/// <summary>
        /// at benchmark tab, view with a selected test.
        /// click on item in a test
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Workflows</returns>
        public StudentProfileWorkflows BenchmarkTestsTabSelectItemInATest()
            if (SchoolDistrictWorkflows.StudentDetailPage == null ||
                SchoolDistrictWorkflows.StudentDetailPage.Tabs[StudentDetailTabs.BenchmarkTestsOneTest] == null)
                throw new Exception("Navigate to the StudentDetailPage before trying to use this workflow.");

            BenchmarkTestsTabOneTestView benchmarkView =
            BenchmarkTestsTabItemResponseView nextBenchmarkView =

        /// <summary>
        /// at benchmark tab, view with all tests.
        /// click on first test for a subject (ie ELA or Computer Science)
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Workflows</returns>
        public StudentProfileWorkflows BenchmarkTestsTabSelectTestNameForSubject(string subject)
            if ((SchoolDistrictWorkflows.StudentDetailPage == null) ||
                (SchoolDistrictWorkflows.StudentDetailPage.Tabs[StudentDetailTabs.BenchmarkTestsAllTests] == null))
                throw new Exception("Navigate to the StudentDetailPage before trying to use this workflow.");

            BenchmarkTestsTabAllTestsView benchmarkView =

            if (subject == BenchmarkTestsTabAllTestsViewGridNames.ELA)
                BenchmarkTestsTabOneTestView nextBenchmarkView =