public void Load(BitcoinStream stream) { using(@lock.LockWrite()) { try { int height = 0; while(true) { uint256 id = null; stream.ReadWrite<uint256>(ref id); BlockHeader header = null; stream.ReadWrite(ref header); if(height == 0) { _BlocksByHeight.Clear(); _BlocksById.Clear(); _Tip = null; SetTipNoLock(new ChainedBlock(header, 0)); } else SetTipNoLock(new ChainedBlock(header, id, Tip)); height++; } } catch(EndOfStreamException) { } } }
public void ReadWrite(BitcoinStream stream) { stream.ReadWrite(ref _chainHeight); stream.ReadWrite(ref _chainTipHash); stream.ReadWrite(ref _bitmap); stream.ReadWrite(ref _outputs); }
private bool ReadData(byte[] data) { try { BitcoinStream stream = new BitcoinStream(data); ushort marker = 0; stream.ReadWrite(ref marker); if(marker != Tag) return false; stream.ReadWrite(ref _Version); if(_Version != 1) return false; ulong quantityCount = 0; stream.ReadWriteAsVarInt(ref quantityCount); Quantities = new ulong[quantityCount]; for(ulong i = 0 ; i < quantityCount ; i++) { Quantities[i] = ReadLEB128(stream); if(Quantities[i] > MAX_QUANTITY) return false; } stream.ReadWriteAsVarString(ref _Metadata); if(stream.Inner.Position != data.Length) return false; return true; } catch(Exception) { return false; } }
private bool ReadScript(Script script) { try { var data = TxNullDataTemplate.Instance.ExtractScriptPubKeyParameters(script); if(data == null) return false; BitcoinStream stream = new BitcoinStream(data); ushort marker = 0; stream.ReadWrite(ref marker); if(marker != Tag) return false; stream.ReadWrite(ref _Version); if(_Version != 1) return false; ulong quantityCount = 0; stream.ReadWriteAsVarInt(ref quantityCount); Quantities = new ulong[quantityCount]; for(ulong i = 0 ; i < quantityCount ; i++) { Quantities[i] = ReadLEB128(stream); if(Quantities[i] > MAX_QUANTITY) return false; } stream.ReadWriteAsVarString(ref _Metadata); return true; } catch(Exception) { return false; } }
public void ReadWrite(BitcoinStream stream) { stream.ReadWrite(ref _Address); stream.ReadWrite(ref source); stream.ReadWrite(ref nLastSuccess); stream.ReadWrite(ref nAttempts); }
public void ReadWrite(BitcoinStream stream) { var len = new VarInt((ulong)_Bytes.Length); stream.ReadWrite(ref len); if(!stream.Serializing) _Bytes = new byte[len.ToLong()]; stream.ReadWrite(ref _Bytes); }
public void ReadWrite(BitcoinStream stream) { if(Payload == null && stream.Serializing) throw new InvalidOperationException("Payload not affected"); if(stream.Serializing || (!stream.Serializing && !_SkipMagic)) stream.ReadWrite(ref magic); stream.ReadWrite(ref command); int length = 0; uint checksum = 0; bool hasChecksum = false; byte[] payloadBytes = stream.Serializing ? GetPayloadBytes(stream.ProtocolVersion, out length) : null; length = payloadBytes == null ? 0 : length; stream.ReadWrite(ref length); if(stream.ProtocolVersion >= ProtocolVersion.MEMPOOL_GD_VERSION) { if(stream.Serializing) checksum = Hashes.Hash256(payloadBytes, 0, length).GetLow32(); stream.ReadWrite(ref checksum); hasChecksum = true; } if(stream.Serializing) { stream.ReadWrite(ref payloadBytes, 0, length); } else { if(length > 0x02000000) //MAX_SIZE 0x02000000 Serialize.h { throw new FormatException("Message payload too big ( > 0x02000000 bytes)"); } payloadBytes = _Buffer == null || _Buffer.Length < length ? new byte[length] : _Buffer; stream.ReadWrite(ref payloadBytes, 0, length); if(hasChecksum) { if(!VerifyChecksum(checksum, payloadBytes, length)) { if(NodeServerTrace.Trace.Switch.ShouldTrace(TraceEventType.Verbose)) NodeServerTrace.Trace.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Verbose, 0, "Invalid message checksum bytes"); throw new FormatException("Message checksum invalid"); } } BitcoinStream payloadStream = new BitcoinStream(payloadBytes); payloadStream.CopyParameters(stream); var payloadType = PayloadAttribute.GetCommandType(Command); var unknown = payloadType == typeof(UnknowPayload); if(unknown) NodeServerTrace.Trace.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Warning, 0, "Unknown command received : " + Command); object payload = _PayloadObject; payloadStream.ReadWrite(payloadType, ref payload); if(unknown) ((UnknowPayload)payload)._Command = Command; Payload = (Payload)payload; } }
public void ReadWrite(BitcoinStream stream) { var len = new VarInt((ulong)_Bytes.Length); stream.ReadWrite(ref len); if(!stream.Serializing) { if(len.ToLong() > (uint)stream.MaxArraySize) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Array size not big"); _Bytes = new byte[len.ToLong()]; } stream.ReadWrite(ref _Bytes); }
public void ReadWrite(BitcoinStream stream) { if(stream.Serializing) { var b = Value.ToBytes(); stream.ReadWrite(ref b); } else { byte[] b = new byte[WIDTH_BYTE]; stream.ReadWrite(ref b); _Value = new uint256(b); } }
public override void ReadWriteCore(BitcoinStream stream) { if(stream.Serializing) { var heardersOff = headers.Select(h => new BlockHeaderWithTxCount(h)).ToList(); stream.ReadWrite(ref heardersOff); } else { headers.Clear(); List<BlockHeaderWithTxCount> headersOff = new List<BlockHeaderWithTxCount>(); stream.ReadWrite(ref headersOff); headers.AddRange(headersOff.Select(h => h._Header)); } }
public void ReadWrite(BitcoinStream stream) { stream.ReadWrite(ref _OutPoint); if(stream.Serializing) { TxOutCompressor compressor = new TxOutCompressor(_Out); stream.ReadWrite(ref compressor); } else { TxOutCompressor compressor = new TxOutCompressor(); stream.ReadWrite(ref compressor); _Out = compressor.TxOut; } }
public void bloom_create_insert_serialize() { BloomFilter filter = new BloomFilter(3, 0.01, 0, BloomFlags.UPDATE_ALL); filter.Insert(ParseHex("99108ad8ed9bb6274d3980bab5a85c048f0950c8")); Assert.True(filter.Contains(ParseHex("99108ad8ed9bb6274d3980bab5a85c048f0950c8")), "BloomFilter doesn't contain just-inserted object!"); // One bit different in first byte Assert.True(!filter.Contains(ParseHex("19108ad8ed9bb6274d3980bab5a85c048f0950c8")), "BloomFilter contains something it shouldn't!"); filter.Insert(ParseHex("b5a2c786d9ef4658287ced5914b37a1b4aa32eee")); Assert.True(filter.Contains(ParseHex("b5a2c786d9ef4658287ced5914b37a1b4aa32eee")), "BloomFilter doesn't contain just-inserted object (2)!"); filter.Insert(ParseHex("b9300670b4c5366e95b2699e8b18bc75e5f729c5")); Assert.True(filter.Contains(ParseHex("b9300670b4c5366e95b2699e8b18bc75e5f729c5")), "BloomFilter doesn't contain just-inserted object (3)!"); var ms = new MemoryStream(); BitcoinStream bitcoinStream = new BitcoinStream(ms, true); bitcoinStream.ReadWrite(filter); var expected = ParseHex("03614e9b050000000000000001"); AssertEx.CollectionEquals(expected, ms.ToArray()); }
public override void ReadWriteCore(BitcoinStream stream) { var old = stream.MaxArraySize; stream.MaxArraySize = 5000; stream.ReadWrite(ref inventory); stream.MaxArraySize = old; }
public void uitnSerializationTests() { MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); BitcoinStream stream = new BitcoinStream(ms, true); var v = new uint256("00000000ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff"); var vless = new uint256("00000000fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffe"); var vplus = new uint256("00000001ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff"); stream.ReadWrite(ref v); Assert.NotNull(v); ms.Position = 0; stream = new BitcoinStream(ms, false); uint256 v2 = uint256.Zero; stream.ReadWrite(ref v2); Assert.Equal(v, v2); v2 = null; ms.Position = 0; stream.ReadWrite(ref v2); Assert.Equal(v, v2); List<uint256> vs = new List<uint256>() { v,vless,vplus }; ms = new MemoryStream(); stream = new BitcoinStream(ms, true); stream.ReadWrite(ref vs); Assert.True(vs.Count == 3); ms.Position = 0; stream = new BitcoinStream(ms, false); List<uint256> vs2 = new List<uint256>(); stream.ReadWrite(ref vs2); Assert.True(vs2.SequenceEqual(vs)); ms.Position = 0; vs2 = null; stream.ReadWrite(ref vs2); Assert.True(vs2.SequenceEqual(vs)); }
public void ReadWrite(BitcoinStream stream) { stream.ReadWriteAsVarInt(ref _Index); if(stream.Serializing) { byte[] assetId = Asset.Id.ToBytes(); stream.ReadWrite(ref assetId); long quantity = Asset.Quantity; stream.ReadWrite(ref quantity); } else { byte[] assetId = new byte[20]; stream.ReadWrite(ref assetId); long quantity = 0; stream.ReadWrite(ref quantity); Asset = new AssetMoney(new AssetId(assetId), quantity); } }
public void ReadWrite(BitcoinStream stream) { if(stream.Serializing) { ulong n = _Value; byte[] tmp = new byte[(_Size * 8 + 6) / 7]; int len = 0; while(true) { byte a = (byte)(n & 0x7F); byte b = (byte)(len != 0 ? 0x80 : 0x00); tmp[len] = (byte)(a | b); if(n <= 0x7F) break; n = (n >> 7) - 1; len++; } do { byte b = tmp[len]; stream.ReadWrite(ref b); } while(len-- != 0); } else { ulong n = 0; while(true) { byte chData = 0; stream.ReadWrite(ref chData); ulong a = (n << 7); byte b = (byte)(chData & 0x7F); n = (a | b); if((chData & 0x80) != 0) n++; else break; } _Value = n; } }
// serialization implementation #region IBitcoinSerializable Members public void ReadWrite(BitcoinStream stream) { stream.ReadWrite(ref _TransactionCount); stream.ReadWrite(ref _Hashes); byte[] vBytes = null; if(!stream.Serializing) { stream.ReadWriteAsVarString(ref vBytes); BitWriter writer = new BitWriter(); for(int p = 0 ; p < vBytes.Length * 8 ; p++) writer.Write((vBytes[p / 8] & (1 << (p % 8))) != 0); _Flags = writer.ToBitArray(); } else { vBytes = new byte[(_Flags.Length + 7) / 8]; for(int p = 0 ; p < _Flags.Length ; p++) vBytes[p / 8] |= (byte)(ToByte(_Flags.Get(p)) << (p % 8)); stream.ReadWriteAsVarString(ref vBytes); } }
public override void ReadWriteCore(BitcoinStream stream) { stream.ReadWrite(ref _BlockId); ulong indexes_size = (ulong)_Indices.Count; stream.ReadWriteAsVarInt(ref indexes_size); if(!stream.Serializing) { ulong i = 0; ulong indicesCount = 0; while((ulong)_Indices.Count < indexes_size) { indicesCount = Math.Min(1000UL + (ulong)indicesCount, (ulong)indexes_size); for(; i < indicesCount; i++) { ulong index = 0; stream.ReadWriteAsVarInt(ref index); if(index > Int32.MaxValue) throw new FormatException("indexes overflowed 31-bits"); _Indices.Add((int)index); } } int offset = 0; for(var ii = 0; ii < _Indices.Count; ii++) { if((ulong)(_Indices[ii]) + (ulong)(offset) > Int32.MaxValue) throw new FormatException("indexes overflowed 31-bits"); _Indices[ii] = _Indices[ii] + offset; offset = _Indices[ii] + 1; } } else { for(var i = 0; i < _Indices.Count; i++) { int index = _Indices[i] - (i == 0 ? 0 : (_Indices[i - 1] + 1)); stream.ReadWrite(ref index); } } }
private AlertPayload[] ReadAlerts() { List<AlertPayload> alerts = new List<AlertPayload>(); using(var fs = File.OpenRead("data/alertTests.raw")) { BitcoinStream stream = new BitcoinStream(fs, false); while(stream.Inner.Position != stream.Inner.Length) { AlertPayload payload = null; stream.ReadWrite(ref payload); alerts.Add(payload); } } return alerts.ToArray(); }
public void bloom_create_insert_key() { string strSecret = "5Kg1gnAjaLfKiwhhPpGS3QfRg2m6awQvaj98JCZBZQ5SuS2F15C"; BitcoinSecret vchSecret = Network.Main.CreateBitcoinSecret(strSecret); var pubkey = vchSecret.Key.PubKey; BloomFilter filter = new BloomFilter(2, 0.001, 0, BloomFlags.UPDATE_ALL); filter.Insert(pubkey.ToBytes()); filter.Insert(pubkey.ID.ToBytes()); var ms = new MemoryStream(); BitcoinStream bitcoinStream = new BitcoinStream(ms, true); bitcoinStream.ReadWrite(filter); var expected = ParseHex("038fc16b080000000000000001"); AssertEx.CollectionEquals(expected, ms.ToArray()); }
private Transaction AssertClone(Transaction before) { Transaction after = before.Clone(); Transaction after2 = null; MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); BitcoinStream stream = new BitcoinStream(ms, true); stream.TransactionOptions = TransactionOptions.None; stream.ReadWrite(before); ms.Position = 0; stream = new BitcoinStream(ms, false); stream.TransactionOptions = TransactionOptions.Witness; stream.ReadWrite(ref after2); Assert.Equal(after2.GetHash(), after.GetHash()); Assert.Equal(before.GetHash(), after.GetHash()); return after; }
public void ReadWrite(BitcoinStream stream) { lock (cs) { Check(); if (!stream.Serializing) { Clear(); } stream.ReadWrite(ref nVersion); stream.ReadWrite(ref nKeySize); if (!stream.Serializing && nKeySize != 32) { throw new FormatException("Incorrect keysize in addrman deserialization"); } stream.ReadWrite(ref nKey); stream.ReadWrite(ref nNew); stream.ReadWrite(ref nTried); int nUBuckets = ADDRMAN_NEW_BUCKET_COUNT ^ (1 << 30); stream.ReadWrite(ref nUBuckets); if (nVersion != 0) { nUBuckets ^= (1 << 30); } if (!stream.Serializing) { // Deserialize entries from the new table. for (int n = 0; n < nNew; n++) { } nIdCount = nNew; // Deserialize entries from the tried table. int nLost = 0; for (int n = 0; n < nTried; n++) { } nTried -= nLost; // Deserialize positions in the new table (if possible). for (int bucket = 0; bucket < nUBuckets; bucket++) { int nSize = 0; stream.ReadWrite(ref nSize); for (int n = 0; n < nSize; n++) { int nIndex = 0; stream.ReadWrite(ref nIndex); if (nIndex >= 0 && nIndex < nNew) { AddressInfo info = mapInfo[nIndex]; int nUBucketPos = info.GetBucketPosition(nKey, true, bucket); if (nVersion == 1 && nUBuckets == ADDRMAN_NEW_BUCKET_COUNT && vvNew[bucket, nUBucketPos] == -1 && info.nRefCount < ADDRMAN_NEW_BUCKETS_PER_ADDRESS) { info.nRefCount++; vvNew[bucket, nUBucketPos] = nIndex; } } } } // Prune new entries with refcount 0 (as a result of collisions). int nLostUnk = 0; foreach (var kv in mapInfo.ToList()) { if (kv.Value.fInTried == false && kv.Value.nRefCount == 0) { Delete(kv.Key); nLostUnk++; } } } else { Dictionary <int, int> mapUnkIds = new Dictionary <int, int>(); int nIds = 0; foreach (var kv in mapInfo) { mapUnkIds[kv.Key] = nIds; AddressInfo info = kv.Value; if (info.nRefCount != 0) { assert(nIds != nNew); // this means nNew was wrong, oh ow info.ReadWrite(stream); nIds++; } } nIds = 0; foreach (var kv in mapInfo) { AddressInfo info = kv.Value; if (info.fInTried) { assert(nIds != nTried); // this means nTried was wrong, oh ow info.ReadWrite(stream); nIds++; } } for (int bucket = 0; bucket < ADDRMAN_NEW_BUCKET_COUNT; bucket++) { int nSize = 0; for (int i = 0; i < ADDRMAN_BUCKET_SIZE; i++) { if (vvNew[bucket, i] != -1) { nSize++; } } stream.ReadWrite(ref nSize); for (int i = 0; i < ADDRMAN_BUCKET_SIZE; i++) { if (vvNew[bucket, i] != -1) { int nIndex = mapUnkIds[vvNew[bucket, i]]; stream.ReadWrite(ref nIndex); } } } } Check(); } }
public override void ReadWriteCore(BitcoinStream stream) { stream.ReadWrite(ref this.addr_list); }
public void ReadWrite(BitcoinStream stream) { stream.ReadWrite(ref _PreviousBlockHash); stream.ReadWrite(ref _TransactionsToRemove); stream.ReadWrite(ref _OutputsToRestore); }
public override void ReadWriteCore(BitcoinStream stream) { stream.ReadWrite(ref this.nonce); }
public override void ReadWriteCore(BitcoinStream stream) { stream.ReadWrite(ref type); stream.ReadWrite(ref hash); }
protected virtual void BuildCoinbase() { // generate script parts var sigScriptInitial = GenerateScriptSigInitial(); var sigScriptInitialBytes = sigScriptInitial.ToBytes(); var sigScriptLength = (uint)( sigScriptInitial.Length + extraNoncePlaceHolderLength + scriptSigFinalBytes.Length); // output transaction txOut = CreateOutputTransaction(); // build coinbase initial using (var stream = new MemoryStream()) { var bs = new BitcoinStream(stream, true); // version bs.ReadWrite(ref txVersion); // timestamp for POS coins if (isPoS) { var timestamp = BlockTemplate.CurTime; bs.ReadWrite(ref timestamp); } // serialize (simulated) input transaction bs.ReadWriteAsVarInt(ref txInputCount); bs.ReadWrite(ref sha256Empty); bs.ReadWrite(ref txInPrevOutIndex); // signature script initial part bs.ReadWriteAsVarInt(ref sigScriptLength); bs.ReadWrite(ref sigScriptInitialBytes); // done coinbaseInitial = stream.ToArray(); coinbaseInitialHex = coinbaseInitial.ToHexString(); } // build coinbase final using (var stream = new MemoryStream()) { var bs = new BitcoinStream(stream, true); // signature script final part bs.ReadWrite(ref scriptSigFinalBytes); // tx in sequence bs.ReadWrite(ref txInSequence); // serialize output transaction var txOutBytes = SerializeOutputTransaction(txOut); bs.ReadWrite(ref txOutBytes); // misc bs.ReadWrite(ref txLockTime); // done coinbaseFinal = stream.ToArray(); coinbaseFinalHex = coinbaseFinal.ToHexString(); } }
public override void ReadWriteCore(BitcoinStream stream) { stream.ReadWrite(ref version); stream.ReadWrite(ref blockLocators); stream.ReadWrite(ref hashStop); }
// Stratis kernel protocol // coinstake must meet hash target according to the protocol: // kernel (input 0) must meet the formula // hash(nStakeModifier + txPrev.block.nTime + txPrev.nTime + txPrev.vout.hash + txPrev.vout.n + nTime) < bnTarget * nWeight // this ensures that the chance of getting a coinstake is proportional to the // amount of coins one owns. // The reason this hash is chosen is the following: // nStakeModifier: scrambles computation to make it very difficult to precompute // future proof-of-stake // txPrev.block.nTime: prevent nodes from guessing a good timestamp to // generate transaction for future advantage, // obsolete since v3 // txPrev.nTime: slightly scrambles computation // txPrev.vout.hash: hash of txPrev, to reduce the chance of nodes // generating coinstake at the same time // txPrev.vout.n: output number of txPrev, to reduce the chance of nodes // generating coinstake at the same time // nTime: current timestamp // block/tx hash should not be used here as they can be generated in vast // quantities so as to generate blocks faster, degrading the system back into // a proof-of-work situation. // private static bool CheckStakeKernelHashV2(ChainedBlock pindexPrev, uint nBits, uint nTimeBlockFrom, Transaction txPrev, OutPoint prevout, uint nTimeTx, out uint256 hashProofOfStake, out uint256 targetProofOfStake, bool fPrintProofOfStake) { targetProofOfStake = null; hashProofOfStake = null; if (nTimeTx < txPrev.Time) // Transaction timestamp violation { return(false); //error("CheckStakeKernelHash() : nTime violation"); } // Base target var bnTarget = new Target(nBits).ToBigInteger(); // Weighted target var nValueIn = txPrev.Outputs[prevout.N].Value.Satoshi; var bnWeight = BigInteger.ValueOf(nValueIn); bnTarget = bnTarget.Multiply(bnWeight); // todo: investigate this issue, is the convertion to uint256 similar to the c++ implementation //targetProofOfStake = Target.ToUInt256(bnTarget); var nStakeModifier = pindexPrev.Header.PosParameters.StakeModifier; uint256 bnStakeModifierV2 = pindexPrev.Header.PosParameters.StakeModifierV2; int nStakeModifierHeight = pindexPrev.Height; var nStakeModifierTime = pindexPrev.Header.Time; // Calculate hash using (var ms = new MemoryStream()) { var serializer = new BitcoinStream(ms, true); if (IsProtocolV3((int)nTimeTx)) { serializer.ReadWrite(bnStakeModifierV2); } else { serializer.ReadWrite(nStakeModifier); serializer.ReadWrite(nTimeBlockFrom); } serializer.ReadWrite(txPrev.Time); serializer.ReadWrite(prevout.Hash); serializer.ReadWrite(prevout.N); serializer.ReadWrite(nTimeTx); hashProofOfStake = Hashes.Hash256(ms.ToArray()); } if (fPrintProofOfStake) { //LogPrintf("CheckStakeKernelHash() : using modifier 0x%016x at height=%d timestamp=%s for block from timestamp=%s\n", // nStakeModifier, nStakeModifierHeight, // DateTimeStrFormat(nStakeModifierTime), // DateTimeStrFormat(nTimeBlockFrom)); //LogPrintf("CheckStakeKernelHash() : check modifier=0x%016x nTimeBlockFrom=%u nTimeTxPrev=%u nPrevout=%u nTimeTx=%u hashProof=%s\n", // nStakeModifier, // nTimeBlockFrom, txPrev.nTime, prevout.n, nTimeTx, // hashProofOfStake.ToString()); } // Now check if proof-of-stake hash meets target protocol var hashProofOfStakeTarget = new BigInteger(hashProofOfStake.ToBytes(false)); if (hashProofOfStakeTarget.CompareTo(bnTarget) > 0) { return(false); } // if (fDebug && !fPrintProofOfStake) // { // LogPrintf("CheckStakeKernelHash() : using modifier 0x%016x at height=%d timestamp=%s for block from timestamp=%s\n", // nStakeModifier, nStakeModifierHeight, // DateTimeStrFormat(nStakeModifierTime), // DateTimeStrFormat(nTimeBlockFrom)); // LogPrintf("CheckStakeKernelHash() : pass modifier=0x%016x nTimeBlockFrom=%u nTimeTxPrev=%u nPrevout=%u nTimeTx=%u hashProof=%s\n", // nStakeModifier, // nTimeBlockFrom, txPrev.nTime, prevout.n, nTimeTx, // hashProofOfStake.ToString()); // } return(true); }
public override void ReadWrite(BitcoinStream stream) { base.ReadWrite(stream); stream.ReadWrite(ref this.Data); }
protected override void ReadWriteHashingStream(BitcoinStream stream) { base.ReadWriteHashingStream(stream); stream.ReadWrite(ref this.Data); }
public void ReadWrite(BitcoinStream stream) { stream.ReadWrite(ref this.version); stream.ReadWrite(ref this.height); stream.ReadWrite(ref this.txOut); }
public void ReadWrite(BitcoinStream stream) { if (Payload == null && stream.Serializing) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Payload not affected"); } if (stream.Serializing || (!stream.Serializing && !_SkipMagic)) { stream.ReadWrite(ref magic); } stream.ReadWrite(ref command); int length = 0; uint checksum = 0; bool hasChecksum = false; byte[] payloadBytes = stream.Serializing ? GetPayloadBytes(stream, out length) : null; length = payloadBytes == null ? 0 : length; stream.ReadWrite(ref length); if (stream.ProtocolCapabilities.SupportCheckSum) { if (stream.Serializing) { checksum = stream.ProtocolCapabilities.CalculateChecksum(payloadBytes, 0, length); } stream.ReadWrite(ref checksum); hasChecksum = true; } if (stream.Serializing) { stream.ReadWrite(ref payloadBytes, 0, length); } else { if (length > 0x02000000) //MAX_SIZE 0x02000000 Serialize.h { throw new FormatException("Message payload too big ( > 0x02000000 bytes)"); } payloadBytes = _Buffer == null || _Buffer.Length < length ? new byte[length] : _Buffer; stream.ReadWrite(ref payloadBytes, 0, length); if (hasChecksum) { if (stream.ProtocolCapabilities.CalculateChecksum(payloadBytes, 0, length) != checksum) { if (NodeServerTrace.Trace.Switch.ShouldTrace(TraceEventType.Verbose)) { NodeServerTrace.Trace.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Verbose, 0, "Invalid message checksum bytes"); } throw new FormatException("Message checksum invalid"); } } BitcoinStream payloadStream = new BitcoinStream(payloadBytes); payloadStream.CopyParameters(stream); var payloadType = PayloadAttribute.GetCommandType(Command); var unknown = payloadType == typeof(UnknowPayload); if (unknown) { NodeServerTrace.Trace.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Warning, 0, "Unknown command received : " + Command); } object payload = _PayloadObject; payloadStream.ReadWrite(payloadType, ref payload); if (unknown) { ((UnknowPayload)payload)._Command = Command; } Payload = (Payload)payload; } }
private void DeserializeTxn(BitcoinStream stream, bool witSupported) { byte flags = 0; UInt32 nVersionTemp = 0; stream.ReadWrite(ref nVersionTemp); // POS time stamp uint nTimeTemp = 0; stream.ReadWrite(ref nTimeTemp); TxInList vinTemp = new TxInList(); TxOutList voutTemp = new TxOutList(); /* Try to read the vin. In case the dummy is there, this will be read as an empty vector. */ stream.ReadWrite <TxInList, TxIn>(ref vinTemp); var hasNoDummy = (nVersionTemp & NoDummyInput) != 0 && vinTemp.Count == 0; if (witSupported && hasNoDummy) { nVersionTemp = nVersionTemp & ~NoDummyInput; } if (vinTemp.Count == 0 && witSupported && !hasNoDummy) { /* We read a dummy or an empty vin. */ stream.ReadWrite(ref flags); if (flags != 0) { /* Assume we read a dummy and a flag. */ stream.ReadWrite <TxInList, TxIn>(ref vinTemp); vinTemp.Transaction = this; stream.ReadWrite <TxOutList, TxOut>(ref voutTemp); voutTemp.Transaction = this; } else { /* Assume read a transaction without output. */ voutTemp = new TxOutList(); voutTemp.Transaction = this; } } else { /* We read a non-empty vin. Assume a normal vout follows. */ stream.ReadWrite <TxOutList, TxOut>(ref voutTemp); voutTemp.Transaction = this; } if (((flags & 1) != 0) && witSupported) { /* The witness flag is present, and we support witnesses. */ flags ^= 1; BitcoinplusWitness wit = new BitcoinplusWitness(vinTemp); wit.ReadWrite(stream); } if (flags != 0) { /* Unknown flag in the serialization */ throw new FormatException("Unknown transaction optional data"); } LockTime lockTimeTemp = 0; stream.ReadWriteStruct(ref lockTimeTemp); this.Version = nVersionTemp; this.Time = nTimeTemp; // POS Timestamp vinTemp.ForEach(i => this.Inputs.Add(i)); voutTemp.ForEach(i => this.Outputs.Add(i)); this.LockTime = lockTimeTemp; }
public void ReadWrite(BitcoinStream stream) { if(stream.Serializing) { uint nMaskSize = 0, nMaskCode = 0; CalcMaskSize(ref nMaskSize, ref nMaskCode); bool fFirst = vout.Count > 0 && !vout[0].IsNull; bool fSecond = vout.Count > 1 && !vout[1].IsNull; uint nCode = unchecked((uint)(8 * (nMaskCode - (fFirst || fSecond ? 0 : 1)) + (fCoinBase ? 1 : 0) + (fFirst ? 2 : 0) + (fSecond ? 4 : 0))); // version stream.ReadWriteAsVarInt(ref nVersion); // size of header code stream.ReadWriteAsVarInt(ref nCode); // spentness bitmask for(uint b = 0 ; b < nMaskSize ; b++) { byte chAvail = 0; for(uint i = 0 ; i < 8 && 2 + b * 8 + i < vout.Count ; i++) if(!vout[2 + (int)b * 8 + (int)i].IsNull) chAvail |= (byte)(1 << (int)i); stream.ReadWrite(ref chAvail); } // txouts themself for(uint i = 0 ; i < vout.Count ; i++) { if(!vout[(int)i].IsNull) { var compressedTx = new TxOutCompressor(vout[(int)i]); stream.ReadWrite(ref compressedTx); } } // coinbase height stream.ReadWriteAsVarInt(ref nHeight); } else { uint nCode = 0; // version stream.ReadWriteAsVarInt(ref nVersion); //// header code stream.ReadWriteAsVarInt(ref nCode); fCoinBase = (nCode & 1) != 0; List<bool> vAvail = new List<bool>() { false, false }; vAvail[0] = (nCode & 2) != 0; vAvail[1] = (nCode & 4) != 0; uint nMaskCode = unchecked((uint)((nCode / 8) + ((nCode & 6) != 0 ? 0 : 1))); //// spentness bitmask while(nMaskCode > 0) { byte chAvail = 0; stream.ReadWrite(ref chAvail); for(uint p = 0 ; p < 8 ; p++) { bool f = (chAvail & (1 << (int)p)) != 0; vAvail.Add(f); } if(chAvail != 0) nMaskCode--; } // txouts themself vout = Enumerable.Range(0, vAvail.Count).Select(_ => new TxOut()).ToList(); for(uint i = 0 ; i < vAvail.Count ; i++) { if(vAvail[(int)i]) { TxOutCompressor compressed = new TxOutCompressor(); stream.ReadWrite(ref compressed); vout[(int)i] = compressed.TxOut; } } //// coinbase height stream.ReadWriteAsVarInt(ref nHeight); Cleanup(); UpdateValue(); } }
// select a block from the candidate blocks in vSortedByTimestamp, excluding // already selected blocks in vSelectedBlocks, and with timestamp up to // nSelectionIntervalStop. private static bool SelectBlockFromCandidates(ChainedBlock chainIndex, SortedDictionary <uint, uint256> sortedByTimestamp, Dictionary <uint256, ChainedBlock> mapSelectedBlocks, long nSelectionIntervalStop, ulong nStakeModifierPrev, out ChainedBlock pindexSelected) { bool fSelected = false; uint256 hashBest = 0; pindexSelected = null; foreach (var item in sortedByTimestamp) { var pindex = chainIndex.FindAncestorOrSelf(item.Value); if (pindex == null) { return(false); // error("SelectBlockFromCandidates: failed to find block index for candidate block %s", item.second.ToString()); } if (fSelected && pindex.Header.Time > nSelectionIntervalStop) { break; } if (mapSelectedBlocks.Keys.Any(key => key == pindex.HashBlock)) { continue; } // compute the selection hash by hashing its proof-hash and the // previous proof-of-stake modifier uint256 hashSelection; using (var ms = new MemoryStream()) { var serializer = new BitcoinStream(ms, true); serializer.ReadWrite(pindex.Header.PosParameters.HashProof); serializer.ReadWrite(nStakeModifierPrev); hashSelection = Hashes.Hash256(ms.ToArray()); } // the selection hash is divided by 2**32 so that proof-of-stake block // is always favored over proof-of-work block. this is to preserve // the energy efficiency property if (pindex.Header.PosParameters.IsProofOfStake()) { hashSelection >>= 32; } if (fSelected && hashSelection < hashBest) { hashBest = hashSelection; pindexSelected = pindex; } else if (!fSelected) { fSelected = true; hashBest = hashSelection; pindexSelected = pindex; } } //LogPrint("stakemodifier", "SelectBlockFromCandidates: selection hash=%s\n", hashBest.ToString()); return(fSelected); }
public void ReadWrite(BitcoinStream stream) { stream.ReadWrite(ref _value); }
public void ReadWrite(BitcoinStream stream) { lock (cs) { Check(); if (!stream.Serializing) { Clear(); } stream.ReadWrite(ref nVersion); stream.ReadWrite(ref nKeySize); if (!stream.Serializing && nKeySize != 32) { throw new FormatException("Incorrect keysize in addrman deserialization"); } stream.ReadWrite(ref nKey); stream.ReadWrite(ref nNew); stream.ReadWrite(ref nTried); int nUBuckets = ADDRMAN_NEW_BUCKET_COUNT ^ (1 << 30); stream.ReadWrite(ref nUBuckets); if (nVersion != 0) { nUBuckets ^= (1 << 30); } if (!stream.Serializing) { // Deserialize entries from the new table. for (int n = 0; n < nNew; n++) { AddressInfo info = new AddressInfo(); info.ReadWrite(stream); mapInfo.Add(n, info); mapAddr[info.Address.Endpoint.Address] = n; info.nRandomPos = vRandom.Count; vRandom.Add(n); if (nVersion != 1 || nUBuckets != ADDRMAN_NEW_BUCKET_COUNT) { // In case the new table data cannot be used (nVersion unknown, or bucket count wrong), // immediately try to give them a reference based on their primary source address. int nUBucket = info.GetNewBucket(nKey); int nUBucketPos = info.GetBucketPosition(nKey, true, nUBucket); if (vvNew[nUBucket, nUBucketPos] == -1) { vvNew[nUBucket, nUBucketPos] = n; info.nRefCount++; } } } nIdCount = nNew; // Deserialize entries from the tried table. int nLost = 0; for (int n = 0; n < nTried; n++) { AddressInfo info = new AddressInfo(); info.ReadWrite(stream); int nKBucket = info.GetTriedBucket(nKey); int nKBucketPos = info.GetBucketPosition(nKey, false, nKBucket); if (vvTried[nKBucket, nKBucketPos] == -1) { info.nRandomPos = vRandom.Count; info.fInTried = true; vRandom.Add(nIdCount); mapInfo[nIdCount] = info; mapAddr[info.Address.Endpoint.Address] = nIdCount; vvTried[nKBucket, nKBucketPos] = nIdCount; nIdCount++; } else { nLost++; } } nTried -= nLost; // Deserialize positions in the new table (if possible). for (int bucket = 0; bucket < nUBuckets; bucket++) { int nSize = 0; stream.ReadWrite(ref nSize); for (int n = 0; n < nSize; n++) { int nIndex = 0; stream.ReadWrite(ref nIndex); if (nIndex >= 0 && nIndex < nNew) { AddressInfo info = mapInfo[nIndex]; int nUBucketPos = info.GetBucketPosition(nKey, true, bucket); if (nVersion == 1 && nUBuckets == ADDRMAN_NEW_BUCKET_COUNT && vvNew[bucket, nUBucketPos] == -1 && info.nRefCount < ADDRMAN_NEW_BUCKETS_PER_ADDRESS) { info.nRefCount++; vvNew[bucket, nUBucketPos] = nIndex; } } } } // Prune new entries with refcount 0 (as a result of collisions). int nLostUnk = 0; foreach (var kv in mapInfo.ToList()) { if (kv.Value.fInTried == false && kv.Value.nRefCount == 0) { Delete(kv.Key); nLostUnk++; } } } else { Dictionary <int, int> mapUnkIds = new Dictionary <int, int>(); int nIds = 0; foreach (var kv in mapInfo) { mapUnkIds[kv.Key] = nIds; AddressInfo info = kv.Value; if (info.nRefCount != 0) { assert(nIds != nNew); // this means nNew was wrong, oh ow info.ReadWrite(stream); nIds++; } } nIds = 0; foreach (var kv in mapInfo) { AddressInfo info = kv.Value; if (info.fInTried) { assert(nIds != nTried); // this means nTried was wrong, oh ow info.ReadWrite(stream); nIds++; } } for (int bucket = 0; bucket < ADDRMAN_NEW_BUCKET_COUNT; bucket++) { int nSize = 0; for (int i = 0; i < ADDRMAN_BUCKET_SIZE; i++) { if (vvNew[bucket, i] != -1) { nSize++; } } stream.ReadWrite(ref nSize); for (int i = 0; i < ADDRMAN_BUCKET_SIZE; i++) { if (vvNew[bucket, i] != -1) { int nIndex = mapUnkIds[vvNew[bucket, i]]; stream.ReadWrite(ref nIndex); } } } } Check(); } }
internal byte[] ReadData(Stream stream) { uint len = 0; BitcoinStream bitStream = new BitcoinStream(stream, false); if(Code == 0) return new byte[0]; if((byte)OpcodeType.OP_1 <= (byte)Code && (byte)Code <= (byte)OpcodeType.OP_16) { return new byte[] { (byte)(Code - OpcodeType.OP_1 + 1) }; } if(Code == OpcodeType.OP_1NEGATE) { return new byte[] { 0x81 }; } try { if(0x01 <= (byte)Code && (byte)Code <= 0x4b) len = (uint)Code; else if(Code == OpcodeType.OP_PUSHDATA1) len = bitStream.ReadWrite((byte)0); else if(Code == OpcodeType.OP_PUSHDATA2) len = bitStream.ReadWrite((ushort)0); else if(Code == OpcodeType.OP_PUSHDATA4) len = bitStream.ReadWrite((uint)0); else { IsInvalid = true; return new byte[0]; } byte[] data = null; if(len <= MAX_SCRIPT_ELEMENT_SIZE) //Most of the time { data = new byte[len]; var readen = stream.Read(data, 0, data.Length); if(readen != data.Length) { IsInvalid = true; return new byte[0]; } } else //Mitigate against a big array allocation { List<byte> bytes = new List<byte>(); for(int i = 0 ; i < len ; i++) { var b = stream.ReadByte(); if(b < 0) { IsInvalid = true; return new byte[0]; } bytes.Add((byte)b); } data = bytes.ToArray(); } return data; } catch(EndOfStreamException) { IsInvalid = true; return new byte[0]; } }
public void ReadWrite(BitcoinStream stream) { stream.ReadWrite(ref _version); stream.ReadWrite(ref _height); stream.ReadWrite(ref _txOut); }
public void ReadWrite(BitcoinStream bitcoinStream) { bitcoinStream.ReadWrite(ref _bytes); }
public override void ReadWriteCore(BitcoinStream stream) { _uTxOutputs = new UTxOutputs(); stream.ReadWrite(ref _uTxOutputs); }
internal static void StaticWrite(BitcoinStream bs, byte[] bytes) { VarInt.StaticWrite(bs, (ulong)bytes.Length); bs.ReadWrite(ref bytes); }
public override void ReadWriteCore(BitcoinStream stream) { stream.ReadWrite(ref _FilterType); stream.ReadWrite(ref _StopHash); }
public void ReadWrite(BitcoinStream stream) { if ((this.Payload == null) && stream.Serializing) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Payload not affected"); } if (stream.Serializing || (!stream.Serializing && !this.skipMagic)) { stream.ReadWrite(ref this.magic); } stream.ReadWrite(ref this.command); int length = 0; uint checksum = 0; bool hasChecksum = false; byte[] payloadBytes = stream.Serializing ? this.GetPayloadBytes(out length) : null; length = payloadBytes == null ? 0 : length; stream.ReadWrite(ref length); if (stream.ProtocolVersion >= ProtocolVersion.MEMPOOL_GD_VERSION) { if (stream.Serializing) { checksum = Hashes.Hash256(payloadBytes, 0, length).GetLow32(); } stream.ReadWrite(ref checksum); hasChecksum = true; } if (stream.Serializing) { stream.ReadWrite(ref payloadBytes, 0, length); } else { // MAX_SIZE 0x02000000 Serialize.h. if (length > 0x02000000) { throw new FormatException("Message payload too big ( > 0x02000000 bytes)"); } payloadBytes = new byte[length]; stream.ReadWrite(ref payloadBytes, 0, length); if (hasChecksum) { if (!VerifyChecksum(checksum, payloadBytes, length)) { if (NodeServerTrace.Trace.Switch.ShouldTrace(TraceEventType.Verbose)) { NodeServerTrace.Trace.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Verbose, 0, "Invalid message checksum bytes"); } throw new FormatException("Message checksum invalid"); } } BitcoinStream payloadStream = new BitcoinStream(payloadBytes); payloadStream.CopyParameters(stream); Type payloadType = this.payloadProvider.GetCommandType(this.Command); bool unknown = payloadType == typeof(UnknowPayload); if (unknown) { NodeServerTrace.Trace.TraceEvent(TraceEventType.Warning, 0, "Unknown command received : " + this.Command); } object payload = this.payloadObject; payloadStream.ReadWrite(payloadType, ref payload); if (unknown) { ((UnknowPayload)payload).command = this.Command; } this.Payload = (Payload)payload; } }
public override void ReadWriteCore(BitcoinStream stream) { stream.ReadWrite(ref this.blockId); stream.ReadWrite(ref this.transactions); }
private async Task <T> SendAsync <T>(HttpMethod method, IBitcoinSerializable body, string relativePath, params object[] parameters) where T : IBitcoinSerializable, new() { var uri = GetFullUri(relativePath, parameters); var message = new HttpRequestMessage(method, uri); if (body != null) { message.Content = new ByteArrayContent(body.ToBytes()); } var result = await Client.SendAsync(message).ConfigureAwait(false); if (!result.IsSuccessStatusCode) { string error = await result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(error)) { throw new HttpRequestException(result.StatusCode + ": " + error); } } if (result.StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.NotFound) { return(default(T)); } if (result.Content?.Headers?.ContentLength > MaxContentLength) { Logs.Client.LogError($"Content is larger than max content length of {MaxContentLength}bytes for request to: {uri}\nRequest Body: \"{body.ToString()}\""); throw new IOException("Content is too big"); } try { result.EnsureSuccessStatusCode(); } catch (Exception ex) { Logs.Client.LogError(ex, $"Received HTTP {result.StatusCode} response from: {uri}\nRequest Body: \"{body.ToString()}\""); throw ex; } if (typeof(T) == typeof(byte[])) { return((T)(object)await result.Content.ReadAsByteArrayAsync().ConfigureAwait(false)); } var str = await result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); if (typeof(T) == typeof(string)) { return((T)(object)str); } var bytes = await result.Content.ReadAsByteArrayAsync().ConfigureAwait(false); if (bytes.Length == 0) { return(default(T)); } var stream = new BitcoinStream(new MemoryStream(bytes), false); var data = new T(); stream.ReadWrite <T>(ref data); return(data); }
public StandardCycles(Consensus consensus, bool debug) { _Debug = debug; _Shorty = new StandardCycle() { FriendlyName = "Shorty", Consensus = consensus, Denomination = Money.Coins(0.01m), Generator = new OverlappedCycleGenerator() { RegistrationOverlap = 1, FirstCycle = new CycleParameters() { Start = 1, RegistrationDuration = GetBlocksCount(consensus, 20) + 1, SafetyPeriodDuration = GetBlocksCount(consensus, 10), ClientChannelEstablishmentDuration = GetBlocksCount(consensus, 20), TumblerChannelEstablishmentDuration = GetBlocksCount(consensus, 20), PaymentPhaseDuration = GetBlocksCount(consensus, 20), TumblerCashoutDuration = GetBlocksCount(consensus, 40), ClientCashoutDuration = GetBlocksCount(consensus, 20), } } }; _Shorty2x = new StandardCycle() { FriendlyName = "Shorty2x", Consensus = consensus, Denomination = Money.Coins(0.02m), Generator = new OverlappedCycleGenerator() { RegistrationOverlap = 1, FirstCycle = new CycleParameters() { Start = 1, RegistrationDuration = GetBlocksCount(consensus, 20 * 2) + 1, SafetyPeriodDuration = GetBlocksCount(consensus, 10), ClientChannelEstablishmentDuration = GetBlocksCount(consensus, 20 * 4), TumblerChannelEstablishmentDuration = GetBlocksCount(consensus, 20 * 4), PaymentPhaseDuration = GetBlocksCount(consensus, 20 * 2), TumblerCashoutDuration = GetBlocksCount(consensus, 40 * 2), ClientCashoutDuration = GetBlocksCount(consensus, 20 * 2), } } }; _Kotori = new StandardCycle() { FriendlyName = "Kotori", Consensus = consensus, Denomination = Money.Coins(1.0m), Generator = new OverlappedCycleGenerator() { RegistrationOverlap = 1, FirstCycle = new CycleParameters() { Start = 0, //one cycle per day RegistrationDuration = GetBlocksCount(consensus, 60 * 4) + 1, //make sure tor circuit get renewed SafetyPeriodDuration = GetBlocksCount(consensus, 20), ClientChannelEstablishmentDuration = GetBlocksCount(consensus, 120), TumblerChannelEstablishmentDuration = GetBlocksCount(consensus, 120), PaymentPhaseDuration = GetBlocksCount(consensus, 30), TumblerCashoutDuration = GetBlocksCount(consensus, 5 * 60), ClientCashoutDuration = GetBlocksCount(consensus, 5 * 60) } } }; if (!_Debug) { //Verify that 2 phases are always at least separated by 20 minutes foreach (var standard in ToEnumerable()) { HashSet <uint256> states = new HashSet <uint256>(); var start = standard.Generator.FirstCycle.Start; var periods = standard.Generator.FirstCycle.GetPeriods(); var nonOverlappedPart = periods.Registration.End - periods.Registration.Start - standard.Generator.RegistrationOverlap; var total = periods.Total.End - periods.Total.Start; var maxOverlapped = Math.Ceiling((decimal)total / (decimal)nonOverlappedPart); for (int i = start;; i += nonOverlappedPart) { var starts = standard.Generator.GetCycles(i) .SelectMany(c => { var p = c.GetPeriods(); return(new[] { p.Registration.Start, p.ClientChannelEstablishment.Start, p.TumblerChannelEstablishment.Start, p.TumblerCashout.Start, p.ClientCashout.Start }); }).OrderBy(c => c).ToArray(); for (int ii = 1; ii < starts.Length; ii++) { if (starts[ii] - starts[ii - 1] < GetBlocksCount(consensus, 20)) { throw new InvalidOperationException("A standard cycle generator generates cycles which overlap too much"); } } //Check if it is a we already checked such state module total for (int ii = 0; ii < starts.Length; ii++) { starts[ii] = starts[ii] % total; } MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); BitcoinStream bs = new BitcoinStream(ms, true); bs.ReadWrite(ref starts); if (!states.Add(Hashes.Hash256(ms.ToArray()))) { break; } } } } }
public byte[] UntrustedHashTransactionInputFinalizeFull(IEnumerable<TxOut> outputs) { using(Transport.Lock()) { byte[] result = null; int offset = 0; byte[] response = null; var ms = new MemoryStream(); BitcoinStream bs = new BitcoinStream(ms, true); var list = outputs.ToList(); bs.ReadWrite<List<TxOut>, TxOut>(ref list); var data = ms.ToArray(); while(offset < data.Length) { int blockLength = ((data.Length - offset) > 255 ? 255 : data.Length - offset); byte[] apdu = new byte[blockLength + 5]; apdu[0] = LedgerWalletConstants.LedgerWallet_CLA; apdu[1] = LedgerWalletConstants.LedgerWallet_INS_HASH_INPUT_FINALIZE_FULL; apdu[2] = ((offset + blockLength) == data.Length ? (byte)0x80 : (byte)0x00); apdu[3] = (byte)0x00; apdu[4] = (byte)(blockLength); Array.Copy(data, offset, apdu, 5, blockLength); response = ExchangeApdu(apdu, OK); offset += blockLength; } result = response; //convertResponseToOutput(response); if(result == null) { throw new LedgerWalletException("Unsupported user confirmation method"); } return result; } }
public void ReadWrite(BitcoinStream stream) { stream.ReadWriteAsVarInt(ref _Index); stream.ReadWrite(ref _Asset); }
private static ulong ReadLEB128(BitcoinStream stream) { ulong value = 0; value = stream.ReadWrite((byte)0); if ((value & 128uL) == 0uL) { return(value); } value &= 127uL; ulong chunk = stream.ReadWrite((byte)0); value |= (chunk & 127uL) << 7; if ((chunk & 128uL) == 0uL) { return(value); } chunk = stream.ReadWrite((byte)0); value |= (chunk & 127uL) << 14; if ((chunk & 128uL) == 0uL) { return(value); } chunk = stream.ReadWrite((byte)0); value |= (chunk & 127uL) << 21; if ((chunk & 128uL) == 0uL) { return(value); } chunk = stream.ReadWrite((byte)0); value |= (chunk & 127uL) << 28; if ((chunk & 128uL) == 0uL) { return(value); } chunk = stream.ReadWrite((byte)0); value |= (chunk & 127uL) << 35; if ((chunk & 128uL) == 0uL) { return(value); } chunk = stream.ReadWrite((byte)0); value |= (chunk & 127uL) << 42; if ((chunk & 128uL) == 0uL) { return(value); } chunk = stream.ReadWrite((byte)0); value |= (chunk & 127uL) << 49; if ((chunk & 128uL) == 0uL) { return(value); } chunk = stream.ReadWrite((byte)0); value |= (chunk & 127uL) << 56; if ((chunk & 128uL) == 0uL) { return(value); } chunk = stream.ReadWrite((byte)0); value |= chunk << 63; if ((chunk & 18446744073709551614uL) != 0uL) { throw new FormatException("Invalid LEB128 number"); } return(value); }
public void ReadWrite(BitcoinStream stream) { stream.ReadWrite(ref vch); if(!stream.Serializing) { _ECKey = new ECKey(vch, true); } }
public void ReadWrite(BitcoinStream stream) { stream.ReadWrite(ref vtxundo); }
// public uint256 SignatureHash(Transaction txTo, int nIn, SigHash nHashType) { if(nIn >= txTo.Inputs.Count) { Utils.log("ERROR: SignatureHash() : nIn=" + nIn + " out of range\n"); return uint256.One; } // Check for invalid use of SIGHASH_SINGLE if(nHashType == SigHash.Single) { if(nIn >= txTo.Outputs.Count) { Utils.log("ERROR: SignatureHash() : nOut=" + nIn + " out of range\n"); return uint256.One; } } var scriptCopy = new Script(_Script); scriptCopy.FindAndDelete(OpcodeType.OP_CODESEPARATOR); var txCopy = new Transaction(txTo.ToBytes()); //Set all TxIn script to empty string foreach(var txin in txCopy.Inputs) { txin.ScriptSig = new Script(); } //Copy subscript into the txin script you are checking txCopy.Inputs[nIn].ScriptSig = scriptCopy; var hashType = nHashType & (SigHash)31; if(hashType == SigHash.None) { //The output of txCopy is set to a vector of zero size. txCopy.Outputs.Clear(); //All other inputs aside from the current input in txCopy have their nSequence index set to zero foreach(var input in txCopy.Inputs.Where((x, i) => i != nIn)) input.Sequence = 0; } else if(hashType == SigHash.Single) { //The output of txCopy is resized to the size of the current input index+1. txCopy.Outputs.RemoveRange(nIn + 1, txCopy.Outputs.Count - (nIn + 1)); //All other txCopy outputs aside from the output that is the same as the current input index are set to a blank script and a value of (long) -1. for(var i = 0 ; i < txCopy.Outputs.Count ; i++) { if(i == nIn) continue; txCopy.Outputs[i] = new TxOut(); } //All other txCopy inputs aside from the current input are set to have an nSequence index of zero. foreach(var input in txCopy.Inputs.Where((x, i) => i != nIn)) input.Sequence = 0; } if((nHashType & SigHash.AnyoneCanPay) != 0) { //The txCopy input vector is resized to a length of one. var script = txCopy.Inputs[nIn]; txCopy.Inputs.Clear(); txCopy.Inputs.Add(script); //The subScript (lead in by its length as a var-integer encoded!) is set as the first and only member of this vector. txCopy.Inputs[0].ScriptSig = scriptCopy; } //Serialize TxCopy, append 4 byte hashtypecode var ms = new MemoryStream(); var bitcoinStream = new BitcoinStream(ms, true); txCopy.ReadWrite(bitcoinStream); bitcoinStream.ReadWrite((uint)nHashType); var hashed = ms.ToArray(); return Hashes.Hash256(hashed); }
public void ReadWrite(BitcoinStream stream) { stream.ReadWrite(ref vprevout); }
private void PushDataToStream(byte[] data, Stream result) { var bitStream = new BitcoinStream(result, true); if(Code == OpcodeType.OP_0) { //OP_0 already pushed return; } if(OpcodeType.OP_1 <= Code && Code <= OpcodeType.OP_16) { //OP_1 to OP_16 already pushed return; } if(Code == OpcodeType.OP_1NEGATE) { //OP_1Negate already pushed return; } if(0x01 <= (byte)Code && (byte)Code <= 0x4b) { //Data length already pushed } else if(Code == OpcodeType.OP_PUSHDATA1) { bitStream.ReadWrite((byte)data.Length); } else if(Code == OpcodeType.OP_PUSHDATA2) { bitStream.ReadWrite((ushort)data.Length); } else if(Code == OpcodeType.OP_PUSHDATA4) { bitStream.ReadWrite((uint)data.Length); } else throw new NotSupportedException("Data length should not be bigger than 0xFFFFFFFF"); result.Write(data, 0, data.Length); }
public override void ReadWriteCore(BitcoinStream stream) { stream.ReadWrite(ref inventory); }
public override uint256 GetSignatureHash(Script scriptCode, int nIn, SigHash nHashType, TxOut spentOutput, HashVersion sigversion, PrecomputedTransactionData precomputedTransactionData) { if (sigversion == HashVersion.WitnessV0) { if (spentOutput?.Value == null || spentOutput.Value == TxOut.NullMoney) { throw new ArgumentException("The output being signed with the amount must be provided", nameof(spentOutput)); } uint256 hashPrevouts = uint256.Zero; uint256 hashSequence = uint256.Zero; uint256 hashOutputs = uint256.Zero; if ((nHashType & SigHash.AnyoneCanPay) == 0) { hashPrevouts = precomputedTransactionData == null? GetHashPrevouts() : precomputedTransactionData.HashPrevouts; } if ((nHashType & SigHash.AnyoneCanPay) == 0 && ((uint)nHashType & 0x1f) != (uint)SigHash.Single && ((uint)nHashType & 0x1f) != (uint)SigHash.None) { hashSequence = precomputedTransactionData == null? GetHashSequence() : precomputedTransactionData.HashSequence; } if (((uint)nHashType & 0x1f) != (uint)SigHash.Single && ((uint)nHashType & 0x1f) != (uint)SigHash.None) { hashOutputs = precomputedTransactionData == null? GetHashOutputs() : precomputedTransactionData.HashOutputs; } else if (((uint)nHashType & 0x1f) == (uint)SigHash.Single && nIn < this.Outputs.Count) { BitcoinStream ss = CreateHashWriter(sigversion); ss.ReadWrite(this.Outputs[nIn]); hashOutputs = GetHash(ss); } BitcoinStream sss = CreateHashWriter(sigversion); // Version sss.ReadWrite(this.Version); sss.ReadWrite(this.Time); // Neblio Timestamp!!! // Input prevouts/nSequence (none/all, depending on flags) sss.ReadWrite(hashPrevouts); sss.ReadWrite(hashSequence); // The input being signed (replacing the scriptSig with scriptCode + amount) // The prevout may already be contained in hashPrevout, and the nSequence // may already be contain in hashSequence. sss.ReadWrite(Inputs[nIn].PrevOut); sss.ReadWrite(scriptCode); sss.ReadWrite(spentOutput.Value.Satoshi); sss.ReadWrite((uint)Inputs[nIn].Sequence); // Outputs (none/one/all, depending on flags) sss.ReadWrite(hashOutputs); // Locktime sss.ReadWriteStruct(LockTime); // Sighash type sss.ReadWrite((uint)nHashType); return(GetHash(sss)); } bool fAnyoneCanPay = (nHashType & SigHash.AnyoneCanPay) != 0; bool fHashSingle = ((byte)nHashType & 0x1f) == (byte)SigHash.Single; bool fHashNone = ((byte)nHashType & 0x1f) == (byte)SigHash.None; if (nIn >= Inputs.Count) { return(uint256.One); } if (fHashSingle) { if (nIn >= Outputs.Count) { return(uint256.One); } } var stream = CreateHashWriter(sigversion); stream.ReadWrite(Version); stream.ReadWrite(this.Time); // Neblio Timestamp!!! uint nInputs = (uint)(fAnyoneCanPay ? 1 : Inputs.Count); stream.ReadWriteAsVarInt(ref nInputs); for (int nInput = 0; nInput < nInputs; nInput++) { if (fAnyoneCanPay) { nInput = nIn; } stream.ReadWrite(Inputs[nInput].PrevOut); if (nInput != nIn) { stream.ReadWrite(Script.Empty); } else { WriteScriptCode(stream, scriptCode); } if (nInput != nIn && (fHashSingle || fHashNone)) { stream.ReadWrite((uint)0); } else { stream.ReadWrite((uint)Inputs[nInput].Sequence); } } uint nOutputs = (uint)(fHashNone ? 0 : (fHashSingle ? nIn + 1 : Outputs.Count)); stream.ReadWriteAsVarInt(ref nOutputs); for (int nOutput = 0; nOutput < nOutputs; nOutput++) { if (fHashSingle && nOutput != nIn) { this.Outputs.CreateNewTxOut().ReadWrite(stream); } else { Outputs[nOutput].ReadWrite(stream); } } stream.ReadWriteStruct(LockTime); stream.ReadWrite((uint)nHashType); return(GetHash(stream)); }
// IBitcoinSerializable Members public override void ReadWriteCore(BitcoinStream stream) { stream.ReadWrite(ref _addrList); }