono.Posix.Catalog.GetString ("Columns to show")+"</b>"); ((Label)(frame.LabelWidget)).UseMarkup = true; titleBox.PackEnd (frame); vBox.PackStart (titleBox); VBox columnsBox = new VBox (); columns = catalog.Columns; Hashtable columnsToShow = catalog.ColumnsToShow; checks = new Hashtable (); foreach (string colName in columns.Keys) { if (colName.Equals ("id")) continue; CheckButton check = new CheckButton ((string)columns[colName]); check.Active = (bool)columnsToShow[colName]; checks.Add (columns[colName], check); columnsBox.PackStart (check); } frame.Add (columnsBox); this.ShowAll(); }
/// <summary> /// Makes sure that all the emergency controls are toggled at once if the latch action is selected. /// </summary> /// <param name="senderButton">Defines the sender button which called the method. Required to avoid an infinite loop.</param> /// <remarks>This function must be called by any button that belongs to the <see cref="EmergencyControls"/> container.</remarks> private void EmergencyLatchAction(CheckButton senderButton) { // ToDo: This needs a better fix (i.e. sensing if the click source is data binding or an actual click) var latch = senderButton.Focused && this.emergencyLatchCheckEdit.Checked; if (latch || senderButton == this.beamCheckButton) { this.beamCheckButton.Text = this.beamCheckButton.Checked ? "Beam On" : "Beam Off"; this.beamCheckButton.Checked = senderButton.Checked; } if (latch || senderButton == this.hVCheckButton) { this.hVCheckButton.Text = this.hVCheckButton.Checked ? "HV On" : "HV Off"; this.hVCheckButton.Checked = senderButton.Checked; } if (latch || senderButton == this.gateCheckButton) { this.gateCheckButton.Text = this.gateCheckButton.Checked ? "Open" : "Closed"; this.gateCheckButton.Checked = senderButton.Checked; } if (latch || senderButton == this.pulseGeneratorCheckButton) { this.pulseGeneratorCheckButton.Text = this.pulseGeneratorCheckButton.Checked ? "PG On" : "PG Off"; this.pulseGeneratorCheckButton.Checked = senderButton.Checked; } }
public static void DashKey(KeyCode buttonPressed) { if (Button.SetDash(buttonPressed)) { CheckPressed = null; } else { Singleton.audio.PlayQueue(AudioList.tutorial_Wrong, false); } }
private void btnNenhum_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { CheckButton checkButton = sender as CheckButton; foreach (var item in this.ListaCheckButton) { item.Checked = item.Name == checkButton.Name && !checkButton.Checked; } _ocultar = checkButton.Tag.Converter <eOcultar>(); Image = checkButton.Image; }
public SampleAssistant() { SetSizeRequest(450, 300); Title = "Gtk.Assistant Sample"; Label lbl = new Label("Click the forward button to continue."); AppendPage(lbl); SetPageTitle(lbl, "Introduction"); SetPageType(lbl, AssistantPageType.Intro); SetPageComplete(lbl, true); HBox box = new HBox(false, 6); box.PackStart(new Label("Enter some text: "), false, false, 6); Entry entry = new Entry(); entry.Changed += new EventHandler(EntryChanged); box.PackStart(entry, false, false, 6); AppendPage(box); SetPageTitle(box, "Getting Some Input"); SetPageType(box, AssistantPageType.Content); CheckButton chk = new CheckButton("I think Gtk# is awesome."); chk.Toggled += new EventHandler(ButtonToggled); AppendPage(chk); SetPageTitle(chk, "Provide Feedback"); SetPageType(chk, AssistantPageType.Content); Alignment al = new Alignment(0.5f, 0.5f, 0.0f, 0.0f); box = new HBox(false, 6); progress_bar = new ProgressBar(); box.PackStart(progress_bar, true, true, 6); Button btn = new Button("Make progress"); btn.Clicked += new EventHandler(ButtonClicked); box.PackStart(btn, false, false, 6); al.Add(box); AppendPage(al); SetPageTitle(al, "Show Some Progress"); SetPageType(al, AssistantPageType.Progress); lbl = new Label("In addition to being able to type,\nYou obviously have great taste in software."); AppendPage(lbl); SetPageTitle(lbl, "Congratulations"); SetPageType(lbl, AssistantPageType.Confirm); SetPageComplete(lbl, true); Cancel += new EventHandler(AssistantCancel); Close += new EventHandler(AssistantClose); }
public static void ImageFile(CheckButton _img, string _url, Stretch _stretch) { //Create the Image var img = _img; //Create the Image img.Source = new BitmapImage(new Uri(_url)); //Setup the Stretch Property img.Stretch = _stretch; }
private CheckButton CreateCheckBox(bool value, string text = null, string tooltip = null) { var cb = new CheckButton(); cb.CanFocus = false; cb.Active = value; cb.Label = text; cb.TooltipText = tooltip; cb.Toggled += Cb_Toggled; return(cb); }
protected override void DrawProperties() { SerializedProperty sp = serializedObject.FindProperty("dragHighlight"); Highlight ht = sp.boolValue ? Highlight.Press : Highlight.DoNothing; GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); bool highlight = (Highlight)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup("Drag Over", ht) == Highlight.Press; GUILayout.Space(18f); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); if (sp.boolValue != highlight) { sp.boolValue = highlight; } DrawTransition(); DrawColors(); CheckButton btn = target as CheckButton; if (btn.tweenTarget != null) { UISprite sprite = btn.tweenTarget.GetComponent <UISprite>(); if (sprite != null) { if (NGUIEditorTools.DrawHeader("Sprites")) { NGUIEditorTools.BeginContents(); EditorGUI.BeginDisabledGroup(serializedObject.isEditingMultipleObjects); { SerializedObject obj = new SerializedObject(sprite); obj.Update(); SerializedProperty atlas = obj.FindProperty("mAtlas"); NGUIEditorTools.DrawSpriteField("Normal", obj, atlas, obj.FindProperty("mSpriteName")); obj.ApplyModifiedProperties(); NGUIEditorTools.DrawSpriteField("Hover", serializedObject, atlas, serializedObject.FindProperty("hoverSprite"), true); NGUIEditorTools.DrawSpriteField("Pressed", serializedObject, atlas, serializedObject.FindProperty("pressedSprite"), true); NGUIEditorTools.DrawSpriteField("Disabled", serializedObject, atlas, serializedObject.FindProperty("disabledSprite"), true); } EditorGUI.EndDisabledGroup(); NGUIEditorTools.DrawProperty("Pixel Snap", serializedObject, "pixelSnap"); NGUIEditorTools.EndContents(); } } } CheckButton button = target as CheckButton; NGUIEditorTools.DrawEvents("On Click", button, button.onClick); }
public override void _Ready() { global = GetNode("/root/Global"); menuAudio = (AudioStreamPlayer)global.GetNode("MenuAudioStreamPlayer"); if (!menuAudio.IsPlaying()) { CheckButton toggleButton = (CheckButton)GetNode("/root/OptionsMenuScene/OptionsMenuButtons/menuMusic"); GD.Print(toggleButton + toggleButton.Name); toggleButton.Pressed = false; } }
private void LoadGUI(object sender, EventArgs e) { InitTimer(); //progress timer AllocConsole(); //enables console JsonCommon.OverrideModInstallerVariables(); //overrides vars if possible //check if in vs string dir = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { dir = Directory.GetParent(dir).ToString(); //move up 3 dirs } dir += @"\bin\"; //add bin Console.WriteLine(ModInstallerCommon.Files.MainFiledir); Console.WriteLine("Detecting for" + ModInstallerCommon.Files.execdir); if (!File.Exists(ModInstallerCommon.Files.execdir) && !ModInstallerCommon.BypassExec && !Directory.Exists(dir)) { MessageBox.Show("ModInstaller cannot find the executable! Make sure my location is in a folder inside the h3vr directory! Just in case, I'll pull up a tutorial for you.", "Exectuable not found!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); var psi = new ProcessStartInfo { FileName = "https://youtu.be/LBcxS_mYLFE?t=21", UseShellExecute = true }; Process.Start(psi); Application.Exit(); } var onlineversion = new Version(JsonModList.GetDeserializedModListFormatOnline(JsonCommon.DatabaseInfo).Modlist[0].Version); if (ModInstallerCommon.ModInstallerVersion.CompareTo(onlineversion) < 0) { MessageBox.Show("H3VRModInstaller is out of date! (" + ModInstallerCommon.ModInstallerVersion + " vs " + onlineversion + ")", "Wrong version detected!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation); var psi = new ProcessStartInfo { FileName = JsonModList.GetDeserializedModListFormatOnline(JsonCommon.DatabaseInfo).Modlist[0].Website, UseShellExecute = true }; Process.Start(psi); } InstallButton.Hide(); UpdateButton.Hide(); ModVer.Hide(); Delete.Hide(); CheckButton.Hide(); InstalledModsList.Hide(); ModsEnabled.Checked = true; UpdateModList(); UpdateCatagories(); }
/// <summary> /// Create Global Check Buttons /// </summary> /// <returns>Widget</returns> private Widget CreateGlobalCheckButtons() { VBox vbox = new VBox(false, 0); EnableAccountButton = new CheckButton(Util.GS("_Automatically connect")); vbox.PackStart(EnableAccountButton, false, false, 0); DefaultAccountButton = new CheckButton(Util.GS("Account is _default")); vbox.PackStart(DefaultAccountButton, false, false, 0); return(vbox); }
public Gtk.Widget GetVisualizerWidget(ObjectValue val) { VBox box = new VBox(false, 6); textView = new TextView() { WrapMode = WrapMode.Char }; Gtk.ScrolledWindow scrolled = new Gtk.ScrolledWindow(); scrolled.HscrollbarPolicy = PolicyType.Automatic; scrolled.VscrollbarPolicy = PolicyType.Automatic; scrolled.ShadowType = ShadowType.In; scrolled.Add(textView); box.PackStart(scrolled, true, true, 0); CheckButton cb = new CheckButton(GettextCatalog.GetString("Wrap text")); cb.Active = true; cb.Toggled += delegate { if (cb.Active) { textView.WrapMode = WrapMode.Char; } else { textView.WrapMode = WrapMode.None; } }; box.PackStart(cb, false, false, 0); box.ShowAll(); EvaluationOptions ops = DebuggingService.DebuggerSession.EvaluationOptions.Clone(); ops.ChunkRawStrings = true; this.raw = val.GetRawValue(ops) as RawValueString; this.length = raw.Length; this.offset = 0; this.val = val; if (this.length > 0) { idle_id = GLib.Idle.Add(GetNextStringChunk); textView.Destroyed += delegate { if (idle_id != 0) { GLib.Source.Remove(idle_id); idle_id = 0; } }; } return(box); }
public GridPropertiesControl(MeasurementGrid grid, Widget mainWidget) { this.grid = grid; gridSpaceControl = new NumericEdit(mainWidget.findWidget("GridControl/GridSpace") as EditBox, mainWidget.findWidget("GridControl/GridSpaceUp") as Button, mainWidget.findWidget("GridControl/GridSpaceDown") as Button); showGridCheckBox = new CheckButton(mainWidget.findWidget("GridControl/ShowGrid") as Button); gridSpaceControl.MinValue = 1; showGridCheckBox.CheckedChanged += showGridCheckBox_CheckedChanged; gridSpaceControl.ValueChanged += gridSpaceControl_ValueChanged; }
public QueryLimitBox(QueryOrder [] orders, QueryLimit [] limits) : base() { this.orders = orders; this.limits = limits; Spacing = 5; enabled_checkbox = new CheckButton(Catalog.GetString("_Limit to")); enabled_checkbox.Toggled += OnEnabledToggled; // workaround for bgo#727294, we doubt anyway that it's very useful to have a max higher than 2147483647 const double max = int.MaxValue; count_spin = new SpinButton(0, max, 1); count_spin.Numeric = true; count_spin.Digits = 0; count_spin.Value = 25; count_spin.SetSizeRequest(60, -1); limit_combo = new ComboBoxText(); foreach (QueryLimit limit in limits) { limit_combo.AppendText(limit.Label); } order_combo = new ComboBoxText(); order_combo.RowSeparatorFunc = IsRowSeparator; foreach (QueryOrder order in orders) { if (order == null) { order_combo.AppendText(String.Empty); } else { order_combo.AppendText(order.Label); } } PackStart(enabled_checkbox, false, false, 0); PackStart(count_spin, false, false, 0); PackStart(limit_combo, false, false, 0); PackStart(new Label(Catalog.GetString("selected by")), false, false, 0); PackStart(order_combo, false, false, 0); enabled_checkbox.Active = false; limit_combo.Active = 0; order_combo.Active = 0; OnEnabledToggled(null, null); ShowAll(); }
private void AddOptions(VBoxContainer options_scroll_holder) { var bcBt = new CheckButton(); bcBt.Text = "Show Border:"; bcBt.Connect("toggled", this, nameof(OnBorderEnabledToggled)); bcBt.Pressed = Lib.Node.BoderEnabled; options_scroll_holder.AddChild(bcBt); options_scroll_holder.AddChild(new Label() { Text = "Border Color:" }); var bcp = new ColorPickerButton(); bcp.Connect("color_changed", this, nameof(OnNewBorderColor)); bcp.Color = new Color(Lib.Node.BorderColorHtmlCode); options_scroll_holder.AddChild(bcp); options_scroll_holder.AddChild(new Label() { Text = "Background Color:" }); var bgcp = new ColorPickerButton(); bgcp.Connect("color_changed", this, nameof(OnNewBackgroundColor)); bgcp.Color = new Color(Lib.Node.BackgroundColorHtmlCode); options_scroll_holder.AddChild(bgcp); var sdBt = new CheckButton(); sdBt.Text = "Sound Enabled:"; sdBt.Connect("toggled", this, nameof(OnSoundEnabledToggled)); sdBt.Pressed = Lib.Node.SoundEnabled; options_scroll_holder.AddChild(sdBt); var vgBt = new CheckButton(); vgBt.Text = "Show Vignette:"; vgBt.Connect("toggled", this, nameof(OnVignetteEnabledToggled)); vgBt.Pressed = Lib.Node.VignetteEnabled; options_scroll_holder.AddChild(vgBt); options_scroll_holder.AddChild(new Label() { Text = "Candle Color:" }); var ccp = new ColorPickerButton(); ccp.Connect("color_changed", this, nameof(OnNewCandleColor)); ccp.Color = new Color(Lib.Node.CandleColorHtmlCode); options_scroll_holder.AddChild(ccp); }
private CheckButton AddCheckBox(string label, bool isToggled, EventHandler handler) { var checkButton = new CheckButton(label); checkButton.Active = isToggled; checkButton.Accessible.Name = label; checkButton.Toggled += handler; this.container.PackStart(checkButton, false, true, 1); return(checkButton); }
public QueryLimitBox(QueryOrder [] orders, QueryLimit [] limits) : base() { this.orders = orders; this.limits = limits; Spacing = 5; enabled_checkbox = new CheckButton(Catalog.GetString("_Limit to")); enabled_checkbox.Toggled += OnEnabledToggled; count_spin = new SpinButton(0, double.MaxValue, 1) { Numeric = true, Digits = 0, Value = 25 }; count_spin.SetSizeRequest(60, -1); limit_combo = ComboBox.NewText(); foreach (var limit in limits) { limit_combo.AppendText(limit.Label); } order_combo = ComboBox.NewText(); order_combo.RowSeparatorFunc = IsRowSeparator; foreach (var order in orders) { if (order == null) { order_combo.AppendText(string.Empty); } else { order_combo.AppendText(order.Label); } } PackStart(enabled_checkbox, false, false, 0); PackStart(count_spin, false, false, 0); PackStart(limit_combo, false, false, 0); PackStart(new Label(Catalog.GetString("selected by")), false, false, 0); PackStart(order_combo, false, false, 0); enabled_checkbox.Active = false; limit_combo.Active = 0; order_combo.Active = 0; OnEnabledToggled(null, null); ShowAll(); }
void ShowDirectoryPathUI() { if (labelPath != null) { return; } // We want to add the Path combo box right below the Scope uint row = TableGetRowForItem(tableFindAndReplace, labelScope) + 1; // DirectoryScope labelPath = new Label { LabelProp = GettextCatalog.GetString("_Path:"), UseUnderline = true, Xalign = 0f }; labelPath.Show(); hboxPath = new HBox(); comboboxentryPath = new ComboBoxEntry(); comboboxentryPath.Destroyed += ComboboxentryPathDestroyed; LoadHistory("MonoDevelop.FindReplaceDialogs.PathHistory", comboboxentryPath); comboboxentryPath.Show(); hboxPath.PackStart(comboboxentryPath); labelPath.MnemonicWidget = comboboxentryPath; buttonBrowsePaths = new Button { Label = "…" }; buttonBrowsePaths.Clicked += ButtonBrowsePathsClicked; buttonBrowsePaths.Show(); hboxPath.PackStart(buttonBrowsePaths, false, false, 0); hboxPath.Show(); // Add the Directory Path row to the table TableAddRow(tableFindAndReplace, row++, labelPath, hboxPath); // Add a checkbox for searching the directory recursively... checkbuttonRecursively = new CheckButton { Label = GettextCatalog.GetString("Re_cursively"), Active = properties.Get("SearchPathRecursively", true), UseUnderline = true }; checkbuttonRecursively.Destroyed += CheckbuttonRecursivelyDestroyed; checkbuttonRecursively.Show(); TableAddRow(tableFindAndReplace, row, null, checkbuttonRecursively); SetupAccessibilityForPath(); }
public NewSessionDialog(Window parent, CommandLine commandLine) : base("New Katahdin Debugger Session", parent, DialogFlags.Modal | DialogFlags.DestroyWithParent) { WindowPosition = WindowPosition.CenterOnParent; AddActionWidget(new Button(Stock.Cancel), ResponseType.Cancel); AddActionWidget(new Button(Stock.Ok), ResponseType.Ok); VBox v = new VBox(); v.BorderWidth = 5; VBox.PackStart(v, true, true, 0); ScrolledWindow fileScroller = new ScrolledWindow(); fileScroller.BorderWidth = 5; fileScroller.ShadowType = ShadowType.In; v.PackStart(fileScroller, true, true, 0); fileStore = new ListStore(typeof(string)); TreeView fileView = new TreeView(fileStore); fileView.AppendColumn("Input files", new CellRendererText(), "text", 0); fileScroller.Add(fileView); foreach (string file in commandLine.Files) { fileStore.AppendValues(file); } importStandard = new CheckButton("Import standard library"); v.PackStart(importStandard, false, true, 0); importStandard.Active = !(bool)commandLine.GetOption("-nostd"); compileParser = new CheckButton("Compile parser"); compileParser.Active = true; v.PackStart(compileParser, false, true, 0); debugGrammar = new CheckButton("Debug grammar"); v.PackStart(debugGrammar, false, true, 0); debugParser = new CheckButton("Debug parser"); v.PackStart(debugParser, false, true, 0); debugParseTrees = new CheckButton("Debug parse trees"); v.PackStart(debugParseTrees, false, true, 0); ShowAll(); }
public GeneralPreferencesPanel() { this.Build(); FillLangs(); autosavecb = new CheckButton(); table1.Attach(autosavecb, 1, 2, 1, 2, AttachOptions.Shrink, AttachOptions.Shrink, 0, 0); autosavecb.CanFocus = false; autosavecb.Show(); autosavecb.Active = Config.AutoSave; autosavecb.Toggled += (sender, e) => { Config.AutoSave = autosavecb.Active; }; }
/// <summary> /// On check or uncheck each checkbox update list of user services. /// </summary> protected virtual void OnServiceCheckToggled(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { CheckButton cbutton = sender as CheckButton; if (cbutton.Active) { SystemServices.AddItemToUserlist(cbutton.Label); } else { SystemServices.RemoveItemFromUserklist(cbutton.Label); } }
public TestSoundRecord(StandaloneController standaloneController) : base("UnitTestPlugin.GUI.TestSoundRecord.TestSoundRecord.layout") { this.standaloneController = standaloneController; enabled = new CheckButton((Button)window.findWidget("Enabled")); enabled.CheckedChanged += new MyGUIEvent(enabled_CheckedChanged); enabled.Checked = PerformanceMonitor.Enabled; Button reset = (Button)window.findWidget("ResetButton"); reset.MouseButtonClick += new MyGUIEvent(reset_MouseButtonClick); }
public override void _Ready() { PlayButton = FindNode("PlayButton") as Button; PlayButton.Connect("pressed", this, "OnPlayPressed"); StressFree = FindNode("StressFreeToggle") as CheckButton; Leaves = FindNode("LeafManager") as LeafManager; Leaves.SkipFirstLevel(); Leaves.GenerateLeaves(); Leaves.Connect("LeavesDropped", this, "OnLeavesDropped"); Leaves.Connect("SkyLeavesDropped", this, "OnSkyLeavesDropped"); }
protected override void OnStyleSet(Style previous_style) { base.OnStyleSet(previous_style); CheckButton check = new CheckButton(); check.EnsureStyle(); interior_focus = GtkUtilities.StyleGetProperty <bool> (check, "interior-focus", false); focus_width = GtkUtilities.StyleGetProperty <int> (check, "focus-line-width", -1); focus_padding = GtkUtilities.StyleGetProperty <int> (check, "focus-padding", -1); padding = interior_focus ? focus_width + focus_padding : 0; }
public VolumeControl() : base("Medical.GUI.VolumeControl.VolumeControl.layout") { SoundConfig.MasterVolumeChanged += SoundConfig_MasterVolumeChanged; volumeSlider = widget.findWidget("VolumeSlider") as ScrollBar; volumeSlider.ScrollChangePosition += new MyGUIEvent(volumeSlider_ScrollChangePosition); SoundConfig_MasterVolumeChanged(null, null); volumeButton = new CheckButton((Button)widget.findWidget("VolumeSliderButton")); volumeButton.Checked = SoundConfig.MasterVolume < 0.001f; volumeButton.CheckedChanged += new MyGUIEvent(volumeButton_CheckedChanged); recordLastVolume(); }
private void CreateCheckboxes(string[] values, bool[] selected) { for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++) { var chk = new CheckButton(values[i]); chk.Active = selected == null ? true : selected[i]; chk.Name = "CheckBoxList"; chk.CanFocus = false; chk.Show(); vbox.PackStart(chk, false, false, 0); checkButtons.Add(chk); } }
void SetImage(CheckButton b) { int ii = (b.ImageIndex / 2) * 2; if (!b.Checked) { b.ImageIndex = ii; } else { b.ImageIndex = ii + 1; } }
static CheckButton PutCheckBox(string name, Fixed fixd, ref int offset) { CheckButton check = new CheckButton(name); check.WidthRequest = 180; check.Name = "check"; fixd.Put(check, 0, offset); check.Show(); offset += 40; return(check); }
void LoadCheckButtonPreference(string key, CheckButton cb, bool defaultValue) { string val = prefs[key]; try { bool b = Convert.ToBoolean(val); cb.Active = b; } catch (FormatException e) { System.Console.WriteLine(e.Message); cb.Active = defaultValue; } }
void ReleaseDesignerOutlets() { if (CheckButton != null) { CheckButton.Dispose(); CheckButton = null; } if (ConnectionStatusLabel != null) { ConnectionStatusLabel.Dispose(); ConnectionStatusLabel = null; } }
private void InitUI() { try { //Tab1 VBox vboxTab1 = new VBox(false, _boxSpacing) { BorderWidth = (uint)_boxSpacing }; //Ord Entry entryOrd = new Entry(); BOWidgetBox boxLabel = new BOWidgetBox(resources.CustomResources.GetCustomResources(GlobalFramework.Settings["customCultureResourceDefinition"], "global_record_order"), entryOrd); vboxTab1.PackStart(boxLabel, false, false, 0); _crudWidgetList.Add(new GenericCRUDWidgetXPO(boxLabel, _dataSourceRow, "Ord", SettingsApp.RegexIntegerGreaterThanZero, true)); //Code Entry entryCode = new Entry(); BOWidgetBox boxCode = new BOWidgetBox(resources.CustomResources.GetCustomResources(GlobalFramework.Settings["customCultureResourceDefinition"], "global_record_code"), entryCode); vboxTab1.PackStart(boxCode, false, false, 0); _crudWidgetList.Add(new GenericCRUDWidgetXPO(boxCode, _dataSourceRow, "Code", SettingsApp.RegexIntegerGreaterThanZero, true)); //Designation Entry entryDesignation = new Entry(); BOWidgetBox boxDesignation = new BOWidgetBox(resources.CustomResources.GetCustomResources(GlobalFramework.Settings["customCultureResourceDefinition"], "global_designation"), entryDesignation); vboxTab1.PackStart(boxDesignation, false, false, 0); _crudWidgetList.Add(new GenericCRUDWidgetXPO(boxDesignation, _dataSourceRow, "Designation", SettingsApp.RegexAlfaNumericExtended, true)); //Acronym Entry entryAcronym = new Entry(); BOWidgetBox boxAcronym = new BOWidgetBox(resources.CustomResources.GetCustomResources(GlobalFramework.Settings["customCultureResourceDefinition"], "global_acronym"), entryAcronym); vboxTab1.PackStart(boxAcronym, false, false, 0); _crudWidgetList.Add(new GenericCRUDWidgetXPO(boxAcronym, _dataSourceRow, "Acronym", SettingsApp.RegexAcronym2Chars, true)); //Disabled CheckButton checkButtonDisabled = new CheckButton(resources.CustomResources.GetCustomResources(GlobalFramework.Settings["customCultureResourceDefinition"], "global_record_disabled")); if (_dialogMode == DialogMode.Insert) { checkButtonDisabled.Active = SettingsApp.BOXPOObjectsStartDisabled; } vboxTab1.PackStart(checkButtonDisabled, false, false, 0); _crudWidgetList.Add(new GenericCRUDWidgetXPO(checkButtonDisabled, _dataSourceRow, "Disabled")); //Append Tab _notebook.AppendPage(vboxTab1, new Label(resources.CustomResources.GetCustomResources(GlobalFramework.Settings["customCultureResourceDefinition"], "global_record_main_detail"))); } catch (System.Exception ex) { _log.Error(ex.Message, ex); } }
private void InitUI() { try { //Tab1 VBox vboxTab1 = new VBox(false, _boxSpacing) { BorderWidth = (uint)_boxSpacing }; //Ord Entry entryOrd = new Entry(); BOWidgetBox boxLabel = new BOWidgetBox(Resx.global_record_order, entryOrd); vboxTab1.PackStart(boxLabel, false, false, 0); _crudWidgetList.Add(new GenericCRUDWidgetXPO(boxLabel, _dataSourceRow, "Ord", SettingsApp.RegexIntegerGreaterThanZero, true)); //Code Entry entryCode = new Entry(); BOWidgetBox boxCode = new BOWidgetBox(Resx.global_record_code, entryCode); vboxTab1.PackStart(boxCode, false, false, 0); _crudWidgetList.Add(new GenericCRUDWidgetXPO(boxCode, _dataSourceRow, "Code", SettingsApp.RegexIntegerGreaterThanZero, true)); //Designation Entry entryDesignation = new Entry(); BOWidgetBox boxDesignation = new BOWidgetBox(Resx.global_designation, entryDesignation); vboxTab1.PackStart(boxDesignation, false, false, 0); _crudWidgetList.Add(new GenericCRUDWidgetXPO(boxDesignation, _dataSourceRow, "Designation", SettingsApp.RegexAlfaNumericExtended, true)); //ReaderSizes Entry entryReaderSizes = new Entry(); BOWidgetBox boxReaderSizes = new BOWidgetBox(Resx.global_input_reader_card_reader_sizes, entryReaderSizes); vboxTab1.PackStart(boxReaderSizes, false, false, 0); _crudWidgetList.Add(new GenericCRUDWidgetXPO(boxReaderSizes, _dataSourceRow, "ReaderSizes", SettingsApp.RegexIntegerSplittedByComma, true)); //Disabled CheckButton checkButtonDisabled = new CheckButton(Resx.global_record_disabled); if (_dialogMode == DialogMode.Insert) { checkButtonDisabled.Active = SettingsApp.BOXPOObjectsStartDisabled; } vboxTab1.PackStart(checkButtonDisabled, false, false, 0); _crudWidgetList.Add(new GenericCRUDWidgetXPO(checkButtonDisabled, _dataSourceRow, "Disabled")); //Append Tab _notebook.AppendPage(vboxTab1, new Label(Resx.global_record_main_detail)); } catch (System.Exception ex) { _log.Error(ex.Message, ex); } }
private void SetGeneratorOptions(CheckButton cb) { switch(cb.Label) { case "Use Uppercase Letters": gen.UseUpperCaseLetters = cb.Active; break; case "Use Lowercase Letters": gen.UseLowerCaseLetters = cb.Active; break; case "Use Numbers": gen.UseNumbers = cb.Active; break; case "Use Special Characters": gen.UseSpecialCharacters = cb.Active; break; } }
/// <summary> /// Constructs the sprite drawing area, along with the various /// rules needed. /// </summary> public DemoSprites() { // Create the drop-down list HBox box = new HBox(); paneList = ComboBox.NewText(); paneList.Changed += OnPaneChanged; fps = new SpinButton(1, 100, 1); fps.Value = DesiredFps; fps.Changed += OnFpsChanged; showUpdate = new CheckButton(); box.PackStart(paneList, false, false, 0); box.PackStart(new Label("FPS"), false, false, 5); box.PackStart(fps, false, false, 2); box.PackStart(new Label("Show Update"), false, false, 5); box.PackStart(showUpdate, false, false, 2); box.PackStart(new Label(), true, true, 0); PackStart(box, false, false, 2); // Create the drawing area and pack it area = new DrawingArea(); area.Realized += OnRealized; area.ExposeEvent += OnExposed; area.ConfigureEvent += OnConfigure; PackStart(area, true, true, 2); // Set up the search paths for the factory. We need to do this // before the sprite pane loading because the panes use the // factory for their own loading. string dataPath = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "/images"; PixbufFactory.SearchPaths.Add(new DirectoryInfo(dataPath)); string tilesetPath = System.IO.Path.Combine(dataPath, "tileset.xml"); FileInfo tilesetFile = new FileInfo(tilesetPath); TilesetFactory.Load(tilesetFile); // Use reflection to load the demos in random order LoadSpritePanes(); // Start up a little animation loop Timeout.Add(1000 / DesiredFps, OnTick); }
private void DecorateUI() { HButtonBox actionArea = new HButtonBox (); actionArea.LayoutStyle = ButtonBoxStyle.End; Button button = new Button (Stock.Ok); button.Clicked += OnActivated; actionArea.PackStart (button, false, false, 4); serverNameEntry = new Entry (); portEntry = new Entry (); usernameEntry = new Entry (); passwordEntry = new Entry (); passwordEntry.Visibility = false; passwordEntry.Activated += OnActivated; guestLoginCheckButton = new CheckButton (); Table table = new Table (5, 2, false); uint row = 0; // left, right, top, bottom Label label = new Label (Catalog. GetString ("Server")); label.Xalign = 0; uint width = 1; AttachToTable (table, label, 0, row, width); AttachToTable (table, serverNameEntry, 1, row, width); row++; label = new Label (Catalog. GetString ("Port")); label.Xalign = 0; AttachToTable (table, label, 0, row, 1); AttachToTable (table, portEntry, 1, row, 1); row++; label = new Label (Catalog. GetString ("Guest Login")); label.Xalign = 0; AttachToTable (table, label, 0, row, 1); AttachToTable (table, guestLoginCheckButton, 1, row, 1); row++; label = new Label (Catalog. GetString ("Username")); label.Xalign = 0; AttachToTable (table, label, 0, row, 1); AttachToTable (table, usernameEntry, 1, row, 1); row++; label = new Label (Catalog. GetString ("Password")); label.Xalign = 0; AttachToTable (table, label, 0, row, 1); AttachToTable (table, passwordEntry, 1, row, 1); row++; label = new Label (Catalog. GetString ("<big><big><b>Login</b></big></big>")); label.Xalign = 0; label.Xpad = 2; label.UseMarkup = true; VBox vbox = new VBox (); vbox.PackStart (label, false, true, 4); vbox.PackStart (table, false, false, 4); vbox.PackStart (actionArea, false, true, 4); Child = vbox; }
public void InitializeGui() { m_MainPanel = new Fixed(); m_OutConnectionStatus = new Label("Jaco is not connected."); m_GeneralPanel = new Fixed(); m_TxtSerial = new Label("Jaco serial # :"); m_TxtModel = new Label("Jaco model :"); m_TxtSoftwareVersion = new Label("Software version :"); m_TxtClientID = new Label("Client ID :"); m_TxtClientName = new Label("Client name :"); m_TxtClientOrganization = new Label("Client organization :"); m_OutSerial = new Label("????"); m_OutModel = new Label("????"); m_OutSoftwareVersion = new Label("????"); m_InClientID = new Entry(""); m_InClientName = new Entry(""); m_InClientOrganization = new Entry(""); m_BTNUpdateGeneral = new Button("Update Jaco"); m_BTNUpdateGeneral.Clicked += new EventHandler(BTN_UpdateClick); m_BTNReadGeneral = new Button("Read from Jaco"); m_BTNReadGeneral.Clicked += new EventHandler (BTN_ReadClick); m_ConfigurationPanel = new Fixed(); m_TxtSensitivity = new Label("Control's sensitivity :"); m_TxtMaxSpeed = new Label("Permitted max speed :"); m_TxtDrinkingHeight = new Label("Drinking height :"); m_TxtDrinkingDistance = new Label("Drinking distance :"); m_TxtLaterality = new Label("Laterality :"); m_TxtFingersInverted = new Label("Fingers inverted :"); m_TxtRetractAngle = new Label("Retracted position angle :"); m_InSensitivity = new Entry(""); m_InMaxSpeed = new Entry(""); m_InDrinkingHeight = new Entry(""); m_InDrinkingDistance = new Entry(""); m_RadioRightHanded = new RadioButton("Righthanded"); m_RadioLeftHanded = new RadioButton("Lefthanded"); m_RadioLeftHanded.Group = m_RadioRightHanded.Group; m_CheckFingersInverted = new CheckButton("Invert fingers"); m_InRetractAngle = new Entry(""); m_BTNUpdateConfig = new Button("Update Jaco"); m_BTNUpdateConfig.Clicked += new EventHandler(BTN_UpdateClick); m_BTNReadConfig = new Button("Read from Jaco"); m_BTNReadConfig.Clicked += new EventHandler(BTN_ReadClick); m_DiagnosisPanel = new Fixed(); m_TxtAxis1Version = new Label("Axis 1 version :"); m_TxtAxis2Version = new Label("Axis 2 version :"); m_TxtAxis3Version = new Label("Axis 3 version :"); m_TxtAxis4Version = new Label("Axis 4 version :"); m_TxtAxis5Version = new Label("Axis 5 version :"); m_TxtAxis6Version = new Label("Axis 6 version :"); m_TxtFinger1Version = new Label("Finger 1 version :"); m_TxtFinger2Version = new Label("Finger 2 version :"); m_TxtFinger3Version = new Label("Finger 3 version :"); m_TxtMainCANVersion = new Label("Main CAN version :"); m_TxtExtCANVersion = new Label("Ext CAN Version :"); m_OutAxis1Version = new Label("????"); m_OutAxis2Version = new Label("????"); m_OutAxis3Version = new Label("????"); m_OutAxis4Version = new Label("????"); m_OutAxis5Version = new Label("????"); m_OutAxis6Version = new Label("????"); m_OutFinger1Version = new Label("????"); m_OutFinger2Version = new Label("????"); m_OutFinger3Version = new Label("????"); m_OutMainCANVersion = new Label("????"); m_OutExtCANVersion = new Label("????"); m_TxtInfo = new Label(""); m_InFileReprogram = new FileChooserButton("Select a file", FileChooserAction.Open); m_InFileReprogram.WidthRequest = 440; m_BTNReprogram = new Button("Reprogram Jaco"); m_BTNReprogram.Clicked += new EventHandler(BTN_ReprogramClick); m_BTNReadDiagnosis = new Button("Read from Jaco"); m_BTNReadDiagnosis.Clicked += new EventHandler(BTN_ReadClick); m_MainTitle = new Label("Kinova software example"); Pango.FontDescription fontMaintTile = Pango.FontDescription.FromString("Garamond 30"); m_MainTitle.ModifyFont(fontMaintTile); m_TabGeneral = new Label("General"); m_TabConfiguration = new Label("Configuration"); m_TabDiagnosis = new Label("Diagnosis"); m_MainTab = new Notebook(); m_MainTab.WidthRequest = 500; m_MainTab.HeightRequest = 500; m_MainTab.AppendPage(m_GeneralPanel, m_TabGeneral); m_MainTab.AppendPage(m_ConfigurationPanel, m_TabConfiguration); m_MainTab.AppendPage(m_DiagnosisPanel, m_TabDiagnosis); }
private void DecorateUI() { widget = new DialogWidget (Stock.Ok, ResponseType.Ok); serverNameEntry = new Entry (); portEntry = new Entry (); usernameEntry = new Entry (); passwordEntry = new Entry (); passwordEntry.Visibility = false; passwordEntry.Activated += OnActivated; guestLoginCheckButton = new CheckButton (); Table table = new Table (5, 2, false); uint row = 0; // left, right, top, bottom Label label = new Label (Catalog. GetString ("Server")); label.Xalign = 0; uint width = 1; AttachToTable (table, label, 0, row, width); AttachToTable (table, serverNameEntry, 1, row, width); row++; label = new Label (Catalog. GetString ("Port")); label.Xalign = 0; AttachToTable (table, label, 0, row, 1); AttachToTable (table, portEntry, 1, row, 1); row++; label = new Label (Catalog. GetString ("Guest Login")); label.Xalign = 0; AttachToTable (table, label, 0, row, 1); AttachToTable (table, guestLoginCheckButton, 1, row, 1); row++; label = new Label (Catalog. GetString ("Username")); label.Xalign = 0; AttachToTable (table, label, 0, row, 1); AttachToTable (table, usernameEntry, 1, row, 1); row++; label = new Label (Catalog. GetString ("Password")); label.Xalign = 0; AttachToTable (table, label, 0, row, 1); AttachToTable (table, passwordEntry, 1, row, 1); row++; label = new Label (Catalog. GetString ("<big><big><b>Login</b></big></big>")); label.Xalign = 0; label.Xpad = 2; label.UseMarkup = true; widget.VBox.PackStart (label, false, true, 4); widget.VBox.PackStart (table, false, false, 4); }
Widget MakeBoolItem (BuildServices services, string prompt, MBBool res) { CheckButton cb = new CheckButton (prompt); cb.Active = res.Value; cb.Data[result_key] = res; cb.Data[services_key] = services; cb.Toggled += new EventHandler (OnBoolToggled); return cb; }
static void SetUpGui () { Window w = new Window ("Eap Editor"); appname_entry = new Entry (); geninfo_entry = new Entry (); comments_entry = new Entry (); exe_entry = new Entry (); winname_entry = new Entry (); winclass_entry = new Entry (); VBox outerv = new VBox (); outerv.BorderWidth = 12; outerv.Spacing = 12; w.Add (outerv); HBox h = new HBox (); outerv.PackStart (h, false, false, 0); Button b = new Button ("Select Icon"); h.PackStart (b, true, false, 0); h = new HBox (); h.Spacing = 6; outerv.PackStart (h); VBox v = new VBox (); v.Spacing = 6; h.PackStart (v, false, false, 0); b = new Button ("App name:"); v.PackStart (b, true, false, 0); b = new Button ("Generic Info:"); v.PackStart (b, true, false, 0); b = new Button ("Comments:"); v.PackStart (b, true, false, 0); b = new Button ("Executable:"); v.PackStart (b, true, false, 0); b = new Button ("Window Name:"); v.PackStart (b, true, false, 0); b = new Button ("Window Class:"); v.PackStart (b, true, false, 0); b = new Button ("Startup notify:"); v.PackStart (b, true, false, 0); b = new Button ("Wait Exit:"); v.PackStart (b, true, false, 0); v = new VBox (); v.Spacing = 6; h.PackStart (v, true, true, 0); v.PackStart (appname_entry, true, true, 0); v.PackStart (geninfo_entry, true, true, 0); v.PackStart (comments_entry, true, true, 0); v.PackStart (exe_entry, true, true, 0); v.PackStart (winname_entry, true, true, 0); v.PackStart (winclass_entry, true, true, 0); //v.PackStart (new Entry(), true, true, 0); //v.PackStart (new Entry(), true, true, 0); CheckButton start_cbox = new CheckButton (); v.PackStart (start_cbox); CheckButton wait_cbox= new CheckButton (); v.PackStart (wait_cbox); h = new HBox (); h.Spacing = 0; outerv.PackStart (h); v = new VBox (); b = new Button ("Save"); v.PackStart (b, true, false, 0); h.PackStart (v, true, false, 0); v = new VBox (); b = new Button ("Cancel"); v.PackStart (b, true, false, 0); h.PackStart (v, true, false, 0); w.ShowAll (); }
private void SetActiveButton(CheckButton button) { button.Appearance.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Green; //button.Checked = true; }
Widget CreateWidget(string optName, string type, string defolt, string desc, bool required) { if (type == "bool") { CheckButton button = new CheckButton (optName); button.TooltipText = desc; if (defolt.ToLower () == "true") button.Active = true; return button; } else if (type == "string" || type == "address" || type == "port" || type == "integer" || type == "raw" || type == "path" || type == "enum") { Entry textbox = new Entry (defolt); textbox.WidthRequest = 150; textbox.TooltipText = optName; HBox box = new HBox (); Label optNameLabel = new Label (optName + " *"); optNameLabel.TooltipText = desc; optNameLabel.SetAlignment (0f, 0.5f); optNameLabel.WidthRequest = 200; box.PackStart (optNameLabel, false, false, 0); box.PackStart (textbox, false, false, 10); return box; } else { MessageDialog md = new MessageDialog (this, DialogFlags.DestroyWithParent, MessageType.Warning, ButtonsType.Close, "Don't know type: " + type + ". Please file a bug report with this information."); md.Run (); md.Destroy (); return null; } }
public static void loadTopics() { if (Proxy.getInstance().canDoQuery("SELECT", UserList.getInstance().current().status)){ //MEMENTO //MainClass.a_topicList = new TopicList(); string userID = "1"; uint curTop = 1, curBot = 2; string param = " * FROM Users WHERE Imie="; bool isEmpty = true; Label nazwaLabel = new Label("Nazwa"); Label dataOdLabel = new Label("Data rozpoczęcia"); Label dataDoLabel = new Label("Data zakończenia"); Label kategoriaLabel = new Label("Kategoria"); maxTopics = 0; lastTableIndex = 0; //czyszczenie tablicy - zeby nie nadpisywać tego, co było Gtk.Widget[] dzieci = TopicTable.Children; for (int i = 0; i < dzieci.Length; i++) TopicTable.Remove(dzieci[i]); //wypełnianie tabeli nagłówkami TopicTable.Attach(new Label("ID"), 0, 1, 0, 1); TopicTable.Attach(nazwaLabel, 1, 2, 0, 1); TopicTable.Attach(dataOdLabel, 2, 3, 0, 1); TopicTable.Attach(dataDoLabel, 3, 4, 0, 1); TopicTable.Attach(kategoriaLabel, 4, 5, 0, 1); //pobranie userid z bazy param += "\'" + UserList.getInstance().current().imie + "\' "; param += "AND Nazwisko=\'" + UserList.getInstance().current().nazwisko + "\';"; IDataReader reader = DBQuery.createQuery("SELECT", param); if (reader.Read()) userID = reader["ID"].ToString(); else Console.WriteLine("ERROR: " + param); DBQuery.CloseReader(reader); //pobranie tematów użytkownika i wpisanie ich do tabeli param = " * FROM Subjects WHERE UserID=\'" + userID + "\';"; reader = DBQuery.createQuery("SELECT", param); int ile = 0; while (reader.Read()){ Label idLabelTmp = new Label(reader["id"].ToString()); checkbuttony[lastTableIndex] = new CheckButton(); checkbuttony[lastTableIndex].Name = idLabelTmp.Text; if (lastTableIndex < page * 5 && lastTableIndex >= (page - 1) * 5){ isEmpty = false; nazwaLabel = new Label(reader["Topic"].ToString()); dataOdLabel = new Label(reader["DateFrom"].ToString()); dataDoLabel = new Label(reader["DateTo"].ToString()); kategoriaLabel = new Label(reader["Cathegory"].ToString()); //MEMENTO //tutaj trzeba dodać tematy do TopicList //przy każdym ładowaniu, instancja TopicList musi być null na początku TopicTable.Attach(idLabelTmp, 0, 1, curTop, curBot); TopicTable.Attach(nazwaLabel, 1, 2, curTop, curBot); TopicTable.Attach(dataOdLabel, 2, 3, curTop, curBot); TopicTable.Attach(dataDoLabel, 3, 4, curTop, curBot); TopicTable.Attach(kategoriaLabel, 4, 5, curTop, curBot); TopicTable.Attach((checkbuttony[lastTableIndex]), 5, 6, curTop++, curBot++); ile++; } lastTableIndex++; maxTopics++; } DBQuery.CloseReader(reader); //jeśli nie znalazł żadnych tematów if (isEmpty){ Label empty = new Label("Brak tematów do wyświetlenia."); TopicTable.Attach(empty, 0, 4, 2, 4); } TopicTable.ShowAll(); //wyświetlanie stron if ((int)(maxTopics / 5) == (maxTopics / 5) + (maxTopics % 5)) maxPage = (int)(maxTopics / 5); else maxPage = (int)(maxTopics / 5) + 1; pageLabel.Text = page + "/" + maxPage; }else{ Proxy.getInstance().blad("SELECT"); return; } }
static void SetUpGui () { Button b; Window w = new Window ("Eap Editor"); //w.BorderWidth = 10; Table tableLayout = new Table(10, 2, false); //tableLayout.BorderWidth = 6; //tableLayout.ColumnSpacing = 6; //tableLayout.RowSpacing = 6; Image im = new Image ("data/icon.png"); // b = new Button (im); tableLayout.Attach (im, 0, 1, 0, 1, AttachOptions.Shrink, AttachOptions.Shrink, 0, 0); b = new Button ("App name:"); tableLayout.Attach (b, 0, 1, 1, 2, AttachOptions.Fill, AttachOptions.Expand, 0, 0); b = new Button ("Generic Info:"); tableLayout.Attach (b, 0, 1, 2, 3, AttachOptions.Fill, AttachOptions.Expand, 0, 0); b = new Button ("Comments:"); tableLayout.Attach (b, 0, 1, 3, 4, AttachOptions.Fill, AttachOptions.Expand, 0, 0); b = new Button ("Executable:"); tableLayout.Attach (b, 0, 1, 4, 5, AttachOptions.Fill, AttachOptions.Expand, 0, 0); b = new Button ("Window Name:"); tableLayout.Attach (b, 0, 1, 5, 6, AttachOptions.Fill, AttachOptions.Expand, 0, 0); b = new Button ("Window Class:"); tableLayout.Attach (b, 0, 1, 6, 7, AttachOptions.Fill, AttachOptions.Expand, 0, 0); b = new Button ("Startup notify:"); tableLayout.Attach (b, 0, 1, 7, 8, AttachOptions.Fill, AttachOptions.Expand, 0, 0); b = new Button ("Wait Exit:"); tableLayout.Attach (b, 0, 1, 8, 9, AttachOptions.Fill, AttachOptions.Expand, 0, 0); b = new Button ("Select Icon"); tableLayout.Attach (b, 1, 2, 0, 1, AttachOptions.Expand, AttachOptions.Expand, 0, 0); appname_entry = new Entry (); tableLayout.Attach (appname_entry, 1, 2, 1, 2); geninfo_entry = new Entry (); tableLayout.Attach (geninfo_entry, 1, 2, 2, 3); comments_entry = new Entry (); tableLayout.Attach (comments_entry, 1, 2, 3, 4); exe_entry = new Entry (); tableLayout.Attach (exe_entry, 1, 2, 4, 5); winname_entry = new Entry (); tableLayout.Attach (winname_entry, 1, 2, 5, 6); winclass_entry = new Entry (); tableLayout.Attach (winclass_entry, 1, 2, 6, 7); CheckButton start_cbox = new CheckButton (); start_cbox.Toggled += toggle_start_cbox; tableLayout.Attach (start_cbox, 1, 2, 7, 8); CheckButton wait_cbox= new CheckButton (); wait_cbox.Toggled += toggle_wait_cbox; tableLayout.Attach (wait_cbox, 1, 2, 8, 9); HBox h = new HBox (); h.Spacing = 0; tableLayout.Attach (h, 0, 2, 9, 10); VBox v = new VBox (); b = new Button ("Save"); v.PackStart (b, true, false, 0); h.PackStart (v, true, false, 0); v = new VBox (); b = new Button ("Cancel"); v.PackStart (b, true, false, 0); h.PackStart (v, true, false, 0); w.Add (tableLayout); w.ShowAll (); }
private Frame GetCollectionDetailsFrame() { collectionEntry = new Entry (); ScrolledWindow scroll = new ScrolledWindow (); scroll.HscrollbarPolicy = PolicyType.Never; scroll.VscrollbarPolicy = PolicyType.Automatic; description = new TextView (); description.WrapMode = WrapMode.Word; scroll.Add (description); addCollectionToggle = new CheckButton (Catalog. GetString ("Create a collection")); addCollectionToggle.Toggled += OnToggled; addCollectionToggle.Active = false; addCollectionToggle.Toggle (); Frame frame = new Frame (); Table table = new Table (4, 2, false); Label label; uint row = 0; table.RowSpacing = table.ColumnSpacing = 4; table.Attach (addCollectionToggle, 0, 2, row, row + 1); row++; label = new Label (); label.Markup = Catalog.GetString ("<b>Title</b>"); label.Xalign = 0; table.Attach (label, 0, 1, row, row + 1); table.Attach (collectionEntry, 1, 2, row, row + 1); row++; label = new Label (); label.Xalign = 0; label.Markup = Catalog. GetString ("<i><small>Create a collection with this title</small></i>"); table.Attach (label, 0, 2, row, row + 1); label = new Label (); label.Markup = Catalog. GetString ("<b>Description</b>"); label.Xalign = 0; row++; table.Attach (label, 0, 2, row, row + 1); row++; table.Attach (scroll, 0, 2, row, row + 1); frame.Add (table); return frame; }
// This requires that the perl program autorestart wraps this.... public DialBOT() : base("DialBOT") { SetDefaultSize(800, 600); SetPosition(WindowPosition.Center); DeleteEvent += delegate { Application.Quit(); }; // Top level container. This vertically divides the window into 3 sections: // Top is the 2 windows (balls-deep items and console output VBox topvbox = new VBox(false, 5); // Lets build the top 1/3rd here. Frame ballsdeepframe = new Frame("Balls-Deep Items"); Frame consoleframe = new Frame("Console Output"); // HBox mainhbox = new HBox(true,2); ballsdeeptree = new TreeView(); bdstore = new TreeStore (typeof(string), typeof (string), typeof (string), typeof (string)); LoadBalls(); fillStore(); // Put the TreeStore into a TreeModelSort so we can sort columns... // Sort by score for now bdsorted = new TreeModelSort(bdstore); bdsorted.SetSortColumnId(1,SortType.Descending); // Put the TreeModelSort into a TreeModelFilter so we can implement the filtering filterEntry = new Entry(); // filter = new TreeModelFilter(bdsorted,null); // filter.VisibleFunc = FilterTreeFunc; // Use this as the filter function. // And then set the visible TreeView to use the filter as it's store. ballsdeeptree.Model = bdsorted; ballsdeeptree.HeadersVisible = true; ballsdeeptree.HeadersClickable=true; ballsdeeptree.AppendColumn ("Added By", new CellRendererText (), "text", 0); ballsdeeptree.AppendColumn ("Score", new CellRendererText (), "text", 1); CellRendererText ballRenderer = new CellRendererText(); ballsdeeptree.AppendColumn ("Text", ballRenderer, "text", 2); CellRendererText voteRenderer = new CellRendererText(); voteRenderer.Editable=true; voteRenderer.Edited+=editVotes; ballsdeeptree.AppendColumn ("Votes", voteRenderer, "text", 3); TreeViewColumn col = ballsdeeptree.GetColumn(0); col.Clickable=true; col.Resizable = true; col.Clicked += new EventHandler (col_clicked0); col = ballsdeeptree.GetColumn(1); col.Resizable = true; col.Clickable=true; col.Clicked += new EventHandler (col_clicked1); col = ballsdeeptree.GetColumn(2); col.Resizable = true; col.Clickable=true; col.Clicked += new EventHandler (col_clicked2); col = ballsdeeptree.GetColumn(3); col.Clickable=true; col.Resizable = true; col.Clicked += new EventHandler (col_clicked3); ScrolledWindow ballsdeepscroll = new ScrolledWindow(); ballsdeepscroll.Add(ballsdeeptree); Button deleteentry = new Button("Remove Entry"); deleteentry.SetSizeRequest(70, 30); deleteentry.Clicked += new EventHandler(deleteBallMsg); ballsdeepframe.Add(ballsdeepscroll); ballsdeepframe.Add(deleteentry); // Entry box and label to filter on message as well as an HBox to put them next to each other filterEntry.Changed += OnFilterEntryTextChanged; Label filterLabel = new Label("Ball Message Search: "); HBox filterBox = new HBox(); filterBox.PackStart(filterLabel,false,false,5); filterBox.PackStart(filterEntry,true,true,5); VBox ballvbox = new VBox(false,5); ballvbox.Add(ballsdeepframe); //ballvbox.PackStart(filterBox,false,false,1); topvbox.Add(ballvbox); consoleview = new TextView(); consolebuffer=consoleview.Buffer; consolebuffer.Text = consoletext; ScrolledWindow consolescroll = new ScrolledWindow(); consolescroll.SetPolicy(PolicyType.Automatic,PolicyType.Always); consolescroll.Add(consoleview); consoleframe.Add(consolescroll); followConsole = new CheckButton("Tail Console"); followConsole.SetSizeRequest(70,30); VBox consolevbox = new VBox(false,5); consolevbox.Add(consoleframe); consolevbox.PackStart(followConsole,false,false,1); topvbox.Add(consolevbox); // topvbox.PackStart(mainhbox, true,true,4); // Now the 2nd 3rd. This contains 2 buttons. A start/stop, and a close. HBox buttonhbox = new HBox(true, 3); startstop = new Button("Stop"); startstop.SetSizeRequest(70, 30); startstop.Clicked += new EventHandler(startstopEvent); Button close = new Button("Close"); close.Clicked += new EventHandler(quitEvent); buttonhbox.Add(startstop); buttonhbox.Add(close); Alignment halign = new Alignment(1, 0, 0, 0); halign.Add(buttonhbox); topvbox.PackStart(halign, false, false, 3); // Now the bottom 3rd. A status bar statusbar = new Statusbar(); statusbar.Push(1,"Hey, it's a status"); topvbox.PackStart(statusbar,false,false,0); // Add our top level container to the window Add(topvbox); ShowAll(); }
private void CreatePropertyWidgets(string title) { VBox box = new VBox(); tooltips = new Tooltips(); Label titleLabel = new Label(); titleLabel.Xalign = 0; titleLabel.Xpad = 12; titleLabel.Ypad = 6; titleLabel.Markup = "<b>" + title + "</b>"; box.PackStart(titleLabel, true, false, 0); // iterate over all fields and properties Type type = Object.GetType(); fieldTable.Clear(); List<Widget> editWidgets = new List<Widget>(); foreach(FieldOrProperty field in FieldOrProperty.GetFieldsAndProperties(type)) { CustomSettingsWidgetAttribute customSettings = (CustomSettingsWidgetAttribute) field.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(CustomSettingsWidgetAttribute)); if(customSettings != null) { Type customType = customSettings.Type; ICustomSettingsWidget customWidget = (ICustomSettingsWidget) CreateObject(customType); customWidget.Object = Object; customWidget.Field = field; editWidgets.Add(customWidget.Create(this)); continue; } LispChildAttribute ChildAttrib = (LispChildAttribute) field.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(LispChildAttribute)); if(ChildAttrib == null) continue; PropertyPropertiesAttribute propertyProperties = (PropertyPropertiesAttribute) field.GetCustomAttribute(typeof(PropertyPropertiesAttribute)); if ((propertyProperties != null) && (propertyProperties.Hidden)) continue; if(field.Type == typeof(string) || field.Type == typeof(float) || field.Type == typeof(int)) { Entry entry = new Entry(); entry.Name = field.Name; object val = field.GetValue(Object); if(val != null) entry.Text = val.ToString(); fieldTable[field.Name] = field; entry.Changed += OnEntryChanged; editWidgets.Add(entry); AddTooltip(propertyProperties, entry); } else if(field.Type == typeof(bool)) { CheckButton checkButton = new CheckButton(field.Name); checkButton.Name = field.Name; checkButton.Active = (bool) field.GetValue(Object); fieldTable[field.Name] = field; checkButton.Toggled += OnCheckButtonToggled; editWidgets.Add(checkButton); AddTooltip(propertyProperties, checkButton); } else if(field.Type.IsEnum) { // Create a combobox containing all the names of enum values. ComboBox comboBox = new ComboBox(Enum.GetNames(field.Type)); // Set the name of the box. comboBox.Name = field.Name; // FIXME: This will break if: // 1) the first enum isn't 0 and/or // 2) the vaules are not sequential (0, 1, 3, 4 wouldn't work) object val = field.GetValue(Object); if (val != null) comboBox.Active = (int)val; fieldTable[field.Name] = field; comboBox.Changed += OnComboBoxChanged; editWidgets.Add(comboBox); // FIXME: Why doesn't this work for the ComboBox? AddTooltip(propertyProperties, comboBox); } } Table table = new Table((uint) editWidgets.Count, 2, false); table.ColumnSpacing = 6; table.RowSpacing = 6; table.BorderWidth = 12; for(uint i = 0; i < editWidgets.Count; ++i) { Widget widget = editWidgets[(int) i]; if(widget is CheckButton) { table.Attach(widget, 0, 2, i, i+1, AttachOptions.Fill | AttachOptions.Expand, AttachOptions.Shrink, 0, 0); } else { Label label = new Label(widget.Name + ":"); label.SetAlignment(0, 1); table.Attach(label, 0, 1, i, i+1, AttachOptions.Fill, AttachOptions.Shrink, 0, 0); table.Attach(widget, 1, 2, i, i+1, AttachOptions.Fill | AttachOptions.Expand, AttachOptions.Shrink, 0, 0); } } box.PackStart(table, true, true, 0); // TODO add a (!) image in front of the label (and hide/show it depending // if there was an error) errorLabel = new Label(""); errorLabel.Xalign = 0; errorLabel.Xpad = 12; box.PackStart(errorLabel, true, false, 0); box.ShowAll(); Foreach(Remove); AddWithViewport(box); }
public UserShortcutDialog (Gtk.Window parent, string binding_string) : base (null, parent, DialogFlags.DestroyWithParent) { Title = "KeyGrabber"; Modal = true; HasSeparator = false; AddButton ("Ok", ResponseType.Ok); AddButton ("Cancel", ResponseType.Cancel); binding = binding_string; ctrl_button = new CheckButton ("Ctrl"); int i = binding_string.IndexOf ("<ctrl>", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase); if (i != -1) { ctrl_button.Active = true; binding_string = binding_string.Remove (i, 6); } alt_button = new CheckButton ("Alt"); i = binding_string.IndexOf ("<alt>", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase); if (i != -1) { alt_button.Active = true; binding_string = binding_string.Remove (i, 5); } entry = new Entry (); entry.Text = binding_string; HBox box = new HBox (false, 0); box.PackEnd (ctrl_button, true, false, 0); ctrl_button.Show (); box.PackEnd (alt_button, true, false, 0); alt_button.Show (); box.PackEnd (entry, true, false, 0); entry.Show (); VBox.PackStart (box, true, false, 0); box.Show (); }
private void OnSignupEvent( Hashtable form ) { if( ((string)form[ "action" ]).Equals( "msg" ) ) { new AlertDialog( this.MainWindow, AlertType.Info, (string)form[ "title" ], (string)form[ "msg" ] ); } else { this.signupdata = form; Dialog dlg = new Dialog(); dlg.Modal = true; dlg.Title = (string)form[ "title" ]; dlg.SetSizeRequest( 500, -1 ); HBox split = new HBox(); dlg.VBox.Add( split ); VBox left = new VBox( true, 0 ); VBox right = new VBox( true, 0 ); split.PackStart( left, false, false, 5 ); split.PackEnd( right, true, true, 10 ); NameValueCollection fields = (NameValueCollection)form[ "fields" ]; Hashtable data = (Hashtable)form[ "data" ]; foreach( string Key in fields.AllKeys ) { Hashtable fd = (Hashtable)data[ Key ]; string Name = Key.Substring( 0, 1 ).ToUpper() + Key.Substring( 1 ) + ":"; Label lbl = new Label( Name ); lbl.SetAlignment( 0, (float)0.5 ); left.PackStart( lbl, false, false, 5 ); if( fields[ Key ].Equals( "TextEditView" ) ) { Entry ent = new Entry(); ent.Name = Key; ent.ActivatesDefault = true; if( fd[ "isPassword" ] != null ) ent.Visibility = false; if( fd[ "value" ] != null ) ent.Text = (string)fd[ "value" ]; right.PackStart( ent, false, false, 5 ); } else if( fields[ Key ].Equals( "PopupButtonView" ) ) { ComboBox cbox = ComboBox.NewText(); cbox.WrapWidth = 5; cbox.Name = Key; if( fd[ "menuItems" ] != null ) { string menuItems = (string)fd[ "menuItems" ]; foreach( string Value in menuItems.Split( ',' ) ) cbox.AppendText( Value ); if( fd[ "value" ] != null && (string)fd[ "value" ] != String.Empty ) { cbox.Active = Convert.ToInt32( fd[ "value" ] ) - 1; } else { cbox.Active = 0; } } right.PackStart( cbox, false, false, 5 ); } else if( fields[ Key ].Equals( "ComboControlView" ) ) { ComboBoxEntry cboxe = ComboBoxEntry.NewText(); cboxe.WrapWidth = 5; cboxe.Name = Key; if( fd[ "menuItems" ] != null ) { string menuItems = (string)fd[ "menuItems" ]; foreach( string Value in menuItems.Split( ',' ) ) cboxe.AppendText( Value ); } if( fd[ "value" ] != null ) ((Entry)cboxe.Child).Text = (string)fd[ "value" ]; right.PackStart( cboxe, false, false, 5 ); } else if( fields[ Key ].Equals( "CheckboxView" ) ) { CheckButton cbtn = new CheckButton(); cbtn.Name = Key; if( fd[ "value" ] != null && (string)fd[ "value" ] != String.Empty ) { int v = Convert.ToInt32( (string)fd[ "value" ] ); cbtn.Active = v == 1; } right.PackStart( cbtn, false, false, 5 ); } } dlg.AddActionWidget( new Button( "Cancel" ), ResponseType.Cancel ); Button btn = new Button( "Next" ); btn.CanDefault = true; dlg.AddActionWidget( btn, ResponseType.Ok ); dlg.DefaultResponse = ResponseType.Ok; dlg.Response += new ResponseHandler( OnSignupResponse ); dlg.TransientFor = this.MainWindow; dlg.SetPosition( WindowPosition.CenterOnParent ); dlg.ShowAll(); if( form[ "redtext" ] != null ) new AlertDialog( dlg, AlertType.Warning, (string)form[ "title" ], (string)form[ "redtext" ] ); } }
private void SetDefaultButton(CheckButton button) { button.Appearance.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.DarkGray; button.Checked = false; }
public void AddDevExpressControlForBugFixes(CheckButton checkButton1, CheckButton checkButton2) { this.listOfDevExpressBugFixControls.Add(checkButton1, checkButton2); }