Пример #1
    void OnMappingChanged(Dictionary <string, DulibaWaitor.Command> newMap)
        // If this happens twice per frame, the second occurance is the new black.

        foreach (var kvp in newMap)
            string commandKey = kvp.Key;
            DulibaWaitor.Command newCommand = kvp.Value;

            Change      change          = Change.Create;
            ButtonGroup buttonsToChange = rightButtons;

            if (currentMap.ContainsKey(commandKey))
                DulibaWaitor.Command oldCommand = currentMap[commandKey];

                if (oldCommand.disabled.HasValue != newCommand.disabled.HasValue)
                    change = Change.Nothing;
                if (oldCommand.callback != newCommand.callback)
                    change = Change.Create;

            if (newCommand.leftHand)
                buttonsToChange = leftButtons;

            string quantity = "";

            if (dulibaWaitor.workArea is Shelf import)
                foreach (var action in dulibaWaitor.actions)
                    if (action.command == commandKey.ToLower())
                        if (!import.items[action.pickupIndex].infinite)
                            quantity = import.items[action.pickupIndex].itemCount.ToString();

             * switch (change)
             * {
             *      case Change.Nothing:
             *              buttonsToChange.UpdateButton(new ButtonInfo() { name = newCommand.name, button = commandKey, enabled = !newCommand.disabled.HasValue, image = newCommand.image });
             *              break;
             *      case Change.Create:*/
            buttonsToChange.CreateButton(new ButtonInfo()
                quantity = quantity, name = newCommand.name, button = commandKey, enabled = !newCommand.disabled.HasValue, image = newCommand.image

             *          }
            //buttonsToChange.DisplayButton(new ButtonInfo() { name = command.name, button = commandKey, enabled = !command.disabled.HasValue, image = command.image });

         * foreach (var kvp in currentMap)
         * {
         *      string commandKey = kvp.Key;
         *      DulibaWaitor.Command command = kvp.Value;
         *      ButtonGroup buttonsToChange = rightButtons;
         *      if (command.leftHand)
         *              buttonsToChange = leftButtons;
         *      if (!newMap.ContainsKey(kvp.Key))
         *              buttonsToChange.DestroyButton(kvp.Key);
         * }*/

        currentMap = newMap;