static void SpecifyChartSettings(IWorkbook workbook)
            #region #SpecifyChartSettings
            Worksheet worksheet = workbook.Worksheets["chartTask2"];

            // Create an empty chart sheet of the specified type.
            ChartSheet chartSheet = workbook.ChartSheets.Add(ChartType.BarFullStacked);

            // Access a chart on the chart sheet.
            ChartObject chart = chartSheet.Chart;
            // Select chart data.
            chart.SelectData(worksheet["B3:C8"], ChartDataDirection.Row);

            // Display the chart title.
            chart.Title.Visible = true;

            // Change the legend position.
            chart.Legend.Position = LegendPosition.Bottom;

            // Hide the category axis.
            chart.PrimaryAxes[0].Visible = false;

            // Set the value axis' major unit.
            chart.PrimaryAxes[1].MajorUnit = 0.2;

            workbook.ChartSheets.ActiveChartSheet = chartSheet;
            #endregion #SpecifyChartSettings