public void Execute(string targets, int threadsNumber = DefaultThreads, string buildPath = null)
            if (!PreExecutionChecks(true, true, true, true))
            if (buildPath == null)
                buildPath = Build.DEFAULT_BUILD_PATH;
            Build build = new Build(buildPath);

            using (BuildLogServices buildLogServices = new BuildLogServices(build))
                BuildTargetCollection buildTargets = BuildTargetFactory.GetCollection(targets, build, buildLogServices);
                if (!buildTargets.CanBuildAndWarnIfNot())
                BuildTracker buildTracker = new BuildTracker(buildTargets);
                Transpile(build, buildTracker, buildTargets, buildLogServices, threadsNumber);
                WriteTranspiled(buildTargets, buildTracker);
                ESMAnalyzer.Deallocate();//Hack - force ESM analyzer deallocation.
                Compile(build, buildTargets);
            Console.WriteLine("Build Complete");
Пример #2
  * No injection is done here because of multithreaded enviroment which messes it up.
  * Maybe at some point we will have a proper DI into the jobs.
  * TranspileChunkJob constructor.
 public TranspileChunkJob(Build build, BuildTracker buildTracker, BuildLogServices buildLogServices, List <Dictionary <string, List <string> > > buildPlan)
     this.buildPlan        = buildPlan;
     this.buildTracker     = buildTracker;            = build;
     this.buildLogServices = buildLogServices;
     this.buildTargets     = new BuildTargetCollection();
     this.esmAnalyzer      = new ESMAnalyzer(DataDirectory.TES4GameFileName);
Пример #3
        public void Execute(string targets, string buildPath = null)
            PreExecutionChecks(false, false, false, false);
            if (buildPath == null)
                buildPath = Build.DEFAULT_BUILD_PATH;
            Build build = new Build(buildPath);

            using (BuildLogServices buildLogServices = new BuildLogServices(build))
                BuildTargetCollection buildTargets = BuildTargetFactory.GetCollection(targets, build, buildLogServices, false);
            Console.WriteLine("Deletion Complete");
        public void Execute(string scriptName, string targets = BuildTarget.DEFAULT_TARGETS, string buildPath = null)
            if (!PreExecutionChecks(true, true, true, true))
            if (buildPath == null)
                buildPath = Build.DEFAULT_BUILD_PATH;
            Build build = new Build(buildPath);

            using (BuildLogServices buildLogServices = new BuildLogServices(build))
                BuildTargetCollection buildTargets = BuildTargetFactory.GetCollection(targets, build, buildLogServices);
                if (!buildTargets.CanBuildAndWarnIfNot())
                TranspileScriptJob transpileJob = new TranspileScriptJob(buildTargets, scriptName);
#if !DEBUG
#if !DEBUG
            catch (ConversionException ex)
                Console.WriteLine("Exception occured." + Environment.NewLine + ex.GetType().FullName + ":  " + ex.Message);
                Compile(build, buildTargets);
            Console.WriteLine("Build Complete");
            string compileLog = File.ReadAllText(build.GetCompileStandardOutputPath());
Пример #5
        public void Run()
            Build build = null;//WTM:  Change:  BuildTargetFactory.get takes two arguments, but in PHP, it was invoked with one argument.  This file will fail to run.

            using (BuildLogServices buildLogServices = new BuildLogServices(build))
                BuildTarget buildTarget = BuildTargetFactory.Get(this.buildTarget, build, buildLogServices);
                int         latestBuild = Directory.EnumerateFileSystemEntries(buildTarget.GetArchivePath())
                                          .Select(path => Path.GetFileName(path))
                                          .Select(name =>
                    int fileBuild;
                    return(int.TryParse(name, out fileBuild) ? fileBuild : 0);
                int archivedBuild = latestBuild + 1;
                //WTM:  Change:  buildTarget.getBuildPath() is not a valid method.
                string sourcePath      = null;//buildTarget.getBuildPath()
                string destinationPath = buildTarget.GetArchivedBuildPath(archivedBuild);
                FileTransfer.CopyDirectoryFiles(sourcePath, destinationPath, false);
            Process.Start("", this.buildTarget);
        public override void Execute()
            if (!PreExecutionChecks(false, false, false, false))
            Build build = new Build(Build.DEFAULT_BUILD_PATH);
            Dictionary <int, List <int> > originalStageMap;

            using (BuildLogServices buildLogServices = new BuildLogServices(build))
                BuildTarget buildTarget = BuildTargetFactory.Get(BuildTarget.BUILD_TARGET_QF, build, buildLogServices);
                originalStageMap = QFFragmentFactory.BuildStageMapDictionary(buildTarget, "QF_FGC01Rats_01035713");
            StageMap      stageMap = new StageMap(originalStageMap.ToDictionary(m => m.Key, m => m.Value.ToList()));//Copy dictionary
            StringBuilder output   = new StringBuilder();

            foreach (var stageId in stageMap.StageIDs)
                output.AppendLine(stageId.ToString() + " - " + string.Join(" ", originalStageMap[stageId]));
                output.Append(stageId.ToString() + " -");
                List <int> map = stageMap.GetStageTargetsMap(stageId);
                foreach (var val in map)
                    output.Append(" " + val);


            output.Append("Mapping index print");
            foreach (var kvp in stageMap.MappedTargetsIndex)
                var originalTargetIndex = kvp.Key;
                var mappedTargetIndexes = kvp.Value;
                output.Append(originalTargetIndex + " - " + string.Join(" ", mappedTargetIndexes));

            string outputString = output.ToString();

            const string fgc01RatsResultFromPHP =
                @"10 - 0 0 0 1
10 - 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
20 - 1 0 0 0
20 - 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
30 - 0 0 0 1
30 - 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
40 - 0 0 1 0
40 - 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
50 - 0 0 1 0
50 - 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
55 - 0 0 0 1
55 - 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
60 - 1 0 0 0
60 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0
65 - 0 0 0 1
65 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
70 - 0 1 0 0
70 - 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
80 - 0 1 0 0
80 - 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
90 - 0 0 0 1
90 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
100 - 0 0 0 0
100 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
105 - 0 1 0 0
105 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1
110 - 0 0 0 0
110 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
200 - 0 0 0 0
200 - 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Mapping index print
3 - 4 5 7 8
0 - 6
1 - 9";
            bool match = fgc01RatsResultFromPHP.Replace("\r\n", "\n") == outputString.Replace("\r\n", "\n");

            Console.WriteLine("Output " + (match ? "matched" : "did not match") + " the output of the PHP version.");
        private static void Transpile(Build build, BuildTracker buildTracker, BuildTargetCollection buildTargets, BuildLogServices buildLogServices, int threadsNumber)
            var            buildPlan      = buildTargets.GetBuildPlan(threadsNumber);
            int            totalScripts   = buildPlan.Sum(p => p.Value.Sum(chunk => chunk.Sum(c => c.Value.Count)));
            ProgressWriter progressWriter = new ProgressWriter("Transpiling Scripts", totalScripts);

            using (StreamWriter errorLog = new StreamWriter(build.GetErrorLogPath(), false))
                foreach (var threadBuildPlan in buildPlan)
                    TranspileChunkJob task = new TranspileChunkJob(build, buildTracker, buildLogServices, threadBuildPlan.Value);
                    task.RunTask(errorLog, progressWriter);
        public void Execute(string targets)
            if (!PreExecutionChecks(true, true, false, false))
            Build build = new Build(Build.DEFAULT_BUILD_PATH); //This argument might well not be important in this case

            using (BuildLogServices buildLogServices = new BuildLogServices(build))
                BuildTargetCollection buildTargets = BuildTargetFactory.GetCollection(targets, build, buildLogServices);
                //if (!buildTargets.CanBuildAndWarnIfNot()) { return; }//WTM:  Change:  This doesn't matter for building graphs.
                Dictionary <string, List <string> > dependencyGraph = new Dictionary <string, List <string> >();
                Dictionary <string, List <string> > usageGraph      = new Dictionary <string, List <string> >();
                BuildSourceFilesCollection          sourceFiles     = buildTargets.GetSourceFiles();
                ProgressWriter     progressWriter = new ProgressWriter("Building Interoperable Compilation Graph", buildTargets.GetTotalSourceFiles());
                TES5TypeInferencer inferencer     = new TES5TypeInferencer(new ESMAnalyzer(), BuildTarget.StandaloneSourcePath);
                using (StreamWriter errorLog = new StreamWriter(TES5ScriptDependencyGraph.ErrorLogPath, false))
                    using (StreamWriter debugLog = new StreamWriter(TES5ScriptDependencyGraph.DebugLogPath, false))
                        foreach (var kvp in sourceFiles)
                            var         buildTargetName  = kvp.Key;
                            var         sourceBuildFiles = kvp.Value;
                            BuildTarget buildTarget      = buildTargets.GetByName(buildTargetName);
                            foreach (var sourceFile in sourceBuildFiles)
                                string scriptName = sourceFile.Substring(0, sourceFile.Length - 4);
                                ITES4CodeFilterable AST;
                                    AST = buildTarget.GetAST(buildTarget.GetSourceFromPath(scriptName));
                                catch (EOFOnlyException) { continue; }//Ignore files that are only whitespace or comments.

                                /*catch (UnexpectedTokenException ex)
                                 * {//Exceptions no longer occur, so this code should not be invoked.
                                 *  errorLog.WriteLine(sourceFile + ":  " + ex.Message + Environment.NewLine);
                                 *  continue;
                                 * }*/
                                List <TES4ObjectProperty> propertiesAccesses = new List <TES4ObjectProperty>();
                                AST.Filter((data) =>
                                    TES4ObjectProperty property = data as TES4ObjectProperty;
                                    if (property == null)
                                Dictionary <string, TES5Property> preparedProperties      = new Dictionary <string, TES5Property>();
                                Dictionary <string, ITES5Type>    preparedPropertiesTypes = new Dictionary <string, ITES5Type>();
                                foreach (var property in propertiesAccesses)
                                    Match        match           = TES5ReferenceFactory.PropertyNameRegex.Match(property.StringValue);
                                    string       propertyName    = match.Groups[1].Value;
                                    string       propertyKeyName = propertyName.ToLower();
                                    bool         containedKey;
                                    TES5Property preparedProperty = preparedProperties.GetOrAdd(propertyKeyName, () => new TES5Property(propertyName, TES5BasicType.T_FORM, propertyName), out containedKey);
                                    ITES5Type    inferencingType  = inferencer.ResolveInferenceTypeByReferenceEdid(preparedProperty);
                                    if (!containedKey)
                                        preparedPropertiesTypes.Add(propertyKeyName, inferencingType);
                                        if (!inferencingType.Equals(preparedPropertiesTypes[propertyKeyName]))
                                            throw new ConversionException("Cannot settle up the properties types - conflict.");

                                debugLog.WriteLine(scriptName + " - " + preparedProperties.Count + " prepared");
                                string lowerScriptType = scriptName.ToLower();
                                foreach (var kvp2 in preparedProperties)
                                    var    preparedPropertyKey = kvp2.Key;
                                    var    preparedProperty    = kvp2.Value;
                                    string propertyTypeName    = preparedPropertiesTypes[preparedPropertyKey].OriginalName;
                                    //Only keys are lowercased.
                                    string lowerPropertyType = propertyTypeName.ToLower();
                                    dependencyGraph.AddNewListIfNotContainsKeyAndAddValueToList(lowerPropertyType, lowerScriptType);
                                    usageGraph.AddNewListIfNotContainsKeyAndAddValueToList(lowerScriptType, lowerPropertyType);
                                    debugLog.WriteLine("Registering a dependency from " + scriptName + " to " + propertyTypeName);

                TES5ScriptDependencyGraph graph = new TES5ScriptDependencyGraph(dependencyGraph, usageGraph);