Пример #1
    public void updateStatus()
        while (statusOrders.tryReadFifo(out UpdateStatus order) && initAskedForUpdate == 0)
            for (int i = 0; i < order.ids.Count; ++i)
                if (!theAgents.ContainsKey(order.ids[i]))
                    BeeAgent a = new BeeAgent();
                    a.id  = order.ids[i];
                    a.pos = Vector3.zero;

                    //a.pointID = idManager.getNextFreeIndex();
                    //a.pointID = frameManager.getPointIDForPos(a.pos);
                    a.pointID = -2;
                    //Code to notify this is an uncomplete agent

                    theAgents.Add(a.id, a);

                theAgents[order.ids[i]].age             = order.ages[i];
                theAgents[order.ids[i]].JH              = order.jhAmounts[i];
                theAgents[order.ids[i]].amountExchanged = order.phExchanged[i];

                if (order.taskNames[i] == "QueenTask")
                    theAgents[order.ids[i]].isQueen = true;
Пример #2
     * public void updateStatus()
     * {
     *  while (statusOrders.tryReadFifo(out UpdateStatus order) && initAskedForUpdate == 0)
     *  {
     *      for (int i = 0; i < order.ids.Count; ++i)
     *      {
     *          if(theAgents.ContainsKey(order.ids[i]))
     *          {
     *              theAgents[order.ids[i]].age = order.ages[i];
     *              theAgents[order.ids[i]].JH = order.jhAmounts[i];
     *              if (order.taskNames[i] == "QueenTask")
     *              {
     *                  theAgents[order.ids[i]].isQueen = true;
     *              }
     *          }
     *      }
     *  }
     * }
     * public void updateContacts()
     * {
     *  while(contactOrders.tryReadFifo(out UpdateContactOrder order) && initAskedForUpdate == 0)
     *  {
     *      for(int i = 0; i < order.ids.Count; ++i)
     *      {
     *          if(theAgents.ContainsKey(order.ids[i]))
     *          {
     *              theAgents[order.ids[i]].amountExchanged = order.amounts[i];
     *          } // Ignoring NO MORE the agents that have still not been recieved via position
     *          else
     *          {
     *              BeeAgent a = new BeeAgent();
     *              a.id = order.ids[i];
     *              a.pos = Vector3.zero;
     *              //a.pointID = idManager.getNextFreeIndex();
     *              //a.pointID = frameManager.getPointIDForPos(a.pos);
     *              a.pointID = -2;
     *              //Code to notify this is an uncomplete agent
     *              theAgents.Add(a.id, a);
     *          }
     *      }
     *  }
     * }
    public void updateDeaths()
        while (deadOrder.tryReadFifo(out List <int> deadIds) && initAskedForUpdate == 0)
            foreach (int id in deadIds)
                if (theAgents.ContainsKey(id))
                    BeeAgent agent = theAgents[id];
                    //Delete the BeeAgents and free their ids in the different clouds
                    frameManager.freeFrameIDForPos(agent.pos, agent.pointID);

                    Debug.LogWarning("dead id not found in the system");
Пример #3
    public void updateAgents()
        while (agentOrders.tryReadFifo(out UpdateOrder updateOrder) && initAskedForUpdate == 0)
            int newAgents = 0;

            float loopUpdate = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;

            List <Vector3> targets = new List <Vector3>();
            List <int>     ids     = new List <int>();
            List <Color>   colors  = new List <Color>();

            for (int i = 0; i < updateOrder.targetsIDs.Count; ++i)
                BeeAgent a;
                if (!theAgents.ContainsKey(updateOrder.targetsIDs[i]))
                    a     = new BeeAgent();
                    a.id  = updateOrder.targetsIDs[i];
                    a.pos = updateOrder.newTargets[i];

                    //a.pointID = idManager.getNextFreeIndex();
                    a.pointID = frameManager.getPointIDForPos(a.pos);

                    theAgents.Add(updateOrder.targetsIDs[i], a);

                    a = theAgents[updateOrder.targetsIDs[i]];

                    bool changed = false;

                    if (a.pointID == -2)//Uncomplete agent code
                        a.pos     = updateOrder.newTargets[i];
                        a.pointID = frameManager.getPointIDForPos(a.pos);
                        changed   = true;
                        if (a.pos.z != updateOrder.newTargets[i].z)
                            //Change of Frame
                            frameManager.freeFrameIDForPos(a.pos, a.pointID);
                            a.pointID = frameManager.getPointIDForPos(updateOrder.newTargets[i]);

                            //do something to animate that change, not mandatory tho
                            changed = true;

                    a.pos = updateOrder.newTargets[i];
                    if (changed)
                        a.pos.x = -a.pos.x; //Encoding the change to be detected by the manager

                if (a.pos.z == -1)
                    targets.Add(a.pos); //Forager
                //colors.Add(a.JH > 0.5f ? Color.yellow : Color.red);
            //Debug.Log("AgentLoop" + updateOrder.targetsIDs.Count + "(" + newAgents + ") update took " + (Time.realtimeSinceStartup - loopUpdate) * 1000 + "ms.");
            //pointCloud.updatePoints(new UpdateOrder(targets, ids));
            frameManager.updateBeePoints(new UpdateOrder(targets, ids, colors));

            //if (newAgents != 0) Debug.Log("created " + newAgents + " newAgents / total: " + theAgents.Count);
        //if (initCount != 0) Debug.Log("Agent update took " + (Time.realtimeSinceStartup - updateStartTime) * 1000 + "ms. From " + initCount + " to " + incOrders.Count);