public IEnumerator startDeck(GameObject cardPrefab) { //Multiplier to put each card on top of the other int increment = 0; //TODO: Find a better way to do this string previousCardCode = null; Texture2D imgCarta = new Texture2D(0, 0); foreach (CardDBEntry card in ListOfCards) { if (previousCardCode != card.code) { string img_url = CardDB.GetBaseImgUrl().Replace("{code}", card.code); WWW url = new WWW(img_url); Debug.Log("Downloading image for " + card.title); while (!url.isDone) { //Debug.Log("Downloading image: " + url.progress * 100 + "%"); yield return(null); } imgCarta = url.texture; Debug.Log("Done!"); } else { Debug.Log("Using the same image."); } previousCardCode = card.code; Vector3 YincrementVector = new Vector3(0, 0.01f); Vector3 FlipCardRotation = new Vector3(0, 0, 180f); //Create the card GO GameObject cardGO = Instantiate(cardPrefab, this.transform.position + YincrementVector * increment, this.transform.rotation).gameObject; cardGO.transform.Rotate(FlipCardRotation, Space.World); cardGO.transform.SetParent(this.transform); = card.title; //Use the image downloaded cardGO.transform.Find("Card_model").Find("front").GetComponent <Renderer>().material.mainTexture = imgCarta; //Put the correct back image of the card depending on which side the card is(Runner or Corp) if (card.side_code == "runner") { cardGO.transform.Find("Card_model").Find("back").GetComponent <Renderer>().material.mainTexture = Resources.Load <Texture2D>("Textures/Runner_back"); } else if (card.side_code == "corp") { cardGO.transform.Find("Card_model").Find("back").GetComponent <Renderer>().material.mainTexture = Resources.Load <Texture2D>("Textures/Corp_back"); } increment++; } Debug.Log(DeckSide.ToString() + " side finished downloading card images"); }