Пример #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Prepares a packed file for viewing/editing. can be used as stand-alone to get files without creating any task.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bnk">BNK file</param>
        /// <param name="packedFilePath">Path of packed file to prepare</param>
        /// <returns>Full path of extracted file</returns>
        public string PrepareFile(BNK bnk, string packedFilePath)
            string returnPath = null;

            if (bnk == null || string.IsNullOrEmpty(packedFilePath))

            // Working folder
            string workFolder = File2.SetTemporaryFolder(null, LibraryConstants.FOLDER_TEMP, true);

            if (workFolder == null)
                throw new Exception(ERROR_CODE_TEMP_FOLDER);

            // Extracting packed file into working folder
            string packedFileName = bnk.GetPackedFileName(packedFilePath);

            returnPath = string.Format(@"{0}\{1}",
            bnk.ExtractPackedFile(packedFilePath, returnPath, false);

            // Removing attributes on file
            File.SetAttributes(returnPath, FileAttributes.Normal);

Пример #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates backup copy of replaced packed file
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bnkFilePath"></param>
        /// <param name="packedFileName"></param>
        /// <param name="backupFolder"></param>
        private static void _BackupFile(string bnkFilePath, string packedFileName, string backupFolder)
            FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(bnkFilePath);
            // BUG_84: suffix added to folder
            string backupSubFolder     = string.Concat(fi.Name, _SUFFIX_PACKED);
            string destinationFileName = string.Concat(backupFolder, @"\", backupSubFolder, @"\", packedFileName);

            // If backup file already exists, it is kept
            if (!File.Exists(destinationFileName))
                // Loading Bnk to extract file
                BNK bnk = TduFile.GetFile(bnkFilePath) as BNK;

                if (bnk == null || !bnk.Exists)
                    throw new Exception("Invalid BNK file: " + bnkFilePath);

                fi = new FileInfo(destinationFileName);

                if (fi.Directory == null)
                    throw new Exception("Invalid file name: " + destinationFileName);

                if (!Directory.Exists(fi.Directory.FullName))

                string packedFilePath = bnk.GetPackedFilesPaths(packedFileName)[0];

                bnk.ExtractPackedFile(packedFilePath, destinationFileName, false);
Пример #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Réalise la conversion multiple
        /// </summary>
        private void _MultipleConvert()
            // Vérifications
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sourceBNKTextBox.Text) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(targetFolderTextBox.Text))

            Cursor = Cursors.WaitCursor;

            // Parcours des fichiers et extraction des 2DB
            BNK bnkFile = TduFile.GetFile(sourceBNKTextBox.Text) as BNK;

            if (bnkFile == null)
                throw new Exception(_ERROR_INVALID_BNK_FILE);

            Collection <string> textureFiles = bnkFile.GetPackedFilesPathsByExtension(LibraryConstants.EXTENSION_2DB_FILE);
            string tempFolder = File2.SetTemporaryFolder(null, LibraryConstants.FOLDER_TEMP, true);

            foreach (string anotherFilePath in textureFiles)
                // 1.Extraction depuis le BNK vers le dossier temporaire
                bnkFile.ExtractPackedFile(anotherFilePath, tempFolder, true);

                // 2.Conversion des fichiers 2DB>DDS
                string   fileName    = tempFolder + @"\" + bnkFile.GetPackedFileName(anotherFilePath);
                FileInfo fi          = new FileInfo(fileName);
                string   newFileName = targetFolderTextBox.Text + @"\" + File2.ChangeExtensionOfFilename(fi.Name, LibraryConstants.EXTENSION_DDS_FILE);

                // If file already exists, it is renamed
                Tools.RenameIfNecessary(newFileName, LibraryConstants.SUFFIX_OLD_FILE);

                GraphicsConverters._2DBToDDS(fileName, newFileName);

            // EVO 32
            string message = string.Format(_STATUS_SUCCESS_MULTIPLE, textureFiles.Count);

            StatusBarLogManager.ShowEvent(this, message);

            // On efface le champ source
            sourceBNKTextBox.Text = "";

            // Mise à jour de l'emplacement des 2DB
            _2DBLocationLink.Text = tempFolder;

            Cursor = Cursors.Default;
Пример #4
        public void ExtractPackedFile_WhenFileTarget_ShouldCreateFileAtRightLocation()
            // GIVEN
            string bankFile = FileTesting.CreateFileFromResource("TDUModdingLibraryTests.Resources.banks.pc." + ResourceFile,
                                                                 Path.Combine(_tempPath, ResourceFile));
            BNK bnk = TduFile.GetFile(bankFile) as BNK;

            string packedFilePath = @"D:\Eden-Prog\Games\TestDrive\Resources\4Build\PC\EURO\Vehicules\Cars\Mercedes\CLK_55\.2DM\CLK_55";

            // WHEN
            string expectedFilePath = Path.Combine(_tempPath, "extracted.CLK_55.2DM");

            bnk.ExtractPackedFile(packedFilePath, expectedFilePath, false);

            // THEN
Пример #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles database loading
        /// </summary>
        private void _LoadDatabase()
            DB.Culture currentCulture      = Program.ApplicationSettings.GetCurrentCulture();
            string     resourceBNKFileName = DB.GetBNKFileName(currentCulture);
            BNK        resourceBNK         = TduFile.GetFile(Tools.TduPath + LibraryConstants.FOLDER_DB + resourceBNKFileName) as BNK;

            if (resourceBNK != null)
                // Extracting Houses resource
                string packedFileName = DB.GetFileName(currentCulture, DB.Topic.Houses);
                string packedFilePath = resourceBNK.GetPackedFilesPaths(packedFileName)[0];
                string tempLocation   = File2.SetTemporaryFolder(null, LibraryConstants.FOLDER_TEMP, true);

                resourceBNK.ExtractPackedFile(packedFilePath, tempLocation, true);

                // Loading resource
                _HousesResource = TduFile.GetFile(tempLocation + @"\" + packedFileName) as DBResource;

                if (_HousesResource == null)
                    throw new Exception("Error while loading database resources (Houses) !");