public void QueueDownloadForGraffiti (Graffiti graffiti) { if (!graffiti.IsDownloaded) { IEnumerator coroutine = DownloadGraffiti(graffiti); this.downloadCoroutines.Add(coroutine); StartCoroutine(coroutine); } else { Debug.LogWarning("This graffiti is already downloaded. I ain't not doin' nothin'."); } }
public static MsCrmResult SaveOrUpdateGraffiti(Graffiti graffiti, IOrganizationService service) { MsCrmResult returnValue = new MsCrmResult(); try { Entity ent = new Entity("new_graffiti"); ent["new_name"] = graffiti.PortalUser.Name + "-" + DateTime.Now.ToString("dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm"); ent["new_hasmedia"] = graffiti.HasMedia; if (graffiti.PortalUser != null) { ent["new_userid"] = graffiti.PortalUser; } if (graffiti.Portal != null) { ent["new_portalid"] = graffiti.Portal; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(graffiti.Description)) { ent["new_content"] = graffiti.Description; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(graffiti.ImagePath)) { ent["new_imageurl"] = graffiti.ImagePath; } if (graffiti.GraffitiId != Guid.Empty) { ent["new_graffitiid"] = graffiti.GraffitiId; service.Update(ent); returnValue.Success = true; returnValue.Result = "M014"; //"Duvar yazısı güncellendi."; } else { returnValue.CrmId = service.Create(ent); returnValue.Success = true; returnValue.Result = "M015"; //"Duvar yazısı oluşturuldu."; } } catch (Exception ex) { returnValue.Result = ex.Message; returnValue.Success = false; } return(returnValue); }
public void AddGraffiti(string content, int userid) { try { Graffiti graffiti = new Graffiti() { Content = content, Posted = DateTime.Now, UserId = userid }; _bbsDataContext.Graffiti.Add(graffiti); _bbsDataContext.SaveChanges(); } catch (Exception e) { LoggingAPI.LogEntry("Exception in DataInterface.AddGraffiti: " + e.ToString()); } }
private static void GenerateList() { string saveDirectoryPath = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Reflection.Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location); // scripts/Graffiti Mod List <Graffiti> GraffitiArtList = new List <Graffiti>(); List <TextureDictionary> TextureDictionaryList = new List <TextureDictionary>(); List <string> textureDicNamePathList = Directory.GetDirectories(saveDirectoryPath + "\\Decals").ToList(); int textureDictCount = textureDicNamePathList.Count; int artCount = 0; foreach (string path in textureDicNamePathList) { string folderName = path.Remove(0, path.LastIndexOf('\\') + 1); string[] filesWithPaths = Directory.GetFiles(@path, "*.png"); foreach (string imageFilePath in filesWithPaths) { Graffiti graf = new Graffiti(); graf.TextureDictionary = folderName; graf.TextureName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(imageFilePath); // var buff = new byte[32]; using (var d = File.OpenRead(imageFilePath)) { d.Read(buff, 0, 32); } const int wOff = 16; const int hOff = 20; graf.TextureWidth = BitConverter.ToInt32(new[] { buff[wOff + 3], buff[wOff + 2], buff[wOff + 1], buff[wOff + 0], }, 0); graf.TextureHeight = BitConverter.ToInt32(new[] { buff[hOff + 3], buff[hOff + 2], buff[hOff + 1], buff[hOff + 0], }, 0); GraffitiArtList.Add(graf); artCount++; } } XMLHelper.SaveObjectToXML(GraffitiArtList, saveDirectoryPath + "\\" + "GraffitiTextureList.xml"); Console.WriteLine("List saved to:" + "\n" + saveDirectoryPath); Console.WriteLine("\nYou have a total of " + artCount + " graffiti art spread across " + textureDictCount + " texture pack(s)."); Console.WriteLine("\n" + "Now you can use your newly added graffiti in-game. Enjoy!"); Console.WriteLine("\nPress any key to exit."); }
public void AddGraffiti(string graffiti, int userid) { try { BBSDataDataContext bbs = GetDataContext(); Graffiti g = new Graffiti() { Content = graffiti, Posted = DateTime.Now, UserId = userid }; bbs.Graffitis.InsertOnSubmit(g); bbs.SubmitChanges(); } catch (Exception e) { LoggingAPI.LogEntry("Exception in DataInterface.AddGraffiti: " + e.ToString()); } }
public void ShowGraffiti (Graffiti graffiti) { StartCoroutine(this.FadeOutGraffiti(() => { // Put this in an expression in case the graffiti isn't done downloading so we can attach it to its download event. EventHandler<EventArgs> finishShowingHandler = (object sender, EventArgs e) => { Graffiti senderGraffiti = sender as Graffiti; this.graffitiImage.sprite = senderGraffiti.Image; //TODO: hide the downloading spiral. StartCoroutine(this.FadeInGraffiti()); }; if (graffiti.IsDownloaded) { finishShowingHandler(graffiti, new EventArgs()); } else { //TODO: show a spiral or something to show it's still downloading graffiti.DownloadFinishedEvent += finishShowingHandler; } })); }
private IEnumerator DownloadGraffiti (Graffiti graffiti) { if (currentDownload != null) { while (!currentDownload.isDone) { yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); } } Events.RaiseDownloadStartedEvent(new EventArgs()); this.currentDownload = new WWW(graffiti.ImageUrl); while (!this.currentDownload.isDone) { yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(currentDownload.error)) { Rect rect = new Rect(0, 0, this.currentDownload.texture.width, this.currentDownload.texture.height); graffiti.Image = Sprite.Create(this.currentDownload.texture, rect, new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f)); Events.RaiseDownloadFinishedEvent(new DownloadEventArgs(this.currentDownload)); } else { graffiti.Image = null; Events.RaiseDownloadFinishedEvent(new DownloadEventArgs(this.currentDownload)); } downloadCoroutines.RemoveAt(0); if (downloadCoroutines.Count == 0) currentDownload = null; }
public void AddLikeToGraffiti (Graffiti graffiti, string fromUser, Action<bool> callback = null) { StartCoroutine(this.AddLikeToGraffitiCoroutine(graffiti, fromUser, callback)); }
private async Task DeliverGraffitiToUser(long userTelegramId, Graffiti graffiti) { await _bot.Client.SendPhotoAsync(userTelegramId, new InputOnlineFile(graffiti.Photo586)); }
public void ShowFirstGraffitiForArtwork (Artwork artwork) { //TODO: Get this to check for the total amount of art, since this exists now. //TODO: Start out with everything transparent/off. canShowNextArt = false; this.HideChevron(Direction.Left); this.HideChevron(Direction.Right); // First, we check if there is already graffiti downloaded locally to show. if (this.graffitiManager.HasGraffitiDownloadedForArtwork(this.trackedArtwork)) { this.downloadedGraffitiForTrackedArtwork = this.graffitiManager.DownloadedGraffiti[trackedArtwork]; if (this.downloadedGraffitiForTrackedArtwork.Count == 1) { this.canShowNextArt = false; this.HideChevron(Direction.Right); } else { this.canShowNextArt = true; this.ShowChevron(Direction.Right); } Graffiti graffiti = this.downloadedGraffitiForTrackedArtwork[0]; this.shownGraffiti = graffiti; this.titleText.text = graffiti.Title; this.posterText.text = "- " + graffiti.Poster; this.likeButton.transform.Find("Text").GetComponent<Text>().text = graffiti.Likes.Length.ToString(); CrossFadeCanvasGroup(graffitiInfoUI, 1, 0.5f); this.augmentVC.ShowGraffiti(graffiti); } // If there isn't, we ask the graffiti manager if there is more online. else { this.graffitiManager.GetMoreGraffitiForArtwork(this.trackedArtwork, 0, (bool succeeded, bool wasMore) => { if (succeeded) { // If there was more, change the UI stuff and tell the augmented view controller to change its image. if (wasMore) { this.downloadedGraffitiForTrackedArtwork = this.graffitiManager.DownloadedGraffiti[trackedArtwork]; if (this.downloadedGraffitiForTrackedArtwork.Count == 1) { this.canShowNextArt = false; this.HideChevron(Direction.Right); } else { this.canShowNextArt = true; this.ShowChevron(Direction.Right); } Graffiti graffiti = this.downloadedGraffitiForTrackedArtwork[0]; this.shownGraffiti = graffiti; this.titleText.text = graffiti.Title; this.posterText.text = graffiti.Poster; this.likeButton.transform.Find("Text").GetComponent<Text>().text = graffiti.Likes.Length.ToString(); CrossFadeCanvasGroup(graffitiInfoUI, 1, 0.5f); this.augmentVC.ShowGraffiti(graffiti); } // If there wasn't, change the UI to let the user know. else { CrossFadeCanvasGroup(graffitiInfoUI, 0, 0); this.augmentVC.ShowNoGraffitiText(); } } else { this.augmentVC.ShowNetworkErrorText(); } }); } }
public void ShowPreviousGraffiti () { if (indexInGraffitiList == 0) return; this.indexInGraffitiList--; this.canShowNextArt = true; this.ShowChevron(Direction.Right); // If we are back to the first graffiti in the list, hide the left chevron. if (this.indexInGraffitiList == 0) { this.HideChevron(Direction.Left); } Graffiti graffiti = downloadedGraffitiForTrackedArtwork[this.indexInGraffitiList]; this.shownGraffiti = graffiti; this.titleText.text = graffiti.Title; this.posterText.text = graffiti.Poster; this.likeButton.transform.Find("Text").GetComponent<Text>().text = graffiti.Likes.Length.ToString(); this.augmentVC.ShowGraffiti(graffiti); }
public void ShowNextGraffiti () { this.indexInGraffitiList++; this.ShowChevron(Direction.Left); // If we're on the last graffiti downloaded, ask graffiti manager for more. if (this.indexInGraffitiList == this.downloadedGraffitiForTrackedArtwork.Count-1) { this.canShowNextArt = false; this.HideChevron(Direction.Right); this.graffitiManager.GetMoreGraffitiForArtwork(this.trackedArtwork, this.graffitiManager.DownloadedGraffiti[this.trackedArtwork].Count, (bool succeeded, bool wasMore) => { if (succeeded) { if (wasMore) { this.downloadedGraffitiForTrackedArtwork = this.graffitiManager.DownloadedGraffiti[this.trackedArtwork]; this.canShowNextArt = true; this.ShowChevron(Direction.Right); } } }); } Graffiti graffiti = downloadedGraffitiForTrackedArtwork[this.indexInGraffitiList]; this.shownGraffiti = graffiti; this.titleText.text = graffiti.Title; this.posterText.text = graffiti.Poster; this.likeButton.transform.Find("Text").GetComponent<Text>().text = graffiti.Likes.Length.ToString(); this.augmentVC.ShowGraffiti(graffiti); }
protected static MetaWeblog.Post ConvertToPost(Graffiti.Core.Post wp) { MetaWeblog.Post p = new Post(); if(wp.Category.ParentId > 0) p.categories = new string[] {new CategoryController().GetCachedCategory(wp.Category.ParentId,false).Name + " > " + wp.Category.Name }; else p.categories = new string[] {wp.Category.Name}; p.dateCreated = wp.Published;//.ToUniversalTime(); p.description = wp.PostBody; p.mt_text_more = wp.ExtendedBody; = new Macros().FullUrl(wp.Url); p.permalink =; p.postid = wp.Id; p.title = wp.Title; p.wp_slug = p.mt_basename = Util.UnCleanForUrl(wp.Name); p.mt_keywords = wp.TagList; p.mt_tags = wp.TagList; return p; }
public static MsCrmResultObject GetGraffities(Guid portalId, int commentCount, int startRow, int endRow, SqlDataAccess sda) { MsCrmResultObject returnValue = new MsCrmResultObject(); try { #region | SQL QUERY | string query = @"SELECT A.* FROM ( SELECT PG.new_graffitiId GraffitiId ,PG.new_content [Description] ,PG.new_userId PortalUserId ,PG.new_userIdName PortalUserIdName ,PG.new_portalId BrandId ,PG.new_portalIdName BrandIdName ,PG.new_imageurl [Image] ,U.new_imageurl UserImage ,CAST({4}.dbo.fn_UTCToTzSpecificLocalTime(PG.CreatedOn, us.TimeZoneBias, us.TimeZoneDaylightBias,us.TimeZoneDaylightYear, us.TimeZoneDaylightMonth, us.TimeZoneDaylightDay, us.TimeZoneDaylightHour,us.TimeZoneDaylightMinute, us.TimeZoneDaylightSecond, 0, us.TimeZoneDaylightDayOfWeek,us.TimeZoneStandardBias, us.TimeZoneStandardYear, us.TimeZoneStandardMonth, us.TimeZoneStandardDay,us.TimeZoneStandardHour, us.TimeZoneStandardMinute, us.TimeZoneStandardSecond, 0,us.TimeZoneStandardDayOfWeek) as DATETIME) CreatedOn ,ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY PG.CreatedOn DESC) AS RowNumber ,( SELECT COUNT(0) FROM new_comment AS c (NOLOCK) WHERE c.new_graffitiId=PG.new_graffitiId ) AS CommentCount ,( SELECT COUNT(0) FROM new_likerecord AS lr (NOLOCK) WHERE lr.new_graffitiId=PG.new_graffitiId ) AS LikeCount FROM new_graffiti PG (NoLock) INNER JOIN new_user U (NoLock) ON PG.new_portalId = '{0}' AND PG.statecode = 0 AND U.new_userId = PG.new_userId INNER JOIN dbo.UserSettingsBase US (NoLock) ON US.SystemUserId ='{1}' WHERE PG.statecode=0 AND PG.statuscode=1 --Active )A WHERE A.RowNumber BETWEEN {2} AND {3} ORDER BY A.RowNumber ASC"; #endregion DataTable dt = sda.getDataTable(string.Format(query, portalId, Globals.AdminId, startRow, endRow, Globals.DatabaseName)); if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0) { List<Graffiti> returnList = new List<Graffiti>(); for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { Graffiti _graffiti = new Graffiti(); _graffiti.GraffitiId = (Guid)dt.Rows[i]["GraffitiId"]; _graffiti.Description = dt.Rows[i]["Description"] != DBNull.Value ? dt.Rows[i]["Description"].ToString() : string.Empty; _graffiti.ImagePath = dt.Rows[i]["Image"] != DBNull.Value ? dt.Rows[i]["Image"].ToString() : string.Empty; _graffiti.PortalUserImage = dt.Rows[i]["UserImage"] != DBNull.Value ? dt.Rows[i]["UserImage"].ToString() : "nouserprofile.jpg"; _graffiti.CreatedOnString = dt.Rows[i]["CreatedOn"] != DBNull.Value ? ((DateTime)dt.Rows[i]["CreatedOn"]).ToString("dd MMMM yyyy, HH:mm", new CultureInfo("tr-TR", false)) : string.Empty; _graffiti.HasMedia = dt.Rows[i]["Image"] != DBNull.Value ? true : false; _graffiti.LikeCount = (int)dt.Rows[i]["LikeCount"]; _graffiti.CommentCount = (int)dt.Rows[i]["CommentCount"]; if (dt.Rows[i]["CreatedOn"] != DBNull.Value) { _graffiti.CreatedOn = (DateTime)dt.Rows[i]["CreatedOn"]; } if (dt.Rows[i]["PortalUserId"] != DBNull.Value) { EntityReference er = new EntityReference(); er.LogicalName = "new_user"; er.Id = (Guid)dt.Rows[i]["PortalUserId"]; if (dt.Rows[i]["PortalUserIdName"] != DBNull.Value) { er.Name = dt.Rows[i]["PortalUserIdName"].ToString(); } _graffiti.PortalUser = er; } if (dt.Rows[i]["BrandId"] != DBNull.Value) { EntityReference er = new EntityReference(); er.LogicalName = "new_brand"; er.Id = (Guid)dt.Rows[i]["BrandId"]; if (dt.Rows[i]["BrandIdName"] != DBNull.Value) { er.Name = dt.Rows[i]["BrandIdName"].ToString(); } _graffiti.Portal = er; } #region | GET COMMENTS | MsCrmResultObject commentResult = CommentHelper.GetGraffitiComments(_graffiti.GraffitiId, 0, commentCount, sda); //MsCrmResultObject commentResult = CommentHelper.GetGraffitiComments(_graffiti.GraffitiId, sda); if (commentResult.Success) { _graffiti.CommentList = (List<Comment>)commentResult.ReturnObject; } #endregion returnList.Add(_graffiti); } returnValue.Success = true; returnValue.ReturnObject = returnList; } else { returnValue.Success = true; returnValue.Result = "M013"; //"Duvar yazısı bulunamadı!"; } } catch (Exception ex) { returnValue.Success = false; returnValue.Result = ex.Message; } return returnValue; }
public static MsCrmResultObject GetGraffities(Guid portalId, int commentCount, int startRow, int endRow, SqlDataAccess sda) { MsCrmResultObject returnValue = new MsCrmResultObject(); try { #region | SQL QUERY | string query = @"SELECT A.* FROM ( SELECT PG.new_graffitiId GraffitiId ,PG.new_content [Description] ,PG.new_userId PortalUserId ,PG.new_userIdName PortalUserIdName ,PG.new_portalId BrandId ,PG.new_portalIdName BrandIdName ,PG.new_imageurl [Image] ,U.new_imageurl UserImage ,CAST({4}.dbo.fn_UTCToTzSpecificLocalTime(PG.CreatedOn, us.TimeZoneBias, us.TimeZoneDaylightBias,us.TimeZoneDaylightYear, us.TimeZoneDaylightMonth, us.TimeZoneDaylightDay, us.TimeZoneDaylightHour,us.TimeZoneDaylightMinute, us.TimeZoneDaylightSecond, 0, us.TimeZoneDaylightDayOfWeek,us.TimeZoneStandardBias, us.TimeZoneStandardYear, us.TimeZoneStandardMonth, us.TimeZoneStandardDay,us.TimeZoneStandardHour, us.TimeZoneStandardMinute, us.TimeZoneStandardSecond, 0,us.TimeZoneStandardDayOfWeek) as DATETIME) CreatedOn ,ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY PG.CreatedOn DESC) AS RowNumber ,( SELECT COUNT(0) FROM new_comment AS c (NOLOCK) WHERE c.new_graffitiId=PG.new_graffitiId ) AS CommentCount ,( SELECT COUNT(0) FROM new_likerecord AS lr (NOLOCK) WHERE lr.new_graffitiId=PG.new_graffitiId ) AS LikeCount FROM new_graffiti PG (NoLock) INNER JOIN new_user U (NoLock) ON PG.new_portalId = '{0}' AND PG.statecode = 0 AND U.new_userId = PG.new_userId INNER JOIN dbo.UserSettingsBase US (NoLock) ON US.SystemUserId ='{1}' WHERE PG.statecode=0 AND PG.statuscode=1 --Active )A WHERE A.RowNumber BETWEEN {2} AND {3} ORDER BY A.RowNumber ASC"; #endregion DataTable dt = sda.getDataTable(string.Format(query, portalId, Globals.AdminId, startRow, endRow, Globals.DatabaseName)); if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0) { List <Graffiti> returnList = new List <Graffiti>(); for (int i = 0; i < dt.Rows.Count; i++) { Graffiti _graffiti = new Graffiti(); _graffiti.GraffitiId = (Guid)dt.Rows[i]["GraffitiId"]; _graffiti.Description = dt.Rows[i]["Description"] != DBNull.Value ? dt.Rows[i]["Description"].ToString() : string.Empty; _graffiti.ImagePath = dt.Rows[i]["Image"] != DBNull.Value ? dt.Rows[i]["Image"].ToString() : string.Empty; _graffiti.PortalUserImage = dt.Rows[i]["UserImage"] != DBNull.Value ? dt.Rows[i]["UserImage"].ToString() : "nouserprofile.jpg"; _graffiti.CreatedOnString = dt.Rows[i]["CreatedOn"] != DBNull.Value ? ((DateTime)dt.Rows[i]["CreatedOn"]).ToString("dd MMMM yyyy, HH:mm", new CultureInfo("tr-TR", false)) : string.Empty; _graffiti.HasMedia = dt.Rows[i]["Image"] != DBNull.Value ? true : false; _graffiti.LikeCount = (int)dt.Rows[i]["LikeCount"]; _graffiti.CommentCount = (int)dt.Rows[i]["CommentCount"]; if (dt.Rows[i]["CreatedOn"] != DBNull.Value) { _graffiti.CreatedOn = (DateTime)dt.Rows[i]["CreatedOn"]; } if (dt.Rows[i]["PortalUserId"] != DBNull.Value) { EntityReference er = new EntityReference(); er.LogicalName = "new_user"; er.Id = (Guid)dt.Rows[i]["PortalUserId"]; if (dt.Rows[i]["PortalUserIdName"] != DBNull.Value) { er.Name = dt.Rows[i]["PortalUserIdName"].ToString(); } _graffiti.PortalUser = er; } if (dt.Rows[i]["BrandId"] != DBNull.Value) { EntityReference er = new EntityReference(); er.LogicalName = "new_brand"; er.Id = (Guid)dt.Rows[i]["BrandId"]; if (dt.Rows[i]["BrandIdName"] != DBNull.Value) { er.Name = dt.Rows[i]["BrandIdName"].ToString(); } _graffiti.Portal = er; } #region | GET COMMENTS | MsCrmResultObject commentResult = CommentHelper.GetGraffitiComments(_graffiti.GraffitiId, 0, commentCount, sda); //MsCrmResultObject commentResult = CommentHelper.GetGraffitiComments(_graffiti.GraffitiId, sda); if (commentResult.Success) { _graffiti.CommentList = (List <Comment>)commentResult.ReturnObject; } #endregion returnList.Add(_graffiti); } returnValue.Success = true; returnValue.ReturnObject = returnList; } else { returnValue.Success = true; returnValue.Result = "M013"; //"Duvar yazısı bulunamadı!"; } } catch (Exception ex) { returnValue.Success = false; returnValue.Result = ex.Message; } return(returnValue); }
private IEnumerator PullGraffitiFromServerCoroutine (Artwork originalArt, int numberOfPosts, int startingFrom, Action<bool, Graffiti[]> callback) { var query = ParseObject.GetQuery("Graffiti") .WhereEqualTo("originalArtId", originalArt.Id) .Limit(numberOfPosts) .Skip(startingFrom) .OrderBy("createdAt"); var queryTask = query.FindAsync(); while (!queryTask.IsCompleted) { yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); } if (!queryTask.IsFaulted) { Debug.Log("Parse call was successful!"); IEnumerable<ParseObject> results = queryTask.Result; List<Graffiti> graffitiArray = new List<Graffiti>(); foreach (ParseObject graffitiPacket in results) { string imageUrl = graffitiPacket.Get<ParseFile>("image").Url.AbsoluteUri; string poster = graffitiPacket.Get<string>("poster"); string title = graffitiPacket.Get<string>("title"); IList<object> likes = graffitiPacket.Get<IList<object>>("likes"); string[] likesArray = new string[likes.Count]; int index = 0; foreach (string like in likes) { likesArray[index] = like; index++; } Graffiti graffiti = new Graffiti(imageUrl, originalArt, title, poster, likesArray, graffitiPacket.ObjectId); downloadManager.QueueDownloadForGraffiti(graffiti); graffitiArray.Add(graffiti); } if (callback != null) { callback(true, graffitiArray.ToArray()); } } else { Debug.LogError("Network error"); if (callback != null) { callback(false, null); } } }
public MsCrmResult SaveGraffiti(string token, Graffiti graffiti) { MsCrmResult returnValue = new MsCrmResult(); LoginSession ls = new LoginSession(); try { if (graffiti.HasMedia == false && (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(graffiti.Description))) { returnValue.Result = "Duvar yazısı paylaşmak için içerik veya resim içeriği eklemelisiniz."; return returnValue; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(token)) { #region | CHECK SESSION | MsCrmResultObject sessionResult = GetUserSession(token); if (!sessionResult.Success) { returnValue.Result = sessionResult.Result; return returnValue; } else { ls = (LoginSession)sessionResult.ReturnObject; } #endregion IOrganizationService service = MSCRM.GetOrgService(true); returnValue = GraffitiHelper.SaveOrUpdateGraffiti(graffiti, service); } else { returnValue.Success = false; returnValue.Result = "M003"; //"Eksik parametre!-SaveGraffiti"; } } catch (Exception ex) { returnValue.Success = false; returnValue.Result = ex.Message + "-SaveGraffiti"; } return returnValue; }
public void AddLikeToGraffiti (Graffiti graffiti) { this.parseManager.AddLikeToGraffiti(graffiti, PlayerPrefs.GetString("username")); }
private IEnumerator AddLikeToGraffitiCoroutine (Graffiti graffiti, string fromUser, Action<bool> callback) { ParseQuery<ParseObject> query = ParseObject.GetQuery("Graffiti"); var queryTask = query.GetAsync(graffiti.ParseId); while (!queryTask.IsCompleted) { yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); } ParseObject currentGraffiti = queryTask.Result; currentGraffiti.AddToList("likes", fromUser); var updateTask = currentGraffiti.SaveAsync(); while (!updateTask.IsCompleted) { yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); } if (!updateTask.IsFaulted) { if (callback != null) { callback(true); } } else { Debug.LogError("Network error"); if (callback != null) { callback(false); } } }
public static MsCrmResult SaveOrUpdateGraffiti(Graffiti graffiti, IOrganizationService service) { MsCrmResult returnValue = new MsCrmResult(); try { Entity ent = new Entity("new_graffiti"); ent["new_name"] = graffiti.PortalUser.Name + "-" + DateTime.Now.ToString("dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm"); ent["new_hasmedia"] = graffiti.HasMedia; if (graffiti.PortalUser != null) { ent["new_userid"] = graffiti.PortalUser; } if (graffiti.Portal != null) { ent["new_portalid"] = graffiti.Portal; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(graffiti.Description)) { ent["new_content"] = graffiti.Description; } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(graffiti.ImagePath)) { ent["new_imageurl"] = graffiti.ImagePath; } if (graffiti.GraffitiId != Guid.Empty) { ent["new_graffitiid"] = graffiti.GraffitiId; service.Update(ent); returnValue.Success = true; returnValue.Result = "M014"; //"Duvar yazısı güncellendi."; } else { returnValue.CrmId = service.Create(ent); returnValue.Success = true; returnValue.Result = "M015"; //"Duvar yazısı oluşturuldu."; } } catch (Exception ex) { returnValue.Result = ex.Message; returnValue.Success = false; } return returnValue; }
private IEnumerator PushNewGraffitiToServerCoroutine (Texture2D image, Artwork originalArt, string title, string poster, Action<bool, Graffiti> callback) { // Begin by encoding the image to PNG and saving that to the server. byte[] data = image.EncodeToPNG(); var imageFile = new ParseFile("image.png", data); Task imageSaveTask = imageFile.SaveAsync(); while (!imageSaveTask.IsCompleted) { yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); } // Once that has saved, construct the Graffiti ParseObject and save that. if (!imageSaveTask.IsFaulted) { ParseObject graffitiPO = new ParseObject("Graffiti"); graffitiPO["image"] = imageFile; graffitiPO["originalArtId"] = originalArt.Id; graffitiPO["poster"] = poster; graffitiPO["title"] = title; graffitiPO["likes"] = new string[0]; Task graffitiSaveTask = graffitiPO.SaveAsync(); while (!graffitiSaveTask.IsCompleted) { yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); } if (!graffitiSaveTask.IsFaulted) { // Once that has saved, get the affiliated Artwork ParseObject. ParseQuery<ParseObject> query = ParseObject.GetQuery("Artwork") .WhereEqualTo("objectId", originalArt.Id); var queryTask = query.FirstAsync(); while (!queryTask.IsCompleted) { yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); } if (!queryTask.IsFaulted) { // Once that has been retrieved, update it. ParseObject artworkPO = queryTask.Result; artworkPO.Increment("NumberOfGraffiti"); var graffitiRelation = artworkPO.GetRelation<ParseObject>("Graffiti"); graffitiRelation.Add(graffitiPO); var artworkUpdateTask = artworkPO.SaveAsync(); while (!artworkUpdateTask.IsCompleted) { yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); } if (!artworkUpdateTask.IsFaulted) { // And finally, once the Artwork has been successfully updated, we can finish. Rect rect = new Rect(0, 0, image.width, image.height); Sprite imageSprite = Sprite.Create(image, rect, new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f)); Graffiti graffiti = new Graffiti(imageSprite, originalArt, title, poster, new string[0], graffitiPO.ObjectId); if (callback != null) { callback(true, graffiti); } } else { Debug.LogError("Network error"); if (callback != null) { callback(false, null); } } } } else { Debug.LogError("Network error"); if (callback != null) { callback(false, null); } } } else { Debug.LogError("Network error"); if (callback != null) { callback(false, null); } } }