/// <summary>
        ///  Occurs when the user clicks the button to open the configuration.
        /// </summary>
        private void mButtonOpenConfiguration_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Init new CANoe application.
            mCANoeApp = new CANoe.Application();

            // Init measurement object.
            mCANoeMeasurement = (CANoe.Measurement)mCANoeApp.Measurement;

            // Stopps a running measurement.
            if (mCANoeMeasurement.Running)

            if (mCANoeApp != null)
                // Open the demo configuration.
                mCANoeApp.Open(mAbsoluteConfigPath, true, true);

                // Make sure the configuration was successfully loaded.
                CANoe.OpenConfigurationResult ocresult = mCANoeApp.Configuration.OpenConfigurationResult;
                if (ocresult.result == 0)
Пример #2
        public CSharpControl()
            // This call is required by the Windows.Forms Form Designer.

            // Initialize timer to get Signal changes
            tmrSignals = new System.Windows.Forms.Timer(components);
            if (tmrSignals != null)
                tmrSignals.Enabled = true;
                tmrSignals.Tick   += new System.EventHandler(tmrSignals_Tick);

            // Initialize types
            App         = new CANoe.Application();
            Measurement = (CANoe.Measurement)App.Measurement;
            CANoe.System system = (CANoe.System)App.System;

            if (system != null)
                CANoe.Namespaces namespaces = (CANoe.Namespaces)system.Namespaces;
                if (namespaces != null)
                    CANoe.Namespace nsEngine = (CANoe.Namespace)namespaces["Engine"];
                    if (nsEngine != null)
                        CANoe.Variables engineVars = (CANoe.Variables)nsEngine.Variables;
                        if (engineVars != null)
                            svMotorSwitch      = (CANoe.Variable)engineVars["MotorSwitch"];
                            svEngineSpeedEntry = (CANoe.Variable)engineVars["EngineSpeedEntry"];

                            if (svMotorSwitch != null)
                                svMotorSwitch.OnChange += new CANoe._IVariableEvents_OnChangeEventHandler(svMotorSwitch_OnChange);
                            if (svEngineSpeedEntry != null)
                                svEngineSpeedEntry.OnChange += new CANoe._IVariableEvents_OnChangeEventHandler(svEngineSpeedEntry_OnChange);
                    CANoe.Namespace nsLights = (CANoe.Namespace)namespaces["Lights"];
                    if (nsLights != null)
                        CANoe.Variables lightsVars = (CANoe.Variables)nsLights.Variables;
                        if (lightsVars != null)
                            svTurnSignal = (CANoe.Variable)lightsVars["TurnSignal"];

                            if (svTurnSignal != null)
                                svTurnSignal.OnChange += new CANoe._IVariableEvents_OnChangeEventHandler(svTurnSignal_OnChange);
Пример #3
        //creates a request from a given request string
        private Diagnostic.DiagnosticRequest GetRequest(string aQualPath, string aEcuQual, string aBusName)
                if (mCANoe == null)
                    mCANoe = new CANoe.Application();

                //get Measurement instance
                if (mMeasurement == null)
                    mMeasurement = (CANoe.Measurement)mCANoe.Measurement;
                    //create on event handles
                    mMeasurement.OnInit += new CANoe._IMeasurementEvents_OnInitEventHandler(Measurement_OnInit);

                //is measurement running?
                if (mMeasurement.Running == false)
                    lCOMStatus.Text      = "Measurement not running!";
                    lCOMStatus.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Yellow;

                //get the diagnostics interface
                if (gDiagnostic == null || gLastEcuQual != aEcuQual)
                    gLastEcuQual = aEcuQual;

                    //Diagnostic.Diagnostic diag;
                    CANoe.Network network;
                    CANoe.Device  device;
                    CANoe.Devices devices;

                    gDiagnostic = null;

                    network = (CANoe.Network)mCANoe.get_Networks(aBusName);

                    if (network != null)
                        devices = (CANoe.Devices)network.Devices;
                        device  = (CANoe.Device)devices[mECUName];

                        if (device != null)
                            gDiagnostic = (Diagnostic.Diagnostic)device.Diagnostic;
            catch (Exception ex)
        public CSharpDisplay()
            // This call is required by the Windows.Forms Form Designer.

            // Initialize types
            App         = new CANoe.Application();
            Measurement = (CANoe.Measurement)App.Measurement;
        /// <summary>
        /// Unregister from COM events and release referenced COM interfaces
        /// </summary>
        public void DisconnectFromCANoe()
            // Unregister from events of MostNetworkInterface

            if (mMostNetworkInterface != null)
                mMostNetworkInterface.OnAMSRx -= new CANoe._IMostNetworkInterfaceEvents_OnAMSRxEventHandler(mostNetworkInterface_OnAMSRx);

            // Release referenced COM interfaces

            mMostApplicationFilter = null;
            mMostNetworkInterface  = null;
            mMostDisassembler      = null;
            mMeasurement           = null;
            mApplication           = null;
        /// <summary>
        /// Get CANoe COM Interfaces and do some initializing steps
        /// </summary>
        public void ConnectToCANoe()
            // Get CANoe COM interfaces

            // general CANoe Interfaces
            mApplication = new CANoe.Application();
            mMeasurement = (CANoe.Measurement)mApplication.Measurement;

            // MOST specific CANoe Interfaces
            CANoe.Network network = (CANoe.Network)mApplication.get_Networks("MOST Ring"); // The one and only MOST network of any CANoe configuration
            CANoe.Devices devices = (CANoe.Devices)network.Devices;
            CANoe.Device  device  = (CANoe.Device)devices["MOST 1"];                       // The device of the CANoe configuration that has channel MOST1 assigned to
            mMostNetworkInterface = (CANoe.MostNetworkInterface)device.NetworkInterface;

            mMostApplicationFilter = (CANoe.MostApplicationFilter)mMostNetworkInterface.ApplicationFilter;
            mMostDisassembler      = (CANoe.MostDisassembler)device.Disassembler;

            // Initialize MOST Filters

            // Prohibit MostNetworkInterface to fire any events
            mMostNetworkInterface.EventSources = 0;

            // Set filter-type of MostApplicationFilter to: pass filter
            mMostApplicationFilter.FilterType = 0;
            // Enable MostApplicationFilter
            mMostApplicationFilter.Enabled = true;

            // Register for events of MostNetworkInterface

            mMostNetworkInterface.OnAMSRx += new CANoe._IMostNetworkInterfaceEvents_OnAMSRxEventHandler(mostNetworkInterface_OnAMSRx);
Пример #7
        /// <summary>
        /// 启动CANoe软件
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void menuCanoeStart_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (_canoeFilePath == null)

                // Init new CANoe application.
                mCANoeApp = new CANoe.Application();

                // Init measurement object.
                mCANoeMeasurement = mCANoeApp.Measurement;

                // Stopps a running measurement.
                if (mCANoeMeasurement.Running)

                if (mCANoeApp != null)

                    // Open the demo configuration.
                    mCANoeApp.Open(_canoeFilePath, true, true);

                    // Make sure the configuration was successfully loaded.
                    CANoe.OpenConfigurationResult ocresult = mCANoeApp.Configuration.OpenConfigurationResult;
                    if (ocresult.result == 0)
Пример #8
        void StartIdentificationRun()
            if (GetTargetString() == "")
                mTB_Status.Text      = "Select Targets first!";
                mTB_Status.BackColor = Color.LightSalmon;

            if (PathToSourceNode() == "")
                mTB_Status.Text      = "Cannot find CAPL program that performs identification!";
                mTB_Status.BackColor = Color.Red;

            AddStatusText("Configuring CANoe and trying to start the variant identification ...");
            mTB_Status.BackColor = Color.LightGray;

            const string csNSDiagIdentifier = "DiagIdentifier";
            const string csVarResult        = "ResultOfIdentification";
            const string csVarTarget        = "Target";
            const string csNodeName         = "_TEMP_VarIdent_V1.0";

            // Prepare connection to application
            CANoe.Application app                = new CANoe.Application();
            CANoe.Namespaces  spaces             = (CANoe.Namespaces)((CANoe.System)app.System).Namespaces;
            CANoe.Variables   varsDiagIdentifier = null;

            // Check if namespace and/or variables have been defined already
            bool bCreateNamespace    = true;
            bool bCreateSysVarResult = true;
            bool bCreateSysVarTarget = true;

            foreach (CANoe.Namespace ns in spaces)
                if (ns.Name == csNSDiagIdentifier)
                    varsDiagIdentifier = (CANoe.Variables)ns.Variables;
                    bCreateNamespace   = false;
                    foreach (CANoe.Variable var in varsDiagIdentifier)
                        if (var.Name == csVarResult)
                            mSysVarResult       = var;
                            bCreateSysVarResult = false;
                        else if (var.Name == csVarTarget)
                            mSysVarTarget       = var;
                            bCreateSysVarTarget = false;

            // Create namespace and variables, if necessary
            AddStatusText("Creating namespace and system variables");
            if (bCreateNamespace)
                varsDiagIdentifier = (CANoe.Variables)spaces.Add(csNSDiagIdentifier).Variables;

            if (bCreateSysVarResult)
                mSysVarResult = (CANoe.Variable)varsDiagIdentifier.AddWriteable(csVarResult, "");
            if (bCreateSysVarTarget)
                mSysVarTarget = (CANoe.Variable)varsDiagIdentifier.AddWriteable(csVarTarget, "");

            if (mSysVarResult == null || mSysVarTarget == null)
                AddStatusText("Cannot attach to system variables needed for control!");
                mTB_Status.BackColor = Color.Red;

            // Add the simulation node that communicates with this program an initiates the variant identification to the setup
            AddStatusText("Adding and configuring simulation node");
            CANoe.Configuration   config   = (CANoe.Configuration)app.Configuration;
            CANoe.SimulationSetup simSetup = (CANoe.SimulationSetup)config.SimulationSetup;
            CANoe.Buses           buses    = (CANoe.Buses)simSetup.Buses;

            if (buses.Count < 1)
                AddStatusText("There is no bus configure to attach the simulation node to!");
                mTB_Status.BackColor = Color.Red;

            CANoe.Bus bus = (CANoe.Bus)buses[1];
            mTB_Status.Text += " to bus " + bus.Name;

            CANoe.Nodes nodes = (CANoe.Nodes)bus.Nodes;
            CANoe.Node  node  = (CANoe.Node)nodes.Add(csNodeName, null, null);

            node.FullName = PathToSourceNode();

            // Start the measurement
            if (DialogResult.OK == MessageBox.Show("If you press OK, the CANoe measurement will be started and the variant identification is run!", "Attention: Measurement Start"
                                                   , MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Warning))
                CANoe.Measurement meas = (CANoe.Measurement)app.Measurement;
                AddStatusText("Starting CANoe measurement ");
                while (!meas.Running)
                    mTB_Status.Text += ".";


                AddStatusText("Stopping CANoe measurement ");
                while (meas.Running)
                    mTB_Status.Text += ".";

            // Cleanup
            AddStatusText("Cleaning up ...");

            // Remove the simulation node
            int i;

            AddStatusText("Removing simulation node");

            // Remove the namespace
            if (bCreateNamespace)
                for (i = 1; i <= spaces.Count; ++i)
                    if (spaces[i].Name == csNSDiagIdentifier)
                        AddStatusText("Removing namespace");