        // GET: /DocumentMangementService/

        public ActionResult CreateDocumentAndSaveToLocation()
            var db = new PortugalVillasContext();
            var parentContainer = new BookingParentContainer();

            var dc       = new DocumentGenerationController();
            var customer = db.Customers.Find(1);
            var booking  = db.Bookings.Find(4);
            var type     = PRCDocument.PRCDocumentType.UK_WineTasting;

            //create a document with all parsed variables
            var document = dc.CreateDocumentToFileSystem(customer, type, booking);

            /*      db.Documents.Add(new Document
             *    {
             *        CustomerID = customer.CustomerID,
             *        DocumentBLOB = document,
             *        EventID = 2
             *    });
             *    db.SaveChanges();*/

            //save it to the DB or the FileSystem
            return(RedirectToAction("Dashboard", "Admin"));
Пример #2

        /// <summary>
        /// Booking Extra Selection
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="disposing"></param>

        /*  public ActionResult CreateBookingExtraSelection()
         * {
         *    //logic to determine what we do
         *    Customer theCustomer = (Customer)Session["prc_customer"];
         *    BookingExtraSelection currentBooking = (BookingExtraSelection)Session["CurrentBookingExtraDataGathering"];
         *    long? currentBookingTypeID = currentBooking.GetBookingExtraTypeIDFromBookingExtraSelection();
         *    try
         *    {
         *        currentBooking.Cancelled = false;
         *        currentBooking.Confirmed = false;
         *        currentBooking.Customer = theCustomer;
         *        currentBooking.WhenCreated = DateTime.Now;
         *        if (currentBookingTypeID == 1)
         *        //car rental - only need driver details
         *        {
         *            return CreateBookingExtraSelection(currentBooking);
         *        }
         *    }
         *    catch (Exception)
         *    {
         *        throw;
         *    }
         *    return View(currentBooking);
         * }

        public BookingParentContainer CreateBookingParentContainer(BookingParentContainer container,
                                                                   PortugalVillasContext db)


Пример #3
        public ActionResult TestBookingSteps(Customer cus, CustomerBankDetail bank, List <Booking> bookings = null, List <BookingExtraSelection> bookingExtraSelections = null, List <BookingParticipant> bookingParticipants = null)
            Session["prc_customer"] = new Customer();

            using (var db = new PortugalVillasContext())
                var eventService = new EventController();
                var bookingRepo  = new FinalBookingDetailGatheringController();
                //does customer have ID? if not create new Customer
                if (cus.CustomerID.Equals(0))
                    bookingRepo.CreateCustomer(cus, db);
                    //update customer with new details

                    /*cus.BookingExtraSelections = null;
                     * cus.Bookings = null;
                     * cus.CreationDate = cus.CreationDate;
                     * db.Customers.Attach(cus);
                     * db.Entry(cus).State = EntityState.Modified;
                     * try
                     * {
                     *  db.SaveChanges();
                     * }
                     * catch (OptimisticConcurrencyException)
                     * {
                     * }

                //BANK DETAIL
                if (bank.CustomerBankDetailID.Equals(0))
                    bookingRepo.CreateCustomerBankDetail(bank, cus, db);
                    //update customer with new details
                    db.Entry(bank).State = EntityState.Modified;

                //create a parent booking thingy and link it
                BookingParentContainer parentContainer = new BookingParentContainer();
                parentContainer.CustomerID = cus.CustomerID;

                parentContainer = bookingRepo.CreateBookingParentContainer(parentContainer, db);

                foreach (var booking in bookings)
                {   //link to parent booking
                    booking.BookingParentContainerID = parentContainer.BookingParentContainerID;
                    //fill em out and push them to the DB

                    /*  bookingRepo.CreateBooking(booking, cus, db);*/

                    var participantsThisRound =
                        bookingParticipants.Where(x => x.StepNo.Equals(bookingParticipants.Min(y => y.StepNo))).ToList();
                    //create the participants

                    foreach (var bookingParticipant in participantsThisRound)
                        if (bookingParticipant.BookingParticipantFirstName != "" && bookingParticipant.BookingParticipantFirstName != null &&
                            bookingParticipant.BookingParticipantLastName != "" &&
                            bookingParticipant.BookingParticipantLastName != null)
                            bookingRepo.CreateBookingParticipant(participantsThisRound, booking, db);

                    foreach (var bookingParticipant in participantsThisRound)

                    //now check which booking form to send depending on location
                    string EventTypeID;
                    if (cus.Country.ToUpper() == "GB")
                        EventTypeID = "17";
                        EventTypeID = "20";

                    //email all docs
                    var form = new FormCollection();
                    form.Add("BookingID", booking.BookingID.ToString());
                    form.Add("EventTypeID", EventTypeID);


                    //email the user of the system

                foreach (var bes in bookingExtraSelections)
                    //link to parent booking

                //wipe cars = booking and bes
                Session["Cart_PropertyBookings"] = null;
                Session["Cart_ExtraBookings"]    = null;

                return(RedirectToAction("EndOfBookingProcess", "EndOfProcess"));
        public ActionResult GetBookingDetails(Customer cus, CustomerBankDetail bank, List <Booking> bookings = null, List <BookingExtraSelection> bookingExtraSelections = null, List <BookingParticipant> bookingParticipants = null)
            //set customer preferred currency symbol and currency

            using (var db = new PortugalVillasContext())
                var account      = new AccountController();
                var eventService = new EventController();
                var bookingRepo  = new FinalBookingDetailGatheringController();
                //does customer have ID? if not create new Customer
                if (cus.CustomerID.Equals(0))
                    var returnedCus = bookingRepo.CreateCustomer(cus, db);
                    cus = returnedCus;
                    Session["prc_customer"] = returnedCus;
                    //update customer with new details
                    cus.BookingExtraSelections = null;
                    cus.Bookings = null;

                    //Do the UPDATE
                    if (ModelState.IsValid)
                        db.Entry(cus).State = EntityState.Modified;
                        var objContextCus = ((IObjectContextAdapter)db).ObjectContext;

                        var refreshableObjectsCus =
                            (from entry in objContextCus.ObjectStateManager.GetObjectStateEntries(
                                 | EntityState.Deleted
                                 | EntityState.Modified
                                 | EntityState.Unchanged)
                             where entry.EntityKey != null
                             select entry.Entity);

                        objContextCus.Refresh(RefreshMode.ClientWins, refreshableObjectsCus);

                        //if it works, do the update for the userContext, else, don't as it failed
                        if (objContextCus.SaveChanges() > 0)
                            /*_usersContext.Entry(user).State = EntityState.Modified;
                             * _usersContext.SaveChanges();*/

                //BANK DETAIL
                if (bank.CustomerBankDetailID.Equals(0))
                    var returnedBank = bookingRepo.CreateCustomerBankDetail(bank, cus, db);
                    Session["prc_customerBankingDetail"] = returnedBank;
                    bank.CustomerID      = cus.CustomerID;
                    db.Entry(bank).State = EntityState.Modified;

                    var objContext = ((IObjectContextAdapter)db).ObjectContext;

                    var refreshableObjects = (from entry in objContext.ObjectStateManager.GetObjectStateEntries(
                                                  | EntityState.Deleted
                                                  | EntityState.Modified
                                                  | EntityState.Unchanged)
                                              where entry.EntityKey != null
                                              select entry.Entity);

                    objContext.Refresh(RefreshMode.ClientWins, refreshableObjects);

                    if (ModelState.IsValid)
                        if (objContext.SaveChanges() > 0)
                            //great it worked

                BookingParentContainer parentContainer = new BookingParentContainer();
                parentContainer.CustomerID = cus.CustomerID;

                parentContainer = bookingRepo.CreateBookingParentContainer(parentContainer, db);
                //need to add booking reference then propagate to all others below

                //create a parent booking thingy and link i
                if (bookings != null)
                    foreach (var booking in bookings)
                        booking.Test = false; //it's real, from a customer
                        //convert if neededed

                        //link to parent booking
                        booking.BookingParentContainerID = parentContainer.BookingParentContainerID;
                        //fill em out and push them to the DB

                        var property = db.Properties.Find(booking.PropertyID);

                        booking.Property = property;

                        booking.BookingParticipants = null;
                        bookingRepo.CreateBooking(booking, property, cus, db);

                        var participantsThisRound =
                            bookingParticipants.Where(x => x.StepNo.Equals(bookingParticipants.Min(y => y.StepNo)))
                        //create the participants

                        var partstoAdd = new List <BookingParticipant>();
                        foreach (var bookingParticipant in participantsThisRound)
                            if (bookingParticipant.BookingParticipantFirstName != "" &&
                                bookingParticipant.BookingParticipantFirstName != null &&
                                bookingParticipant.BookingParticipantLastName != "" &&
                                bookingParticipant.BookingParticipantLastName != null)

                        foreach (var bookingParticipant in participantsThisRound)

                        if (partstoAdd.Count > 0)
                            bookingRepo.CreateBookingParticipant(partstoAdd, booking, db); //create all ones we need

                        //now check which booking form to send depending on location
                        string EventTypeID;

                        TimeSpan dateRemainder     = ((DateTime)booking.StartDate).Subtract(DateTime.Now);
                        int      dateRemainderDays = dateRemainder.Days;

                        //late booking form

                        if (cus.Country.ToLower() == "united kingdom" && ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["defaultCurrency"] == "GBP")
                            if (dateRemainderDays <= 30)
                                //late uk
                                EventTypeID = "51";
                                //standard UK
                                EventTypeID = "37";
                            //convert all the bookings to euros
                            if (dateRemainderDays <= 30)
                                //late EU
                                EventTypeID = "52";
                                //standard EU
                                EventTypeID = "20";

                        //email all docs
                        var form = new FormCollection();
                        form.Add("BookingID", booking.BookingID.ToString());
                        form.Add("EventTypeID", EventTypeID);


                        //email the user of the system

                if (bookingExtraSelections != null)
                    foreach (var bes in bookingExtraSelections)
                        //?????//convert all BES to EUROS

                        var extraType = db.BookingExtras.Find((long)bes.BookingExtraID);
                        bes.BookingExtraID = extraType.BookingExtraID;
                        //link to parent booking
                        bes.BookingParentContainerID = parentContainer.BookingParentContainerID;

                        //price fully done
                        //all extras on form fully taken care of for each one
                        var createdBes = bookingRepo.CreateBookingExtraSelection(bes, extraType, cus, db);

                        string EventTypeID = "";
                        if (extraType.BookingExtraTypeID == 1)
                            if (cus.Country.ToLower() == "united kingdom")
                                EventTypeID = "43";
                                EventTypeID = "62";
                        else if (extraType.BookingExtraTypeID == 2)
                            if (cus.Country.ToLower() == "united kingdom")
                                EventTypeID = "45";
                                EventTypeID = "60";
                        else if (extraType.BookingExtraTypeID == 3)
                            if (cus.Country.ToLower() == "united kingdom")
                                EventTypeID = "31";
                                EventTypeID = "61";
                        else if (extraType.BookingExtraTypeID == 4)
                            if (cus.Country.ToLower() == "united kingdom")
                                EventTypeID = "33";
                                EventTypeID = "63";

                        var form = new FormCollection();
                        form.Add("BookingExtraSelectionID", bes.BookingExtraSelectionID.ToString());
                        form.Add("EventTypeID", EventTypeID);


                //wipe cars = booking and bes
                Session["Cart_PropertyBookings"] = null;
                Session["Cart_ExtraBookings"]    = null;

                //email the main user with the new services and bookings
                var prc = db.PRCInformations.First();

                MaintainanceMailer mail = new MaintainanceMailer();
                mail.theAsposeMessage.Subject  = "You have new bookings:";
                mail.theAsposeMessage.HtmlBody =
                    "<h1>Automated email: You have a new booking</h1><br><p>Customer: ID - " + cus.CustomerID + "-" + cus.FirstName + " " +
                    + "</p>";

                if (bookings != null)
                    foreach (var booking in bookings)
                        mail.theAsposeMessage.HtmlBody += "<p>Booking: ID - " + booking.BookingID + "-" +
                                                          booking.Property.LegacyReference + " for " +
                                                          booking.NumberOfNights + " " + "nights starting " +
                                                          booking.StartDate.ToString().Substring(0, 10)
                                                          + "</p>";

                if (bookingExtraSelections != null)
                    foreach (var bes in bookingExtraSelections)
                        mail.theAsposeMessage.HtmlBody += "<p>Booking: ID - " + bes.BookingExtraSelectionID + " - " +
                                                          bes.BookingExtra.BookingExtraName + " for " + bes.NumberOfDays +
                                                          " " + "days starting " +
                                                          bes.ExtraRentalDate.ToString().Substring(0, 10) + " for " +
                                                          bes.NumberOfGuests + " people"
                                                          + "</p>";

                var addressees = new MailAddressCollection();
                if (prc.PRCNotificationEmailAddress2 != null)
                    if (prc.PRCNotificationEmailAddress2 != "")
                if (prc.PRCNotificationEmailAddress3 != null)
                    if (prc.PRCNotificationEmailAddress3 != "")


                return(RedirectToAction("EndOfBookingProcess", "EndOfProcess"));
        public ActionResult QuickCreateBooking(Booking booking, List <BookingParticipant> bookingParticipants)

            booking.Test = false;

            var bookingRepo = new FinalBookingDetailGatheringController();

            BookingParentContainer parentContainer = new BookingParentContainer();

            parentContainer.CustomerID = booking.CustomerID;

            parentContainer = bookingRepo.CreateBookingParentContainer(parentContainer, db);

            //create booking
            var property = db.Properties.Find(booking.PropertyID);
            var customer = db.Customers.Find(booking.CustomerID);

            booking.Property = property;
            booking.BookingParentContainer          = parentContainer;
            booking.BookingCurrencyConversionSymbol = customer.PreferredCurrencySymbol;
            booking.BookingPreferredCurrency        = customer.PreferredCurrency;

            booking.BookingParticipants = null;
            bookingRepo.CreateBooking(booking, property, customer, db);
            //create parts
            booking.Cancelled = false;
            booking.Confirmed = true;
            booking.Test      = false;

            db.Entry(booking).State = EntityState.Modified;

            var partstoAdd = new List <BookingParticipant>();

            if (bookingParticipants != null)
                foreach (var bookingParticipant in bookingParticipants)
                    if (bookingParticipant.BookingParticipantFirstName != "" &&
                        bookingParticipant.BookingParticipantFirstName != null &&
                        bookingParticipant.BookingParticipantLastName != "" &&
                        bookingParticipant.BookingParticipantLastName != null &&
                        bookingParticipant.BookingParticipantAge != "")
                        bookingParticipant.BookingID = booking.BookingID;
                if (partstoAdd.Count > 0)
                    bookingRepo.CreateBookingParticipant(partstoAdd, booking, db); //create all ones we need

        public ActionResult QuickCreate(BookingExtraSelection bes)
            using (var db = new PortugalVillasContext())
                var cus = db.Customers.Find(bes.CustomerID);

                var account      = new AccountController();
                var eventService = new EventController();
                var bookingRepo  = new FinalBookingDetailGatheringController();

                BookingParentContainer parentContainer = new BookingParentContainer();
                parentContainer.CustomerID = cus.CustomerID;

                parentContainer = bookingRepo.CreateBookingParentContainer(parentContainer, db);

                var extraType = db.BookingExtras.Find((long)bes.BookingExtraID);
                bes.BookingExtraID = extraType.BookingExtraID;
                //link to parent booking
                bes.BookingParentContainerID = parentContainer.BookingParentContainerID;

                //price fully done
                //all extras on form fully taken care of for each one
                var createdBes = bookingRepo.CreateBookingExtraSelection(bes, extraType, cus, db);

                string EventTypeID = "";
                if (extraType.BookingExtraTypeID == 1)
                    if (cus.Country.ToLower() == "united kingdom")
                        EventTypeID = "43";
                        EventTypeID = "62";
                else if (extraType.BookingExtraTypeID == 2)
                    if (cus.Country.ToLower() == "united kingdom")
                        EventTypeID = "45";
                        EventTypeID = "60";
                else if (extraType.BookingExtraTypeID == 3)
                    if (cus.Country.ToLower() == "united kingdom")
                        EventTypeID = "31";
                        EventTypeID = "61";
                else if (extraType.BookingExtraTypeID == 4)
                    if (cus.Country.ToLower() == "united kingdom")
                        EventTypeID = "33";
                        EventTypeID = "63";

                var form = new FormCollection();
                form.Add("BookingExtraSelectionID", bes.BookingExtraSelectionID.ToString());
                form.Add("EventTypeID", EventTypeID);
